irclog2html for #elinux on 20031224

00:13.02anderseeShadow_Rage: dunno
00:13.11anderseeShadow_Rage: try getting a strace of the failure
00:17.17Shadow_Rageoh I see
00:31.17fishhead <--- good articles on why serialATA reduces latency, improves performance etc
01:17.34*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
01:46.39Shadow_Rage/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-linux/3.3.1/../../../../i386-linux/bin/ld: Warning: size of symbol `__getgrent' changed from 412 in libpwd.a(__getgrent.o) to 461 in libpwd.a(__getgrent.o)
01:46.40Shadow_Ragecollect2: ld returned 1 exit status
01:46.56Shadow_RageI selected tinylogin not to use the system glibc
01:47.03Shadow_Rageto use its own functions
01:55.00*** join/#elinux pigeon (
03:00.51*** join/#elinux TMM1 (
03:17.16*** join/#elinux Evanrude (
03:55.07*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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04:52.20*** join/#elinux belracu (~racu@
04:52.50*** part/#elinux belracu (~racu@
04:52.56fontenot"random bugfixes"? not sure I like the sound of that :-P
04:54.09filerandom features!
05:19.06*** join/#elinux Evanrude (
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08:28.27*** join/#elinux pb_ (~pb@2002:5160:45ef:0:240:95ff:fe30:aa84)
09:01.45*** join/#elinux Russ (
09:04.43Russandersee: you around?
09:22.53*** join/#elinux mallum (
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15:29.22*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || eagle light in debian non-free
15:29.22*** mode/#elinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ
15:38.03*** join/#elinux chouimat (
15:38.36marklwrki just started emerge xfree
15:44.11*** join/#elinux pb_ (~pb@2002:5160:45ef:0:240:95ff:fe30:aa84)
15:44.50*** join/#elinux George- (
15:56.35*** join/#elinux ade|desk (~adavey@
16:16.28CosmicPenguinlol - greg found out about pixdev
16:20.04fileand he said...
16:20.24chouimathi file CosmicPenguin
16:23.05chouimatCosmicPenguin: and he was pissed off?
16:23.21CosmicPenguinhe just mentioned it in passing
16:23.33chouimatCosmicPenguin: hehe
16:25.56filegah there's something in my eye
16:40.38ade|deskhappy hols folks
16:40.40*** part/#elinux ade|desk (~adavey@
17:15.26*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
17:16.00*** join/#elinux George- (
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19:12.05prpplagueRuss: ping
19:12.11prpplagueRuss: you alive?
19:18.48Russyer prpplague?
19:23.09*** join/#elinux andersee (
19:23.10*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
19:24.05prpplagueRuss: hey, did you check in some changes to udhcpc for bb-1.00-pre5?
19:24.23prpplagueandersee: howdy
19:24.36anderseeprpplague: morning
19:24.37prpplagueandersee: i see that my telnet issue got fixed in pre5
19:25.12Russprpplague: ya
19:25.21Russandersee: did you see the emails on the header issues?
19:25.56prpplagueRuss: using pre4 udhcpc was working fine, but on pre5 i get an error executing the default.script "Bad address"
19:26.36Russis DEBUG enabled?
19:27.25prpplagueRuss: compile pre5 with debug enabled now
19:27.33Russno, I was asking if you did
19:27.38prpplagueRuss: no
19:27.49Russif you change the vfork in script.c to a fork, does it fix it?
19:28.17prpplagueRuss: i just found the issue about 5 minutes ago, i'll give it a try
19:29.38prpplagueRuss: nope
19:30.54Russit says "script default.script failed: Bad address"?
19:31.03prpplagueRuss: yep
19:32.15Russthe only two things I can see in the man page are ENOEXEC and EACCES
19:32.45Russyou using syslog?
19:33.13prpplagueRuss: yea on my test box
19:34.46prpplagueRuss: ok i have debug turned on
19:35.07Russhrm...I don't think debug will do anythintg for you except print another message right before it runs the script
19:35.13prpplagueRuss: looks like its fails before it calls the script with bound option
19:36.22prpplagueRuss: it obtains an ip and is about to do the execle with the "bound" argument
19:37.04Russso it runs the script ok for deconfig?
