irclog2html for #elinux on 20030509

00:08.46*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
00:25.32sorphinGPSFan: evening
00:26.37sorphinglytchbinary: btw as i'd said, i'd gotten a 256M MMC for i think 80, from ebay (good seller)
00:27.03glytchbinarysorphin: well i need something to put the mmc in first
00:27.21sorphinglytchbinary: not my prob ;)
00:27.34sorphinkergoth: never did hear back from spencer that last time, heh
00:30.23GPSFansorphin: hi dan, how's it?
00:30.59sorphinGPSFan: that reducer makes all the diff
00:31.50GPSFansorphin: yeah it does, doesn't it...  how's the ring lite work?
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00:31.59sorphinGPSFan: and the replacement base/knobs are good shape
00:32.07sorphinGPSFan: it's fine for this
00:32.22GPSFansorphin: glad to hear it, scope doing ok too?
00:32.25sorphinGPSFan: hell, even looking at my hand under this thing is weird
00:32.33filethere... PCI IDE Controller BIOS update was successful
00:32.36sorphinGPSFan: yeah, and i hope it stays taht way for years ;)
00:33.19GPSFansorphin: I use mine for pulling out small splinters. ;>) yeah baaring catastrophic failures, tek scopes go for years and years.
00:33.24sorphinGPSFan: 3 of my joints on the ttl adapters needed redone (says the tell tale microscope ;) )
00:34.16GPSFansorphin: I really enjoy looking at good quality PCB's under a microscope...
00:34.32sorphinGPSFan: twas funny looking at my SunPCI cards
00:34.38sorphinthey really need a cleaning ;)
00:35.19GPSFanlots of mfr's use "no-clean flux, leaves a lot of junk lying around.
00:35.47sorphinGPSFan: on the ttl boards, are those vias big enough to slide down on a header ya think (haven't tried yet), or should i use some sort of socket?
00:36.24GPSFansorphin: yes, the via's for J10/11 are meant to go over .025 square posts.
00:37.11GPSFanI made one up with a socket, and suked all the solder out the j10/11 holes.
00:39.09sorphinwell i already have header stuff there
00:39.15sorphinso i prolly should be ok
00:39.21sorphinjust gotta put 2 pins back in each
00:39.40sorphinsince the connector from the old adapter was too big to have those 2 pins in there just for one adapter
00:39.48GPSFanthought you might not have .1's so I stuck them in too.
00:40.16sorphinGPSFan: appreciated it, cuz no, i didn't have any ;)
00:40.49sorphinthe "spare" smt stuff i have is left over from the ethernet bit for the websurfer pro, and isn't much
00:42.33sorphinlike reflashing the my simms again
00:42.59sorphin, somehow cutting this lil bit of board off this thing so the connector for the Z fits all the way in the Z
00:43.12sorphinGPSFan: i had messed up the lil board from the cradle
00:43.19sorphinso i improvised
00:43.31sorphinand used the space where teh back connector goes, and cut that out of the board
00:43.59sorphinfits fine except part of the board is too far out onto the conn and so is a minor obstruction
00:43.59sorphinspeaking of the cradle
00:44.08sorphinGPSFan: mind ID'ing a couple things for me?
00:44.29GPSFanreally wish I knew why yours and MonMotha's webpals have trouble getting wpflash working. .... ID' sure...
00:44.44sorphinoh, wpflash worked
00:44.55sorphini think it was my serial adapters
00:45.29GPSFansorphin: could be, I've reflashed my kernel with my new adapter.
00:46.10sorphinGPSFan: well, i intend to as soon as i'm even able to
00:46.23sorphini need to find a way to flash the simm by wiring it to something else :P
00:46.43sorphinGPSFan: the 3 obvious components
00:47.19legodudeGPSFan: my webpal won't flash either
00:47.21legodudewpflash bombs
00:47.28legodudetried it on lotsa different computers too
00:47.29sorphinthe square (to me) looks like a rectifier
00:47.44GPSFank, one is an EMI filter, one a CAP the other, ?? maybe a diode array.
00:48.12sorphinGPSFan: which on which? the can is a cap? makes sense
00:48.22sorphinthat lil chip w/ the strip is on hte USB data lines
00:48.40sorphinand like i said, that square w/ the silver corners looks rectifierish to me
00:49.29GPSFanyeah that may be a protection diode array, or some sort of USB termination device, any #'s on it?
