irclog2html for #elinux on 20030525

01:08.28filechouimat|cooking: cooking? bah hum bug
01:19.49*** join/#elinux fontenot (
01:41.29*** join/#elinux file (
01:44.06filemmm... tv is yummy
01:52.10*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
01:52.24chouimat|tvhi tim
01:52.29*** mode/#eLinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
02:26.29*** join/#elinux TMM1 (
08:10.04*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
08:53.34*** join/#elinux joejoeMcgee (
10:57.15*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
11:16.25joejoeMcgeehey does anyone know a good vendor for small lcd screens like 7.5 inch and smaller
12:20.51*** join/#elinux Morn (
13:25.30*** join/#elinux Morn (
13:29.17*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
13:41.34*** join/#elinux mallum (
13:44.05*** join/#elinux jnork (
14:59.28*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
15:23.03*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
15:26.44*** join/#elinux TomW (
15:31.16jnorkDrink your coffee! There are people in India sleeping!
15:34.58fileI don't drink coffee
16:00.18*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
16:04.23filehi chouimat
16:22.49*** join/#elinux prpplague (~joe123@
16:37.48Mornhi prpplague
16:42.32*** join/#elinux chouimat (
16:45.06prpplagueMorn: hey girl
16:45.14chouimathi prpplague
16:45.16prpplagueMorn: whats cookin today
16:45.18prpplaguechouimat: hey
16:45.33Mornprpplague: A company sent me a SPT 1800 and portable printer for development
16:45.47prpplaguechouimat: heard of a bad call evanesence?
16:46.12prpplagueMorn: love those spt's lol
16:46.14chouimatprpplague: spent last night on smithwick's
16:46.18chouimatprpplague: yup
16:46.24prpplaguechouimat: cool
16:46.27Mornthe 1800 is a lot more sturdy than the 1500 was
16:46.34prpplaguechouimat: saw one of their videos last night
16:46.39prpplaguechouimat: was really impressed
16:46.51chouimatprpplague: the one where the chick falls?
16:47.51chouimatprpplague: that not bad for something that pass on radio :)
16:48.20chouimathmmmm too much sugar in my coffee
16:48.28fileput more coffee in
16:49.18Mornthe stonger the better
16:49.40chouimatMorn: true ... but I think I was still asleep when I did this one
16:51.07prpplaguechouimat: got any oggs of them?
16:51.43chouimatprpplague: I have 2 mp3
16:52.14prpplaguechouimat: cool
16:52.24prpplaguechouimat: when i get back, i'll have to hit you up for them
16:52.42chouimatprpplague: how is honduras?
16:54.39prpplaguetrying to get used to spanish
16:54.48prpplaguelots of beautiful women
16:55.02chouimatprpplague: I imagine
16:56.51filethat music video you're talking about is on MuchMusic right now LOL
17:00.53prpplaguefile: seen it before?
17:02.40chouimatprpplague: how is the weather?
17:03.07prpplaguechouimat: mild
17:03.11prpplaguechouimat: round 80
17:03.24prpplaguechouimat: i'm up in the hills
17:04.11chouimatprpplague: here its 10 C (or 50 F) and raining
17:04.24fileme? oh no
17:07.38prpplaguefile: not your style?
17:08.14fileprpplague: I don't watch many music videos...
17:14.09chouimatwow! I didn't rembered that I have that CD of Iron maiden bootlegs mp3
17:27.23fileeverybody panic, I might actually get a job!!!
17:27.46chouimatfile: no neeed It's raining like hell here alllready
17:35.28*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
18:04.24glytchbinaryfile:  where?
18:06.22fileglytchbinary: my school district
18:06.29fileglytchbinary: as a Computer Technical Assistant
18:09.46chouimat|readingarrrrgggggg 3 days of rain!!!!!
20:13.55Mornwhat the heck was that in the #tuxscreen channel
20:14.01Mornsomeone on crack?
20:19.44Morn--> bzfIag ( has joined #tuxscreen
20:19.44Morn<bzfIag> hello
20:19.44Morn<bzfIag> u damn niggerbitches
20:19.44Morn<bzfIag> lol
20:19.44Morn<bzfIag> :)
20:19.49Morn<bzfIag> gtg working...(fuck u fucking fuckers) bye :)
20:20.09chouimat|readingMorn: is that tim?
20:20.19Mornno, he is bzFlag
20:20.25Mornnot bzfIag
20:21.58chouimat|readinghmmm I should really get that dreamcast coder cable (or make it) and those keyboard/mouse adapters
20:23.48filechouimat|reading: money is good when you have it
20:24.38chouimat|readingfile: I will ask my father to order them for me
20:25.44chouimat|readingor my brother :)
20:26.47*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
20:34.01*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
21:28.47prpplaguechouimat|reading: ya right, pigs will be flying and the cubs will win a world series before i'd expect to hear fsck from the keyboard of tim
21:48.20*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
21:50.34filewb chouimat
21:59.36*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
22:24.28*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
23:36.43*** part/#elinux prpplague (~joe123@
23:36.54*** join/#elinux chouimat (
23:39.20filechouimat: so what're you up to?
23:55.25*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.