19:37.09prpplagueRuss: yea
19:37.48Russhmm...either messed up env vars, or walked on memory I'm thinking
19:38.15prpplagueRuss: walked on memory is what i'm thinking, when allocating the envp
19:39.21prpplagueRuss: i tried three different dhcp server (winblows, linux, embedded) to make sure it wasn't the server
19:39.34Russif I compile with debugging, its there
19:39.38Russif I don't, its gone
19:40.17Russits not that
19:40.30Russif I link in libefence, I get the "Bad address" message
19:40.36Russotherwise, its fine
19:41.56Russelectric fence
19:42.31prpplagueRuss: hmm, i don't see that in my bb dirs
19:42.56RussI'm not saying that its the cause
19:43.09prpplagueoh ok
19:46.07Russif I link it with libefence, and run it through valgrind, then it doesn't have a problem...
19:46.42chouimatRuss: prpplague merry xmas
19:46.53prpplaguechouimat: ho ho freakin ho, lol
19:47.06chouimatprpplague: hehe
19:47.42chouimatprpplague: I'm leaving soon ... time to burn 1 or 2 CD ...
19:48.39prpplagueRuss: quick question, is the script.c signficantly different between pre4 and pre5 that i could use the one from pre4 in pre5?
19:49.18RussI think you could, you'd have to switch the global 'options' with dhcp_options
19:49.53*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
19:52.09Russprpplague: nm, found it
19:52.25Russprpplague: its actually a bug from a while back that is just manifesting now
19:52.44prpplagueRuss: ahh ok
19:53.07prpplagueRuss: fix?
19:53.40Russya, in a sec
19:53.43Russwas tracing it back
19:53.56Russits a little more than a year old now
19:56.14prpplagueRuss: ok, guess i'll have see the diff
19:56.26RussI'm committing now
19:56.47prpplagueok great
19:57.55prpplagueRuss: pulling now
19:58.45Russyou should have 1.11
20:00.32Russanywho, I gotta take off
20:00.45prpplagueRuss: what file was the change made in?
20:01.38prpplagueRuss: ok thanks, i'll give it a try
20:01.47RussI think anon might not sync right away with ssh
20:01.52Russdo you have 1.11 of script.cL
20:03.40prpplaguenot from the cvs, i pulled it down from the webcvs
20:04.56prpplagueRuss: should know in about 5 minutes
20:05.05prpplagueRuss: doing a clean build
20:05.09prpplagueRuss: on a slow box
20:06.42prpplagueRuss: thanks again for the help
20:07.16Russnp, thanks for finding the bug
20:07.57Russit didn't actually overwrite any memory, but it meant that the env list would not be null terminated
20:08.14prpplagueRuss: ahh
20:08.54prpplagueRuss: i was reading about execle being sensitive to env being null terminated
20:09.07Russin < pre5, memory (somewhere) did get overwritten by a null
20:09.34prpplagueRuss: fun
20:09.59Russin pre5, the malloc was replaced with a xcalloc, so the last element was no longer set to null
20:10.09Russ(we just assume that it already is)
20:10.29Russbut since the number of paramaters was miscounted, it wasn't null anymore
20:10.54prpplagueRuss: gotcha
20:15.46CosmicPenguinThe biggest problem with Gentoo is that its hard to keep current
20:17.20chouimatCosmicPenguin: you need to update once a day :)
20:19.01prpplagueRuss: that seems to have worked
20:19.47chouimatprpplague: electrical tape make a nice gift wrapping
20:20.01prpplaguechouimat: duct tape is better
20:20.31chouimatprpplague: I wondering I give my brother an exacto with is gift
20:21.43chouimatok bye everybody ... and merry xmas
21:28.53CosmicPenguinSomebody try this real quickly:
21:30.32CosmicPenguinAnyone else get a bug?
21:33.29filea bug? no
22:43.28*** join/#elinux edskinner (
22:47.34*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@

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