00:50.03sorphinthe onl ything w/ #'s is the can
00:50.15sorphinand i couldn't reference em
00:50.27GPSFanwhich USB pins is it connected to
00:50.38sorphinGPSFan: data + and data+
00:50.46sorphinGPSFan: taht lil chip thing is that is
00:51.05filehow are you two doing anyway?
00:51.28MonMothaGPSFan: I'm not sure what's actually wrong with it
00:51.28sorphinfile: tired, but alright, you? what trance you listening to?
00:51.32GPSFansorphin: the can is definately a CAP, does the data go "through" that part? or is it connect in parallel to the data?
00:52.06MonMothaI tried it again; the upload appears to succeede, but then either the program isn't jumped to or it terminates and leaves the processor doing nothign
00:52.08sorphinGPSFan: the can and the square are next to the power connector and power goes through them, that lil chip thing, the data lines go through it
00:52.08filesorphin: I'm fine, just listening to a DJ Doboy vocal mix - 76 minutes of continuos trance...
00:52.22sorphinfile: cool
00:52.25legodudeTrance is key
00:52.45GPSFansorphin: from your pix it looks like the data goes through.
00:52.46sorphinMonMotha: this is w/ your programmer?
00:52.47file4 strings - diving (original vocal mix)
00:53.08MonMothasorphin: this is attempting to run wpflash on my webpal
00:53.12MonMothaI'm still building my programmer
00:53.24sorphinmy simms aren't even wpflash'able
00:53.32MonMothaall that stuff takes a while to wire up by hand
00:53.33legodudewolla file
00:53.37sorphinMonMotha: i need to find some other flash to wire it against
00:53.38legodudesorphin: whyso?
00:53.40MonMothanot to mention I don't even have a 72 pin SIMM socket
00:53.49MonMothalocal parts store only has 30
00:53.50legodudeI'm sending mine out tomorrow to be flashed
00:53.51sorphinMonMotha: ditto
00:53.59jacqueshmm I have a GUS
00:54.14MonMothajacques: as in the sound card?
00:54.17sorphinlegodude: because, the cpu on the webpal... isn't set up for hw jtag
00:54.19jacquesmaybe we can write some code that will allow it to flash the SIMMs :-)
00:54.27sorphinlegodude: i had tomw flash my simms
00:54.30sorphinonly 1 worked
00:54.32jacquesMonMotha: yeah with 2 72pin RAM sockets
00:54.33MonMothasorphin: as in lacking the JTAG bus? :)
00:54.34sorphinand the other corrupted
00:54.49legodudedifferent flash chip then?
00:54.59sorphinjacques: umm
00:55.04sorphinjacques: wont' do any good :P
00:55.05MonMothajacques: well, I've debated taking one off an old motherboard, but the amount of solderwick I'd go through would more than pay for ordering one online
00:55.05jacquesI know I know
00:55.12sorphinjacques: you still need a hw interface
00:55.19jacquesyep :-\
00:55.20sorphinlegodude: no
00:55.29sorphinlegodude: easy to flash
00:55.36sorphinif i can ever get someting to hook it to
00:55.47legodudejust trashy design of webpal?
00:55.50MonMothayeah, I'm building a big I/O expander basically
00:55.50legodudeor different HW rev?
00:55.58MonMothalegodude: it's not a strongarm
00:56.03MonMothait's a Cirrus PS7500
00:56.08legodudeI know
00:56.12sorphinARM, but cheesy arm
00:56.18MonMothawhich has no testing interface
00:56.33sorphinshit, i think even my polaroid picture frame has jtag
00:56.41legodudeI'm curious as to why some people have no problems flashing, but me and others do
00:57.10sorphinlegodude: for me, i suspect my serial adapters i was using
00:57.26sorphinlegodude: for monmotha, sheer incompetence ;) *duck*
00:57.27legodudebut why would it work up to the wpflash point?
00:57.29MonMothaI could successfully talk to the debugger
00:57.35MonMothasorphin: yah yah, sure
00:57.35legodudeI suspect my serial adapters too
00:57.46legodudebut I've tried it on different machines, with different adapters
00:57.50sorphinoh, i had my webpals flashing fine
00:57.57MonMothaI don't know if I may have been getting corruption of some form in the process tho
00:57.58sorphinbut i go to change 1 kernel
00:58.00sorphinand poof
00:58.13legodudeI thought you were having wpflash problems?
