irclog2html for #elinux on 20040304

00:01.22fileprobably all goes to the same person
00:02.16sorphinfile: yup.. mr /dev/null himself
00:03.11sorphinfile: lessee.. Not acceptable here
00:03.17sorphincant' read password (for the VM)
00:03.26sorphinand i don't even get a vm prompt :P
00:03.26fileerm? what?
00:03.32sorphinconsole logs
00:03.35fileyou're having bad luck
00:03.50filewhen my VPS gets setup I'll set you up on mine, and if it works there - we know it's your messing abouts :p
00:03.56filewell not setup anymore, back online
00:05.21filecan you e-mail me your configs?
00:05.32sorphinfile: righto
00:05.41fileuse the address that mine came from.
00:08.26sorphinand apparently i have to teach asterisk to not bind to/prefer my external IP when the phones are contacting it from internal :P
00:09.09CosmicPenguinAutozone lost 5% today
00:09.47filesorphin: I'm gonna fix these
00:09.58sorphinwell shit
00:09.59sorphinit works now
00:10.07sorphinit was the IP
00:10.11filewow cool
00:10.25sorphininstead of sneaking on the external IP
00:10.40sorphinfile: what were you gonna tweak? :)
00:10.52filesorphin: your voicemail
00:11.16sorphinbe my guest ;)
00:11.18CosmicPenguinheh - Motley Fool regarding income from ScoSource:  The payback? Twenty thousand dollars. That's not a typo. I know guys who make that much mowing lawns for a summer.
00:11.20sorphinit doesn't work
00:11.33sorphinCosmicPenguin: indeed
00:11.38filechange local to default, and reload
00:11.45sorphinfile: k