irclog2html for #elinux on 20030731

00:36.07file[desk]flyback: have both, it'll save time
00:36.33flybackyeah really
01:08.36*** join/#elinux flyback (
01:46.32*** join/#elinux TomW (tom@
03:05.09*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
03:44.38*** topic/#eLinux by fishhead- -> Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || debian-handheld list is up. get your analog skills up for building the embedded boards
07:05.24Russfishhead-: you try doc's in those sockets?
07:34.16*** join/#elinux theDevil- ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:15.41*** join/#elinux mallum (
12:57.41*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
13:01.29*** join/#elinux mallum_ (
13:04.05mallum_kergoth`zzz: ping
13:37.08*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
14:00.26*** join/#elinux sieve_work (~klu5ter@
14:02.07sieve_workgood morning all
14:05.51*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
14:07.24prpplaguemorning all
14:08.50file-mctnlugooh I could get a new ADSL Modem...
14:09.49file-mctnlugmmm nah
14:11.46CosmicPenguinprpplague: morningt
14:18.36sorphinfile-mctnlug: why? not like it's gonna make your dsl sync faster :P
14:20.05*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
14:31.24file-mctnlugsorphin: my current ADSL modem likes to overheat
14:31.31sorphinfile-mctnlug: heh
14:32.25CosmicPenguinWarm your coffee while you work
14:32.28CosmicPenguinIts the perfect setup
14:32.38CosmicPenguinThe more you surf, the warmer your drink
14:33.04sorphinCosmicPenguin: then while you're looking at pr0n it should be scalding :P
14:33.26*** join/#elinux jnork (
14:33.49*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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14:34.09sorphinTimRiker: Mornin Mr. T
14:34.46CosmicPenguinI pity da fool who doesn't use Linux
14:36.09sorphinTimRiker: you're Mr T (Mr Timmy *g*)
14:36.21sorphinCosmicPenguin: </bad joke> :P
14:37.06sorphinTimRiker: that'd be scary, tim
14:37.34file-mctnluggo for a soul patch and goatee!
15:16.56CosmicPenguinI think thats bad - too many cooks spoil the broth
15:17.22sorphinwell, it's taken them 2 tries but honda's fixing my front struts now too finally
15:17.43sorphinmorons shoulda done it last time like i pointed out, instead of saying 'no trouble found'
15:37.10jnorkI used to work for Radio Shack. A customer would bring in a radio and complain that it didn't work... we'd try it and, sure enough, it totally failed to power on. So..
15:37.38jnorkWe'd send it in with "doesn't work" as the complain. No, that's no good... we have to give detail.  Sheesh. OK...
15:38.00jnork...We'd send it in with a more detailed explanation, like "won't power on." Pretty unequivocal.
15:38.19jnorkA week later it would come back from repair with the note, "Bench Test OK."
15:38.31jnorkWe'd plug it in and turn it on, and nothing would happen...
15:38.49jnorkThose are the times we wanted to carpet bomb the repair facility.
15:39.15jnorkMy boss figured that "bench test" meant they'd set it on the workbench, and if it didn't fall off, it was OK.
15:39.50jnorkSounds like those people are working for your motorcycle repair shop now.
15:44.16RussCosmicPenguin: considering writing a response to that, but nah
15:44.39Russits hard to believe that more people aren't seeing the purple elefants on the firmware
15:56.00CosmicPenguinRuss: ?
15:57.34Russpurple elefants...they are big, impossible to miss....but due to a little SEP generator, you don't see them
15:58.06CosmicPenguinRuss: all I'm saying is that its your package, so its your right and responsiblity to fight it
15:58.49CosmicPenguinRuss: I just thing that every do-gooder out there that thinks he is doing the right thing by yelling at the company is actually hurting the cause
15:59.46Russwell, people don't really see the infringement that is going on, because they aren't really looking for it
16:00.23Russthey release the source for what they have of mine, which is good, but they have made no effort to notify current customers, or even put a sticker on boxes that haven't sold yet
16:00.35CosmicPenguinRuss: thats not the point I'm trying to make
16:00.50CosmicPenguinRuss: are you happy with some guy contacting Linksys on your behalf without your knowlege or approval?
16:00.59CosmicPenguinEspecially when you have legal counsel working on your side?
16:01.33RussI consider it as noise, and I imagine linksys does too
16:01.49Russalthough, because of all the noise, they'll probably just attmpt to shut of the noise
16:02.05CosmicPenguinI just worry that dilutes the situation - especially when legal matters are at stake
16:02.22CosmicPenguinThis isn't a "Bring back the McRib" campaign - you're claiming damages under US law...
16:02.26Russthats why I haven't posted my full report on /.
