irclog2html for #elinux on 20030714

02:35.16*** join/#elinux theDevil- (
03:00.36*** join/#elinux prpplague (
03:01.51prpplagueibot: seen TimRiker
03:01.52timriker <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 1d 5h 58m 10s ago, saying: 'captain_proton: perhaps. give me a python bot to look at. ;-)'.
03:06.23sorphinlo dave
03:15.52prpplaguesorphin: yo
03:32.16*** join/#elinux Evanrude (
03:44.13*** join/#elinux dafersl (
03:52.45*** join/#elinux andersee (
03:52.45*** mode/#eLinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
04:40.05*** join/#elinux Tinman (~Tinman@
05:00.03Tinmananyone try to make world with a fresh buildroot from CVS ?
05:02.58prpplagueTinman: for which buildroot?
05:11.35Tinmansorry, for the tuxscreen
05:12.44anderseeRuss: did you finish those shanip modules and order them?
08:33.02*** join/#elinux svd (
10:07.03*** join/#elinux mallum (
10:38.04*** join/#elinux levi (~levi@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:48.51*** join/#elinux kergoth ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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10:49.49*** join/#elinux kergoth ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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10:55.20*** join/#elinux kergoth (
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10:55.20*** join/#elinux svd ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:55.20*** join/#elinux andersee (
10:55.20*** join/#elinux Evanrude ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:55.20*** join/#elinux theDevil- ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:55.20*** join/#elinux file (
10:55.20*** join/#elinux Russ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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10:55.20*** join/#elinux jacques_gone (
10:55.20*** join/#elinux MonMotha (
10:55.20*** join/#elinux ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
10:55.20*** mode/#eLinux [+ooo kergoth andersee ChanServ] by
12:08.49*** join/#elinux levi (~levi@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:29.11*** join/#elinux file[work] (
12:38.51*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
13:19.24*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
13:19.31prpplaguemorning all
13:34.59*** join/#elinux chouimat (
13:37.39*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
13:45.05*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
13:45.11CosmicPenguinMOrning frinedly linuxers... :)
13:45.28chouimathi CosmicPenguin
13:45.52file[work]and my house is 4.4 miles away, do I dare walk?
13:46.00chouimatfile[work]: 60 minutes
13:47.22file[work]chouimat: it takes me 40 minutes to bike at an average rate...
13:47.28file[work]and I'm wearing sandles...
13:47.31file[work]I think I could walk it...
13:49.20CosmicPenguin4.4 miles in sandals?  
13:49.43file[work]CosmicPenguin: do I dare?
13:51.17prpplagueCosmicPenguin: morning
13:52.24chouimathi prpplague
13:52.43CosmicPenguinprpplague: morning
14:10.38*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
14:10.38*** mode/#eLinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
14:10.55prpplaguechouimat|downsta: morning
14:12.19chouimat|downstaprpplague: what new?
14:12.32prpplaguechouimat|downsta: ssdd
14:12.46chouimat|downstabb in a bit I must go in the basement ... I need a winblows box
14:14.28sorphinfile: be a "man"
14:14.40sorphinfile: tho it'll take you a while to walk 4.4 miles :P
14:15.14chouimat|downstahi sorphin
14:15.33sorphinchouimat|downsta: lo
14:15.56chouimat|downstaok bb in 1 hours ...
14:18.01*** join/#elinux sieve_work (~klu5ter@
14:27.16prpplaguesieve_work: drop dead, lol
14:27.45prpplaguesieve_work: you take home any food?
14:29.54sorphinprpplague: food? from what? your fired from abcsinc/hired at TI party? *g*
14:30.30prpplaguesorphin: naw, we had a psuedo department bar-b-q party satuday afternoon
14:30.49sorphinah well
14:32.15sorphinprpplague: guess abcsinc is just slow then ;)
14:34.32sorphinprpplague: hmm.. billybob? what'd you do to joebob? feed him to the mailroom chick?
14:34.49prpplaguesorphin: lol
14:35.47sorphinprpplague: didn't you say ashley bailed?
