irclog2html for #elinux on 20031217

00:33.05Russkeeping firing assholes!
00:34.48sorphinfishhead: enough of that 'canuck' yelling again.
00:35.45sorphinfishhead: or you'll get steel toe /kicked
00:36.01kergothsorphin: he gets banned every few weeks, he's probably used to it by now
00:36.02*** mode/#elinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
00:36.38*** mode/#elinux [+o sorphin] by ChanServ
00:36.49sorphinkergoth: i can see why
00:37.41filehe's worse than me
00:37.49kergothfile: by far
00:38.23sorphinfile: scary innit?
00:38.27filesorphin: indeed
00:46.41filewhat's y'all up to eh?
00:56.11jacquesheh, he said "hammer" and "tool"
01:08.37sorphinjacques: there you are
01:09.04jacquessorphin: hey! what's up?
01:12.21fileis unavailable for anybody else?
01:12.55fileahhh there it goes
01:12.58filejust took ... awhile
01:50.11*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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02:22.13filein it's current condition, I could migrate my FreeBSD box over to busybox-freebsd I think
02:26.00filechouimat: not totally :p
02:26.08filethe user/group stuff is totally ... unusable
02:26.31chouimatfile: look at the bsd function :)
02:26.42filechouimat: I'm getting there :p
02:27.18filebeen focusing on more essential stuff, like mount
02:43.54chouimatfile: been focusing on recycling the beer bottle I have here
02:44.10filetee he he
05:36.35fishheadany webpal users in the US here
05:36.42fishheadwilling to flash my chip for me
05:36.56fishheadi'll give you a few free small lcd's for the work 16x1 character lcd's
09:23.33*** join/#elinux Evanrude ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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10:58.47*** join/#elinux mallum (
12:48.20sorphinmallum: mornin git
12:48.46*** join/#elinux fontenot (
12:55.54mallumsorphin: hello there squire
13:16.06sorphinmallum: had your tea yet? if not, better get crackin.
13:18.16mallumsorphin: only coffee so far today
13:20.13sorphinmallum: bah
13:20.22sorphinmallum: what would the queen say?? :P
13:58.50*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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14:29.20jnorkHello chouimat.
14:30.10jnorkHow are things in Canada this morning?
14:30.33jnorkSeems to be raining here in Philly.
14:37.36*** join/#elinux jcopenha ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:57.36*** join/#elinux marklwrk (~mlehrer@
14:58.47sorphinmarklwrk: mornin
15:00.49marklwrkwhats new
15:02.10*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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15:03.43*** join/#elinux sjhill (~sjhill@
15:07.58sorphin~bitchslap sjhill
15:08.03ACTION beats the sh*t out of sjhill
15:08.24sorphinmarklwrk: nothin new, mostly ssdd
15:17.08*** join/#elinux switch- (
15:28.50*** join/#elinux Russ (
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15:39.50sorphinTimRiker: mornin mr meetingflag
15:46.20chouimatmorning TimRiker sorphin Russ  
15:49.02sorphinchouimat: lo mat
15:58.20chouimatbrb ... basement cleaning
16:44.43*** join/#elinux jnork (
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17:14.08chouimathi kergoth
17:18.07*** join/#elinux jcopenha (
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17:37.30sorphinpattieja: yo
17:37.33sorphinGPSFan: allo
17:46.12GPSFansorphin: hi
17:46.27sorphinGPSFan: here's prolly an easy Q for you
17:46.42sorphinGPSFan: what's a good guesstimate to use for power factor? .7?
17:47.03GPSFanof what type of device?
17:47.25sorphinGPSFan: switched PSU type stuff (for ups va vs watts)
17:48.24GPSFanhmm, newer ones are reqd to have pf correction. older ones can be really bad. I'd measure it.
17:48.59sorphinGPSFan: that's a lot of measuring to do :(
17:54.42GPSFansorphin: not really, these are ~$40
17:55.25sorphinGPSFan: ahh.. one of those
17:55.41sorphinGPSFan: 1st one i've seen so cheap ;p
17:56.28sorphinGPSFan: :)
17:58.27GPSFansorphin: a pII 333 system I have here is reading 35watts 50va .64 pf
18:00.25sorphinGPSFan: so you have that same thing you showed me?
18:00.38GPSFanyep, works great.
