irclog2html for #elinux on 20030730

00:39.48kergothTimRiker: you ever used
02:22.29*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
02:39.14sorphinGPSFan: evening ken
02:47.56TimRikerkergoth: not as such.
02:48.33kergothTimRiker: looks like a issue tracking tool as powerful as bugzilla, but easy to use.
02:48.36kergothTimRiker: and GPL
02:48.40kergoththinking I may use it for OE/OZ
02:55.17TimRikertell me how it goes.
02:55.20kergothwill do
02:55.56*** part/#elinux TimRiker (
02:57.33GPSFansorphin: evening dan, how did the soldeing go?
02:59.14sorphinGPSFan: ok, doesn't flash tho.. i emailed bigbrd for tips (all i have is wpflash from the programmer tar file and that doesn't look like what i should need to go thorugh the pic, to me anyways)
03:00.00GPSFansorphin: can your programmer read out the flash simm?
03:00.30sorphinGPSFan: no, that's what i'm getting at, it sits at trying to contact programmer
03:01.01sorphinGPSFan: so i prodded him for clarification on a couple things, and such
03:04.09GPSFansorphin: hmmm, so wpflash is used in its parallel port mode to talk directly to your pic programmer. could you have the parallel port in the wrong mode (EPP vs ECP)?
03:04.25sorphinnot parallel port
03:04.53GPSFansorphin: oh, I thought it was parallel. ;>P
03:06.38GPSFansorphin: then I guess the pic is programmed to use the same protocl as the bootloader in the webpal (after the gdb trick).
03:07.12sorphinlooked like it in the source
03:07.57GPSFansorphin: nice to be able to use the same pc software for both, (when it works...;>)
03:09.07GPSFansorphin: you could look with your scope to see if there is data going to the pic, and if it is replying.
03:10.26sorphinwell, i'm gonna see what he says
03:11.31GPSFansure, easiet way, bigbrd is the expert after all.
03:41.32*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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06:13.45TomWsorphin: so the PIC is playing dead?
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12:46.24cpenguin_homeAnyone else experiencing a really crappy internet experience, or is it just me?
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13:48.17prpplaguemorning all
13:49.50GPSFanprpplague: morning
13:51.00file[bed]who was it that made that PC104 router wireless thingy...
13:55.21prpplaguefile[bed]: russ
13:55.33prpplaguefile[bed]: from some pc104 parts i sent him
14:10.50*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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14:12.24file-mctnlughi Tim
14:14.19prpplagueTimRiker: morning
14:14.31prpplagueTimRiker: you finishing your battle with big D traffic?
14:22.19*** join/#elinux mallum (
14:22.58prpplaguemallum: howdy
14:23.06prpplaguemallum: hows life in the UK today?
14:23.16mallumprpplague: good, just been into town
14:23.28mallumprpplague: got my glasses tweaked and some new books :-)
14:24.00prpplaguemallum: cool
14:24.12prpplaguemallum: nothing like getting a tune up on your specs
14:25.08prpplaguemallum: i get new nose pieces about every three months
14:25.57mallumthese glases I have way a ton
14:26.05mallumwhen it gets hot they slip
14:29.24*** join/#elinux sieve_work (~klu5ter@
14:29.58sieve_workgood morning everyone
14:30.22mallumprpplague: I also found an old copy (89!) of the only human readable Xlib book :-) which Im quite chuffed about
14:33.32prpplaguemallum: wow
14:33.52prpplaguemallum: nice find
14:34.14prpplaguemallum: ya i started getting this "feather-weight" glasses for the same reason
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14:46.45prpplaguelatest circuit cellar has lots of fun rf projects, lol
14:49.37mallumprpplague: here are my heavyweight glasses ->
14:50.08sorphinmallum: ack..
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14:56.06prpplaguemallum: jeeze
14:56.19prpplaguemallum: we call those "birth control" glasses around here
14:56.56sorphinprpplague: heh, was doing my moderating the other day, and saw a couple chicks from E. TX (atleast one was a transplant)
14:57.12mallumprpplague: There know as 'who is muda fuking daddy-o' in England
14:59.49sorphinrotfl, this dude on there looks like bill gates, country style
15:10.26TimRikerprpplague: more like a skirmish. the battle continues. ;-)
15:16.03prpplagueTimRiker: lol
15:38.55*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
15:43.00file[desk]so that's what I was smelling
15:43.01CosmicPenguinprpplague: whats going on?
15:43.05prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ssdd
15:43.36CosmicPenguinprpplague: comcast is partially down - TCP is 98% broken, and UDP is spotty... :(
15:43.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: stupid politics and technology uneducated management
15:43.45prpplagueCosmicPenguin: doh
15:43.58CosmicPenguinprpplague: So I can e-mail and irc, but no web pages.. :(
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15:48.04file-mctnlugandersee: greetings and salutations
15:48.59anderseefile-mctnlug: morning
15:49.13file-mctnlugwhat's up?