14:35.55prpplaguesorphin: yea got married
14:36.01prpplaguesorphin: so did the tramp
14:36.06prpplaguesorphin: bailed i mean
14:36.09prpplaguesorphin:  not married
14:37.14sorphinprpplague: yeah, she was already married :P :(
14:37.44CosmicPenguinWow... as the ABCSINC turns...
14:38.24prpplaguesorphin: no, the tramp wasn't
14:38.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: more than you know
14:38.35prpplaguesorphin: oh
14:38.39*** join/#elinux pattieja (
14:38.40sorphinhence the :(
14:39.00prpplagueCosmicPenguin: we have an extremely high rate of divorce around here
14:39.00sorphinprpplague: i couldn' care less what the tramp does :P i liked ashley
14:39.12prpplaguesorphin: so did every other guy in the building
14:39.23prpplaguesorphin: i don't think she every paid for lunch, lol
14:39.33sorphinprpplague: oh, did you see the /. article? marriage puts the genius in check or such
14:40.15sorphinprpplague: and yet she married the dumbass
14:43.16prpplaguesorphin: no i didn't see that /.
14:43.23sorphinprpplague: hold
14:43.26prpplaguesorphin: guess i need to check it out
14:44.03sorphinprpplague: there
14:44.12sorphin"Marriage may tame genius"
14:44.23sorphinprpplague: musta been your excuse before ;)
14:53.12CosmicPenguinBah - don't click through if you don't trust me
14:53.26sorphini'm not worried bout the worksafe w/ you
14:53.40sorphinothers, that's another story tho ;p
14:53.42CosmicPenguinWould I post a non worksafe without alerting you first?
14:53.52sorphinCosmicPenguin: what did i just say? ;p
14:53.58sorphincrazy penguin
14:54.20CosmicPenguinYeah - I was trying to figure out your logic there - I couldn't tell if you were complementing me, or bashing me for working at home
14:55.39sorphinCosmicPenguin: heh, i wish i could 'work from home' persay, i'd have already moved :P
14:58.13chouimat|basemensorphin: ?
14:58.15sorphinand here, all this time, i thought the basement was downstairs :P
14:58.33CosmicPenguinsorphin: only problem is, now my boss is a real idiot... :)
14:59.12chouimat|basemensorphin: I put all my computers except this one in the basement ...
15:00.57kergothibot: monday
15:00.57i heard monday is when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems it takes you until friday to get back to normal. a good reason to want to go out and kill people, or a day that no work should be performed due to this phenomenon, or a day requiring the use of large amounts of drugs
15:11.11*** join/#elinux jaytee (
15:11.31jayteehas anyone else tried to download from snapgear lately?
15:11.59*** join/#elinux file[work] (
15:13.08sorphinCosmicPenguin: indeed, and stacee has to put up w/ him too ;)
15:13.21sorphinkergoth: quityerbitchin TI boy
15:14.54kergothson of a bitch
15:15.01sorphinwhat now? :P
15:15.13CosmicPenguinHeh - it looks like Fox has figured out how to use Google news to their advantage
15:15.14kergothI do believe i bricked this zaurus
15:15.29CosmicPenguinThey're making their news headlines into advertisments for their TV shows
15:15.41sorphinkergoth: did you drop into diag mode to make sure?
15:16.03kergothdont know how to get into diag mode on a c750
15:16.03sorphinCosmicPenguin: cute
15:16.09sorphinkergoth: oh
15:16.10kergothbut i cant get into the maintainance menu
15:16.12kergothat all
15:16.16kergothand the mail led is flashing at me
15:16.17file[work]kergoth: hit it against the wall.
15:16.19kergothwhich its never done before
15:16.43sorphinkergoth: email spencer? *g* he never did get back to me on that code
15:17.17kergothheh. the script that i used tried to write the kernel into a certain location in nand
15:17.25kergothi read the mtd into a file to confirm its sanity, it wasnt sane
15:17.28kergothit wrote it to the wrong location
15:17.30kergothboom boom.
