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01:59.01*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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03:45.27*** join/#elinux TomW (tom@
04:15.52MonMothawell, I guess I need to set up a buildroot...
04:16.14MonMothajust got the SBC I need to run this system on, and it appears that the Elan is a 486, not a 586 like I was told
04:16.28MonMothawhich SUCKS becuase this whole damn thing is compiled with -march=i586
04:17.00MonMothaI manged to at least get the kernel to boot and give status
04:17.11MonMothathat took forever (had to tell it to run at 115200 baud...doh)
04:20.25TomWyup, Elan is a glorified 386
04:21.18MonMothadoes gcc know it, or should I just use i386 (I was told to use 486)
04:21.35MonMothaTomW: oh, do, right?
04:21.58MonMothayou don't happen to have a good reference on DRAM, do you?
04:22.09MonMothaI saw the EZLCD's DRAM controller and started wondering
04:22.11TomWbadly... I haven't spent much time with the content lately. :/
04:23.14TomWI used one of the Micron data sheets to do the DRAM stuff with, I had designed with DRAM many years ago, so the datasheet only was to get some of the timing particulars.
04:23.46TomWMonMotha: what in particular do you feel challenged by with DRAM?
04:23.59MonMothaah...see I know the very basic principles, but would just like to see a nice reference
04:24.06MonMothajust interfacing it
04:24.21MonMothaI haven't even seen a single waveform in terms of how to talk to the stuff
04:25.18TomWOnly thing I would warn you about is the Lower / upper CAS line on the 16 bit DRAM, they each control a byte from the DRAM and if you mix them up, you are in trouble.
04:25.51TomWMonMotha: AH, the waveforms.  Yeah, get one of the DRAM datasheets from Micron, or, I can DCC one I have.
04:26.15MonMothaTomW: go ahead and try and DCC it if it's convenient
04:26.22MonMothamy DCC receives should work
04:26.30MonMothaI just can't send unless the other guy is on IPv6 :)
04:26.51TomWGenerally, you don't have to worry much about the waveforms, unless you are sequencing the DRAM with your own logic: for example, adding DRAM to an 8051 / 68HC11 controller.
04:27.34MonMothawell, it's kinda off in the future, but that's probably what I'll need to do
04:27.42MonMothathe thing I'm using certainly won't have it's own DRAM controller
04:28.09TomWDRAM is very very easy to sequence yourself, all you need is a shift register and a 20MHz clock source, and some octal buffers to feed the column & row addresses into the DRAM address lines.
04:29.00TomWlet me think, do I have a schematic laying around where I did the shift register sequencer.
04:29.19MonMothaTomW: I saw the EZLCD had one
04:29.21TomWfirst the datasheet.
04:30.35MonMothayup, that worked
04:30.48TomWthat has some nice waveforms in it.
04:32.03TomWbasically, you do: setup the Lower Address to the DRAM, set RAS active, setup the upper address to the DRAM, setup your Read / Write signal onto the DRAM, then finally activate CAS.
04:32.29MonMothasounds simple enough
04:32.48TomWRAS is used to operate the internal latches of the DRAM to grab the address pair (column & row), then CAS initiates the operation.
04:33.38MonMothamakes sense
04:34.04MonMothawhat about refreshing?
04:34.43TomWyou have to observe the setup times, for example, you have to let the address lines stabilize at the DRAM (propogate throught the octal buffer chips), then, the address line data has to sit on the inputs of the DRAM for a few milliseconds until it propogates internally to reach the DRAM internal latches, once you have done the prop times, then you can assert RAS.
04:35.28MonMothaTomW: fairly normal...just a few more things to consider than accessing, say, normal SRAM or reading ROM
04:35.40MonMothaI'm usually fairly conservative with my timings anyway
04:35.48TomWMonMotha: if you want to refresh DRAM on say, an 8051 system, simply use the 8051 internal timer to generate a periodic interrupt and have the ISR do a read of 256 contigious memory locations.
04:35.52MonMothathough I'm trying to get away frmo that so that the performance of my systems doesn't suck :)
04:37.10TomWDRAM timing is very fast, faster than most 8 bit controller access cycles, you can achieve a DRAM read / write cycle easily within 60..70ns, most 8 bit controllers use a 100ns RAM access cycle.
04:38.07MonMothaTomW: well, my eventual goal is an i960 based system, but I'm attempting to work up to that
04:38.40MonMothacurrently I'm working on an 80451, but it's an ancient part that only has 64kbyte address space available anyawy, so I aws just gunna slap some SRAM on it
04:38.49MonMothanext I was going to do a z80 tho
04:39.04Russ60ns to 70ns
04:39.11Russtoo f'ing slow
04:39.30Russworking on the impedence matching and such for the 133MHz stuff in my design
04:39.31TomWwith a 30MHz clock driving the shift register, you can do: RAS, MUX, CAS in about 96ns.
04:39.33MonMothathey are pretty slow
04:39.55Russdata sheets don't seem to show driver impedance and whatnot though
04:40.06MonMothaoh, I thought you were talking about the z80s :)
04:40.10MonMotha(and yes, they are pretty slow :)
04:40.22Russand it looks like the part that is driving my clock seems to have a 1.8ns rise time, and 1.5ns fall time...
04:40.30Russwhich seems a bit long for a 7.5ns cycle
04:40.33TomWMonMotha: I have that processor in one of my designs.  Interesting thing is that Phillips used to have an AppNote about building a Print Spooler that used DRAM on the 80451.