15:52.15anderseefile-mctnlug: nada
16:00.35sorphinprpplague: least your not working for a place w/ yet more fraud :P
16:02.06prpplaguesorphin: that anyone knows about
16:02.09sorphinprpplague: remember when just a ways back mentioned E. Tx women
16:02.15sorphinhere's one for ya
16:02.19prpplaguesorphin: ok
16:03.00CosmicPenguinWho's the jackass in the pictures with her?
16:03.07sorphinno idea
16:03.15CosmicPenguinWelcome back web!
16:03.52prpplaguesorphin: doesn't say where she's at
16:04.16sorphinsays it in her 'meet me' info, which you won't see till her profile goes mainline
16:04.25sorphinprpplague: remember i'm a mod, so i see it already :P
16:04.40prpplaguesorphin: ahh, i reloaded
16:04.48prpplaguesorphin: ya, lol, pretty typical et girl
16:05.03sorphinprpplague: even kergoth could deal w/ that i think
16:05.05prpplaguesorphin: i wouldn't touch one with a 10 foot pole
16:05.27sorphinwhy? cuz that's as tall as their hair?
16:05.49prpplaguesorphin: no just have lousy personalities
16:06.03prpplaguesorphin: not exactly the kind of women that are good mates for geeks
16:06.24sorphinprpplague: those in general are hard to find :P
16:06.31prpplaguesorphin: not really
16:06.37prpplaguesorphin: just go overseas
16:06.38prpplaguesorphin: :)
16:06.45prpplaguesorphin: but sieve_work can attest
16:06.52prpplaguesorphin: et women are even worse
16:20.31kergothheh, that chick reminds me of my ex. course the way shit went down with that, dave may have a point
16:30.46*** join/#elinux paq_ (~paq@
16:33.36*** join/#elinux Russ (
16:35.47Russfscking power outages
16:38.03Russaparently, our wimpy power poles can't stand a little breeze blowing though
16:38.39Russeither that, or the transformer in out neighborhood couldn't stand a little shock
16:40.50*** join/#elinux ade|home (
16:40.51sorphinRuss: people running their A/C
16:40.58prpplagueRuss: we had a 56k dds circuit at a customer site that would drop everytime the wind would blow
16:41.15sorphinprpplague: mci/wcom right? ;)
16:41.36Russwimpy power system
16:42.26file[desk]ooh, free UPS Standard Shipping
16:43.18prpplaguesorphin: southwesternbell
16:43.50sorphinfile-mctnlug: so?
16:44.03sorphinthat's just UPS gnd
16:44.11sorphinlotta places have free gnd
16:44.28sorphinwhat yo udon't know is it' actually built into the price :P
16:45.01kergothnot always, just comparison shop
16:45.36kergothhmm. caffeine + good tunes + coding = happy kergoth
16:45.55sorphinkergoth: what tunes today?
16:46.34kergothxm's The System today
16:47.14prpplaguekergoth: you get my msg
16:47.23prpplaguekergoth: i can;t ship the z today
16:47.26prpplaguekergoth: will have to be tomorrow
16:47.54file-mctnlugI think Futureshop's online system screwed up, they billed me 72 cents - not $4.10
16:48.00kergothprpplague: no problem, i forgot to email you the address anyway
16:48.02file-mctnlugI suppose it could be for a confirmation though
16:48.27kergothprpplague: fyi, tmm1 got TS working in Opie on 2.4.21-cl1 on collie
16:48.32kergothprpplague: only sdmmc is holding us up now.
16:49.43sorphinkergoth: thought yo uwere going that
16:49.45sorphindoing that
16:49.53kergothI am
16:50.00kergothjust saying what the status is
16:50.06kergoththe release is only pending the sdmmc stuff i'm doing
16:50.29prpplaguekergoth: cool
16:50.40sorphinv 3.4 or ?
16:50.53prpplaguekergoth: i ordered one of the tungsten t2's
16:51.07prpplaguekergoth: was hoping to get some hands on with an omap
16:51.43kergothah nice
16:53.05prpplaguekergoth: if you haven;t already noticed, i like to tinker around on platforms that i can't get help on, lol, makes it more challenging to learn, lol
16:54.26mallumkergoth: heya
16:54.40mallumkergoth: is the src now out for the c7xx kernels ?
16:54.48kergothmallum: yep
16:54.56kergothmallum: OZ works on 5600/c750/c760
16:55.59mallumkergoth: rock :-)
16:56.16mallumkergoth: I go to Japan in a few weeks :-)
16:56.34sorphinheh, /. has review(s) on the 750
16:56.44mallumkergoth: have you played with 750/60 ?
16:57.07kergothmallum: c750 yeah
16:57.14kergothmallum: they're like the c700 but faster. very nice.
16:57.50sorphinkergoth: right stepping this time? :P
16:57.50mallumkergoth: cool, does it do full screen video ?