16:05.01TimRikerRuss: have you looked at zeroconf? It might be a Good Thing to add to udhcpc ?
16:05.25Russits pretty easy to augment to udhcpc using scripts
16:09.07*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
16:10.15*** join/#elinux chouimat (
16:10.28file[desk]hello GPSFan and chouimat
16:10.44file[desk]what's a McRib?
16:10.54chouimatfile[desk]: prok
16:11.02file[desk]chouimat: what ADSL Modem did you get?
16:11.25jnorkIt's a crappy McDonald's sandwich they introduced a couple times.
16:11.37file[desk]oh ic
16:11.38chouimatefficient but i'm not home so I don't remember correctly
16:11.43file[desk]chouimat: k
16:11.45jnorkThe flavour was all in the sauce.
16:12.35file[desk]nah, westell
16:12.45jnorkI actually kinda liked it the first time they introduced it. Since then, I've apparently formed some taste buds. :)
16:12.54GPSFanfile-mctnlug: hi..
16:13.08file[desk]I like their McChicken burgers...
16:13.22sorphinjnork: wrong
16:13.35jnorkI haven't formed taste buds?
16:13.40jnorkIt wasn't a sandwich?
16:13.47jnorkThe sauce had no flavour?
16:13.54sorphinjnork: no tastebugs, more than a couple times
16:14.07sorphini thought/think it's good
16:14.14sorphinand i'm rather picky
16:14.29chouimathi sorphin
16:15.11jnorkOK, "few" rather than "couple," and my opinion of its taste is just my opinion, not to be taken as definitive.
16:15.21jnorkBetter? :)
16:16.49CosmicPenguinIt was the only public campaign that I could think of
16:16.53sorphinchouimat1: lo
16:16.59CosmicPenguinMaybe the "bring back the old coke" was a better example
16:17.20sorphinwhich they still now call coke classic
16:18.00chouimatthey still sell new coke? I only saw coke classic here
16:18.12jnorkAFAIK they dropped it.
16:18.14sorphinchouimat1: no
16:18.38jnorkThat's one way to sneak in a spy.
16:18.54file[desk]anybody try that Sprite Ice?
16:19.00jnorkOr a 5th columnist or something.
16:19.23sorphinfile-mctnlug: eh?
16:19.28sorphinfile-mctnlug: i've had sprite remix
16:19.31jnorkNever had it, file[desk].
16:19.40file[desk]it's mint...
16:19.47file[desk]pop that tastes like mint
16:20.39sorphinjnork: now, i do like sprite remix
16:20.43sorphinkinda tastes like skittles
16:20.47jnorkI haven't tried that either.
16:21.13sorphinjnork: tis worth a try
16:21.28jnorkEh. I don't drink much soda these days.
16:21.37sorphinwell, i don't drink soda at all anymore
16:21.51jnorkAnd then I usually stick to a few of my favorites.
16:25.44jnorkThe garbage truck is RIGHT OUTSIDE and I'm DOWNWIND
16:26.10jnork*choke* *gasp*
16:28.22*** join/#elinux andersee (
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16:41.37*** join/#elinux file (
16:41.42filegotta love overheating ADSL modems... NOT!
16:42.10*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
16:45.38jnorkfile, that's what liquid nitrogen is for.
16:46.08chouimathey kergoth
16:46.14filejnork: I wish
16:47.00chouimatkergoth: th slayer War at warfield DVD is great
16:47.09fileheh, I had some TCP Syn Flooding happening...
16:49.17CosmicPenguinI thought liquid nitrogen was for making ice cream?
16:51.02*** join/#elinux prpplague^2 (~billybob@
16:51.05jnorkIt's also good for removing warts.
16:51.30jnorkThe possibilites are unlimitless!
16:51.46chouimathey prpplague
16:55.38filedammit overheated some more
16:58.07file12% packet loss... son of a...
16:59.27sorphinjnork: esp since 'unlimitless' is contrdictory
16:59.32sorphincontradictory even
17:03.29prpplaguewell folks
17:03.50prpplaguejust got the word, i've been re-assign to the server division
17:03.55CosmicPenguinprpplague: damn
17:04.08fileprpplague: for those of us who are unaware of what this means, elaborate
17:04.22prpplaguefile: no more r&d fun
17:05.06prpplaguelater guys
17:05.17CosmicPenguinUh - I'm guessing that was bad
17:05.33Russthere is a liquid nitrogren line running somewhere within a quarter mile of here
17:05.41Russdunno *exacty* where it runs though
17:06.05CosmicPenguinRuss: I would assume that its insulated enough so that you couldn't tell
17:06.09fileexplore ;)
17:06.49CosmicPenguinAnd its not humid enough to make it do wierd metorlogical phenonomons
17:07.07Russ'April 14, 1999, Arizona, Tempe, Heraeus Amersil, hydrogen supply line explosion, Arizona Republic'
17:07.14Russaparently other happy pipelines too
17:09.55filedamn, 29% packet loss
17:10.41Russah, the LN pipeline is for places like microchip, cmd, microtel, etc that are near here
17:12.53*** join/#elinux sjhill (
17:12.58sorphinsjhill: run
17:13.03sorphinsjhill: file's been waiting for you
17:13.27sjhillbah...i can take 'em
17:13.46Russthat'd be nice to tap the liquid nitrogen line for air cooling and computer cooling
17:14.11Russrun liquid nitrogren straight through a waterblock system...
