irclog2html for #elinux on 20030616

00:07.52jnorkThey're fluxing off!
00:33.46GPSFanRuss: I've used those squeeze bottles before, the alcohol based flux is really sticky, the alcohol evaporates rapidly leavingyou with a sticky mess. never used the water based stuff, it might be better.
00:34.43GPSFanRuss: skilled rework people are probably a lot more skilled in it's use than I am though. ;>)
03:50.15*** join/#elinux file (
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03:52.48*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
04:04.13*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
07:09.41*** join/#elinux fontenot ( is the 16th
07:26.28Russlet the injunction and punitive damages begin!
07:26.45fontenotagainst linksys ?
07:27.00Russwe can do belkin and buffalo too if you are in a bad mood
07:27.07fontenotdid those bastages ever reply to you and andersee ?
07:27.17Russnot to my knoledge
07:27.27RussI went to fry's today and it really pissed me off
07:27.51Russyou turn the box over and it lists all these bulleted features that are provided specifically by gpl projects, including mine
07:27.54fontenotoh I had thought of a couple more brands to look at - like SMC
07:27.56Russbig bold bullets I tell you
07:28.59fontenotthey will *not* get away with this
07:30.00fontenotrecompiling my kernel without module versioning, which is apparently a bad thing now
07:33.32Russshrug, I don't pay much attention to modversions or whatever that module stuff is
07:35.18fontenotwell apparently bigmem and modversions dont get along
07:35.29fontenotI am unable to load any fs modules
07:36.04fontenotthey all complain about unresolved symbols: kunmap_high highmem_start_page kmap_high
11:59.28*** join/#elinux mallum (mallum@
12:25.38filehi chouimat
12:37.13filechouimat: what's up?
12:42.06chouimatwork work work and work and maybe 15 minutes to do some boxes today before the ozzyy show
12:42.28filechouimat: haha
12:43.15chouimatfile: go read usefriendly and dilbert
12:53.43*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
13:15.24*** join/#elinux jnork (
13:56.24chouimat|phonesomeone here know something about adsl modem?
13:56.39filechouimat|phone: yes?
13:56.55filechouimat|phone: what do you want to know?
13:57.01chouimat|phonefile: <--- which one is the best
13:57.25fileI have had no experience with any of those
13:57.37filego for external, not internal
13:57.44chouimat|phonefile: I know
13:57.46fileethernet not USB
13:58.16chouimat|phonefile: my router doesn't have usb on it so ...
13:58.31file3Com is a well known company...
13:59.02chouimat|phonehey CosmicPenguin
13:59.49filechouimat|phone: I'd say 3Com.
13:59.57fileI haven't heard of this other company
14:00.18chouimat|phonefile: me too
14:00.42CosmicPenguinHow is everyone this beautiful June morning?
14:00.56fileCosmicPenguin: irritated, I called about my job interview and got forwarded to voicemail
14:01.40CosmicPenguinfile: bastards!
14:01.55fileoh well...
14:02.23fileand my KDE is mostly compiled, just compiling stuff I'll never use right now
14:02.30chouimat|phoneCosmicPenguin: trying to decide which modem to buy:
14:03.03filechouimat|phone: my modem is included in the monthly fee
14:03.13filejust if I don't return it after my service is up... it's $250
14:03.21chouimat|phonefile: I'm buying one
14:05.17*** join/#elinux sieve (~klu5ter@
14:05.25chouimat|phonemorning sieve
14:06.38sievemorining chouimat|phone and everyone else
14:11.40*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
14:11.42*** mode/#eLinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
14:11.55filehi Tim
14:11.57chouimat|phonehi tim
14:12.59chouimat|phoneTimRiker: know something about adsl modem?
14:13.50chouimat|phoneCosmicPenguin: where i'm going I can't have it :(
14:18.21TimRikerchouimat|phone: yes. I have a cisco 675 and a alcaltel usb modem. one is CAP the other is DMT. I'm on cable (comcast) now though.