16:58.02kergothmallum: havent tried
16:58.18kergothsorphin: yes, pxa255, plus the bus mhz is double iirc
16:58.21mallumkergoth: Im just wondering if any more of the ati chips functionality has been exposed
16:58.34sorphinkergoth: wow, sharp did something right ;)
16:58.52kergothmallum: doubtful, but ya never know.
16:59.07kergothmallum: the c750/c760 kernel source support corgi
16:59.20kergothibot: husky
16:59.20hmm... husky is Sharp Zaurus SL-C760 or a dog
16:59.23kergothibot: shepherd
16:59.23well, shepherd is Sharp Zaurus SL-C750 or a dog
16:59.47sorphinsomeone at sharp likes dogs :P
16:59.48mallumkergoth: ah a 750 kernel runs of a 700 ?
16:59.53mallumpugs :-)
17:00.13sorphinmallum: so i saw :P
17:00.41CosmicPenguinI only name my projects after rivers - like Ubangi and Volva
17:02.43prpplagueibot: collie
17:02.44collie is, like, sharp sl-5500 and sl-5000d, or a dog
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17:12.28kergothandersee: hey
17:13.06anderseekergoth: morning
17:13.18anderseekergoth: you're up early
17:13.21anderseeRuss: morning
17:13.37kergothconsidering the schedule i'm on, indeed it is early. thank god for starbucks
17:13.45kergothandersee: hows it going?
17:14.14anderseeRuss: did you see on lkml there is a Netgear 54g router running linux (w/o source as usual)?
17:14.30anderseeRuss: what do you wanna bet it has both busybox and udhcp?
17:14.47kergothyet another violation? jeeze.
17:14.53anderseekergoth: not bad.  I got busybox 1.0.0-pre2 released about 4am this morning
17:14.53RussI bet, 5 beers
17:14.59Russnot on lkml
17:15.01kergothandersee: oh excellent.
17:15.19anderseeRuss: not gonna take a bet I know I'll lose
17:15.31Russall I gotta say, is that broadcom is probably making bank selling GPL software under another license
17:17.44prpplaguemmm, sharp on the phone about a new dev board :)
17:18.29CosmicPenguinprpplague: details?
17:20.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: should have them in about an hour
17:22.08CosmicPenguinFun..... :)
17:37.19kergothOrb - Little Fluffy Clouds
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18:23.16CosmicPenguinsignal11: you here?
18:23.31signal11whats up
18:27.05kergothI need a scope. any recommendations?
18:27.30fontenotkergoth: TomW is a good person to ask
18:28.08fontenotprobably Russ too
18:29.18RussI've never used a scope except for ee classes...
18:33.35Russdunno if you need a scope
18:33.46Russyou can use spice just as well
18:35.27Russof course, there are modern programs everywhere that use spice and have gui this, and waveform that...
18:36.22Russthe article was aparently written by someone at tektronix (they make the good oscilliscopes) with a mullet
18:36.27kergothhappen to know any decent EE books?
18:37.51kergothat this point? probably something pretty introductory
18:38.08Russdoes "thevian equivilent" mean anything to you?
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18:41.33prpplaguelater folks
18:46.28kergothRuss: nope.  I essentially need to go through the equivalent of a normal college set of courses, from intro on up.  maybe i should raid a college book store.
18:54.10fontenotheh I used spice on a mainframe in college
18:54.36kergothmaybe I should just to college.
18:55.03kergothwent for a year during my senior year of HS, took too intense a courseload and promptly burned out
19:01.04*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
19:15.29Russkergoth: yup, you need to start with manually calculating dc volatages on RLC circuits
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19:47.29prpplagueTimRiker: re mr.linux-technologist
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19:56.41prpplagueTimRiker: :( no go on the job
20:04.47TimRikerno? bummer!
20:05.16TimRikerI wonder who they did hire, if anybody.
20:07.23prpplagueTimRiker: the HR person said that someone had accepted the job
20:19.35*** join/#elinux flyback (
20:26.09TomWkergoth: scope? somebody say "scope"?
20:28.24flybackany of your canuck ever used the bootstrap mode of a m68k dragonball
20:28.51kergothTomW: yeah, looking to learn more about the hardware level of things.  I feel blind on that front.
20:28.51prpplagueTomW: dragonball, isn't that your ballpark?
20:28.57TomWdunno who you are talking about, canuck, but I have used the boot mode.
20:29.06flybacki was calling you all canadians
20:29.13flybackyou have used the bootstrap mode ?
20:29.21CosmicPenguinWhat, only candians can do Dragonball?
20:29.34flybackI have a dead palm and I was going to try the bootstrap mode to see if the motherboard is really dead
20:29.47TomWflyback: you hold the debug low, then strobe reset and it goes in to a mini kernel mode.  You can write to memory, jump to memory.
20:30.13flybackyeah I just have to find that pin
20:30.17flybackhow do I hold it low ?
