irclog2html for #elinux on 20030703

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02:29.38TimRikertimesys in hiring in Pittsburg or Campbell, CA if anyone is interested
02:29.51TimRikerer s/in/is/
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03:35.38MonMothahum...I think I blew up my parallel port
03:40.45Russanyone work with CPLD's?
03:41.15MonMothacan't say that I do
03:50.46MonMothanaw, I guess I didn't blow it up
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14:43.31CosmicPenguinWow, anyone wanna make $25 million?
14:44.43*** join/#elinux kergoth (
14:47.07CosmicPenguinkergoth: morning
14:47.11CosmicPenguinkergoth: you still at home?
14:48.29kergothI dont have net access at home yet
14:48.32kergothshould order it
14:49.27CosmicPenguinkergoth: Oh.... your addy came up as, and I was hoping TI would spring for more than a DSL line... :)
14:49.44kergothheheh, remote irssi in a screen
14:52.34CosmicPenguinkergoth: so, whats this bootmenu-dialog thats already hanging out in OZ?
14:52.35prpplaguekergoth: no net yet?
14:52.49prpplaguekergoth: you getting caught up on bills?
14:56.46kergothCosmicPenguin: an oldd hackish attempt :)
14:56.57CosmicPenguinkergoth: so I won't step on anyones toes if it gets replaced?
14:57.08kergothonly mine, and I wanted it replaced
14:57.12kergothprpplague: heh, thats funny
14:57.18kergothprpplague: mortgage company fucked me
14:57.25prpplaguekergoth: doh
14:57.29prpplaguekergoth: they take the house?
14:57.31kergoththey told me I could setup a repayment schedule to get caught up right
14:57.38kergothandi paid a payment on that plan
14:57.51kergoththen the fuckers went behind my back and forced the previous mortgage company to buy it back from them for being behind
14:58.11kergothwhat complete and utter bullshit. i mean why not tell me 'you're fucked' straight up, instead of pretending i can get caught up?
14:58.12CosmicPenguinkergoth: those guys will try anything
14:58.38kergoth"excuse me sir, just start that payment schedule, and remember to bend over"
14:58.53kergothso now i owe the previous mortgage company the full amount, which is like $5200, by the 16th
14:59.37CosmicPenguinkergoth: We had somebody try something similar on our fraternity house
14:59.38CosmicPenguinkergoth: it sucks
15:01.21kergothsure does
15:01.25kergothbanks suck
15:03.46CosmicPenguinkergoth: is it a true bank, or just a mortage group?
15:04.18kergoththe one that fucked me? dunno. principal mortgage
15:06.17CosmicPenguinkergoth: prolly a mortage company - some "banks" put up a pool of money, and then pay people to go out and sign loans against it
15:06.59CosmicPenguinkergoth: Not quite the same as an honest to goodness, brick and mortar, funds garenteed by FDIC sort of bank
15:12.33sjhillkergoth: i had 2 mortgages with principal, but apparently mine went better, sorry to hear about your bad luck :(
15:12.41sjhillCosmicPenguin: which frat?
15:13.09prpplaguekergoth: jeeze
15:13.12CosmicPenguinsjhill: sigma phi epsilon
15:13.19prpplaguekergoth: time to start selling that blood plasma
15:13.19CosmicPenguinsjhill: buncha ungrateful bastards
15:14.00kergothprpplague: going to have to borrow from a relative. i hate that.
15:14.16prpplaguekergoth: yea, i know what you mean
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15:19.24prpplaguekergoth: been there done that
15:19.51prpplaguekergoth: at one point when i had my computer stores, i had $250,000 debt
15:21.14prpplaguekergoth: of course i paid everything off, but i told myself i'd never do that again and sold my stores off
15:23.38CosmicPenguinkergoth: see, heres a perfect example - THe mortage company we had tried their hardest to get rid of our loan, but when we finally secure a refinance, they charge us $20,000 for a prepayment penalty
15:24.16CosmicPenguinSo now, even if we refinance, we will still owe our old mortage company almost $15,000 dollars
15:24.34kergothCosmicPenguin: what bullshit
15:24.46CosmicPenguinWhich pretty much means we can't refinance - so the old company is stuck with a loan they don't want
15:29.19kergothCosmicPenguin: ?