14:18.50chouimat|phone <--- which one I should take?
14:21.43sorphinchouimat|phone: hold
14:22.22chouimat|phonemorning sorphin
14:22.35TimRiker ?
14:22.36sorphinchouimat|phone: speedstream or westell
14:22.44chouimat|phonesorphin: not the 3com?
14:22.57sorphinfor adsl? heh
14:22.59*** join/#elinux sjhill (~sjhill@
14:23.15sorphinsjhill: morning MIPS'er
14:23.22filegreetings Master MIPS
14:23.25sjhillhey sorphin
14:23.26sjhillhi file
14:23.30chouimat|phonesorphin: the speedstreams is usb so I can't take thise one
14:23.51sorphinsjhill: apparently Russ doesn't/didn't know you at one point worked for bcom
14:23.57sorphinchouimat|phone: ah, missed that detail
14:24.03TimRiker <- or that.
14:24.13sorphinchouimat|phone: westell them
14:24.22TimRikerchouimat|phone: but not the internal or USB versions. ethernet is your friend.
14:24.57chouimat|phonethanks ... I will call later today to get the service and a static ip
14:25.30TimRikerchouimat|phone: be sure they support you running your own modem before you decide to buy one.
14:25.49chouimat|phoneTimRiker: I will buy one from the provider
14:30.11sorphinchouimat|phone: heh, roswell declassified, the truth abotu celine is out *g*
14:38.33TimRikerchouimat|phone: hmm. you are willing to pay twice the price? for what?
14:39.23chouimat|phoneTimRiker: the price are in CAD
14:41.07TimRikerah. so it's not that bad.
14:45.52CosmicPenguinkergoth: morning
14:46.00kergothhows it goin?
14:46.58CosmicPenguinkergoth: good
14:47.07CosmicPenguinkergoth: so, when do you expect that OE will replace the current OZ infrastructure?
14:49.07kergothCosmicPenguin: That question is really twofold.  There is, when will the new infrastructure be capable of replacing the old, and then there's how long will it take us to transition everything over :)
14:51.34kergothCosmicPenguin: I'd say 2 weeks at the outset for the former, another month for the latter. we have hundreds of packages that need moving over to the new format.  While we can script getting the data over, it'll require a human to review every package
14:51.56CosmicPenguinkergoth: wow?  Its that close?  
14:52.13kergothCosmicPenguin: yeah, i'm spending a fair bit of time on it lately
14:52.38kergothCosmicPenguin: Just added an event handling core last night, so that we can bind actions to failure/success of builds at various points
14:55.04CosmicPenguinkergoth: sweet.  
15:04.49sorphinCosmicPenguin: GTK works? *g*
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15:16.37CosmicPenguinsorphin: it does not work well
15:16.54sorphinCosmicPenguin: as i figured
15:17.05CosmicPenguinsorphin: but everyone still glomes on to it like its the next coming
15:17.49sorphinCosmicPenguin: well, it's better than things like QT,etc atleast, i think (tho not by much)
15:18.15kergothsorphin: ever actually coded in Qt?
15:18.38sorphinkergoth: coded, no, looked at QT code, yes, and i'm not that sick :P
15:19.20sorphinchouimat|phone: i like that, portable dcast
15:19.53chouimat|phonesorphin: me too
15:21.23sorphinkergoth: i wanna know kergoth's take on that hybrid rom
15:22.03CosmicPenguindirect quote:  "
15:22.03CosmicPenguinFirst release of our Hybrid ROM. Like Cacko/Crow ROM, this ROM mount /home at jffs2 partition. Unlike OZ, you can't easily kill the system ;-)"
15:23.25kergothThere are both advantages and disadvantages to a read only root filesystem
15:24.45sorphinthe tivo uses a R/O root fs
15:25.01sorphinand has a disposable /var
15:25.29kergothmost commercial products use a r/o rootfs for a reason. without it, you dont have a clean slate to return to, generally
15:26.05kergothdownside is to allow package installs into normal locations you need a mess of links, ala embedix on teh Z
15:26.13kergothsince linux doesnt have union filesystems :(
15:27.45chouimat|phonekergoth: write one :)
15:27.58sorphinwell, in tivo's case, things only change on sw updates, and w/ that, they created a new rootfs on the alternate partition, dump a new kernel to the alternate kernel spot, switch the boot pointer, and that's it
15:28.05sorphinspeaking of kernels
15:28.14sorphinanyone tossed on 2.4.21 yet?