20:30.55TomWflyback: the chip comes up 9600,n,8,1 on the serial port, then when you send it a <CR> (not <LF>) it prints an '@' sign.
20:30.59flybackI still don't comprehend the whole concept of ground etc
20:31.14TomWflyback: then you are in trouble...
20:31.45flybackI kinda understand it non-battery
20:31.55flybackbut they batter throws me for a loop all over again
20:32.20CosmicPenguinTomW: lol
20:32.32flybackwhen I power up my palm, all it does is light up the screen and screeches
20:32.51flybacknow before it started doing that, almost one year ago it died in the middle of a flash
20:33.03flybackI double checked with another palm so I know It wasn't somethign I did
20:33.08flybackI think the flash developed a bad sector
20:33.09TomWflyback: the Palm-IIIe that I have doesn't bring the BDM line out, the RESET you can get at from the pinhole in the case.  You have to solder a wire to the BDM line (on the 68EZ328 chip) and bring it out so you can ground it.
20:33.29flybackthe palm would yeah I know it's in pieces
20:33.40flybackthe palm would bring up a flashing line but nothign else
20:33.51flybackI could get into a debug terminal program and send it commands etc
20:33.54flybackbut it would not flash
20:33.59flybackthe flash tools woudl come back with a error
20:34.18flybackafter I did this for a few weeks I gave up, took the batteries out and put it away
20:34.24flybackweeks later when I put them baxck in, it was dead
20:34.53flybackscreen and digitizer are fine I used them to fix my mom
20:34.59flyback's IIIX with a broken digitizer
20:35.03flybackit's defintely the mb
20:35.22flybackstaples wrote me a $250 check because theyf ouled up the warrenty so I am not gping to fight with this too much
20:35.23TomWflyback: it really takes a 10X microscope and a fine tip iron to solder the 30gauge wire (wire wrap wire) onto the CPU pin without fscking it up and shorting out other pins near it.  If you have never worked on electronic circuits before, you are screwed.  This is not an easy job to do.
20:35.47flybackI was going to follow a trace and tap it there
20:36.10TomWflyback: there is no trace, nothing is hooked to the BDM line.
20:36.28flybackthen I will hold it long enough to get it to power on in bootstrap mode
20:38.02flybackall I want to do is confirm if the mb is 100% dead or not
20:38.16TomWkergoth: I would suggest that you pick up a used Tektronix 465B series of scope from ebay.  You can usually find them for about $300, make sure that it has a good tube in it, that is to say that the display is bright.
20:38.52flybackwhat do you mean strobe reset btw
20:38.58flybackI thought you just had to hit reset once
20:39.24TomWflyback: yeah, well, you hold CONTROL + ALT, then "strobe" DELETE, right?
20:39.46TomWflyback: you have to hold BDM to ground, then "strobe" RESET.
20:39.55TomWflyback: strobe == tap
20:40.52flybacki'll have to do this a day when my hands are not shaking as much
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20:41.49flybackwhen it goes into bootstrap mode
20:41.56flybackwill I see any characters on a serial terminal
20:42.00flybackI mean even justa  *
20:42.22TomWkergoth: if you really want a usefull scope for some high speed work (> 100MHz), then look to purchase a nice Tektronix 2432.  These are digital storage scopes, two channel and very nice.  They are usually between $500..$1200 on ebay.  Also make sure that the display is bright (good) and they claim that it passes the "power on self test" without any failures.  That model scope's self test is very(!) thorough!
20:43.05TomWflyback: you will then send the unit a CARRIAGE RETURN and it will respond with an '@' char to let you know that it is in debug mode.
20:43.56TomWflyback: however, the debug mode is extremely simple.  You cannot issue it commands like "download image", etc..
20:44.14flybacknow I just have to figure out which pin is the pin I need and figure out a way to hold a needle on it and whatever I need to set the pin low and at the same time keep it attached to a serial connector
20:44.20flybackoh I assumed that dude
20:44.37flybacklike I said I did some work with a debugger before so I assume this will be even worse
20:45.21flybackmother of canuck
20:45.29flybacknot enough weight to hold it on the cradle
20:46.16TomWflyback: the only thing that you can do in debug mode is send it specially formatted groupings of ascii chars to STORE_TO_MEMORY and EXECUTE_FROM_MEMORY.  That is it, nothing more.  To read memory, you have to write to opcodes into RAM to fetch the memory location you want, they store it into the RS232 Transmit buffer so the byte is sent to the PC.  Once at the PC, you can take that byte and do a "printf ("%02x", the_byte)".
20:46.25flybacki'll have to tape it
20:46.39TomWflyback: you're not listening to me.
20:46.49flybackyes I am
20:47.43flybackI am not going to be doing any reading
20:47.51flybackI just want to upload enough of a os into ram and exec
20:48.45TomWflyback: there is a kermit script on my website, under the EZ328SIMM project that will do the work of behaving like a simple debugger interface to the 68EZ328 CPU.  You also will need the B_RECORD file to download into the processor so you can get the DRAM controller running (so the RAM will store stuff) and that B_RECORD file will also setup the chip selects so you can access the Flash memory.
