irclog2html for #elinux on 20030921

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00:14.21Drizzt321anyone in here familiar with the gateway connected touch pad?
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15:14.19TomWfile: good morning
15:14.36fileTomW: g'morning to you too, what's up?
15:15.04TomWah, not much, basically just recovering from a night of dancing with the ladies
15:15.38chouimatTomW: hehe ... I wasn't able to do that yesterday ... my back is still locked
15:15.56TomWspent most of the night dancing with Arlene
15:16.22TomWcute little blond that seems to keep popping up in my field of vision.
15:16.47TomWfile: know anything about wifi?
15:17.48fileTomW: well, I have an 802.11b network
15:18.06filewhat do you need to know?
15:18.09TomWyeah?  I've got the peices to it but cannot figure it out.
15:19.19fileI assume you've got everything setup in software (or is that the problem)
15:19.40TomWfile: I have a Belkin Wifi router / access point and a Dell "wlan compact flash" card.
15:20.25TomWfile: I can see the wifi hub vie ethernet from linux, I can access all of it's internal menus & configs, so that is not a problem.
15:20.54fileTomW: but when you use wifi it just doesn't work?
15:21.25TomWfile: but, I have an older IPaq 31xx series pda.  When I plug the CF wifi card in, the pda sees the card insertion and id's the card as a NE2000 Compatible Card.
15:21.42fileokay that's probably the problem
15:21.46TomWfile: I cannot figure what to do from there.
15:21.50filedrivers :)
15:22.21fileLet me see if I can find a URL
15:23.08TomWI thought that the CF card would behave as a transparent device: e.g. id as a ethernet card but handle the connectivity, config, etc. itself as a default.  Then I would need the drivers to config to my SSID(?)
15:24.04filethe drivers are used to configure the ESSID/WEP/Channel and gives statistics
15:25.01filewhat's the model number for the CompactFlash card?
15:25.25fileTrueMObile 1180?
15:25.32TomWfile: can I use two Wifi router / hubs to talk with each other?  Or is this some kind of client / server arrangement where the hub will only talk with special cards (wifi cards) and it won't talk with another hub of the same model?
15:25.48TomWfile: yeah, truemobile 1180
15:26.04fileyou can use it in a roaming setup, so wifi clients can roam between them
15:27.38TomWfile: yeah, but, what I will need to do is connect two PCs up with a wifi link.  The PCs do not have PCMCIA slots in them, so, I was thinking of using two of these WLAN access points as a point to point wireless link.
15:28.15TomWfile: can that be done?
15:28.22filemmm interesting idea
15:28.31fileI think so
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15:29.30TomWfile: I've basically ignored 802.11 and now I have a need to create a wireless network between PCs.
15:29.41TomWMorn: morning Julie
15:29.59TomWMorn: awake yet?
15:30.19Mornkinda, I've been up 5 hours, but only had 3 hours sleep the last 2 nights
15:30.33TomWMorh: :P
15:30.45TomWMorn: busy girl...
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15:31.17MornTomW: yeah...  I was sick for 2 weeks, so I'm trying to make up lost time
15:31.33MornTomW: are you one of the people that works at TI?
15:31.45TomWfile: Ok, I'll just get another one of these hubs and play with it.  But, you say that I need to put drivers on the Zaurus and other PDA to get them into the wifi network then?
15:32.01TomWMorn: no, I gave up corporate bs for lent.
15:32.22Mornah, cool
15:32.30MornI just had a friend start at TI
15:32.41TomWMorn: I'm one of those idiots who thought that he could make a lot of money doing consulting.
15:33.26fileyes, drivers are required - but the Zaurus may already have the drivers
15:34.17TomWfile: ok, so, if this guy wants me to get his Zaurus running on a wireless network, he'll just have to give up the Zaurus for a week or so.  :)
15:34.42MornTomW: I did that for a long time, then went to a non-profit...
15:34.47TomWfile: ... he'll just have to endure a little pain before the pleasure.
