irclog2html for #elinux on 20030826

00:07.05*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
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00:15.09ab0ooanyone have bitsy experience?
00:19.29*** part/#elinux ab0oo (
02:17.04*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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08:36.45*** join/#elinux MrChouimat (~dieu@
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13:00.29*** join/#elinux dsmith (
13:01.22dsmithAnyone have any reccomendations for embedded lcd controllers?
13:01.39dsmithOr know of a site that has comparisons?
13:22.35*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
13:41.53*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
13:42.42prpplaguemorning guys
13:42.49prpplagueMorn: and gal
13:43.01prpplagueibot: seen tomw
13:43.02tomw <~Tom@> was last seen on IRC in channel #elinux, 2d 4h 17m 53s ago, saying: 'morning all'.
13:45.46CosmicPenguinGood morning
13:45.54CosmicPenguinEmbedGded Linux?
13:58.35dsmithprpplague, CosmicPenguin: G' morning
13:59.08dsmithprpplague, CosmicPenguin: You guys have any reccomendations on embedded lcd controllers?
14:01.38prpplaguedsmith: need a little more info
14:07.16prpplaguekergoth: hey, where are the schematics located for the innovator kit?
14:07.28prpplaguekergoth: the cd i have doesn't appear to have them
14:07.56dsmithprpplague: What lcd chipsets have good linux driver support, will be around for a while, and are cheap. ;^)
14:09.12file[wifi]hello all
14:09.24dsmithprpplague: We are using the arm mips Au1100, which has an on-chip lcd controller, but there is some concern of bandwith starvation.
14:13.04prpplaguedsmith: type of lcd?
14:14.06dsmithprpplague: Mmm. Not really decided yet.  Probably color 1/4 vga.
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14:20.55prpplaguedsmith: not real familiar with the au1100, but you might look on to see what kind of controlers they've used
14:22.46*** join/#elinux sieve_work (~klu5ter@
14:23.22sieve_workgood morning all
14:24.44dsmithprpplague: Thanks.  Hmm.  Looks like that should be
14:25.05CosmicPenguinThats right
14:25.13CosmicPenguinibot: lart prpplague
14:25.45CosmicPenguinThats ok though - I made the same mistake just the other day
14:28.32Lethaldsmith, what's your problem with using the au1100 lcd?
14:42.38dsmithLethal: No sure we have a problem, yet. Just looking into options.
14:44.10dsmithI guess I'm looking for "Whatever you do, don't use the xyz controller, it has <some really bad brokenness>"
14:44.38Lethalin that case
14:44.45Lethaldon't ever use any ITE LCD controller
14:44.50Lethaleven if someone pays you
14:44.53Lethaljust run away
14:44.53dsmithOr "The foo_bar controller is great, the factory really supports Linux" or somthing.
14:45.41CosmicPenguinNone of them really support Linux - so don't worry about that part
14:46.10Lethalthe epson lcd controllers are quite decent, and they're pretty good when it comes to linux support.
14:46.12Lethalmediaq also has linux support, though not that great
14:47.38Lethalyou're probably better off going with whatever is integrated though, unless you need better graphics performance or whatever else. plus those things tend to be supported more by the vendor in the first place.
14:47.54Lethalif I had to go with a third party controller though, I'd go with the epson stuff.
14:48.23prpplaguedsmith: epson would be my recomendation as well
14:53.13*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
14:54.03dsmithThe internal lcd works.  I've got Debian testing up and running (nfsroot) on a devel board from amd.  X is use the frame buffer nicely.  But when you drag a window around the screen shifts and jumps.  Now this isn't a fair test.  800x600 instead of 1/4 vga, X and a windowmanager and averything.
14:55.09dsmithThe internal controller might work just fine in our application.
14:55.32dsmithCheaper too.
14:56.14Lethalintegrated lcd controllers quite often tend to be a bit on the sluggish side. you can probably hack the fb driver a bit for some better performance, particularly if you look at dma or some such thing, but otherwise you probably won't get much more out of it.
