irclog2html for #elinux on 20031117

00:22.34*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
00:30.29*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (~nobody@
00:41.45CosmicPenguinGreetings and salutations
00:41.53sorphinCosmicPenguin: lo
00:48.49*** join/#elinux dmz ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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01:23.25*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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01:26.21*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (~nobody@
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01:49.57GPSFanhey CosmicPenguin: you in Sil valley?
01:50.26CosmicPenguinGPSFan: Denver
01:50.42CosmicPenguinBoulder actually
01:51.03GPSFanCosmicPenguin: oh, thought you were goint to takl to AMD, in Boulder?
01:51.18CosmicPenguinGPSFan: thats right
01:51.38CosmicPenguinGPSFan: AMD bought the IA division of National Semiconductor a few months back
01:51.47GPSFanCosmicPenguin: cool, that's better than sil valley, Geode...
02:05.51CosmicPenguinIs it wrong if I think the Redmond XP theme for FVWM is really really nice?
02:06.28CosmicPenguinOh, well, time to go visit friends
02:10.45*** join/#elinux ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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02:51.46*** mode/#elinux [-o sorphin] by sorphin
03:28.31*** join/#elinux MonMotha (
04:09.20*** join/#elinux TomW (~TomW@
04:26.19sorphinTomW: yo
04:26.40sorphinTomW: nice to see you too :P
04:27.04TomWok, I couldn't sleep, so I thought that I would write some code.
04:27.08sorphinTomW: did't measure the current, but the resistance on the illumination wire
04:27.13sorphinis 687.K
04:27.35sorphinthat's on the back of the radio to gnd
04:27.53TomWyeah, that is prolly a pullup.  If the value measures out both ways (switching the ohmmeter leads).
04:28.27TomWsorphin: I'm going to be in Alabama next week, maybe I should drop by your place and fix this thing for you?
04:28.34sorphinyeah, it was 68.7k regardless of which way
04:28.38sorphini'm not in alabama
04:28.43sorphinso that wouldn't help me any :P
04:28.45TomWsorphin: close enough
04:29.04sorphinTomW: bama isn't any closer to me than PA is :P
04:29.14TomWsorphin: I'm trying to get a customer to pay me to visit East Texas while I am away.
04:29.32sorphinTomW: then you could hang out w/ prpplague et al :P
04:30.58TomWsorphin: naw, I'm not sure that that would be a good idea...  I don't drink.
04:31.38sorphinTomW: then he would just set you up w/ some east TX woman
04:31.49sorphinbig hair, trailer and all
04:33.01TomWok, you are in MO, for some reason I thought that you were in MI
04:33.23sorphinaccording to this then
04:33.43sorphinthat illumination wire MAX draws .00021A
04:34.56sorphinTomW: heh, if you came here you'd just wanna play w/ the scope :P
04:34.58TomWun huh, thought so, so you can use a 10ufd cap + 1k resistor with no problem, but remember to use that diode as I showed you or it will act as a filter to the dashlight pwm.  The diode keeps that from happening.
04:35.16sorphin1n4001 ok too?
04:35.20sorphindon't have any 4004s
04:35.28sorphinand i shouldn't be over 35V :P
04:35.35TomWyeah, IIRC, that is a 50volt device?
04:35.43sorphinyeah 35/50
04:36.03sorphinok, so that probs solved
04:36.13sorphinstill need to sort out the nav voice trigger
04:37.12TomWthing is that there have been transient voltage spikes measured within an automotive "12 volt" system that can reach upwards of 70volts.  this is due to relays opening & closing and localized power surges as stuff activates (injectors, etc.).
04:37.17sorphini *think* from what i read, the mute wire triggers on +12 (vs being gnd'd), just need a transistor sensitive enough to trigger on the nav voice talking, but that won't steal too much of the signal
04:37.37sorphinTomW: yeah
04:37.47sorphinTomW: tho this car is a bit diff as i've found
04:37.53sorphinit has busses all over :P
04:38.11TomWsorphin: that nav voice you will have to measure with a scope to see what it's charatoristics are: e.g. output voltage waveform level.
