irclog2html for #elinux on 20031111

00:03.05*** join/#elinux bgeek (
00:32.35*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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00:53.34*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
01:08.18*** join/#elinux Evanrude (
01:18.36*** join/#elinux jnork (
01:56.22*** join/#elinux signal11 (
02:20.01*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
03:22.51*** join/#elinux file (
03:41.56filechouimat: oh did you answer my question?
03:44.40*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
03:51.47chouimatfile I'm not sure
04:05.52*** join/#elinux jnork (
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08:39.25*** join/#elinux bgeek ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:39.25*** join/#elinux TomW`food (~TomW@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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12:57.01*** join/#elinux Gi-joe (
12:57.23Gi-joehi all, did someone here use SVGATextMode?
12:58.02*** part/#elinux Gi-joe (
13:22.27*** join/#elinux jnork (
14:31.59*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
14:37.49*** join/#elinux sorphin (
14:39.22sorphinsomething's very wrong w/ the network today
14:39.38sjhilllo' sorphin
14:39.53sorphin2 diff boxes now hidden behind a router, have seen activity icmp port 512 to/from tons of hosts
14:39.58sorphinand the catch is
14:40.06sorphinthe boxes hidden are NAT'd
14:41.44sorphinit's almost if i'm being ICMP bombed
14:43.39sorphinoh goodie
14:43.43sorphinnow they've hosed my router
14:43.51sorphinglad it's not m ygateway
15:06.13sorphinwonder who i pissed off to make them wanna ddos me :P, tis odd tho, cuz it's came from so many ips.. 569 of them, all under 220.160.*.*
15:22.35*** join/#elinux marklwrk (~mlehrer@
15:24.30*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
15:24.41sorphinCosmicPenguin: morning cp
15:25.33sorphinCosmicPenguin: you've missed the fun of me being severely DoS'd
15:25.40CosmicPenguinsorphin: doh
15:25.45CosmicPenguinsorphin: details
15:26.02sorphinCosmicPenguin: well, let's see
15:26.24filemy mail server got bombed with tons of virus e-mails
15:26.29sorphinhundreds of entries in my router's NAT table (from the OUTSIDE) on icmp, port 512, then attacks on port 137, 135
15:27.01sorphin569 from 220.160.*.* (it basically covered atleast 5 class C blocks)
15:27.15sorphinmade my router get to the point it had to be reloaded
15:27.20sorphincouldn't even show run :P
15:27.35CosmicPenguinWow - who did you piss off?
15:27.41sorphini dunno
15:27.59sorphinit's a tight ship now
15:28.09sorphinincoming is implicitly denied
15:28.26sorphinw/ only 2 hosts permitted (my 2 work machines)
15:28.35CosmicPenguinThats a smart policy
15:28.44sorphinand somehow
15:28.46sorphinit's getting past
15:31.20sorphinnow floods from 192.166.*.*
15:31.25sorphinthis is getting annoying
15:31.37CosmicPenguinNo idea where they're coming from?
15:32.20sorphinthis is odd
15:32.23sorphinthis is really odd
15:33.21*** join/#elinux chouimat (
15:35.51fileI hope it's not vital to your network
15:36.53sorphinfile: thankfully no, it's just a nat passthrough
15:37.08sorphinand that's only because i can't find a way to make it do what i need
15:37.43fileer lol
15:37.59sorphinfile: it's dual ethernet, and i have DSL
15:38.07sorphinand i have 1 real IP to give it
15:38.13sorphinso, that doesn't work out
15:38.35fileeek eek eek
15:40.08chouimatsorphin: same here
15:40.31*** join/#elinux marklwrk (~mlehrer@
15:42.03sorphinis marklwrk == signal11 ?
