irclog2html for #elinux on 20031022

00:50.21*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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02:10.03chouimatkergoth: ping
02:40.49*** join/#elinux TomW (~TomW@
02:41.52chouimathi TomW
02:42.00TomWanyone have any info on how to append a binary image onto a bourne shell script to make a package that checks some system stuff and installs the attached binary?
02:42.37TomWI know that I have seen this done, I just cannot recall where.  I have a brain-dead user that can login as root and I want to tell him to "./"
02:42.44chouimatTomW: there is something for that on but I can't remember the name
02:43.01TomWyeah, one of those deals of "seen it, but" ?
02:44.45CosmicPenguinCan't you just base64 it and make it a huge variable in the bash?
02:45.14TomWCosmicPenguin: dunno, I am not that good with bash scripts, perl I do okay, but not bash.
02:45.42chouimatanyone know a good (and cheap) scsi 160 external enclosure ...
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02:45.59chouimathey kergoth
02:46.32TomWCosmicPenguin: 550K image
02:55.20chouimatok I'm going to sleep see you all tomorrow and hopefully my box will be working
02:58.16CosmicPenguinTomW: ahh
03:13.19TomWcool! it works.  :D
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03:39.30TomWdone did it, darn that works so nice too!
03:44.16CosmicPenguinWhat did you use?
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05:04.25CosmicPenguinHOw does it work?
05:07.00TomWyou write your own shell script to do normal stuff like look to see if user is running as root, target directory is writeable, what ever.  That bash script is named as the script to be run after the archive is untar'ed.  The makeself script creates a self-extracting tar that will then launch your shell script after everything is unpacked.
05:08.02TomWthen, all you have to do is: ./INSTALL-MIRCOM  (where INSTALL-MIRCOM is the self extracting tarball).
05:08.37kergothshell archives? ugh, never did like that installation meth
05:08.38TomWkeeps it simple for the "technically challanged".
05:09.07CosmicPenguinIts good for those still stuck in the windows setup.exe paradigm
05:10.23TomWThey have an older version of glibc on their linux box and my RPM is built using the newer glibc, the idiots cannot figure out how to upgrade the system without wiping it and doing a re-install.  So, I built a statically linked binary and sent that to them.
05:12.40TomWtalk about technically challanged, they had problems installing the first RPM I sent them, ..., with complete blow-by-blow instructions on how to do it.  They complained that the RedHat RPM tool wouldn't install it, so I asked them if they could log into the text console.  Once I got them to do that ...
05:13.34TomWI think they are tethered to the mouse or something.  Cannot use thier fingers to do anything but click.
05:15.01TomWCosmicPenguin: heh, these are the same people that I will be building an embedded linux controller to replace an existing product.  Do you think that I will have any guarnentee of future work?
05:15.34CosmicPenguinAs long as you can keep from laughing on the phone... :)
05:16.43TomWyeah, well, it will have a secure shell available to it: "attach an external modem + phone line, then short this jumper, and it will call TomW's computer"..
05:17.15CosmicPenguinHey, its work
05:17.19CosmicPenguinAnywork is good work
05:17.27TomWWhen all else fails: Time & Materials
05:17.41TomWCosmicPenguin: later, night.
08:35.32*** join/#elinux mallum (
08:51.40anderseeanybody home
08:53.07anderseeA little pic of my uClibc only debian system....
08:54.44fontenothi andersee
08:54.52anderseefontenot: hey
08:55.34fontenotis that a one-off or is there a debian/uclibc project?
08:56.35anderseefontenot: nothing official, just me...
08:57.09anderseebut I don't think that makes things particularly official
08:58.01anderseeI've got a bit of polishing up to do before I release it to the world
08:58.17anderseebut gosh does 'apt-get source -b <foo>' make it easy to compile stuff
08:58.22fontenotcool. I'll definitely play with it when you do
08:59.04anderseegeneral plan is to release it at the end of the week, at the same time as uClibc 0.9.22
08:59.31fontenotwhat's new in 0.9.22?