15:28.32filesorphin: yes
15:28.45chouimat|phonesorphin: using 2.4.21-ck1+aavm
15:28.55kergothsorphin: i'm using 2.4.21-ck1+aavm here too
15:28.55sorphinchouimat|phone: wtf is all that?
15:29.07kergothsorphin: ck is con kolivas' patchset
15:29.07chouimat|phonesorphin: hehe
15:29.08sorphinor keroth ,since i usually understand him ;)
15:29.15kergothsorphin: made for interactivity
15:29.20kergothsorphin: includes preempt, low latency, etc
15:29.28kergothsorphin: some additional features like supermount and xfs as well
15:29.41kergothaavm is andrea's VM patch, which imho performs better than ck's
15:30.06sorphinas for the VM
15:30.19CosmicPenguinHow does it do for VIA chipsets?  
15:30.28sorphinCosmicPenguin: good Q
15:30.56chouimat|phonesorphin: ck1  have some problem with smp
15:31.16sorphinchouimat|phone: well, the only SMP box is my dual ppro box
15:31.23kergothchouimat|phone: treke mentioned that his BUG()'d in the block layer
15:31.35kergothchouimat|phone: and that it went away when he yanked the xfs patch
15:31.35kergothfun stuff
15:31.57chouimat|phonekergoth: work well here on my p3 with reiserfs
15:33.04sorphinchouimat|phone: stop saying that word in here :P
15:33.35sorphinbad enough /. did an interview w/ the putz (or sent him Q's anyways)
15:38.30*** join/#elinux prpplague (
15:38.47prpplaguehowdy howdy howdy
15:38.51prpplagueibot: monday
15:38.52monday is probably when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems it takes you until friday to get back to normal. a good reason to want to go out and kill people, or a day that no work should be performed due to this phenomenon, or a day requiring the use of large amounts of drugs
15:38.52filehi prpplague
15:39.19kergothibot: mondays
15:39.20Sounds like _somebody_'s got a case of the Muhhndays!
15:40.41sorphinoverload ::P
15:40.49sorphinprpplague: cwjamaica eh?
15:40.55chouimat|phonehey prpplague
15:48.40CosmicPenguinprpplague be jammin... :)
15:55.03sorphins/jammin/drinking in excess as usual/
15:55.53prpplaguesorphin: lol, i wish
15:56.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hey
15:56.20prpplaguesorphin: yep, in montego
15:56.28sorphinmontego bay
15:56.47sorphinprpplague: finally you go to a place i've heard of *g*
15:57.00sieveprpplague: bastard
15:57.31sorphinsieve: well, they'd let you travel too if you took it up the arse as much as dave ;)
15:58.13chouimat|lunchprpplague: the women are nice?
15:58.21prpplaguechouimat|lunch: nope
15:59.29chouimat|lunchprpplague: I will bring you some pictures from prague
15:59.50prpplaguechouimat|lunch: coooool
16:23.25chouimat|lunchkergoth: I have a ticket for the show of tonight in quebec city ;)
16:24.27kergothchouimat|lunch: nice
16:24.49chouimat|lunchkergoth: and an extra oone if you want ;)
16:25.12CosmicPenguinchouimat|lunch: thats the one with both Ozzie and his daughter, right?
16:25.15filechouimat|lunch: if I left now I could make it!!! maybe.