15:42.53sorphinguess i miss those things since i don't camp in here anymore
15:44.37chouimatok today is memorial day and it's an holy every where in canada except here ... fucking french province
15:44.58sorphinjust veterans day here
15:45.06sorphinso no holiday really, cept ofr gov stuff
15:45.12sorphinmemorial day is in may here
15:45.16sorphinor such
15:45.39chouimatsorphin: look I don't care much I will an january 2nd off
15:46.47sorphinum... ok
15:47.24chouimatit's just i would liked to have the day off ... wait I'm self-employed ... ok I'm off
15:54.03sorphinsjhill's "off" every day ;)
15:54.05sjhillhi file
15:54.12sjhillsorphin: ain't THAT the truth
15:54.42sorphinsjhill: least you're not having to fight w/ this crap
15:54.59sjhillyeah, i looked at that and it boggles my mind
15:55.12sjhillyou must tell us what is going on after you fix it
15:55.18sorphinsomething like tahat
15:55.18sjhillspoofing of some sort?
15:55.45sorphinif it is, they're sure good :P
15:56.07sorphincuz last i knew it wasn't very easy to spoof reverse through cisco NAT
15:57.02CosmicPenguincisco sucks!
15:58.18CosmicPenguinWhenever I hear Cisco, I start shouting expletives
15:58.24fileoh darn I forgot what URL I wanted to go to
15:58.36sorphinCosmicPenguin: CISCO CISCO CISCO!
16:00.49CosmicPenguinIts amazing how many of these jobs on the various consulting websites are Spam and adware associated
16:03.38CosmicPenguin"I need a script that will generate emails to defeat spam filters.  This is not for spam"
16:03.49CosmicPenguinuh, uh
16:04.27sorphinheh, someone spammed w/ via windows messaging svc
16:04.39sorphin(just reinstalled this box last night, and am fixing things now)
16:05.59CosmicPenguinI haven't gotten any messaging attempts in a while
16:06.17CosmicPenguinhmmm.....  the usual http stuff
16:06.25CosmicPenguinSome telnet shots
16:07.02sorphinICMP Communication Administratively Prohibited
16:07.38CosmicPenguinwhat 'co know bout that?
16:08.26sorphinCosmicPenguin: ?
16:08.34CosmicPenguinDon't worry about it
16:08.51CosmicPenguinI'm in one of those annoying moods today
16:09.20sorphinCosmicPenguin: aren't you always?
16:09.28CosmicPenguinsorphin: well, yes..  but more than usual
16:09.36CosmicPenguinmarklwrk: did Dave Tubbs get canned from Century too?
16:10.18*** join/#elinux sieve (~sieve@
16:10.57marklwrkCosmicPenguin: news to me if he did, but i haven't talked to any century w00kies in a week or so
16:11.58sorphinchouimat: that's nice
16:12.37chouimatsorphin: work wells too ... i'm using a nice table and i probably block half of asia
16:13.06sorphinchouimat: MCI blocks all of asia :P
16:13.14sorphinwhich is annoying
16:13.18sorphincuz it blocks the UK too
16:13.24sorphinthey block 212.*.*.*
16:13.40chouimatsorphin: I got my list from  ....
16:14.42sorphinwell, this has nothing to do w/ spam
16:18.02sievesorphin: evil bastard....
16:18.17sorphinsieve: shouldn't be any different than when you're at work
16:18.30*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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16:18.32sieveI have a fan here atleast
16:19.10chouimathi sieve
16:19.39sorphinsieve: he hasn't killed the fan yet? heh
16:19.43sorphinTimRiker: morning mr timmy
16:19.53chouimathi TimRiker
16:21.34sievehello there chouimat
16:22.09sievesorphin: I'm very protective of my fan.. it's a life or death kinda thing.  