04:41.16Russusing an 8051 in that design too
04:41.21Russlittle less worried about that
04:41.32Russespecially given it has onboard ram/flash
04:41.36Russbuck a pop
04:41.55MonMothaTomW: heh, I picked this sucker up with all the documentation for like $8 at the local parts store
04:41.58MonMothafigured I could tinker with it
04:42.10MonMothait's pretty ancient (last date I can find on anythign is 1988), 64 pin DIP :)
04:42.16MonMothaI had a hell of a tiem just finding a socket for the thign :)
04:43.31TomWMonMotha: I do think that I have about 20, or so, of those chips here.
04:43.51TomWMonMotha: mine are the 68pin PLCC
04:44.10MonMothaadvantage of those is taht port 4 (I think that's the one) is 8 bits, rather than 4
04:44.16MonMothaif the extra 4 IO lines are useful for you :)
04:44.22MonMotha(that and they're smaller)
04:44.27TomWthe 64 pin package chopped off the AFlag & BFlag handshake of Port 6.
04:44.55MonMothanope, I still have those
04:45.04MonMothait chops off the upper 4 bits of port 4
04:45.15TomWbeen a while
04:45.44MonMothaI can believe that
04:45.50MonMothahuge DIP packages went out a while ago :)
04:47.25TomWbasically, when you do the DRAM shift register controller, you hold the shift register in RESET while the DRAM is not being accessed.  When the DRAM becomes chip selected, you release the RESET and it starts shifting one's across it's outputs.  You take the first output to drive the RAS, the next drives the Mux (octal buffers feeding the upper / lower address lines to the DRAM inputs), and the next output feeds the CAS.
04:48.30TomWtie your processor R/W signal directly to the DRAM read / write pins.  Then use the processor R/W signal to gate the OE (output enable) of the DRAM data onto the processor's data bus.
04:48.44MonMothayeah, I'm using a similar thing to run across the octets on my EPP interfaced flash programmer (supports 16 bit data bus)
04:50.33TomWMonMotha: look at IC2, it is the shift register driving the DRAM.  I was doodling with 4Meg DRAMs on that design.
04:50.58MonMothaTomW: yep, that's what I was on your site looking at before
04:51.12TomWIC2 is a four bit synchronis latch, wired as a shift register.
04:52.04MonMothaTomW: heh, I'm actually using that exact chip on my flash programmer, in a similar manner
04:52.15MonMotha(well, it's an LS, but same function)
04:52.26MonMothait's that simple tho?
04:52.29TomWI have done it using an 8 bit shift register (74165?), but, I needed active low & active high states of each shift to enable / disable different portions of that boards logic.
04:52.35TomWMonMotha: yup
04:53.11MonMothathe PC people must have some reason to make people think that talking to DRAM is some black art :)
04:53.35TomWtiming is critical, just watch your data sheets to calculate the prop times (input to output prop from output enable) of the gates involved so that you satisfy the DRAM signal setup times.  
04:53.43TomWother than that, it is a simple interface.
04:54.18TomWBTW, SDRAM is also very simple, very very fast, but you can do the same as the DRAM controller for SDRAM by using a PLD.
04:55.30TomWthe SDRAM differs from the DRAM (basically) in that it uses a command word to dictate the operation (read, write, refresh, nop, ...). What they did was to simply streamline the RAS / CAS idea in to a command oriented interface.  
04:55.48TomWsame silicon, slightly different electrical interface.
04:56.22MonMothaah, that would explain the almost nessecity of a PLD
04:56.40TomWGo to micron's site, they have an AppNote that discusses how to transition a DRAM based design over to use SDRAM.
04:56.41MonMothait also needs the system clock, right?
04:58.20TomWMonMotha: at higher system speeds, you generally use a clock that is driving / derived from the processor's clock.  This is so that you don't get in to the position where the two clocks are running asynchronisly with respect to each other.  With asynchronis clocks, you have to consider that they might be 180 degrees out of phase.
04:59.28TomWBy deriving the (S)DRAM clock from the processor clock source, you only have to worry about a few degrees of phase shift between the clocks (a few ps of difference).
04:59.54MonMothaI generally try to get by with only one clock anyway
04:59.59MonMothaone clocks ource that is
05:01.20TomWAs to the "impedance matching" you see on the SDRAMs layout.  That serves two purposes: cut down on overshoot / undershoot / noise on the various signals.  BUT, it basically ensures that the signals will propogate across the PCB traces and arrive that the SDRAM input pins at the correct timing interval.
05:01.44MonMothamakes sense
05:03.10TomWThink about it, if you have the address line(s) longer than the RAS trace, the address signal(s) would be delayed and arrive later than the RAS (if both were asserted simultaneously).  The "need for speed" is so great on the P-III & P-IV processor designs that the few picoseconds of delay is what they are trying to avoid.
05:04.37MonMothaoh yeah...I've actually had problems that may be related to that (difficult to tell without a scope) when hand wiring things - I just grab whatever wire is handy when I'm in a hurry, if that wire is 10 feet long, whatever :)
05:04.48MonMothathing is, at the slow speeds I'm running, it's probably something else
05:04.56MonMotha(just a couple MHz usually)
05:04.57TomWof course, it is not a simple as measuring the length of the trace, it depends on the impedance that the trace presents: L == inductance == length and C == capacitance == input / output capacitance of SDRAM & drivers == etc..
05:05.24MonMothapresumably I'll actually learn all this in the coming couple of years (starting EE curriculum)
05:05.48TomWhaving a high speed storage scope is an asset when troubleshooting (S)DRAM logic.
05:06.12MonMothayeah...they're expensive tho
05:06.19MonMothaand I figured I should probably get a decent meter first
05:06.20TomWnice to have an appreciation of the potential problems so that you can interrogate the professor, eh?