04:38.16sorphinthe engine stuff runs on it's own bus
04:38.29sorphinstereo stuff, etc on it's own
04:38.33sorphinkinda neat actually
04:38.38sorphinand yeah
04:38.45sorphintoo bad the weekend's over
04:38.50sorphinand prolly no more weather like today
04:38.59sorphincuz i don't wanna drag the scope out in the cold :P
04:39.05TomWsorphin: the automobiles are starting to get as high-tech as an aircraft anymore.
04:39.09sorphintoday was 60s atleast
04:39.19sorphinTomW: heh, 99% of my car is hooked to the ECU
04:39.36sorphinlocks, windows
04:39.42sorphinthe throttle isn't even a cable
04:39.46sorphinit's drive by wire
04:40.01sorphingauges are all electrical
04:40.20sorphinfontenot: prob jacques?
04:40.33fontenoti just dont trust DBW
04:40.47sorphinfontenot: i'll admit it's annoying sometimes
04:41.06sorphinbut i had the damn cable on the other car (civic)
04:41.08sorphincome loose
04:41.17sorphini'm driving and suddenly.. i have no accelerator
04:41.27sorphinpulled over and popped it back into place
04:41.29fontenotwow that's not good
04:41.48fontenotbut at least it was a simple system which you could repair at the side of the road
04:42.00sorphinfontenot: know where the kill switch is on your miata? ;)
04:42.35fontenotno, not sure what you're referring to
04:42.45sorphinfontenot: what year is yours again?
04:42.55TomWfontenot: the fuel pump kill switch
04:43.07sorphinit's on/by the rear deck
04:43.09fontenoti didn't think it had one stock
04:43.11TomWfontenot: it is to shutdown the fuel system in the case of a collision.
04:43.13sorphinit does
04:43.25fontenotoh you mean it's automatic?
04:43.32sorphini didn't know about it till my friend ed told me bout it
04:43.36sorphinTomW: there's a manual one too
04:43.43fontenotreally? i wanna know
04:43.49sorphinfontenot: look around on your rear deck
04:43.53sorphinaround that area
04:43.54fontenotis it under the carpet on the rear deck?
04:43.58sorphini think so
04:44.13fontenothmm I should check my service manual - but I kinda lost it :-(
04:44.13sorphinhe used to use it to stop his sister from running off w/ his car :P
04:44.20fontenotyeah sounds useful
04:44.21TomWsorphin: I found that my Escort GT had one one night,  I hit a really nasty hole in the road and the car shutdown.  A PA State Trooper reset it for me.
04:44.23sorphinshe'd start going, then the car dies ;)
04:44.28fontenoti was actually thinking about installing one
04:44.35sorphinfontenot: he had a 92
04:44.40sorphinshould still be one in a 96
04:44.54fontenotI'll check it out :-)
04:45.09sorphinTomW: yeah, the earlier new mini had a reset switch
04:45.15sorphinto kick out of accident mode
04:45.20sorphinapparently they removed it :P
04:45.22TomWsorphin: you're just outside St Louis, right?
04:45.31sorphinTomW: yeah, just NW
04:45.41*** join/#elinux TimRiker (~zic@
04:45.41*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
04:45.46TomWyeah, I got you on the map
04:45.49sorphinTimRiker: evening mr flag
04:46.03sorphinTomW: heh, oddly enough
04:46.09sorphinOxford has us on the map too
04:46.09TomWsorphin: maybe I'll go home that way and stop by for a Pepsi or something.
04:46.24sorphinthe oxford atlas has Florissant
04:46.29sorphinwas the strangest thing i'd seen
04:46.36sorphinof all the places to put on the map
04:46.41TimRiker[ij]bot been behaving?