14:56.45CosmicPenguinThe screen shifting and jumping doesn't sound like a speed issue to me
14:56.49Lethalwith the exception of the ite it8181e/f which is by far the slowest piece of crap i've ever seen
14:56.49CosmicPenguinSounds more like an electrical issue
14:57.07LethalI wouldn't use x for fb testing in the first place
14:57.55dsmithCosmicPenguin: It's directly related to cpu usage, and network usage.
14:58.14CosmicPenguindsmith: like I said
14:58.15dsmithLethal: Yeah, I just wanted to see if it work work.
14:58.40Lethalthats believable. I managed to repeatedly deadlock an au1500 by ping flooding it with large packets.
14:58.46Lethaleven in the loader
14:59.18LethalI think they still have some issues to resolve :P
15:17.58*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
15:38.26*** join/#elinux sorphin (
15:39.53prpplague~quote scox
15:40.04prpplagueibot: jeeze
15:40.05prpplague: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?
15:40.16prpplaguesorphin: hey
15:40.34prpplaguesorphin: you use growisofs for creating dvd's ?
15:41.02sorphinprpplague: "you're in Utah after all" ;)
15:41.41prpplaguesorphin: lol
15:42.16sorphinprpplague: and nope, all dvd stuff is done under doze now.. i gave up on using linux for it after it coastered twice because of kernel driver flakeyness (and i don't feel like wasting my spool of blanks)
15:42.24sorphin~quote svvs
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15:43.05prpplaguesorphin: hmm, ok
15:43.29prpplaguesorphin: just got a request to set up or software up to backup to dvd's
15:44.08sorphinonly used em for xbox games or video
15:44.11CosmicPenguinprpplague: I on the other hand, have the same device as sorphin yet have experienced 0 problems
15:44.21sorphinand the video requires authoring anyways
15:44.25sorphinCosmicPenguin: yes and no
15:45.20sorphinCosmicPenguin: yes you have a pioneer, you also have a 105, but you're also not authoring, and you don't work w/ usb drives for storage to burn to the dvd drive in the box the drives are hooked to
15:45.54sorphingranted, since sjhill's patch the usb is quite a bit more stable
15:46.02sorphinit's easier to do everything in one big swoop
15:46.08sorphinand since i can't author in linux
15:46.21CosmicPenguinsorphin: I was authoring, and yes I wasn't using USB drives, but that doesn't sound like DVD problems, now does it?
15:46.29sorphini can't do the big swoop, cuz i don't feel like having to reboot back and forth
15:47.07sorphincollord: oh, so you authored w/ menus then? and created all the nav packets ?
15:47.16CosmicPenguinsorphin: thats right
15:47.33sorphinmusta wrote something yourself, because there's no authoring sw that i know of under linux
15:48.00CosmicPenguinsorphin: ok world - sorphin couldn't use a DVD under Linux, so it must not work
15:49.18sorphinCosmicPenguin: i said it didn't work for *me*
15:51.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: so you make data dvd's ?
15:52.10CosmicPenguinprpplague: I made my wedding diary video under Linux
15:52.13sorphinprpplague: prolly on about his wedding dvd
15:52.27sorphinCosmicPenguin: done any other dvd stuff?
15:52.31sorphinprolly not :P
15:52.38CosmicPenguinsorphin: you mean like pirating movies?
15:52.40prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you using growisofs?
15:52.42sorphinCosmicPenguin: fyi, an /ignore means little to me
15:52.46sorphinCosmicPenguin: and no
15:52.50CosmicPenguinsorphin: and yes
15:52.58CosmicPenguinsorphin: I'm pretty sure you wern't making the movies
15:53.11sorphinCosmicPenguin: i mean say converting vhs over, archiving tv :P
15:53.26CosmicPenguinsorphin: oh, so you were breaking copyright by copying TV shows then?
15:53.30CosmicPenguinsorphin: noble work
15:53.43sorphinCosmicPenguin: how is that different than recording it w/ your VCR?
