irclog2html for #elinux on 20030811

00:09.52*** join/#elinux prpplague (
00:13.49chouimathi prpplague
00:14.58prpplaguechouimat: evening
00:15.26chouimatI think I will go sleep soon ... worked allnight
00:15.30prpplaguechouimat: lol, cleaning out my car found my VIP card for "Fanny's" in ottawa
00:16.19chouimatprpplague: I'm getting ready for my vacation in Czech Rep.
00:16.39prpplaguechouimat: fun
00:16.56chouimatprpplague: yup spent 3 days installing 10 mailservers
00:17.22prpplaguechouimat: oh fun
00:17.36chouimatprpplague: I love the araid99 ...
00:17.49prpplaguechouimat: postfix+procmail+spamassassin
00:17.53prpplaguechouimat: ?
00:17.57chouimatprpplague: kolab
00:18.11chouimatprpplague: that thing:
00:18.52chouimatprpplague: kolab:
04:48.16*** join/#elinux andersee (
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05:43.14chouimatRuss: hmm?
06:01.56Russconnection died for a bit
06:02.05Russ'Ping reply from chouimat : 95.28 second(s)'
06:02.14Russthis is hilarious though
06:03.03Russso, check her picture, looks like one of those nice, cheery girls that you could bring home to mom
06:03.18Russ'I'm a sweetie with a nutty side who enjoys nights out with my friends, and making fun of everyone.'
06:03.22Russgood start
06:03.32Russ'i'm heavy into bdsm and i love piercings and tattoos.'
06:03.36Russstarting to go wrong....
06:03.49Russ'i have 8 surface piercings in my arms to begin with.'
06:03.57Russhmm....this girl is freaky
06:04.05Russ'i'm a happy psychology student at ASU.'
06:48.49anderseeRuss: back when I was dating, every psych major I dated was a total headcase
06:49.08anderseeIMHO, psych major == messed up in the head
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14:37.12prpplagueTimRiker: morning
14:47.09prpplagueTimRiker: there is an Innovator dev kit up on ebay
14:47.59prpplagueTimRiker: yea, bidding on it now, but the guy has the reserve up pretty hight
14:48.08prpplaguei'm hopin he'll sell it anyway
14:51.09TimRikerprpplague: you'll want the omap upgraded to 2.75 or something like that. his is from back in june, so it'll have old silicon.
14:51.48prpplagueTimRiker: hmm, what will TI charge me for that?
14:57.47chouimatprpplague: how much is the reserve?
15:04.11prpplaguechouimat: $1900
15:05.56prpplaguechouimat: the unit retails for $2995
15:06.17chouimatstill too much for my current budget
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15:07.59sieve_workmorning all
15:08.04prpplaguechouimat: too much for mine as well
15:08.31chouimatI just realize that I need COFFEE
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15:17.46prpplaguemight be handy
15:19.29chouimatprpplague: yup
15:19.48Russprpplague: philips sells cheap chips that do i2c<->serial
15:19.49TimRikerprpplague: I think TI will do it under warantee, but I'm not sure.
15:19.57TimRiker~spell warantee
15:19.58possible spellings for warantee: warranter warrant warranty warranted grantee guarantee ranter wanter warrantied warranties variant warrants granter
15:20.04Russ$200 is way too much to pay
15:20.13TimRikerah. warranty
15:20.31*** join/#elinux George- (~Test@
15:20.33Russibot: spell gofuckyourself
15:20.34possible spellings for gofuckyourself: quicksilver
15:21.03Russweird bot
15:21.15prpplagueTimRiker: ok thanks, hopefully the seller will come down on the reserve
15:22.07prpplagueTimRiker: maybe i should email him and say "a contact at TI says the silicon in your kit is old and can't be used, but i'll give you $100 for it anway"
15:22.23chouimatprpplague: might work
15:22.44George-prpplague: what item?
15:22.59TimRikerprpplague: how do you know what the reserve it set to?
15:23.16prpplaguejeeze for someone that has a phd, that guy on LAK, doesn't know how to use a mailing list properly
15:23.17chouimatGeorge-: a George-  stuffer
15:23.21prpplagueTimRiker: i asked, lol
15:23.35TimRikerprpplague: I didn't say it could not be used.... ;-) just thinks like usb have some issues.