00:58.14MonMothasorphin: yeah, that's why I was attempting to port BLOB
00:58.18MonMothaprpplague is now workign on that
00:58.34sorphinlegodude: i did
00:58.36MonMothaI got some of the basic stuff (much of the assembler work) done
00:58.43sorphinlegodude: crc errors (prolly cuz of serial)
00:58.47sorphinthen brick
00:58.50MonMothathe serial pot is going to be a pain in the ass to talk to tho
00:58.56MonMothasince it's on a super IO
00:59.28sorphinMonMotha: um.. how is that any harder than any old serial port was :P
00:59.47MonMothasorphin: true, the UART on the SA isn't exactly pleasing to talk with :)
00:59.54MonMothanot nearly as bad as the UDC tho
01:00.23sorphineven my xbox is jtagable :P
01:00.30sorphinnot taht you need it
01:00.41sorphinsince a mod chip will fullfill what you need
01:04.37sorphinDr. Dre (the loser, not the old scool guy), has to pay $1.5 for stealing music, how ironic, since he tried to do the same to napster users
01:26.03*** join/#elinux Morn (
02:09.13*** join/#elinux TomW (
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02:09.45sorphinTomW: evening elder man
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02:50.49*** join/#elinux Morn (
03:03.34COsmicPenguinstupid ipaq
03:03.49Error403yeah, I don't like to pack
03:09.55jacqueswhat did ipaq do?
03:10.58COsmicPenguinipaq's touchscreen stopped responding
03:11.05COsmicPenguinand I want to something else
03:15.46*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
03:15.58RussI want to something else too
03:16.46RussTenderness is the point.
03:17.00RussAwareness of being alive created by authenticity
03:17.24COsmicPenguinI'd be in bed right now if it wasn't for sorpin
03:17.38Russwelcome to the best place where makes you happy
03:19.40*** join/#elinux prpplague^2 (
04:03.57sorphinCOsmicPenguin: eh?
04:04.00sorphinhow is it my fault?
04:16.12COsmicPenguinwell, it makes me feel better to blame you
04:16.19COsmicPenguinif you didn't care about Pixil
04:17.06sorphinCOsmicPenguin: hey, blame morn too then :P
04:17.39sorphinhell, blame whoever this gary morse white hat hacker loser, whoever the hell he is
04:24.07chouimatprpplague: ping
04:24.29prpplaguechouimat: yep
04:24.34prpplaguechouimat: what up?
04:24.50prpplagueanyone here have experience with AM_PROG_LIBTOOL macro?
04:24.55chouimatprpplague: just drank about 6 25 onz beer
04:25.16COsmicPenguinOk, its bed time
04:25.21COsmicPenguinstupid calibration tool
04:25.22prpplaguechouimat: yikes
04:25.52chouimatprpplague: bah! why change good habit .... the barmaid got hhuge booobs
04:29.44prpplagueargh i hate autoconf
04:30.04Error403prpplague: It's easy to maintain once you get the initial setup right :)
04:30.19prpplagueError403: ya well, try maintaining someone else's crap
04:33.30*** join/#elinux chouimat (
04:33.54chouimatgrrrr I have some electrical problem here
04:35.04chouimatprpplague: sorry
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04:36.53chouimatprpplague: got anither power failure tonight .....
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04:54.21chouimatprpplague: still here .... how goes the work?
05:59.56Russyou can get a 2kB, 12MHz pic for a buck
06:05.10Error403is that good? :)
06:05.51Russfor some perspective, an 8 bit shift register is 20 cents
06:06.17Error403Oh, I'm assuming that's a pretty basic thing :)
06:06.37Error403I mean, I know what a bit shift is and all
06:06.45Russits just amazing you get 2k flash, 256 bytes ram, 15 io pins, etc
06:07.13Russyou can even use some of the io's as irq, uarrt, and timer
06:11.02Russscratch that, I can actually get 24MHz for that price
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08:59.31*** join/#elinux ArauKo (~ArauKo__@
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12:13.27*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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13:34.36*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
13:46.57*** join/#elinux TomW (
14:14.46sorphinTomW: morning gramps
14:19.32MornWorksorphin: my office took a poll this morning, they decided I'm evil
14:19.52sorphinMornWork: already? man they learn fast ;)
14:20.09MornWorkI brought coffee and doughnuts for the whole office
14:20.15MornWorkand I work in an office that is all women
14:20.39sorphinyup, in that case, i can see why they decided you're evil
14:27.29TomWsorphin: morning sonny
14:28.10sorphinTomW: what's new?
14:28.57TomWnothing, that's the problem.  danged customer wanted me to work on some of his stuff so I couldn't play, had to make money.
