irclog2html for #elinux on 20030623

00:23.27*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
00:23.39sorphinGPSFan: re
00:23.57GPSFanHi dan, real dead today...
00:26.49GPSFanbeautiful weather, niec weekend, ...
00:27.08GPSFans/niece/nice... too much wine with dinner...
00:30.46*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
00:31.02GPSFanoof, machine crashed...
01:53.22*** join/#elinux paq (paq@
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02:03.37*** join/#elinux paq (paq@
02:03.51sorphinpaq: please fix your connection or turn off autojoin/rejoin
02:04.13*** part/#elinux paq (paq@
03:03.16*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
06:53.13*** join/#elinux prh (
07:07.32*** join/#elinux andersee (
07:07.33*** mode/#eLinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
07:08.47Russandersee: so did you still put all that stuff in at the office?
07:09.21fontenothi andersee, are you really here?
07:10.07anderseeRuss: started to
07:10.33anderseeRuss: My dad's been buggine me to do all that stuff for his office for months now
07:11.03anderseeRuss: So yeah, I'll be finishing it all off.  Though not quite a quickly...
07:11.19anderseeAnd who know, there may yet be a lawsuit with Belkin and/or Buffalo
07:11.32fontenotany word from linksys ?
07:11.34anderseefontenot: howdy, and yup
07:11.39anderseefontenot: yup
07:12.20fontenotandersee: I've got your buildroot building ipaq initrd's
07:12.24anderseefontenot: finally heard from them on friday.  They (cisco, who recently bought Linksys) are committed to honoring the GPL
07:12.31anderseefontenot: cool
07:12.52fontenothit a few snags along the way but it's going well now
07:13.06anderseefontenot: anything I need to fix?
07:13.12fontenot1) binutils 2.14 seems to break mon-i386 builds of the toolchain
07:13.27fontenotdowngrading to fixed it
07:13.36fontenotsaw same issue in toolchain and buildroot
07:14.02anderseefontenot: hmm
07:14.08anderseegood to know...
07:14.27fontenotI needed to add ADD_GCC_FUNCTIONS (or whatever it is) to not have the __udivsi3 symbol problem
07:14.31anderseeguess I'll revert that then
07:15.05fontenotmodprobe is claiming to fail even when it succeeds but I may just need a newer snap _ i see you updated that recently
07:15.09anderseeAnybody here tried the dropbear ssh server?
07:15.23fontenottho I do have a snap from friday so...
07:15.31fontenotmaybe it's not totally fixed
07:15.37andersee110k staticly linked vs uClibc, and doesn't need openssl...
07:16.06anderseefontenot: yeah, thats a recently fixed busybox bug
07:16.41fontenotandersee: how recently ? how can I tell if I have the fix ?
07:17.11fontenotalso, there is no reboot in busybox ? or am I missing it?
07:17.48anderseefontenot: Fri Jun 20 09:57:30 2003 UTC was the fix to modutils
07:17.52anderseefontenot: ?
07:18.11fontenotI want reboot in my initrd but I dont know what to use
07:18.12anderseefontenot: There is a reboot.  It is disabled though if you do not enable busybox init
07:18.19fontenotah OK
07:18.41fontenotI think I had to disable that to stop it overwriting my linuxrc
07:18.53fontenotwith a symlink to busybox
07:19.33anderseefontenot: just disable CONFIG_FEATURE_INITRD for that
07:20.29fontenoti noticed a lot of configs arent in the menuconfig ? like the ADD_GCC_FUNCTIONS ?  there are 2 config files for busybox?
07:21.06anderseeADD_GCC_FUNCTIONS is a uClibc option
07:21.52fontenotd'oh sorry
07:25.39fontenotandersee: what does CONFIG_FEATURE_INITRD actually do ?  
07:26.21fontenotoh heh - support running init from within an initrd
07:27.38anderseefontenot: 1) it adds the /linuxrc symlink , 2) it causes busybox to run init when run as /linuxrc, and 3) it changes reboot, halt, and poweroff to cope with init not being pid 1 (which is what happens with an initrd)
07:28.18fontenotah thank
07:31.47Russfontenot: whatever one can do to avoid the openssl license
07:39.23fontenotwhy does everyone mount devpts *and* devfs? I thought devfs did its own pts management
07:39.40fontenotwell everyone but gentoo
07:40.57*** join/#elinux prh (
07:41.01fontenothmg modprobe is still claiming to fail
08:37.22Russ0 OHM, 5% 1/8W, SMT 0805
09:43.54Russfontenot: whats 5% of 0?
