irclog2html for #elinux on 20030829

00:04.36*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
00:06.12*** join/#elinux TomW (~TomW@
00:06.24TomWgood evening
00:18.18jacqueshi TomW
00:19.15TomWanother nice night in the Pocono Mountains
00:20.19TomWlocusts are chirping, 68 degrees out, and kernel code is trashing.  heh
00:23.10TomWcrap, "Module autoprobing not allowed"
00:23.45jacquesnot allowed ?
00:23.47file[wifi]not allowed?!?!? I am root, hear me type!
00:24.35jacquesyeah what file[wifi] said
00:24.53TomWjacques: yeah, /drivers/net/cs89x0.c
00:25.32TomWhmmm, well, it says "if (io == 0) { ..." so, ..
00:32.17TomWdarned virtual to physical mapping screwup of some kind.  It isn't even attempting to access that region of the memory map.  Ok, time to hardcode it and see what happens.
01:04.06*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
01:08.16*** join/#elinux theDevil ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:08.16*** join/#elinux Morn ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:08.16*** mode/#elinux [+b *!*] by
01:18.33*** join/#elinux kergoth`zzz (
01:19.47*** join/#elinux theDevil (
01:31.21*** join/#elinux file2 (
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01:45.45*** join/#elinux TomW (~TomW@
01:45.54TomWhee hee, it works!
01:46.16file[wifi]what works
01:46.40TomWThe CS8900 10BaseT chip I put in the WebPal.
01:49.03*** join/#elinux genbie (
02:00.48TomWyeah! finally, I got the 2.5" drive interface working and now the ethernet chip.  I still need to get the compact flash & quad serial port running.
02:02.47sorphinbigbrd told me a couple things to scope on my webpal flasher board, we're gonna try some hello world type progs when he gets back from vacation, if i can't write them myself
02:03.17TomWsorphin: what flasher board?
02:03.32sorphinTomW: umm. i built the webpal simm flasher that bigbrd did
02:03.57TomWok, that ties into a parallel port of the PC, right?
02:04.23TomWoh, right, the PIC thingy
02:04.37sorphinwpflash doesn't seem to see the thing tho
02:04.42sorphinhence our diagnosing
02:04.46TomW:( not much to debug there with just a chip
02:04.46sorphinthe pic flashes ok
02:04.55sorphinon the pic flashing board
02:05.04sorphinTomW: well, there's signals to verify
02:05.11sorphinMCLR, OSC
02:05.27TomWwell, you now have a scope...
02:05.42sorphinmay do that this weekend since my weekend plans go trashed again
02:05.46TomWbut, now you gotta learn how to use it?
02:06.20sorphini know how to use a scope
02:06.46sorphingpsfan already filled me in the day i got it on the stuff on *this* type of scope (since it's been a few years since i'd touched a scope)
02:07.00sorphinalready used it a few times since
02:08.14sorphinTomW: here's a puzzle for you.. my series 2 tivo won't see a vcr when you use RF or RCA, but if you toss it onto SVideo (just via a switch box/or/adaper that i made), it sees it fine :P
02:08.25sorphinbefore i thought it was signal level (< 1.0V)
02:08.34sorphinbut since it's working on artificial svid
02:08.38sorphindoesnt sound like it
02:09.12*** join/#elinux xrharris (
02:12.49TomWwhat is "artificial svid"
02:13.36TomWsorphin: so, you normally attach an SVID cable between the Tivo & VCR?
02:15.20sorphinTomW: it's using a little adapter or this A/V switchre
02:15.36sorphinthat just converts RCA to svid (just the proper wiring and a ceramic cap)
02:15.39sorphinor vise versa
02:16.10sorphinobviously not super high qual that real svid would be (or component)
02:16.22TomWsorphin: so, you normally attach an SVID cable between the Tivo & VCR?
02:16.25sorphinbut it's not bad (looks teh same as the rca normally would)
02:16.33sorphinnormally rca
02:16.51sorphinthe vcr is rca or rf
02:17.02TomWWhich one lets you record the signal: RCA or SVID?