15:34.58fileI think I have the driver
15:36.53TomWfile: hmmm, I need to setup an account with them...  it gives me a login screen, I'll get his Zaurus.
15:37.08TomWfile: thanks
15:37.38filethere's the instructions
15:37.44filewant me to download it and send it over to you?
15:37.45TomWMorn: I like the lifestyle and have been paying my bills doing consulting for 8 years now.
15:37.49TomWfile: ok
15:38.10TomWfile: IPaq 3135
15:38.22filethey won't ask for that...
15:38.34file(this card originally designed for Axim X5...)
15:38.53TomWjust needs Pocket PC o/s then?
15:39.09fileapparently so
15:39.13TomWi.e. windoze
15:39.33filedownload is done
15:40.21filetransferring to webserver...
15:40.31TomWfile: you can dcc
15:40.39fileno, I can't :)
15:41.15fileDell's site is confusing
15:41.40TomWfile: .. like InTels is?
15:42.06TomW"the bigger they are, the more fsck'ed up the website"?
15:43.44TomWfile: done.  Thanks.  What are you using as wifi client hardware?
15:43.58filea first revision DWL-650 PCMCIA card
15:44.04fileuses the Prism 2 chipset
15:44.52TomWfile: ok, I'll have to start roaming the net and get educated on wifi.  Maybe pick up a book like "wifi for dummies"  :D
15:45.13TomWI certainly fit that catagory.
15:45.36filehow long till you can tell me if that driver works?
15:45.59TomWI wonder how hard it would be to integrate a CF Wifi card into an embedded Linux system on ARM?
15:47.20TomWfile: oh, it won't be today, I'll let you know.  I give my IPaq a shot but I will definately be getting his Zaurus to get that working.  That is what he wants to use ultimately to get a feel for what wifi is capable of doing.
15:50.00TomWmight not be that hard to do, maybe some endian problems or such.
15:50.07filemy card uses orinoco_cs
15:52.54TomWfile: <sigh> so many toys and so little time...
15:53.30fileTomW: mmm... build time machine!
15:53.57TomWfile: will it work on my body?  reverse the aging process?
15:54.02chouimatTomW: how the webpal board is going?
15:54.27filewell, in theory if you were able to activate a gene in your DNA you could live... FOREVER!
15:54.40filethat's why cancer cells never die, they just keep growing (cause they activate that gene)
15:55.02TomWchouimat: I got the replacement RS232 level shifter chips in and soldered down.  I use the wrong smd footprint so had to order a package that would be made to fit.  
15:55.51TomWchouimat: CF works, 2.5" IDE port works, 10BaseT is working.  I need to start working on the quad serial chip next.
15:56.13chouimatok ... I will order a 8MB flash when they are ready ... and maybe your board :)
15:57.05TomWchouimat: and, I picked up a 256M SanDisk CF.  I need to rework the blob CVS source so that I can boot the system off the kernel image stored on the CF (in ext3 filesystem under /boot/linux)
15:57.49chouimatTomW: good I have some 16MB CF here and for what I have in mind it
15:58.19chouimat's ok ... and never thought doing a version with 2 10BASE-T ?
15:58.51TomWchouimat: don't bother with the 8Meg device, I am targeting the CF as the boot device.  The one meg flash will only be there to hold a bootloader and tiny cramfs to use to format the CF, establish an eithernet connection, then you can use it to construct the filesystem on the CF.
15:58.54chouimatfile: why now
15:59.17chouimatTomW: ok then
15:59.39chouimatfile: why not but it's for another project
16:00.22TomWchouimat: naw, to really any room to put all the connectors on the card edge.  I'll take a photo of the current board and post it on my website.  It'll do that in a little while today.
16:01.00chouimatTomW: ok
16:07.54mallumchouimat: can you still get them ?
