irclog2html for #elinux on 20031003

00:33.48Russheh, another cool feature of epia boards, you don't need a monitor to fix them, just plug in the svidio
00:38.11fileI had to pull my fileserver out today and hook a monitor up... I rebooted it, and it didn't come back on the network
00:38.17filehad to fsck everything... bleh goes to vesafb and the picture goes away
00:40.13Russthats no good
00:45.35TomWRuss: no connection: "telnet 25"
00:45.52Russya, I know
00:46.00RussI set up a redircect somewhere else
02:01.05*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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02:32.05ab0ooany JTAG gurus here?  I've got one that I can't get to work.
02:54.01*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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03:33.35ab0ooTim, are you really there?
03:34.04TimRikeronce in a while...
03:34.18ab0ooman, I am about at my wits end with my TuxScreen...
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03:34.45ab0ooafter 6 weeks, I got my JTAG from AlephOne...
03:34.50ab0ooI Still have a brick.
03:35.35ab0ooI'm not sure I'm smart enough to un-brick this thing.   Stupid question:  do I _have_ to have 4 AA batteries in this thing to make it work?
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03:37.04ab0oohave you ever JTAGed a TuxScreen?
03:37.50TimRikerquite a few. I use the holly gates dongle and jflash
03:38.02TimRikertry reading first and if that's ok, then writing should work.
03:38.20TimRikerI only jflash blob then use blob to do the filesystem
03:38.24ab0ooI can read, but the dump from the read looks, erm, corrupted.
03:38.30TimRikeryou can do the whole thing, but it's slow.
03:38.40ab0ooI get a different checksum every time I flash the blob...
03:38.43TimRikerdoes it boot?
03:38.51ab0ooNo, gray screen, no serial output.
03:38.52TimRikerie: how did you get here?
03:39.33ab0oowas trying to reflash the blob and I apparantly didn't get all of the memory blocks unlocked with the 12V correctly (some were, some weren't), and after one reboot, BAM, no screen.
03:40.20TimRikeryou were using inferno (sboot) to flash?
03:40.28TimRikeryour blob image is < 32k ?
03:40.41ab0ooNah, I had Linux on it, and was trying to flash to a newer blob.
03:40.45ab0ooprobably not.
03:40.52ab0ooI'm trying v.4 right now.
03:41.08TimRikeronce Linux is on it, all the blocks should be unlocked.
03:41.21ab0oobut I get a different checksum.  Also, my "device id" from the JTAG is a constantly moving target, i.e.:
03:41.37TimRikersounds like a cabling issue.
03:41.43ab0oo[root@kcnopc24 jflash]# ./flash < ./tuxscreen-blob error, failed to read device ID ACT: 1111 1110000000000000 00000001001 1 EXP: X001 0001000010000100 00000110101 1
03:42.00ab0oohmm, missing the "\n"'s in there...
03:42.13ab0oocabling, i.e. jtag to tux?
03:42.21TimRikershorten up the cables, and try using smaller cables. A ribbon cable works much better than wires.
03:43.17ab0ooI'm using a 6 inch ribbon cable, the bare ribbons are soldered directly to the JTAG pins (I figured they're long enough to sink the heat before I fried the chip on the jtag)
03:43.36TimRiker <- note the ribbon cable.
03:43.49ab0oothe other end uses a gold-plated 13pin header.
03:43.56ab0ooMine's MUCH shorter than that.
03:44.25TimRikeryou ran the wires through the board, yes?
03:44.33TimRikersome contacts are on the other side iirc
03:45.16TimRiker13 pin header on the board... then a connector to the ribbon cable?
03:45.18ab0ooyes, the pins of the header are soldered to the pads on the board...  Hmm, I think all pads are on the same side.  I could be wrong here....
03:45.36TimRikerpads? there are holes.
03:46.09ab0ooright, 13 holes, but one side of the board has pads around the holes.  HAng on...
03:46.34ab0ooMine looks VERY similar, but with gold pins...
03:46.40ab0ooeven dremeled a hole inthe case...
03:47.03ab0ooall of the solder is on the top side of the board...
03:47.37TimRiker <- like this? ;-)
03:47.53ab0ooalmost identical.
03:48.18ab0ooI'd take pictures, but my wife took the digital camera to NYC, and I can't find where she put it when she came home.. :(
03:48.48ab0ooAll of my connections OHM out good, but it's a VERY moving target to hit the correct device ID.
03:48.59TimRikerheh. all those are images I took and they are on the wiki page.
03:49.03ab0oowhen I disconnect the JTAG, it gives me all ones...
03:49.16ab0ooI've seen them all before.  I've been following that page to the letter.
03:49.49ab0oobelieve me, I wouldn't ask for help if I hadn't read the FM...
03:49.49TimRikeryou using a holly gates dongle? or home built? got the caps in there?
03:50.09ab0ooI got it from AlephOne.  Freshly built.  Took 'em 6 weeks.