02:17.25sorphinwhich is funny since all the 'svid' in this case is
02:17.30sorphinis split signal
02:17.47sorphinw/ that cap
02:18.17TomWsorphin: so, you want to record tapes or something off the VCR but cannot, correct?
02:18.19sorphinbasically the reverse of svid to rca (combining luminance and the other one)
02:18.42sorphinstill need to pick me up a time base corrector tho to help stablize/clean up the vhs signal
02:18.49TomWnot familiar with the signals on SVID.
02:19.25sorphinTomW: basically combine 2 lines and come up w/ bastard composite
02:19.40sorphinthat was a statement
02:19.49sorphinthat's exactly what happens
02:20.00sorphinjust can't rememebr the other signal name.. brain is toast
02:20.18sorphinleast it works
02:20.52sorphinand cheaper than outsourcing the conversion/buying yet anotehr capture card since my wintv won't do 720x480
02:24.12TomWI don't do much with my TV except turn it on once in a while
02:26.21TomWok, webpal boots and brings up the ehternet chip.  That is enough work for today (well two days).
02:36.30genbiei am new to embedded stuff .. can someone advice me on which is better host  platform to expermiment with embedded development on?? opteron workstation which is x86 capable or powerpc-based apple mac?
02:37.03genbieor maybe no difference?
02:56.04TomWgenbie: I use a PC running Mandrake
02:56.42genbieTomW cool.. would you consider using an apple running linux?
02:57.05TomWsorphin: found the mistake on the compact flash, I wired the wrong signal to one of the pins.
02:57.33TomWgenbie: I don't have an opinion about using a mac w/ linux
02:58.34genbieTomW Ok but i mean as a development host for embedded systems you think pc better than mac? (not necessarily running linux)
02:58.39TomWgenbie: I don't see why it shouldn't work.  you have to use a cross-compiler with most embedded stuff so the native dev tools are only to compile your cross environ.
02:59.03TomWgenbie: I'm biased, I could never afford a mac.  ;)
02:59.18genbieOK lol...
02:59.30TomWgenbie: besides, I like more than one button on my mouse.
02:59.54genbiebut i mean dont development tools also play an important role? are they more readily available for an x86-based system?
03:01.06genbiewhen you say the native dev tools are only to compile the cross mean they are only useful for my development host pc?? not for the target embedded system?
03:01.18TomWnaw, I don't think so.  the main thing is to be able to load the gcc & bintools onto your apple. Once you can compile the kernel for the mac and install a new kernel, then you shouldn't have much problems doing cross-dev work.
03:02.16genbietomw cool..thanx for clarifying that
03:03.03TomWgenbie: your native gcc & bintools will build your apole kernel.  To do dev work on, say ARM, you need to build a cross compiler & bintools for ARM targets.  You simply recompile the gcc & bintools sources so they emit ARM code.
03:03.44genbietomw thanks..i was a bit confused about that
03:05.10genbietomw my main concern was if commercial dev tools are avaialble for one host and not for another..but since i am new to thi stuff i dont know how important their role is...
03:06.56TomWcommercail stuff is commercial stuff.  IMO, commercial dev tools are for those who don't want to learn anything: just plug & pray (call tech support).
03:07.07genbielol OK
03:07.24TomWgenbie: where do you thing the gcc commercial dev tools come from in the first place?
03:07.49TomWsorphin: Compact flash still won't work.  :(
03:08.18genbiefrom gcc.gnu :)
03:09.47genbiethx tomw for your help
03:10.07*** part/#elinux genbie (
03:23.10*** part/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
03:43.18*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
03:53.09*** join/#elinux andersee (
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03:57.55sorphinTomW: nod
08:13.01*** join/#elinux theDevil (
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11:44.13*** join/#elinux thekernel (~shaun@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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11:44.13*** mode/#elinux [+b *!*] by
11:58.15TomWgood morning world
11:59.49chouimathi TomW
12:01.20TomWchouimat: hello
12:01.44TomWchouimat: got the ethernet chip working on the webpal board last night.