15:29.56CosmicPenguinkergoth: my last comment about the mortage just went down about 5 minutes ago
15:30.38CosmicPenguinkergoth: Three of us have spent about 100 hours to secure all the documents and stuff for the refinance, and now we can't go through with it
15:34.55mallumCosmicPenguin: hey there mr
15:35.09mallumCosmicPenguin: how is your uber pda stuff going ?
15:35.32mallumprpplague: hi to you too sir
15:35.36prpplaguemallum: hey there
15:35.41prpplaguemallum: been awhile
15:35.57prpplaguemallum: job has kept me working on boring stuff lately
15:36.22prpplaguemallum: i think i've read k&r c book about 50 times on planes lately
15:36.40mallumprpplague: hehe
15:37.10mallumprpplague: I like 'expect c programming' which takes lots of pot shots at k&r for its mistakes
15:38.23prpplaguemallum: lol, not seen that one, i'll have get on amazon
15:38.36mallumprpplague: yeah its pretty good
15:38.46prpplaguemallum: i need to read "practice of programming" about another 50 times
15:38.59CosmicPenguinI've got much better stuff coming soon - plugins and everything
15:46.14mallumCosmicPenguin: no screenshot ?
15:46.45kergothprpplague: heh, i should read half my books a first time.. never have time :)
15:46.47CosmicPenguinmallum: not right now.  
15:47.11prpplaguekergoth: i know
15:47.14prpplaguekergoth: same here
15:47.14CosmicPenguinmallum: we just have two menu plugins now.  A basic text one (with no dependancies), and a ncurses based menu
15:47.36CosmicPenguinmallum: at some point, I want to do a graphical one, but thats in the future
15:47.40kergothi'll talk to one of the OE/OZ devs
15:47.45kergothhe's working very very closely with teh libFB maintainer
15:47.54kergothon our first bootup status display
15:48.07kergothi'll see if he wants to write that plugin, once you get me the details on the plugin interface
15:48.22CosmicPenguinkergoth: cool.  I notied that libFB isn't being build right now, but that would be easy to add.  I would love to see an menu with the OZ logo
15:49.06CosmicPenguinkergoth: and as I was shopping last night, I figured out an example of a plugin requiring specific configuration - The graphical plugin may need to know where the image file is located...
15:49.18CosmicPenguinSo that might have to be re-arranged
15:49.52kergothah yeah, good point
15:50.40mallumkergoth: libfb graphical boot status ?
15:51.22kergothmallum: he's writing a set of tools to be run from init scripts that communicate with a gui server, for things like percentage bars and the like during boot
15:51.38mallumah cool :-)
15:51.54kergothmallum: .. if we make init call it directly, then we have a graphical display of whats being started, adn perhaps even a key to abort the boot at any given point and drop to a shell;
15:51.58CosmicPenguinkergoth: that communicate with a server?  
15:52.09kergothCosmicPenguin: only needed for need(8) based inits
15:52.15kergothCosmicPenguin: which can have multiple startup scripts running at one time
15:52.19CosmicPenguinkergoth: oh..  otherwise it goes straight to FB?
15:52.34kergoththe server just needs to manage the multiple simultanious requests for dislpay
15:53.06mallumkergoth: libfb is like a really small sdl ?
15:53.15kergoththis is all actually raster's idea, he brought up the coolness of a graphical init, and happened to mention it to one of the oe devs
15:53.24kergothmallum: yeah, its just a really really small fb access lib
15:53.49kergothI'd like to see his graphical init plugin based as well.. maybe you guys should coordinate the plugin for display
15:54.26CosmicPenguinsure...  my plugin is embarressingly simple, though....
15:54.57kergothwell yeah, his would be more complex, but since we're basically doing the same thing, abstracting the underlying display method..
15:55.32CosmicPenguinMine just passes in a list of applications, and then waits for the display method return the selected application
15:55.48kergothoh thats cool, nice and simple
15:56.03CosmicPenguinIf you are building the method in statically, then the module exposes do_bootmenu() to the main app
15:56.15CosmicPenguinotherwise, do_bootmenu() just calls the approrpiate hook from the loaded plugin
15:56.25kergothsounds good
15:57.12CosmicPenguinRight now, I'm trying to figure out how to integrate the whole thing into OZ
15:58.05kergoththere's one major concern here, if the bootmenu isnt installed but you have the bootmenu inittab, you're hosed.