14:29.30sorphinTomW: i'm glad i go the reducer for the scope :P
14:29.55TomWwhy, the focal length too short otherwise
14:30.26CosmicPenguinHeh - from a Microwindows mailing list:  . Can someone tell me what can be the reason for page fault and what exactly is meant by a page fault?
14:30.29sorphinunless you wanna hunch over :P
14:30.45sorphinTomW: otherwise, the length is fine *g*
14:31.08sorphinCosmicPenguin: if memory serves, a page fault is a memory paging error
14:31.13TomWmaybe you need to lower your workbench?  :)
14:31.20sorphinTomW: umm
14:31.30sorphinTomW: hunching over means it IS low :P
14:31.50sorphinCosmicPenguin: i.e. if you're incorrectly accessing paged memory/flash
14:31.55sorphinlike on the Z
14:32.19sorphinwhen i'm reading the flash w/ my prog, if i slam head 1st into a page boundry
14:32.25sorphini'll page fault
14:32.33CosmicPenguinsorphin: I know that
14:33.09CosmicPenguinsorphin: I was mocking the guy
14:33.38sorphinmissed the 1st part of that bout the mailing list.. oops
14:33.53CosmicPenguinsorphin: thats it - I was going to release binaries today, but now I'm just bitter
14:34.32sorphinCosmicPenguin: your choice
14:35.33sorphinMorn: he *was* gonna release pixil binaries today
14:37.41MornWorkshoot this database while your at it
14:41.29MornWorkwhat do you use for tape backups in linux?
14:54.54CosmicPenguinA C64 tape player... :)
15:08.54sorphini can't figure out how do deal with *this* db other than sorting it after every edit :P
15:11.13sorphinand even that causes probs since the 1st line is a header and needs to be skipped
15:39.44CosmicPenguin~lart Greg for changing the API without telling anyone
15:42.12sorphinspeaking of solaris
15:55.30sorphinman i hope this box is fast :P
15:55.57sorphin4x900Mhz procs and 8G of mem
15:56.02*** join/#elinux prpplague (
15:56.19sorphinprpplague: you could appreciate the box i'm installing solaris on atm ;)
15:56.20prpplagueho ho ho, merry frellin morning
15:56.37prpplaguesorphin: lol, ya well, i had a fun night
15:57.12prpplaguesorphin: 30 minutes from going live on the sco2linux conversion, the old quad has a complete melt down
15:57.18sorphinprpplague: 4x900Mhz procs and 8G of mem
15:57.26prpplaguesorphin: ha
15:57.32sorphinchouimat: that'd be why i call them suckforce
15:57.40sorphinprpplague: that's the box i'm installing atm
15:57.41prpplaguesorphin: better than this quad that died
15:57.46chouimatcvs -z3 co -r xine-1-beta4-release xine-lib
15:57.46chouimatcvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)
15:57.46chouimatCVS returned an error
15:57.47chouimatmake[1]: *** [/data/xplatform/openzaurus/stamps/.libxine1.source] Error 1
15:58.03prpplaguesorphin: they are getting a dual 3.06 as a replace ment
15:58.21sorphinprpplague: this is a Sunfire v480
16:01.49prpplaguesorphin: nice
16:02.06prpplaguesorphin: was frellin piss'd last night when the sucker died
16:03.02prpplaguesorphin: i think its an mb issue, the scsi control went berserk, the 3rd processor is getting all kinds of fpu errors and the top 4gb ram is getting random crc errors
16:03.27chouimatyay! someone is give george freeman grill for free ....
16:04.22leviGeorge Foreman grills are cool.
16:04.38leviI gave one away, though, since I got it as a gift and it was identical to the one I already had.
16:05.58sorphinprpplague: nod
16:06.43CosmicPenguinYou guys almost ready for this?
16:06.55chouimatCosmicPenguin: depend what?
16:07.20prpplagueCosmicPenguin: greg has decided to add ms-outlook to pixil?
16:07.48sorphinCosmicPenguin: uh oh
16:08.11chouimatprpplague: probably he want cp to rewrite it in csharp
16:08.18sorphinCosmicPenguin: if it's gonna make prpplague say frell again
16:08.21sorphini don't wanna know
16:09.11sorphinMornWork: go morn go morn
16:09.27CosmicPenguinNo, you guys ready for some binaries?
16:09.32prpplaguesorphin: ok i'll stop using it here
16:09.52chouimatprpplague: use "calice" or  "crisse" :)
16:10.10sorphinCosmicPenguin: ooer
16:10.18MornWorkCosmicPenguin: I can't install them til tonight, but sure!