03:51.10ab0ooLooks just like this one:
03:52.00ab0oohave you had to do the 100 Ohm resistor addition between pins 6 and 7 on the JTAG connector?
03:52.17TimRikeryep. same.
03:52.44TimRikerie: same dongle. no resistor.
03:52.49ab0oodoes your device ID sync up first time every time?
03:53.21TimRikeryes. but I had to mess with the cable to get one that worked well.
03:53.43TimRikernow I've used the same dongle and cable on 10 or so phones. works every time.
03:53.45ab0ooand, do you get the same number of bytes transferred every time?  Because it's a "no" for me on both.
03:53.55TimRikeryes for me on both.
03:54.08ab0oook, it's gotta be my cable...
03:54.13ab0ooat least, I hope.
03:54.28TimRikerI kept playing with it till I could always get the same id and the same data on reads before I tried writes.
03:54.34ab0oolook at this:  <hang on while I cut and paste>
03:55.08ab0ooRe~ett|ng ~dct~fy |efa|dts~
03:55.12ab0oono, just one line.
03:55.43ab0ooThat is a line from me running "strings" on a "read" from the jtag.  It's got corrupted chars in the middle of the words...
03:56.00ab0oothe WHOLE file is like that.  random chars in words replaced with "~"
03:56.30ab0oook, I'll buy that.  so these JTAGs really DO work, it's just a matter of coaxing them along?
03:57.07TimRikeris is always byte 3 of 4 that's messed up?
03:57.07ab0oook.  Got any more phones?  <laughs>
03:57.25ab0ooit kind of looks like it.  could it be a bad memory chip?
03:57.46TimRikerall your reads show the same?
03:58.00TimRikerie: not the same data, but the same bad bytes
03:58.19ab0ooI've only done one read.  Hang on and I'll do another...
03:58.46TimRikerI've got a few phones around that need looking into.
03:58.57TimRikersome boot, some don't some are missing parts, etc.
03:59.26ab0ooI'll bet you wife/S-O loves all those parts lying around....  mine sure does...
04:00.00TimRikerdo you know which blob was there in the first place?
04:00.07ab0ooman, the reads take forever... I guess 650 bytes per sec....
04:00.08TimRikertry putting the same one back?
04:00.38TimRikeryeah. un buffered jtag over parallel. not exactly the fasted thing invented. ;-/
04:01.16ab0oowell, I read 245k and strings found nothing.  hang on and I'll let it run a little longer....
04:01.51ab0ooit's really frustrating that I was so careful connecting the JTAG.  I really tried to make sure my ducks were in a row...
04:03.11TimRikerblob is only the first 32k normally. can be up to 128k but no likely to be over 64k.
04:03.20TimRikers/no /not/
04:04.55ab0oothese files look completely different.  RADICALLY different.
04:05.14ab0ooI don't see the same "every third character corrupted" thing, though....
04:05.30ab0oowhat would I see if I had a single bank of memory that was bad?
04:05.50TimRikerthis is flash, not ram.
04:06.13TimRikerseems to me there are 2 flash chips, and each has like 4 bit locks or some such.
04:06.27TimRikerhmm. 2 bits perhaps.
04:07.07ab0ooahh, flash, not ram.  I could see screwing up the SODIMM, but I haven't been near the flash...
04:07.21ab0ooer, is the flash near the PCMCIA slots?
04:07.30ab0ooI _DID_ do the 5v hack...
04:07.31TimRikeryou can pull the sodimm out and it'll still boot.
04:07.54ab0oodon't think I dropped any solder, but still........
04:10.47TimRiker <- flash are the bottom 2 on the right iirc
04:13.54ab0ooopposite board.  chances are pretty slim on screwing that up...
04:15.19ab0oook, well, let me bang away on getting a clean read from the flash, and then seeing if I can get a decent write.  Thank looks like the main problems.
04:15.29ab0oo(the connector being flaky, that is.
04:17.36ab0oothanks for your help.  You know, I'm in the middle of starting a wireless ISP (802.11b), and there's a BUNCH of 2.4ghz RF around here.  I wonder if my cable is cut to a perfect 2.4ghz antenna length....
04:17.53ab0oothat would be a real hoot.
04:20.19ab0oohave you ever fried a JTAG?  are they pretty hardy little critters?
04:21.41TimRikerthe dongle? I've never fried one. but I never soldered anything to it either.
04:22.43ab0ooI'll shoot you an email if/when I get this beast figured out.  Thanks for the help.
04:22.58TimRikergood luck. ;-)
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09:07.23Russthat was fun
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15:31.04jacquesdid anyone ever end up producing the sound hardware for the tuxscreen - can't remember what it was called
15:38.24signal11_you mean a pcmcia sound card?