15:17.59sorphinkergoth: just like i did w/ my flash code that didn't use commands ;p
15:18.31sorphini was lucky tho, that i hopped in diag and saw it was just the kernel partition
15:18.37file[work]kergoth: :(
15:19.12sorphinkergoth: if spencer would/woulda sent me the damn jflash code they used instead of the self flashing code..
15:19.31sorphinah well, the z's been sitting on the charger for quite a while now, unused
16:06.47*** join/#elinux jnork (
16:29.52*** join/#elinux file[work] (
16:32.52*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
17:30.24*** join/#elinux kergoth ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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17:30.24*** join/#elinux sorphin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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17:30.24*** mode/#eLinux [+o kergoth] by
18:13.58*** join/#elinux andersee (
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18:28.12*** join/#elinux chouimat (
18:37.07anderseeRuss: around?
18:37.17filehome is nice.
19:05.18Russso, its been quiet, has there been formulation going on?
19:05.29*** join/#elinux vircuser (
19:06.28vircuserAnyone here?
19:08.20anderseeRuss: hey
19:08.26vircuserI'm running redhat and need to configure ppp0 to init with the X3 string. Can anyone help me configure it to do that.
19:08.33vircuserX3 makes it run without waiting for a dialtone
19:08.40anderseeRuss: Did you ever finish off those shanips you were making?
19:08.54RussI'm waiting for water based solder paste, should arrive today
19:09.12Russshould be some interesting experiments
19:09.31RussI think I should probably pick up a high temp thermometer like a turkey one somewhere
19:09.38vircuserI'm trying to get my acoustic coupler to run on my wearable laptop from a payphone
19:09.50anderseeRuss: estimated price?
19:09.54Russvircuser: man pppd?
19:10.06Russandersee: I could sell them for as little as $5
19:10.22RussI have about 24 of the buggers
19:10.51RussI screwed up a little bit and had to double stack one of the 0805 caps (value large enough wasn't available)
19:11.14anderseeRuss: reserve 2 of 'em for me...
19:11.22RussI'll probably buy some high gauge wire to ship with them
19:11.26anderseeThe shanips (not the caps)
19:11.28Russvircuser: use wvdial
19:11.30vircuserI typed in pppd at the console and it seems to have frozen
19:11.46vircuserokay it finished
19:11.48Russor learn to use pppd chat scripts
19:12.31vircusercool, how do I configure wvdial?
19:12.42RussI'm not sure if I want to ship them with wire already attached and heat wrap the board
19:12.48RussI'm thinking that be really usefull
19:13.03Russvircuser: wvdial.conf
19:13.12Russits all in the manpages
19:13.56Russship it with a 3m mounting square too :)
19:14.45filemanpages are VERY useful
19:15.01Russdo it all at once
19:15.27vircuserOkay I got that far, and I added the X3 to the init string..
19:15.42vircuserBut it tells me it doesn't specify a login name and stuff even though I see one in the file.
19:16.29vircuserhmm and when I edited wvdial.conf and saved it, next time I ran it, it didn't use my init string.
19:16.30Russtime to reread the manpage
19:21.59vircuserokay I got it to work
19:22.14vircuserbut the init string X3 didn't seem to help, it still told me "no dial tone"
19:22.35Russhave you tried it with minicom?
19:23.13vircuserI don't have minicom installed
19:23.21vircuserbut I used the init string ATZX3
19:23.28vircuserI think maybe I should put X3 before Z
19:23.50Russdon't use z and x3 in the same line
19:23.55Russput z on its own line
19:24.56vircuserHmm okay
19:25.02vircuserHow do I tell it to use 2 init lines?
19:25.22Russ...the man page?
19:25.50filemanpages are VERY useful
19:26.21vircusersweet it worked
19:26.31vircuserI just made a new line called Init2
19:26.31RussI don't mean to be rude with all the RTFM thing, but IRC is just kinda on in the background (working)
19:26.47vircuserThanks Russ. Seriously.
19:27.10vircuserNow what console program should I use to surf the web?
19:32.59kergothgoogle is your friend. as is freshmeat.
19:33.59sorphinkergoth: just makes sure it's .net ;)
19:37.21vircuserthere is some client for console already installed I'm sure.
