irclog2html for #elinux on 20030805

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00:04.51file-mctnlugchouimat's watching Bond in french... big surprise ;)
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14:56.16signal11CosmcPenguin: did you see this on slashdot: Novell Vice Chairman on Ximian, SCO
14:56.29CosmcPenguinsignal11: yep
14:56.47CosmcPenguinDon't all those execs hang out in the same circles in Provo?
14:56.55CosmcPenguinI would love to see one of those cocktail parties now... :)
14:57.20CosmcPenguinIts a pretty small town, all things considered
14:57.30CosmcPenguinsignal11: you hear back from those HDTV guys?
15:03.39signal11but their site still claims that they'll be shipping on the 19th
15:18.46CosmcPenguinsignal11: any complaints with 2.4.21-ac4 on the Epia?
15:19.02CosmcPenguinI would rather not go with 2.4.22 on a production system unless I absolutely had to
15:19.33signal11let me check, i might be on 2.4.20-ac
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15:37.02RussCosmcPenguin: you are the wrong color, you spelled your name wrong
15:38.16Russthats better
15:38.23CosmicPenguinTHat means more coffee, stat!
16:01.21chouimatVisual C++ is my many people regarded as the best integrated development environments in the world. John Carmack prefers it.
16:08.38*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
16:12.14Russwhere did you get that quote?
16:12.51chouimatRuss: qt mailing list
16:14.26Russthey are some funny people
16:14.39chouimatRuss: ya
16:55.06*** join/#elinux sieve_work (~klu5ter@
16:57.16sieve_workhello all
17:02.01signal11visual c++ isn't so bad
17:02.09signal11the problem is that it requires windows
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17:18.02signal11CosmicPenguin: i'm still on 2.4.20-ac2
17:18.17signal11but there's no reason i couldn't upgrade.  i'm using 2.4.21 at home and it's fine
17:30.37ade|deskanyone use usb2 on the 2.4 series ?
17:31.43ade|deskit just dont work proper, 2.5 series is dandy. guess there is a backport in progress
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17:34.08chouimathi prpplague
17:39.33prpplaguechouimat: hey
17:39.46chouimatprpplague: got your t2
17:40.39chouimatprpplague: any comments?
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18:54.26CosmicPenguinchouimat: Can you hear the chants?
18:54.31CosmicPenguinBullshit!  Bullshit!
18:54.59chouimatCosmicPenguin: yup
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19:28.41CosmicPenguinCan I get you something to nibble on like Pizza poppers or extreme fajitas?
19:29.04chouimatCosmicPenguin: ?
19:30.26signal11CosmicPenguin: sure, bring em over
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20:08.38CosmicPenguinsignal11: most of the MPEG stuff seems to be there
20:09.11CosmicPenguinCept I can't figure out where this one function comes from
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20:26.20signal11so what is it, a kernel dri module
20:31.05file[bed]hey all
20:36.18signal11whats up
21:03.46prpplagueTimRiker: ok well, i have confirmation from 22 companies who are listed as innovator suppliers, 16 said TI doesn't sell it anymore and the rest had no idea what it was, lol
21:04.18chouimatprpplague: wow
21:04.55prpplagueTimRiker: all 22 said they carried omap products not one of them had a part in stock or could get one
21:05.58kergoth`foodprpplague: eh, thats just sad.
21:06.15kergoth`foodprpplague: how is omap going to become a popular development platform if its that hard to obtain?
21:06.55prpplaguechouimat: did you read closely?
21:07.14chouimatprpplague: after I posted
21:07.15prpplaguechouimat: does the world "virtual" raise a flag
21:08.08prpplaguechouimat: lol
21:08.44prpplaguekergoth: good question, i didn't realize that was such a large problem in getting a dev board
21:19.26CosmicPenguinprpplague: paid for your kernel licence yet?  :-)
21:20.36prpplagueCosmicPenguin: no, just had to put my deposit down on my sea side property in phoenix
21:30.38chouimatprpplague: I put that in my ski resort in mount atlas
21:55.08chouimathi TomW
22:04.15TomWchouimat: good evening
22:06.36chouimatTomW: how is the webpal extension board?
22:06.44kergothhey TomW
22:07.17chouimatfrom distcc 2.10: * SCO/Caldera operating systems are no longer supported due to
22:07.29TomWchouimat: just checking over the gerbers and then it is off to the PCB house it goes.
22:07.51chouimatTomW: ok
22:36.02*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.