irclog2html for #elinux on 20030507

00:38.16*** join/#elinux prpplague (
00:40.36chouimat|foodhey prpplague
00:46.28chouimat|foodprpplague: got my email?
01:00.56prpplaguechouimat: lol ya
01:01.34chouimatprpplague: that one is really impressive
01:03.08CosmicPenguinprpplague: do you have any issues with your Z keyboard?  Every have to press keys multiple times to get it to register?
01:06.47CosmicPenguinprpplague: nm - I had two Nano-X servers running at the same time
01:09.29prpplagueCosmicPenguin: doh
01:13.03chouimatbye prpplague
01:25.34*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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01:29.38chouimathi TimRiker
01:30.49chouimatTimRiker: thanks for your feedback
01:33.24glytchbinaryTimRiker: whats the usual time that people start going home at ti ?
01:37.18glytchbinarywhere was the zaurus for 200 ?
01:53.48TimRikerglytchbinary: most folks head out around 5. there are some in the early crowd that head out around 4 and some that stay late. I left around 5:30 today.
01:54.37glytchbinaryi'll be staying late i think
01:54.47glytchbinarymy bus won't come until 6~ (:
01:55.18glytchbinaryand unless my applied tech teacher stops being mean i wont be able to go until 2:30
01:55.25glytchbinarybut i'm trying to work that out with her
01:57.29TimRikerwhat's more "Applied Tech" than working in the real world? ;-)
01:58.04glytchbinarytell her that
01:58.21glytchbinarywell right now i intern for the city of rowlett, and i'm required to have 10 hours a week.
01:58.44glytchbinaryright now i leave school at 11, go there and then leave at 2:30(normal time that school gets out)
01:58.49glytchbinaryand i get more than enough hours
01:59.20glytchbinaryi'm trying to get her to let me go to my internship twice a week and stay until 5:30 when they close, i'd get my hours in there. and then for the rest of the week i could come to work at TI
02:28.24kergothhey dave
02:28.50prpplaguekergoth: evening
02:29.18prpplaguekergoth: hope i didn't annoy you too much today, still trying to get back into the swing of things for oz/oe
02:30.34kergothnah, its not a problem
02:31.00kergothtakes everyone a bit to get into the swing of the system. its a big pile of hacks, but it does the job
02:36.29prpplaguekergoth: speaking of hacks, i need to dl source so i can play on my trip tomorrow
02:37.10prpplaguekergoth: any suggestions where to look for an example of the ioctl to switch that power button function?
02:37.26prpplaguekergoth: or could i just turn off apmd for now?
02:37.55prpplaguekergoth: ok thx
02:38.10kergothhit the webcvs if you dont have it handy. look at the Zaurus:: methods
02:38.12prpplaguekergoth: since i've not done opie, i had no idea where to begin
02:38.35prpplaguekergoth: ok thanks
02:38.54prpplaguekergoth: guess i just need a little c app to do this
02:39.19prpplaguei wonder why this wasn't a problem with the version i built
02:39.51kergothyou probably left apmd out of your image or something
02:40.03kergoththe bug is that it never wakes up if suspended via normal means while apmd is running
02:41.09prpplaguekergoth: ahh
02:41.55prpplagueso i could just turn of apmd for temporary
02:45.57*** join/#elinux levi_ (
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03:31.34chouimatarrrrrrggggggggg a lot of propritary code in the last gui apps I wrote ....
03:55.27*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
04:02.58prpplagueibot: oz cvs
04:02.59prpplague: have you tried ?
04:03.18kergothoz doesnt use a cvs repos.
04:03.39prpplaguekergoth: i thought you mentioned a webcvs location
04:05.01kergothI did.
04:05.03kergothopie cvs.
04:05.25prpplaguethe opie cvs has the 5500 code check in?
04:05.39prpplaguekergoth: ok thanks
04:10.06prpplaguekergoth`zzz: later
04:11.06chouimat|Zzzzprpplague: have a nice try tomorrow :)
04:12.23prpplaguechouimat|Zzzz: later
04:13.09chouimat|Zzzzprpplague: I''m actualy listening to some music ...