15:53.48sorphinor your tivo
15:54.05sorphinstuff that you can't go buy :P
15:54.30sorphingo /ignore me now, i don't care to argue w/ you, i have better things to do
15:55.08CosmicPenguinprpplague: no, I just used the mkisofs for DVD
15:55.28prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm, isn't mkisofs limited to 800mb?
15:56.01sorphinprpplague: nope
15:56.03CosmicPenguinprpplague: I was using one hacked for DVD -
15:56.20sorphinprpplague: the dvd stuff i've done under linux, i used mkisofs
15:56.54sorphinjust tick on -udf or -dvd-video depending on what youre' making the iso for
15:57.12sorphinthe newer/newest mkisofs has that included
15:57.24prpplaguesorphin: just need data
15:57.25CosmicPenguinThats right - it all got merged
15:57.31prpplagueso i guess i need to use -udf?
15:58.03sorphinprpplague: yes
15:58.09prpplaguesorphin: ok thanks
15:58.31sorphinprpplague: just remember it's only 4.37G not 4.7G ;)
15:59.06sorphinprpplague: and it's not possible to overburn a dvd
15:59.47prpplaguesorphin: thanks, did doing EOW and EOM backups
16:07.49prpplaguesorphin: interesting, can't seem to find a mkisofs that has a -udf flag
16:09.24sorphinprpplague: using cdrtools 2.x ?
16:09.56prpplaguesorphin: ya
16:10.30sorphindoes it have -dvd-video ?
16:10.56prpplaguesorphin: doesn't show it under usage
16:11.23sorphinprpplague: and -version says
16:12.02prpplaguesorphin: 2.0.3
16:12.27prpplaguesorphin: i'll clean and rebuild, redhat systems do screwwy things sometimes
16:12.31sorphinprpplague: build this yourself or a package? :P
16:13.02CosmicPenguinprpplague: if it doesn't, grab the dvrtools package
16:13.47sorphinCosmicPenguin: hadn't heard of that one, he fork ?
16:14.18chouimathey prpplague
16:15.11prpplaguefresh build seem to do the trick
16:15.14CosmicPenguinsorphin: thats what I used
16:15.17prpplaguechouimat: hey
16:15.30sorphinprpplague: good deal
16:15.38chouimatprpplague: I will leave soon for diner
16:15.50CosmicPenguinsorphin: yeah, its just a fork of cdrtools for DVD
16:16.16sorphinCosmicPenguin: now if only Jorg would pull his head out about cdrecord-ProDVD :P
16:16.32CosmicPenguinsorphin: well, eventually somebody else will trump him with a truely free version
16:16.55CosmicPenguinsorphin: DVD-Rs just need to drop in price a little bit so they become more common
16:17.22sorphinCosmicPenguin: nod, i'd looked a ways back at the migration someone did of cdrecord for dvd (dvdrecord), but it wouldn't work for me, only prodvd would
16:17.30sorphinCosmicPenguin: yeah, and + needs to go away
16:19.23CosmicPenguinsorphin: agreed
16:19.38CosmicPenguinsorphin: did you ever manage to encode your VHS under Linux?
16:21.22sorphinCosmicPenguin: well, my wintv card won't do 720x480, so that's out, and atm, my series 2 tivo (rev 0) won't talk to a vcr (tho if i can dig up a Time Base Corrector, it may), so choices are, a wintv-dvr card (and using the util out there to make the vidoe usable) or sell off the S2 and get a newer one
16:27.09*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
16:29.31sorphinade|desk: afterevening tosspot
16:32.11ade|desksorphin: bog off tart !
16:35.05CosmicPenguinibot: dict bog
16:35.18CosmicPenguinibot: tart
16:35.19CosmicPenguin: have you tried ?
16:35.23CosmicPenguinibot: dict tart
16:35.28sorphinade|desk: no tart here, what do you mistake me for, a commoner?
16:35.54CosmicPenguinSo, apparently, ade|desk just offered to drag down sorphin's small open pie with a fruit filling... :)
16:36.00CosmicPenguinJust making fun
16:36.33sorphinprpplague: you married kergoth off yet to an east tx woman?