15:23.46TimRikerer things...
15:23.55prpplagueTimRiker: lol, ya but he doesn't know that, lol
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15:43.53chouimatGeorge-: <specsmu|nothere> well, specsmu, you look like george-!
15:45.32George-chouimat: what?
15:45.53chouimatGeorge-: specemu was killing time
15:46.10George-well, he's on ignore anyway :P
15:58.38CosmicPenguinMorning people
15:59.31prpplagueCosmicPenguin: morning
16:19.52chouimatSCOX was 9.30 at 8/11/2003 12:00pm (-1.45 - -13.49%) NasdaqSC
16:25.38prpplagueCosmicPenguin: what now?
16:28.01chouimatprpplague: I just said a dirty word: SCO
16:28.09prpplaguechouimat: ahh
16:29.12jnorkI'm cleaning up my basement...
16:29.22jnork... and I've got a shitload of UVEPROMs.
16:29.34prpplaguejnork: lol, yea me too
16:29.42prpplaguejnork: have idea what do with them
16:29.48chouimatjnork: do you happen to have some 68hc11 or 68hc12?
16:29.50prpplaguejnork: had been using them with etherboot
16:29.55jnorkchouimat, no
16:30.05jnorkThese are 27xxx
16:30.14jnorkLOTS of 128s and 256s
16:30.28jnorkI'm keeping the 27010s
16:31.06jnorkand some of each of the others, though I may not bother with the 2708s, heh
16:31.34jnorkI was hoping to give them away instead of throwing them away, but...
16:36.52chouimatSCOX was 9.25 at 8/11/2003 12:19pm (-1.50 - -13.95%) NasdaqSC
16:37.34prpplaguechouimat: lol
16:37.43prpplaguechouimat: dive baby dive
16:38.06chouimatprpplague: hehe
16:44.17chouimatprpplague: now at 9.22
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17:03.49prpplagueCosmicPenguin: when i need to do something like that i usually create a file system first and then extract the files
17:03.50*** join/#elinux theDevil- ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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17:03.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i don't often store everything as an image
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17:12.56prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i can only speak of my experience, but i found when i was doing piped gzipped files zcat performed better
17:13.16CosmicPenguinprpplague: yeah, I know
17:13.22CosmicPenguinThats my experience as well
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17:15.22George-these netsplits suck
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17:25.40George-stop fucking netsplitting!
17:25.42George-ibot dict canard
17:26.09CosmicPenguinGeorge-: Excuse me?
17:27.04George-CosmicPenguin: ?
17:27.23CosmicPenguinGeorge-: maybe your next ibot dictionary look up should be for 'sarcasm'
17:27.26CosmicPenguinYou seem to be missing the point
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19:00.48prpplagueanyone every used usb to rs-232 adapters?
19:00.58CosmicPenguinNot I
19:01.09leviI have.
19:01.28leviI got a Belkin one, and used it once.  In Windows.
19:11.15prpplaguelevi: not in linux?
19:14.17kergothi've used the edgeport line in linux while i was at digi
19:15.37George-kergoth: glad you left?
19:15.55kergothoh hell yes
19:16.05prpplaguekergoth: lol
19:16.21kergoththe edgeport are good products
19:16.25kergothgreg k-h maintains the linux drivers
19:16.25Russdammit, bastards didn't disclose polybutelene piping
19:16.33George-kergoth: that means "No! I loved working in tech support talking to incompetant fuckwits over the phone"
19:16.43prpplaguegot an odd deal, i've tried 3 different usb-rs232 adapters, and they call hang when i do something like #echo "hello" > /dev/ttyUSB0
19:17.10prpplaguethe data is sent, but its like its waiting on something to finish
19:18.56kergothclocal is on, right? :P
19:23.51leviprplague: It's a long story, but yeah... haven't had a need to get it to work in Linux, but I did need it in Windows.