16:10.19sorphinCosmicPenguin: for real, or are you teasing again? ;)
16:10.27CosmicPenguinNo - for real
16:10.39sorphinCosmicPenguin: :)
16:11.51sorphinprpplague: heh
16:12.16sorphinprpplague: so kergoth may have to do work at his new job? ;)
16:14.58chouimathow the capitain hook died?
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16:16.11chouimathi timm
16:20.59sorphinTimRiker: morning mr TR
16:23.13prpplagueTimRiker: morning
16:30.43chouimathi prpplague
16:34.34*** join/#elinux pattieja (
16:35.30prpplaguechouimat: morning
16:38.58chouimatprpplague: lot of work?
16:41.23prpplaguechouimat: ya, since that server failed last night
16:43.00chouimatprpplague: that sucks ... hmmmm where I put that redcrap 7 cd
17:34.11*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
17:49.02prpplaguekergoth: have you looked at CosmicPenguin's form language specs?
17:49.13kergothprpplague: nope
17:49.30prpplaguekergoth: would be interesting to have an opie app for it as well as the fltk one
17:50.38CosmicPenguinOk folks
17:50.43CosmicPenguinSome ground rules first
17:50.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: 1. there are no rules
17:51.03prpplagueCosmicPenguin: 2. see rule 1
17:51.24CosmicPenguinA - try to keep these quiet.  I don't want to see my website on Slashdot
17:51.51CosmicPenguinB - These images may or may not work, and if they don't, I won't be able to help you.  I've tested them on my Z, Ipaq and Tuxscreen, and they work
17:52.08CosmicPenguinC - The source code should becoming along somtime the middle of next month, so just be patient
17:52.12CosmicPenguinD - Please be nice
17:52.28CosmicPenguinLets get it on
17:52.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: just don't give Morn any cell phone products and she'll be ok
17:57.35MornWorkI'll get the images tonight when I get home and play
17:58.06CosmicPenguinMorn: you'll need buildroot-oz for the Ipaq and Zaurus
17:58.27MornWorkCosmicPenguin: ok
17:58.52CosmicPenguinI guess I could post an image too - but thats like 16MB, and really, most people would rather have the .ipk anyway
17:59.12sorphinCosmicPenguin: so i can just drag the ipk over to the Z then? ;)
17:59.22MornWorkI'll have to find the buildroot-oz
17:59.25MornWorkfor the iPAQ
17:59.34CosmicPenguinsorphin: yepers
17:59.41MornWorkI've been using familiar's bootstraps
17:59.43CosmicPenguinsorphin: you'll need about 4MB of room
17:59.43sorphinCosmicPenguin: coo
17:59.49sorphinCosmicPenguin: that's easy
18:00.02chouimatCosmicPenguin: any x86 binary packages?
18:00.10sorphinCosmicPenguin: i have a 256M mmc shove data onto
18:00.13CosmicPenguinchouimat: hmmmm....  possibly
18:00.28sorphinchouimat: gonna pixil your peecee?
18:00.45CosmicPenguinchouimat: I can make an RPM, I guess
18:01.14sorphinCosmicPenguin: as long as that RPM can be alien'd ;)
18:01.29chouimatsorphin: nah! just want to test it like you can with qvfb in qtopia
18:02.00CosmicPenguinchouimat: in that case, denied.
18:02.16chouimatCosmicPenguin: :'-(
18:02.17sorphinCosmicPenguin: re the /. comment
18:02.18prpplagueCosmicPenguin: no pixil for x?
18:02.31sorphinCosmicPenguin: i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, muchless a friend
18:02.48CosmicPenguinprpplague: ok, I'll scratch together an RPM later on
18:03.03CosmicPenguinThe X version is still in flux at ths point
18:03.05prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i meant for the z
18:03.11sorphinprpplague: umm
18:03.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: oh
18:03.21prpplaguesorphin: ?
18:03.22sorphinprpplague: the Z is at the bottom of the page :P
18:03.28prpplaguesorphin: with microwindows
18:03.40prpplaguesorphin: i want x
18:03.48chouimatCosmicPenguin: ok only the framebuffer version is ready
18:03.54sorphinprpplague: you want X on your Z.. are you N U T S ?
18:03.56CosmicPenguinprpplague: geez....