09:45.53fontenotso those are true 0 ohm resistors which means no resistance which means superconductor
09:47.23Russdon't forget its +/- 5%
09:47.50fontenotany percentage of 0 is 0
09:48.21Russso its +0 or -0
09:53.46*** join/#elinux mallum (
10:39.46fontenotheh looks like busybox 'top' doesn't know about swap ?
12:41.46*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
13:13.22*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
14:25.02sorphini read the LRP bit and all the commends that follow
14:25.07sorphinman that dude is pissy
14:29.10*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
14:30.09kergothibot: monday
14:30.10from memory, monday is when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems it takes you until friday to get back to normal. a good reason to want to go out and kill people, or a day that no work should be performed due to this phenomenon, or a day requiring the use of large amounts of drugs
14:35.20sorphinwho the fsck added that drugs comment? i dont' remember it being there before
14:37.28*** join/#elinux sieve (~klu5ter@
14:38.36sorphinCosmicPenguin: be sure to read the bitter old LRP post *t*
14:38.39sorphin*g* even
14:39.36sievemorning all
14:41.23CosmicPenguinsorphin: what a whiner
14:49.56sorphinCosmicPenguin: yup, the comments have been amusing too, one of the few times i've read comments
14:51.40CosmicPenguinIf you offer your code to the world, then you cannot possibly expect to see any monetary credit
14:51.53CosmicPenguinIf you think so, then you shouldn't be offering your code in the first place
14:54.21sorphini thought it was funny he tried to poke at lineo/embedix and caldera, 2 non existant companies now *g*
14:56.47sorphinheh, cute.. "what's that smell under that bridge? oooh a bridge troll" heh
15:01.08sorphinhe even commented himself and whined s'more
15:02.36CosmicPenguinI don't want to read this whole thing - its all either "This guy is an idot" or "GPL sucks - its runing the world"
15:02.41sorphinjust search the comments for Diesel Dave (it's on another screen"
15:02.51sorphinso i can't paste the link
15:02.57sorphinnother machine even
15:05.18CosmicPenguinI love that dumbass that made a sympathetic response full of big words, and the ended it by quoting "Head of State"
15:06.04sorphinand apparently as so many ppl have pointd out, it's not really dead, just all the people that got fed up w/ whiner dave went off and started LEAF
15:06.10sorphinages ago
15:06.31sorphinand i love this guy's "feature list for 5.0 that we'll never see"
15:06.36CosmicPenguinTHe best " So exactly what the hell have you been eating that takes more than a 'few thousand dollars' a month?"
15:13.27*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
15:14.12CosmicPenguinsorphin: sadly, I have karma coming out of my ears
15:14.24CosmicPenguinsorphin: I get mod points about twice a month
15:14.44CosmicPenguinNow you know what I did during the down times at Century
15:17.42CosmicPenguinI event posted an "Ask Slashdot" one time, it got 900 comments, and had a story written about it in the local newspaper
15:18.12*** join/#elinux jnork (
15:25.51sorphinand yes, it is sad :P
15:26.59CosmicPenguinsorphin: Do you remember the CEO from Iomega that basically blamed the death of the company on the culture in Utah?
15:27.28sorphinnope, never have heard anything bout iomega, all i know is their zip drives are a joke
15:27.29CosmicPenguinsorphin: anyway, I asked slashdot if it was true that the Utah culture discouraged geeks from moving here
15:27.52CosmicPenguinAnd thats why the newspaper picked it up, because pretty much the majority response was "yes it does"
15:28.10CosmicPenguinAnd if you see the way the damn BYUers bungled the SCO protest on Friday, you would agree... :(
15:28.28kergothanyone have a debian chroot env laying around?
15:28.35sorphinkergoth: nah, you'd just move to TX :P
15:29.04leviCosmicPenguin: How'd they bungle the protest?  I didn't hear much about it except that it sort of happened.