16:22.39sorphinsieve: indeed
16:24.26CosmicPenguinsorphin: The whole net has been shaky lately
16:24.45CosmicPenguinsorphin: my DNS has been very iffy
16:25.03filemine has been fine! muahaha
16:25.05sorphinCosmicPenguin: i think we should just abandon the internet and use cans and string :P or smoke signals
16:25.06CosmicPenguinsorphin: in fact, 'ping' still doesn't resove
16:25.14*** join/#elinux dsmith (
16:25.50sorphinCosmicPenguin: :)
16:25.51sorphinPING ( 56 data bytes
16:25.51sorphin64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=238 time=61.7 ms
16:25.51sorphin64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=238 time=65.6 ms
16:25.51sorphin64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=238 time=63.4 ms
16:27.11*** part/#elinux chouimat (
16:30.10sorphindamn tight access lists don't even work
16:33.15*** join/#elinux chouimat (
16:40.34CosmicPenguinsorphin: yeah - my DNS is borked
16:40.37CosmicPenguinAnd I blame comcast
16:41.28sorphinCosmicPenguin: well, i might as well just keep the router offline
16:41.40sorphinfirewalling won't help if i'm being DoS'd
16:41.44sorphinit'll still kill the router
16:41.46CosmicPenguinI still wonder why they are going after you?
16:42.10sorphinlooks like someone's trying to sploit a NAT bug
16:43.01Russthe best way to secure a computer is to completely disconnect it from the internet
16:43.07Russthats why I reccomend comcast
16:43.28sorphinRuss: btw.. tshirt showed up.. thanks
16:43.48Russya, got mine too
16:45.21sorphinsjhill: yeah, they say 'MIPS is for losers' ;)
16:45.33sjhill~ibot bitchslap sorphin
16:45.36ACTION beats the sh*t out of sorphin
16:45.46sorphin~whaleslap sjhill
16:45.49ACTION slaps sjhill upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
16:48.30sorphinthe more i look at this
16:48.40sorphinthe more it looks odd
16:56.03sorphini turn off my nat overload (so the windows box doesn't know how to get out)
16:56.14sorphinand it stops
16:56.32sorphinsomething snuck in my windows box i think (dunno how tho :P )
16:56.37sorphintime to dig
16:57.02CosmicPenguinKeep us aprised
16:58.28chouimatI need to replan this compiler naming scheme
17:05.55*** join/#elinux marklwrk (~mlehrer@
17:18.03sorphinCosmicPenguin: appears i found the prob
17:19.29*** join/#elinux Blisterpeanuts (
17:20.21sorphinand it's all sjhills' fault, as usual
17:22.39*** join/#elinux marklwrk (~mlehrer@
17:23.19filewhat was the problem?
17:25.51sorphinfile: it caught a cold :P
17:26.14filehow nice
17:26.51Blisterpeanutshi all
17:30.18sorphinthe welchia worm
17:30.39sorphinit snuck in last night right after i got the box up i guess
17:33.28sorphinwell, this is the 1st and last time i've had/will ever have a windows virus/worm :P
17:33.35sorphinnot bad for 1.5 years
18:02.20*** join/#elinux kergoth ([
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18:02.20*** mode/#elinux [+o kergoth] by
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18:11.07marklwrkkasparov had better represent humanity a little better this time
18:11.20marklwrkconsidering that its on espn2
18:13.15*** part/#elinux chouimat (
18:22.36*** join/#elinux chouimat (
18:33.01TimRikeranyone know a runtime proc interface to enable/disable preemtion when using MV's patches?
18:54.26TimRikerx en jp anyone know a runtime proc interface to enable/disable preemtion when using MV's patches?
18:54.29TimRiker~x en jp anyone know a runtime proc interface to enable/disable preemtion when using MV's patches?
18:55.21TimRikerusing MV's preemptive kernel patches. and I thought I heard that there was a way to disable them at runtime but using a file in /proc/ someplace. Can't find it now.
19:08.59*** join/#elinux andersee (
19:08.59*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
19:10.55sorphinTimRiker: ah
19:11.11sorphindon't know anything bout that one, maybe Mr Andersen does
19:11.34sorphinandersee: hello mr andersen, we've missed you
19:12.33anderseesorphin: hey
19:12.39anderseesorphin: sup?
