irclog2html for #elinux on 20030604

00:08.45Russ"note: the nWBE signal is operated only at coriting operation."
00:08.54CosmicPenguingrr.. lack of motivation sucks
00:09.50Russyou think its maybe s/co/w/?
00:26.17sorphinlocates one?
00:28.35filechouimat: food?
00:30.51chouimatfile: yes ... i'm back
03:01.02*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
03:08.58sorphinGPSFan: evening
03:12.13GPSFansorphin: hi dan, how goes your programmer?
03:14.47sorphinGPSFan: slowly atm
03:21.31sorphinGPSFan: need to grab a max232
03:21.43chouimatsorphin: buy one
03:23.15sorphinchou; uhh
03:23.19sorphinno shit sherlock
03:23.26chouimatsorphin: :)
03:23.33sorphinchouimat: i was telling GPSFan what the holdup was :P
03:23.41sorphinchouimat: now go back to listening to celine
03:24.16chouimatsorphin: celine is bad music ...
03:24.41sorphin'i should send you this old cd i found, to torture you :P
03:25.14chouimatsorphin: I need to get Hail Santa and I have the complete Primus collection in ogg
03:26.42chouimatsorphin: programmer for what?
03:41.24*** join/#elinux chouimat (
03:41.38chouimatgrrr my irc client just froze
03:41.45sorphinchouimat: it was a netsplit
03:42.06chouimatsorphin: ok I saw nothing here
03:42.28chouimatsorphin: programmer for webpal rom?
03:42.31sorphinwell, use a non windows client, and you would
03:42.33sorphinand yes
03:43.16chouimatsorphin: how long between the netsplit and me back?
03:43.35sorphinfew mins
03:43.48chouimatgrrr need to fix that kvirc3
03:47.02*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
03:47.44*** join/#elinux theDevil ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:48.15*** join/#elinux zwelch (
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10:07.23*** join/#elinux jacques_gone ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:41.00*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
12:47.25*** join/#elinux jnork (
13:11.19*** join/#elinux TomW (tom@
13:11.43TomWsorphin: are you planning on using fiberglass PCB material for your boards?
13:50.03*** join/#elinux TomW (tom@
14:03.39*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
14:03.39*** mode/#eLinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
14:14.40sorphinTomW: umm.. yeah normal pcboard stock, was just cheap cuz it was surplus doublesided, and they just gave me a price on it
14:17.26CosmicPenguinSCO is suing Novell too
14:19.59sorphinCosmicPenguin: SCO is gonna disappear soon enough, i read the article, it didn't actually say they're suing novell (unless there's another article i missed since last night)
14:22.46CosmicPenguinsorphin: yeah - you're right
14:23.09CosmicPenguinThey might as well sue Novell - I would go down to Provo/Orem just to watch them throw rocks at each other
14:23.20*** join/#elinux xrharris (
14:23.26sorphinCosmicPenguin: as far as i'm concerned, anyone named Darl deserves to be shot
14:23.38sorphinCosmicPenguin: I guess he can't pronounce/spell Daryl
14:24.49*** join/#elinux xrharris_ (
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14:30.09CosmicPenguinsorphin: one thing is sure - this will get funnier before it goes away
14:30.17CosmicPenguinor if you wish s/funnier/scarier/
14:33.01sorphinCosmicPenguin: or s/scarier/more pathetic/
14:33.27jnorkIt's already too pathetic for words.
14:33.45sorphinjnork: good point
14:33.52sorphini like what linus said
14:34.09sorphinit's like a jerry sprinter episode, and SCO is mad cuz of IBM's other women
14:35.20chouimatsorphin: wow that a very good analogy
14:36.06sorphinchouimat: blame linus
14:39.35*** join/#elinux sieve (~klu5ter@
14:40.13sievemoring all
14:40.20sorphinsieve: and there's one abcsinc'er
14:43.38sievesorphin: the other one is here but someone is up his butt at the moment.
14:44.05chouimatsieve: poor someone or poor other one?
14:47.53chouimatsieve: btw the build of sunday night is now in production
14:48.22chouimatsieve: and working a1 ...
14:49.41chouimathi kergoth
14:53.42CosmicPenguinBad news on the pixil front
14:56.19chouimatCosmicPenguin: the project was cancelled?
14:58.46CosmicPenguinLooks like it
14:59.33sorphinsieve: someone's always up dave's butt, that's what he gets for being a corporate whore
14:59.37sorphinCosmicPenguin: doh
14:59.46sorphinCosmicPenguin: meaning no source?
15:00.00sorphinaka greg's wandering it off to lala land
15:00.24CosmicPenguinOh well
15:00.28chouimatsorphin: stupid question : where is lala land
15:01.09sorphinchouimat: nowhere, aka where people would like to send celine, into nowhere/nothingness
15:01.28chouimatsorphin: ok the Void
15:02.09sorphinCosmicPenguin: that' sucks, he won't opensource it or something instead of just putting it into oblivion?
