irclog2html for #elinux on 20030727

00:54.56*** join/#elinux ade|beth2 (
00:57.47filesleep soon I will
01:05.44*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
02:16.09*** join/#elinux fontenot (
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03:43.55*** join/#elinux fontenot (
03:56.14*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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05:53.46fontenoti was just disassembling my wrt54g - looks like there is space on the board for 2 uarts - not populated though
05:54.01fontenoti guess they are used during development
05:56.00anderseefontenot: neeto
05:56.14anderseefontenot: flashed in hacked rom yet>
05:57.17fontenotandersee: nope I just got it onsale at fry's tonight
05:57.44fontenotI would like to find jtag on the board
05:58.35fontenotsomeone with a clue needs to trace it out - I was reading the seattlewireless list tonight and those guys are kinda flailing around - no wonder they bricked one
05:59.56fontenotthey are asking questions like what does LSB and MSB mean (for MIPS) and trying to find precompiled binaries that might work
06:01.48anderseefontenot: how much?
06:02.06anderseefontenot: sigh
06:02.23anderseefontenot: I thought someone had already figured out the csum routing
06:02.27anderseefontenot: I thought someone had already figured out the csum routine
06:02.33fontenot$109.00 and an additional $10 off if I do th MiR
06:02.42fontenotandersee: yes they did figure that out
06:03.38anderseeSo what is missing?
06:03.39fontenotandersee: did you follow the links I pasted before ?
06:04.08anderseeA thread concluding with a byteswapped crc or some such
06:04.09fontenotI need to read more about it but it looks liek the way it flashes itself is rather fragile
06:04.24fontenotdid you see the wrtgen script ?
06:04.52anderseeI suppose if you brick it... "Gosh!  I plugged it in and it just didn't work!  I like you to replace it please."
06:05.17fontenotwell I would feel bad about doing that.  
06:05.58fontenotof course if I was evil I would modify the web based interface and return it saying I didnt want it and fry's would resell it
06:06.38fontenotI hear the wrt55 A-G also runs linux
06:07.56anderseefontenot: dunno
06:07.58fontenotand that almost certainly uses the Atheros chip for which there is a linux driver in development - tho hmm has a binary component so may be difficult to get a MIPS version
06:08.31fontenotI mean if one wanted to use a different kernel on the Atheros chipset router
06:08.43fontenotnot sure if it ends in g since it's a-g
06:08.52fontenotwrt55 should be enough tho
06:09.53anderseeno mention of GPL on their site re the wrt55g...
06:10.06fontenotyeah I was afraid of that
06:11.57fontenothmm ag fw has different extension
06:13.35RussI wouldn't feel bad bricking it and returning it...
06:13.45Russthey shouldn't even be selling it in the first place
06:17.55fontenotinitial indications are that 55ag firmware image is different format than 54g
06:19.25anderseefontenot: gzip signiture at offset 0x1c
06:19.53anderseeuncompressing that results in a 1491140 byte file
06:20.40fontenotandersee: hmm but the file starts out as 3362816 - what's the rest ?
06:21.09anderseefontenot: ok, it is indeed a linux kernel
06:21.31anderseemips linux 2.4.5
06:21.53fontenotI would assume it's same as wrt54g with a different mini-pci card
06:22.04fontenotthe little card snaps right out
06:22.36fontenotand somehow I doubt there's no GPL'd software on the 55ag
06:23.42anderseeromfs filesystem at 786432
06:23.58fontenotman you are rocking and rolling
06:24.10anderseecurious they are using romfs now rather than cramfs like in the 54g
06:25.16anderseeromfs.image: Linux Compressed ROM File System data, little endian size 65536 CRC 0xc70e3b47, edition 817717223, 717897644 blocks, -935885678 files
06:25.17fontenotyeah there seem to be more differences than I would expect - different developer?
06:25.42fontenotheck maybe there *is* no gpl'd code on it
06:26.41anderseemy bad
06:26.44anderseeIt is cramfs
06:27.22fontenotaha then I'm back to betting there's GPL'd cod eon it
06:28.07andersee+ file /mnt/bin/busybox
06:28.07andersee/mnt/bin/busybox: ELF 32-bit LSB MIPS-I executable, MIPS, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.3.99, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
06:28.19fontenotI'm already anticipating their reaction - "oh we forgot about that product"
06:28.31anderseeBusyBox v0.60.0 (2003.02.13-01:31+0000) multi-call binary
06:29.11fontenotI guess your dad will be writing more letters?
06:30.13anderseeset -x
06:30.25anderseeif [ ! -f $FILENAME ] ; then
06:30.33andersee# I noticed a GZIP signature at offset 28 bytes from the start,
06:30.35andersee# which is a mips linux kernel version 2.4.5
06:30.37anderseedd if=$FILENAME bs=$ZIP_OFFSET skip=1 | zcat > kernel
06:30.42andersee# Noticed there was a cramfs magic signature at offset 786432
06:30.43anderseedd if=$FILENAME of=cramfs.image bs=$CRAMFS_OFFSET skip=1
06:30.45anderseefile cramfs.image
06:30.51anderseesudo mount -o loop,ro -t cramfs ./cramfs.image /mnt
06:30.53anderseels -la /mnt/bin
06:30.55anderseefile /mnt/bin/busybox
06:30.57anderseestrings /mnt/bin/busybox | grep BusyBox
06:30.59andersee/usr/i386-linux-uclibc/bin/i386-uclibc-ldd /mnt/bin/busybox
06:31.21fontenotmaybe they thought nobody would notice?