05:06.41MonMothaTomW: most objective is to have a working "computer" based on this 80451 when I walk in
05:07.06TomWJust to see if the guy knows what he is talking about, I mean "those that can, do; those that can't, teach".   ;)
05:07.17MonMothaTomW: I should hope the guys knows what he's talking about
05:07.27MonMothapaying through the nose for it
05:08.08MonMotha(no doubt it very prominantely mentions it's #1 US News & World Report rating...each time after which they promptly raised tuition :)
05:08.59TomWWell, it is good, IMO, to have an appreciation for the principles of the design process.  Some people may question the usefullness of adding DRAM to an 8051 based processor, but, it presents practical challenges that require solutions.
05:10.04MonMothayeah, certainly much more difficult than slapping some SRAM on there (which a 74138 is almost designed to glue a 8051 to SRAM and similar devices), but still simple enough that one can figure out what goes wrong!
05:10.52TomWyou can pretty much teach anyone to write software.  But, it is rare to find someone willing to sit still and work their way through the details of interfacing hardware.
05:11.24MonMotha(which is odd, I'm too lazy to sit down and actually learn how to program; I know C, but I swear I woudl take all day to write a simple bubble sort)
05:11.27TomWlots of people just want it to work: here, plug this in this way...
05:12.05MonMothayeah, I know the language but not the science
05:12.18TomWI enjoy doing both, I like the challange of creating a new design, then enjoy the process of crafting the software.
05:12.47TomWIt's a living (obsession).
05:12.48MonMothayeah, that's kinda what I'm doing
05:13.20MonMothaobviously as a learning experience...who in their right mind would want a calculator/clock in an enclosure the size of a smart box (it actually *IS* an old telco smartbox)
05:14.31TomWI gotta get back to work, I have some code that is fscking up big-time!  I fed it a series of inputs and it behaved badly, fortunately, I had written some diagnostic logging into the software. So, it is time to do a post-mortem.
05:14.56MonMothawhere do you work btw?
05:18.17TomW`workMonMotha: I am a consultant, I work from home.
05:19.09TomW`workI get to smoke cigars and wander into the kitchen while I am working.
06:17.31RussTomW`work: so you know a bit about impedance matching?
06:17.47TomW`workfrom work with RF
06:18.17TomW`worktransmission lines, input stages of amplifiers, etc.
06:18.55TomW`workRF == magic
06:19.59Russok, I think the best termination for most of my stuff is serial
06:20.23Russso you take the impedance of the line, subtract the impedance of the transmitter, and use that value (or slightly lower)
06:20.46RussI can't find in any of these datasheets the impedance of the transmitter
06:20.59Russ(largely going off of philips an246
06:21.32TomW`workimpedance is calculated, not stated.
06:21.44TomW`workresistance != impedance
06:22.15Russok, so how do I find the impedance of a fet based transmitter
06:22.43sorphinTomW`work: it'd be nice/simpler if it did tho ;)
06:22.51TomW`workXl == 2 * Pi * L * F(MHz)
06:23.11TomW`worksorphin: you know this stuff, it is in the Technician license test.
06:23.14RussX1 and L?
06:23.26Russalso, is MHz in rise time rate, or cycle time
06:23.59TomW`workslewrate approx equal to F in MHz.
06:24.17sorphinTomW`work: heh, you know how long it's been since i took the test? :P
06:24.33jacques_gonewhich test?
06:24.33TomW`worksorphin: prolly longer than you were last on the air?
06:24.34Russwhy do they use slew in two different contexts like that?
06:24.39TomW`workjacques_gone: ham
06:24.44jacques_gonethat wasnt on my test
06:24.56sorphinTomW`work: something like that ;)
06:24.59Russlike the slew between two gates, or the slew as in tR and tF
06:25.06sorphinjacques_gone: yeah, wasn't on mine either
06:25.16TomW`workFrequency refers to a cyclical rate, slew is a rate of change.
06:27.47Russso, what is X1 and L?
06:28.42sorphinXl, not X1
06:29.01sorphinand L is inductance
06:30.40Russwhich inductance
06:32.48sorphini'd assume the line/coil/whatever
06:35.32RussI'm also wavering on whether or not I need termination
06:36.54Russcourse, I suppose if I don't need it, but I use it anyway, I'm losing less that an ns...but that could be a lot
06:39.30RussI'm waiting for howard johnsons book to get here
06:40.24TomW`workRuss: what are you trying to terminate and why do you think that termination is necessary?
06:40.37Russits pretty complex
06:40.49RussI have 4 8-bit 133MHz SDRAMs on a 32bit bus
06:41.00Russso the clock, address, control lines run to each of them
06:41.34Russon the same bus I have various slow speed devices like flash, and buffers, unsure if I'll put that before, or beyond the SDRAM yet
06:41.48Russthen I have a host processor that hooks into that
06:42.09TomW`workIMO, I don't think that is a good idea.
06:42.27Russthen I have the digital output of a video processor that can take over control of the data bus via some flip-flops (delaying the pixel data one clock cycle is necessary)
06:42.57Russso I figure 2-3 inches of heavily loaded lines
06:43.04Russruning at up to 133MHz
06:43.18Russwith short margins
06:43.37Russoh, and, the video chip may be powered on/off/reset
06:44.05RussI'll share a ground, but not a vcc
06:44.07TomW`workyeah, but, you have all those input capacitances of the "slow speed" devices on the bus as well.  Those capacitances are going to present themselves as a reactive resistance to the changing signal (AC load impedance).