16:37.15sorphinprpplague: heh, acutally, saw a rather nice looking chick on hotornot whilst moderating, who happened to be from East TX, must be a transplant ;)
16:37.21prpplaguesorphin: naw, got some grain feed girls ready for him though
16:37.27CosmicPenguinor a liar
16:37.47prpplaguesorphin: ya, must be a transplant
16:38.01sorphinprpplague: not gonna ask
16:38.16prpplaguesorphin: "grain feed" ? lol
16:38.28sorphinCosmicPenguin: if she's a liar, she prolly should go work for SCO
16:38.45sorphinprpplague: round here it's cornbread fed ;)
16:38.58CosmicPenguinsorphin: SCO doesn't have the monpoly on lying, it just seems that way
16:39.33sorphinCosmicPenguin: they seem to be the current major supplier
16:40.04sorphinwhile ESR's letter was a little bit 5 year old, i agree w/ him
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16:42.53CosmicPenguinsorphin: yeah, and I hate to gress with RMS or ESR
16:43.13sorphinCosmicPenguin: better ESR than RMS, but maybe it's just me
16:43.33sorphinRMS needs to shower, shave once in a while, and get out more :P the 70s are over
16:43.52CosmicPenguinEvery cause needs an over the top idiot, and we've got two
16:44.07CosmicPenguinThat RMS comment about Utah really showed how childish he is
16:44.31CosmicPenguinSorry, ESR
16:44.43sorphinCosmicPenguin: hehe
16:44.51sorphinCosmicPenguin: you only say that because you're living there
16:44.56CosmicPenguinsorphin: it sure pissed off the local community
16:45.21CosmicPenguinsorphin: yeah, but he had so many good points, did he really need to say, oh, yeah, and plus you live in Utah?
16:46.44sorphinCosmicPenguin: he's just keeping it on a level Darl (gawd, that's sad) can comprehend, aka a 5 year olds level
16:47.36sorphinade|desk: indeed ;)
16:47.49sorphinade|desk: hows tricks?
16:47.57ade|desksorphin: sorry was away looking at my bros new car
16:48.05CosmicPenguinsorphin: I don't recall seeing MIT on the list of the original darpanet nodes
16:48.07ade|desksorphin: fine ta, you ?
16:48.24sorphinade|desk: ssdd mostly
16:48.30sorphinade|desk: and the bint?
16:48.45ade|desksorphin: ssssssdddddd ???
16:48.50sorphinCosmicPenguin: is that an unrelated statement?
16:48.56sorphinade|desk: same sh... diff day
16:48.59ade|desksorphin: fine, but at guide camp :(
16:49.08sorphinade|desk: ah
16:49.39ade|desksorphin: miss her, havent seen her for ~month
16:49.44sorphinade|desk: doh
16:49.50sorphinade|desk: can relate
16:49.51ade|desksorphin: hows your life of love ?
16:49.59sorphinade|desk: rough
16:50.07ade|deskoh ?
16:50.52ade|deskwhy is the windows version of moz-firebird smaller than the debian deb of it :/
16:50.53CosmicPenguinsorphin: the U of U was a darpanet pioneer
16:51.00ade|desk6.4mb vs 10
16:51.05sorphinade|desk: yeah, things are just odd atm
16:51.11sorphinCosmicPenguin: nod
16:53.38sorphinCosmicPenguin: if we wanna go that route, seen more great minds come from MIT tho than U of U (note: i said seen, doesn't mean none have came from U of U, just don't know of any personally)
16:57.16sorphin"what to expect from Qt 4.0"
16:57.37sorphinand further down it mentions faster startup times and lighter mem usage
16:57.39sorphini don't belive it
16:57.40ade|deskmore C++ tat with more to follow
16:57.57sorphinade|desk: indeed
16:58.47sorphinade|desk: i feel sorry for you lot over there if this is actually gonna happen: "uk to put monitors in every car", so they can catch you doing things you shouldn't and fine you for it
16:59.01sorphin"groping while driving, that's 20 quid"
16:59.06ade|desksorphin: yeah, it wont happen
16:59.17ade|desksorphin: to new cars it might
16:59.36ade|desksorphin: sheeeet how could they tell :/
16:59.50sorphinade|desk: my new car shall be born over there very shortly
16:59.58ade|desksorphin: which is ?
