irclog2html for #elinux on 20030529

00:30.02*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
00:30.21*** mode/#eLinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
00:36.19chouimat|foodhi tim
00:37.41filetomorrow is Thursday, I'm glad the week is slowly ending...
01:09.36*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
01:16.18chouimatthis  vpn is getting on my nerve
01:17.32filechouimat: :(
01:18.48sorphinchouimat: vpns are our job ;P
01:19.26chouimatsorphin: I know but I think it's time I change job :P
01:20.12chouimatsorphin: I can't use linux on that think so I'm wrestling to embed FreeBSD
01:21.00sorphinchouimat: why can't you use linux? it'll run on anything that's worth running something on *g*
01:21.12chouimatsorphin: Boss choice
01:21.37chouimatsorphin: so we don't have to provide the sources
01:22.53chouimatsorphin: the standard config works very wells but that one sucks
01:24.33chouimatsorphin: I must put the new config on 2 production hosts tonight
01:24.59chouimatand do the testing for 8am
01:25.47chouimatso I wonn't sleep tonight again
01:28.41chouimatsorphin: so I'm writing some pluggins for kdevelop3 to pass time
01:33.38sorphinand now he's off to think about celine in the shower :P
01:33.57chouimat|showersorphin: no Isabelle is here :P
01:38.38sorphinchouimat|shower: your stuffed sheep?
01:39.01chouimat|showersorphin: a really good friend ... not my gf because I don't have one
01:40.11sorphinuh huh
01:40.21sorphinchouimat|shower: go take your cold shower now :P
01:40.53chouimat|showersorphin: :)
01:49.46Mornsorphin: I'm lovin' TMDGEnc DVD Author
01:50.43sorphinMorn: cool, i have 100 riteks arriving monday
01:51.05MornI cleared off most of a 120gig drive that was full of video
01:52.24MornI have 2 120's and want to get a 3rd
01:53.58sorphinthey had 160's for 99 after rebate  at compuseless monday
01:55.16MornI have one more place (because I have both an on board IDE and a add on ATA/133 IDE controller)
01:57.41Mornwell I'm off to bed...  I've been really sick recently
02:02.03sorphincya, feel better
02:09.52MonMothaok, now if I could just figure out what this chip is
02:10.33sorphinMonMotha: eh?
02:10.51MonMothathe "ST" thing is Thompson, right?
02:11.04MonMothawho makes those?
02:11.16sorphinwhat's the #? :P
02:11.40MonMothaI've identified everythign else on this board, except this...nothign else was of direct interest
02:12.45sorphinST = ST Microelectronics
02:12.50MonMothaah, that works
02:13.00MonMothawhat's thompson'
02:13.03MonMothas little thing again?
02:13.14sorphingarbage? ;)
02:13.34sorphindon't think i've seen an actual thompson chip before
02:14.05MonMothaI have one laying around somewhere (at least it should be a Thompson unless it had previously been changed out for another manuf.'s clone; I changed it out for a Dallas because I can get those free :)
02:14.35sorphinmy PIC is waiting at fedex atm
02:14.43MonMothaI'd like to find out what that chip is...there almost has to be an ADC on the board somewhere...either that or this little temp sensor isn't actually hooked up to the I2C bus
02:16.15sorphinwell, whatever that chip is, google can't match it..
02:16.19sorphintry calling ST ?
02:16.27MonMothaI've debated it
02:16.52MonMothathe board also has two I2C GPIO thinigies on it...both with the same (but configurable) slave address
02:22.29MonMothawhat's ST's web site
02:22.47sorphinyou're joking right?
02:43.33MonMothanow if I could just figure out what it is
02:48.21sorphinprolly something they stopped making :P
02:48.26sorphinhence why we can't find it
02:50.56MonMothayeah...I hate people who remove documentation when they EOL something
02:50.59MonMothaCirrus is really bad at that
02:51.42sorphinmost do
02:51.49sorphinintel sometimes does
02:52.17MonMothaSamsung keeps their docs around for a while, but not forever
02:52.40MonMothaI have a SRAM chip that's been EOL for like 8 years that the docs are not to be found for (I actually emailed and asked and they said there was no chance that they had them anymore)
02:53.02MonMothaobviously they don't cater to people trying to rev engineer stuff :)
02:54.06MonMothaI'd just like to know what it is, and a pinout would be useful (but once I know what it is, that can probably be determined)
02:56.53*** join/#elinux fontenot (
02:57.20sorphinoh no, it's that jacques character
03:01.39MonMothadoes or has ST ever made ADCs?
