irclog2html for #elinux on 20030513

00:04.42sorphinchouimat|tv: wuss
00:10.33prpplaguechouimat|tv: i was up all night getting this server ready
00:10.35sorphinprpplague: are you watching office space like a good lil plague?
00:12.28prpplaguesorphin: negative
00:12.39prpplaguesorphin: working on getting 2nd server ready
00:12.47prpplaguesorphin: gotta make some money
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02:14.09prpplaguekergoth: re
02:14.27prpplaguekergoth: whens the big move?
02:14.35kergothnext week sometime
02:14.48prpplaguekergoth: shall we put together a house warming party? lol
02:15.01prpplaguekergoth: lots of big haired girls and booze
02:15.13sorphinprpplague: get him hitched up ;)
02:15.41kergothheh, no thanks. i'm moving my ass out there with nothing to start with
02:15.47kergothleaving my damn furniture & shit
02:15.48chouimat|readingprpplague: put a webcam so we can all enjoy that party :)
02:15.52kergothso if theres a party, it aint at my place
02:16.09prpplaguekergoth: lol
02:16.25kergothbasically headin out w/ clothes, my computer, a few books and dvds
02:16.33kergoththe rest i'll pay someone in a few weeks
02:16.37sorphintim never had one
02:16.37prpplaguekergoth: thats the idea, everyone brings a piece of furniture(probably something they hate,lol)!!
02:16.40kergothgotta head back here for the 7th anyway
02:16.50kergothbest friend getting buried
02:16.55kergothas you'd term it anyway
02:17.15prpplaguedum dum dum, another one bites the dust
02:17.21sorphinprpplague: the furniture you bring kergoth will be wedding presents ;)
02:17.40kergothuhh i think i'll buy some furniture, thanks
02:17.55TomWbean bag chairs...
02:17.56kergothi'm a young single guy. give me a large cardboard box and a microwave and i'm good to go
02:17.59prpplaguekergoth: well ok then.........
02:18.03prpplaguekergoth: lol
02:18.03kergothTomW: hah exactly
02:18.20sorphinkergoth: hope you can run then ;)
02:18.27prpplaguekergoth: i need something a little more to impress the babes
02:18.34chouimat|readingkergoth: we are going to send you some crates of ramen instead :)
02:18.39sorphinkergoth: i heard them big haired girls are determined, and they'll chase
02:18.47TomWthat shit you put together with a screwdriver + hammer and cost < $100 at the department store.
02:19.13TomWearly american curb
02:19.17prpplaguekergoth: they have on an old system36 at the office i was thinking about making into a wet bar
02:19.17kergothsorphin: i'll let my cardboard box apartment discourage them. ;)
02:19.39sorphinwont work ;)
02:19.40prpplagueTomW: ha
02:19.52TomWprpplague: btdt
02:19.52kergothfyi i oughta be done with the new opie launcher within a few weeks at most
02:20.00sorphinkergoth: they'll just take you back to their trailer
02:20.04kergothyou can embed any opie app in a tab. opie-today makes a nice tab
02:20.44prpplagueargh, i need to get out of here......and gets some beer
02:20.49kergothsomeday i'll remember that alt-q -> alt-p are valid keybindings for irssi and stop doing /win
02:21.23prpplaguechouimat|reading: thanks
02:21.40prpplaguechouimat|reading: don't know how i'm gonna get through security with 20bottles of beer
02:21.55chouimat|readingprpplague: np ... I think you can have it in Ottawa
02:22.26prpplaguechouimat|reading: ya but security in the states has been a little edgy lately
02:22.42chouimat|readingprpplague: "no sir, this it's not beer, it's coolant for the computer room"
02:22.52prpplaguechouimat|reading: i got stopped for having a measuring tape in my carry-on because it looked like a grenade
02:22.59prpplaguechouimat|reading: lol
02:23.22chouimat|readingprpplague: well sir , coolant for the computer operator :)
02:23.39prpplaguekergoth: sounds cool
02:23.54prpplaguekergoth: i just can't seem to get into opie
02:24.04prpplaguekergoth: or qt in general
02:24.14TomWprpplague: I would think that they would think that would be a weapon: a garrot.