16:25.41chouimat|lunchCosmicPenguin: don't know ... the one with newsted (ex-metalllica) on the bass
16:25.44chouimat|lunchfile: 19h00
16:25.46kergothpackaging sucks
16:26.11CosmicPenguinGTK sucks
16:26.21sorphinCosmicPenguin: i wouldn't wanna see kelly *shiver*
16:30.04chouimat|lunchsorphin: hehe
16:32.28chouimat|lunchkergoth: ?
16:33.05kergothchouimat|lunch: trying to get something done on a monday
16:33.08kergothchouimat|lunch: i should know better
16:36.07chouimat|lunchkergoth: nothing better than 2 sardines' can  and a bowl of spinash cream :)
16:38.45chouimat|lunchkergoth: btw ozzy is heavier than the new metallica
17:09.43kergothoemake properly follows interpackage dependencies, accomidating PROVIDES.
17:09.57kergothnow to add recursive dep and unsatisfied dep checks..
17:14.26kergothhmm, forgot to handle version specific vs nonversion specific build deps
17:23.48sorphinkergoth: prolly wouldn't be the 1st
17:24.39Russsjhill: so can you get me product literature on the broadcom stuff?
17:27.42sorphinRuss: if it's in what he downloaded before he left *g*
17:34.34*** join/#elinux prpplague (~joe123@
17:35.28fileprpplague: wb
17:37.29prpplaguefile: sieve finally got my firewall configured, lol
17:41.45prpplaguesorphin: adsl from hell
17:45.27sieveprpplague: it's the ppoa shits...
17:47.38CosmicPenguinpeer to peer over appletalk?  :)
17:48.19prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ppp over ATM
17:48.43CosmicPenguinprpplague: I was being silly
17:49.15prpplagueCosmicPenguin: oh
17:49.19prpplagueCosmicPenguin: too tired
17:50.13Russand another one bites the dust
17:50.23Russthe graphics market has narrowed, SiS is no more
17:50.45Russ(aka, XGI tech)
17:51.56RussCosmicPenguin: ????? ?? ?????? ????
17:52.09Russer, thats probably utf8, not wide chars
17:56.45CosmicPenguinRuss: In default mode, GTK figures out wide chars by converting strings back and forth to TextProperty structures
18:02.36sjhillRuss: what are you bugging me about?
18:08.15RussI'm here
18:08.30RussI'm trying to find out what the root of all this belkin/linksys/buffalo thing is
18:09.30Russall the firmwares are very similary, so I'm thinking that broadcom sold them GPL stuff under a different license
18:10.43Russanyway, to get any product literature, you need an nda, and I don't even think they'll send me that
18:13.04sjhillthey're using stuff i developed for uclibc when i was there
18:13.20sjhillthe root filesystem and everything is based of uClinux-dist
18:13.38sjhillthat's my best guess
18:14.12sjhillhowever, they have a proprietary application that has a webserver and configuration stuff all rolled into one
18:14.21RussI saw that
18:14.21sjhillone binary i mean
18:14.29sjhilleverything else is just standard
18:14.34Russbut every other component on there is GPL, BSD, or APSL
18:14.57sjhillso what's the issue? they used uClinux
18:16.17sjhilli realize GPL protection is the issue, but all you are going to get is the source they used to build the root filesystem and maybe the toolchain source
18:16.33sjhillthey still get to keep the proprietary drivers and application
18:27.49TimRikeranyone know of any work to get a GSM/GPRS stack running on linux/rtlinux/rtai ?
18:31.31prpplagueTimRiker: not i, but i know a guy i could ask about it
18:33.06chouimat|awayTimRiker: I know someone at the local uni
18:38.50filesilly me that's why DRI wouldn't compile, I don't have MTRR enabled
18:43.20filesorphin: I was in a hurry for a kernel, just put in the basics
18:44.05*** join/#elinux TomW (tom@
18:45.23sorphinfile: heh, i always have 'basic configs' that i build all kernels from, and just work from there
18:45.28sorphinTomW: afternoon gramps
18:45.34chouimathey TomW
18:45.51TimRikerchouimat, prpplague: I'm interested in any/all leads.