03:03.40sorphinno idea
03:03.43*** join/#elinux Speedy2 (
03:04.11sorphinMonMotha: i only know them, and a few other places for flash
03:04.15sorphincuz that's all i've used em for
03:04.41Speedy2De-brick the Z?
03:05.21sorphinSpeedy2: yes
03:05.27Speedy2Cool. How?
03:05.28sorphinturns out it wasn't really bricked
03:05.43sorphini hopped into the diag menu once i found out there was one :P
03:05.53sorphinand found the only thing dead was the zimage partition
03:05.57sorphinwhich is the one i was mucking w/
03:06.02Speedy2Lucky you :)
03:06.04sorphinso i trashed my cradle for nothin :P
03:06.10Speedy2Good think you didn't muck the boot
03:06.36sorphindamn thing acts like my old laptop ethernet dongle :P
03:06.49sorphinput weight on the conn, it makes contact and is fine
03:06.57sorphinotherwise it's intermittant at best :P
03:27.50*** join/#elinux fontenot (
03:28.18*** part/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
03:29.44jacquesah I'm back
03:29.52jacquesmy daily DSL outage has abated
03:41.06jacqueshmm or maybe not
03:51.33*** join/#elinux fontenot (
05:19.49Russchouimat: is it an issue with
05:20.03Russer, wait, thats not it
05:20.23Russthere we go
05:23.22Russthey have an FAQ there, so hopefully you'll be able to solve your fucking network problem
05:23.30chouimatRuss: no vpn now working ... fixed a trouble but got another
05:43.30sorphinRuss: changed the library to have the correct crap on the correct pin
05:56.49Russwhat was the component
05:58.34RussI don't have that in my little book
05:58.39Russall I have is a 574
05:59.02sorphinit's in the EU library
05:59.08sorphinin eagle
05:59.20RussI need you to put the crap pipe down, and step back from the computer
05:59.31Russ'4HC/HCT573; Octal D-type transparent latch'
05:59.53sorphini know what it is
05:59.57RussIt's an octal latch, it doesn't matter what order you put the inputs in as long as they match up with the outputs
06:00.05sorphini know
06:00.13sorphini just wanted the schematic to be correct :P
06:00.25sorphinseeing as the datasheet for the damn chip
06:00.31sorphinstarts w/ 0D/0Q
06:00.35sorphinand not 1D/1Q would start with Da, Db, Dc, for all I care
06:01.07sorphinRuss: you'd laugh at my schematic anyways
06:01.11sorphinit's crowded as fsck
06:01.20Russmake some pages, use nets
06:01.31Russyou don't have to connect things, just name them
06:01.34sorphinthat's what i was wondering about
06:01.41sorphini'm an eagle newbie
06:01.49Russas long as they are named the same, they are connected
06:01.57Russbusses and stuff like that are just for looks
06:02.23Russits preferable to name nets anyway, so that when you route it, you can look up nets quickly
06:02.59Russthen, instead of connecting A31-0 to A31-0 on another chip, you just copy/paste the little stubs
06:03.18sorphinif you want a laugh i'll dcc it over :P
06:03.27RussI don't have eagle, I use gschem
06:03.33sorphintho 3 connections still need to be done, i'd forgotten about em :P
06:04.47Russcourse, I probably also deal with much larger components
06:05.08sorphinthis only has 3 chips, a 72 pin simm socket and a 40 pin header
06:05.11RussI break em up into functional units though, helps a lot
06:05.19Russah, wazzit do?
06:05.26Russflash webpal stuff?
06:05.35sorphinit's the 2nd board on bigbrds flash programmer thing
06:05.40sorphindid the schem for kicks
06:05.46Russah, send me a link
06:05.56sorphinleast i figured out how to get the damn layout OUT of expresspcb :P
06:06.06Russare you going to use olimex?
06:06.51RussI'm having them do some shanips, jtag boards, and serial level converter thingies
06:07.00Russif you want to add those to your panel, I can send you gerbers
06:07.50Russ(they do panelization free)
06:07.53sorphinheh, 26$
06:08.00sorphinyeah, i see that
06:08.09Russya, I paid 31 because I had about 1200 drill holes in my panel
06:08.22sorphinRuss: fyi
06:08.30sorphinuses a PIC on the 1st board
06:08.36sorphinmine's sitting at fedex atm
06:08.38sorphinwaiting for me
06:08.44RussI'm designing something with a pic right now
06:08.50Russphilips 8051 thingy
06:08.57sorphintho he used a non A
06:09.02sorphinMicrochip sampled the A
06:09.05sorphinso i got one
06:09.09sorphinit adds 2 comparators
06:09.20sorphinbut it was free and they fedex'd it, so...