17:00.05sorphinade|desk: mini cooper S
17:00.35ade|deskah the german pile of crap
17:00.40sorphinade|desk: hey now
17:01.00sorphinade|desk: and what do you drive? a vauxhall? :P
17:01.01ade|deskok it was a uk designer
17:01.08ade|deskna , skoda
17:01.23ade|deskso again german tat
17:01.41sorphinade|desk: my family line is german, so behave ;)
17:02.08sorphinade|desk: it's a bimmer w/ a british accent :P
17:02.19ade|desksorphin: thats ok , i'll speak slower for you then
17:02.42sorphinade|desk: have you done your soverance for the queen yet today?
17:02.55ade|deskoh indeed
17:03.05ade|deskas always
17:03.21ade|deskpip pip long live the queen, and all that
17:04.34sorphinade|desk: i know you're inflicted w/ being at exeter, but where are you normally at?
17:04.45ade|desksorphin: finished at exeter
17:04.54ade|desksorphin: now living in norfolk
17:05.06ade|deskworking at .... tesco
17:05.21sorphinade|desk: man you're a sad git
17:05.45ade|desksorphin: i need the money to pay for the masters at home (Open University)
17:05.48sorphinade|desk: people go to tesco, they don't WORTK there :P
17:06.04ade|desksorphin: hopefully getting a better job soon
17:06.16ade|desksorphin: got an interview tomorrow
17:06.18sorphinade|desk: oh? upgrading to toilet scrubber then?
17:06.27ade|desksorphin: nearly : MIS tech
17:06.38sorphinade|desk: same difference
17:07.03sorphinade|desk: hopefully they'll atleast supply the toothbrush
17:07.17ade|desksorphin: to 'further my knowledge of MS network software' so the ad says
17:07.27sorphinM$ has network sw?
17:07.34ade|desksorphin: i get to support MS stuff :)
17:07.38sorphini just htought that made a lot of dodgy kit
17:07.46ade|desksorphin: windows 2003 so they say
17:07.51sorphinade|desk: as i said
17:07.56sorphindodgy kit ;)
17:09.11ade|desksorphin: we if i get the job.. perhaps i'll sneek a linux box in setup an indentical network up on it, switch it over night then admin that, then tell them after 3 months why the network hasnt fallen over
17:09.13sorphinade|desk: tho i suppose it could be worse, you could become a tesco manager ;)
17:09.34sorphinade|desk: indeed
17:09.53ade|desksorphin: tesco manager aint a bad job, shit load of pay
17:10.10sorphinade|desk: yeah, they pay you in sh... :P
17:10.21ade|desksorphin: lol
17:10.42ade|desk40G a year plus 30% off food
17:10.59ade|deskso cheaper to live and you get the money :)
17:11.21ade|deskthe bumb above london , east coast
17:11.47sorphinah, i see it
17:11.58sorphinthe bit NE of the Cambridge impersonator
17:13.35ade|desklol yeah, but Cambridge aint anymore, so the sign says ... its ambridge , so thats where the archers radio series place is really
17:13.47ade|desksee bbc radio4 for details
17:21.34sorphinade|desk: eh? someone deC'd the sign?
17:22.17ade|desksorphin: yup
17:24.45CosmicPenguinsorphin: sorry, I was distracted
17:25.09CosmicPenguinsorphin: anyway, I know what you're saying about MIT, I'm just saying that Utah isn't as barren in terms of OOS as people like to think it is
17:29.35sorphinCosmicPenguin: tis just well hidden i guess
17:29.53sorphinade|desk: prolly some camshire gits
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17:32.34ade|desksorphin: unlikely more like suffolk folk
17:34.18sorphinade|desk: don't know/know anything about that lot
17:34.51ade|deskbackward like devon but closer to the big smoke
17:38.35sorphinade|desk: ah, what about devonshite^H^Hre? *g*
17:39.14ade|desksimple folk for a simple county
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18:21.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: the standard cdrecord doesn't support dvd burning?