20:48.50flybackor mabye just restore the first sector that stupid palm allows you to overwrite and kill
20:49.09flybackthanks ;)
20:49.33TomWflyback: but I warn you, this is not something for the 'faint of heart' to undertake.  Good luck.
20:49.45flybackI can follow or guide
20:49.52flybacka script or guide i mean
20:50.18flybackwould having a working palm help ?
20:50.37flybackI have my mom's IIIX it's the same as a IIIxe but only 4 meg of ram instead of 8
20:50.39TomWflyback: read the kermit script.  it will tell you all you need to know, then look at the B_RECORD file and read my comments in that file.
20:50.44flybackthat's why I was able to swap scripts
20:50.44TomWflyback: no
20:52.10TomWflyback: only thing a "working" Palm will tell you is that you have the scripts setup correctly, and that you can invoke the debug mode.  I mod'ed my Palm-IIIe for debug mode, but never tried it.  My palm works fine for me without linux on it.
20:52.55flybackyeah i'd be happy with palm os :P
20:53.03flybackI am gettign a tungstno T2 soon
20:53.27TomWflyback: the stuff you want is in the download button.  I don't recall what RPM has the kermit stuff in it (been a couple of years since I messed with it).  Wait...  I did some recent work on the 68EZ328, let me look around my file system here...
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20:54.16TomWflyback: yup, there they are.  You take DCC?
20:55.40TomWflyback: that is the B_RECORD file that the kermit script sends to setup the chip selects, uart speed, etc.
20:55.55flybackoh is that like the bios/firmware ?
20:55.59flybackjust the bare inits
20:57.20TomWflyback: that is the kermit script.  Read both and refer to the Datasheet of the MC68EZ328 processor, on the section for the BDM mode.
20:57.41flybackhow much are those webpal
20:58.34TomWflyback: I found a guy in California that has a couple hundred of them in a warehouse he purchased.  The last one I got was $5 + $15.00 shipping.
20:59.43flybackdamn that's a nice little box
21:00.18TomWflyback: I am almost finished with designing an ISA board for the webpals.  It has a 10BaseT, two RS232 and two RS485 serial ports, plus a Compact Flash socket.  The CF socket peeks out the front of the WebPal so you can easily remove the CF card.
21:00.40flybackway ahead of me
21:00.48flybackI been a pc x86 hardware tech the last 10 of my 29 yrs
21:00.57flybackbut late last yr I started looking at embedded
21:01.38TomWflyback: the card will also have a breadboard area approx 2.5" X 3" that is a perf soldering area.  This way you can add stuff to the webpal and add custom electronics.
21:01.59TomWflyback: I do a lot of 8051 work.  :(  too much.
21:02.02flybackisa's still good for non-pc's
21:02.05flybackreally ?
21:02.12flybackdude it's a good little microcontroller
21:02.18flybackcheap and usually gets the job done
21:02.25flybackhave you seen the ones from dallas and st
21:02.51TomWflyback: yeah, I am putting the ISA card together to prototype an ARM + Linux design so I can show a demo of the system concept to a prospective customer.
21:02.55flybackdallas has one with 75 mhz/2 clock/cycle, 16 meg linear addressing, 40 bit math accumulator, 10/100 ethernet, tcpip in rom $9
21:03.08flybackoh you do this professionally :)
21:03.23flybackthe st one is really neat
21:03.34flybackup to 512KB flash and 32KB sram
21:03.42flybackplus is has a bank ofprogrammable logic
21:03.42TomWflyback: I won't use them, most people I know need ethernet  + IP networking layer.  I like the idea of embedded Linux.
21:04.09flybackso you can bounce the flash between program and data space or split to both
21:04.18flybackyeah 8 bit micro's usually only need a serial comm
21:04.28TomWflyback: seen them, not too interested in them.
21:04.49flybackthe motor controller stuff scares the hell out of me
21:04.59TomWflyback: I like the ARM720 stuff that Cirrus has: EP7312, etc.
21:05.15flybackoh arm stuff is great
21:05.23flybackjust horrible overkill for the lower end
21:05.48TomWflyback: depends on your market, how low is low?
21:05.57flyback8 bit class
21:06.03flybackalarm systems, motor controllers etc
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21:06.27TomWflyback: I consult for the Fire + Burg Alarm industry.
21:06.46flybackdude I know the larger scal alarms need more
21:07.08flybackI am talking the very low end for things like motors
21:07.19flybackwhere it's now cheap enough to use a electronic communitator
21:07.41flybackinstead of pathethic brush or even just pwm so the motor doesn't just burn up excess power as heat
21:08.10flybackalthough some of the motor controllers are dsp based now
21:08.21TomWflyback: what I mostly work on is a controller that "networks" fire panels with a security alarm system.  The head-end security system is monitoring the status of the fire panels via this little 8 bit controller that I designed 10+ years ago.  Now they need IP + ethernet, their customers are demanding it.
