irclog2html for #elinux on 20031216

05:18.07*** join/#elinux jbot (
05:18.07*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || eagle light in debian non-free
05:18.12*** mode/#elinux [+o jbot] by ChanServ
05:20.49*** join/#elinux jbot (
05:20.49*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || eagle light in debian non-free
05:20.54*** mode/#elinux [+o jbot] by ChanServ
05:20.59*** mode/#elinux [+o BZFlag] by ChanServ
05:22.30*** join/#elinux sieve (
05:27.17*** join/#elinux jbot (
05:27.17*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || eagle light in debian non-free
05:27.21*** mode/#elinux [+o jbot] by ChanServ
05:31.06*** join/#elinux ibot (
05:31.06*** mode/#elinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ
05:31.07*** join/#elinux ibot (
05:31.07*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || eagle light in debian non-free
05:31.07*** mode/#elinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ
05:36.27*** join/#elinux signal11 (
05:41.11*** part/#elinux TimRiker (
05:43.03*** kick/#eLinux [jbot!] by TimRiker (TimRiker)
05:43.03*** kick/#eLinux [jbot!] by TimRiker (TimRiker)
05:43.03*** join/#elinux jbot (
05:43.03*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || eagle light in debian non-free
05:43.03*** join/#elinux jbot (
05:43.03jbotOkay, I'm here. (courtesy of bzflag)
05:43.04*** mode/#elinux [+o jbot] by ChanServ
05:43.46TimRikerjbot: part #eLinux
05:43.47TimRiker: I don't know, could you explain it?
05:43.47TimRikerjbot: part #eLinux
05:43.48jbotTimRiker: I don't know, could you explain it?
05:43.57TimRikerstupid bot.
05:45.23jbotLeaving. (courtesy of timriker).
05:45.23*** part/#elinux jbot (
05:45.42*** part/#elinux TimRiker (
06:05.30fishheadremeber, THIS IS *NOT* A DILDO!
09:05.31RussThat is the most phallic not a dildo object I've ever seen
10:28.03*** join/#elinux pb_ (
10:55.52*** join/#elinux switch- (
11:38.14chouimatBefore marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After marriage, the "y" becomes silent.
11:53.35*** join/#elinux Russ (
12:09.44*** join/#elinux mallum (
14:02.11*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
14:07.02*** join/#elinux jnork (
14:35.00*** join/#elinux sorphin (
14:35.56sorphinfor i in channel
14:43.13mallumsorphin: hi
14:46.22*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
14:46.47*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
14:53.01*** join/#elinux chouimat (
14:53.56*** part/#elinux chouimat (
14:59.13CosmicPenguinsorphin: I think thats the first code I've ever seen you write
15:00.36sorphinmallum: lo old git
15:00.51sorphinCosmicPenguin: i've written plenty of code, i just don't show it here :P
15:01.25sorphinmallum: cool, does it serve you tea yet?
15:03.59mallumsorphin: no its having debian put on it atm
15:04.14sorphinmallum: bah, then what bloody good is it? ;)
15:05.28CosmicPenguinThats the ultimate measurement of high technology in England
15:05.35CosmicPenguinYou have to keep improving it until it serves tea
15:06.28jnorkMMmmmm. Tea.
15:06.38sorphinCosmicPenguin: quite
15:11.59jnorkI never got around to it, but I was thinking of making a little timer gadget that would lift the teabag -- or if you're in England, sachet :) -- or in my case, I use a tea ball -- and hold it over the cup until I got 'round to it, rather than merely beeping.
15:12.11jnorkObviously a need for Embedded Linux for that one.
15:14.23CosmicPenguinCron is your friend
15:18.55mallumCron is not my friend
15:19.04mallumshe's my bitch
15:19.24sorphinmallum: drink your tea and behave, git
15:24.08*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
15:25.35CosmicPenguinWow - this kernel build I'm doing is really dragging down my system
15:27.20CosmicPenguinIt wasn't my kernel build at all
15:28.26jnorkIt was your tea?
15:32.27CosmicPenguinIt was a runaway java_vm process
15:32.37CosmicPenguinI installed java so I could play poker with my friends.  How vain, how vain
15:40.45sorphinCosmicPenguin: s/vain/sad/
15:45.20*** join/#elinux marklwrk (~mlehrer@
15:53.43*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
15:53.44*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
15:57.56*** join/#elinux pattieja (
16:10.17sorphinpattieja: mornin
16:17.10pattiejasorphin, morning
16:21.14jnorkOooh, President Bush is going to solve all our spam problems.
16:21.22jnorkHe's signing the YOU-CAN-SPAM act into law.
16:22.01jnorkI'm just so... excited about this law! It's going to control spam once and for all by allowing ANYBODY IN THE WORLD TO SPAM YOU LEGALLY!