06:09.23Russwhy not program the chip with the webpal?
06:09.39sorphinwith what means? :P
06:09.42sorphinthe simms are blank
06:09.49sorphinthe cirrus has no hardware jtag
06:10.04RussI thought you could break in via gdb
06:10.10sorphinyou can
06:10.15sorphinthat code
06:10.19sorphinis in the simm
06:10.34sorphinonce your simm is toasted
06:10.45sorphinyou're bricked unless you have an external means
06:11.07Russyou could make the board simplier if you only used 8 data lines and 20 address lines
06:11.42sorphinthat still in 16bit mode?
06:12.00sorphinthe simm is hardwired for 16bit *the damn byte pin is wired *under* the chip)
06:12.08Russif you program it in 8 bit mode, you just have double the addresses
06:12.37sorphinyhea, originally i was gonna do a hack and 8bit mode it
06:12.42sorphinbut the more i looked at this
06:12.45sorphini decided fsck it
06:12.51sorphinit's costing me < $20 total
06:13.00Russwith pcb?
06:13.09sorphinetching it myself
06:13.13sorphinscary innit ;)
06:13.32sorphinRuss: it's only 1 5x3 doublesided board
06:13.38sorphinif it were more, i'd agree
06:13.41RussI would probabaly just use 3 16 bit latches, and no pic
06:14.04Russwith a parallel port
06:14.27sorphinas i just told a friend
06:14.30Russone half of one of the latches is control (ce, oe, we, and latch selection)
06:14.32sorphini'm using the already paved route ;)
06:14.40Russone whole latch is data
06:14.50Russanother whole latch, and the other half of the first one is address
06:15.25sorphinincluding already written code
06:15.36sorphinyou're mr hardware interface coder
06:15.47Russits more fun that way
06:15.59sorphinRuss: i just now how to throw commands at a flash chip via mmap :P
06:16.46Russor you could use a 40 pin cpld (or other chip) that is equipted with jtag in boundry scan mode
06:18.01sorphinRuss: i'm like the guy in the wizard of oz, the dude behind the curtain :P it just looks like i understand more than i do :P
06:18.37Russnothing is learned unless you do stuff you don't know
06:19.37sorphinRuss: true, but it generally helps me if i have some basis.. hell, your code was turning into greek to me, that's why i'd given up on it for the Z before
06:21.30Russthere is other code out there
06:23.24sorphinSCO just won't learn
06:23.27sorphinAn anonymous reader writes "[Darl McBride, SCO's chief executive stated] that unless more companies start licensing SCO's property, he may also sue Linus Torvalds, who is credited with inventing the Linux operating system, for patent infringement."
06:27.17sorphinand novell's bitchslapping SCO about SYSV
06:30.19sorphini'm waiting to be able to BUY a fscking Opteron :P
06:30.22sorphini've been waiting for it
06:34.28Russbuy two
06:35.16sorphinthey gotta be buyable 1st
06:35.26Russtyan has a mobo
06:36.03Russrioworks and msi do too
06:36.09sorphinthey usually do
06:36.18sorphinbefore you can publically buy the damn cpu ;p
06:40.26sorphinok ok :P
06:41.09Russthey go as low as 299
06:41.35Russfree shipping too
06:41.46Russfree t-shirt too
06:42.01sorphinhow the hell can you go from $759 to 299?
06:42.15Russ240 vs 242
06:42.23sorphinwhat's the diff?
06:42.49Russ1.4GHz vs 1.6GHz?
06:43.19sorphinno wonder that giga hertz :P
06:44.15sorphin$460 for .2Ghz.. i hope that's not the only diff, or that's really really sad
06:44.26Russnews stuff is like that
06:44.50Russer, new stuff
06:45.42Russget two of those along with a mobo, and 18GB of DDR, some drives, and you get up in price pretty quick
06:45.55Russto around the cost of the 386 when it was new
06:46.07sorphinthat's more than the new sun V480's i just installed
06:46.13sorphinthey have 8G
06:46.20sorphinand cost $30k
06:46.32Russthese are actually cheaper then
06:47.42sorphin4x900mhz USIIIs
06:47.46sorphin2 36G
06:47.47sorphin8G ram
06:47.55sorphineach USIII has 8M cache
06:48.52sorphinoh, and 2 nics, not that those matter
07:11.42sorphinheh, autoroute's kinda neat
07:11.42MonMothayeah, high end ultrasparcs have a lot more cache than any x86 I've seen
07:12.50MonMothathey make them with 32MB, don't they?