06:44.33Russit'll stay under 50pF
06:45.21TomW`workbasically, Capacitive Reactance is: Xc == sqrt(2 * Pi * C * F), where C is in microfarads & F is in MHz.
06:45.54Russunfortunately, at the present time, the most stressed signal is CLK during video bursting (video chip output buffer 11pF, three flip flops 5pF each, 4 SDRAMs 3.5pF each
06:46.12Russso thats 40pF
06:46.30Russwhen the host has control, some CBTLV stuff switches things around and there is 18pF load
06:46.42TomW`workI have not worked with SDRAM above 66MHz.  The reactances of the PCB itself come into play at 100MHz and above.  Most PCBs using high speed SDRAM are built (designed) using Spice emulation.
06:48.16TomW`workAt the higher speeds, you have to envision the PCB trace as a sort of Transmission Line as opposed to a wire.  The trace itself presents an inductance an that inductance becomes significant at higher speeds.
06:49.02TomW`workIn one of Kirchoff's Laws: Maximum power is transfered when the source is equal to the load.
06:49.14RussI know, which is where I'm talking about the series termination
06:49.36TomW`workIn RF work, generally, max power gets transfered when the source, transmission line, and load are matched.
06:49.47Russhmm...if I put the low speed stuff in the middle, and the SDRAM at the end
06:49.58Russthe serial termination wouldn't slow me down
06:50.34TomW`workRuss: what about using buffering logic and isolate the high speed & low speed buss?
06:50.41Russin digital work, there is one transition, and you want that transition to not reflect the way you don't want it to reflect
06:50.53RussTomW`work: the buffers have to go somewhere
06:51.08Russthe series termination relies on the reflection
06:51.25TomW`workput the SDRAM connected directly to the processor pins, then buffer those signals with drivers and take the output of the drivers to drive the low speed (high capacitance) logic?
06:51.27Russthe incident wave is divided in half by the series terminator at the transmittion source
06:51.34Russthe reflected wave makes up the other end
06:51.38Russer, other half
06:52.15RussTomW`work: the data bus only has 4 things hooked to each line
06:52.40RussI staggered the low speed stuff since it was 8 bit, 8 bit, and 16 bit
06:52.49Russit'll make it more difficult in software, but eh
06:52.54TomW`workRuss: ... with 7" of trace length overall?
06:52.56Russthe address bus does have a buffer
06:54.02Russall the reference designs I have terminate control lines, but not data/address lines
06:54.11TomW`workjust a number, my point is that "only 4 things hooked to each line" is not the main issue, it is the line (wire) itself, and what capacitances & inductance is on that wire.
06:55.01RussI'm thinking videochip(bga)<->processor(bga)<->flash(bga)<->buffers<->SDRAM
06:55.56TomW`workRuss: right, that is because when you look at the timing sheets, you will usually see that the Address & Data setup times are enough so that you would expect the signals tp propogate over the "wire", _then_ the control signal activates later.  IMO, the balancing of the control signal timings is more critical.
06:56.14Russright, I see
06:56.20TomW`workAddress & Data setup leads the activation of the control signals.
06:56.37Russshould I make any attempt to make the impedence on the data/address lines higher than the control lines?
06:56.52TomW`workTiming between, say, the command word issuance and the clock edge are much tighter (speed).
06:57.46TomW`workRuss: I have seen the term "trace length matching" used when referring to laying out SDRAM traces.
06:57.53RussI'm considering using bga buffers to keep stuff shorter
06:58.08Russit apears that for the processor, rise time is 1.8ns on clock, and 1.5ns, I don't think thats right though
06:58.53TomW`workwell, you're not going to end up with a square wave on the clock, it will be a somewhat distorted waveform.
06:59.06Russwell at 133MHz, the cycle time is 7.5ns
06:59.24TomW`workfor each command cycle.
06:59.49Russif I drew that out, it would be a sine wave
07:00.10Russgoing to make a quick estimate on trace length...placing elements in pcb
07:01.45TomW`workat those speeds, keep the capacitance low!  Keep only the necessary logic on those circuit lines, buffer the lines to other logic within the system.  By using buffer logic, you can control what is loading the SDRAM signal lines.  Should you later change the lenght of a trace, where the trace runs past, or the revision level of some innocent IC, you will be protected as to the impact it will have over the SDRAM.
07:02.07Russeverything is rated against 50pF
07:03.03TomW`workthat is a lot of puffs (pfd's), isn't it?  Try your Xc reactance formula and see just how significant a few puffs are when you are running at 133MHz.
07:04.24TomW`workThink of it this way: the processor has a specific output impedance on a pin, when you put a higher load  on that pin, the output will change more slowly.  Lessen the load and the signal will move (rise / fall) more quickly.
07:04.45Russthe rise and fall time is rated on 50pF
07:05.24TomW`workSo, you are saying that the total capacitance of your design (per pin) is < or == 50pf?
07:07.07Russless than
07:07.15TomW`workRuss: what is the distributed capacitance on the PCB trace itself? Is it a significant factor?  e.g. does the trace run over an internal PCB layer that is a ground / some other copper plane?
07:07.20RussI'll probably want to caclulate trace capacitance as well
07:07.38Russthe board is 6 layer and has ground and power planes
07:07.46Russits one digital ground plane across digital logic
07:07.54Russ(analog planes exist as well)
07:08.08Russthe power plane between the video chip and the rest of the chip will be split
07:08.09TomW`workWell, you can always program the controller to 100MHz if the 133Mhz doesn't work.  heh
07:08.31RussI might put a few .1uF caps across the split near where data lines run across
07:08.53Russor maybe move the split back behind the flip-flops, and then put some larger caps there
07:09.46TomW`workI look at the layout of a board as if it were a breathing animal, only way I can equate it is as that.  Each subsystem has a pulse of it's own.