18:46.05sorphinTomW: i won't need to make that board after all
18:46.08TimRikerprpplague: actually this is Eric that's asking. you could tell him directly. ;-)
18:46.21TomWsorphin: heh, solves your immediate problem then
18:46.23chouimatTimRiker: ok ... he's  in vacation till last week of july or first of august
18:46.43sorphinTomW: yeah, bigbrd has some spares, gonna buy one of his
18:46.49TimRikerchouimat: ok. keep me posted.
18:47.06chouimatTimRiker: np
18:47.20prpplagueTimRiker: ok, will do
18:47.51TomWsorphin: I am looking around for my electric cattle prod to use it on some support engineers at various companies.  They owe me some data / software and I am stuck with work that needs to be completed and waiting on them..
18:48.22TomWsorphin: I suppose I could take the day off?
18:48.39TomWsorphin: mow the lawn or something like that?
18:49.37chouimat|palmTomW: I taking the day off ... Ozzy show tonight
18:50.05TomWchouimat|palm: what's an "Ozzy"?
18:50.15chouimat|palmTomW: Ozzy Osbourne
18:50.57chouimat|palmTomW: I pay 70cad to have a ticket
18:51.05sorphinTomW: uh.. heavy metal music
18:51.15sorphinTomW: not the osbournes tv show
18:51.26sorphinsilly old man
18:51.38chouimat|palmsorphin: that will be better than celine
18:51.40TomWwell, I guess, it is a "cult-ural experience"?
18:51.45*** join/#elinux prpplague^2 (
18:52.06TomWuh-oh, double Daves..
18:52.07sorphinuh oh, the plague is speading.. well... like the plague
18:52.19TomWbit rot
18:52.24kergothi hate it when i forgot to eat
18:52.30sorphinkergoth: heh
18:52.39sorphinkergoth: must not be hungry
18:52.40chouimat|palmdon't know why but I have a picture  of prpplague^2 (in my mind)  with a huge join doing IRC
18:53.07sorphinchouimat|palm: huh? try that in english ;P
18:53.20prpplague^2chouimat|palm: no problems mon
18:53.21chouimat|palmsorphin: bah!
18:53.41sorphinchouimat|palm: i seriously didn't understand what you meant :P
18:54.10kergothi didnt understand it either, and i'm usually pretty good at understanding chouimatese
18:54.12TomW"with a huge join doing IRC"
18:54.28TomWjoin / joint?
18:55.33sorphinkergoth: well, i don't care for drugs/drug use/people that use them, so...
18:56.20kergothheh, to each his own
18:56.41sorphinchouimat|palm: btw.. look at news on lik-sang article 2954
18:56.49sorphingoes along w/ the dreamcast bit
18:57.06sorphinchouimat|palm: take the one you pasted
18:57.09TomWsorphin: I don't mind that other people do drugs, it just that they shouldn't be driving a car or commiting crimes that bother me.
18:57.20sorphinand change the article # to 2954, or just look at the stories for Jun 7
18:57.58sorphinTomW: well, have you ever dated someone that has done them? :P i unfortunately have dated someone who was a pot user.. never ever again
18:58.14kergothsorphin: my ex- sold it
18:58.19kergothsorphin: that was interesting
18:58.34kergothespecially since i was anti-drugs at the time
18:58.34TomWsorphin: yeah, my ex-wife, but, at the time I was doing them myself.  no more though.
18:58.58sorphinkergoth: and you smoked it, right? :P~
18:59.09kergothsorphin: eventually. she corrupted me. sniffle.
18:59.12sorphinTomW: lemme guess.. the 70s?
18:59.14kergothsorphin: hehe
18:59.21TomWsorphin: yeah
18:59.35sorphin"Free Love Man"
18:59.38TomW"lotta drugs man"
18:59.40chouimat|palmsorphin: ouch
18:59.55TomW"lotta drugs, man"
19:00.01sorphinchouimat|palm: eh?