07:13.06sorphini dunno
07:13.11sorphini'd have to ask my friend gavin
07:13.14sorphinhe works for sun
07:13.21MonMothaheh, would be sweet to be able to run an X server entirely in on-chip cache :)
07:13.34MonMothaa modern X server that is (like XFree86)
07:14.08sorphini pity any processor forced to run XBloat86
07:14.22sorphinRuss: indeed
07:14.36MonMothawell, yeah
07:14.56MonMothawould still be neat to say "yeah, and I'm runnign XFree86 entirely on my CPU's cache" :)
07:15.11sorphinMonMotha: till they took you out back and beat some sense into you ;)
07:15.11MonMothaunfortunately you'd have to double it to fit mozilla :( (that thing's HUGE)
07:15.18MonMothasorphin: heh :)
07:15.27MonMothaI never identified that one chip btw
07:15.32sorphin~cluebat MonMotha
07:15.33ACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps MonMotha.
07:15.49sorphinibot: snack
07:15.50Cross-platform sound extension for Tcl. URL:
07:15.50MonMothaoh, does one identify the polarity of a tantalum cap?
07:15.58sorphinMonMotha: umm
07:16.06sorphinMonMotha: look for the little + sign :P
07:16.17MonMothaall this one has is a bunch of colors :)
07:16.19sorphinreally tiny, but usually is one
07:16.27sorphinnear the lead
07:16.34MonMothaI've definiately looked, no +
07:16.48MonMothaor - for that matter :)
07:16.51sorphinhow big?
07:16.56Russlook for a bar
07:17.20Russor if there is any letters, or numbers, up is +
07:17.55MonMothawell, it's got a blue stripe down one side, all the way around the rest are other colors (which I had to look up to verify the capacitance)
07:18.32sorphinnever seen one like that before
07:18.53RussI don't think its smd
07:19.00MonMothawant me to take a picture of it? :)
07:19.07MonMothaoh no, certainly through hole
07:19.18sorphinand have a mark :P
07:19.26sorphinMonMotha: yes, take a pic if you can make it fast :P
07:20.07MonMothaok, 1 sec
07:20.09sorphinnever had one w/o a mark myself
07:20.17sorphinotherwise i'd use my meter if i did ;)
07:23.26sorphinya know, as slow as monmotha seems to be at things, i could crack RC5-72 w/ a webpal :P
07:23.46Russthe blue strip would be +
07:24.17MonMothagive me a break, I had to unmount my CF card, get my camera out, put the card in it, go to another room, put the cap under the mag glass, focus the cam, take the pic, turn all the lights off, come back in, turn off camera, remove card, mount card, copy to server, paste URL
07:24.18MonMothaheh :)
07:24.21MonMothaRuss: that's what I thought, thc
07:24.23MonMothaer thx
07:24.25sorphinRuss: 1st time i've *ever* seem caps looking like that
07:24.42MonMothaheh, place by me has a whole box full of em
07:24.46Russits called "through hole techonogly"
07:24.50sorphinmon; grr, wonder why
07:24.51Russit was use by the ancients
07:24.56sorphin~bitchslap Russ
07:24.57ACTION beats the sh*t out of Russ
07:25.02MonMothaI think it's a 10uF...would have to look it back up again :)
07:25.03sorphinRuss: you know what i mean
07:25.18sorphinmost tant's if not all that i've seen
07:25.20MonMothaRuss: and by people who don't want to solder things smaller than their needle nose pliars to a board using a pencil iron
07:25.21sorphinare a tanish yellow
07:25.35Russthe ancients feared the coming of SMT, and spoke thusly "it is a fad, a phase, it will go away"
07:26.05MonMothaI don't mind SO-ICs, but SMT caps and resistors I have severe trouble working with using my abysmal tools
07:26.17sorphinMonMotha: umm
07:26.18RussMonMotha: use 1205 and larger
07:26.23MonMothaanything smaller than an SOIC is a bit tough to work with for me
07:26.26sorphinMonMotha: you don't have a pencil tip and tweezers?