02:24.33kergothprpplague: yep, i know.
02:25.13prpplagueTomW: the security guy said that on the xray it looked just like the ones they trained with
02:25.28chouimat|readingprpplague: our justice minister is going to see ashcroft tuesday about the canadian law about decriminilisation of marijuana
02:25.43prpplaguekergoth: did you find a good aparment? or are you getting one when you get down there?
02:25.47sorphinbuncha canadian potheads
02:26.00TomWchouimat|reading: do you mean legalization or decriminalizing it?
02:26.12chouimat|readingTomW: decriminalizing
02:26.14TomWchouimat|reading: i.e. minor felony
02:26.33TomWchouimat|reading: misdemeanor.
02:26.38chouimat|readingTomW: you won't get a criminal record for 10 grams or less
02:26.39kergothprpplague: talked to some guy that i got referenced to by the recruiter, thers some apartment complex across the street from TI
02:26.47kergothprpplague: :)
02:27.07TomWchouimat|reading: yeah, so the guy that sells the nickel bags gets busted big time...
02:27.21sorphinchouimat|reading: uh.. what's the point?
02:27.26prpplaguekergoth: hope its not too expensive being across the street
02:27.33kergothprpplague: they cut a deal to TI employees
02:27.37kergothprpplague: no deposit
02:27.44prpplaguekergoth: nice
02:27.46kergothwhich is good since i'm flat broke and 3 months behind on my mortgage
02:27.59chouimat|readingsorphin: because that just stupid to have a criminal record foor 1 joint
02:28.24sorphinchouimat|reading: matter of opinion
02:28.30TomWkergoth: so, with your first paycheck will go to the mortgage company to forstall forclosure?
02:28.35kergothTomW: bingo
02:28.51chouimat|readingok I have  2 tickets to sell for Ozzy Osbourne show in quebec city onn june 16th any taker?
02:28.54TomW"saved by the bell" err TI
02:29.13kergothTomW: thankfully i get paid weekly, so the wait wont be as long as it would be otherwise
02:31.45chouimat|readingprpplague:know a good glass for stout beer?
02:34.46prpplaguechouimat|reading: try reading that
02:36.02chouimat|readingwhy try?
02:37.55prpplaguechouimat|reading: ?
02:38.27chouimat|readingprpplague: nm
02:42.10prpplagueho ho hum, waiting on dlt to finish
02:42.22CosmicPenguingrrr... somebody needs to shoot me in the head
02:42.28kergoth~shoot CosmicPenguin
02:42.29ACTION shoots CosmicPenguin in the head.
02:42.42CosmicPenguinI've been working way too much.  I bought DVD+R and I didn't even notice it until the DVD writer wouldn't recognize it
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03:02.02prpplagueTimRiker: hey dude
03:02.19prpplagueTimRiker: hows life in big D takin to ya?
03:02.30kergothhey tim
03:03.22chouimathi tim
03:05.36prpplaguehrm is right
03:10.22CosmicPenguinStupid worst buy didn't have any DVD-R in packs less than 50
03:12.31*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
03:24.03prpplagueCosmicPenguin: which dvd burner have you got?
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03:42.26sorphinandin: evening erik
03:43.57anderseesorphin: evening
03:44.23kergothhey andersee
03:44.36sorphinandin: things you've missed
03:44.38anderseekergoth: hey
03:44.43sorphinandersee: things you've missed
03:44.48sorphinandersee: pixil binaries
03:44.55sorphinkergoth being hired by TI
03:45.05sorphinthat's bout it i think *g*
03:45.46anderseekergoth: congrats on the new job
03:45.57anderseesorphin: pixil binaries? cool.  Source?
