irclog2html for #elinux on 20030630

00:36.15*** join/#elinux judge (~taras@
00:36.18*** join/#elinux Evanrude (
00:37.04judgehas anyone tinkered with the possibility of hacking the linksys 802.11g router?
00:37.16judgeand getting custom binaries to run on it?
00:40.45sorphinnot that i'm aware of, no.
00:41.12judgejust wondering
00:41.20judgecos i'm no embeded dev
00:41.29judgebut would be cool to be able to put custom apps on that thing
00:42.46judgei looked at the slashdot story
00:42.55judgedownloaded their cramfs image
00:43.01judgepoked around in it
00:43.05judgelooks interesting :)
00:43.32judgejust kind wish i could find some instructions on how to non-destructively put own apps in there
00:43.39judgewould suck to pay for a device and then hose it
00:43.58sorphinbe a bit difficult to do something non destructive usually :P
00:44.29judgelemme rephrase that then
00:44.39judgemake it so you can restore the original firmware ;)
00:45.45sorphinwell, you should be able to, since you can say, toss linux on a cisco router, and then put back on IOS for example
00:45.59judgeyes should :)
00:49.25sorphinjudge: you could be the one to do so :P
00:51.26judgesomebody managed to login into the dell ap that uses linux :)
00:52.54judgethey also got hw skills unlike me :0
00:54.26judgequit nodding
01:51.39*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
03:14.05*** join/#elinux Evanrude (
03:45.10*** join/#elinux Russ (
04:01.39*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
04:15.11*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
06:08.02*** join/#elinux Evanrude (
09:25.37*** join/#elinux mallum (
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12:54.45*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
12:56.50prpplaguemorning all
12:57.00prpplaguelittle empty lately
12:57.03sorphinlo plagueboy
12:57.14sorphinprpplague: you forgot your deoderant again, that's why
12:58.06prpplaguesorphin: usb keyboard? ever jacked with that?
12:58.30sorphinprpplague: nope, only usb networking and storage
12:59.44prpplaguecan't seem to get it working
12:59.59prpplagueworks fine on a fully dist, but not on my embedded version
13:03.50fileprpplague: the gods hate you
13:05.05prpplaguefile: oh?
13:05.13prpplaguefile: do you know something i don't?
13:07.19fileprpplague: no, just that the gods hate you
13:31.02*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
13:32.49prpplagueGPSFan: morning
13:39.22*** join/#elinux sjhill (~sjhill@
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13:41.23prpplaguesjhill: morning
13:41.35prpplaguesjhill: got any experience with usb keyboards?
13:41.43fileMaster MIPS!
13:42.02sjhillprpplague: yes
13:43.54prpplaguesjhill: mind if i pester you? i'm using a 2.4.20 kernel and i am missing something
13:45.05prpplaguesjhill: the keyboard works on a full dist, but i can't seem to get it workings
13:46.14fileprpplague: this is a stupid question... but do you have it compiled in the kernel?
13:46.42sjhillprpplague: did you enable 'Input Devices' and USB HID support?
13:47.43prpplagueyep, both
13:47.50prpplagueand the modprobed the modules
13:48.00prpplaguethey appear to be there, just no worky
13:49.16prpplaguesjhill: thats all you should have to do right?
13:50.08*** join/#elinux pattieja (
13:50.24sjhillprpplague: okay, so under 'Input Core Support' you have keyboard and mouse support enabled, right?
13:51.17prpplaguesjhill: yes
13:51.31sjhillprpplague: and then under USB, you have 'USB Human Interface Device (full HID) support enabled
13:51.37sjhilland 'HID input layer support' enabled
13:51.49sjhilland '/dev/hiddev raw HID device support' enabled
13:52.25sjhilldo you have 'hotplug' installed in your system?
13:52.28prpplagueoh wait, i don't have HID input layer
13:52.35sjhillthat's your problem
13:52.38prpplaguesjhill: ahh ok
13:52.55sjhillpop in there and then let me know
13:53.46prpplaguesjhill: should have seen that, but the 2.4.18 kernel doesn't have that option
13:56.18prpplagueargh, all this travelling has made my mind rusty
13:56.39prpplagueor should i say "er"
14:06.46*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
14:09.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ho ho ho
14:09.56prpplagueCosmicPenguin: merry freakin monday
14:10.05prpplaguesjhill: that did the trick thanks
14:10.15prpplaguesjhill: owe ya a cheeseburger and a beer :)
14:10.23CosmicPenguinprpplague: thanks
14:10.24prpplaguesjhill: gonna make OLS this year?
14:10.29CosmicPenguinIts good to be back
14:11.10prpplagueCosmicPenguin: tell me about it
14:11.22prpplagueCosmicPenguin: first day back at the office for me :)
14:11.51CosmicPenguinprpplague: I spent Thu - Sun at my dad's place in beautiful northern Wyoming
14:24.12sjhillprpplague: cool....are you gonna' be at OLS?