07:26.40sorphinand a dab of glue if need be
07:26.47MonMothasorphin: yes, I do...but it's a hell of a lot easier to throw a cap in a hole and throw some solder on it :)
07:27.01RussI'm thinking of getting a digital thermometer, and turing my toaster oven into a reflow oven
07:27.01sorphinwith all that throwing
07:27.07sorphinit's no wonder your programmer isn't done :P
07:27.14Russmaybe get one of those usb endpoint kits
07:27.15MonMothasorphin: heh :)
07:27.21Russso its a usb toaster
07:27.25MonMothaRuss: yeah, I've been thinking of getting a toaster oven for that purpose :)
07:27.34MonMothaRuss: then you'd need /dev/coffee too
07:27.36sorphinRuss: ok, it's official
07:27.42sorphinRuss: you're insane
07:27.43Russmount a high temp convention fan in there too
07:28.05Russsorphin: what? the computer would control the heating element, and receive temperature feedback and could develop and refine various profiles
07:28.49sorphinRuss: i think you're the one that needs to put down his crack pipe this time ;)
07:29.00Russyou laugh now
07:29.12Russbut when I have my USB 2.0(TM) toaster, watch out man
07:29.29sorphinRuss: ewww
07:29.38sorphinRF leaking serial
07:30.26sorphinMonMotha: as far as SMD tho
07:30.30Russwhat, like regular cables don't already leak a good deal of emi?
07:30.32sorphinwhile i don't like it that much
07:30.50sorphinthere are times now where it's quite handy for a very small board
07:30.54sorphinw/ a lot of stuff on it
07:30.57sorphinthat w/o SMD
07:31.02sorphinwould be as big as a desk ;p
07:31.51sorphinRuss: maybe, but people don't advertise it like it's some great new invention :P
07:32.33MonMothasorphin: oh I certinaly don't mind SMT, but since I tend to make my own boards by etching them, and then hand assemble them...
07:32.49MonMothaor heck, for this thing I just got a donut board and start soldering wires to it
07:33.10Russyou don't need to drill for smd
07:33.18sorphinMonMotha: i'm gonna etch my own for that 2nd board for the webpal programmer
07:33.26sorphinRuss: very very true
07:33.26MonMothaI have etched one board, a little TTL <-> RS-232 thing that was basically a simple little thing with a MAX232 on it and a couple headers
07:33.30MonMothaRuss: yeah, I do use SOICs
07:33.36MonMothaas I said...that's about my limit :)
07:33.37sorphinchouimat|Zzzz: night
07:33.47RussMonMotha: no nead to go smaller
07:33.54sorphinMonMotha: yeah, ken's lil serial board is a nice lil smd one
07:34.01chouimat|Zzzzsorphin: very short night :(
07:34.18sorphinfits right on the header
07:34.28MonMothaSOICs I can handle...SSOPs are usually pushing it (I've been known to solder them to boards that were made professionally, but had the chip left off by flooding it then takign the excess away with a solderwick), but TSSOPS are just too small
07:34.42MonMothaRuss: yeah, usually
07:34.54MonMothabut even you haev to agree that for hobbyists BGAs suck
07:35.00sorphinMonMotha: umm
07:35.04sorphinbga's suck period
07:35.13MonMothathey're really small :)
07:35.13Russthey don't suck period
07:35.16sorphinsaw a thing on ebay
07:35.27sorphinfor soldering bga's
07:35.33Russthey let you create a board with a 272 pin element, in 1 inch square, with 8 mil rules
07:35.39Russand very good escape
07:35.58sorphinRuss: and hope you never wanna salvage the part ;p
07:36.09Russsorphin: thats true with most parts
07:36.19Russ(or at least, most 272 pin parts)
07:36.27sorphinbgas are the only thing i can't get off a board :P
07:36.41sorphinthen again
07:36.51sorphinbiggest pin count i've used is 204 or such
07:37.18MonMothaBGAs are fine for mass produced, highly integrated things like current PC motherboards
07:37.19sorphinthat's still tolerable
07:37.38RussMonMotha: it'd be fun to try with a homebrew board
07:37.47RussMonMotha: TQFP is already difficult enough
07:37.49sorphinMonMotha: speaking of MBs
07:38.06*** join/#elinux schurig (
07:38.09sorphinwhat'd you think of that guy taking a winbond and making a generator from it?
07:38.11MonMothaRuss: well, I'm eventually going to build a 286 board...that's after the 80451 board (currently in design, PCB is about half drawn) and the Z80 board
07:38.21RussBGA has much less chance of bridging than a TQFP, since many come in 1.27mm spacing
07:38.27MonMothayeah, TQFP is a bitch
07:38.39MonMothaI usually stay away from them :)
07:38.48MonMothaI can solder one wire to a pin on it...on a good day
07:38.54sorphinMonMotha: oh, btw
07:39.01Russif you could setup a reliable reflow process, you'd be set, it just be a bitch getting the solder paste right and level
07:39.04sorphindid my webpal ram hacks the other night
07:39.13MonMotha(was practicing for the ram mod on the webpal)
07:39.13sorphin1st board, took a couple tries, 2nd board, 1st try
07:39.25MonMothayeah..I practiced on an old motherboard that was defunct
07:39.33MonMothawhich reminds me..I need to strip that thing
07:39.42sorphinwell, i perfected how i was doing it
07:39.51sorphinMonMotha: w/o my microscope
07:39.52RussMonMotha: actually, if you take some water based flux, and a pencil tip iron, and zip down the side of a qfp, it does pretty good
07:39.52MonMothait has some potentially useful parts (lots of soic bus transceivers mostly)
07:39.55sorphini wouldn't have done it period
07:40.16MonMothaRuss: speaking of, you know a good source for water based flux?