18:04.05prpplaguesorphin: i run x on my z now
18:04.14sorphinprpplague: ok, you *are* nuts
18:04.20sorphinthat's too much bloat :P
18:04.24CosmicPenguinprpplague: I don't have Matchbox set up - so you'll have to wait for the source code
18:04.26prpplaguesorphin: hell of a lot better qt
18:04.41prpplaguesorphin: it runs 5x faster than qt
18:04.41sorphinprpplague: details
18:04.56sorphinprpplague: this is  206mhz SA pda :P
18:04.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: np
18:05.00sorphinnot a pr0n webserver
18:05.11prpplaguesorphin: ya well, i like my stuff responsive
18:05.21sorphinprpplague: i've had no response probs
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18:08.15prpplaguesorphin: ya well, qt is totally unusable compared to my x built
18:08.33sorphinprpplague: well ,you also use POS devices, so...
18:08.33chouimatprpplague: speed freak
18:08.48prpplaguechouimat: no i just want it usuable
18:09.09chouimatprpplague: hehe
18:09.26prpplaguewhole purpose of having an open OS on a pda, to make it do what _you_ want/need it to do
18:09.42prpplagueeach to his own
18:10.29chouimatprpplague: yup
18:15.10prpplagueCosmicPenguin: looks great
18:15.38prpplagueCosmicPenguin: now if i just had mastermind and my beer app, i'd be happy
18:15.47CosmicPenguinprpplague: it worked?
18:15.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yep installed and working
18:16.02CosmicPenguinprpplague: no shit
18:16.12CosmicPenguinwonders != cease
18:16.14sorphinCosmicPenguin: umm
18:16.52sorphinare the images you have up there Z vs ipaq actually diff in layout, etc? (just a suggestion of using differing file names if so, just in case :) )
18:17.12CosmicPenguinsorphin: yeah, I know.  
18:17.15CosmicPenguinsorphin: they are different
18:19.17CosmicPenguinprpplague: heres a hint - don't enable the automatic power shutoff
18:19.52CosmicPenguinapparently, it shuts off even if you are using it
18:20.05sorphinCosmicPenguin: doh
18:21.48prpplagueCosmicPenguin: what what it take to convert a fltk app to flnx?
18:22.09CosmicPenguinprpplague: nothing
18:22.56prpplagueCosmicPenguin: just need to link to the flnx lib instead?
18:23.01CosmicPenguinprpplague: yep
18:23.15CosmicPenguinprpplague: I've got the forms app running on the Ipaq right now
18:25.35prpplagueCosmicPenguin: have you got a flnx download i can use?
18:30.23prpplagueCosmicPenguin: do i need the microwindows stuff as well?
18:30.27CosmicPenguinprpplague: yeah
18:30.32CosmicPenguinprpplague: get it from CVS
18:30.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: fudge
18:30.47CosmicPenguinprpplague: it will get better faster, I promise
18:30.54CosmicPenguinprpplague: want a MW tarball?
18:31.07prpplagueCosmicPenguin: if you don't mind
18:31.14CosmicPenguinprpplague: ok. give me three seconds
18:31.18prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'd like to try some my fltk apps
18:32.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: np, there are some mw tarballs on that ftp site as well
18:32.29CosmicPenguinprpplague: don't use em,
18:33.00prpplagueCosmicPenguin: oh
18:33.41prpplagueman i got some catching up to do
18:33.57CosmicPenguinprpplague: I'll build you a diff against microwindows-0.89
18:34.22prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ok
18:34.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: flnx-17?
18:37.03CosmicPenguinprpplague: thats the one
18:38.32prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm, notes app doesn't take keyboard input
18:39.27prpplagueCosmicPenguin: actually all the apps don't seem to take keyboard input
18:40.07CosmicPenguinprpplague: on the Z?
18:40.16CosmicPenguinlets see
18:40.34CosmicPenguinMine does
18:40.44prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm, let me reboot and check
18:40.50CosmicPenguinprpplague: before you do
18:40.56CosmicPenguinprpplague: make sure that you remove the console from tty1
18:41.14CosmicPenguinand make sure that the CONSOLE environment variable is set to /dev/tty1
18:41.21CosmicPenguinthe script should handle that for you
18:42.15prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya i'm not getting a shell on the terminal app as well
18:42.25CosmicPenguinprpplague: thats different
18:45.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm, looks like the script is setting CONSOLE=/dev/tty1
18:46.27CosmicPenguinprpplague: ok
18:46.42prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea
18:46.45CosmicPenguinprpplague: for the terminal, you'll need to mknod ttyp0 and ptyp0
18:46.54prpplagueCosmicPenguin: right
18:47.17prpplagueCosmicPenguin: what do you mean by "remove the console from tty1" ?