03:46.06sorphinandin: source if coming soon
03:46.16sorphinandersee: source is coming soon jordan said
03:46.28kergothandersee: thanks
03:46.35sorphinandersee: gpsfan and dave found a buncha bugs for him to fix tho ;)
03:47.02anderseeI bet
03:47.13anderseeBinaries linked vs uClibc for arm?
03:47.14sorphinhe has ipaq, Z and tux
03:47.23sorphinandin: i dunno
03:48.40sorphinandersee: can't really check atm either, i have to do some microscopic soldering just to get usb back to the Z :P
03:49.55anderseesorphin: no worries
03:54.16sorphinand: ;)
04:00.01CosmicPenguinWas someone talking to me?
04:05.58Error403CosmicPenguin: yeah, your unconciousness
04:12.23anderseeCosmicPenguin: howdy
04:12.50anderseemsg CosmicPenguin Your wedding day is fast approaching...
04:27.49sorphinCosmicPenguin: actually erik had asked me if you'd done pixil against uclibc
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08:39.24sorphinmy adapter works
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09:30.26sorphinheh, so much for it working.. blah
09:30.43sorphinwhat a waste of a night making this fscking thing
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13:52.40CosmicPenguinMorning folks
13:52.56CosmicPenguinTHe answer to last night Re:  Pixil and Uclibc is yes - on the Tuxscreen
13:53.41GPSFan_CosmicPenguin: ok, so what was the question? ;>)
13:54.57CosmicPenguinGPSFan_: andersee asked if I had build pixil with Uclibc
13:56.30CosmicPenguinGPSFan_: thanks for those bugs, BTW
13:56.37CosmicPenguinGPSFan_: great bug report
13:56.51GPSFan_CosmicPenguin: ah, works good too.. my uptime is at 2 days 21 hours. running pixil. not doing too much atm, but it's running the terminal. ...thanks...
13:59.45GPSFan_CosmicPenguin: btw it seems to work ok with my 32Mb DRAM mod too.
14:02.01CosmicPenguinGPSFan_: cool
14:02.17CosmicPenguinGPSFan_: I'm going to look at those keyboard issues later - thats not a great terminal emulator, BTW
14:02.20GPSFan_CosmicPenguin: did you ever figure out the respawn issue?
14:02.26CosmicPenguinGPSFan_: no
14:02.48CosmicPenguinGPSFan_: all I know is that my phone wouldn't work with the respawn line in there.  I would get random beeps and disconnected calls
14:03.38GPSFan_CosmicPenguin: ah, I haven't played with the telephone part yet, I'll try it out later.
14:06.28CosmicPenguinGPSFan_: yeah, I need to write a little caller Id applet for the window manager
14:07.23GPSFan_CosmicPenguin: and a way to dial the phone from a # in the address book. ;>)
14:07.39CosmicPenguinGPSFan_: yep... :)
14:08.54GPSFan_CosmicPenguin: is there a way to set the screensaver timeout? it seems a little short for the tux that's plugged into the wall.
14:09.50CosmicPenguinGPSFan_: Its on my todo list - I need to write a new component for the System Configurator
14:10.11CosmicPenguinGPSFan_: I guess I could use the existing backlight timeout for now
14:10.34CosmicPenguinGPSFan_: its hard coded - I'll bump it up to 2 minutes for now... :)
14:11.07GPSFan_CosmicPenguin: np, 2 min would be great.
14:26.17mallumCosmicPenguin: yo, you have any screenies of your pixel stuff ?
14:27.12mallumsorphin: heya, whats up ? flu ? atkins diet ?
14:27.44sorphinmallum: lack of sleep, spending all night working on a connector under a microscope that doesn't quite do what it should, working in hell, etc
14:28.08mallumsorphin: looking at porn with a microscope ?
14:29.05sorphinmallum: did you not see the word connector in there? as in the Z's connector
14:29.44mallumsorphin: ok ok sorry
14:29.55mallumhmm simpad support now in buildroot
14:31.42CosmicPenguinmallum: no screeshots ATM
14:34.28mallumCosmicPenguin: okey, any word on the license as yet ?