15:29.08kergothsorphin: hey, i just follow the money, what can i say
15:29.26CosmicPenguinlevi: it seems that the SCO employees "joined" the protest, and made everyone look stupid
15:29.50CosmicPenguinlevi: I guess McBride was hanging out with the protesters, and there are some pictures with his arms around them
15:30.24CosmicPenguinlevi: also, somebody told me that SCO handed out drinks and stuff
15:30.44sorphini thought the anti protest signs were pathetic
15:30.47CosmicPenguinAnyway - I didn't go, so I guess I can't complain
15:31.15leviYou couldn't expect BYU students to know anything about protest or activism, though.
15:33.35leviNot exactly part of the school culture.
15:37.09CosmicPenguinlevi: No, but they are very experienced at convincing people to see things their way
15:37.21CosmicPenguinMaybe if we sent the protesters in pairs, it would work better... :)
15:46.23*** join/#elinux sjhill (
15:48.14sorphinsjhill: morning whore, mips whore.
15:48.40*** join/#elinux TomW (tom@
15:50.10sorphinTomW: got a friend working on the picprg code for me :P
15:52.31sjhillsorphin: hey putz
15:52.34sjhillhi TomW
15:53.28TomWsjhill: so, your name is "putz" now, eh?
15:54.05TomWsjhill: some people just cannot command any respect..
15:55.09TomWI'm tired of waiting for that guy to send me the data I need on his Fire Panel.  So, I am pulling his eprom out, reading the contents, then run the 'strings' command over it to see if I can glean what I need from the eprom.
16:04.07CosmicPenguinHeh - bad choice of words on the title here:,310,&item_id=32173
16:27.20*** join/#elinux jnork_ (
16:30.18*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
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17:10.26*** join/#elinux niklash (
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17:41.08*** part/#elinux sjhill (
18:02.47TomWtalk about a fscking brain dead o/s!  I have been spending the last half hour trying to get win2k to install 2 serial ports: com1 & com2!  Peice of garbage o/s wants to map them out as com5 & com7 and flag them as conflicted!
18:03.42TomWmaybe I should hang a peice of crystal over the computer and chant incantations?
18:04.08kergothdo you have a goat and a sharp knife handy?
18:05.29TomWkergoth: ? ... yesss...
18:05.42kergoththen you're set.,
18:06.27TomWpeice of shit is what this thing is.  I finally have a working(?) com1 & com2, wonder if they'll still be there when it reboots?  Here goes...
18:10.28TomWok, the stupid thing gives me: com1, com2, com5, com7  with com5 & com7 conflicted as "their" resources are in use by com1 & com2.  
18:11.23TomWNow how heck do those idiots at Micro$oft figure that a computer that has only two serial interfaces in it would pose such a problem for them to install the hardware?
18:12.20TomWIntellectually-challenged, self-pleasuring individuals that they are, must make sense to them somehow.
18:13.04sorphinnever had that prob :P
18:13.36TomWsorphin: what?  Not running windoze, or installing windoze 2k?
18:15.22TomWsorphin: Ok, I know what my problem is here: I expected the people at Micro$oft to have a clue as to what they are doing, they do have a clue, they designed their o/s so that I will have to call them, pay $249 to the answer.
18:21.37sorphinTomW: no, what i was saying is my serial ports came up as com1 and com2 w/ no probs :P
18:22.06sorphinTomW: maybe they just knows you're easily irritable?
18:22.57TomWsorphin: naw, it only took me 30 minutes and 5..7 reboots before I got pissed!
18:23.10sorphinTomW: that's why your pill cup every day ;)
18:23.45sorphinthe only time i've had a prob
18:23.53sorphinis when i've moved the slot my ether is in
18:24.03sorphinand didn't uninstall the device in windows before hand
18:24.08sorphinand it came up w/ a #2
18:24.36sorphinand so the non #2 which i couldn't find w/o digging, still held the ip
18:25.13TomWAH! I found my problem!
18:25.49TomWI expected this to work "correctly"...
18:52.20sorphinTomW: nah, you're just a naive senile old man ;)
19:20.07*** join/#elinux zwelch (
20:39.20*** join/#elinux DCipher (
20:39.43kergothhey zwelch.
21:06.12*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
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23:30.16*** join/#elinux TomW (tom@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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23:34.24*** mode/#eLinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
23:35.48*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
23:36.01CosmicPenguinWhew - my power went out at 12:30 - just got it back
23:39.45jacquesi hate that

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