09:00.05anderseefor starters.... all the bugs I found while building the debian system are fixed
09:00.45anderseelots of little gotcha
09:00.45fontenotcool :-D
09:00.58fontenotthings assuming glibc?
09:01.10fontenotor actual bugs in uclibc?
09:02.06anderseemissing obscure headers added, removed prototypes of functions not implemented by uClibc, the config system inadvertantly undefined symbols it shouldn't have...
09:02.41anderseeI also found/fixed a segfault in uClibc networking code that was turned up by using rdate
09:02.59fontenotwow you've been busy
09:03.01anderseelots of stuff like that
09:03.31fontenotso you actually get to do real work - not just chase GPL violators. cool
09:03.52fontenotever hear anything back on the Hauppauge MediaMVP ?
09:04.09anderseeI should spend more time chasing evil doers...
09:04.38anderseeoh well
09:04.49anderseeI sent the info off to my dad
09:05.35anderseeWe have a call scheduled this afternoon, so I'm sure my dad and I will discuss the MediaMVP then
09:05.39fontenoti guess now we just wait (and wait for them to reapond)
09:07.36anderseefontenot: well, I'm off for the night
09:07.46anderseefontenot: catch you later
09:07.48fontenotok have a good one - 'night
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14:25.26sievemorning all
14:27.16TomWyeah, it is. heh
14:27.24TomWsieve: good morninig
14:35.47*** join/#elinux chouimat (
14:38.55CosmicPenguinDidn't I just see you guys in here like 7 hours ago?  :)
14:39.21chouimatCosmicPenguin more than that
14:40.34chouimatCosmicPenguin ok my box is recovered and I lost a lot but not the more important document I have here ... my resume :)
14:40.58CosmicPenguinThats good - I have a redundant copy though..... :)
14:41.17chouimatCosmicPenguin yup but only the english version
14:42.42chouimathmmm a new ibook g4
14:44.24chouimatok now time to do the great Compile KDE HEAD and various version of QTOPIA/OPIE
14:46.00chouimatCosmicPenguin I know ... gcc sucks while compiling C++
14:46.12CosmicPenguinWell no - QTOPIA sucks
14:46.17CosmicPenguinBut ditto on the C++
14:46.48chouimatyup it sucks too I just hope they stop changing the api as often they change underwears
14:52.02CosmicPenguinQT developers wear underwear?
14:52.42chouimatCosmicPenguin I think thoses I meet at the kde conference wears that :)
14:55.30CosmicPenguinCould've fooled me
14:58.16chouimatCosmicPenguin and btw LVM rocks
14:59.20*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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15:00.01leviGood morning, folks.
15:00.25CosmicPenguinYou mentioned that
15:00.36CosmicPenguinlevi: morning
15:03.19leviI'm attempting to get a dev environment set up to compile a simple text-mode app for my OpenZaurus Z.  I got the toolchain from and the oz buildroot, but the default config seems like overkill and is not building cleanly anyway.
15:06.20kergothrm .config
15:06.22kergothmake menuconfig
15:06.26kergothenable what you want and only what you want
15:06.29kergothsave, exit, make.
15:07.44leviWell, I figured that much.  There's just a lot of stuff in there.
15:09.36chouimathi kergoth
15:10.44kergothof course there is.
15:15.11kergothif you dont need it, dont build it.  its just like any other buildroot, except you can exert tight control over what builds, and it follows interpackage build dependency.
15:17.04kergothCosmicPenguin: were there perty colors?
15:17.18CosmicPenguinJust lots of packages
15:17.48CosmicPenguinWhich means I need to get off my ass and finish my responsibilities
15:18.02CosmicPenguinIs the compiler fixed as to that math issue yet?
15:27.39CosmicPenguinalso, the OZ e2fsprogs target is broken
15:39.05kergothisnt as of a couple days ago
15:39.13kergothi fixed e2fsprogs and added e2fsprogs-libs
15:41.28CosmicPenguinOZ not OE
15:41.28CosmicPenguinI just bked up
15:41.29CosmicPenguinNot a big deal - but I thought if people were still using OZ
15:41.35kergothah, gotcha
15:41.50kergothpeople probably are, but none of the devs are putting any time into it. so any breakage is expected
15:43.42CosmicPenguinit seems that the debian mirror has changed
15:43.51CosmicPenguinBut like I said no biggy
15:44.17CosmicPenguinSo, are you going to pull in menuconfig for OE too, or do you have something else in mind when it comes to building complete images?