14:34.31sorphincp: ya you do, what bout the ones you showed us originally on your site?
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14:41.24CosmicPenguinmallum: license?
14:41.48sorphinCosmicPenguin: he means when source gets out
14:43.03CosmicPenguinOh - its GPL all the way
14:43.07CosmicPenguinAlready tagged and everything
14:43.34mallumCosmicPenguin: really ?
14:44.40mallumCosmicPenguin: so I could grab it and start playing with it and matchbox ?
14:47.15CosmicPenguinmallum: when its released
14:49.29mallumCosmicPenguin: ah ok
14:53.06mallumCosmicPenguin: could that be days, weeks, months etc ?
14:55.22CosmicPenguinmallum: its being delayed by my wedding, actually
14:55.36CosmicPenguinmallum: After 2 and a half years, I am the tall pole
14:57.16mallumCosmicPenguin: ?
14:58.00sorphinmallum: he's got his head on the chopping block
14:58.17mallumah ok
14:58.55sorphinmallum: where bouts you at over there again?
14:59.35mallumsorphin: East London
14:59.45sorphinmallum: ah, a commoner
15:00.16mallumhehe, yeah in the hood
15:00.20mallumsorphin: where are you ?
15:01.21sorphinmallum: just outside of st louis, missouri, USA (oddly, the city where i am, is in the oxford atlas)
15:01.55sorphinnot sure why tho
15:03.27mallumsorphin: Im coming to LA august
15:03.39sorphinmallum: matchbox world tour? *g*
15:04.31mallumsorphin: yeah sorta ;-)
15:04.35mallumsorphin: honeymoon
15:04.44mallumsorphin: Hawai, Japan after that
15:05.00sorphineveryone seems to be putting their head on the block
15:05.26sorphinnot that i can say much, i would if i could atm, but can't
15:08.04sorphinmallum: where's a pic of the new matchbox queen?
15:12.59sorphinchouimat: bonjour frenchy
15:13.13chouimathey sorphin
15:13.14mallumsorphin: hmm, I dont think I have one :/
15:13.26sorphinmallum: typical :P
15:13.34mallumchouimat: are you frenchy ?
15:13.40mallumsorphin: I'll get one later
15:13.47sorphinmallum: he's french canuck
15:13.50sorphinclose enough
15:14.06mallumchouimat: can you speak french ?
15:14.20sorphinhe can, tho it's about as bad as his english ;)
15:15.06mallumsorphin: Im totally addicted to zelda :/
15:15.36sorphinmallum: Parfois, il est impossible à comprendre
15:17.42chouimatsorphin: je sais des fois j'ai beaucoup de misere a me comprendre
15:26.05sorphinkergoth: blah
15:26.10sorphinibot: tuesday
15:26.10Tuesday sucks, because it follows Monday (see monday), or a day in which there are no meetings
15:28.25sorphinkergoth: after wasting hours
15:28.42sorphinmy stupid adapter is acting like an ethernet dongle i used to have
15:29.50sorphinif there's a lil weight on it pushing the pins against the connector, it's fine, if you lift it slightly or anything does, etc.. it loses connection (and the whole time OZ sits there twiddling its thumbs till i unhook)
15:39.59CosmicPenguinwow, they got OZ to twiddle its thumbs?  Thats amazing!
15:40.11kergothOZ has thumbs? cool
15:41.18CosmicPenguinkergoth: that must be the optional attachment
15:41.54kergothwe need a DONT PANIC startup logo
15:42.20leviThat'd be sweet.
15:44.37CosmicPenguinkergoth: does the logo live in the rom?
15:45.17kergothCosmicPenguin: yeah, its the kernel boot logo. ppm.