16:23.21sorphinjnork: gag
16:23.40sorphinpattieja: you on an RT?
16:24.28pattiejasorphin, what's RT?
16:26.42jnorkNot that I am bitter.
16:33.10CosmicPenguinBah - like it makes a bit of difference
16:38.11file"So it's swiss... it keeps perfect time but it occasionally catches fire"
16:44.57*** mode/#elinux [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
16:49.04*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
16:49.28kergothCosmicPenguin: problems?
16:49.32kergothprpplague: morning dave
16:49.38prpplaguekergoth: howdy
16:50.27CosmicPenguinkergoth: get this crazy vibe.  /user/toolchains/uclibc-i386//bin/i386-uclibc-g++ fails hard building heavy STL code
16:50.47CosmicPenguinBut if I omit the redundant slash between i386 and bin, it works fine
16:52.29CosmicPenguinI was getting pissed because it would work if I did it at the command line, but the buildroot failed
16:53.49prpplagueanyone using bb-1.0?
16:54.26kergothpre4 released? god, not having net at home is really leaving me outta the loop
16:55.01sorphinkergoth: well, it's either net access or food ;)
16:55.44CosmicPenguinprpplague: haven't touched it with a 10 foot pole
16:57.17prpplagueCosmicPenguin: why?
16:57.56*** join/#elinux sjhill (~sjhill@
16:57.59kergothprpplague: i'm using pre3 here, then switched to cvs for a bit, now ill test pre4
16:58.05kergothhey sjhill
16:58.32prpplaguekergoth: there are a number of new "ip" commands
16:58.33sjhillhi kergoth
16:58.38sjhilllo' prpplague
16:58.41prpplaguekergoth: have you used any of them
16:58.49kergothprpplague: not yet.. its on my todo
16:58.52prpplaguesjhill: howdy mr.timesys
16:58.57sjhillsorphin: hey fish breath
16:59.12prpplaguekergoth: hmm, the explaination of some of the commands are a little vague
16:59.34kergothprpplague: go rtfm on iputils.
16:59.41CosmicPenguinprpplague: I was building pre2 for a client, it broke horribly, I got scared, never got a chance to look at it
17:00.17prpplaguekergoth: ahh, those are part of the iputils group?
17:01.21kergothprpplague: iirc..,
17:02.58prpplaguekergoth: ok thanks, i'll go from there
17:03.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: oh
17:04.21prpplaguekergoth: looks like its part of iproute group
17:04.47filetee he he busybox-freebsd has a df applet now :)
17:06.58prpplaguekergoth: hmm, think i'd rather use vtun that the bb applets
17:09.46prpplaguekergoth: tried the bb udchpc in 1.0 ?
17:10.03kergothprpplague: yep, havent had any problems withi t
17:11.55prpplaguekergoth: great
17:13.45CosmicPenguinWay obscure question - nobody knows off hand the default font that TK wants to use, do they?
17:21.43prpplaguekergoth: thanks for the info
17:23.16sjhillCosmicPenguin: iso8859-1
17:31.52*** join/#elinux Russ (
17:50.40kergothjust hit what seems to be a busybox bug
18:08.56*** join/#elinux TomW (
18:09.33sorphinTomW: afternoon
18:10.11TomWsorphin: yeah, day goes fast, doesn't it?
18:10.18TomWsorphin: how you doing?
18:11.13sorphinTomW: tired mostly, cleaning up bugs, pondering how to solve this car voltage noise prob
18:11.21sorphinTomW: and still sinus infected it seems
18:11.23sorphinTomW: you?
18:11.57TomWmessing around building up a new workstation: ASUS A7N8X mo'board
18:12.51sorphinTomW: asus make the best boards generally for O/C'ing
18:13.00TomWnice board: twin serial ATA w/RAID 0 & 1, 2 Firewire, 4 USB 1.0, 2 USB 2.0, 2 10/100 LAN, etc
18:14.05TomWkiller board, I only bought is 'cause it used the AMD ATHLON + it didn't have onboard video.  I stumbled onto a good one for a change!
18:15.39TomWsorphin: After I stuck a 160Gig ATA133 drive onto it and a RADEON 9000 AGP video card, I started to think of using it as a workstation.  I had planned to use it as a "trash" box, just to hack around with..  but it is too nice to ignore for everyday use.
18:17.09TomWsorphin: I tried MythTV + an AIMSLAB Video Xtreme tuner card in it, but all I got was static.  when xawtv does it's channel scan it cannot find any valid TV channels.  I guess the card is fscked.
18:17.33sorphinTomW: my poor WinTV-pci card..
18:17.44sorphini forced it to capture at 720x480
18:17.47sorphinit will
18:17.54TomWhow does it look?
18:18.04sorphinbut eventually i drop ~50% of frames over all
18:18.16TomWk, is it cpu speed or something?