12:02.14chouimatTomW: good ... I will back from vacations next week
12:02.43TomWchouimat: only two jumpers on the board ... so far.
12:02.56TomWchouimat: what is vacation for you?
12:03.36chouimatTomW: I'm currently at the kde conference in nove hrady czech republic and yes the women are HOT here
12:04.59TomWchouimat: wow! czech republic, cool!  They let you in there with a Canadian passport?  ;)
12:05.15chouimatplus a visa :(
12:05.35TomWchouimat: heh, yeah, prolly had to get visa too, right?
12:06.00chouimati needed it so I paid 80cad for it
12:06.28TomWchouimat: plus, you also had to swear that you wouldn't be taking any of their women home with you?
12:07.03chouimatTomW: but i think klm won't let me bring one in my luggage ;)
12:07.12TomWchouimat: you are having entirely too much fun, stop that!
12:07.51TomWis it expensive to visit there?
12:08.05TomWchouimat: I mean, like the cost of food & such?
12:08.38chouimatactually a 1 cad worth about 20 CZK and a beer is about 15CZK and for food is about 100-200 CZK
12:09.32chouimatit's less expensive because we are not in prague .... we have a room in prague and it's something like 70 euro/nights
12:09.55chouimatTomW:  1 euro is 30 czk
12:10.06TomWthey still price stuff in kronos (?) or Euros?
12:10.44TomWhmph, figure all of Europe would be hopping on Euro pricing
12:11.04chouimatso the beer is 0.50 euro, 0.75 cad, 0.66 usd etc ...
12:13.29chouimatTomW: a food is about 5 cad with a beer
12:13.37TomWyeah, you need to take a currency convertor along for the first couple of days.  But, for you Canadians, it must seem cheap to you not to have to pay the tax on stuff you buy.
12:14.35chouimatTomW: is actually easy we are 2 canadian here and we divided everything by 20, the european by 30 and the american by 25 - 27
12:15.05TomWchouimat: see, now, you live in czech republic and keep your Canadian citizenship, you would be money ahead.  Oh, wait, you only have to goto the U.S. to be able to do that, right?
12:15.39TomWthat is why there is so many Canadians living in the U.S., I see..
12:15.41chouimatTomW: I going back home monday ... we are leaving for prague tomorrow morning
12:16.12TomWchouimat: have fun, take lots of pictures and .. be sure to hug one of the pretty women, ok?
12:17.03chouimatTomW: allready done ;)
12:17.23TomWchouimat: good boy, must keep priorities straight!
12:17.50TomWchouimat: all software coding and no babes...
12:18.23chouimatcurrently we are coding a lot here
12:18.47TomWchouimat: what is it, a "boot camp" to do KDE programming?
12:19.16chouimatTomW:  hackfest for a week lots of new features
12:19.52TomWwhat, with kdevelop.  Teaches you what a .moc file is supposed to be for?
12:20.45chouimatno new stuff in kdevelop like distcc monitoring, embedded support, whiteboard app etc ...
12:21.22TomWok, kind of a grand tour of the desktop then
12:22.30chouimatTomW: no actually the people here are the actual kde developer so we have talk about new features, and now we are designing new features for our respective pet project
12:27.58TomWchouimat: ok
12:28.44TomWchouimat: well, have fun.  I am going back to coding on the webpal.  I have to see why the compact flash socket is not working, the 2.5" drive interface is working but that is not.
12:29.44chouimatok any idea how much this board will cost?
12:58.22sorphin1,000,000,000 dollars
13:00.45TomWchouimat: haven't tally'ed up the cost yet.  The PCB itself is $33, but that is without gold on the edge connector.  Some of the components are pricey: SC26L194 Quad UART == $28, LT1331 RS232 chips == $8 per, CS8900 ethernet == $9...