15:45.37kergothI'd rather have a graphical init display the logo instead, personally
15:45.45kergothbut since none exist, this'll do
15:46.35CosmicPenguinkergoth: its either that or the Linux logo trick
15:46.44sorphincp: so pixil's been put on hold for my Z till i get a 6-in-1 reader.. grr
15:47.54CosmicPenguinsorphin: doh
15:48.16CosmicPenguinsorphin: thats ok, I haven't hooked in the PM yet, so its not mobile
15:48.30CosmicPenguinI haven't figured out the best way to trap the "Cancel" button
15:48.56mallumCosmicPenguin: is pixil X based ?
15:48.58CosmicPenguinAnd Greg is set on making Microwindows MHP compliant, which pisses me off, but what are you going to do?
15:49.01mallumkergoth: heya
15:49.08CosmicPenguinmallum: Pixil is FLTK / FLNX based, so it can be easily run on X
15:49.26CosmicPenguinmallum: I have an X11 option in the menu, even
15:49.44kergothhey mallum
15:49.48CosmicPenguinIf X11 is selected, it only builds the PIMs.  If Nano-X is selected, it builds the games, Nano-X applications, and the PIMS
15:50.51mallumCosmicPenguin: why Nano-X or games ?
15:51.02mallumkergoth: I see the simpad has made it into buildroot
15:51.16kergothmallum: yep, mickeyl and cmartin are hacking on it
15:52.11mallumkergoth: are they german ?
15:52.25chouimatI want a simpad
15:52.28kergothmickey is, dunno about cmartin
15:52.38mallumkergoth: X should just work on it btw, I think the kernel for it has a ucb thing for the touchscreen
15:52.46kergothyeah its ucb
15:52.55mallumkergoth: there seems to be a flood of them cheap in germany
15:53.30sorphinibot: simpad?
15:53.30sorphin: KCI error, or a problem with the Keyboard-Chair Interface.
15:53.45sorphinibot: die
15:53.46ACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
15:54.34kergothi love the last week on a job
15:54.37CosmicPenguinmallum: are you going to get into a pissing match with me over Microwindows?
15:54.51chouimatkergoth: you can get one via expensis but at 1 200$
15:55.10kergothchouimat: what? simpad?
15:55.11mallumCosmicPenguin: dunno, neather used used microwindows
15:55.17chouimatkergoth: yup
15:55.53mallumCosmicPenguin: just wondered what nano-x gave for the games ?
15:56.09CosmicPenguinmallum: they are all Nano-X based applications
15:56.37sorphincute lil thing
15:57.38mallumCosmicPenguin: okey
15:59.14sorphinno simpad in my future
15:59.53sorphinleast not till tim buys them in bulk and sells them for $99 :P
16:00.00chouimatsorphin: hehe
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16:01.16sorphinmention tim's name
16:01.17sorphinand he appears
16:01.42chouimatsorphin: I though we needed to say it thrice?
16:01.51sorphinchouimat: he's not the devil
16:01.59chouimatsorphin: hehee
16:36.20leviWow, that $20 bill thing is getting around fast.  I've seen it pasted in 3 different places in the last 5 minutes.
16:42.52sorphini think the things looks stupid, but then, i've never been one to think $ "looked cool"
16:43.22CosmicPenguinTisn't for looks
16:45.31sorphinCosmicPenguin: that's a good thing
17:09.06CosmicPenguinHeh - I've been getting spam from Matthew Lesko lately
17:11.53sorphinmaybe he wants to give you free government $
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18:59.15sorphinGPSFan: you around?
19:07.16GPSFansorphin: yep, just a little slow...
19:07.36sorphinGPSFan: did some major microscope soldering last night
19:08.00sorphinand wasted my time in the process :(
19:08.13GPSFan;>( how so?
19:09.12sorphinthe stupid zaurus connector, it's acting like an old dongle's connector i had
19:10.01sorphinwith the Z laying flat if the connector is sitting soit's 'hanging' persay, so that the "pins" are pushed at the connector, it's all good
19:10.17sorphinif you lift it/it's sitting flat, it breaks contact
19:10.52sorphinvery very touchy :/
19:11.07sorphinand of course, it hangs the Z while it's plugged in
19:11.16sorphinnot sure why on that bit
19:11.28GPSFansorphin: ugg, this is ypur jtag interface?