14:24.34prpplagueya, got erikm and tim rooming with me
14:24.34sjhillhey sorphin
14:24.44sjhillprpplague: cool....i'll see you there then
14:24.49prpplaguesjhill: gonna do the "arm dinner party" again
14:25.02sorphinsjhill: usb storage still goin strong btw *g*
14:25.19sjhillsorphin: super cool....
14:25.39*** join/#elinux sieve (~klu5ter@
14:25.51sjhillis anyone running amd mp2400+'s or higher?
14:25.58sorphinsjhill: and i beat the hell out of it frequently, so..
14:26.07sorphinsjhill: nope, tho i'd like to, but no spare $
14:26.37sjhillmy box is locking up.....the temperatures are between 75-79C according to the i2c sensors
14:27.02sjhilli'm using the fans that came with the mp2400's which are amd's
14:27.18sjhilli just ordered thermaltake volcano 10+'s which i hope will help
14:27.22*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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14:27.35sjhillalong with some arctic silver ceramique
14:27.43sievemorning all
14:27.47sjhillhi sieve
14:28.15prpplaguekergoth`bbl: morning
14:28.21prpplaguekergoth`bbl: long time no chat :)
14:28.26sorphinsjhill: scary, and i thought i was bad when i freaked cuz my tbird hit 125F
14:44.57signal11CosmicPenguin: whats up
14:46.18CosmicPenguinsignal11: wfu?
14:46.49CosmicPenguinsignal11: were you on vacation?
14:53.38signal11just slacking
15:02.49CosmicPenguinahh - haven't talked to you in a while
15:04.41kergothprpplague: hey dave, how ya been? been busy as hell myself
15:12.05prpplaguekergoth: busy busy, been stuck overseas forever
15:12.54prpplaguekergoth: spend 3 days in the airport at montego bay, jamaica
15:14.38sorphinprpplague: i'm sure they were glad when you left (and they could fumigate the place) :P
15:15.13prpplaguesorphin: jeeze, your especially caustic this morning
15:15.31sorphinprpplague: i'm catching up, i haven't been around really myself, so... *g*
15:16.47prpplaguei see
15:18.29sorphinprpplague: if it's that bad, next time send sieve
15:30.57CosmicPenguinsorphin: no doubt - the party has really be lacking lately - either you all are really busy or really bored
15:46.46*** join/#elinux sieve (~klu5ter@
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16:37.44GPSFanhi prpplague: welcome back been logged on lately, but real busy here too.
17:04.44*** join/#elinux andersee (
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17:04.50Russmorning andersee
17:07.37anderseeRuss: morning
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17:36.19sjhillhey andersee
17:38.46anderseesjhill: hey
17:38.54anderseesjhill: how're things?
17:39.06anderseesjhill: anything going on in mips land?
17:45.13Russandersee: ever hear of /proc/net/ipt_time_offset?
17:46.38anderseeRuss: nope
17:47.30anderseeRuss: my /proc does not have such an entry
17:55.31filemine doesn't either
18:04.22CosmicPenguinipt_time_offset?  Whats that for?
18:07.10prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ?
18:07.25prpplagueCosmicPenguin: why not just make ps files and use pstopdf?
18:08.43CosmicPenguinprpplague: because I'm a lazy, lazy man
18:08.53CosmicPenguinprpplague: and also, I need the document in .DOC
18:09.12CosmicPenguinprpplague: only problem is, if I upgrade to 1.1 and its crap, then my wife will kill me
18:32.38sjhillandersee: yeah, doing some pcmcia and a bunch of other pci stuff
18:34.28anderseesjhill: sounds like fun
18:41.22signal11lprng #1
18:44.30RussCosmicPenguin: interesting question, I was wondering that myself
19:04.13*** join/#elinux jnork (
20:03.55*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
20:20.33CosmicPenguinkergoth: I've got some errands to run, but when I get back, I'll get bootmenu up on my website so you can tear it apart
20:20.49kergothcool, thanks
20:23.46*** join/#elinux MonMotha (~monmotha@2001:768:1818:a101:0:0:0:2)
21:04.25*** join/#elinux andersee (
21:04.25*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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21:04.25*** mode/#eLinux [+o andersee] by
21:30.08*** join/#elinux ibot (ibot@
21:30.08*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || debian-handheld list is up.
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21:32.33cosmic_errandsDoh - I'm under ping attack
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21:45.24cosmic_errandsmmmm... bootp
21:52.26*** join/#elinux Russ (
21:55.32Russprpplague: that pc104 thing looks like it died....