18:22.57CosmicPenguinprpplague: its weird
18:23.06CosmicPenguinprpplague: sorphin knows more about it than I do
18:23.59sorphinprpplague: nope
18:24.11sorphinprpplague: Jorg has decided to be closed source w/ dvd burning
18:24.23sorphinyou can use it for free non commercially/educationally
18:24.23prpplaguesorphin: ohh, so you have to purchase it?
18:24.37prpplaguesorphin: or is the binary usage for free?
18:26.15sorphinprpplague: free for non-com/educational use
18:26.21sorphincommercial pays, as always
18:26.26prpplaguesorphin: ahh
18:26.36prpplaguesorphin: guess i need to look into dvdrecord then
18:27.51sorphinprpplague: dvdrecord is flakey from what i've seen, it's a fork of cdrecord, that hasn't really went far
18:27.56sorphinit doesn't even have a media table
18:28.11sorphinprpplague: aka, it won't even recognize my dvd media
18:28.22prpplaguesorphin: hmmm
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18:30.22CosmicPenguinprpplague: same report here
18:30.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: darn
18:30.47sorphinprpplague: you just d/l tho
18:30.59sorphinthere's no form you have to fill out to tell if you're being commercial or not
18:31.35prpplaguesorphin: ya well, you got 3 or 4 thousand servers running it someone might notice
18:32.01sorphinprpplague: details ;)
18:32.12sorphinprpplague: if you got that much crap
18:32.15CosmicPenguinprpplague: depending on how much he wants, it might be cheaper just to pay someone to get dvdrecord working
18:32.17sorphinprpplague: use big tape :P
18:32.36CosmicPenguinPull the rug right out from underneath Jorg
18:33.13prpplagueCosmicPenguin: might have to, they want dvd juke box's as well as other dvd stuff
18:33.19sorphinCosmicPenguin: i wish someone would beat him w/ it
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18:34.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i expect only about 20% of customers will want dvd burners, but those are the bigger customers who'd be willing to pay
18:34.51CosmicPenguinAnd since they want data only, you don't need to be as particular about the writing as a video DVD might need to be
18:35.56sorphinonly need to be able to write, don't need so much to care about spec
18:36.21*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
18:36.22CosmicPenguinOr making sure that certain files are in certain sectors and the other crap that DVD players care about
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18:36.33sorphinTimRiker: re timmy
18:36.46sorphinCosmicPenguin: right, hence the spec comment
18:37.03sorphinCosmicPenguin: tho, the only file that is critical about location is video_ts.ifo
18:37.17sorphinmust be the 1st file, the rest don't matter
18:38.14collordsorphin we're looking at sponsoring dvdrecord too
18:38.30ade|homesorphin: i thick i missed the start off this, what are you on about wrt dvd ?
18:38.34collordwe should coordinante
18:38.37sorphincollord: well, either dvdrecord needs to work
18:38.46sorphinor someone needs to bitchslap Jorg w/ a cluebat
18:39.16sorphinade|home: prpplague needs to data write dvds
18:39.27collordif people want to be like that...