04:46.48sorphinTimRiker: yup
04:46.57sorphinibot: prudence?
04:46.58sorphin: I don't know, could you explain it?
04:47.01TomWsorphin: a friend of mine lives in Gouveneur (Governor) New York.
04:47.06TimRikerthey are now the same process.
04:47.28TimRiker~dict prudence
04:47.33sorphinTimRiker: so when is there a jbot?
04:47.38sorphinuh oh
04:48.01TimRikerhmm that is not good.
04:48.34TomWsorphin: later, I've got some coding to do..
04:48.44sorphinTomW`work: k gramps
04:48.50sorphinTomW`work: lemme know if you end up this way
04:49.06TimRikerhmm that didn't work either...
04:58.52*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
04:59.09*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
04:59.17sorphinTimRiker: re timmy
05:01.56sorphinibot: the matrix has you
05:01.58sorphin: no idea
05:01.58TimRiker~dict foobar
05:02.34Since Sat Nov 15 05:27:26 2003, there have been 30 modifications, 81 questions, 36 dunnos, 0 morons and 70 commands.  I have been awake for 1d 23h 35m 7s this session, and currently reference 85645 factoids.  I'm using about 14860 kB of memory. With 1 active fork. Process time user/system 1368.1/149.58 child 226.51/13.44
05:02.45sorphin0 morons
05:03.49TimRikeribot what the heck it a moron and how can I become one? perhaps if I type a long enough line of text that you do not undertand you should call me a moron. Let's see if this one works.
05:03.51You are moron #1, TimRiker
05:04.04TomW`worksorphin: thought we saw more than 0 morons show up in the past two days?
05:04.07sorphinonly ibot would dare call timmy a moron :P
05:04.30sorphinTomW`work: oh, you mean when you would appear? ;)
05:04.49TomW`worksorphin: well, I haven't been on for two days now...
05:05.01sorphinTomW`work: exactly ;)
05:05.36sorphinibot: what the heck do you think you are talking about you are just a stupid bot stupid bots don't know what a moron is muchless anything else that matters.
05:05.38sorphin: I think you lost me on that one
05:06.03sorphin~bitchslap self
05:06.06ACTION beats the sh*t out of self
05:06.17TomW`work~bitchslap ibot
05:06.19ACTION beats the sh*t out of ibot
05:06.31sorphin~whaleslap TomW`work
05:06.34ACTION slaps TomW`work upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
05:06.39TomW`worknow THAT'S a moron
05:07.45TomW`workibot: you are an intellectually-challanged, self-pleasuring individual
05:07.47TomW`work: what are you talking about?
05:08.25TomW`worksorphin: you cannot insult a moron
05:08.54sorphinibot rjieajoroebntfgnweothfowenrfoeqwjordnhqobownfb ewofnmo'sanofeaornfoweboifnoqebrfbeotjnoebtoaenhotbaeojnfgebdasodfnasobroebnagij bweoitbeart
05:08.56sorphin: You are moron #2
05:09.32TomW`worklet's see, this component is supposed to do RS232 serial communications from either Delphi 7 (Windoze) or Kylix 3 (linux).  The kylix component won't install, wonder if the windoze one will?
05:10.07sorphinibot: call the men in the white coats, TomW`work is smoking crack again.
05:10.09I think you lost me on that one, sorphin
05:10.39TomW`workit is their "Lite" version.  If it works, I'll purchase it.
05:15.27TomW`worktypical win2k crap, I have 3 shares mounted on the "HOOEY" workgroup off the "workstation" machine.  Do you think that win2k can browse the HOOEY workgroup?  It says that the workgroup is not accessable.
05:15.29sorphinlooking me up and refering to my website
05:15.36sorphinTomW`work: wasn't YOU was it? :P
05:15.57TomW`worknaw, I used QRZ
05:16.32TomW`worksorphin: I didn't go near your website though
05:17.01sorphinsomeone from
05:17.24TomW`workping TomW
05:17.58sorphinreferences to Mardel Ave
05:17.58sorphinand my name
05:18.07sorphinTomW`work: yeah, i know, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't have access to other networks :P
05:18.25TomW`workin fact, I have several.