04:13.46chouimat|Zzzzok I'm off
04:30.40*** join/#elinux clarko (
04:31.42clarkoanyone into webpal hacking?
04:33.10prpplagueclarko: uhh ya
04:33.21prpplagueclarko: this is webpal central :)
04:33.35prpplagueclarko: however most everyone out for the evening
04:33.42clarkoi am trying to figure out if I have the pinout of the serial port right
04:34.15clarkois it odds on left and evens on right?
04:34.39prpplagueclarko: now sure i know what you mean
04:34.48prpplagueclarko: which pin out are you refering to
04:35.04prpplagueclarko: the db9 connector or for the uart connector
04:35.06prpplagueclarko: ahh
04:35.21prpplagueclarko: just check the schematic on bigbrd's sight
04:35.26prpplagueclarko: should be listed
04:35.33prpplagueibot: webpal
04:35.33webpal is, like, a set top box appliance that can run Linux. see, or, or only $13 + shipping!, or schematics are available from:
04:35.33clarkohe is not clear about it
04:35.47prpplagueclarko: is that the schematic you are using?
04:36.20clarkonot really, i copied most of it, but im using my own connectors
04:37.46clarkoif you do it his way, are you supposed to use a straight through serial cable to hook up to the computer?
04:39.05clarkoone hint about what is wrong may be that the IR port doesnt work when i have it plugged in even though there is nothing touching J10
04:44.15prpplaguesorphin: thats what i must sounds like asking kergoth`zzz questions
04:44.41sorphinprpplague: now you know why chris always preps the cluebat ;)
04:46.52prpplaguesorphin: ya ya
04:47.24prpplaguesorphin: i hate hate hate that i grew up in such as shit hole
04:47.29prpplaguesorphin: i feel robbed
04:47.48sorphinprpplague: you didn't like your trailer? *g*
04:50.07sorphinwell, i had a shitty evening
04:51.09sorphini drove all the way to see sarah's final band concert thing, through hail, sheet rain, etc.. get there, they canceled it, i got to see her for like 2 mins, then i killed bout 30 mins, eat mc d's and came back *sigh*
04:52.33prpplaguesorphin: nope, i ment town
04:52.43prpplaguesorphin: my parents were very well off
04:54.11sorphin'after this, i'm glad i took tomorrow off, tho still glad i even got to see her at all..
05:10.08prpplaguehmm, got the code for the power button to ignore in the kernel, but still doesn't seem to resume
05:31.08*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
05:43.31prpplagueibot: oz bk
05:43.31well, oz bk is bk clone bk:// buildroot-oz; cd buildroot-oz; bk -r co -q; cp def-configs/collie-opie .config (for zaurus 5000d/5500) .. make oldconfig; make; or see bitkeeper (free download but non-gpl) or see 'oz snapshot' if you either cannot or will not use bitkeeper.
05:44.14prpplaguewell crude, i was hopin to get my z going so i can take it with me but this resume just isn't working
05:52.32*** join/#elinux Russ (
05:53.04prpplagueRuss: yo
05:53.34RussI was playing with firewalling scripts, trying to make them excecute faster
05:59.47Russiptables -L -v | wc -l : 212
05:59.56Russiptables -L -v -t mangle | wc -l : 40
06:00.03Russiptables -L -v -t nat | wc -l : 59
06:00.21Russthe poor little 486 has trouble with changing those around in a decent amount of time
06:09.22prpplaguecrap i gotta be at the airport in 5 hours
06:10.07Russthat su0rs
06:10.13Russadd an x in there somewhere
06:10.59prpplagueRuss: i knew what you ment, however the worst part is my z is not usable for this trip
06:11.20prpplagueRuss: of course it wasn't that usuable with opie/qt installed, lol
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12:11.49*** join/#elinux TomW (
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12:28.16Error403TomW: Don't strain a muscle :)
12:29.04TomWthe pinky of my right hand aches a little...