15:03.14sorphinCosmicPenguin: and what about your contract?
15:07.37CosmicPenguinIts on hold for the moment
15:08.02chouimatCosmicPenguin: very bad way  to start the day
15:08.08sorphin~cluebat Greg
15:08.09ACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps Greg.
15:10.23sievechouimat: Nice work!  I take it you figured out openvpn then?
15:10.31CosmicPenguinMeh - I really honestly don't care at this point
15:11.09sorphinCosmicPenguin: the cluebat was for your contract/$ coming in, more than pixil
15:11.39sorphinlike 99% out of 100 :P
15:13.26chouimatsieve: yup very easyly and  the vpn is up when the box boot and also when the pppoe link is up too
15:15.02chouimatsieve: took me about  3 to 4 hours of test to get  it in production and now it's rock solid (ok 95% there maybe some little glitch to iron out) and the customer is happy since monday morning and he ordered 5 other setup
15:24.21sievechouimat: good work!
15:28.46chouimatsieve: if only that would give me a better job :)
15:31.07CosmicPenguinWow - the /. effect took down a MIT server
15:33.44CosmicPenguinIt looks pretty cool
15:33.58CosmicPenguinI'm not gonna download it mind you - because I hate all things Java, but it looks line
15:35.30*** join/#elinux Russ (
15:37.05sorphinRuss: morning
15:37.19signal11CosmicPenguin: hey how often do you use your old pc here
15:37.22sorphinwow, mark's alive :P
15:37.41signal11heh as i read up the buffer i realize it may not be the best time to ask this
15:38.37sorphinsignal11: prolly not
15:42.04sorphinbah typical mci/wcom/whatever we are this week
15:42.28sorphinhowever from work, i get to ASQ (ashburn) and it goes !X
15:43.47TimRikerposix question? can string:: be a utf8? if so are string::size and string::length different?
15:47.27chouimatwooohoooo I got that new  dns appliance working
15:53.05sorphinchouimat: heh
15:53.52chouimatsorphin: I'm developing it :)
15:57.39sorphinturns out, from here in hell
15:57.48sorphini can't get to any address starting w/ 212
16:00.16sorphinheh, can't get to that either
16:00.47sorphinbecause of course it's a 212.x.x.x addr :P
16:02.12sievesorphin: subvert the proxy  :)
16:02.20sorphinsieve: no
16:02.29sorphinsie :i'm having to use a proxy just to GET to any 212 site
16:02.57sievesorphin: oh.. I thought you were having problems with one
16:08.20sievesorphin: isn't the 212. network space in saudi or something?  
16:08.38sorphinit's everywhere
16:08.56sorphinsieve: see that above?
16:08.58sorphinthat's a 212
16:09.49sieveahh...  I just know that a lot of our saudi customers have a 212 address
16:10.02sorphinsieve: i think it's general europe
16:10.11sorphincuz 212 is a ripe block
16:10.23sieveyea I noticed..
16:10.29sievesmells bad too
16:10.51sorphinsieve: the only thing that would smell ripe over there is prolly dave :P
16:11.21sievehe is beyond ripe....  you have no idea... and be thankful for that.
16:16.23TomWsorphin: You will need carbide drills to drill the board.  Fiberglass is a very tough material, it will rapidly dull a high-carbon steel drill.
16:17.54sorphinTomW: i know ;)
16:17.55TomWsorphin: also, you have to feed the carbide drill through the fiberglass at a good rate.  Don't let the carbide spin on the fiberglass, it must be constantly cutting it or you will "burn" up the carbide drill.
16:18.49TomWsorphin: when you drill the board, put a peice of wood under the board, this way it will protect the drill and keep it from snapping off when it punches through the fiberglass.
16:18.54sorphinTomW: just got a lil irritated the other day at the price of drill bits :P
16:19.07TomWyup, $3 per
16:19.21sorphinTomW: i know (on the drilling stuff) :)
16:19.25TomWand those are not new, but re-sharps.
16:19.44TomWnew carbide is > $6 per
16:19.56sorphinTomW: depends on where
16:20.54TomWI went to the Dayton hamfest one year and bought a box of 0.029" carbide drills, there were 100 in the box, I paid $30 for the whole box!
16:21.04sorphinTomW: nod
16:21.39TomWgood luck on your pcb endeavor.  I just don't do that stuff anymore 'cause of time, mess, etc..
16:22.27sorphinTomW: did you use a heater when you did?
16:23.25TomWtoo much hassle to use a heater.
16:24.17TomWjust used a glass dish (casarole dish) and constantly rocked it.