05:27.00sorphinwell, i *had* another, but appears the firewalls now block IRC
05:27.13sorphini gotta get outta MCI, i don't care if they are putting me in for promotion now :P
05:28.29TomW`workheh, the "cost" is too high, eh?
05:30.20sorphinTomW`work: something like taht
05:30.54sorphinand i severely doubt the raise is gonna be worth a shit to be honest
05:33.36*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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05:34.26TomW`workyeah, remember, 7..9% raise means you saved them a lot of money over the past year, not that you worked your butt off getting stuff out the door...
05:35.04TomW`work2..4% means you showed up every day and did your job.
05:35.21TomW`work5..7% means you put forth a valiant effort..
05:36.00TomW`workanything over 9% is simply impossible unless you are on the board of directors, or a vice-president.
06:19.52*** join/#elinux MonMotha (
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14:33.21*** join/#elinux sjhill (
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14:38.52*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
15:13.04*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
15:13.26*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
15:13.28prpplaguemorning all
15:18.16prpplagueany c programmers interested in reviewing a small app?
15:23.39*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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15:24.03prpplagueTimRiker: morning
15:36.30sorphinprpplague: what kinda apps?
15:36.40prpplaguesorphin: just simple c stuff
15:37.05prpplaguesorphin: seeing i'm the only one here that does c, just looking for some peer review to help me improve
15:38.03sorphinprpplague: the only one abcs that does C ? scary (thatno one else does)
15:38.10sorphinprpplague: i'll take a looksie if you want
15:38.21prpplaguesorphin: ok thanks
15:38.45prpplaguesorphin: all of the "programmers" are actually accountants
15:38.58prpplaguesorphin: they have a proprietary accounting language we use
15:39.24sorphinprpplague: cute
15:40.35sorphinprpplague: so what the heck does sieve do then?
15:41.00prpplaguesorphin: he's the security/network whore
15:41.16sorphinnetwork must be really insecure ;)
15:41.48sorphinglancing through code now
15:44.43sorphinprpplague: normally piping output to printing device?
15:44.57prpplaguesorphin: yea, or to another file
15:45.45prpplaguesorphin: if you want, just add your caustic remarks as comments, and send the file back to me :)
15:46.31sorphinprpplague: well, so far the only thing that catches my eye is your use of argv[1][1], still scanning tho
15:47.33sorphinprpplague: course, if you want a really critical analysis, have old timmy look at it ;)
15:49.55prpplaguesorphin: true, but i don't want tim knowing how untrained my programming skills are!
15:49.59prpplagueTimRiker: ;)
15:50.13sorphinprpplague: compared to timmy, all of us are untrained :P
15:50.40prpplaguesorphin: i get the job done, but, i've never really had anyone to review my code
15:50.49sorphinprpplague: ditto
15:51.26prpplaguesorphin: i just sumitted a plan this morning to have all of our projects reviewed by atleast 2 outside programmers
15:51.43sorphinprpplague: well, other than that thing i mentioned, and some personal formatting issues, looks fine to me
15:52.07sorphinfor converting xpm to whatever the hell ras2 is ;)
15:52.25prpplaguesorphin: just a raster image
15:52.47prpplaguesorphin: almost all cashslip printers support this graphic printing mode
15:53.15prpplaguesorphin: mainly used for printing logo and signatures
15:54.32sorphinprpplague: look to be bout where i am or such
15:55.14prpplaguesorphin: would you have used getopt instead?