07:40.28Russthe only tool I have is wick
07:40.31sorphinwell, color me amazed
07:40.47sorphini thought russ had leads for everything ;p
07:40.55RussI would know where to get leads
07:40.57MonMothaI bet your iron is better than mine
07:41.04MonMothathough maybe not
07:41.05Russtriad electronics, they use it quite a bit
07:41.12RussI have a couple rat shack ones
07:41.19MonMothaI have a semi-usable iron...just tends to get cold if you keep using it too long
07:41.26MonMothayeah, I haev a 15W grounded and a 15/30 one
07:41.32MonMothaeven on the 30 setting it can get cold
07:41.39Russthe tip on my dual temp went to hell
07:41.47sorphinran the 15W tip at 30
07:42.05sorphinneeded teh small tip but high temp
07:42.06MonMothaRuss:  they sell replacement tips
07:42.07MonMothalikt $5 for two
07:42.14RussI know
07:42.20Russbut I have another iron with a good tip
07:42.21sorphinMonMotha: $.99 for mine ;)
07:42.32MonMothathat's one thing I'll give RS credit, fairly decent irons
07:42.41MonMothawhat I really need is decent testing equipment
07:42.45sorphinMonMotha: the sucky thing
07:42.47sorphinis their tips
07:42.48MonMothaI have an RS pocket, kinda
07:42.56sorphinMonMotha: you need the meter i have :P
07:43.07sorphindamn thing won't die ;)
07:43.10MonMothaa scope would be handy too...though not needed
07:43.17sorphinand measures everything but inductance
07:43.25MonMothamy meter measures like 8 ohms when you touch the two test leads
07:43.53MonMothawhich would be fine if it had a zeroing function...which it doesn't
07:43.57sorphinmy scope thinks i radiate 60hz ;)
07:44.05MonMothaand of course it auto scales very poorly
07:44.11MonMothasorphin: you probably do :)
07:44.17sorphinMonMotha: wouldn't surprise me
07:44.18Russsorphin: you do...if you are touching something metal, or near a power source
07:44.28MonMothaRuss: what if he's in europe? :)
07:44.35sorphinMonMotha: then you're fscked
07:44.46MonMothaor in this house: ?
07:45.59sorphinit's just not worth it
07:46.21MonMothait's bbspot for pete's sake :)
07:46.51sorphinwhich tells me jack squat ;)
07:46.59Russ'the Association to Stop Giant Fan Generated Tornadoes.'
07:47.12MonMothaexactly, it tells you it's jack squat, or more likely jack shit :)
07:47.40sorphinMonMotha: go play with your colorful tantalums and un Id'd chips ;)
09:39.17*** join/#elinux balor (
09:55.37baloribot: where's prpplague
09:55.37balor: have you tried ?
09:55.51baloribot: where is prpplague
09:55.52methinks prpplague is or Dave Anders
09:56.09baloribot:  thanks
09:56.09balor: sure thing
10:05.01*** join/#elinux scanlime (
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14:07.56sievemorning all
14:10.10ade|deskmornig sieve
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14:43.17sorphinGPSFan: mornin
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14:54.09chouimathi tim kergoth
15:01.06sorphinchouimat: pseudofrenchy
15:01.50GPSFansorphin: morning dan...
15:02.35sorphinGPSFan: if you want a laugh (or to help me learn eagle) you can look at the schem i drew *g*
15:05.24GPSFansorphin: I don't know squat about eagle, I usually use Orcad, 'cause that's what I learned a long time ago and am comefortable with it.
15:05.53GPSFansorphin: send me a link, I'll have a look...
15:06.38chouimatsorphin: why pseudofrenchy??
15:14.03sorphinchouimat: you're french canadian
15:14.08sorphinyou're not really french ;)
15:14.30sorphinGPSFan: heh, guess i'm the only one
15:14.35sorphinand i'm just learning it ;p
15:14.42chouimatsorphin: thanks :) sorry I just spent the last 28hrs up
15:15.11sorphinchouimat: isabell kept you up eh? *g*
15:15.31chouimatsorphin: nah that Fine vpn
15:16.28chouimatsorphin: I would have prefer isabelle ;-P
15:16.38sorphinchouimat: ;)
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16:05.55TimRiker~dict vasant
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16:17.44sorphinTimRiker: eh?