16:26.14TomWsorphin: with the press-n-peel, I found that if I scoured the blank with Brillo pad, then wiped the blank with acetone, then wiped with alcohol, it would get the board clean enough to take the resist.
16:26.42sorphinnod, used it before.. the ironing was the only annoying part
16:27.14TomWWhat is a bitch is when you go to all the trouble of preping a blank, then iron on the press-n-peel, only to have some traces not transfer, or during the etching process have them come loose.
16:28.17TomWI'd like a high energy laser that would vaporize the copper I don't need + drill the holes too!
16:28.40sorphini intend to build/buy a cnc someday
16:28.45TomWsort of like a laser printer on steroids.
16:45.47CosmicPenguinSchadenfreude can be soooo sweet some times
16:47.17*** join/#elinux signal11 (
16:48.02CosmicPenguinsignal11: everything switched over?
16:49.48signal11should be
16:52.47CosmicPenguinstill pings... :)
16:59.21CosmicPenguinsorphin: I'll second that if you want
16:59.36sorphinCosmicPenguin: second what? :P
17:07.09CosmicPenguinsorphin: never mind
17:11.28sorphinwell, network support just called me
17:11.34sorphin212.x.x.x is blocked indefinately
17:11.47sorphinthey block a whole class A, because of some russian hacker
17:13.27sorphinapparently some russian hacker is causing trouble, so instead of using common sense, they block all of 212
17:13.37sorphinok, i definately need a smarter employer
17:14.10CosmicPenguinApparently they failed statistics
17:14.26sorphinCosmicPenguin: and intelligence tests
17:14.50CosmicPenguinLets block (255 * 255 * 255)  addresses just to spite 1
17:20.22Russsorphin: good thing they solved their security problem
17:21.20Russafter all, what is IDS for, if not to track and stop individual hackers
17:22.05sorphinheh usefull is it to provide power on/off on a CF slot?
17:24.25CosmicPenguinRuss: only if the makers plan to have a card always plugged in
17:24.30CosmicPenguinRuss: and even then its wierd
17:24.50Russwhy would it be helpfull if you had a card always plugged in (other than PM)?
17:38.10CosmicPenguinRuss: pretty much only for PM
17:38.33CosmicPenguinRuss: If it always had a bluetooth card plugged in, I guess you could save some juice by turning off the card when you don't need it
17:38.45CosmicPenguinRuss: though, like I said, its pretty redudant
17:58.55sorphinfinally, found a proxy that doesn't block 1/2 the stuff
18:02.10Russok, also I see some mention of 5V and 3.3V when talking about CF sockets, do 5V cards exist?
18:07.18CosmicPenguinRuss: thats a good question - I've never seen one
18:14.45*** join/#elinux scanlime (
18:18.51sorphinscanlime: scanlime eh?
18:40.48sorphinkergoth: still hiding in tim's cube? :P
18:41.27*** join/#elinux sjhill (
18:42.52sjhilli may actually like it better than xchat
18:42.57sjhillwe'll see
18:43.45sorphinsjhill: get this mipsboy
18:44.06sorphinsjhill: mci, in their infinate stupidity, in attempt to thwart a russian h4x0r
18:44.17sorphinhas blocked access to 212.*.*.*
18:44.22sorphinfrom the corporate network
18:44.53sjhillso what can you NOT get to?
18:45.05sorphina big portion of europe :P
18:45.19sjhillbah, i don't like europe right now anyway
18:45.28sorphinand apparently
18:45.31sorphinthe block is indefinate
18:46.16sjhillsounds to me like mci does not have a good router and/or network security person
18:46.46CosmicPenguinsjhill: when the telcos are that dumb, it just gives you a real warm fuzzy doesn't it
18:47.15sorphinsjhill: heh, something like that
18:47.25sorphinCosmicPenguin: makes me wanna break out the cluebat in a big way
18:48.46sjhillCosmicPenguin: oh definitely...unhuu
18:49.50sjhill*sigh* PPTP on linux....this looks like it will take a while
18:49.57sjhillpatch to both kernel and ppp
18:50.01sjhillfscking M$
18:51.34filegreetings all
18:52.16sorphinlo file
18:52.24filesorphin: how goes life?
18:53.25sorphinfile: see above
18:53.37fileoh ic
19:59.12Russ3.64 TQFP
20:07.18sorphinRuss: eh?
20:19.32*** join/#elinux theDevil` (
20:20.55sorphinRuss: um... right
20:35.04*** join/#elinux sorphin (
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20:53.41*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
21:18.07CosmicPenguingrrr....  java
21:32.36*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:32.36*** join/#elinux TomW (tom@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:24.53CosmicPenguinibot: what time is it?
22:24.53CosmicPenguin: what are you talking about?
22:27.10*** join/#elinux file (
23:33.11*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.