18:39.32sorphinade|home: currently w/ linux, the only working dvd writing is via cdrecord-ProDVD
18:39.33collordtreat it as damage and route around it
18:40.00sorphinade|home: which is a closed source cdrecord w/ dvd specific stuff only in it
18:40.12CosmicPenguinI'm sure that somebody out there is only a few thousand dollars worth of motivation away from getting a working OS solution
18:41.31sorphini had access to some decent video dvd info, but it expired yesterday :P
18:41.41sorphinmy access that is
18:42.18chouimat|n7yhi sorphin
18:42.32sorphinchouimat|n7y: lo
18:42.53chouimat|n7yhi kergoth
18:43.16chouimat|n7yi'm still in nove hrady ... be back home new week
18:44.34chouimat|n7ysorphin: kde conference in Czech Republic
18:44.59sorphinchouimat|n7y: met any cute czech girls? ;)
18:45.00ade|homesorphin: seen
18:45.12prpplagueade|home: yea
18:45.19sorphinade|home: if that's what i thikn it is, yeah, but last i looked, it was pretty rough
18:45.21chouimat|n7ysorphin: got about 4 rolls of photo ... 3 lefts
18:46.55chouimat|n7ysorphin: someone have a very nice photo of czech girls maybe it's online I will ask him a little later before we go to the pub ...  500ml of beer is 50 cents (usd/cad/euro) we don't care
18:47.38ade|home~change 0.5 usd to gbp
18:48.04ade|hometusk tusk you can get it for 17p normally
18:48.12ade|home~change 0.17 gbp to usd
18:49.20sorphinade|home: as usual, we get screwed coming over there, you make out well coming here :P
18:49.52ade|homesorphin: to czech?
18:51.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: which dvdr do you have?
18:53.16collordalso this goes for anyone else working on dvd recording too... if you need hardware msg me
18:55.55sorphinade|home: no, england
18:56.05sorphinprpplague: he has the Pioneer DVR-105
18:56.07sorphinI have the 104
18:56.19CosmicPenguinprpplague: actually its an OEM, but its the same hardware
18:56.23ade|homewhats the 106 like ?
18:59.46prpplagueTimRiker: hey, is the sd/mmc driver for the innovator a binary module like on the z?
19:00.18CosmicPenguinade|home: when you said that, i was envisioning a spinal tap like "it goes to 11" bit
19:00.39CosmicPenguinWhats the 106 like?  Its better than the 105.   Why?  Because its a 106.
19:00.42ade|homebut why not make 10 louder ?
19:01.11sorphinade|home: because 11's louder
19:01.24ade|homesorphin: but but but that make no sense
19:01.40sorphinade|home: neither does anything that comes out of britain ;)
19:01.56ade|homeworld domination
19:02.19sorphinade|home: one cuppa at a time?
19:02.45prpplagueCosmicPenguin: just got a sony dru-510a
19:02.53ade|homeUS people came from UK +other countries so , yeah nothing going from UK makes sense
19:03.38ade|homeone day when i have money that needs to disappear i'll get a 106
19:03.46ade|homeor the sony
19:04.26ade|homei think my hifi needs a dvd writer :)
19:04.46ade|homeits P4 amuses visiters
19:06.08CosmicPenguinI'm going to buy that HDTV card next
19:06.52ade|homeif it was a mpeg [d]encoder i would get one too
19:09.37CosmicPenguinI've got a 2 Ghz plus machine - it can decode MPEG for me
19:09.40CosmicPenguinIts the antenna that I want
19:10.01CosmicPenguinof course, now that the epia hw decoding is working, that would be a fun STB
19:10.26CosmicPenguinCept the epia that I have only has 1 PCI slot, and the card wouldn't fit in this mini case
19:20.02*** join/#elinux ricmm (ricky@
19:39.24sorphinkergoth: wtf are you hrm'ing about ex-digiboy?
19:41.03kergothcant seem to get this shit working, and theres a deadline approaching.
19:43.13sorphinkergoth: you should be used to that from digi :P
19:43.43kergothsorphin: that doesnt make it any more pleasant. heh.
19:47.07ricmmhey people :)
19:48.38kergothhey ricmm
19:48.43kergothhows your ucb crap coming along?
19:49.11ricmmwell like yesterday
19:49.25ricmmthe ucb driver is ok, but the irq seems like masked
19:49.38ricmmit only gets seen when something else interrupts
19:49.46ricmmlike uart or the buttons hehe
19:51.47ricmmits a funny thing, but now it is pissing me off
19:53.02ricmmi really dont get why it happens
20:04.54sorphinricmm: not enough beer maybe?