19:23.57prpplaguekergoth: ya
19:27.31prpplaguekergoth: interesting, tried it both with and without clocal
19:29.37kergothprpplague: strace the echo
19:34.09prpplaguekergoth: ya, hanging on the write()
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19:58.49Russthats pretty stupid
19:59.02Russthey'll repipe if you've had a leak in your polyb (part of a settlement)
19:59.08Russand cover damages due to the leak
19:59.18Russhowever, they won't repipe if you haven't yet had a leak
20:04.12Russ(and a leak means something that they have to cut drywall to fix)
20:10.08prpplagueargh, i hate usb
20:17.29Russ'Meanwhile, PB piping remains popular among many home builders because it offers savings of $200 to $600 per home compared to C-PVC and copper piping.'
20:17.52Russa $200 savings on a 100k home, gee, thanks
20:18.14kergothheh, guess homebuilders must be tightwads
20:19.25prpplaguekergoth: lol, ya like they pass the savings on the home buyer
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20:30.56Russcourse, now if a polyb leak *does* occur, no home insurance company is going to want to cover you because of possible mold claims....
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20:49.24chouimat1ok SCO is acceptin monopoly money for the licence
20:50.38CosmicPenguinThats about all their stock will be worth here quite shortly
20:51.45chouimatCosmicPenguin: I'm going to the KDE conference next week and we are organizinga "Pay SCO license event .... brin gyour monoploy game ;)"
20:53.06George-chouimat: wth are you doing going to the KDE conference?
21:02.04Russchouimat: I should sent monopoly money to sco....that'd be fun
21:02.56chouimatRuss: imagine if you all to that
21:03.23RussI have a lot of non-compliant devices and computers around here
21:03.33Russso I'll have to track down quite a bit of monopoly money
21:03.41chouimatRuss: I need 10 000 !$ monopoly bills ;)
21:04.24Russis that in canadian monopoly money (CAMM), or US monopoly money (USMM)
21:04.50Russcan I pay them in grocery coupons?
21:05.51CosmicPenguinHoly moley
21:06.00CosmicPenguinWe're getting a new governor
21:06.20Russthen your state will have that new governor smell?
21:06.31CosmicPenguinIts been a while since we've smelled that
21:07.20CosmicPenguinCrazy man, crazy
21:07.55CosmicPenguinOk - here's a good one
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21:08.06Russwhat would it take for me to get your state to walk off the lot with this governor today?
21:08.14CosmicPenguinUtah is 49th on the list of polluting states
21:08.29CosmicPenguinWe used to be 50th
21:09.16Russyou mean least or most
21:09.21CosmicPenguinAnd based on this momentous occassion, our intrepid leader names the governor of the second most rootin' tootin' polutin'est state in the Union to be at the head of the EPA
21:10.38Russgo arizona!
21:10.41Russwhats a TRI?
21:10.57Russdoes that include particulates?
21:11.40Russhmm...seems to be "Land releases"
21:12.53RussI think a pound of tailings and a pound of hydrofloric acid are being treated equally....
21:13.02CosmicPenguinIts a database
21:13.04CosmicPenguinThis is a database of information about releases of more than 650 toxic chemicals from manufacturing facilities throughout the United States.
21:13.04CosmicPenguinWe TRI hard
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21:13.46RussIf you look at anything other than land releases, the numbers turn upsidedown
21:13.57Russso I bet it has something to do with minining
21:14.43Russya, arizona is mostly "copper compounds"
21:14.53CosmicPenguinWe have a plant near SLC that tosses something like 3 tons of chlorine in the air every year
21:15.45Russbut somehow, that doesn't do much to your score when compared to 400 million pounds of copper tailings
21:18.38CosmicPenguinAnyway, the guy in charge of all this is headed to Washington
21:18.54CosmicPenguinAnd we get to pick ourselves a new head honcho
21:19.16Russwhoever made that website is really dumb....
21:19.19CosmicPenguinIt won't be anything like California, if for no other reason than our movie star choices are either the Osmonds or Greg from the Brady Bunch
21:19.30Russthey need to do a multiplication with risk factors
21:19.34Russnot just raw weight
21:28.52CosmicPenguinprpplague: you back yet?
22:04.49prpplagueCosmicPenguin: sorta
22:04.53prpplagueCosmicPenguin: what up?
22:05.09TimRiker~quote scox
22:05.41prpplaguesinking like a rock
22:05.49prpplagueTimRiker: got out bid on the innovator
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