15:38.58jacquessorry the little circuits that allowed the tux to do VOIP
15:40.29CosmicPenguiniirc, it was just for sound
15:40.45CosmicPenguinI can't recall anyone ever figuring out how to pipe sound back into the Wheaties
15:42.37jacquesi was hoping to play with VOIP on the tux
15:42.57CosmicPenguinI lied
15:43.10CosmicPenguinNobody has figured out how to get the sound from the headset from the Wheaties
15:43.34CosmicPenguinAnd then the incoming sound back into the headset
15:46.17CosmicPenguinjacques: everything we know is here
15:47.00MornWorkmorning folks
15:47.29MornWorkCosmicPenguin: I plan to install Pixil on my spare ipaq this weekend
15:47.56CosmicPenguinMornWork: good luck with all of that... :)
15:48.10MornWorkthanks, it should be fun while taking large doses of codine
15:48.13CosmicPenguinMornWork: If you want OZ targets, I've got them
15:48.24MornWorkI never got a Zaurus :-(
15:48.30CosmicPenguinOZ builds for Ipaq too
15:48.48MornWorkI didn't know that
15:49.07CosmicPenguinI'm still working on my OE targets - my compiler is buggy with that map issue that Lethal pointed out a few days ago
15:49.28MornWorkis there a pixil mailing list?
15:49.47kergothCosmicPenguin: you have a url to that handy? should add the patch to the gcc 3.3.1 .oe
15:49.48CosmicPenguinThere is one at
15:49.56MornWorkcool, I'll join it
15:49.56CosmicPenguinkergoth: I lost it... :(
15:50.05kergothLethal: ping
15:50.16CosmicPenguinMornWork:  Just be careful - anything you say there may be sold commercially
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15:50.34MornWorkI ruptured an eardrum recently, so I'm a bit out of it
15:50.38MornWorkhi Tim
15:50.45kergothouch, sorry to hear that
15:50.54CosmicPenguinI applied for a Sourceforge site to be a completely open developers site
15:51.10timriker_CosmicPenguin: huh?
15:51.47MornWorkI'm going to get some lunch and see if ti calms my stomach down from the pain killers
15:53.22timriker_"completely open developers site"
15:53.30kergothtimriker_: pixil
15:53.37kergothCosmicPenguin: you ever decide on a name?
15:54.17timriker_pexel? ;-)
15:54.40CosmicPenguinAnd signal11_ talked me into Sourceforge - it really has everything I need
15:54.55timriker_when it's up that is.
15:55.20kergothheh, indeed
16:01.29*** part/#elinux ade|desk (~adavey@
16:05.13timriker_~dict pixel
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16:05.23timriker_"ColoredDot" ?
16:06.18CosmicPenguinIts an ex-Century convention!
16:07.24RocinanteCosmicPenguin: how're things going?
16:07.33CosmicPenguinThey're going
16:07.43CosmicPenguinHow about you?  Still causin' issues at Dick Simon?
16:08.21signal11_hey jeff whats new
16:08.39Rocinantenot much, you?
16:12.30Rocinantesignal11_: ever do NAT using an old 2.2.12 kernel?
16:17.37signal11_Rocinante: i used ipfwadm, I think that is 2.0.x.
16:17.43signal11_but there should be a ton of howtos
16:18.01kergoth2.2.x is ipchains.. well documented, and not hard to setup
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16:24.57Rocinantecool. Do you have an example of the ipchains command to handle a nat?
16:25.26kergothgoogle does.
16:26.35Rocinantefrom what I've found is they have the following options, deny, accept, forward, and masq
16:26.38Rocinantedo I use masq?
16:27.24kergothyes, you want to masquerade
16:27.41Rocinantegreat thanks....At least I know I on the right track...
16:28.06Rocinantethis works both inbound and outbound, right?
16:29.20kergothif you mean does it automatically route back inbound packets to the correct owner of that connection, yes
16:30.34RocinanteIf I set up vpn-like connection with some on the outside, I need to translate from a public to a private ip
16:30.43Rocinantewould I use nat/masp or just set up a tunnel?
16:30.56kergothmasq should work fine.
16:36.32CosmicPenguinTomW`gone: I thought netfilter was only for 2.4?
16:53.11Rocinantethanks I'll look at it
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17:16.15CosmicPenguinRocinante: you hear about Pixil?
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17:34.22RocinanteCosmicPenguin: yeah...I saw the announcement and invitation to the mailinglist...
17:34.38Rocinantewhat's uncle greg's plans?
17:39.06CosmicPenguinRocinante: I guess to sell lots of licences and rise from the dead
17:39.10CosmicPenguinain't gonna happen
17:52.16Rocinanteyeah that's kind of what I figured
17:52.24Rocinanteare you keeping busy?
18:02.11CosmicPenguinNot right now
18:02.20CosmicPenguinBut the last two months were non stop
18:11.02Rocinantethat's cool....(for the last 2 months...)
18:11.11Rocinanteheard from Trilogy?
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18:49.05CosmicPenguinRocinante: all the Trilogy e-mails bounce
18:49.53Rocinantei figured that
18:49.59RocinanteI think I tried that a while ago....
19:27.19TomWRocinante: sorry, I thought you were using v2.4 kernel.  I had redirected server ports into an internal 192.168 subnet using redir.  IIRC, ipchains wouldn't do it for me.
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