21:08.29flybackbecause the dsp can do back-emf senssnig instead of having to use expensive sensors
21:09.40TomWflyback: I've run out of MIPS and PROM memory and shudder to think of writing a network layer for an 8 bit machine.  Regardless of how much Flash / RAM it has.
21:10.08TomWflyback: 32bit is now so much more cost effective from an engineering cost standpoint.  
21:10.12flybackmabye you should use a micro with embedded ether
21:10.25flybackyeah they have some cheap low end or even high end 32 bit chips
21:10.39TomWnaw, same problem, you either write your own network layer or purchase one.
21:11.06TomWflyback: I am looking to implement the new controller using RTAI + Linux + ARM.
21:12.03TomWflyback: Actually, I wrote an RTAI system about 10 years ago, before they had a name for it.  So, I am not concerned with RTLinux's patent.  We have Prior-Art.
21:13.03flybackyeah I know
21:13.08flybackwhile I respect IP
21:13.16flybackthe lawyers are getting totally full of shit
21:13.22TomWflyback: what do you work on?  What do you do?
21:13.42flybackI am a x86 pc techie
21:14.03TomWflyback: you do any circuit design work?
21:14.14flybackI don't do any work at all yet
21:14.30flybackthis is just a hobby
21:14.31flybackfor now
21:15.18TomWflyback: that is how it started with me, just a hobby, then somebody hired me to do software engineering, then they needed a board designed... That was 16 years ago.
21:15.48flybackwell I got some mental miswiring so it's probably goign to be a while before I could this this that well
21:15.51TomWflyback: I wrote C + Assembly code for about 8 years before that.
21:15.51flybackmabye someday though :)
21:16.07flybackI just bought home some more old iSA cards from work to salvage chips from
21:16.16flybackonce I fire up my 1000F heatgun this weekend
21:16.21flybackdoign that outside from nwo one
21:16.24flybacknow on
21:16.30flybackmade myself too sick last time
21:17.08TomWflyback: carefull, you will "cook" the silicon if you exceed more than 150 degrees Celsius internal temp of the chips.
21:17.17flybackwhich is how much F ?
21:17.34TomWibot: 150C
21:17.35TomW: I wish you would RTFM.
21:17.44flyback!convert 150C
21:17.53flybackibot 150C
21:17.54flyback: I don't know, could you explain it?
21:17.58flybackibot 150c
21:17.59flyback: i haven't a clue
21:18.03flybackibot botsnack
21:18.03flyback: thanks
21:18.10TomWibot: convert 150C
21:18.38TomWwhat is it?  C * 5 / 9 + 32
21:18.58TomWno, C * 9 / 5 + 32
21:19.15flybackthese are old 74 series logic btw
21:19.18flybackmostly LS
21:19.26TomWflyback: 300F
21:19.39flybackwell I am only heating the back till the solder melts
21:19.45TomWflyback: the heat gun can easily go to 500..700F
21:19.57flybackI did research on this, people use blowtorches even and have no problems
21:19.58TomWflyback: Solder melts at 370F
21:20.03flybackbut I try to be careful;
21:20.09sorphinholy bufferfill batman
21:20.18TomWsorphin: phffffft
21:20.58TomWsorphin: PIC-ing anything up lately?
21:21.21sorphinTomW: waiting to hear back from bigbrd on some clarifications
21:22.08flybackthere are some nice new pic's
21:22.10flybackone with wireless
21:22.14flybackone with a motor controller
21:23.37flybacktom what do I need to hold that pin low for a few seconds
21:24.12TomWflyback: I have invested 7 years into Linux, with 3 of those years into embedded linux (uClinux, etc).  I've become convinced that embedded linux is a good solution, that means 32 bit processors.  So, I don't even look at the 8 bit offerings.
21:24.29flybackwell dude
21:24.32flybackno argument
21:24.36flybackfor 32 bit class and up linux rocks
21:24.45flybackI was talking to sorphin btw :)
21:24.46TomWflyback: besides, "anyone" can come up with an 8 bit solution these days.  The 32 bit stuff takes a lot more work + expertise.
21:24.56flybackyou be surprised
21:25.21flybackdone any i386EX work or amd ELAN ?
21:25.25TomWflyback: that's ok, you can talk "about" sorphin all you want on this channel...  ;)
21:25.41sorphinTomW: go back to sleep old man
21:25.51TomWflyback: naw, I did look at the stuff, but, it didn't really turn me on.
21:26.06sorphinTomW: that must be why you need viagra ;)
21:26.26sorphinTomW: stop looking at hardware and start looking at women :P
21:26.36flybackheh I have that problem
21:26.40flyback29 yrs, never dated
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21:27.02TomWI was married once, ..., once
21:27.10flybacksomeday I will find the right girl
21:27.12flybackoh sorry man
21:27.15sorphinTomW: then like prpplague, you woke up
21:27.42TomWyeah, sort of.  I'd do it again.  With the right woman it could be really nice.