16:19.40GPSFanhey sorphin: I see CosmicPenguin survived his wedding & honyemoon, btw, my pixil box is at an uptime of 18 days 23 hours. ;>)
16:20.24sorphinGPSFan: have you been doin anything w/ it tho ;)
16:21.34GPSFansorphin; not really, just sort of seeing if there were any instability problems just running pixil & the os over time.
16:22.18sorphinGPSFan: that's like trying to watch a pot boil, will it still boil if you don't watch it :P
16:23.13TimRiker~spell vasant
16:23.15possible spellings for vasant: vacant vast wasn't valiant variant vaunt peasant assent Santa Santo saint avant Vedanta aslant issuant verdant ascent hasn't
16:23.33sorphinTimRiker: i won't even ask
16:23.34chouimat[busy]TimRiker: ?
16:23.50sorphinchouimat[busy]: Tim's apparently smoking the TI pipe atm
16:24.07chouimat[busy]sorphin: ok ...
16:24.26sorphinchouimat[busy]: in other words
16:24.36sorphin"pay no attention to the man behind hte curtain" :P
16:26.02chouimat[busy]sorphin: my mind is not  working right now ...
16:31.12sorphinchouimat[busy]: is it ever?
16:43.29chouimat[busy]sorphin: shaddap
16:43.50sorphinchouimat[busy]: may you be cursed w/ songs of celine in your head forever
17:04.50chouimat[busy]sorphin: I spent the night listen to the radio and i got 20 celine' songs :(
17:05.13sorphinchouimat[busy]: they musta known you were listening ;)
17:06.03chouimat[busy]sorphin: maybe ... next time I put a cd or put  on the classical station
18:20.15*** join/#elinux andersee (
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19:00.22filebe afraid, I applied for a job!
19:05.37TimRiker~tell andersee about brando
19:07.34extra, extra, read all about it, dynamism is a site that sells english Sharp Zaurii C700's
19:08.36TimRiker~tell andersee about dynamism
19:15.35hmm... 8ball is No
19:23.13sorphingawd i hate big corporations w/ paranoid network security depts
19:27.44Russdropping ecn?
19:28.13sorphini argue w/ the guy
19:28.17sorphinnow they're "investigating" and have my windows box's port off
19:28.41sorphinparanoid i'm sending company files or some BS or something
19:29.01sorphinheh, my boss told me something the NS dork told me
19:29.08sorphinanything i make/invent while working here
19:29.10Russtime to setup a tcp over dns tunnel or somesuch
19:29.12sorphinregardless of when
19:29.14sorphinthey own
19:29.20sorphinmy ass they do
19:29.24sorphini signed NOTHING
19:29.31sorphinsaying that i gave up anything
19:29.34sorphinwhen i started here
19:39.29Russwatching a bird eat cheese pasta is funny
19:47.44filesorphin: now that bites...
19:51.21sorphinRuss: i had to get to myu network in a round about way :P
19:51.29sorphintelnet to a router in our lab that has a uunet feed
19:51.45sorphintelnet from there to the only box on my network that allows telnet (for friends)
19:51.53sorphinbuncha morons
19:51.58sorphinah well, my boss covered my ass
19:52.10sorphinbut that's still not stopping me from looking elsewhere
19:52.13Russcan you make dns requests to anywhere?
19:52.34sorphinyeah, i'm on my solaris box they don't know about
19:52.44sorphinmy windows box however has it's port on the switch disabled
19:52.49Russthen setup an ip over dns tunnel
19:53.11sorphinRuss: then they'll prolly whine about me having a dns connection up constant
19:53.20Russits udp
19:53.23Russits stateless
19:53.31Russyou could also setup a ip over icmp tunnel
19:53.55sorphinmaybe their pix's will miss that stuff :P
19:54.12sorphinhe explained to the morons tho why i have the conns up
19:54.27sorphinnot like they'd understand :P
19:55.00sorphinRuss: got any good refs for either?
19:57.32Russor you could be sick and wrong and tunnel over smtp
20:00.07sorphinagain i ask ;)
20:00.09sorphinRuss: got any good refs for either?
20:11.29anderseesorphin: they let you irc, right?
20:12.13anderseeAt Lineo I setup a udp vpn tunnel to my home box, which was running the vpn server on the irc port.