15:48.19kergothI want something like menuconfig for our configuration interface
15:49.03kergoththere's global config metadata (toplevel, per package config data ( within FILESDIR), and actual package selection, for which the config interface should parse the package .oe files directly
15:49.20kergothso one piece can be done via libkconfig from LKC, the other needs to be written
16:08.06CosmicPenguinWhat makes some packages appear on a mirror, and others not?
16:08.20CosmicPenguinFor example, e2fsprogs is on the sourcforge mirror, but pixdev isn't
16:09.25kergothhm, not sure
16:11.46CosmicPenguinThat may have been my bad
16:15.26CosmicPenguinkergoth: So, let me ask you a qustion
16:15.37CosmicPenguinEventually, Pixil will be suitable for both X11 and Microwindows
16:15.53CosmicPenguinHow should something like that be handled re dependancies and stuff
16:15.57CosmicPenguinShould there be two seperate packages?
16:16.02CosmicPenguinOr can we munge it all together?
16:16.42kergothheh, was just talking about that with treke this weekend
16:16.46kergoththere are two situations of this sort
16:16.54kergothone is an exclusive configuration item
16:16.59kergothand another is an _additional_ item
16:17.11kergothe.g. links can have fb, and directfb, and ..
16:17.30kergothin that case, we'll have something like gentoo's USE flags, to make it use it in addition
16:17.57kergothbut for exclusive.. thats a whole different ballgame. really they share teh same core metadata, its still just ac onfig change, but we want to treat them as seperate entities so both get built
16:18.17kergothin that case i'd recommend one core .oe with the shared data between them, and two .oe's for the two versions that include it.
16:18.21kergothat least for now.
16:23.08chouimatarrrgggg -4C
16:23.49CosmicPenguinHmmm... ok
16:24.05CosmicPenguinPixil is really exclusive, I guess there could be shared data, but since most of it is graphical
16:24.33CosmicPenguinWell, actually - now that I think about it
16:25.21kergothwell, i mean the metadata will be shared.
16:25.28kergothdo_compile() (how we build this)
16:25.42kergothsince all you're changing is say, EXTRA_OECONF to change the ./configure parameters
16:25.51kergothand of course the package name will be different
16:26.06kergothsomething like pixil-fb, sort of how debian handles sdl.
16:30.44CosmicPenguinAhh... I see
16:31.03kergothEXTRA_OECONF = configparams
16:31.13kergothinclude pixil-shareddata.oe
16:31.17kergothor what have you
16:31.26CosmicPenguinYeah - we don't use ./configure, so it would be a different make target to build the .x11 config instead
16:31.29CosmicPenguinBut same idea
16:31.30kergoththen just dont ever try building pixil-shareddata.oe by itself
16:31.34kergothyou can override any item of metadata
16:31.39kergothso do_compile()
16:31.40kergothor whatever
16:32.10CosmicPenguinThe only difference would really be the dependancies (ie pixil-x11 needs X11 and FLTK, where as pixil-microwin only needs Microwindows)
16:32.13CosmicPenguinAnd thatsa bout it
16:32.34CosmicPenguinThats in the future anyway - I'll just get the MW target working for now, and then we can move from there
16:33.02kergothlooks like i have the modular rootfs populator working well now
16:33.03CosmicPenguinI want to get these OE targets to you so they will be available when the final image system gets put together
16:33.11CosmicPenguinkergoth: sweet
16:33.30kergothOEFILES=*/*.oe INST_OEPKGS='glibc ncurses openssl' oeinstall -t ipk -r /path/to/rootfs
16:33.39kergothor whatever
16:33.39CosmicPenguinkergoth: I have a perl script that can dynamically figure out which shared libraries are needed, and copies them from the right directories
16:33.45CosmicPenguinkergoth: would anything like that be useful?
