irclog2html for #elinux on 20031231

01:24.12*** join/#elinux file[desk] (
02:14.26*** join/#elinux andersee (
02:14.26*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
03:31.05sorphinchouimat: heh, getting rather crappy bitrate on nextstep
03:31.19sorphinor was
03:31.29sorphintook it a while to jump up
03:31.42chouimatsorphin: :(
03:32.19sorphin2 hours, 20 mins
03:35.50*** join/#elinux Pingo_ (
03:45.17chouimatsorphin: sorry was watching VIP on spike ... I know it stupid but there is something in the image that please my eyes
03:45.49sorphinchouimat: i like the one playing the geek chick
03:46.09chouimatsorphin: yup less siliconed than the other
03:50.26Russmuch better version of "its a wonderful life"
03:50.52sorphinRuss: ummm
03:50.54sorphinYou don't have permission to access /comics/sl168.gif on this server.
03:51.08sorphinoh yeah, much much better :P
03:51.41Russdid it load?
03:52.30sorphinRuss: uh.. look what i pasted :P
03:52.35sorphinit's a 403 error :P
04:07.53Russnow thats just wrong
04:08.06chouimatRuss: </may offence some people>
04:08.49sorphinchouimat: nothing's more offensive than what canada has released on the world (celine, etc)
04:09.03chouimatsorphin: hehe
04:17.04chouimatsorphin: <---this one is good </may offense some>
05:07.12sorphinchouimat: got nextstep, but it's trying to connect for openstep right now.. still no one
05:08.23chouimatsorphin: can snail mail it to you :)
05:09.20sorphinchouimat: or you could let me pull it from you :)
05:09.50chouimatsorphin: maybe but I need to open the port ;)
05:27.56sorphinheh, 20k/sec
05:31.43chouimatsorphin: openstep?
05:37.06chouimatsorphin: openstep I was at 25 max
08:18.43*** join/#elinux Russ (
11:00.41*** join/#elinux pb_ (
11:07.41*** join/#elinux andersee (
11:07.41*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
11:36.36*** join/#elinux andersee (
11:36.36*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
13:08.55*** join/#elinux George- (
14:37.46*** mode/#elinux [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
14:39.11sorphinkergoth: it lives
14:45.29kergothyeah. still no net at home, and was racked by the flu sun-tues
14:45.57sorphinkergoth: uh.. you could atleast dig up free dialup or something :P
14:46.24kergothheh, no land line
14:46.27kergothrely on the cell
14:46.51kergoththank god directv came by and hooked my cable back up, or i'd've gone nuts in that empty apt
14:47.35sorphinkergoth: then it's your own fault ;p
14:58.18kergothheh, yep, didnt claim otherwise
14:58.24kergothwont stop me from bitching about it though :P
15:01.27sorphinkergoth: never does :P
15:03.13*** join/#elinux jnork (
15:03.54kergothheheh, true that
15:04.41jnorkAnd a good morning to you too, sorphin.
15:05.05sorphinjnork: it would be if i were still home
15:05.50kergothheh, i woke up this morning at 7, wide awake, got ready, had time to watch the news, and get into work early.  spooky.
15:07.58sorphinkergoth: it won't last
15:26.44*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~Ken@
15:48.00*** join/#elinux George- (
15:50.17sorphinGPSFan: mornin
15:50.32juliahi sorphin
15:51.03George-heya sorphin
15:51.15sorphinjulia: the dvd queen herself ;)
15:51.15*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
15:51.21sorphinGeorge-: lo git
15:51.25juliasikly dvd queen
15:51.25sorphinprpplague: mornin davey
15:51.34sorphinjulia: you're always sick :P
15:51.41George-sorphin: hey, I was I only saying hi!
15:51.50juliasorphin: this time it's serious...  3 days in the hospital on IV's
15:52.31George-hey prpplague
15:52.48prpplagueGeorge-: lo
15:52.55sorphinjulia: doh
15:53.08kergothprpplague: morning
15:53.10sorphinGeorge-: i greet any uk friend (male) as a git :P
15:53.14prpplaguekergoth: hey hey
15:53.22prpplaguekergoth: whats cookin in big D?
15:53.28George-sorphin: hey, you never used to!