19:12.26sorphinactually no
19:12.33sorphinthis was just to have usb connectivity again
19:12.58sorphingot a piece of perf, DB15 on one end, Z connector on the other end
19:13.15sorphinw/ 15 30gauge hookups done (hence my microscope soldering)
19:13.23sorphinall connections between are solid
19:13.40GPSFansorphin: oh i see, it WAS to be your jtag interface, maybe it hangs because you made a wireing mistake?
19:14.12sorphini guess this connector, just like the dongle one, uses cheap ass contact setup
19:14.28sorphini.e. doesn't like not being vertical
19:14.44sorphinGPSFan: if i have the adapter hooked up w/ nothing hooked to it, the Z is fine
19:14.59sorphinand the only thing hooked up to the adapter when i do have something are 5 wires
19:15.00GPSFansorphin: or away from its "mother" board ;)
19:15.18sorphinvcc, sig gnd, Data+, Data-, Frame gnd
19:15.52GPSFansorphin: did you move all the components from the old board?
19:16.29sorphini'm doing it like the serial IO cable would
19:17.25sorphinthe only real reason for that stuff in the cradle, was the sync button, the connector on the base of the cradle, and to ground pin 13 (to disable jtag/enable serial)
19:18.00GPSFanbut you only want to get the usb part working again?
19:18.39GPSFanbbiab phone...
19:19.10sorphinGPSFan: atm, yeah
19:19.23sorphinsince i don't have a mmc reader atm, i need usb, heh
19:30.48GPSFansorphin: back... anyone have a schematic of the cradle, maybe there  is a pin that needs grounding to enable the usb?
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19:44.32*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || debian-handheld list is up.
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19:49.32sorphinah, the wonders of freelode :P
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19:49.57MornWorkit really sucked on some of the larger channels I'm on
19:50.22MornWorklooks like a main rotation server went poof
19:50.32sorphinhey anyone that uses BX (if anyone else does) remembre the trick to stop the list of users from being displayed on join?
19:50.59sorphinand it's a bit spamm y;p
19:52.12glytchbinaryirssi is alot nicer than bx
19:52.30sorphinnot what i asked *shrug*
19:52.46*** join/#elinux andersee (
19:52.46*** mode/#eLinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
19:53.09sorphinandersee: "Welcome back...   Mr Andersen"
19:53.50anderseesorphin: g'day
19:54.13anderseeCosmicPenguin: so I understand you have made some Pixilacious progress?
19:54.14CosmicPenguinsorphin: thats real original
19:54.22CosmicPenguinandersee: yeah, did you grab the images yet?
19:54.39anderseeCosmicPenguin: what are these images you speak of?
19:55.10sorphinandersee: he also answered your Q
19:55.22sorphinhe only used uclibc on the tux pixil
19:55.28anderseesorphin: cool
19:55.40CosmicPenguinI could either A) teach Greg how to use bitkeeper and download buildroot-oz and patch the pxiil stuff himself, or B) upload a 30MB file to my server
19:56.00CosmicPenguinSadly, B is sooooo much more ieasier
19:56.25anderseeCosmicPenguin: figures
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19:59.45sorphinBZFlag: make up your mind ;)
19:59.58anderseeBZFlag: g'day eh
20:00.34*** mode/#eLinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
20:00.35TimRikerok ok
20:00.53sorphinTimRiker: glytch still has no badge *g*
20:01.17glytchbinarymaybe i can forge one (:
20:01.20sorphinTimRiker: he said he was gonna follow you around till he got one
20:01.33glytchbinaryno no, tailgate him into the building on his card swipe (:
20:01.55sorphinglytchbinary: that too
20:02.10anderseeTimRiker: "badges!  We don need no stinkin' badges!