18:18.37sorphinnot sure if it's the HD or the card can't keep up (since it's not really SUPPOSED to capture that high of res)
18:18.48sorphinnope, the CPU is a 2.6ghz P4 Ht
18:19.08TomWdo you need to capture at that rate? can you capture at a lower frame size and still render it at full screen so it looks like a tv screen?
18:19.32sorphinTomW: well... this is going to be stuff eventually put to dvd
18:20.14TomWI guess that I will get a cheap-o WinTV-Go card to try stuff out with, at least that should work with bttv.
18:20.26sorphinTomW: it will
18:21.05sorphinTomW: this one is older, it was supposed to work w/ Wincast or intelcast or whatever that shit was
18:21.11sorphinuses a BT878
18:21.25TomWonce I pull all my stuff off the P-III workstation and xfer it onver to the new machine, I will use the P-III 1GHz box for the MythTV.
18:21.45sorphinTomW: glanced at myth the other day
18:22.11sorphinmy S2 tivo records exactly how i need
18:22.25sorphinbut moving the crap from it is a bit annoying
18:22.41TomWThe darned audio on the ASUS mo'board is NVIDIA and their audio driver only does one stereo channel, but not at full duplex!  the board has two stereo channels on it though.
18:23.07sorphinbut dumping it somehwere is a pain
18:23.22sorphini always crash/overload the networking on it (usb networking)
18:23.43sorphinand if i put a drive in to dump to, need a damn mac to read it (or hacked kernel)
18:23.53TomWit seems that the tivo people have a lot of limitations on using the tivo, that is why I am looking at MythTV.
18:24.33sorphinand i STILL need a sync stabilizer
18:24.42sorphinbut i haven't had a spare $300
18:24.53TomWsorphin: the xmltv grabs about 9 days of TV listings and the MythTV does a nice rendering of the listings.
18:25.17TomWsorphin: the xmltv stores the listings into a mysql database.
18:25.32TomWpretty cool.
18:25.34sorphinTomW: tivocanada's stuff uses xmltv to make tivo guide data too
18:25.55TomWI cannot get the tv tuner to work, but I still use the tv guide to see what is on! heh
18:26.11sorphinand one of the UPSes is b0rked
18:26.21sorphinit's fine unless you give it a real load
18:26.31sorphinif it goes to do it's every so often self test
18:26.40sorphinit kicks to overload
18:26.47sorphinand dies
18:26.51sorphinhit the power switch
18:26.54sorphinit clicks a lot
18:26.58TomWI have too many computers running now, I need to take one offline.
18:27.14sorphintill you force it all the way down
18:27.20TomWI don't think the 900VA UPS will handle all three.
18:27.24sorphinTomW: basically i fscked it up, but not sure how
18:27.34sorphinTomW: i have 2 900va UPSes
18:27.49sorphinone powers my SS20, my P4, and 2 other boxes
18:27.56TomWmy other UPS is on my server at a remote location
18:28.02sorphinTomW: the 2nd one is supposed to be for my other sparcs
18:28.11sorphinTomW: i was stupid when i got this 2nd UPS
18:28.22sorphini went to desolder the buzzer like on the other one
18:28.30sorphinbut had the battery hooked up
18:28.40sorphini get it desoldered
18:28.42TomWyup, that will do it
18:28.54sorphiniron accidentally touches a contact on the board
18:28.58sorphinno snap
18:29.13sorphintoggled one of the relays
18:29.59sorphinwhich, sadly, the sound it makes now if you hit the swich when it jumps to that overload mode
18:30.07sorphinit clicks the relay a shitload of times
18:30.20TomWI did the same thing with a UPS once, once, fortunately I didn't fry it.
18:30.27sorphinthis thing is too damn complex to diagnose (the UPS is)
18:30.39sorphinit's not _fried_
18:30.51sorphinit self tests clean
18:31.01TomWyeah, they are, you really need the schematic to work on them and you'd have to reverse engineer the electronics to get one.
18:31.01sorphinas long as there's no decent load
18:31.23sorphinunfortunately i think it's outta warranty too
18:31.29TomWnot worth the trouble to reverse engineer them, they are so cheap anymore.
18:31.46sorphini hate throwing out a $150 UPS tho
18:31.57sorphinwhen it *could* be something trivial
18:32.15TomWcould be, but what
18:32.39sorphinTomW: you'd prolly find it in 5 mins :P
18:32.54TomWI don't keep much junk around anymore, I tend to accumulate too much of it as it is...
18:33.40TomWtime is too short to mess around with broken stuff, I can spend that time more constructively.
18:34.16TomWwell, back to moving stuff off the old workstation and onto the new one.