16:00.46*** join/#elinux file[work] (
16:00.48file[work]stupid schedule
16:01.48CosmicPenguinkergoth: exactly.  Also, how do we come to an easy medium between installing gettys on some terminals, and bootmenu on others?
16:02.10kergothwe need another tool
16:02.12kergothabove bootmenu
16:02.18file[work]grrrr this school is only on ADSL
16:02.20CosmicPenguinI'm wondering, do you think it would be possible to use menuconfig to help us build a inittab, or would that be hella complicatd?
16:02.22kergoththat just spawns the default app on a vt
16:02.24kergoththats it
16:02.34kergothif bootmenu isnt installed that is
16:02.39kergothotherwise it calls it
16:02.50CosmicPenguinkergoth: that could be a script, I guess
16:03.12kergotha tiny little vtspawn shell script or something
16:03.24kergothbut it needs to set your vt env var so the app runs right, same way your bootmenu does
16:04.38kergoththat was the way i planned on implementing it back then, you can see that concern is on my list of needs from the bootmenu
16:04.50CosmicPenguinIts complicated, there is no doubt about that.  Not only do we need to figure out how to let the user decide how the ttys are used
16:05.22CosmicPenguinbut we also need to figure out how to install the right apps on the right ttys
16:05.48kergothyep. well, use priority to indicate default on a per vt basis, and the user can rearrange the files if they want to change that
16:06.00CosmicPenguinFor example, in my case, I would like to have Pixil and Opie on the same device, but have pixil start up automatically, and select opie from a menu on tty2
16:06.15CosmicPenguinHow do you specify something like that without hand hacking?  :)
16:06.26kergothyou dont. look at sysvinit for gods skae
16:07.51kergothits either files in the fs, or a config file.. i cant think of any other way of specifying..
16:12.24CosmicPenguinkergoth: I guess we could bail on getty all around
16:12.39CosmicPenguinand either use bootmenu or your script instead
16:13.25kergothright, let the high level script spawn the getty if getty is the highest priority item on those vts
16:13.36kergothand we can control those vt dirs at build time easier than inittab
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16:22.27CosmicPenguinMuch easier
16:23.16CosmicPenguinWe don't even need to do getty, if we don't want - bootmenu should set up the VT correctly
16:23.31CosmicPenguinYou could go straight to login, or even sh (do people really want to log in anyway?)
16:24.43Russqualcomm has one of those stupid "you message contains a virus" email bots
16:25.36MornWorkhi folks
16:27.00kergothCosmicPenguin: I'd say do getty.
16:31.14CosmicPenguinkergoth: might as well, it comes for free
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16:48.08CosmicPenguinkergoth: I'm going to finish up what I have for bootmenu.  Think about how you want to implement in OZ, and let me know
16:48.19CosmicPenguinI have to fix Nano-X anyway
16:50.17kergothokay, cool
17:04.14CosmicPenguinGo ahead and talk to your buddy about libfb, but I might download it and mess with it myself too - it wouldn't hurt to play
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17:24.12file[work]I feel icky, I'm logged onto a Netware 4.11 server
17:25.03kergoth~fishslap file[work]
17:25.06ACTION slaps file[work] up side the head with a wet fish.
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17:34.28file[work]hi andersee
17:35.33anderseefile[work]: morning
17:48.24CosmicPenguinmmm... mint chocolate chip
17:52.51file[work]oh my mom is taking me to McDonalds, I totally forgot
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18:12.44CosmicPenguinkergoth: libfb doesn't support 8 bit
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18:45.03Russanyone do cplds?
18:47.38prpplagueRuss: i don't do drugs, lol
18:48.15RussI'm just lookin' for an 8-ball man
18:48.26Russmaybe a nickel bag?
18:49.03prpplagueRuss: lol, "hey man..... i got some good stuff, pop a couple of these cplds and you good to go!"
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23:37.25anderseefile: well, its a start
23:37.43anderseefile: But they are certainly not out of the woods quite yet
23:38.15fileandersee: hehe
23:38.56anderseefile: They have linked some GPL'd code into their closed source bits...
23:39.52filehow did you notice that GPL page btw... did they e-mail you back with it?
23:40.12anderseefile: someone just sent me the url

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