irclog2html for #elinux on 20040114

00:38.21*** join/#elinux chouimat (
00:38.24*** part/#elinux chouimat (
00:38.30*** join/#elinux chouimat (
00:39.52TomWanybody know what this means?  "This nickname is owned by someone else, If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>"?
00:40.06Russit means your nickname is registered with nickserv
00:40.09Russdid you register it?
00:40.23Russyou really should have
00:40.59RussNickname: tomw
00:41.03RussRegistered: 3 weeks 2 days (7h 35m 48s) ago
00:41.30RussLast Seen: 1 day (3h 47m 51s) ago
00:41.35RussLast Seen Address:
00:41.40TomWreally?  I wasn't aware of that, I had just assumed that I would be TomW here on this channel (#elinux) and if I showed up somewhere else then the TomW_ would avoid a collision.  I thought that it was first come gets it?
00:41.41RussLast Seen Quit Msg: "Download Gaim:"
00:42.07Russwell, if you are offline for any amount of time, someone else can login as tomw
00:42.22Russwhoever registered it doesn't apear to be using it
00:42.25Russso I wouldn't care
00:42.32RussI think it might expire after a month anyway
00:42.48TomWhmm, interesting.
00:46.56TomWRuss: Ok, live & learn.
00:47.35TomWRuss: I just got involved with the IRC stuff because of TuxScreen, in all the years on the net, I had not used IRC before.
00:48.54CosmicPenguinIts going to take you just as long to forget sorphin
00:55.16chouimatok cu tomorrow  morning
00:55.19*** part/#elinux chouimat (
00:55.43*** join/#elinux chouimat (
00:55.57Russgood morning?
00:56.37chouimatRuss: bah clicked on the wrong button
00:58.41*** join/#elinux xrharris (
01:07.22*** part/#elinux TomW (
01:07.39*** join/#elinux TomW (
01:20.47*** join/#elinux n00dles (~n00dles@
01:53.06*** join/#elinux signal11 (
02:13.02*** join/#elinux signal11 (
04:59.16*** join/#elinux andersee (
04:59.16*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
05:07.41*** join/#elinux file (
05:26.52Russheh, dave patel in tempe
09:50.20*** join/#elinux mallum (
12:14.29*** join/#elinux [BalancE] (
12:25.21*** join/#elinux msh (
12:45.27*** join/#elinux sjhill (~sjhill@
12:54.09*** join/#elinux TomW (
12:54.16sorphinTomW: morning
12:54.48sorphinTomW: you won't
12:55.04TomWwhew, ok, remember you said that.
12:55.22sorphinTomW: sjhill always gets slapped.. it's a greeting between us
12:55.37sorphinTomW: for some odd reason.. i had you /ignored... not sure why
12:55.38TomWPVR-350 will be here today, now, if I can get the "other" components to this thing delivered.
12:56.02TomWsorphin: I chewed you out for dumping fishhead in my lap
12:56.15sorphinTomW: yeah.. guess i forgot to clear it.. oops
12:56.29sorphinTomW: well, fishhead is perm gone
12:56.45sorphinTomW: he thinks he 'won' cuz we can't harass him any nor hold the webpal over his head
12:56.45TomWfinally pissed someone off big-time, eh?
12:57.12sorphinTomW: i got sick of him
12:57.19sorphinTomW: so he got +b'd
12:57.53TomWI have most of my parts stuck in a warehouse somewhere. :(
12:57.56sorphinTomW: sorry for sicking him on you
12:58.01sorphinTomW: eh?
12:58.07TomWand a KnoppMyth distro to try out.
13:00.45TomWlooks like I will have to trash "" and create another throw-away email account.  golly is attracting too much spam anymore.
13:00.56sorphinTomW: i know that feeling
13:01.04sorphinTomW: i'm gonna have to chuck
13:01.07sorphinit's getting that way too
13:01.31sorphinfor folder seperation
13:01.34TomWsorphin: yeah, but they *promised* they wouldn't divulge my "personal information".  heh, right.
13:01.41*** join/#elinux [BalancE] (
13:01.41sorphinTomW: seems i'm gettinga  a new breed of spam
13:01.52TomWin waht way
13:02.03sorphingetting lots of frozen messages now... cuz they're all *
13:02.16sorphinany word you could come up w/ in place of *
13:02.19TomWyeah, I get that occasionally with mozilla
13:02.22sorphincuz i don't use a catchall for that domain
13:02.50sorphincourse, i'm at an impasse w/ exim now
13:03.12TomWibot: exim
13:03.18Message Transfer Agent for Unix systems. URL:
13:03.59sorphinbetter than sendmail by far
13:04.29TomWI use qmail, have used it since I put up my first server.
13:04.45sorphinTomW: i don't care for dan bernstein nor his software (nor sw style)
13:06.02TomWyeah, well, back in the days when I didn't know linux (1996), I tried to config sendmail and got stymied by all the regular expressions (sed scripts).  I got Qmail up an running with virtual domains in a few hours, so I stayed with it.
13:06.18sorphinTomW: anyways, my mail is handled weird, so i gotta figure out how to work around it, whilest still blackholing dans@ directly
13:06.37TomWsorphin: interesting, all these years of doing software, I swore that I would never do "unix".  heh
13:06.56sorphinTomW: you're only doing "unix" according to "sco"
13:07.45TomWnow I am sorry that I didn't, life is so much easier.  I don't know about you, but I have a number of professional programmers that I have converted to linux.
13:08.10TomWSo, did CosmicPenguin get a "real" job?
13:08.28TomWCosmicPenguin: you going to be collecting a bi-weekly paycheck now?
13:12.11sorphinTomW`gone: yes, he'll be working for AMD.. and i know what you mean.. sorta.. i 'found' linux on a BBS I used to go to back in 93.. was just a couple floppies in the download section.. a copy of the SLS dist.. i'd never heard of it, but it sounded neat, so i grabbed it and ran it.... never looked back
13:13.21TomWwhoa!  good stuff!
13:13.44TomWabout CosmicPenguin, I mean.
13:15.27TomWsorphin: yeah, I was interested in putting a webserver online (instead of paying for hosting) and someone told me about linux (he called it links).  I was talking to a friend a few weeks later about "this linux" and he had a 6 cd pack, he gave it to me and said "I cannot do anything with this, maybe you can".
13:16.02TomWsorphin: It took me about 22 installs before I figured out what I was doing.

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