18:47.24CosmicPenguinprpplague: in the inittab
18:47.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ahh
18:48.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you mean the getty
18:48.19CosmicPenguinprpplague: yeah... :)
18:48.25CosmicPenguinprpplague: sorry - I was thinking console at the time
18:48.55prpplagueCosmicPenguin: np
18:52.18prpplagueCosmicPenguin: so your starting the from run level 1?
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18:54.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: this looks great
18:55.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: just like i remembered it
18:55.26prpplagueCosmicPenguin: imho this beats the pants off qt
18:56.17CosmicPenguinprpplague: I hope so... :)
18:57.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: just need a build environment setup now
18:57.17CosmicPenguinprpplague: I've got one... :)
18:57.36CosmicPenguinprpplague: The icons across the bottom are applet plugins, so you can add your own widgets
18:57.45CosmicPenguinprpplague: I'm going to make a caller ID applet for the Tuxscreen
18:58.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: fun
18:58.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya i ment, i need one :)
19:06.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: flnx and mw builds seem to be very organized and well documented
19:08.25CosmicPenguinprpplague: ?
19:08.30CosmicPenguinprpplague: could have fooled me
19:13.18CosmicPenguinWell, folks thats it for me this week.  
19:13.29CosmicPenguinHave fun and be kind to my bandwidth
19:14.09CosmicPenguinI've got to go get one of those marriage licence thingy
19:16.39prpplaguehe forget to give me a patch
19:26.00sorphinprpplague: oops :P
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19:41.42sorphinade|desk: lo
19:49.54GPSFanhey prpplague: sorphin: pixil looks really nice on my TuxScreen! congrats to CosmicPenguin...
19:51.16sorphinGPSFan: you got anything around you can salvage a 72 pinner from? *g*
19:51.25sorphinError403: shaddup
19:51.39sorphinError403: i don't want anything more outta you about tslib :P
19:51.41Error403just mumbling ;)
19:51.53Error403sorry if you heard it ;) hehe
19:52.05GPSFansorphin: yeah, I think I've an old dead motherboard that I'm scrounging parts from.
19:52.08sorphin~bitchslap kergoth
19:52.09ACTION beats the sh*t out of kergoth
19:53.11Error403kergoth: I'm about to go crazy. The possible source of the problem is in qapplication_qws.cpp in ::dispatchMouseEvent (or such). Seems it gets the mouse click, but then ignores it for a reason I have yet to determine.
19:53.30sorphinError403: it doesn't like you :P
19:54.21GPSFansorphin: it's got 4 72pin simm sockets
19:55.16sorphingot any tin snips? ;)
19:56.03sorphinor a band saw *g*
19:56.33GPSFanwhy? you need a s72pin socket?
19:56.54sorphinyeah, actually
19:57.18sorphinthat'd be the easiest way to hook the webpal simm to something
19:58.00GPSFanah, i see now. maybe I can suck it out of the board this weekend.
19:58.25GPSFanman, pixil makes my tux usefull,
19:58.33sorphinGPSFan: the reason i mentioned snips is instead of all that desoldering *g*
19:58.36sorphinGPSFan: hehe
19:58.41sorphinnow you know why we bugged him for it ;)
19:58.43ade|desksorphin: lo
19:59.00prpplagueman this is gonna rock when we get the source
19:59.43sorphinprpplague: keep your POS'in frellin hands outta there
20:00.21prpplaguesorphin: fltk is my territory bud
20:00.23GPSFansorphin: unless you have a good desoldering station you will make a mess out of it, I am still using that board for parts and if I get a few min's over the weekend I'll pull one off for you.
20:00.34sorphinprpplague: uh huh
20:00.50sorphinGPSFan: k, appreciate it
20:01.14sorphinGPSFan: man i owe you *g*
20:01.31GPSFansorphin: I always knew that pixil was a great app , I just don't like to bug people who are much better at progamming than I am.
20:02.00sorphinGPSFan: our buggin him
20:02.03sorphinis why he finished it
20:02.11sorphinhe almost gave up a few times
20:02.56GPSFansorphin: yeah I know, once the source is released it will be possible to polish all the loose ends, I just had a crash.
20:03.18sorphinGPSFan: hmm
20:03.32sorphinGPSFan: make a note of it, so you can let him know what happened
20:05.15chouimatprpplague: picture of the ramses
20:05.17GPSFansorphin: I was busy typing to you, it went to sleep and I tried to bring it out with a keystroke, don't really know what happened next but it rebooted. also there are a lot of odd messages popping out the console.