18:01.39GPSFansorphin: tehy recommend using it on sine wave systems only (ie not modified sine wave inverters)
18:03.32GPSFansorphin: only drawback is that you have to plug the device to be tested into it. Other more $$ units can "clamp on" so you don't have to power the thing down.
18:05.36sorphinGPSFan: yeah, well, cheap is my middle name (shaddup sjhill)
18:07.34GPSFansorphin: so to finally answer your question, an older PII ATX powersupply with the system booted runs at about .64pf
18:07.55sorphinGPSFan: the kickers are gonna be all my sun gear
18:10.20*** join/#elinux andersee (
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18:10.54GPSFansorphin: sun powersupplies are probably much better than that. my p4 2.3g system is .79 after it's booted.
18:12.35sorphinandersee: hola
18:12.43sorphinGPSFan: nod, we'll see
18:15.25anderseesorphin: morning
18:16.26sorphinandersee: hows things?
18:16.53anderseesorphin: ok I suppose
18:16.59anderseesorphin: still a bit sleepy
18:19.03*** join/#elinux jnork (
18:19.09sorphinandersee: can relate
18:22.13sorphinjnork: how's things in the city of cheese steaks and brotherly love?
18:22.33jnorkI dunno. I try to stay outside of the city. ;)
18:22.46jnorkCool and rainy.
18:23.35sorphinjnork: nod
18:27.31*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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18:27.57*** part/#elinux TimRiker (
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20:25.43sorphinfontenot: allo jacques
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20:30.42sorphinGPSFan: re
20:32.14*** join/#elinux George- (
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20:43.12sorphinfile: bit late, already infeted, am on levaquin atm.
20:43.19sorphinmallum_: shouldn't you be in bed b ynow?
20:43.55kergothyo sorphin
20:44.46mallum_sorphin: no, its 24 time now :-)))))))
20:45.13sorphinmallum_: eh.. no thanks
20:45.19sorphinkergoth: yo chris
20:46.29George-that's the first time I've ever heard someone call him chris
20:46.45*** join/#elinux pattieja (
20:46.57George-"bastard" yes, "bad tempered sod" yes, but never "chris" :P
20:48.50sorphinGeorge-: well, i'm not everyone else either
20:49.05George-sorphin: :D
20:51.22sorphinGeorge-: and who, praytell are you anyways? :-P
20:51.33George-sorphin: just a random kid
20:51.44George-sorphin: is probably the best description for me
20:52.25George-I did a bit of random work on the Linux7k project (now known as PsiLinux) and a tiny little bit of work on some Zaurus stuff.. nothing special :)
20:53.11sorphinah.. the Z stuff would explain knowing kergoth
20:56.39sjhillGeorge-: welcome Mr. Wrong
20:56.50George-sjhill: oh HAHAHAHA :)
20:56.56George-I've NEVER heard that one before
20:57.15sorphinsjhill: you're still awake? :P
20:57.19sjhillit's oldee but a goodeee
20:57.26sjhillsorphin: barely
20:57.29George-sjhill: it's actually really crap :)
20:57.31sjhilldid you buy your O2?
20:57.54George-I shall call you Mr Mound then
20:57.54sorphinsjhill: no, jusst the monitor for now..
20:57.58pattiejahello sorphin
20:58.06sorphinsjhill: been looking up having it work w/ a sparc too
20:58.15sorphinpattieja: where's your office?
20:59.04pattiejasorphin: it is no more...
20:59.06sjhillsorphin: boy that's a beautiful screen
20:59.13sorphinpattieja: eh?
20:59.20sorphinsjhill: ;)
20:59.48pattiejasorphin: we've gone virtual
21:00.07pattiejaworking on Asterisk PBX settings right now, actually
21:00.36sorphinpattieja: um.. then why on from *.mcleodusa instead of sbc?
21:00.51pattiejasbc is at home
21:01.02sorphinpattieja: so i ask again :P
21:01.05pattiejamcleod is from grandma's
21:01.09sorphinpattieja: ah
21:02.00sjhillah mcleod
21:02.05sjhillthose were the days
21:02.06sorphinsjhill: apparently the monitor i'm getting is a true multisync, so it should talk to a sparc if the pinout meshes (mainly the composite sync)
21:02.20sorphinsjhill: heh, we're across the highway from mcleod
21:03.00filepattieja: asterisk is nice
21:03.01sjhillthey have buildings down there?