22:00.43cosmic_errandshmmm...  so the first entry in my log is 'syslogd 1.4.1: restart' dated yesterday at 4:00, and I wasn't home at 4:00
22:00.57cosmic_errandsA clue, Sherlock!
22:02.21filethey hacked your Gibson!
22:02.35cosmic_errandsRuss: yeah, thats it
22:03.52kergothman page references a cmdline opt, rpm says its invalid. fun fun
22:06.39*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
22:19.36prpplagueRuss: doh
22:19.39prpplagueRuss: died?
22:25.44Russprpplague: ya
22:25.58kergothCosmicPenguin: bootmenu stuff.. </pester> :)
22:26.02prpplagueRuss: sorry to hear that
22:26.16RussI'll try to figure out what died on it
22:26.27Russit started rebooting spontaneously and now won't power up
22:26.40RussI think the power transistor thingy died
22:35.32prpplagueso the mb is toast?
22:35.42prpplagueif it is, i'll just send you another
22:38.38CosmicPenguinMy neighbors are out for trouble - they just got an XC 80
22:38.50CosmicPenguinkergoth: yeah, I know.  My landlord duties have interfered
22:40.42filehi all
22:47.20jacqueshat's a XC 80 ?
22:47.55CosmicPenguinjacques: Volvo SUV
22:48.08kergoth*volvo* suv? egad
22:48.13CosmicPenguinsorphin: s/yuck/beauitful/
22:48.21sorphinSUV = Stupid Useless Vehicle
22:48.33kergothfriend of mine picked up an X5 recently
22:48.49kergothamazing vehicle, but then for the cost it oughtta be
22:49.02sorphinthere are 4 types of vehicles i will *never* own
22:49.11sorphinVan, MiniVan, PIckup and SUV
22:50.17jacquesi love seeing all the 3-ton SUVs driving around with 1 person in them
22:50.27jacqueswhile trying to run over my miata
22:51.15sorphinjacques: hehe
22:51.24kergothi should sell my car
22:51.28sorphinjacques: while the miata easily outruns them :P
22:51.35sorphinkergoth: what do you have? a digimobile?
22:51.43kergoth'95 monte carlo z34
22:52.04sorphinthat before or after it went bubble?
22:52.29kergothdunno, its the one with the rear end that looks just like the chevrolet lumina
22:52.38sorphinthat's what i thought
22:52.46kergothand its expensive as hell to repair
22:52.52kergoththey had to drop the axle to replace my fucking alternator
22:53.23kergothgrand national, thats the souped up regal?
22:53.54kergothnice, i'd like to get something like that, or maybe an old rear wheel drive monte
22:53.57kergothfix it up
22:54.13sorphintho, it only had a 260 in it, so...
22:54.37kergothI had an '85 regal before it got totaled
22:54.38sorphinbut the stupid frame was rusted out
22:54.54jacquesLOL - about dropping the axle to replace alternator
22:55.04kergothjacques: $380 to replace a fucking alternator.
22:55.06sorphinkergoth: you know what they say
22:55.09kergothit was either drop the axle or pull the engine
22:55.11kergothwhat crap
22:55.12sorphinkergoth: chevy, it sinks like a rock
22:55.19jacquesmmmmm buick grand national T
22:55.33kergothI was thinking about picking up an old Fiero
22:55.38kergothpick up a V8 conversion kit
22:55.41kergothdrop in a small block
22:55.50sorphindamn thing can't even be supercharged
22:55.54jacquesi wanna supercharge my miata
22:56.00sorphinand the redesign of the front suspension
22:56.11sorphinmakes aftermarket struts a PITA
22:56.14sorphinjacques: that's easy
22:56.18sorphinjacques: what year?
22:56.38jacquesI'm waiting for a couple of projects to become available/stabilize
22:56.44kergothI'd like to pick up a kit, drop in a replacement body for something
22:56.44jacquesthe FM supercharger for one
22:56.48sorphinwhat year did they change the body again?
22:56.51kergothget a more creative look
22:57.01jacquessorphin: M2 started in 99
22:57.07jacquesthere was no 98
22:57.15sorphinthen it's the body style i liked
22:57.24sorphinjacques: just snag a jackson
22:57.39sorphinbout 2500 i think
22:57.45jacquesi want more power - my goal is 220-240 rwhp
22:58.08sorphinwish i could get my mini
22:58.09jacquesprogrammable engine management
22:58.13sorphinstock w/ 183HP
22:58.26sorphinnot bad considering it's size
22:58.44sorphinbtu alas
22:58.52sorphini still owe 8G's on the blue monster
22:59.31sorphinsarah's got a 71 super beetle she's fixing up
22:59.47sorphinthat's basically her dream car
23:06.07*** join/#elinux sieve (~klu5ter@
23:07.22jacqueswhen i was in high school i loved beetles
23:57.03*** join/#elinux chouimat (

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