13:01.14TomWsorphin: bugger
13:18.35*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
13:32.15*** join/#elinux sjhill_ (~sjhill@
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14:00.33*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
14:12.41*** join/#elinux sieve_work (~klu5ter@
14:13.17sieve_workmorning all
14:23.43*** mode/#elinux [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
14:36.41George`AFKheya kergoth
14:41.02kergothhey george, josh, et cetera
14:46.17*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
14:48.35file[wifi]kergoth: how goes it?
14:48.45kergothhalf asleep, but otherwise pretty well
14:49.04file[wifi]trying to digest my dreams lastnight
14:49.09chouimathey kergoth i will go out for dinner soon so ...
14:49.10file[wifi]I was being chased by rabbits with guns...
14:49.31chouimatCosmicPenguin: afternoon
14:52.00CosmicPenguinchouimat: since when did everyone in this room turn snippy?
14:52.36chouimatCosmicPenguin: I'm in czech republic till monday so it's afternoon today ;)
14:53.56prpplaguefile[wifi]: not the one where your standing on a hill surrounded by naked women throwing pickles at your feet? why am i the only one that has that dream? lol
14:54.24chouimatprpplague: actuall it came true here ;)
14:54.25file[wifi]prpplague: did you eat McDonalds that night?
14:54.53prpplaguequote from "real genius"
14:55.03prpplaguelol, and yea i can't spell
14:55.34CosmicPenguinprpplague: excellent quote
14:55.41CosmicPenguinprpplague: they need to come out with a 20th anniversary edition of that DVD
14:57.02prpplagueCosmicPenguin: love that movie
14:57.16CosmicPenguinprpplague: They also need to come out with a DVD edition of Top Secret
14:57.42CosmicPenguinVal Kilmer was way more funny before Batman
14:59.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: what ever happened to the hyper chick on RG ?
15:00.47CosmicPenguinprpplague: she was Gilbert's girlfriend on Revenge of the Nerds
15:01.13CosmicPenguinAnd IMDB doesn't have her working since 1988
15:01.19prpplagueCosmicPenguin: really? i didn't recognize her
15:01.38CosmicPenguinShe was one of the Omega-Mus
15:02.42chouimathey George-
15:03.01George-chouimat: sod off and ide
15:03.17chouimatGeorge-: you're so impolite ...
15:07.23prpplagueTomW: hey, been swamped, get that sketch to you today
15:07.44TomWprpplague: know the feeling
15:07.47prpplagueTomW: got 4 samples of the dimm slot on order
15:08.02TomWprpplague: cool, you need a shipto addr?
15:08.14prpplagueTomW: between kids, work, gf, bills, and hacking, i'm worn out
15:08.15TomWprpplague: just send me one
15:08.23prpplagueTomW: ok
15:08.27TomWprpplague: don't need 'em all
15:09.02prpplagueTomW: as soon as they arrive, i'll forward one to you
15:09.09prpplagueTomW: i still have you address iirc
15:10.01TomWibot: prplague
15:10.02TomW: are you using Windows?
15:10.10TomWibot: prpplague
15:10.11i heard prpplague is or Dave Anders
15:10.34chouimatprpplague: gf? wow! I'm away for too much time now
15:11.16prpplaguechouimat: lol
15:12.56chouimatprpplague: I will be back home monday night ...
15:15.26chouimatand will need some times to adjust to EDT time
15:34.24*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
15:34.30file[wifi]hi Tim
15:34.37*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
15:35.34sjhill_!$#@$!#@ IDE DMA
15:47.45prpplaguehmmm i really need in on this biz -
15:50.29CosmicPenguinCan they use the goat?
15:55.00prpplagueCosmicPenguin: probably not
15:55.13prpplagueneeeeeed more cofffeeeeee
15:57.07CosmicPenguinprpplague: thats a great idea
15:57.34CosmicPenguinBeautiful - a rainy day
15:57.42CosmicPenguinWe haven't had one of these months
16:00.55prpplagueCosmicPenguin: kergoth, TimRiker and i will be getting some rain soon today
16:01.28prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i think andersee needs to write a howto for us
16:01.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: surviving_on_2_hours_sleep-howto
16:18.41Russprpplague: been to college?
