irclog2html for #elinux on 20031015

00:17.58CosmicPenguinNow, IF I could just figure out how to turn off AA for certain sizes, I would be set
00:45.25*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
01:09.58*** join/#elinux ShadowRage (
01:12.36ShadowRagewhat're some other embedded progs?
02:35.17*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
02:43.16*** join/#elinux rcludw (
02:45.00ShadowRagewhat're some other embedded progs?
02:45.16ShadowRagewhat's a site that lists miniturized apps?
02:45.57TomWminiturized as in what?
02:47.05TomWShadowRage: what is it that you are trying to do?
02:47.23ShadowRagemaking a mini-linux distribution
02:47.54ShadowRageso that it can fit on a floppy and possibly be used in handhelds as well
02:48.19ShadowRageand utilize less than 4 megs of ram
02:48.33ShadowRagehell, less than 2 would be great
02:48.52TomWmaybe you could look at then.
02:50.57TomWShadowRage: then take a look at:
02:51.04rcludwI was able to get a kernel and other programs to fit on a floppy earlier this year....
02:51.18ShadowRagercludw: sweet
02:51.59rcludwI had to build it myself but I know it was possible....
02:53.33ShadowRagercludw: funny how some moron in #slackware was telling me it wasnt possible at all
02:53.50ShadowRageand when I pointed out the floppy distros, he said those dont run kernels
02:54.02ShadowRagehe's only been using linux for 4 months
02:54.12rcludwIt's funny how I took the slackware kernel and made it fit on a floppy.
02:54.13ShadowRagehe said the kernel averages at 5 mb
02:54.28ShadowRagemaybe on redhat
02:54.40ShadowRagemy custom kernel is 600-800k on my current running system
02:54.57rcludwI really had to trim down the config file to something real small.  
02:55.25ShadowRageI test compiled some apps using diet libc (not using it officially, too buggy and most apps dont compile with it that well) and so far I'm using under 100k
02:55.39ShadowRage2.4 or a 2.2?
02:55.46ShadowRageI need something that uses less than 4 megs of ram
02:55.48rcludw2.4 kernel.
02:56.00rcludwI don't know if it used less than 4 megs of ram total, though.
02:56.08*** join/#elinux pebenito (
02:56.45rcludwIt had a 400k kernel, glibc, busybox, and my target program.
02:57.07rcludwMaybe the kernel was 600k... or so...
02:57.56rcludwAnyway... the point was the target system had to run off a floppy because the cdrom drive may not be available to the end user.
02:59.24ShadowRagegoing to use uclibc
02:59.30ShadowRageand strip all the binaries
02:59.59ShadowRageand for stuff that boots the system, twsinit, fgetty, etc
03:00.19ShadowRageassembly kicks ass when having to deal with space and ram issues
03:00.48rcludwSo, I wrote a windows batch script to format the floppy, put the kernel on, the bootblock, the initial ram disk .... and voila'.
03:01.06TomW`busychouimat: I'm stuck coding more 8051 crap.. :(
03:01.46rcludwI put my target program in the initrd, so I didn't need to compile the fat driver. ;)
03:01.50chouimatTomW`busy: currently need to build a multitrack recording worksattion
03:02.20ShadowRagercludw: I forget, what is the initrd?
03:02.39TomW`busychouimat: maybe when I get this stuff out of the way I can get back to the webpal again.
03:02.53rcludwInitial ram disk.... sometimes loaded by the bootloader at the same time the kernel is loaded.
03:03.26ShadowRagething is, for low mem systems, you dont want an extra ram disk
03:03.46ShadowRagethe small linux kernel is good for low ram, but too old and lacks too much function for my tastes
03:04.43rcludwIn my case, since I ran only out of the initial ram disk, it wasn't really a problem for me anyway...
03:05.26rcludwBut, the kernel does free the initrd I believe once it's done with it.  Useful for loading extra modules at boot time.
03:06.41CosmicPenguinTomW`busy: webpal... whats that?  :)
03:06.53CosmicPenguinTomW`busy: mine still sits where it first was placed and plugged in, the night i got it
03:07.20ShadowRagercludw: if you're interested, my project is acidlinux
03:07.29ShadowRagercludw: #acidlinux
03:08.11ShadowRageor #acidlinux if irc gives you issues (one of the servers are down on ther ound robin, and we really cant fix it atm)
03:08.19ShadowRagethe round*
03:08.24TomWyeah, I sent the customer a partial draft of the doc for the embedded system he wanted the quote on and asked him if "am I going in the right direction here?"
03:09.16rcludwThanks, ShadowRage.
03:09.24TomWCosmicPenguin: I really really wanted to get linux running on the webpal, booting from the CF, with Apache, etc. running so I could show him a working concept, but...
03:09.52TomWCosmicPenguin: oh well.
03:09.56CosmicPenguinTomW: I hear ya
03:10.09CosmicPenguinTomW`busy: I feel the same about my tuxscreen
03:10.21ShadowRageI want a tuxscreen
03:10.39rcludwI know someone who has one, ShadowRage
03:10.39ShadowRagetoo bad they made them in limited quantities
03:10.55ShadowRagewhy was that anyways?
03:14.03*** join/#elinux LIM2 (
03:14.30ShadowRageit appears my main server died as well
03:19.35chouimatTomW`busy: have fun ... I going to sleep
03:20.30rcludwAny kernel devs around?  I'm having trouble with a serial pcmcia card.