19:13.12sorphinandersee: oh nothing, just got done fixing a W32 box that twas my own negligence that it got infected
19:13.14*** join/#elinux pb_ (~pb@2002:5160:45ef:0:240:95ff:fe30:aa84)
19:13.28TimRikerandersee: looking for a runtime enable/disable preemt in /proc and discovering that there isn't one that anybody knows about.
19:13.48TimRikerandersee: do you use the MV preemt patches on 2.4.x ?
19:14.27anderseehavn't tried them
19:14.43sorphinTimRiker: i know someone in here uses preempt, but can't remember who
19:14.59sorphinnot sure if it's MV's stuff, but it's preempt
19:15.07TimRikerleast now we've got a timesys person. /me whacks sjhill
19:15.19sorphinTimRiker: tried chrissy? (kergoth)
19:15.30sorphinTimRiker: what good is a timesys person? :P he's a mipswhore
19:15.31TimRikerI'm in his cube now.
19:15.44sorphinTimRiker: ah, multi talented
19:16.18TimRikerheh. it's his issue that started me looking. he's working on a touchscreen driver and finding a 10ms delay we can't explain.
19:16.33sorphinbah, you say that right as i type /clear on a screen i can't scroll back on
19:16.42TimRikerread/read in kernel space yields read/10ms/read over the SPI bus.
19:16.54TimRikerheh. it's his issue that started me looking. he's working on a touchscreen driver and finding a 10ms delay we can't explain.
19:17.33sorphinTimRiker: nice try ;p
19:17.51sorphinit's not the irc client
19:18.15TimRikerscreen + text client should work fine. ;-)
19:18.22sorphinit's that i'm sitting under a dterm under solaris ssh'd to a linux box, screen'd w/ bitchx
19:18.36sorphinyeah, it would
19:18.37*** join/#elinux bluz (
19:18.38TimRikerscreen has backscroll.
19:18.46sorphinIF dterm would send the damn pageup/pagedown
19:18.59sjhillTimRiker: hop over on to #mipslinux and you might get your MV question answered
19:19.07sorphinTimRiker: i could never find scrolling in screen
19:19.42sorphinTimRiker: like the prpplague? :P
19:19.52sorphinTimRiker: actually tried xterms too
19:19.54*** part/#elinux bluz (
19:19.54sorphinno change
19:21.07dsmithTimRiker: ppopov and jun from mv usually hang out in #mipslinux
19:24.44TimRikersorphin: ctrl-a esc   to enter copy mode, then movement keys to view. hjkl works too so dterm should be fine.
19:27.43sorphinTimRiker: thanks
19:28.00sorphinTimRiker: and to get out of copy mode? just esc ?
19:30.39Russthats the worst spelling of christina I've seen...
19:30.53sorphinRuss: eh?
19:32.53sorphinTimRiker: coo, it worked
19:33.15sorphinTimRiker: so kergoth's issue made you think.. scary
19:37.22kergoth~whaleslap sorphin
19:37.27ACTION slaps sorphin upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
19:38.46*** join/#elinux sieve (~sieve@
19:39.10sorphinkergoth: go back to digi :P
19:41.42sorphinkergoth: and the nice cold, MN weather ;)
19:42.04kergothoh fuck that. i'm loving the weather here
19:43.37Russin IL?
19:43.55sorphinhe's in TX
19:43.58sorphinw/ timmy
19:44.09RussI just was looking at the whois
19:44.10sorphinand prplague, etc
19:44.18kergothremote irssi in a screen
19:44.47Russincoming rain :)
19:59.50TimRikersorphin: yeah, esc to exit iirc
20:01.07sorphinTimRiker: did you ever get a hold of that guy about the DCT5k stuff? (i had told you he wouldn't give me anything, and you said you'd beat up on him)
20:02.32*** join/#elinux MornWork (~julie@3ffe:bc0:8000:0:0:0:0:abb)
20:04.23TimRikersorphin: I beat him up a few times, but made no progress. =( he didn't have any useful upstream contacts to approve it either.