19:37.31vircuserI'll figure it out later though
19:37.35vircuserthanks & seeya
19:41.29fileand write up a final specification for this USB layer
19:43.58jayteehow small can a basic stripped down uClinux kernel get?
19:48.09Russfile: what USB thing are you getting?
19:48.22*** join/#elinux Arc_Tangent (
19:48.37fileRuss: I did a preliminary theory for PC application to Cybiko Xtreme application USB communication...
19:52.06mallumkergoth: ping
19:54.35*** join/#elinux chouimat (
20:01.02kergothmallum: pong
20:01.13mallumkergoth: hey mr, how goes
20:01.43kergothmallum: busy, really busy. you?
20:02.06mallumkergoth: yeah same, just got a jordana 720 sent to me Im messing with
20:02.21mallumkergoth: still battling to try and get GPE added to OZ
20:02.32Russfile: I'm not sure what you mean by "theory for PC application"
20:03.04fileRuss: a theory as to how to do communication between a PC Application, and an application running on a Cybiko Xtreme over USB
20:08.21Russrun usb_eth
20:13.44CosmicPenguinmallum: you tried the bootmenu yet?
20:15.16fileRuss: hahahahahahahahaha
20:17.38CosmicPenguinUSB eth rules?  Why laugh?
20:18.01fileon a Cybiko Xtreme
20:19.57mallumCosmicPenguin: not yet
20:20.22mallumCosmicPenguin: I only really run X, so Im not sure how useful it is to me ? ( dont mean to sound negative btw )
20:20.59*** part/#elinux jaytee (
20:21.20Russfile: not enough memory?
20:22.39fileRuss: it don't run Linux... it's totally proprietary
20:43.30*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
20:44.23CosmicPenguinmallum: Only because it gives you a generic method for starting X without lots of hacking of the init files
21:01.35*** join/#elinux DCipher (
21:01.40DCipherhi all
21:03.50DCipheri had a quick question re: ramdisk's.... hoping someone can help
21:03.50DCipheri was wondering if it's possible to create a ramdisk and specify the actual memory location and size for the disk ...
21:03.50DCipheri know how to specify the size of a RAM disk in lilo.conf, i just haven't been able to find a way to specify its physical address
21:20.50mallumAnyone have a 2.95.2 toolchain ?
21:27.47sorphinmallum: heh, that's nice and generic
21:28.08mallumsorphin: I got one :-)
21:28.34sorphinmallum: well considering you didn't even say for what platform anyways ;)
21:29.12mallumsorphin: just plain old 70's funk x86
21:29.22mallumsorphin: to arm
21:29.35sorphinthe arm part is the one :P
22:00.59CosmicPenguinI like the new Evolution screenshots... .purth
22:42.39*** part/#elinux TimRiker (
23:05.01*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
23:29.32Russwhy CosmicPenguin, why?
23:29.34jnorkAs well you should.
23:29.39jnorkFeel dirty, I mean.
23:29.47fileCosmicPenguin: why oh why?
23:29.48Russdear $DIETY why!
23:29.49jnorkWhyfor you need a hotmail account?
23:30.13jnorkI mean, you could get your schmeckle chopped off, it would be much less painful.
23:30.21CosmicPenguinI have a client who doesn't want to IRC, he would rather use MSN messager
23:30.28jnorkKill him.
23:30.29CosmicPenguinIts not something I'm proud of... :(
23:30.33jnorkBefore it spreads.
23:30.35RussI don't think you need a hotmail account
23:30.40*** join/#elinux file[desk] (
23:30.42Russjust a msn account or sometihng
23:30.54CosmicPenguinRuss: isn't a hotmail account freer and less evil than an MSN account?
23:31.19RussI forget where I got my msn screenname
23:31.21jnorkum, it works out the same.
23:31.26RussI don't remember signing up for hotmail
23:31.51jnorkI don't remember how it works now, but it seems to me they're tied together or something...
23:32.36jnorkWell, I'm trying to avoid using MSN Messenger and anything related any more. But I do recall the MSN account using a hotmail address.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.