16:27.45file[wifi]I lived in a college dorm for a week, if I had to live there longer I'd go insane
16:28.22prpplagueRuss: yea, but going to college and going work are a little different
16:28.45Russyou didn't go 2 or 3 days without sleep while in college?
16:29.43Russfile[wifi]: I lived in dorms for 4 years
16:29.52Russfile[wifi]: quite enjoyable if you pick the right ones
16:30.26CosmicPenguinYou'll learn way more at 3:30 in the morning in a dorm room then you ever will at class
16:30.47CosmicPenguinsignal11_: ping
16:34.26prpplaguewahoo, abcs r&d back open for biz!!
16:39.42*** join/#elinux cpenguin_home (
16:43.53sjhill_so $co is not going to sue linux companies, but i wonder if they still want to sue end users
16:44.08Russthey'll change their mind tomorrow
16:44.17Russthey float a lot of balloons
16:45.22CosmicPenguinThat is SCO Australia though
17:10.37*** join/#elinux file[wifi] (
17:15.15*** join/#elinux pb_ (~pb@2002:5160:45ef:0:2e0:7dff:fe74:8b87)
17:29.28CosmicPenguin(11:28:50) You are running a version of messenger that requires an immediate security update. Please visit to complete the update.
17:29.43CosmicPenguinNot bloody likely
17:31.17file[wifi]CosmicPenguin: I've just started getting that yesterday...
17:31.23file[wifi]they sent an e-mail too
17:31.35CosmicPenguinIts the *no third parties* push
17:31.57file[wifi]gaim seems pretty confident they won't be affected though
17:42.24*** join/#elinux George- (~Test@
19:20.24sjhill_is it me, or did everyone else start getting more spam after the 'osirusoft' fiasco?
19:21.13Russspamassassian is still doing a good job of filtering
19:21.30Russabout a spam every 2 hours or so
19:21.37Russ2 spams an hour or so
19:22.24sjhill_i only get about 3 spams a day
19:36.06Russmy email is all around the internet
19:36.32Russadd to that, that my work email is a server thats been around since the dawn of webhosting (
19:36.43Russand then add to that that I also have an alias,
19:37.51*** join/#elinux andersee (
19:37.51*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
19:37.58Russafternoon andersee
19:38.14anderseeRuss: morning
19:39.00Russsjhill_: spamassassian is a pretty good cure all
19:39.26file[wifi]my ISP blocks most spam...
19:39.43Russthey probably run spamassassian
19:44.14*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
20:01.22chouimat - Budweis/tn/pict1370.jpg.html
20:06.26*** part/#elinux chouimat (~dieu@
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20:12.22*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
21:00.46Russdear god the person who wrote blaster was a moron
21:00.53Russone of the variant names for it was teekid
21:02.11Russgoogle for teekid
21:06.46anderseeMight as well ask them to register in advance with the FBI first, so they can arrest these losers just a little bit faster
21:08.39Russfind the minnisota web site he hacked
21:08.49Russfind his domain, which has his address on it
21:09.03Russfind the membership of various gaming clans named "chaos"
21:12.31*** join/#elinux knobby (
21:16.05CosmicPenguinGawd - that guy talks like the Iraqi Information Minister
21:24.03CosmicPenguinPeople are saying that Madonna kissing Britney Spears was the greatest moment on MTV *ever*
21:58.18file[wifi]CosmicPenguin: I saw that today...
22:45.42*** join/#elinux pb_ (~pb@2002:5160:45ef:0:2e0:7dff:fe74:8b87)
22:46.42*** join/#elinux George- (~Test@
22:54.54jacquesppl are morons
22:55.05George-jacques: only just realised?
22:55.21George-hell, you've got your own personal moron here in front of you... ME!
22:55.21jacquesno I just get reminded every day
23:58.26*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.