07:10.53TomW`workBut, keep this in mind.  A transistor is not a perfect device.  The load impedance is reflected (seen) at the input of the device, but is divided by the Beta of the transistor.
07:11.19TomW`workIIRC, capacitance multipiliers work on this principle.
07:11.50TomW`workBeta == gain.  
07:13.08TomW`workBut, I am working at the limits of my knowledge here!  I did not specialize in analog electronics, digital is what I have been doing with an appreciation for analog theory from RF work that I have done.  I would locate a good analog engineer and pose some of your questions to them?
07:13.32Russthey are high speed FETs, so its a bit different from working with transistors
07:13.49TomW`workright, the prinicples differ.
07:13.55RussI just like to get as many opinions as possible
07:14.12Russnot so much the principles, but the values on the spice model
07:14.17TomW`workIMO, split the high speed & low speed bus.
07:14.18Russand a few things moved a bit
07:14.45Russbut see, a low speed device can offer free series termination if I place it close
07:15.03TomW`workI hate chasing those occasional "hiccups" when a signal timing gets upset by a transient on some ICs supply.
07:15.11Russa lot of fucking bizzare things with high speed boards
07:15.19Russpeople are making boards without any bypass caps
07:15.45Russinstead they use a 4 layer board with ground and power in the middle layers, with predetermined spacing
07:15.47TomW`workthat must be fun, not giving a clean supply to an IC
07:15.49Russacts as a giant cap
07:15.56TomW`workyeah, yeah
07:16.08RussI'll be six layer though
07:16.15RussI need to route agp signals too
07:16.23TomW`workBUT, _they_ use Spice to model those boards.
07:16.35Russya, I have spice
07:16.44TomW`workThey model the entire board, right down to the traces on the board
07:16.45Russits just a matter of determining all the data to put in
07:16.57RussI'll probably not do very much crosstalk modeling
07:17.35TomW`workSome of the high end layout packages will do the modeling for you of the PCB charactoristics.  I heard that this software is in the $18K plus range.
07:18.28RussI'm not up to DDR SDRAM yet
07:18.31Russor long lines
07:18.35TomW`workof course, at that price, I would rather change something on my PCB layout and have another proto built.
07:18.51Russa capable scope would run me more than $18k
07:19.51TomW`workI was looking at a used Tektronix 2432: four channel, 300MHz, digital storage.  Probably pick up a used one for $600..$1k.
07:20.02TomW`work5ns / div
07:20.34TomW`workonly 250 mega samples / sec though
07:21.01TomW`workShould be good enough for gov't work though?
07:21.49TomW`workWell, I have a nasty software bug to corner and swat...
07:22.10Russthat wouldn't even be a sample a high/low clock period
07:24.00TomW`workyeah, I know, but it is better than the scope I have now.  I expect to design with a 200MHz+ processor within the next year or so.  I don't expect to be able to have a scope to properly verifiy the operation of the SDRAM.  I expect to do it via good design practice (and a lot of prayer ;).
07:24.20Russits like dune I suppose
07:24.23Russyou need the spice
07:24.43TomW`worklove to have Blue Eyes
07:25.02RussI almost do, but they are more green
08:31.25TomW`workbug swatted!
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14:19.58sievemorning all
14:20.16kergothhey sieve
14:20.45sievekergoth: how has dallas been treating you?
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14:21.28kergothsieve: it hasnt really, havent done much but work and sleep so far :)
14:21.31filehi Tim
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14:23.43sievekergoth: you shouldn't work too hard man.  Take some time and visit deep ellum.  :)
14:24.59kergothTimRiker: morning tim
14:25.07kergothsieve: yes, planning on it :)
14:33.04CosmicPenguinHeh - the local LUGs are getting together to picket SCO this week
14:33.15CosmicPenguinI love it - who said that BYU guys don't have a clue?
14:51.39chouimathi guys
14:53.26chouimatfile: ozzy played for 3 hours last  night
14:54.37chouimatfile about 60% of old black sabbath  stuff
14:54.53kergothnice. i love some of the classic stuff
14:54.57kergothiron man, n shit
14:55.12chouimatkergoth: they started the show with wars pigs
14:56.10chouimatkergoth: iron man, into the void, black sabbath, children of the grave, N.I.B, never say die, the wizard, paranoid, sweet leaf ...
14:57.01chouimatbark at  the moon, crazy train, suicide solution, mr. crowlley etc ... only one or two of the new album
14:57.19kergothsounds like a damn good show
14:57.58chouimatkergoth: yup, voivod was very good too but Finger eleven sucked real hard ...
14:58.34chouimatkergoth: they will be in dallas next :)
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15:36.57fileCosmicPenguin: if you order the adult edition it's cheaper
15:37.20CosmicPenguinAdult edition?
15:37.25DCipherTimRiker: u there?
15:37.27fileCosmicPenguin: the cover is different
15:37.36CosmicPenguinHeh - really:?
15:37.49fileI'll get you a URL
15:37.58CosmicPenguinIts for my wife anyway
15:38.59file$17.99 USD on Amazon
15:40.56sorphinthere was a thing on MSNBC earlier bout it/jk rowling/etc..
15:42.29CosmicPenguinI think its a good thing, overall.  I don't think there is anything wrong with kids jumping head first into a 800 page book
15:43.14fileI'm not a kid.
