irclog2html for #elinux on 20040204

00:00.22CosmicPenguinspecially on these *cough* crap *cough* nforce boards
00:06.45TomWYeah, seems that all I get from NVidia lately is nothing but *cough* crap *cough* boards
00:07.40TomWlousy mo'boards, lousy video drivers!  Especially their video driver crap.
00:10.43marklwrki hear the 9200 is pretty good
00:10.52marklwrkas far as open source support, at least
00:12.16TomWkergoth: yes, I do love my Radeon 9000 pro 128Meg
00:16.36TomWafter numerous nasty hits, of late, with nvidia products, I have come to believe that one need have a certain *mindset* to use their products, I do not seem to have that.
00:18.37marklwrkwell you have to be able to handle those damn binary drivers, which are annoying
00:19.06CosmicPenguinIn my case, it wasn't so much a binary driver as a IDE device that doesn't play well at all with the generic driver
00:19.36TomWyeah, especially when you uninstall the nvidia driver and it take your GPL version of libglade out with itself too.
00:20.39TomWI still have two of those A7N8X boards sitting here useless.  fontenot says that I can use the noapci stoff to make 'em work though.
00:21.22TomWwhy do they do that?  Sell boards that only run under windows, don't they even give linux a "quick sniff"?
00:31.15CosmicPenguinWell, there was a whole day shot
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