irclog2html for #elinux on 20030524

00:00.14filehi hi hi
00:58.47filechouimat: wb
00:58.57chouimathi file
00:59.18filewhat's up?
01:00.54chouimatfile: got the packages today ...
01:01.04filechouimat: my thing that I sent you?
01:01.17filedid I send you the right money order?>
01:01.38filegood, thought I might have mixed them up
01:01.42fileget a chance to test the SIMM yet?
01:02.11filegood luck :)
01:02.22filenow I just wonder if my other money order made it
01:04.57filechouimat: I am the king of shipping! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
02:00.14*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
02:22.34Mornsorphin: you around?
02:44.45*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
02:47.21*** join/#elinux randey (~randey@
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03:34.43*** part/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
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12:43.54*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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13:39.19fileanyone have a PCMCIA SD/MMC Adapter?
13:52.38*** join/#elinux randy (
13:53.45filegreetings randy
14:07.59*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
15:49.23*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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16:19.59filehi chouimat
16:20.22chouimathi file
16:20.23filewhat's up for today?
16:21.59chouimatfile: don't know yet
16:22.13filechouimat: oh ic
16:53.22filechouimat: don't forget to send me 'dat 'dere HD someday
17:02.33filechouimat: you woudln't happen to have a PCMCIA SD/MMC Adapter?
17:06.31fileI want to get away from Windows on my workstation totally, so if I had a PCMCIA SD/MMC adapter - I could slip the MMC from my Cybiko Xtreme into my laptop and copy over apps that way...
17:17.08*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
17:36.12*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (~aman@
17:57.07*** join/#elinux mallum (
17:58.54chouimathi mallum
17:59.08mallumhey chouimat
18:04.01chouimatmallum:  I wasn't able to sleep wenesday to thrusday night, so I added  inform6 support to kdevelop ... now you can use kdevelop to write infocom games
18:14.31*** join/#elinux sorphin (
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20:12.21mallumchouimat|away: nice
20:16.23*** join/#elinux jnork (
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21:27.45chouimathi file
21:29.11*** join/#elinux theDevil- (
21:33.05filejnork: indeed
21:33.45jnorkMine got here, and it was the wrong item.
21:33.55filelol, what did you get instead of what?
21:33.56jnorkFucker sent me an NVSIMM instead of a VSIMM.
21:34.03jnorkSPARC stuff.
21:34.17filedid you e-mail back and bitch?
21:34.34jnorkSorta. I emailed back and pointed out the difference, but I was polite.
21:34.49fileany response as of yet?
21:35.04jnorkHowever, I've decided the guy isn't gonna make good, so I went ahead and bought another one.
21:35.11jnorkIt was only $10.
21:35.14fileoh ic
21:35.24jnorkeBay, you probably guessed.
21:35.50filejnork: did he have a good rating?
21:36.15jnorkYeah. Shitload of positives, a few negatives.
21:36.26filewhat's his name?
21:37.00jnorkI usually figure anybody who sells thousands of items is gonna run into a few problems, so I don't freak at a few negatives. But what's interesting is the consistent TONE of the negatives, now that I go look.
21:37.04jnork1 sec, I'll get it for ya.
21:38.56jnorkoh wait
21:39.10jnorkSorry, wrong one.
21:42.07jnorkI noticed that most or all of the recent complaints were of wrong items shipped, or items never shipped. Most of the big sellers I've looked at get a variety of complaints, not the same one over and over.
21:42.51jnorkAnd guess what? This was a wrong item shipped... a useless item substituted for a desirable one that usually sells for more.
21:48.29filejnork: bites...
21:49.03jnorkYeah. I suspect I won't get any satisfaction out of this guy, but I'm gonna give him a chance.
21:49.32jnorkAnd I'm thinking that if I paste an URL into the feedback, I can put whatever I want on that web page... <eg>
21:52.40jnorkafk for a bit.
21:52.44jnorkThanks for the moral support.
23:18.15filehere, there, everywhere
23:37.01*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
23:38.06fileI lost my mind, has anybody found it?
23:59.27*** join/#elinux file (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.