12:30.06TomW... too much coding yesterday, I'll have to goof off today to compensate.
12:33.20Error403/joine #opie
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14:09.05sievemorning all
14:51.49CosmicPenguinThats not funny
15:04.46TomWCosmicPenguin: Irish?
15:05.12CosmicPenguinTomW: no, just not funny
15:05.43TomWCosmicPenguin: agreed, more like satire about how sleezy marketing types can be, IMHO
15:10.06*** mode/#eLinux [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
15:13.58CosmicPenguinI thought Dave was leaving on Thursday?
15:27.00kergothbrb, meeting
15:44.11sieveCosmicPenguin: no... dave left this morning.
15:49.07*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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15:50.29TimRikersome nuked the wiki, restoring it at the moment...
15:51.52TimRikerer someone
15:55.46TimRikerwiki is back. one day lost if there were any edits....
15:56.40chouimathi TimRiker
16:11.01kergothhey tim
16:18.11Error403kergoth: Hey, I talked to Simon and he said you experienced the same problem with Opie that I am (a couple weeks ago). I've located the source of the problem, just not sure what the best way is to tackle it (since some crude fixes cause kernel panics).
16:20.36*** join/#elinux ade|indy (
16:21.11kergothError403: problem on what device?
16:21.48Error403kergoth: Tuxscreen, but I'm not too sure that's relavent since a bug like this would show up on any device (and I'm not sure why it doesn't)
16:22.00kergothit works flawlessly on the c700
16:22.07kergothwhat is the nature of the bug?
16:22.18Error403kergoth: I realize it works on every other device
16:23.27Error403kergoth: Well, it seems that QPEApplication::eventFilter() does post events on the mouse moves and mouse clicks, but it never ever gets that far because of an uninitialized variable (or possibly something else in the if() statement)
16:23.52kergothuninitialized variable where?
16:24.03kergothqtopia is irrelevent, if theres a problem its in qt/e or tslib
16:24.25Error403Well, it's in QPE (Qtopia) since Opie uses that.
16:24.35Error403QPE overrides the mouse events
16:24.40Error403so Qt/E has no choice
16:25.07Error403It's in $OPIEDIR/library/qpeapplication.cpp:1563
16:25.52kergothqt/e has no choice?
16:26.10Error403kergoth: No, because as you know Qt/E allows for overriding of events
16:26.18Error403kergoth: And QPE does just that, it overrides the mouse events
16:27.13Error403Hopefully the fix doesn't involve code since all of the other devices work
16:27.18kergothyou're clearly looking at one small piece of whole and think you understand it alll.
16:27.34kergothyou're missing an understanding of how it all fits together.
16:27.37Error403kergoth: I've spent a day tracking this down
16:27.42Error403No, I understand it quite well
16:27.45kergothwow, a whole day?
16:27.47kergothi'm so proud of you
16:28.38Error403Whatever, I guess I'll just go fsck a tree since it should "just work"
16:29.46kergothgood luck.
16:30.56kergothso it overrides eventFilter from QApplication
16:31.00kergothyou think that excludes qt/e?
16:31.07kergothwhere did you think eventFilter gets called from, hmm?
16:31.52Error403kergoth: I KNOW Qt/E sends out the events, I've debugged every corner of Qt/E to make sure, but they disappear in that eventFilter
16:32.26kergoth'so qt/e has no choice'
16:32.38kergothlets try saying it in a comprehensible fashion, shall we?
16:33.00kergothwhat change are you makign to the event filter?
16:33.00Error403Well, sure, if you remove a bunch of code that allows overriding events
16:33.20kergothof course qt/e has a choice. the only part of qt/e that isnt run is the original QApplication event filter
16:33.31kergothQApplication has no choice. qt/e controls everything.
16:33.36kergothwow, logic.