20:02.27sorphinlooks like sprintstink has some hosed routers
20:04.56*** mode/#eLinux [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
20:05.25sorphinandersee: careful, it has lil critters running around in it
20:05.47CosmicPenguinsorphin: not really
20:05.57CosmicPenguinsorphin: just gotta chmod the start script
20:06.17sorphinCosmicPenguin: thought ken had found a few things?
20:07.27anderseesorphin: xroaches?
20:08.11sorphinandersee: nah, twas penguinbugs
20:08.19sorphinsounds like they've been raided tho
20:10.21GPSFansorphin: a few annoynances, the term app is somewhat braindead, but the rest is nice. ;)
20:13.24sorphinGPSFan: guess i'm gonna have to get a serialio cable..
20:13.49GPSFansorphin: for your Z ?
20:14.21*** join/#elinux Russ (
20:18.00sorphinGPSFan: yeah, since this thing's gonna be flakey :(
20:18.16sorphinthey use the same connector tho
20:18.23sorphinso i dunno what the deal is
20:19.51sorphinand it's near impossible to get anything in there to mess w/ the contacts :P
20:28.47*** join/#elinux damian (
20:32.09anderseeCosmicPenguin: /usr/pixil/ lacks execute perms
20:33.01anderseeCosmicPenguin: The two pixil related /etc/inittab entried are wrong.  They should be null::respawn:/usr/pixil/
20:33.27anderseeCosmicPenguin: And for some reason, my touchscreen doesn't seem to work...
20:33.37anderseeCosmicPenguin: What kernel are you using?
20:33.51CosmicPenguinandersee: thats actually all broken - don't use inittab if you plan on using your phone
20:33.56CosmicPenguinI knew about the perms
20:34.20CosmicPenguinand my touchscreen works fine.  What happens on a cat /dev/ucb1x00-ts?
20:34.47andersee# cat /dev/ucb1x00-ts                                                                                        
20:34.47anderseecat: /dev/ucb1x00-ts: Device or resource busy  
20:34.54sorphinthat'd be 2 people now
20:35.07sorphinand :morn gets that too
20:35.14sorphinandersee: see above
20:35.41anderseesorphin: above?
20:35.58CosmicPenguinThat is way too wierd
20:36.08CosmicPenguinYou don't have N copies of nano-X running do you?
20:36.51anderseeCosmicPenguin: nope
20:36.54sorphinandersee: above where my : was misplaced
20:38.25CosmicPenguinandersee: no other devices think they are using /dev/ucb1x00-ts?
20:38.59anderseeCosmicPenguin: rebooting now w removed from inittab
20:39.10CosmicPenguinandersee: good call
20:39.34anderseeCosmicPenguin: now doing a 'cat /dev/ucb1x00-ts' just seems to hang doing nothing
20:39.54anderseetouching the screen produces no effect
20:40.37CosmicPenguinandersee: shouldn't matter, right?
20:40.54anderseeCosmicPenguin: It might... what kernel do you use?
20:42.28anderseedunno man
20:42.30CosmicPenguinandersee: did you use my image lock stock and barrel or did you dummy up one?
20:43.40anderseeCosmicPenguin: I took your image stock, then in blob I used xdownload ramdisk, erase ramdisk, flash ramdisk, reboot
20:43.50CosmicPenguinandersee: thats it
20:43.59CosmicPenguinAre we encountering our old touchscreen bug again?
20:44.11anderseeCosmicPenguin: could be
20:44.20sorphinold touchscreen bug?
20:44.20CosmicPenguinGPSFan's worked
20:44.26sorphinpredates me apparently
20:44.54CosmicPenguinsorphin: some of the tuxscreen touchscreens wouldn't work out of the box
20:45.04CosmicPenguinsorphin: and it turns out that we needed to turn on the DSP before they would start responding
20:45.25CosmicPenguinandersee: you running tuxphone?
20:46.18anderseeCosmicPenguin: yes
20:47.06anderseeCosmicPenguin: it is in the /etc/inittab file in the pixil image as created by you, so yes it is running
20:48.02CosmicPenguinandersee: :)
20:48.23CosmicPenguinandersee: thats weird - Ken's and mine work, yours and Julie's doesn't
20:49.08sorphinguess i should try one of mine
20:49.16sorphinbreak the tie
20:49.32anderseeTimRiker: around?