19:00.44chouimat|palmsorphin: ^--------------------^
19:01.02TomWI don't know if I should be here talking with you guys
19:01.19sorphinchouimat|palm: how is that ouch? :P
19:01.20kergothTomW: why?
19:01.22sorphinTomW: how's that?
19:01.30TomWI have bronchitis and really should be carefull not to give it any of you
19:01.33chouimat|palmsorphin: :)
19:01.42sorphinTomW: uhhhhhhh
19:02.53sorphinTomW: ah, because of many dead braincells ?
19:03.02TomWshort circuits
19:03.13sorphinthat too
19:03.19sorphinTomW: speaking of short ckts btw
19:03.31TomWyour PCB?
19:03.34sorphinTomW: looked at your scope at all or is it just hopeless/looked at any on ebay yet?
19:03.50TomWnaw, it is toast afaiac
19:04.40TomWI got good use out of it, I need something faster anyway for some of the work I have coming up.
19:04.42sorphinTomW: i still have yet to do much w/ mine
19:04.59sorphinTomW: when russ had me try measuring something, was a bit weird
19:05.22TomWtriggering is an artform
19:05.32sorphinoh, triggered fine
19:05.41sorphinjust was a lil surprised at the waveform i was seeing
19:06.06TomWit wasn't a square wave, eh?
19:06.23sorphinTomW: twas quite a dirty one
19:06.53TomWthat is why I refer to an electronic circuit as a "breathing, live, thing".
19:07.29TomWthere is a lot happening on a bus that you have to consider, not just the 1
19:07.45TomW's and 0's, but the "breaths" between them.
19:08.44TomWswitching transients, crosstalk, inductive kick, capacitive & inductive impedances, ...
19:09.11sorphin60hz humm floating around you
19:09.45TomWonly if you forget to attach the ground lead of the scope to the device under test...
19:10.30sorphinTomW: i've seen it before even w/ that done
19:10.56TomWuh-oh, lost both Dave's now.
19:11.16sorphinwell, 2nd one he left on his own
19:11.22TomWEarth to Dave, Earth to Dave, ..., come in Dave...
19:13.06sorphinprolly off to consume beer
19:13.14*** join/#elinux prpplague (
19:13.21TomWok, I have sent a list of questions to the people at Mircom..  It will take them a couple of weeks to not respond to them, so I should break that test setup down and select something else to work on..
19:13.26TomWEarth to Dave, Earth to Dave, ..., come in Dave...
19:13.52TomWCan you hear me now, Dave?
19:16.27*** join/#elinux signal11 (
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19:56.18dmitrihas anyone here any exp with rtai?
20:00.26*** part/#elinux dmitri (~ivdal@
20:01.59CosmicPenguinRealtime AI?
20:02.28Russsjhill: they did not use proprietary application
20:02.56Russwhen you pick up the box and read the bulleted list of features, most of the bullets are for GPL applications
20:03.18RussTomW: btw, be sure to wash your hands before using the keyboard
20:03.54TomWI did sneeze on the crt a couple of times though..
20:06.57Russdoes your monitor cable have filters on it?
20:17.21Russsjhill: actually, that may be true
20:17.21Russsjhill: it looks like the modifications in udhcp are completely dissimilar between the 3 vendors
20:17.21Russsjhill: but the basic structure of the firmware is the same
20:43.02*** join/#elinux DCipher (
20:43.10DCipherhi all
20:45.42DCipherTimRiker: you there?
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22:08.07sorphini did too
22:10.49TimRikerDCipher: now, but leaving. sup?
22:36.54CosmicPenguinHeh - when sombody with a * address logs on to IRC and asks what time the stock market opens, that makes you sit up and take note...:)
22:52.25RussCosmicPenguin: time for insider trading?
22:52.39RussCosmicPenguin: we got the pump, when is the dump?
22:55.55jacquesmarket is closed now right?
23:04.53CosmicPenguinWell, he was just trying to settle an interoffice debate, but still... :)
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23:37.32*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.