16:34.11Error403kergoth: I've tried just removing the if() statement, obviously that doesn't go well, tried removing the check for that stylus variable, but that causes a kernel opps
16:34.15Error403oops rather
16:34.58Error403I just found it a minute ago, I'm still checking around to see what I can do
16:35.00kergoththere isnt anything wrong with that if, i'm not following the logic
16:35.28Error403Well, there really shouldn't be anything wrong with it, but it never gets past that if()
16:35.39kergothare you saying e is NULL? if so, its a problem elsewhere being exposed here
16:36.06Error403Not sure if it's 'e', just a sec.
16:37.46kergothwell, its either something wrong with stylusDict or e
16:37.58kergotheither of which indicates a problem elsewhere
16:37.58kergoththats only being EXPOSED here
16:37.58Error403I'm going to test those variables
16:38.07kergothwhich was the point i was trying to make earlier
16:38.13kergothbrb, coffee
16:38.33Error403I'm never been good at initial explanations
16:39.04Error403But I don't need to tell you that
16:42.35chouimatSourceforget SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16:44.17chouimatkergoth: but today it's worse
16:46.16Error403kergoth: "In QPEApplications::eventFilter(): o is 0x90600 e is 0x93600 stylusDict is 0"
16:46.30kergothError403: thats expected
16:46.35kergothError403: in fact, that isnt a problem
16:47.00kergothError403: not entering that loop will simply cause the function to return FALSE, and therefore for the event to be dispatched normally rather than to have the special press+hold right button handling
16:47.10kergoththe problem doesnt lie here.
16:47.20kergothread the docs on eventFilter on trolltech's site
16:48.01Error403yes yes, it's all coming back to me now
16:50.08Error403kergoth: That's where I started, I added debugging statements to it and all of the coordinates are correct. The mouseChanged signal gets emmitted
16:55.29Error403I'm now looking at the QWSClient::sendEvent in qwindowsystem_qws.cpp:451
16:55.40kergothi'd print the info on the event in the eventFilter
16:55.46kergothmake sure the event is sane once it reaches that point
17:01.32Error403kergoth: "EventFilter's: globalX() is 1, globalY() is 1079798476"
17:01.49Error403that's the QEvent 'e' casted to a QMouseEvent
17:02.12kergothfun. so QWSClient is the right direction to look in then. just checking
17:06.34Error403in QWSServer::sendMouseEvent it creates a QWSMouseEvent and sends that to the QWSClients, then the QWSClients attempt to cast it to a QMouseEvent
17:09.39Error403fortunately in this case it makes it easier
17:09.47sorphinError403: um..
17:09.49Error403since there is so much passing around
17:09.54sorphinc++, and easier in the same sentence?
17:11.21sorphinthat's like having a sentence w/ kergoth in it and not including caffeine
17:11.45Error403oh, nm, it's suppose to be a QWSEvent, not QEvent
17:16.10chouimatsorphin: being sarcastic today ?
17:16.59sorphinchouimat: as opposed to a day when i'm not?
17:17.31sorphinoh wait, that's right, those don't exist :P
17:17.35chouimatsorphin:  hehe
17:28.48CosmicPenguinsorphin: what up man?  Where have you been?
17:28.54CosmicPenguinsorphin: tornados missed you, I trust
17:32.27sorphinCosmicPenguin: barely
17:33.03sorphinCosmicPenguin: last night, i drove all the way to see sarah's final band concert thing, through hail, sheet rain, etc.. get there, they canceled it, i got to see her for like 2 mins, then i killed bout 30 mins, eat mc d's and came back *sigh*
17:33.24sorphinapparently there had been a twister sighted a few mins before i got there, heh
17:33.31kergoththat sucks.