16:08.40chouimatmallum: there is one on ebay but I don't have the money to get it
16:09.03mallumchouimat: I imagine its cheaper to get an xbox than a dreamcast adaptor ;-)
16:09.36chouimatmallum: it's a 56usd (i have the money but the guy don't want to ship to canada I asked him)
16:11.17chouimatmallum: and an xbos is just a pc so no fun getting one
16:16.35chouimatcould be fun to get:
16:21.23TomWchouimat: problem with the webpal is finding free IRQ lines, I used INT7 for the ethernet (the IRQ3 that was there) and tagged a jumper onto INT1 and ran that to the IRQ4 of the ISA.
16:21.56chouimatTomW: ouch
16:22.50TomWit is enough for what I need to do.  I did think about adding another ehternet to the card, but, it is a problem with resolving the IRQs.
16:24.24TomWchouimat: besides, this is only going to be for a conecpt demo.  As it looks, I'll probably use the Sharp LH79520 chip on the actual system.  Then, if I need two ethernets, I'll have the INT lines to use as I please.
16:24.51TomWchouimat: the final system will probably use the SMSC 91C111 10/100BaseT ethernet chip.
16:25.39chouimatTomW: sound good too me ... but I'm really tempted to order an Xport 2.0
16:27.31*** join/#elinux George- (~Test@
16:28.37TomWchouimat: xport?
16:30.14TomWchouimat: oooo!  that'll keep you busy for a while!  heh
16:30.43George-oh dear, it's chouimat
16:31.11chouimatGeorge-: shaddap
16:31.30George-chouimat: my laptop is still broken :D
16:32.09chouimatTomW: yup that will keep me busy a while ... but I'm not sure
16:36.59TomWdrat, I cannot find the link cable to my camera.
16:37.33TomWand, I am sure I put it somewhere "safe"
16:38.24chouimatTomW: yup it's "safe" you can't find it :)
16:39.41ricmmTomW: what machine is that you were talking about?
16:46.20TomWricmm: webpal
16:46.43ricmmany link around ?
16:46.46ricmmor shall i google it
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16:47.54TomWricmm: just a basic webpage for a buildroot at:
16:48.44TomWricmm: I've been too busy to really work on the site.  There is one peice of the build code that I need to update, the xstrdup() of one of the utils segfaults on later glibc.
16:49.12ricmmis it a commercial device?
16:50.18TomWricmm: well, it is surplus, you can buy them for < USD$30 on ebay most of the time, the last one I purchase cost me $21 and that included the shipping.  It is an ARM platform but has NTSC / PAL video to drive a TV set with.
16:50.50TomWricmm: IR remote (with mouse) and IR keyboard.
16:51.08ricmmso it is a nice little pc wich u an put linux on :P
16:51.39chouimatricmm: if you change the memory simm
16:51.55chouimat4mb stock
16:52.16ricmmoh right hehe
16:52.23ricmmbut it is on if u dont want X
16:52.24TomWricmm: not PC (X86) it is ARM.
16:52.37ricmmright again
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20:40.08chouimatTomW: the webpal header is for what?
20:41.20TomWThe webpal header plugs into the IDE of the mainboard.  The Compact Flash + 2.5" IDE are merely connected to the webpal IDE controller.  
20:41.53chouimatTomW: ok and what is the expected price for a board?
20:42.00TomWchouimat: all it is is a 9" cable that jumps from header to header.
20:42.12TomWI don't know.  ;)
20:42.33chouimatTomW: ok
20:44.00TomWI have the one board assembled, but I will have to get more boards made so I can make the other 3 boards.  A few mistakes on it.  The board is not cheap: $5 CF socket, $12 ethernet chip, $28 Quad uart, $33 PCB, $2 CPLD, $10 iin misc parts...
20:44.30TomWthat freakin' uart is not cheap, but, it does 9 bit mode.
20:45.33TomWchouimat: maybe when I am done with the concept demo I can sell you one of those for a fair price.
20:45.53chouimatTomW: :)
20:52.44ricmmhey TomW
20:53.00ricmmis that the whole board? and why does it plugs in an ISA plug
20:53.20chouimatricmm: extension board for the webpal
20:53.29ricmmoh it is nice
20:54.19ricmmhere i have a 15mb one
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