20:06.12sorphinricmm: that's usually prpplague's problem
20:07.07kergothhmm. i should hit the liquor store today
20:16.14prpplaguericmm: what arch?
20:19.20ricmmmips little endian
20:19.33ricmma tx3912 processor, mips r3k based
20:19.43prpplaguericmm: fun
20:20.09ricmmyeah well
20:20.15ricmmyou read the problem xD
20:21.05kergothah there we go. /me makes progress
20:21.46ricmmwhat are you working on?
20:24.42kergothtouchscreen code at the moment
20:25.53*** join/#elinux MornWork (~julie@3ffe:bc0:8000:0:0:0:0:abb)
20:26.49kergothhey morn
20:29.34ricmmoh nice, wich ts?
20:30.07kergotha TI touchscreen controller. ads7846. the one used on the innovator boards iirc.
20:34.42ricmmyou know, maybe today i get a handheld pc
20:34.59ricmmand it has nice support by now, probably ill reach an x-system with it hehe
20:35.36sorphinMorn: wow, she lives
20:50.01prpplagueanyone got experience with j2me?
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21:10.04CosmicPenguinprpplague: I wouldn't admit it if I did
21:11.24prpplagueCosmicPenguin: is that kinda like admiting you've been gang raped?
21:22.53George-heya prpplague
21:27.26*** join/#elinux sjhill (
21:36.35CosmicPenguinGuess who I am:
21:36.44ricmma CosmicPenguin
21:36.55sjhillummm, Napoleon?
21:37.03CosmicPenguin"Come on guys, I know we said really mean things about you, but quit bringing down our website... whine... whine"
21:37.58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: uh? mcbride?
21:38.05CosmicPenguinGive that man a cigar
21:38.19prpplagueCosmicPenguin: can i have a beer instead?
21:38.25CosmicPenguinNo - this is Utah
21:39.29CosmicPenguinmy top five list of most hated things:
21:39.31CosmicPenguin1) configure
21:39.34CosmicPenguin2) libtool
21:39.36CosmicPenguin3) sco
21:39.41CosmicPenguin4) microsoft
21:39.42CosmicPenguin5) configure
21:39.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: no autoconf?
21:40.02kergoththats what he meant by 1) i'd say
21:40.13prpplaguekergoth: ahh
21:40.21CosmicPenguinautoconf is more the mother of evil - it doesn't actually do anything evil, but it produces evil stuff
21:40.30CosmicPenguinLike the producers of Gigli, for example
21:40.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: lol
21:42.01CosmicPenguinaclocal.m4:601: error: Autoconf version 2.54 or higher is required
21:42.02signal11_i hope gigli doesn't negatively impact "Jersey Girl"
21:42.22signal11_kevin smith must be hella-pissed
21:43.03CosmicPenguinJersey Girl lost about 10 points on the Hollywood Stock Exchange after Gigli came out
21:43.57CosmicPenguinOOps - sorry
21:46.44prpplagueCosmicPenguin: starting to feel like someone trying to get the right paperwork filed to get your drivers license renewed at the DPS office?
21:47.54CosmicPenguinprpplague: not only that, it just reminds me that eventually, I'm going to be forced to upgrade to RH 9
21:49.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ha, then it gets really fun
21:49.24prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i couldn't even build OE on rhat9
21:49.29CosmicPenguinNot - I've been supporting a client on RH 9 all week - what a pain in the ass
21:49.32prpplagueCosmicPenguin: reloaded back with rhat7.3
21:51.28prpplaguelater folks
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23:09.57sorphinhmm, gtk+ tty port
23:10.00sorphinthat i could live w/
23:11.25CosmicPenguinI wrote a FLTK tty port once
23:11.38CosmicPenguinThen I accidently deleted it in a rm -rf incident
23:13.00*** join/#elinux sjhill (
23:49.07kergothi hate write only i2c devices. cant read a register back to confirm it was set properly

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