17:14.59CosmicPenguinmmmmmmm..... superconductory.......
17:15.54Russlevitating superconductor office chair
17:35.09Russthat would levitate under a completely different principle
17:35.10Russhot air
17:53.27CosmicPenguinAnyone willing to lay odds on prpplague quiting?
17:53.53Russwell, he could futz around till he gets fired
17:54.00Russplay battlefield all day or something
17:54.20RussI'm not a bookie, so I don't know what the odds on either would be
17:56.29*** join/#elinux file (
17:57.46sjhillfile: someone said you were looking for me
17:57.55sjhillfile: how may i not help you
17:58.10filesjhill: how much is a Philips Nino 312 worth with cradle, rechargable pack, charger, and modem?
17:58.38sjhillabout $70us
18:01.50filesjhill: thanks
18:04.03filewhere though... maybe EBay
18:05.53*** join/#elinux legodude_ (~trillian@
18:05.59legodude_hola alle
18:34.42legodudemore linksys fun
18:36.21RussI haven't visited that site in a long time
18:36.29Russlegodude: whoever wrote that article is pretty dense
18:36.46anderseeRuss: agreed
18:37.06legodudethat's what the comments seem to suggest
18:37.18legodudeI'm getting really tired of slashdot also
18:37.19TimRikerRuss: yeah. I thought I had an account there but I could not find it. I'm looking at the system for a BZFlag karma system.
18:38.06TimRiker <- heh
18:38.32*** join/#elinux pissaris (
18:39.36Russthey even name ppp as gpl software
18:40.55RussI like this comment ' I would really like to see some "Open source lawyers"'
18:42.16Russ'Guess what? It's totally possible that Linksys is in full compliance with the GPL.'
18:42.39anderseeTimRiker: Certification of timriker to Master level ok.
18:44.10Russyou certified yourself....
18:44.58RussTimRiker: remember anything about tom wood by chance?
18:45.16Russ' How about this: Form a non-profit organization that essentially works like the BSA: threatens to sue non-compliant companies.'
18:46.54*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
18:49.26sorphinlegodude: yo
18:49.39CosmicPenguinlegodude: Yeah, I responded to that /. crap
18:51.23*** join/#elinux ade|home (
18:51.25anderseeRuss: Certification of Russ to Master level ok.
18:52.02sorphindo i even wanna know what this certifying junk is? :P
18:52.18TimRikerI can't figure out how to un certify myself. (or anyone else for that matter)
18:53.54sorphinok... it looks like a freshmeat thing :P
18:54.29TimRikerhow does one get added to a project page on advogato?
18:56.27kergoth`foodmmm schlotzsky's
19:02.59signal11thai chicken pizza is my favorite
19:03.10CosmicPenguinChicken BBQ isn't bad either
19:03.16kergothsignal11: that the one with the peanut sauce?
19:03.23kergothwent with a turkey & bacon club today. good stuff.
19:08.16fontenotdamn I hate ppl who think like this:
19:10.33sorphinfontenot: then don't read the comments :P
19:11.49fontenotI have seen no mention of the *other* linksys products using linux and GPL'd code which we discovered last weekend
19:11.57fontenotsuch wrt55ag etc
19:20.45*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
20:46.59*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
20:47.31prpplaguewahoo! what a wonderful day, not
20:54.04CosmicPenguinprpplague: whats the word man?
21:19.17*** join/#elinux ade|home (
21:24.28prpplagueCosmicPenguin: stupidity
21:24.45CosmicPenguinprpplague:  tell us the tale
21:25.39prpplagueCosmicPenguin: no need, i'm sure you've heard the one about the money grubbin sales mutant
21:26.03CosmicPenguinI'm familiar with the plot
21:37.30*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:38.24*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
21:39.03*** join/#elinux levi (~levi@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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23:39.42*** join/#elinux ade|home (
23:45.46Russamn keyboar

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