21:03.10sorphinsjhill: so, mr sgi
21:03.17sorphinsjhill: how bad is this teal gonna be graphics wise?
21:03.29sjhillno clue, honestly
21:03.33sjhillhaven't looked much at the I2
21:03.38sjhilli have mine, but have never booted it
21:03.44sjhilldo you want a purple?
21:03.49sjhilli can get you one for $50-$70
21:04.00sorphinsjhill: i'd wanna offload the teal 1st
21:04.06sorphinsince that's bout what i paid for the teal
21:04.43sorphinpaid like 40
21:05.11sjhillnot bad
21:05.40sorphinit mostly sits there off
21:05.51sorphinsince w/o video, i couldn't really do much w/ it
21:06.44sorphinsjhill: it doesn't even fit in the rack, it sits next to it on top of my U30
21:06.52sorphinwhich also doesn't fit ;p
21:08.02sorphinsjhill: i held off on that O2 for $ and because you said graphics wise the I2 might beat it
21:21.45sjhillsorry, i thought you were talking Indy, the I2 will definitely beat it
21:23.46sjhillhome i go
21:27.13jnorkIIRC the SPARC needs SOG
21:27.49jnorkAnd I've been told definitively that you don't REALLY need graphics.
21:28.52jnorkMultisync just means that it'll synch to different frequencies, AFAIK.
21:29.47jnorkNew Samsung monitors will work on SPARC. Dunno how far back that goes, but it seems like all their current line is Sun-compatible.
21:35.56sorphinjnork: um.. this monitor does SOG
21:36.03sorphinjnork: sparcs use composite sync
21:36.05sorphinnot SOG
21:36.08kergothmallum_: ping
21:37.40mallum_kergoth: pang
21:37.50sorphinjnork: my U30 might be able to do SOG tho, since it's creator3d
21:37.59chouimatmallum_: seen yesterday 24?
21:38.18mallum_chouimat: yeah just watched it
21:38.26kergothmallum_: was just curious as to why libXau, libX11, and libXext fd.o builds dont link against
21:38.31jnorkThen I have it backwards, or something. I know SPARCs don't do normal sync.
21:38.33kergothmallum_: despite their use of it..
21:38.40chouimatmallum_: even more twisted than last week
21:38.43kergothmallum_: i dont like relying on an -implicit- dependency like that
21:39.03jnorkGood man.
21:39.32mallum_kergoth: in OE ?
21:39.40mallum_chouimat: yeah ;-)
21:39.55kergothmallum_: yep
21:40.03sorphinjnork: right, to talk to a sun monitor, you take H and V and OR them together
21:40.04kergothmallum_: did a arm-linux-readelf -d to check the deps
21:40.08kergothmallum_: no
21:40.17sorphinjnork: or if you're masichistic
21:40.24sorphinjust tie them together and use a resistor
21:40.40jnorkI've got instructions somewhere on the Sun Rescue list.
21:40.59jnorkBut I've got two Sun-compatible monitors and no Sun monitors.
21:41.00sorphinjnork: well, allegedly this same monitor i'm getting
21:41.15kergothmallum_: I'm working my way through all the fd.o x packages in OE, adding the missing ones, and fixing all their DEPENDS fields
21:41.24sorphinjnork: which is an SGI, it's the same as the Sun version, just diff model #
21:41.34sorphinnice sony trinitron
21:41.35mallum_kergoth: rock :-)
21:41.49mallum_kergoth: my arm native libX11 links to libc
21:41.59jnorkShould work, then.
21:42.10kergothmallum_: its annoying trying to figure out which header packages the extension libraries use, since they depend on libx11, which already gets those others built
21:42.13kergothmallum_: hmm, odd.
21:42.36sorphinjnork: we shall see :)
21:42.55kergoth/opt/cross/lib/gcc-lib/arm-linux/3.3.2/../../../../arm-linux/bin/ld: warning: type and size of dynamic symbol `__start___libc_at
21:42.58kergothexit' are not defined
21:43.00kergoth/opt/cross/lib/gcc-lib/arm-linux/3.3.2/../../../../arm-linux/bin/ld: warning: type and size of dynamic symbol `__stop___libc_ate
21:43.03kergothxit' are not defined
21:43.08kergoththats odd
21:43.25kergothhmm, but xau doesnt get that error, and it doesnt have the dep either
21:44.02mallum_kergoth: each extension has two sources, one just headers ( needed by server and clients ) and the other the client lib
21:44.56kergothmallum_: what i mean is, e.g. xext uses xproto and xextensions both, but had i just had xextensions and x11 in its DEPENDS, it wouldve still built fine, since x11 depends on xproto.