15:55.56sorphinprpplague: well.. you could, either way works obviously, getopt is used moreso tho
15:56.34prpplaguesorphin: yea, i was just thinking since i didn't have that many args
15:56.55sorphinprpplague: yeah
15:57.21sorphinsometimes it ends up just being personal style/preference, depending on how much you have
16:14.04sjhilli love working at home
16:14.06sjhilloh, hello everyone
16:14.50prpplaguesjhill: morning
16:15.07*** join/#elinux mallum_ (
16:15.41prpplaguesjhill: interested in shredding a 200 line c app for me?
16:16.11sjhillprpplague: if i wasn't buried debugging cache bugs, yes
16:17.04prpplaguesjhill: np, work first :)
16:19.11sorphinprpplague: 1st thing sjhill would complain about is that it's not in MIPSese ;)
16:19.18sorphinmallum_: morning gov
16:19.22mallum_sorphin: heya
16:20.02sorphinmallum_: hows tricks?
16:20.42mallum_sorphin: bugfixing
16:21.55sorphinmallum_: indeed, speaking of bugs, i saw on tv that it looks like dubya is invading the commonwealth
16:23.40mallum_sorphin: oh yeah, there is a lot of crap going on here about there
16:23.44mallum_sorphin: lots of demo's
16:24.07mallum_sorphin: he wanted to shut down the tube network, give diplomatic immunity to all his secret service guys etc
16:24.27mallum_sorphin: I think blair is the only englishman that likes bush
16:24.33sorphinmallum_: ROTFL
16:24.38sorphinshut down the tube?
16:24.39sorphinhe's mad
16:24.45mallum_yeah its crazy
16:24.50sorphinhe has no idea how many people he'd piss off doing that
16:25.28mallum_hes staying with queeniw
16:25.39mallum_she'll probably give him a earfull hopefully
16:25.43sorphinmallum_: that's... scary
16:25.52sorphinmallum_: heh, one can only hope
16:26.00sorphinmallum_: tho she's prolly having tea w/ him :P
16:28.29mallum_sorphin: even the London mayor is demonstrating
16:29.10sorphinhasn't this idiot been to the uk before? eesh
16:29.24sorphindunno why he's going now, not like he's gonna get reelected
16:29.27mallum_I dont think he'd ever left the states before becoming president
16:29.44sorphinheh, i wish he would leave
17:08.08*** join/#elinux ade|desk (~adrian@
17:14.34sorphinade|desk: lo old chap
17:17.33ade|desklo lad :)
17:18.43sorphinade|desk: not off genuflecting to the queen and dubya? ;)
17:26.24ade|deskbbl need to travel home, will be bacl online soon, then can chat a bit ok :)
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18:16.47ade|desklo sorphin
18:27.25*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
18:42.23sorphinade|desk: re git
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19:53.14sorphin~bitchslap sjhill
19:53.18ACTION beats the sh*t out of sjhill
20:06.59ade|deskharsh !
20:07.29sorphinade|desk: nah, that MIPSwhore gets what he deserves
20:07.39sorphinade|desk: his wife does much worse i'm told
20:09.06chouimat~bitchslap sorphin  just for fun
20:09.09ACTION beats the sh*t out of sorphin  just for fun
20:13.34ade|desknow thats fair :)
20:16.07sorphinchouimat: go worship celine or something
20:17.21chouimatsorphin: I was sick this weeked
20:17.54sorphinchouimat: then don't bitchslap me
20:18.16chouimatsorphin: hehe
20:18.41*** join/#elinux pebenito (
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22:01.40sorphinUtah cities to provide HS net access
22:03.10leviI'll believe it when I can plug into it and get a link light.
22:05.35sorphinlevi: oh, it says certain irc'ers won't get it ;p
22:41.04*** part/#elinux ade|desk (
23:05.53*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (~nobody@
23:33.41CosmicPenguinafternoon folks
23:33.56CosmicPenguinfvwm is nice, but its a configuration hell
23:39.57leviHow is it nice?
23:49.14CosmicPenguinmore power... uh ugh ug
23:49.37*** part/#elinux chouimat (
23:53.48*** join/#elinux chouimat (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.