20:04.51sorphinso much for the DCT's then
20:10.46CosmicPenguinsorphin: hows the DoS
20:11.30sjhillCosmicPenguin: it was his winblows box apparently
20:12.24sorphinCosmicPenguin: MSBlast.D/Welchia
20:12.43sorphini got sjhill'd basically
20:16.01CosmicPenguinHmm... Isit under any other names?  Symantec is coming short
20:16.10CosmicPenguinNot like thats a huge surprise
20:17.53sorphinCosmicPenguin: MSBlaster.D (the retro virus for MSBlaster.A)
20:18.11CosmicPenguinsorphin: got it
20:19.45CosmicPenguinGood ol' port 135
20:19.58sorphinwhich is interesting
20:20.05sorphincuz SBC is supposed to be filtering that :P
20:20.21CosmicPenguinprolly not internally
20:20.38CosmicPenguinI'm sure that comcast stops stuff at the router too
20:20.54dsmithHeh. My buddy is piping /dev/urandom through netcat to anyone connecting to port 135
20:20.56CosmicPenguinBut that still leaves a few thousand kiddies on my side as well
20:21.01sorphinCosmicPenguin: comcast stops DNs too ;)
20:21.23CosmicPenguincomcast says they stop a lot of stuff that I still manage to log... :)
20:21.48sorphinCosmicPenguin: cept DNS ;)
20:22.33CosmicPenguinI'll tell you whats ugly on my network - I upgraded, so my uptime is 15 hours
20:22.53CosmicPenguinAnd in that time, I have processed 17MB of DHCP requests
20:22.57sorphinwell, since i got my 2nd UPS to start cooperating now
20:23.23sorphinmy sparcs are staying up, 11 days so far
20:24.04fileCosmicPenguin: 17MB? how the hell...
20:24.09CosmicPenguinOnly two pings though, and that was sorphin, right?  :)
20:24.37CosmicPenguinfile:  51968   17M DROP       udp  --  eth0   any     anywhere             anywhere           udp dpt:bootpc
20:24.51filehow disturbing
20:25.19Russits broadcast...
20:25.34Russis that in your network, or on a gateway
20:25.49CosmicPenguinThats on the shared cable modem network
20:26.28dsmithAdelphia has a rather short lease time, maybe comcast does too.
20:26.34sorphinCosmicPenguin: taht's one reason i'm glad why i don't have cablemodem
20:26.35Russcox is really bad for malconfigured dhcp servers
20:26.39Russlots of nak storms
20:26.41sorphintoo much .255 traffic
20:27.10CosmicPenguinsorphin: it makes my eth0 krell blink alot, but other than that I don't notice that much
20:27.44Russmy router has had 29M of port probing, worm packets, etc in 39 days
20:29.15CosmicPenguinHmmm... I'm getting a disturbing amount of 138 traffic from my eth1 network - which is odd, because my eth1 notwork doesn't have any clients
20:29.46fileanybody dealt with tunnels and FreeBSD here?
20:29.54sjhillCosmicPenguin: got a windows box on that network? :)
20:30.00CosmicPenguinRuss: typically, but my wife's laptop isn't on
20:30.12Russsamba, not smb
20:30.28CosmicPenguinOh, duh
20:30.33CosmicPenguinThats my samba server
20:30.48CosmicPenguinI think
20:31.09fileI had an idea of opening multiple PPPoE tunnels on my BSD box, do some fancy NAT stuff and block out hazardous ports (like netbios)
20:31.33filethen map them to the inside network to PCs, so PCs would still have their own outside IP... but still firewalled
20:31.55RussI don't understand the pppoe step
20:32.10fileRuss: my ADSL provider uses PPPoE
20:32.31fileRuss: in order to get more than 1 IP, I have to open another connection - which opens another tunnel
20:32.46filethe problem is that FreeBSD doesn't like two tunnels to the same target
20:33.12Russuserspace, or kernel?
20:33.21sorphinfile: use aliases?