20:12.26anderseeTo get around their stupid firewall
20:13.00anderseeme too
20:13.00sorphinandersee: no
20:13.19sorphinandersee: i'm still surprised they bitched about my ssh
20:13.27sorphinwell, except for the connections being up forever
20:14.20sorphinandersee: to be honest, i don't know exactlly what they "allow" till they catch me doing something they don't like
20:18.29jnorkHeh. Reminds me of a Shark Tank entry I read once. First they rake him across the coals. Then he requests to see the policy so he can avoid violating it in the future. But they don't have one.  "Oh, we'll let you know if you do anything wrong."
20:18.53sorphinlike my boss said
20:18.57sorphinthey're like the IRS
20:19.02sorphinthere's lots of things they shouldn't be doing
20:19.06sorphinbut they get away w/ it
20:22.20*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
20:22.46sorphinGPSFan: re
20:34.46*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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20:36.06TimRiker~seen dwmw2
20:36.08dwmw2 <~dwmw2@> was last seen on IRC in channel, 9h 40m 36s ago, saying: 'this is probably a good thing'.
20:37.15Russibot: seen lilo
20:37.16lilo <levin@lilo.staff.freenode> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 5d 1h 1m 22s ago, saying: 'np'.
20:37.31Russibot: seen nickserv
20:37.31Russ: i haven't seen 'nickserv'
20:41.14TimRiker~seen chanserv
20:41.14TimRiker: i haven't seen 'chanserv'
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20:54.44chouimat[busy]wb TimRiker
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21:47.56Russanyone play with the gadget framework?
21:58.43CosmicPenguinGo go gadget
22:01.01kergothRuss: I was going to work on the sa11x0 driver for it, but never got around to it
22:01.22kergothif you mean the usb gadget framework :)
22:01.25kergothbleh, need more caffeine
22:10.36chouimat|awaykergoth: got your cube?
22:11.54*** join/#elinux Russ (
22:13.24chouimat|awayI hate pppoe
22:22.45filechouimat|away: hehe
22:25.56RussI don't really mind it
22:26.17Russi just hate modems that won't bridge pppoe packets
22:53.07chouimat|awayfile: spend 35hours on that vpn ...
22:53.59filechouimat|away: evil
22:54.49chouimat|awayfile: yup
22:55.21chouimat|awayfile: it's working and I need to get out of here
22:56.01filego, go, go!
22:56.14Russcan anyone here go to this site:
23:37.25Russibot: see _rmk_
23:37.26Russ: KCI error, or a problem with the Keyboard-Chair Interface.
23:37.31Russibot: seen _rmk_
23:37.32Russ: i haven't seen '_rmk_'
23:37.37Russibot: seen rmk
23:37.37Russ: i haven't seen 'rmk'
23:37.55sorphinthey decided to axfr
23:37.58sorphini intend to confront them about that tomorrow
23:37.59sorphinthey're into trespassing now
23:39.06sorphinzone transfer
23:39.40sorphinthey also portscanned, but i expected that
23:39.50sorphinbut they have NO business touching my dns servers
23:39.53Russyou want me to drive down to godaddy and have a talking with them?
23:40.28RussRegistered through: Go Daddy Software (
23:40.35sorphinnot that kinda transfer
23:40.45sorphinpulled the SOA data/zone files
23:40.59sorphinsomething only an authorative NS for my domains should be doing
23:41.43Russsomething daniel stephens did then?
23:41.43sorphinoh, i've already decided that when i live MCI
23:41.53sorphinthey're gonna get something they'll never forget
23:41.57sorphinMCI :P
23:42.14sorphinRuss: look up
23:42.37sorphinone of the network sec fsckers  dares to do more than hit my webserver and portscan me
23:42.42sorphinnow they stepped over the line
23:42.59RussI'm confused
23:43.13sorphindid you miss all of what went on earlier?
23:43.23Russns[12] isn't returning info on
23:43.38sorphinit won't either
23:43.46sorphinunless you to a bind zone xfer
23:43.51sorphinthey're MX records only
23:43.55Russah, only mx
23:44.06sorphinthat's beside the point tho
23:44.07Russso whats with
23:44.23sorphinwhen i look in my logs
23:44.25sorphinand see May 29 17:29:40
23:44.44sorphinMay 29 17:27:01 mewp in.telnetd[983]: connect from
23:45.43sorphinMay 29 15:39:09 wibble named[11204]: client transfer of '': AXFR started
23:46.03sorphini get a bit irritated
23:46.12sorphinthat 166.x.x.x
23:46.26sorphinis one of their boxes that i guess network SUCKurity uses
23:46.29sorphineither way
23:46.47sorphinrepeatative telnets
23:46.51sorphinmessing w/ my dns server
23:46.54sorphinftp server
23:47.06sorphinthey crossed the line

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.