21:28.09TomWCosmicPenguin: still on the Honeymoon?
21:28.25file-mctnlugwhere's Master MIPs...
21:28.36sorphinfile-mctnlug: likely off MIPS'ing
21:28.51TomWflyback: sjhill?  he shows up frequently.
21:29.03flybackhuh ?
21:29.07sorphinname matching
21:29.11TomWwell, I got a board to finish.  CUL
21:29.14sorphinflyback: was meant for file
21:29.18flybacksjhill ?
21:29.22CosmicPenguinTomW`busy: you could say that - thought we've been together for almost 4 years, and living together for 1, so there weren't too many surprises
21:29.28sorphinflyback: he's the resident MIPS guru
21:29.39flybackmips is nice too
21:29.50sorphinflyback: used to be a broadcom lackey
21:29.54sorphinnow works for timesys
21:29.59TomW`busyCosmicPenguin: that's nice, I would like to work at a relationship again.  It can be quite satisfying to have a good one going.
21:30.10flybackthe pennsylvania company ?!??!
21:30.16file-mctnlughe's also the master of Philips Ninos...
21:30.22sorphinthat one
21:30.24TomW`busyflyback: yeah, in Pittsburg
21:30.30flybackI will have to pick his brain about a job then
21:30.35flybackI live 1 hr from pittsburgh
21:30.47sorphinflyback: 1st tip
21:30.53jacquesnetgear is violating the gpl too now???
21:30.54TomW`busyflyback: I live on the other side of the state, directly opposite Pittsburg
21:30.56sorphinthe less !?!?!?!? the better ;)
21:31.02flybacktom cool
21:31.10flybackpa has so many cool companies
21:31.14flybackand so many first
21:31.17flybackfirst computer
21:31.23flybacknuke plants
21:31.31sorphindrug addicts? :P
21:31.39flybackyeah like me
21:32.46sorphinhey, it's flyback voltage :P
21:32.58sorphinflyback: no!!! not file!!!!!!!!!! *snicker*
21:33.11file-mctnlugchouimat is a worse canuck
21:33.29sorphinfile-mctnlug: nah, he just can't talk so you understand him cuz he's a frenchie canuck
21:33.29flybackI hate canucks
21:33.38flybacktheir country has commited so many acts of terrorism
21:33.56sorphinflyback: case in point, choimat's hero, celine :P *g*
21:34.00flybackcelin dion's titanic soundtrack, sci fi series earth final conflict, lexx, beastmaster, xfiles, the outer limits,
21:34.54flybackYOU GOTO HELL AND YOU DIE!
21:34.59flybackBURN BABY BURN!
21:35.09sorphinflyback: disco inferno?
21:35.31flybackburn babye burn
21:35.32CosmicPenguinsigh - this used to be such a nice quiet room once upon a time
21:35.42sorphinCosmicPenguin: then you joined *g*
21:35.51CosmicPenguinsorphin: I was here before you
21:35.56flybackthat what you get for trying to kill everyone else on the road A***hole
21:37.42flybackso if they wrap themselves around a telephone pole
21:37.46flybackI PISS ON THEIR GRAVES!
21:37.55jacquesanyone hear about prism GT linux support? someone on l-k says support was announced a few days ago
21:39.03CosmicPenguinI haven't heard anything
21:39.11CosmicPenguinDoesn't mean that isn't true though
21:41.30jacqueschecking google etc now
21:41.40jacqueswould be good news if ture
21:43.49jacquesmaybe referring to this:
21:44.16jacquesGPSFan: wow! where did you find that?
21:44.40GPSFanjacques: some mail list I'm on, came across yesterday..
21:44.45jacquescool cool cool
21:45.10jacquesfirst atheros and now prism GT
21:45.13CosmicPenguinOhh... I want one
21:45.26jacquestho Atheros still as binary component - wonder if this does
21:46.20GPSFanjacques: the isl8393 plus those drivers plus linux will make a real sweet system!
21:47.29flybackI just got a ton of old isa nic's today
21:47.35flybackdon't ask :P
21:47.42flybackcanuck as a verb
21:47.52flybackintel isa etherexpress 8/16's
21:47.59flybacktotal pos's when it comes to using it as a nic
21:48.09flybackbut it supports and can flash program a eeprom for a bootrom
21:48.24flybackyou can embed small programs in a bootrom and the pc will boot that on power up
21:49.20GPSFanjacques: Ti too...
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22:02.46file-mctnlugflyback: EBay?