15:53.40George-argh, this bastardized xfree86 is being a git
15:55.52*** join/#elinux George- (
15:57.09George-that's better
15:57.11George-blasted keymap
16:10.34*** join/#elinux pb_ (
16:15.49juliaI'm putting Solaris back on my UltraSparc
16:15.57juliaGentoo is too much to maintain
16:16.32prpplaguejulia: the flu?
16:16.51juliaprpplague: GI virus, and my intestines are blocked.
16:17.13juliaprpplague: but the drugs for pain are good, I'll say that much
16:19.08prpplaguejulia: yikes
16:20.38juliaprpplague: yeah, 2 hospital visits, one stay of 3 days...
16:20.47juliathe hospital was depressing too
16:20.58juliathe woman in the bed next to me got told she has both breast and lung cancer
16:21.22juliaI gave her sister my business card so they could let me know how things turn out
16:22.19CosmicPenguinI hate that - each person should only have to deal with one tragedy at a time
16:22.39CosmicPenguinHere in SLC a few weeks back, a family's home burned down three days after the father died
16:22.50CosmicPenguinThats not cool
16:27.35juliaI so want to get well enough to code again, I've been so sick I really haven't been writing code
16:27.48juliaand I had to cancel a talk I was going to give in Long Island on the 13th of January
16:58.11chouimathmmm xfree86 core team is no longuer
17:04.27juliathat's the 4th time this morning I've heard that
17:07.32*** join/#elinux George- (
17:10.40*** join/#elinux TomW (
17:16.27kergothprpplague: heh, nada, waiting for bell to get off their collective ass and fix my internet connectivity at home
17:16.36chouimathey kergoth
17:16.57prpplaguekergoth: oh fun
17:42.31*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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17:43.29*** join/#elinux jn0rk (
17:44.16*** join/#elinux George- (
18:29.59CosmicPenguinWe have now had no garbage pick up for a week and a half
18:29.59CosmicPenguinStupid garbage men, scared of a little snow
18:29.59kergothheh, thats no good
18:30.31leviThat sucks.
18:30.37CosmicPenguinit sure does
18:30.41leviThis big snow storm has really sucked.
18:30.51CosmicPenguinlevi: did you lose power on Friday?
18:30.53leviI had to drive home from Washington in it.
18:30.57leviNope, I never lost power.
18:31.03CosmicPenguindamn.... we were out for 14 hours
18:31.09kergothheh, i so dont miss minnesota
18:31.12leviI also had to move all my stuff to a different apartment over the last few days.
18:31.27CosmicPenguinAnd the coolest thing, is that around 3:00 PM, they tried to turn back on the power, and my neighbors tree was in the power lines
18:31.48CosmicPenguinIt was a crazy explosion
18:32.06CosmicPenguinI was outside shoveling the walk - sparks and pretty colors everywhere
18:32.52leviMy whole body is sore from carrying heavy things.  And the snow didn't help with the moving truck situation at all.
18:37.32*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
18:38.08*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
19:26.40*** join/#elinux George- (
19:34.58sorphinGeorge-: tosspot
19:35.36George-sorphin: yank.
19:37.34sorphinGeorge-: wankbag
19:39.51George-sorphin: redneck.
19:40.42sorphinGeorge-: offlander
19:40.55George-sorphin: sorphin.
19:41.43sorphinGeorge-: that's the name
19:43.24*** join/#elinux BZFlag (
19:43.24*** mode/#elinux [+o BZFlag] by ChanServ
21:24.01*** join/#elinux andersee (
21:24.01*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
21:45.18prpplagueandersee: howdy howdy, bb-1.00-pre5 is looking good
21:45.32prpplagueandersee: put three test vpn/firewall devices in yesterday
21:45.39kergothpre5's out? man, i *really* need internet at home again
21:45.42kergothi'm so out of the loop
21:46.02prpplagueandersee: other than a little bug with udhcpc that russ fix, no problems yet
21:46.28prpplaguekergoth: yep, let me tell ya, i'm in luv with bb-1.0
21:48.15prpplaguegot everything working except pppoe and pppoa
22:15.05anderseekergoth: heh
22:47.34*** join/#elinux George- (

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