20:33.22Russ(ie, roaring penguin pppoe)
20:33.47filesorphin: elaborate
20:34.39sorphinfile: by target you mean the pppoe server or your freebsd box?
20:35.04filesorphin: ISP gateway
20:35.35filethe pppoe server you could say yes
20:36.34fileI think it may be a limitation in the FreeBSD tunneling stuff...
20:37.05filebecause I can connect a second time, get another ip, but when it tries to add the tunnel to the same gateway IP it won't work
20:38.04sorphincuz it doesn't know how to sort out between the tunnels
20:38.28filecould a userspace solution work?
20:39.00sorphinfile: yes, as long as it can cope w/ the external gateway being the same on every tunnel
20:39.32sorphinif it becomes a problem on your end
20:39.48sorphincuz i dunno how freebsd does tunnels
20:40.02sorphinjust use ip aliasing, to shove everything on one outgoing interface
20:46.33Russit won't be tunnels
20:46.47Russit'll just be a bunch of ppp# interfaces
20:47.12filewhat will
20:47.37Russstarting up a bunch of pppoe links
20:48.10fileon a userspace app?
20:48.16Russyou'll have to do some source based routing
20:48.24Russfile: I think thats the way it works
20:48.53filewell to begin with I need to find such a program
20:49.06Russroaring penguin pppoe
20:49.17fileyeah I have it, doesn't work :)
20:49.30Russdid you check yer logs?
20:49.45filewell I will soon, right now I'm eating LOL
20:50.04Russpersonally, I would use linux, but then, I've never used freebsd
20:50.48fileoh I used Linux, but switched to FreeBSD... I'll never go back now
20:56.42sorphini used freebsd
20:56.47sorphinquickly switched back to linux :P
21:13.15*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
21:13.56ade|deskevening peps
21:14.02ade|deskpeeps even :/
21:14.23ade|deskarh so cute
21:17.57ade|deskpoo i cant fine where the 'what works with uclibc' page , where did it go ?
21:18.23ade|deskfound it
21:18.37ade|deskcant see the trees
21:22.12Russits usually 'can't see the forest for the trees' or something like that
21:22.37ade|desksame diff
21:53.39fileI feel the need to smack whoever wrote this music across the head
21:53.47fileI mean really... 17 bars of the notes B and E over and over
21:54.53ade|deskfile: wtf ?
21:56.09fileade|desk: song... band... ugh
21:56.29ade|deskfile: riiiiiiight!
21:57.31fileade|desk: dude!!!!!!!
21:58.04*** join/#elinux ade|home (
21:59.01filewow, I killed you
22:25.04*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
22:25.22*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
22:30.05sorphinoh fun, i'm getting spam to my domain registration email now :P
22:42.46jnorkI'm getting spam to I haven't decided how to deal with it yet.
22:42.59jnorkTho the volume is low, or I might just be inspired...
22:58.25*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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23:02.09sorphinjnork: i direct things that are to non existant addrs to /dev/null
23:02.20sorphini get ceo@ support@ webmaster@ sales@, etc
23:02.25sorphinall to /dev/null
23:11.11sorphinya know, if i didn't need windows for some things, i'd trash it
23:11.28sorphinjust hw locked lil while ago, did a chkdsk, lost a buncha shit
23:11.39sorphinso much for NTFS's journaling
23:11.44sorphinbout as useful as ext3 :P
23:15.16jnorkWindows sucks.
23:40.49sorphinjnork: no kidding :P
23:40.58sorphinunfortunately, there's still a lot it has that linux doesn't
23:42.18marklwrklike monopolies
23:43.46sorphinand dvd authoring
23:44.40CosmicPenguinTimRiker: I think he means menuing
23:45.44TimRikerah. don't know of a reasonably priced windows solution for that. Are there some?
23:46.36jnorksorphin, no kidding. I don't say that because I'm biased, either. I say it because Windows sucks. :)
23:47.04jnorkI've been trying to migrate away from it.

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