21:45.13kergothmallum_: but i dont like letting it be implicit like that, so i comb through the sources to figure out which header packages it depends on
21:46.37jnorkYou think that's annoying. Try talking to my Mom.
21:47.50mallum_kergoth: iirc xextentions is just headers irrc, Xext is the actual lib
21:47.56kergothi know
21:48.08kergothi'm referring to populating the build DEPENDS, not the runtime
21:48.12kergothruntime is easy :)
21:48.54mallum_kergoth: treke said he was gonna do all the libs btw
21:49.02mallum_kergoth: I think you need to smack him around a bit
21:49.02kergothwell, i'm impatient
21:49.24mallum_kergoth: have you done server too ?
21:49.55kergothnah, treke said you were doing that
21:50.46mallum_yeah I can do that
21:52.06*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
21:52.11kergothprpplague: hey dave
21:52.19prpplaguekergoth: hey dude
21:52.24prpplaguekergoth: whats cookin at TI?
21:52.32kergothkeepin busy
21:52.39sorphinprpplague: afternoon davey
21:52.41prpplaguekergoth: not really
21:52.41mallum_kergoth: btw, are there any current OE plans for platform detection and setting various env vars ?
21:52.49prpplaguekergoth: same old POS stuff
21:52.55sorphinprpplague: i'll be in TX around Feb 3rd and during that week
21:52.59kergothmallum_: s/platform detection and setting various env vars/test functionality/
21:53.05kergothmallum_: no, i had no plans to do that
21:53.26kergothmallum_: i sorta viewed that as outside its scope.  if someone else wants to implement it..
21:53.26prpplaguekergoth: trying to get my rootfs up on busybox-1.00 pre4 and get rid of alot apps that busybox now has
21:53.36prpplaguesorphin: oh? where bouts?
21:53.45sorphinprpplague: richardson
21:53.54prpplaguesorphin: cool
21:54.02mallum_kergoth: I only thinking it for setting tslib env vars which I can add in a wrapper script around the server
21:54.11sorphinprpplague: they're finally testing the new version of the app, and gotta do my admin training
21:54.25kergothmallum_: hmm, the old OZ as produced by buildroot had something like that
21:54.30kergothmallum_: was a set of shell scripts
21:54.38sorphinprpplague: so what kinda weather should i expect?
21:54.53kergothmallum_: i was thinking about maybe moving 'device detection' into a small little modular c lib, which libopie could use, as well as a little test app for scripts
21:54.59prpplaguesorphin: probably mid 40's and slightly windy
21:55.03mallum_kergoth: yeah that would be cool
21:55.53mallum_kergoth: maybe thats something I could hack out
21:56.30kergothitd be pretty easy to throw together.  could make it use plugins, so just drop in a new one and itll start picking up that device
21:59.04sorphinprpplague: wow, didn't know it got that cool :P
21:59.10mallum_ipaq are pretty easy to detect , its the Z's Im not so sure about
21:59.26kergothmallum_: thats easy, /proc/cpuinfo .. grab the machine name
21:59.36kergothmallum_: since the Z is one kernel/machine type per board, you're done
22:00.52mallum_yeah thats how I did it before
22:01.02mallum_seemed like it could be unreliable though
22:02.10kergothheh, if they're on the wrong kernel for their device they deserve whatever hell they run into
22:02.15kergothother than that, should be fine
22:04.37mallum_maybe its just a case of something that reads a config file which looks something like;
22:06.12mallum_and a section for each machine to say what env vars should be set
22:06.29kergothyeah could do something like that
22:07.44mallum_would be pretty simple
22:08.07mallum_you think thats enough ?