15:43.19CosmicPenguinwhen I was a kid, I just remember people making fun of me for reading Robinson Crusoe when I was in third grade
15:43.21fileI just like the book
15:43.42CosmicPenguinfile: I know that - I just think its a good thing that kids are learning to read again
15:43.43sorphinfile: uh.., no one said you were :P i've read all 4 books so far, and am no where near a kid :P
15:44.02CosmicPenguinMy wife has read all 4 books, and she hasn't even seen the 2nd movie yet
15:44.06sorphinheh, someone stole thousands of copies of book 5 in merseyside
15:44.15CosmicPenguinAnd she was pissed at the first movie
15:44.36CosmicPenguinThat doesn't sound like much - but its a big thing for Stacee
15:44.59CosmicPenguinHas only ever seen 1 movie without reading the book first (and oddly enough, it was Harry Potter... :-) )
15:46.05fileI still haven't seen LOTR: The Two Towers
15:46.17CosmicPenguinHey - isn't Plan9 the oriiginal operating system on the Tuxscreen?
15:46.36fileInferno is
15:46.47CosmicPenguinAhh, yeah.  But Vita Nova distributes them both
15:47.13fileBell Labs made them both too
15:47.30CosmicPenguinBell Labs made *everything*  :-)
15:49.47keathdoes anyone know of any good resources on building a stripped-down xfree86?
15:50.59keathah.. thanks
15:51.09fileI used TinyX once, it was fun
15:51.37keathwading through the full version is driving me nuts
15:53.24filewhoever invented popups should be shot
15:57.08paqkeath - look up kdrive.. there are a couple of good pages for it... uses it a lot too...
15:58.23paq(btw, anyone here owns one of those 3com audreys...?)
16:01.49TimRikerDCipher: sup? Got Linux?
16:02.45TimRikerpaq: I've got an audrey, but I have not hacked it yet.
16:05.20CosmicPenguinpaq: pattieja was Audrey hacking once upon a time
16:07.16sorphinTimRiker: yeah, for a "1 year LOA"
16:09.15CosmicPenguinpoor transmeta - Linus was their only reason for living... :)
16:22.39paqTimRiker: oh... am trying to get mine to load alternate images... kind of weird that these images can't be written to my cf with dd
16:23.04paqCosmicPenguin: thanks, guess i'll wait til he gets unidle
16:31.43keaththanks, paq
16:35.49paqkeath: sure... btw, what's your target platform? (and what video chipset)
16:36.48keathvaries.. i'm putting together a linux for very-low end machines, ia1, old laptops, etc
16:40.17paqi see... you'll probably be making the vesa and/or framebuffer tinyx then..
16:49.05DCipherTimRiker: was looking for the BusyBox home page
16:49.41DCipherTimRiker: i have the latest version for my Coyote board now... just wanted to make sure!
17:39.39TimRikerDCipher: see how easy that is? ;-)
17:40.20TimRikerDCipher:  hehehe
17:42.55filewell this bites, I don't think I got the job
17:47.05CosmicPenguinWhy would a website called ubergeek use Flash?
17:47.11CosmicPenguinThat doesn't seem very ubergeek to me?
17:47.24CosmicPenguinfile: I'm sorry.  
17:48.15fileCosmicPenguin: I called the organizer of the program to verify... had to leave a message on her voicemail
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17:49.24CosmicPenguinWhat is google celebrating today?  They changed their logo, but I don't know what its supposed to be representing
17:50.45leviSomething about M.C. Escher
17:53.18leviYup, it's his birthday.
18:00.34sorphinjust looks weird to me
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18:19.16filehi andersee and Russ
18:19.40kergothhey andersee, Russ
18:19.57anderseeg'day kergoth, file
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18:35.33DCipherTimRiker: I have to admit, i didn't have to do the upgrade, got a new BSP for my Coyote board - Metrowerks did it :)
18:36.53fileKDE is done compiling, it took 3 days
18:49.12chouimatDCipher: I have 3 dead old pc (for pieces)
18:51.33DCipherchouimat: i have 3 PII 350's, 1 PIII 600 and 1 IBM PC Server 704 sitting around collecting dust...
18:52.21chouimatDCipher: I have 2 workinng P200MMX, 1 PIII/667 (main box) and 1 PIII/1000
18:55.27DCipherchouimat: So, what's the best thing to do with old machines!!!
18:56.06fileDCipher: set them all up and use distcc?
18:56.21filespread your compiles across 5 old PCs and gain a speed increase?
18:56.41kergothdistcc and ccache rock
18:57.00DCipheri guess i need to write bigger code ;)
18:59.51chouimatDCipher: router and legacy app
19:02.26DCipherHmmm... i've got 2 routers already!
19:04.37fileokay - I may have gotten a job teaching this summer.
19:12.40chouimatDCipher: webserverr
19:15.37DCipherchouimat: got one - P4 2.4 Ghz!  These are my retired servers
19:20.32chouimatDCipher: let then colllect dust then if you're so picky ;)
19:28.23pattiejaCosmicPenguin: just missed him
19:28.33pattiejaTimRiker that is
19:30.30CosmicPenguinpattieja: it was paq that was asking about the Audrey
19:31.49pattiejahello paq
19:32.58pattiejaCosmicPenguin: actually, I kind of gave up on it for the time being because I didn't get my hands on a compatible 3Com USB network adapter that works with the Audrey
19:33.16pattiejathey only installed drivers for a very specific model of USB adapter
19:33.16CosmicPenguinpattieja: bummer
19:33.55pattiejaI bought one from 3Com thinking it would work, but it was the next model up (supporting 10 and 100Mbit) and it isn't even detected that anything's on the USB chain
19:34.09pattiejaI haven't felt like hacking it over the modem yet, either
19:34.23pattiejaand it can't run Linux yet as far as I know
19:35.06pattiejaalthough development was rumoured to have started out on Linux, they switched it to using QNX and put a bootloader in the flash that won't let anything but a valid QNX filesystem image to be uploaded
19:35.34pattiejasomeone was working on a possible 3 step procedure to get Linux on the Audrey, but I don't think that's gotten anywhere yet
19:36.00pattiejasomething about a fake QNX filesystem that has a program that will flash a Linux bootloader in place over the QNX loader
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21:31.01Russandersee: are you ready to file an injunction pending compliance and start a punitive lawsuit?