18:34.19TomWsorphin: later
18:34.23sorphinTomW: cya
18:37.03CosmicPenguinI've been wanting to get my hands on those lately
18:37.16CosmicPenguinWith a passive backplane... that would be fun... :)
18:38.18CosmicPenguinThey have a VIA card too, I'm working on one for a client
18:40.54filethere, abydos's new hardrive is installed
18:50.04*** join/#elinux pb_ (~pb@2002:5160:45ef:0:240:95ff:fe30:aa84)
19:08.46CosmicPenguinA few questions - whats the lifespan (due to moviing) parts, and how much vibration can it take?
19:46.52Russgeez, 2-3GB
19:47.19Russtoo bad nand will pass them up before they become economical
20:30.02*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
21:19.14*** join/#elinux pattieja (
21:25.27sorphinpattieja: now mcleod eh?
21:25.31sorphinyou sure get around ;p
21:42.51CosmicPenguinWhat the hell is that all about?
21:46.31marklwrki thought it was Prince Bytor
22:11.09*** join/#elinux andersee (
22:11.10*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
22:15.39chouimathi CosmicPenguin
22:18.40anderseefile: hey
22:19.59fileandersee: what's up?
22:20.24anderseefile: not much
22:20.31chouimatCosmicPenguin: the thing go well ...
22:20.57chouimatCosmicPenguin: and you will have some cppunit added to the package :)
22:24.19CosmicPenguinworks for me
22:25.52chouimatCosmicPenguin: you have no choice ... I'm starting using this ... :) btw want a great book:
22:26.20CosmicPenguinEvery time I see the words software process, I want to vomit
22:26.32jnorkSOFTWARE PROCESS!
22:26.47fileProcessing of Software!
22:27.19chouimatCosmicPenguin: this is a good book ... I read it this afternoon when I was getting back from quebec city ...
22:27.47filechouimat: how is quebec city this time of year?
22:27.57chouimatfull of snow
22:29.32filejnork: ...Linus Torvalds!
22:43.26chouimathmmm my cat is in love with the fur in my winter coat
22:44.40chouimatjnork: he's sleeping in it
22:45.03jnorkSounds like a cat.
22:45.13jnorkFound mine sleeping in my sock drawer the other day.
22:45.38jnork(Yes, I'd left it open.)
22:46.19chouimatjnork: me too ... actually alll my cloathes are on a chair or in the box I used when I moved here in july
22:46.53chouimatjnork: yes I now ... I need a new gf
22:47.06jnorkWhy, the old one wear out?
22:47.29chouimatjnork: hehe divorced 4 years ago
22:48.08chouimatjnork: but now I have a nice cat ... less job to keep him happy
22:49.54chouimatjnork: I'm currently using palm 5.2
22:53.04RussI'm using the all new gf 4.0, 1000 hours free
22:53.27chouimatRuss: I waiting to see the new gf tng
22:58.36jnorkThe Open Source version of Wife 1.0 is lower maintenance, has fewer faults, and is more upgradable than the proprietary versions. It also has been known to run well with versions of Girlfriend, if proper care is taken.
23:03.48Russsure you don't mean the open sores version?
23:06.35jnorkOh yes. Quite sure.
23:06.52chouimatjnork: any clustering option?
23:08.27chouimatjnork: I'm looking to have multinode but the only option I have seen make me change the power here :(
23:13.36jnorkRunning Girlfriend and Wife together can be tricky, and requires lots of resources, especially plenty of RAM. However, if you get the proper versions, they will sometimes share resources instead of using all yours.
23:14.00chouimatjnork: I was speaking of muslim harem 145.6
23:14.28jnorkAh. Hmm.
23:15.10chouimatjnork: and it's not an option for me
23:15.59jnorkYeah, well, the resources for that are incredible.
23:16.33chouimatjnork: ya ... but the cost of eunuch 10.9 are prohibitive
23:17.36jnorkYou need multiple eunuch firewalls, and they're almost as resource-intensive as the wives.
23:18.03jnorkeunuchs-based firewalls, hah hah
23:39.47marklwrkunix: the operating system with no balls
23:40.10pattiejasorphin: heh :)
23:40.12pattiejasorphin: I came in to the "office"
23:41.24marklwrkpalm 5.2. that is humor
23:41.45chouimatmarklwrk: hehe
23:42.47chouimatmarklwrk: it was an easy one I know ...
23:43.10chouimathmmm do I reply ASSHOLE to that
23:43.11fishheadmerry xmas, stupid canuck
23:43.51chouimatfishhead: hi
23:43.58fishheadhey :)
23:44.30fishheadI think I am going to send out my webpal flash chip to someone to flash it for now
23:44.38fishheadso I can stay playing with linux on it
23:48.32jnorkchouimat, don't characterize assholes in such a negative manner.
23:49.32chouimatjnork: :)
23:49.44jnorkIt's an insult to assholes!
23:50.06chouimatbrb I need to put my dinner in the oven

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.