20:50.01anderseeTimRiker: refresh our memory as to the cause of some touchscreens working and some not on the tuxscreen?
20:50.53CosmicPenguinI gotta run - I'll read back in the buffer if anyone remembers
20:56.35filesweet - Canadian dollar is worth 72 cents US!
20:58.23anderseefile: for those not tracking currency trading -- that is good for you?
20:58.32fileandersee: yes
20:58.43fileandersee: it used to be in the 60's
20:58.53*** join/#elinux signal11 (
21:29.08filechouimat: greetings
21:29.34chouimathi file
21:31.10filechouimat: can I send cash in the mail?
21:31.36filethat bites
21:32.15chouimatfile check is ok
21:32.25filecheck? I have not a checking account.
21:32.51chouimatfile: ok
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21:35.06chouimatwb russ
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21:58.19cosmic_errandssorphin: It took me forever to find a DVD-R in this damn town
21:58.25cosmic_errandsWhats with all the TIers all of a sudden?
21:58.33cosmic_errandsOh, yeah, I'm back
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22:40.26sorphinnow i remember why i called best buy, worst buy
22:41.27sorphinany other time, they had 6-in-1 readers for decent price
22:41.35sorphinnow all they have is fscking USB 2.0 ones for $50
22:42.30sorphinCosmicPenguin: i used some memorex dvd-r's (cmc magnetics), worked fine, but pricey, back to looking again, still can't decide on Accu or not, since it seems Accu has went through 3 diff manufacturers :P
22:47.14sorphinand i still have this 3/4 burned copy of christine, if i could ever figure out how to use the BurnFree crap to finish it
22:59.55TimRikerthe touchscreen issue was a ucb12xx startup thing iirc.
23:00.16TimRikernewer kernels did it right and all the devices worked. Are you running an old kernel?
23:01.47chouimat|foodhi tim
23:01.56TimRikeriirc cat might just read a char at a time. try dd instead and see if you get something there.
23:02.09TimRikermight need to know the struct size first or some odd thing.
23:03.44kergothhey tim
23:03.46sorphinTimRiker: they're using 2.4.18-rmk6-tux1
23:06.29TimRikerLinux tuxscreen 2.4.18-rmk2-tux1 #1 Wed May 1 02:51:28 MDT 2002 armv4l unknown
23:06.44TimRikerso mines not up to date with the latest.
23:08.25sorphingonna try and put pixil on mine tonight and see what happens (assuming i don't have 8000 other things break 1st)
23:09.56TimRikerRuss: any way to force udhcpc to use a shorter lease time then it is offered?
23:10.35TimRikerstinking win* dhcp/dns servers hand out infinite lease times, but then loose the hostname over time.
23:13.06chouimat|foodTimRiker: I know it's possible with dhclient  on freebsd
23:13.27sorphinTimRiker: well, he moves next week ;)
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23:54.46kergoth~lart trolltech
23:55.05sorphinkergoth: c'mon, you know you love QT ;)
23:56.37kergothI need a tabbar that can display any arbitrary widget in the label of the tab, instead of just text or an icon
23:56.57kergothbut its going to involve some ugly hackery to avoid reimplementing it from scratch
23:57.14kergothsince if i reimplement from scratch, i'm too lazy to not swipe code, and if i swipe code i've infected myself with gpl
23:58.02kergothnow if trolltech hadnt fucked up their implementation of QTab, itd make my life far easier.
23:58.11sorphinkergoth: well, you could take a break and make a buildroot for timmy ;)
23:58.54kergothI really look forward to OE becoming usable enough for the existing oz buildroot to go bye bye
23:59.08kergothsorphin: focused on the launcher rewrite atm
23:59.31sorphinkergoth: i know, i was just prodding you for him incase you missed his hint *g*

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.