16:34.14kergothwe need something like that, to analyze the installed dir after do_install() and update RDEPENDS for the runtime package dependency based on it
16:34.24kergothlike debian's dh_shlibdeps
16:34.27kergothand rpm's
16:34.57CosmicPenguinkergoth: I use it for my other buildroots.  I've been meaning to send it to andersee
16:35.32kergoththe thing thats slightly complex, we need to store the association between what shlibs are provided by what packages
16:35.40CosmicPenguinThats tough
16:35.41kergothso it knows what pakcage name to depend on
16:35.48kergothin rpm/deb, it can check the packaging db
16:35.59kergothhere, we need to store it in our metadata and obtain it later
16:36.14kergothwhich means our metadata handling needs to know how to write out changes to the .oe/.conf files
16:36.18kergothwhich it cant right now
16:36.21kergothfun fun
16:36.37CosmicPenguinwhats the oe devel room?  #oe?
16:37.26CosmicPenguinWow - you're popular... :)
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18:56.06ade|deskevening all
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20:24.07CosmicPenguinHas anyone ever see anything that uses the XScale MMU to speed up memcpys?
20:24.14CosmicPenguinSorry - AAU, not MMU
20:59.14*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
21:03.10*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
21:03.26prpplagueho ho ho
21:07.00CosmicPenguinprpplague: just the crazy guy I wanted to see
21:07.17prpplaguewhat did i do?
21:07.31CosmicPenguinHow much Xscale work have you done?
21:07.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: just my work on that bitsyx knock off
21:08.02prpplagueCosmicPenguin: haven't been able to get my hands on a good board
21:08.07CosmicPenguinprpplague: I see
21:08.24prpplagueCosmicPenguin: other arm cpu's seem to be stable IMHO right now
21:08.27CosmicPenguinprpplague: I've been tasked with investigating the potential of using the AAU to speed up the TCP/IP stack
21:08.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: lovely
21:08.48CosmicPenguinOn the 80310 chipset
21:09.03CosmicPenguinAnd there used to be a aau_memcpy, but it was removed from the kernel back about 2.4.19, and I don't know why
21:10.17prpplagueCosmicPenguin: nothing in the changelog?
21:11.45CosmicPenguinprpplague: the other thing the AAU provides is fast XOR operations on a block of memory
21:11.57CosmicPenguinAnd thats important to the RAID subsystem
21:12.25CosmicPenguinSo the Montavista patches indicate that they pulled the old aau driver, and did a new one specifically for the RAID optimization
21:12.51CosmicPenguinBut why get rid of a useful function just because nobody happened to be using it at that point in time?
21:13.04kergothheh, odd
21:14.05CosmicPenguinAnd of course, since 2.4.9 was a while ago, and Montavista apparently doesn't believe in legacy code
21:14.29CosmicPenguinThe only copy of the aau_memcpy() I could find comes straight out of the Intel documentation
21:14.31CosmicPenguinbelieve it or not
21:15.13prpplagueCosmicPenguin: thats very odd
21:18.39CosmicPenguinYou would have to have something pre 2.4.19 with the montavista iop31xx patch
21:20.14CosmicPenguinHmm.... I found an old deepak patch
21:21.34CosmicPenguingot it
21:28.20prpplaguei found some ref's by deepak, but no code
21:28.23prpplagueoh well
21:29.24prpplagueoh well, i'm outty
21:29.34prpplaguegotta head to the airport
21:29.36chouimatbye prpplague
21:30.00prpplaguechouimat: later
21:39.23GPSFanCosmicPenguin: I've got a mv source tree for 2.4.17, and there is a aau_memcpy  in aau.c Is that what you are looking for?
21:40.07CosmicPenguinGPSFan: yeah thats it - I found a patch and got it
21:40.10CosmicPenguinGPSFan: but thanks... :)
21:40.35GPSFanCosmicPenguin: ok good, remember I've got that if you need anything else.
22:07.04Russnice fsf update
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