03:21.35chouimatrcludw: try on working hours in north america
03:22.11rcludwThat would be nice, if I wasn't working....
03:22.42LIM2you are still at work?
03:22.54rcludwOnly during working hours.
03:23.12LIM2you think you are funny, don'tcha
03:23.28rcludwNo.... not in the least.
03:24.20rcludwThanks chouimat. ;)
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03:50.27*** part/#elinux rcludw (
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13:58.47chouimathi prpplague
13:59.01prpplaguechouimat: lo
14:04.10*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
14:07.07prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ho ho ho
14:07.56prpplagueCosmicPenguin: linksys/cisco-"someone send us up the GPL" FSF-"hello gentlemen, all your code are belong to us"
14:07.57CosmicPenguinIt may not last - I've having trouble focusing between one and the other
14:09.15prpplagueCosmicPenguin: having to start taking bran in the morning?
14:09.22CosmicPenguinmy eyes are shot
14:09.47prpplagueCosmicPenguin: isn't that due to playing with your self?
14:10.06CosmicPenguinThe rumors are true then
14:12.14CosmicPenguinI'm sorry for keithp and the other guys - the font stuff is cool and all, but I can't focus on that small of an AA font
14:13.34CosmicPenguinAnd non AAed fonts look like absolute crap when rendered with Xft
14:13.59mallumCosmicPenguin: install ximian desktop II and see how well that does the fonts
14:15.21CosmicPenguinmallum: I might later - for now, I just want to get my system back to a readable state
14:16.01mallumCosmicPenguin: the vera fonts look shit at less than 8pts
14:16.09CosmicPenguinno joke
14:16.19mallumCosmicPenguin: if you want decent ttf's smaller than that you'll need the m$ ones
14:21.48prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ha, remember the xscale kiosk i brought up a couple weeks ago
14:21.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ?
14:25.53CosmicPenguinmallum: I tried the M$ ones - Verdana and Tahoma...
14:30.56CosmicPenguinprpplague: is that the device?
14:31.23prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea
14:31.36prpplagueCosmicPenguin: got a knock off of the xbitsy
14:31.59CosmicPenguinmallum: At least I've got the code compiled now - at some point in the future, I'll get a hair up my ass and try again
14:32.55prpplagueCosmicPenguin: anyway the company that makes it wants a buildroot for it
14:33.06prpplagueCosmicPenguin: what should i charge them for it?
14:34.43*** join/#elinux sieve|work (~sieve@
14:39.35prpplagueibot: send pb_
14:39.37prpplague: I don't know, could you explain it?
14:39.44prpplagueibot: seen pb_
14:39.45pb_ <~pb@2002:5160:45ef:0:2e0:7dff:fe74:8b87> was last seen on IRC in channel #openembedded, 15h 32m 26s ago, saying: 'yep, and busybox is no exception to that.'.
14:40.03prpplagueTimRiker: feeling any better today?
14:51.51sievemorning all
19:57.31*** part/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
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19:57.35TimRikerprpplague: tired, but not sick. ;-)
19:57.39*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
19:58.21*** join/#elinux rcludw (
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19:58.26prpplaguejeeze -,632,248.WKU.&OS=PN/6,632,248&RS=PN/6,632,248
19:58.27prpplaguewouldn't most of that be the same as getting you environment default when logging in to a nix box?
19:58.27chouimatprpplague: technicaly it's the same
19:58.31prpplaguechouimat: what the frick is that?
20:00.03*** join/#elinux ibot (
20:00.03*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || debian-handheld list is up.
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20:45.10jacquesanyone know anything about the hauppage (sp) MediaMVP ?  it runs linux but I cant find any more info
20:45.19jacquestrying to get a guy here let me open his up
20:48.20*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
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21:17.37*** join/#elinux Russ (
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21:31.54Russis anyone yet aware of
21:32.51CosmicPenguinHoly poop - I know that guy
21:34.46CosmicPenguinA while back, I talked to a guy from EasyNetworks in OZ about putting RDP and Nano-X on a floppy but it never materialized
21:39.55prpplagueRuss: holy cow
21:40.15prpplagueRuss: i've used rdesktop in several products
21:40.31prpplagueRuss: i guess that would be a $$$ product for someone to rip off
21:40.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: really?
21:40.51CosmicPenguinprpplague: no foolin'
21:40.56prpplagueCosmicPenguin: sounds like they took your idea and ran
21:41.20CosmicPenguinprpplague: it was their idea, but it looks like they didn't end up using Microwindows
21:42.06prpplagueCosmicPenguin: oh
21:42.18prpplagueCosmicPenguin: still thats pretty blatant violation
21:46.23CosmicPenguinThats who did the engineering
22:20.42CosmicPenguinlol - I just got an e-mail from VIA responding to an email that I sent last November!!!!!
22:21.05kergothman, thats some serious lag
22:21.36jacquesthe email about mpeg2 decoding on mini-itx?
22:22.05jacqueshave they bothered to do something now that someone has reverse engineered their binary drivers and released all the info a couple months ago?
22:22.34CosmicPenguinYeah, but that reverse engineered driver is crap
22:22.59jacquesoh :-(
22:23.43*** join/#elinux chouimat (
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22:56.29Russwhat does BVD do on pcmcia again?
22:58.08*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
23:06.19Russdoes one even need to hook up BVD?

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