irclog2html for #elinux on 20030929

00:08.46kergoth~/coding/projects/user/oe/packages$ ls -p|grep -v \\.|wc -l
00:08.55kergoth78 packages in OE now
00:14.56kergother 79
00:41.01*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
01:19.06*** join/#elinux MornWork (~julie@mail.VERITE.ORG) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:19.06*** mode/#elinux [+b *!*] by
02:07.32*** join/#elinux Morn (
05:19.05*** join/#elinux legodude (
14:58.50*** join/#elinux ibot (
14:58.50*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || debian-handheld list is up.
14:58.50*** mode/#elinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ
14:59.22TomWchouimat: so, if you are on the "approved list" (i.e. good employee) you get access.
15:01.52chouimatTomW: something like that
15:03.40chouimatTomW: one of our customer has some problem dealing with some employee that used the internet connection at work at night for file ahring and porn
15:04.48TomWlol, clever person!
15:05.21TomWsure, track me down for using kazaa
15:05.44chouimatTomW: but normally this employee is not allowed to browse the internet, he only suppose to use the computer to do his job ...
15:06.46chouimatTomW: and kazaa is fun to block in a firewall ...
15:06.49TomWchouimat: what firewall software is that?
15:07.37chouimatTomW: it's for the next generation of watchout ... the product I'm working on for 3 years
15:07.45TomWwell, off to purchase a new cellphone!  
15:08.17*** join/#elinux sorphin (
15:08.26chouimathi sorphin
15:09.42ade|desklo y'all
15:10.03*** join/#elinux mallum (
15:30.17kergothprpplague: fucker.
15:30.21kergothdont remind me its monday
15:30.23kergoththats just .. mean
15:40.57sieve_workkergoth: sounds like somebody has a case of the Mondays
15:46.30kergothyou could get your ass kicked for saying something like that man.
15:54.34sorphinsieve_work: you said it wrong
15:54.50sorphinkergoth: sounds like you've got a case of the moooondays :P
16:06.08*** join/#elinux andersee (
16:06.08*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
16:12.58*** part/#elinux ade|desk (~adavey@
16:13.41prpplaguekergoth: lol
16:17.23*** part/#elinux sorphin (
16:22.02*** join/#elinux Igloo (~igloo@
16:22.12IglooHi all
16:22.50prpplagueIgloo is having a FPE issue he'd like to post a question about
16:23.26IglooI don't suppose anyone can think of a reason why GHC might parse 3.14159... as 8.619199512815383e97 on Arm? It's DTRT on every other arch I've tried, and the as info page just says "The ARM family uses IEEE floating-point numbers."
16:38.11prpplague~quote scox
16:41.21prpplaguei guess sco's stock was dropping too much so they had to put out some press releases
17:07.23*** join/#elinux pb_ (~pb@2002:5160:45ef:0:2e0:7dff:fe74:8b87)
17:09.19*** join/#elinux sjhill (~sjhill@
17:13.44prpplaguesjhill: hey hey, your pr guys spammed the product page on, lol
17:14.30sjhilli'm really hating all of sales and marketing
17:14.41sjhillfeel free to shoot them yourself
17:14.50kergothcan i help?
17:15.43sjhillkergoth: help shoot them? certainly
17:17.11prpplaguesjhill: guess they are like our sales mutants here, they just don't get it
17:22.33*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
18:33.41*** join/#elinux gatofisch (
18:59.26*** join/#elinux file[wifi] (
19:05.27*** join/#elinux lolium (
19:05.34loliumhas anyone ever used cfengine here?
19:17.33*** join/#elinux andersee (
19:17.33*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
19:19.46*** join/#elinux ade|home (
19:32.01prpplagueanyone got an example of maping a gpio as a keycode?
19:36.25kergothmapping a gpio as a keycode? like, when an interrupt is triggered by that gpio, send a keycode?
19:37.10*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
19:37.10prpplaguekergoth: affirmative
19:38.09kergothjust create a simple little input layer driver to register an interrupt handler and push the keycode up
19:38.13*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
19:38.44prpplaguekergoth: thats what i was thinking, just wanted to see a simple example
19:39.02kergothwell, the shannon input layer keyboard driver is pretty simple
19:39.15kergothjust strip out the keyboard matrix handling and stuff
19:39.27prpplaguekergoth: but that is based on rs-232 isn't it?
19:39.41prpplaguekergoth: or should i say serial not rs-232
19:39.46kergothand that matters how? its a simple input layer driver. i just said, rip out that piece
19:39.50kergothrequest a different irq
19:39.58kergothand have that handler just push up a keycode
19:40.18prpplaguekergoth: so just use the irq for the gpio i want instead, gotcha
19:40.29kergothand obviously respond to it differently
19:40.34prpplaguekergoth: thanks
19:40.41kergothand i assume you already setup the gpio directions in the machine specific code
19:40.48prpplaguekergoth: yea
19:41.54prpplaguekergoth: legacy interface, got four buttons on the kiosk, the legacy app will transmit to the app what the 4 keys should send depending on what screen is being displayed
19:44.17prpplaguekergoth: nothing like trying to install satelitte radio in your edsel
19:51.58prpplaguekergoth: its works well on x86 builds, just fixing it up for arm
20:18.26chouimatcool a usb to gba cable schematic
20:22.38gatofischchouimat: what's that do?
20:23.13chouimatlegodude: enable you to use the usb port to download stuf into the gba
20:48.20CosmicPenguinThey drink lots of beer, and curse like sailors
20:48.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: and hide their source
20:48.55Russunder the matress
20:49.06CosmicPenguinThat comes from all  the drinking
20:49.09CosmicPenguinExecutives and booze don't mix
20:49.45*** join/#elinux jnork (
20:55.49Russthe address is listed in the ieee 802.14 current voters list
20:59.34Russer...wait, that is his home address
20:59.51Russholy crap, thats an expensize house
21:00.41Russbizzare, no internet record of that office, just one of an employee that works there
21:01.13Russwait a minute....I think he is the guy that painted his house yellow...
21:02.03Russnope, nm
21:03.01CosmicPenguinI was going to say - thats another reason to kick his ass... :)
21:03.24RussI'll have to go knock on the door of the broadcom office
21:03.31Russdon't think I want to bug the guy at his house
21:21.20*** join/#elinux ade|home (
22:06.40*** join/#elinux file[wifi] (
22:37.42*** join/#elinux nelson (
22:37.42*** join/#elinux signal11 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:37.42*** join/#elinux Lethal ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:37.42*** mode/#elinux [+b *!*] by
22:56.46kergothCosmicPenguin: nice!
22:57.09CosmicPenguinIts hard to use on a 240x320 though
22:57.17kergothneeds zooming
22:57.33CosmicPenguinThe menus don't account for a smaller screen
22:58.10CosmicPenguinI cut the font size down from 18 to 11 for the screen shots
22:58.45kergothhmm, definately has potential
23:21.36leviCool stuff.
23:24.04CosmicPenguinIf we could get the menus to scroll, we would be golden
23:50.02signal11menus are overrated
23:51.38CosmicPenguinunfortunately not with links

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