irclog2html for #elinux on 20040117

00:21.35*** join/#elinux xrharris (
00:30.38Russ <- *nice* coporate website
00:45.32*** join/#elinux ade|home (
01:21.47*** join/#elinux jacques (
02:45.12*** join/#elinux ade|beth2 (
04:46.13*** join/#elinux ade|home (
05:49.06*** join/#elinux TWalsh (
05:56.51TWalshinteresting stuff on Groklaw about SCO SEC filing
06:00.54CosmicPenguinFor example
06:01.07CosmicPenguinDon't make me be an eyeball
06:02.00TWalshThey are now saying in their risk-assesment filing with the SEC that: "We may not prevail in our legal action against IBM"
06:02.13TWalsh"Our future SCOsource licensing revenue is uncertain.
06:02.20CosmicPenguinDon't they have to say that?
06:02.30CosmicPenguinOtherwise they would get ken layed
06:02.49CosmicPenguinMcbride is a dumbass, but he's doesn't want a felony on his record
06:02.55CosmicPenguinat least one thats not that obvious
06:04.43TWalshOur deferred revenue balance has declined from $10.1 million as of October 31, 2002 to $5.5 million as of October 31, 2003, and this decline in deferred revenue may continue into future quarters
06:06.23TWalshFinally, they are staring to tell it like it is.  IMO, they filed this after the market closed, so it will be interesting to see what happens to their stock price Monday morning.  Also, I wonder how long RBC Dain will hold onto those Class A shares of SCOX?
06:13.04sorphinTWalsh: uh.. why twalsh? ;)
06:13.30TWalshsorphin: 'cause I didn't know enough about IRC to "register" TomW. :(
06:14.29TWalsh<shrug> I only came on IRC because I was having trouble with the Tux and decided to stay.
06:14.48sorphinTWalsh: and you checked w/ nickserv and he regged it?
06:15.50TWalshsorphin: yeah, he did. I get messages like: "This nickname is owned by someone else" from Nickserv when I logon as TomW
06:17.45sorphinTWalsh: hmm
06:17.55sorphinTWalsh: try say... [TomW] ?
06:18.37sorphinCodeGeezer: or TommyW :P
06:18.40sorphinor ThomasW
06:21.03TWmaybe I'll just wait until the other guy dies?
06:21.20sorphinTW: nah
06:21.28CosmicPenguinr00t him
06:21.31sorphinTW: you're likely more useful than him
06:21.34sorphinCosmicPenguin: evening
06:22.41sorphinCosmicPenguin: how's things oh king of pixil goodness?
06:22.57CosmicPenguinI'm gonna buy a car tommorrow
06:23.10sorphinwhat kind?
06:23.19CosmicPenguinHonda Pilot probably
06:23.21CosmicPenguinI do
06:23.25CosmicPenguinIts called a trade in
06:23.27CosmicPenguinIts all the rage
06:26.40CosmicPenguinTrading in the Volvo and getting a sensibleish car
06:26.43CosmicPenguinWhats up with that?
06:29.42CosmicPenguinI'm going to miss my Volvo - its been kind
06:37.52TomW_screw it
06:41.00sorphinTomW_: :)
06:41.11sorphinTomW_: forget him.. you're the real TomW
06:41.48TomW_imposter, prolly running a windoze box too.
06:42.50TomW_CrapUSA screwed me, the desktop case that I went to New Jersey and purchased this afternoon has a bad power supply in it.  :(
06:43.36TomW_nice Antec case.  I put all the hardware in it, attached all the cables, hit the power switch, nothing.
06:44.13TomW_sorphin: hey, what should I use DVD+R or DVD-R to do stuff like backing up data files?
06:44.34TomW_sorphin: any advantage to either format?
06:45.24sorphinfor data.. no idea
06:45.46TomW_sorphin: what format is the rent-a-dvd videos?  +R ?
06:46.14*** join/#elinux ade|beth2 (
06:46.29TomW_I want to be able to goto the video store, rent a DVD and view it on this machine.
06:46.45TomW_er, on the TV set via the new machine
06:46.54sorphinTomW_: eh?
06:47.08sorphinwhat are you talking about the rent a dvd videos?
06:47.52TomW_I dunno, I seem to be spending a lot of time and money on putting this machine together, I just hope it will do what I wish it to.
06:48.02sorphinTomW_: no dude, you didn't make sense
06:48.09sorphinwhat rent-a-dvd videos?
06:48.47TomW_sorphin: sh*t, I cannot even recall what you call a place like: blockbusters
06:49.05sorphinthose are REAL dvds
06:49.06TomW_been so long since I rented any videos, maybe 10 years
06:49.08sorphinthe original ones
06:49.16sorphinso they're pressed :P
06:50.22TomW_yup, they stick the round blanks into the press, then close the mold over them.  They laser etch the surface of the molds.
06:50.39sorphinyou're on crack
06:50.54sorphinthe dvds rented at blockbuster
06:51.04sorphinare the same things you go buy
06:51.06sorphinnot copies
06:51.16sorphinso not -R, not +R
06:51.31sorphinblockbuster buys X number of copies
06:51.36sorphinthey make their # back
06:51.38sorphinrenting them
06:51.51sorphinwhen i say copy, it's not literal
06:51.56TomW_Yeah, but I can play them with that Plextor 708A unit, right?
06:52.16sorphinyou can play them w/ any dvdrom drive, writer or dvd player
06:52.35TomW_well, yeah, under windoze.  I know what program to use for linux.
06:52.44sorphinthe play issues
06:52.51sorphinare w/ - and +
06:52.56sorphinjust like w/ cds
06:52.57TomW_not thinking too clearly, Dan, time for sleep.  later
08:46.50*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
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14:19.24*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~Ken@
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15:52.10*** join/#elinux Russ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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16:46.54*** join/#elinux ade|beth2 (
17:58.02*** join/#elinux Qui_Gon (
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18:47.32*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
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20:47.09sorphinade|home: allo mate
20:48.39Qui_Gondoes anyone know if it's possible to program in C++ with RTAI ?
21:15.37*** join/#elinux mallum (
21:15.44sorphinmallum: allo mate
21:17.07mallumsorphin: hello
21:17.25sorphinmallum: wotcha

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