21:32.40MonMothanow if I could just figure out why this thing won't start init
21:33.01MonMotha(although it might actually be starting init...who knows)
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21:39.14Russright, so now is a perfect time for an injunction
21:39.26Russ2 week long injunction, and we don't need punitive damages
21:40.41Russshould I find my own lawyer at this point?
21:40.48CosmicPenguinThe question is - can you prove irreparable harm to the complaintant if they keep selling devices?
21:40.54anderseeI spoke with my Dad about it on Sunday.  We gave Linksys a deadline of the 16th...  No contact.
21:41.16Russso there is no reason that they should legally be able to continue to sell devices
21:41.25CosmicPenguinI just worry that the judge will say "Sooo...  how much do you make with this Busybox application?"
21:41.43Russhe makes money consulting
21:42.12RussI think the main point is, that if linksys came to me, and said how much for an exclusive udhcp license, that should be the amount
21:42.36anderseeRuss: my dad is in court today, so I havn't been able to get hold of him
21:42.37CosmicPenguinFor the injuction, or for the damages in a suit?
21:42.37Russandersee: oh, btw, the three code forks of udhcp on linksys, belkin, and buffalo share no similarities (at least by strings)
21:42.48anderseeRuss: interesting
21:42.59RussCosmicPenguin: I think it would be more punitive than damages
21:43.06CosmicPenguinRuss: definately.  
21:43.20anderseeRuss: these days, I make most of my money as a federal contractor
21:44.10anderseeRuss: mainly to make things conveinient for my Dad, we will probably be filing in the state of Oklahoma.
21:44.27Russwhy not california?
21:44.32Russbecause he's bar'd in ok?
21:45.06CosmicPenguinTo be or not to be?  :-)
21:45.07anderseeRuss: yup.  He is bar'd in Ok, NY, Fl, AZ, and UT.  But not CA.
21:45.15CosmicPenguinOh, the other bard....
21:45.37MonMothaibot lart init
21:45.47Russok isn't far, I'd be willing to fly there if neccessary
21:45.58RussMonMotha: make a c program that does:
21:46.18anderseeRuss: and he currently lives in Ok.  But he was explaining that the constitution guarantees a judgement made in any state applies to all others.  So it isn't an issue.
21:46.21Russfor (;; sleep(1)); printf("ping!\n");
21:46.28Russextra semicolon there
21:47.09MonMothaRuss: well, I've tried invoking other binaries such as our friend "cat" (though I guess that's a part of busybox)
21:47.30RussMonMotha: if init dies (returns) you aren't likely to get your output
21:48.18MonMothacat shouldn't immediately die if invoked with no options tho, right?
21:48.43Russwon't give you any output...
21:49.02RussI would make a small c program that prints stuff and sleeps in a loop
21:49.27anderseeRuss: anyway, when my Dad gets back from court (a bankrupty I think he was handling) I'll be getting hold of him.  If you shoot me your phone #, we could conference you in.
21:50.29anderseeRuss: k.
21:51.04Russits pretty disturbing that most of the big bold bullets on the back of the box are from unlicensed software
21:51.21Russ"dhcp server automatically assigns IP addresses"
21:56.25Russits too hard to tell how long this will be drug out
21:57.13MonMothaforgot to recompile glibc
21:57.17MonMothait's still compield for 586
21:57.30MonMothaandersee: you own some SCOX?
21:57.40Russoh, another tip, use a statically compiled init test prog
21:57.48RussMonMotha: "sell SCOX short"
21:58.03Russit means you wager on a stock falling
21:59.19Russit did fall 2% yesterday and 3% today tho
22:01.03MonMothaoh, sorry, didn't see the "short and profit"
22:02.09MonMothavery fun
22:14.27CosmicPenguinandersee: you see the posts about picketing SCO on Friday?
22:20.19TimRikerCosmicPenguin: where?
22:21.28CosmicPenguinTimRiker: beautiful downtown Lindon, of course... :)
22:21.40CosmicPenguinThe BYU LUG thought it up
22:22.12anderseeCosmicPenguin: no I missed that
22:22.18anderseeCosmicPenguin: url?
22:22.32CosmicPenguinandersee: it was discussed on the SLLUG mailing list - I don't think anyone has set up a web site yet
22:23.36anderseeCosmicPenguin: ahh.  I unsub'd from the SLLUG list when I moved, which is why I missed it
22:24.13CosmicPenguinandersee: yeah, I guess you're a plugger these days... :)
22:24.15TimRikerhmm... aren't you still an officer? ;-)
22:25.07anderseeTimRiker: technically I suppose I am.  Though I've been hoping to get new elections for about 3 years now.  :)
22:25.51anderseetechnically, I'm still president (despite by best efforts at resigning)
22:27.47Russit'd be fun
22:41.43jacqueshi guys
22:41.47jacqueswhat's new?
22:43.30jacquesandersee: where in OK ?
22:43.59Russ' Anyway, after a charming lecture by Bill Ritenour on the need for electrostatic shielding at gasoline pumps...'