22:09.16kergothwell, i'd argue that env vars is overkill, and thta it should be a simple little library that parses that file and the function returns the machine we're on.. and a little app that returns it for use in scripts
22:09.29kergoththat way gpe/opie can interface with the function directly, bypassing environmental crap
22:14.25*** join/#elinux Russ (
22:17.17mallum_kergoth: yeah, I guess a problem with that is if OE adds a new supported device everything that uses that lib needs to be updated
22:18.21kergothwell thats a given, even if it identifies it correctly, you need to make use of the information
22:19.53mallum_kergoth: but for something like tslib it would work well
22:20.21kergothwell the key is to have a sane default to fall back to for devices we dont know what to do with
22:20.29kergothand thats true of anyone that uses it
22:22.59mallum_kergoth: its only really envvars for tslib that Im thinking about, and maybe something for saying what the actual orientation of the fb is compared to the physical one
22:25.17kergothmallum_: know offhand why xrandr needs xext to build, but doesnt link against libXext?
22:25.21mallum_you would still have lib and tiny app.
22:25.53mallum_kergoth: hmm, not off hand
22:27.29kergothi'd think if it needed xext headers itd require xextensions, not xext, or something
22:27.35mallum_kergoth: whats probably happening is xext has some helper macros for xextensions
22:27.49mallum_for writing xextensions
22:28.02kergoththatd explain it then
22:28.43mallum_there are alot of strange magical macros used in processing / dispatching client requests
22:32.36kergothxext, xrender, xrandr done.. 9 more to go.. heh
22:33.09prpplaguekergoth: the joys of x
22:35.53kergothyeah.  i'm looking forward to booting an OE produced Z image with fd.o X11 and matchbox, though
22:38.32prpplaguekergoth: cool
22:38.46mallum_kergoth: yeah will rock
22:39.20mallum_kergoth: btw, the russian guy that built the 'other' Z X image, did he release any sources ?
22:39.28kergothsash? not sure
22:39.40kergothtreke would probably know
22:40.29prpplaguekergoth: i still run my old oz build of tinyx and mb on my z
22:40.49prpplaguekergoth: never have gotten around to doing anything else with it
22:41.01mallum_kergoth: its good to know the fb can now be rotated in hw on the c7x0's if a bit sketchy
22:41.08kergothmallum_: yeah definately
22:47.31mallum_kergoth: hopefully some kind sole will add gpe too
22:47.42kergothmallum_: i added glib-2.0 and atk
22:47.48kergothmallum_: once i get xft in i'll add pango
22:47.59mallum_kergoth: but there are quite a few other nice X apps which work well on the c7x0's
22:48.07mallum_kergoth: rock :-)
22:48.26kergoththats why i ended up doing this
22:48.42kergothi went glib-2.0 -> atk -> pango -> xft, and realized we had a ways to go on the X front yet
22:49.28prpplaguekergoth: lol
22:49.59kergothnow ill work my way back up to xft, then finish pango and then add some more X apps
22:50.07kergothaterm, matchbox, gpe, etc
22:50.22mallum_kergoth: I gotta break matchbox up into seperate source packages
22:50.24chouimathmmm too tired to sleep
22:50.36kergothmallum_: it too monolithic now?
22:50.40mallum_kergoth: use rxvt not aterm, aterm lacks xft support
22:50.54prpplaguelater folks
22:50.55mallum_kergoth: yeah pretty much and the autogubbins stuff could do with a rewrite
22:51.05chouimatbye prpplague
22:51.25mallum_kergoth: and I have few nice plugins for the desktop now which make more sense withs tuff broken up
22:51.41kergothi've noticed alot of packages should really be more granular in that way
22:51.51mallum_kergoth: an xine pluggin which imho rocks, a picture browser etc
22:52.01kergothheh, poor andersee running into debian build circular deps is a perfect example
22:53.28mallum_yeah the matchbox ipks are now seperate
22:53.36mallum_debs are not :/
22:53.44mallum_prh: HERE THAT !
22:55.22mallum_kergoth: hmm, xml 'db' file for devdetect or over kill ?
23:41.24kergothwhy the hell does libXcomposite link against xfixes but not use any of the xfixes or fixesxext headers?
23:53.35pb_kergoth: it uses Xfixes.h
23:54.19kergothheh, so it does
23:55.00pb_not that using a header necessarily means you have to link with the library, but it probably doesn't hurt to do so either.
23:58.35kergothright, i just found a bug in my script that picks up the X11 includes, because it *was* linked to a lib that i didnt think it needed :)
23:58.39kergothso, the other way around

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