22:02.57flybackI doubt any of it is worth ebay even :P
22:03.04file-mctnlugnever know
22:03.06file-mctnlugsell it in bulk
22:03.37flybackI might try to sell the 2 laptop lcd's I have and I have 32 16x1 character lcd's
22:03.54flyback4 bit mode only though and I can't id what chip they use because it's "GLOB LOGIC"
22:12.31CosmicPenguinflyback: those ISA network cards would be good for the Webpals
22:12.40CosmicPenguinIf people don't already have them
22:12.56flybackwell those are for my flash roms
22:13.02flybackthey are extremely buggy dude
22:13.09flybackthat chipset had serious issues
22:13.31flybackI just want them so I can boot off a 32-128KB flash chip
22:15.57flybacksomeone already wrote 2 vt100 terminal programs that don't even need dos
22:16.06flybackby my goal is memtest86
22:16.14flybackhopefully I can use compression somehow
22:19.21flybackso I can turn a old 486 into a dedicated 30 pin simm tester
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22:44.22prpplagueevening all
22:44.27kergothhey dave
22:45.26prpplaguekergoth: hey
22:45.32prpplaguekergoth: we having fun yet?
22:45.46prpplaguekergoth: i'm dying to find out who they hired, lol
22:45.56kergothgot another 20 or so todo items added to my list today
22:46.01kergothbut only 5 are left, so getting there
22:46.05kergothyeah sorry to hear about that, that sucks
22:48.45prpplaguekergoth: lol, np, at least who ever beat me out of it was big wig, lol
22:49.07prpplaguekergoth: no like i was beat out by george
22:49.13kergothtrue that
22:49.37prpplaguekergoth: got a nice new sharp dev board on the way
22:49.42kergothoh really?
22:49.46prpplaguekergoth: haven't even got the specs yet
22:50.06prpplaguekergoth: sharp rep was interested in seeing if i could get linux running on it in a short period of time
22:52.35prpplaguekergoth: ya, just gonna have to stick with the ABCS thing for awhile, and do the embedded stuff by night :(
22:53.40kergothyeah, know how it is.  same shit i was doin at digi
22:54.13CosmicPenguinprpplague: fun stuff
22:55.25prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, i'm just gonna work on my skills getting linux running on new platforms quickly
22:55.44CosmicPenguinprpplague: thats the most fun of all... :)
22:56.08prpplaguei new to get some more experience with the stuff like the ts support and audio
22:56.37prpplaguekergoth: hows the sdc stuff going?
22:57.03prpplaguekergoth: still peeking/poking as us old basic guys say
22:57.16prpplaguekergoth: i thought you were doing some sd card hacking
22:57.21kergothah, yeah
22:57.23prpplaguefor the collie
22:57.32kergothgot distracted by the touchscreen adn some minor bugs
22:57.48kergothI have the english chapter on the sharp locomo chip SPI interface
22:57.55kergothso it shouldnt be that tough to add the slot driver
23:03.22prpplaguekergoth: good luck
23:03.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you gonna be pretty busy for a few weeks?
23:04.39CosmicPenguinprpplague: until Aug 15th
23:05.21CosmicPenguinprpplague: but I owe you, so if you need anything, let me know
23:09.31chouimathi prpplague
23:11.00prpplaguechouimat: hey there
23:11.10prpplagueCosmicPenguin: just thinking out loud
23:11.21chouimatprpplague: any news?
23:11.37prpplaguechouimat: no luck, someone beat me out on the job
23:11.52chouimatprpplague: which job?
23:11.58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: since i am now stuck with my boring server/pos stuff
23:12.16prpplaguechouimat: got called for a TI job, but didn't get it
23:12.34chouimatprpplague: you got called ;)
23:12.55prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i think i might try to some docs together on the different aspects of embedded linux
23:13.03prpplagues/to/to get
23:13.23chouimatprpplague: got your T2?
23:13.29prpplaguechouimat: not yet
23:13.43prpplaguechouimat: i checked this morning, and it still had not shipped
23:15.43prpplaguei wish i could get scanline to write up a nice doc on his ts techniques
23:16.33kergothwhat ts techniques? dejitter?
23:16.57chouimatkergoth: nah screaming at it to get it working correctly ;)
23:17.19kergothso scanline, exactly what words do you use when cursing at the ts?
23:17.48prpplagueyea, dejitter, calibration and such
23:18.00kergoththere are quite a few good sites on calibration algorithms
23:18.05prpplaguets and lcd programming is a real week point for me
23:18.08kergothlet me see if a good one is still in my bookmarks
23:18.23prpplaguekergoth: ok thanks
23:18.30kergothi should improve soon, i'm responsible for TS and an audio codec at ti (kernel drivers)
23:18.35kergothmy real weak point is hardware level stuff
23:19.03prpplaguekergoth: darn i wish i could ask you to do a write up but i know how those TI nda's are, lol
23:19.28chouimatprpplague: they are that bad?
23:19.31kergothprpplague: nothing stopping me from pointing you to existing resources on on teh subject though
23:22.01prpplaguekergoth: lol, thanks

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