22:44.02anderseejacques: My dad's office is in Edmond (where I went to high school)
22:44.29jacquesI think we passed through there when I was on vacation....going to the aquarium
22:44.41jacquesmy family is in norman
22:47.21anderseejacques: small world, huh?
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22:48.36jacquesandersee: yep :-)
22:58.46Russ'the SIA predicts that by 2009, DRAM chips will hold 64 billion bits of information, processors will clock data at 6000 MHz, and ASIC packages will bristle with 4000 connections.'
22:59.36Russ(prediction made in 1998)
22:59.47Russthink they underestimated clock speed
23:00.00Russunless they are talking about DRAM clocks
23:00.06anderseeRuss: I think you wouldn't want to solder those 4000 connections by hand though
23:00.24Russandersee: duh, it'd be an FQUD package
23:00.30MonMothaRuss: with intel going at it? yeah...
23:00.40Russintegrated between the layers of the PCB
23:01.53jacquesif not for AMD, Intel would currently be at about 1.2GHz
23:02.15Russ(if case you are wondering, I pulled FQUD out of my ass)
23:02.45anderseeRuss: hehehe
23:03.03RussI do forsee greater pcb/package integration though
23:04.23fileokay all, I'm going to be gone from Sunday till Thursday
23:05.21Russhave fun
23:05.23anderseeRuss: I predict chips are gonna start getting their own high speed serial busses to precisely to prevent having 4000 connectors per chip...
23:05.36fileit's for a workshop... at the university...
23:05.54Russasics are already approaching 2000 connections if they haven't already exceeded that
23:11.43Russchouimat: so all is forgiven?
23:13.49chouimatRuss: I was searching some books ...
23:13.59MonMothajacques: that's true
23:14.19chouimat... and I forgot I allready packed them, I thought that my ex-wife took them 3 years ago
23:14.24MonMothaand to be fair to intel, the P4 is at least decently fast at things your average consumer does (not that your average consumer needs them to be that fast!)
23:14.43MonMothaCompUSA reccomends things like 2GHz celerons these days for "casual surfing and email"
23:15.25jacquesonly consumer activity which requires high end these days is gaming
23:15.29CosmicPenguinYou need 2Ghz just to run the damn basyian filter for the SPAM
23:16.13MonMothajacques: and home video encoding
23:16.26MonMothayou would not believe the number of peopel who love to take their home movies and burn them to DVDs
23:16.36chouimatMonMotha: wow
23:16.43jacquesMonMotha: if using the proc then yes
23:16.48sorphinMonMotha: heh
23:16.50jacquesas opposed to an accellerator
23:17.05MonMothaand to be fair, MPEG2 encoding in software takes a lot of horsepower (and P4s are good at that, they don't like branchy stuff tho)
23:17.11sorphinMonMotha: i have vhs i want to convert :P but i'll be using a diff device than my peecee for that
23:17.38MonMothajacques: hello, why wuold they put a big mpeg encoder in when they would ahve to put a lsower proc in to get the same speed comp, and then could only claim 1.7GHz which is the number people look at?
23:17.46jacquesI hear the pvr250 linux driver is working well these days
23:17.52MonMotha(never midn that it would actually be FASTER in many circumstances!)
23:18.14jacquesMonMotha: yeah in computers ppl only look at MHz and cars only HP
23:18.37CosmicPenguinHOw else are they going to sell them?  
23:18.40RussI have people that tell me they have 256Mhz of ram
23:19.11CosmicPenguinI have people tell me they have 60 gigs of memory
23:19.34MonMothaoh, people confuse RAM and hard drive size all the time
23:19.42kergothgod that pisses me off
23:20.47sorphinCosmicPenguin: well, i don't have 60G of memory, but i do have 1.5G ;)
23:21.07filechouimat: you can run M$ Office with Crossover Office
23:21.10MonMothasorphin: hey, that's how much I have...we can't BOTH have that much, right?  our computers aren't botht he samemodel! :)
23:21.24sorphinMonMotha: mine isn't a model ;p
23:21.37jacquesandersee: are you updating the uclibc devel env to gcc 3.3 ?
23:21.43MonMothanor is mine :)
23:21.49MonMothabut you'd be surprised how many people woudl say that
23:22.17anderseejacques: I rebuilt for x86, mips, ppc, and arm on Saturday with gcc 3.2.3...
23:22.57anderseejacques: I've been working on a _very_ tricky series of problems with dlopen() in the hope of getting that into the 0.9.20 release
23:23.01jacquesandersee: ok, I have just been reading on l-k about kernel compile bugs with 3.2.2 - dunno if that applies to 3.2.3 - they say it works with 3.3
23:23.18jacqueshell it might only apply to x86
23:23.59anderseejacques: I saw that.  I've been building with 3.2.3 thus far.  I want to carefully check out gcc 3.3 before using it more extensively.
23:24.06chouimatanyone know if dictd use a lot of memory?
23:24.38jacquesandersee: sounds wise :-)
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23:45.22Russ'In polite engineering circles, this situation is calmly referred to as a "fundamental trade-off." Late at night, when we engineers let our hair down, I've heard other terms used to describe it.'
23:45.36Russhoward johnson reminds me of dna for some reason
23:51.45jacquesandersee: OK so the 3.2.3 deve env is not released yet? no rush - I just dont seen it on your site
23:52.47anderseejacques: tru
23:52.48anderseejacques: true
23:53.02anderseejacques: I can post it now if you want though...
23:53.03jacquesnp I can wait until you get 0.9.20
23:53.13anderseejacques: which arch you want?

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