06:31.37anderseeI think they are on drugs or something
06:32.22fontenotyeah I am having a hard time explaining their actions myself
06:33.18anderseeRuss: you catching this?
06:34.13anderseeThis is getting _really_ annoying
06:34.22fontenotbeyond annoying even
06:35.28anderseeNo firmware for their WET54G "Wireless-G Ethernet Bridge"
06:35.34anderseeWhat do you wanna bet?
06:35.54fontenotthat might be too simple a device to need linux
06:36.18fontenotdunno tho - I bet their new media center is linux
06:36.25fontenotI just saw that today at fry's
06:37.03fontenotno formware dl available yet tho
06:39.51anderseeWell, there's a shocker
06:39.54andersee+ file /mnt/bin/busybox
06:39.54andersee/mnt/bin/busybox: ELF 32-bit LSB MIPS-I executable, MIPS, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.3.99, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
06:40.09fontenotI'm shocked.
06:40.15anderseeThe WAP54G is also running Linux, and is infringing.
06:40.28fontenotand then the WAP55ag too
06:40.51fontenotand I really think the WMA11B probably is
06:41.01fontenotno way to tell on that yet tho
06:41.37anderseefeel free to join the fun
06:53.19fontenotthat reminds me - what about belkin and buffalo ?
06:54.02anderseeNot a word yet.  Even after sending a follow up nasty-gram.
06:54.14anderseeSo I expect they will need to be sued in the very near future...
06:54.53Russandersee: so they are releasing more non-compliant products
06:56.38fontenotRuss: it looks like they are going to release (and are releasing) a whole line of MIPS/linux devices only changing the mini-pci card and some software components
06:57.43*** join/#elinux ade|beth2 (
07:04.23anderseeRuss: seems
07:04.54anderseeRuss: oh?
07:05.01anderseefontenot: oh?
07:05.36fontenotandersee: I'm only speculating based on what they are already doing
07:07.26anderseeRuss: just forwarded you the latest emails...
07:41.44Russandersee: note that vxworks products from broadcom may also infringe to some extent since I've seen GPL code compiled into their rc thingy
08:14.27*** join/#elinux kergoth_ (
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13:10.04*** join/#elinux TomW (tom@
13:10.54chouimathi tomw
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13:17.04filehey all
13:17.25TomWchouimat: morning
13:18.09chouimatTomW: I found a way to meet the app design requirment and the palmos way of doing thing
13:21.41mallumanyone seen this ->
13:21.48chouimatmallum: yup
13:23.45mallumchouimat: any good ?
13:24.19chouimatmallum: didn't treid it yet ... qemu seems good to
13:26.03mallumchouimat: yeah I've been playing with qemu
13:26.23mallumchouimat: got it running wine on powerpc, but yet to get it to run a debian arm binary on x86
13:26.39chouimatmallum: 0.4.3?
13:28.25mallumchouimat: hmm last cvs I tried, let me update and see what happens
13:28.31mallumchouimat: you've had success ?
13:29.48chouimatmallum: nope I'm finishing putting the last touch on a 4months project I need to do in a little more than a month
13:30.41mallumgood luck :-)
13:31.47chouimatmallum: deadline noon today .... and nothing work at 100% ...
13:35.11filechouimat: god have mercy on your soul
13:35.48chouimatfile: God? who that?
13:36.24filechouimat: good ol' dingo
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18:13.58fontenotibot: seen andersee
18:13.58andersee <> was last seen on IRC in channel #elinux, 11h 6m 32s ago, saying: 'Russ: just forwarded you the latest emails...'.
18:19.28*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
18:54.43Russew....the IPC's idea of online documentation is poorly scanned printouts compiled into a PDF
18:56.35Russthey are even color documents, and they were scanned in black and white, not even grayscale
18:59.20*** join/#elinux mallum_ (
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19:03.15fontenotoh I hate that
19:24.00Russhmm....spamassassian has determined that just about anything hotmail is spam
19:27.39fontenotoh that reminds me - time to go clean the spam from my worldnet account
19:27.46fontenot(daily chore)
19:28.15Russits amazing how high of a score some emails can get
19:30.46file-mctnlugmy ISP blocks spam... atleast most of it
19:30.59file-mctnluginstead of getting 30 messages a day, I now get only 4 or 5
19:31.16RussI just have my email server here
19:31.56Russaverages about a spam an hour, its been weeks since one got through, but I'm getting some false positives from people in asian countries on the arm lists
19:32.04Russtheir ISP's have serious problems
19:32.42Russin multiple black lists, not RFC compliant, the reverses don't work out, the whois info isn't there, etc
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22:36.31file-mctnlugchouimat: thanks for the reminder
22:51.58*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (

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