20:06.27sorphinGPSFan: doh
20:07.47prpplaguechouimat: very nice
20:08.54prpplaguechouimat: great looking device
20:08.59prpplaguechouimat: target price?
20:09.18chouimatprpplague: the guy didn't know yet
20:29.18filechouimat: if it's not raining tomorrow I'm planning on biking down to the post office.
20:30.06glytchbinaryfile, you say that like its an adventure
20:30.32fileglytchbinary: the post office is on the other side of town...
20:30.47fileglytchbinary: and I must bike
20:31.20ade|deskfile: its good for your legs to get some exercise
20:31.25glytchbinarymy bike got stolen, i walk everywhere, and its starting to get hot
20:31.46fileade|desk: I walk to/from school everyday
20:32.03glytchbinaryso do i
20:32.06ade|deskfile: as do i
20:32.25glytchbinaryand it has brought me to love my archos recorder 20 mp3 player
20:33.51ade|deski use my conversation skills with my gf to/from uni
20:34.01ade|deski dont have an mp3 player :(
20:34.56glytchbinaryade|desk: that sucks man, you should get an mp3 player
20:35.17glytchbinarymight wanna get one for your girlfriend too, might bother her that you are suddenly not using those conversation skills on the way to the uni
20:35.19ade|deska minidisc works well enough
20:35.53ade|deski could get a headphone jack splitter :)
20:36.31glytchbinaryi need a headphone jack coupler..
20:36.51glytchbinaryso i can hook all my sound emitting this into my computer speakers at once
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20:37.13fileall the leaves are brown and the sky is grey...
20:37.34ade|desk... and the sky is grey ...
20:38.26fileI should get around to setting up VMWare someday...
20:44.22glytchbinarykept me intertained for a bit
20:44.24glytchbinarykinda funny
20:57.57glytchbinaryoh god, i'm about 1/4 of the way through(calculating 1/4 as the distance the scrollbar is down the page with 1280x1024 resolution) and its funny as hell
21:34.11prpplagueanyone playing with pixil?
21:34.25Russcosmicpengiun is
21:34.36prpplagueRuss: i know he is :)
21:34.43Russhe's got some pictures of it on an ipaq, a zaurus (i think) and a tux
21:34.49prpplagueRuss: i meant with the new images
21:34.55Russoh, someone besides him...
21:35.38RussI need to get my tuxscreen working as a answering machine/voip phone/something neat on the screen
21:35.56Russanswering messages would of course be speex encoded and emailed to the correct party
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21:39.15prpplagueholy split batman
21:42.04GPSFanhey prpplague: I've got the pixil image running on my tux..
21:42.06chouimatprpplague: wb
21:43.50prpplagueGPSFan: hmm, you have any problems with the terminal ?
21:44.47GPSFanprpplague: yep, bring up the terminal and type an up-arrow. bye-bye...
21:45.52prpplagueGPSFan: well, i fixed the ttyp problem but about 1 out every 4 times i open the terminal i get no shell
21:46.03GPSFanthe serial console says "Got an EINTR, This is probably a SIGPIPE. closing client
21:46.24GPSFannxclient: lost connection to Nano-x server.
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21:47.58GPSFanI can run again and pixil strats up again, the up-arrow crash is pretty consistant.
21:49.22GPSFanjust started the terminal 10 times in a row, got a shell each time.
21:51.21filehow is Pixil anyway?
21:53.02GPSFanfile: pixil is cool, prpplague: the terminal doesn't like to do a cat, or more.
21:53.20Russibot: pixil?
21:53.20Russ: I don't know, could you explain it?
21:56.07Russibot: pixil is
21:56.08okay, Russ
21:58.26prpplagueGPSFan: ya looks like so work is needed
22:00.52GPSFanprpplague: yeah, but atm it's still looking nice, there seems to be some networking stuff, maybe even wireless too.
22:01.40GPSFanprpplague: needs more eyes on the source, and some real open source development.
22:01.53prpplagueGPSFan: amen
22:02.00chouimatSolent green Is People
22:05.32leviMmm, soylent green
22:06.40prpplaguemmmmmm, soylent green with ranch dressing
22:07.41leviItalian dressing for me, please.
22:09.39chouimatgrilled for me
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23:13.50prpplagueanyone know how to pass a geomtry arg to a gtk ap?
23:16.29chouimat|foodprpplague: nope
23:32.05Mornloading pixil on the tuxscreen now

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