17:34.10CosmicPenguinsorphin: for my money, tornados are the scariest natural disaster
17:34.19sorphinaside from getting to see her for those couple mins
17:34.22sorphinit all sucked
17:34.50sorphinon the other hand, as a friend of mine pointed out, i prolly scored some major bf points :P
17:35.12CosmicPenguinsorphin: thats for sure.  You'll be able to trade that in a *HUGE* mistake some day
17:35.25CosmicPenguins/a/for a/
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17:36.09sorphinCosmicPenguin: hopefully i won't need to :) already had all the issues i need to have
17:36.47sorphinCosmicPenguin: 2 more days till pixil ;)
17:37.29CosmicPenguinsorphin: yes indeed.  I just got my Z finalized - it seems to be working pretty well
17:37.37sorphincool deal
17:37.52CosmicPenguinsorphin: next up, the Tuxscreen - I'm going for a triple play - Tuxscreen, Ipaq and Zaurus binary images
17:37.56sorphinspeaking of all things pixil'd and being MIA, wonder where morn is hiding
17:38.36CosmicPenguinProbably hard at work
17:38.39sorphinCosmicPenguin: external or are you gonna shove it in that 4M? :P
17:44.38CosmicPenguinsorphin: shove it in the 4MB, of course
17:44.55CosmicPenguinsorphin: I'm a purist
17:46.37chouimatanyone have an example of sqlite use?
17:46.46sorphinthere goes the kitchen sink, and the kitchen for that matter ;)
17:53.46CosmicPenguinchouimat: its really easy - the sqlite examples didn't help?
17:58.04*** join/#elinux glytch|work (
18:15.10chouimatCosmicPenguin: I looking at it now
18:15.33chouimatCosmicPenguin: was eating my lunch and watching shogun
18:22.48CosmicPenguinsounds like fun to me
18:34.16CosmicPenguinsorphin: what a great idea
19:01.47*** join/#elinux sjhill (~sjhill@
19:13.14Error403mmm, chinese food
19:15.20filesjhill: Greetings Master MIPs.
19:19.22sjhillhi file
19:42.21*** part/#elinux sjhill (~sjhill@
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19:57.24CosmicPenguinibot: slashdot
19:57.38CosmicPenguinMS Says Longhorn To Arrive 2005
19:57.43CosmicPenguinWhew - finally
19:58.44Error403can I participate? grr
20:04.02chouimat|afkkergoth`bbl: don't destroy digi property ...
20:04.08kergoth`bblwhy not?
20:04.25CosmicPenguinkergoth`bbl: yeah - they own you at least a dented desk
20:05.30CosmicPenguinsorphin: everyone else has gotten a new job - its your turn
20:07.04chouimat|afkCosmicPenguin: you forgot  me ... :)
20:07.11CosmicPenguinchouimat|afk: oh, yeah....
20:07.27CosmicPenguinchouimat|afk: I was thinking of the old school regulars, no offense to you
20:08.09CosmicPenguinWhen the Tuxscreen first started up, Tim was at Lineo, I was at Century, sjhill was bouncing around Broadcom, etc...
20:08.53kergoth`bbli'm relatively new as well. i dont own a tux :(
20:09.23CosmicPenguinkergoth`bbl: you used to hang around in #tuxscreen though, didn't you?
20:39.59sorphinCosmicPenguin: yeah, need one, closer to sarah/where she'll be
21:08.54*** join/#elinux prpplague (
21:11.12CosmicPenguinprpplague: I thought you were leaving tommorrow?
21:12.31chouimathey prpplague
21:21.55prpplagueCosmicPenguin: nope just arrived at the seattle corp hq
21:42.28CosmicPenguinprpplague: get a chance to look at the latest Linux Journal?
21:42.35CosmicPenguinBig article on our favorite database
21:43.07chouimatCosmicPenguin: may?
21:43.26kergothheard the c700 is in there too eh?
21:43.31kergothi shoudl resubscribe
21:43.41chouimatCosmicPenguin: ok I will have it in 2 weeks
21:44.17CosmicPenguinI'm letting mine lapse
21:44.29chouimatCosmicPenguin: sqlite article?
21:44.45kergoththat one article about opie by guylhem aznar in lj pissed me off
21:45.01CosmicPenguinIt used to be more of a trade mag, but now its just a shill for marketing types
21:45.04kergothsince he got a shitload of stuff completely and absolutely wrong
21:45.09prpplagueCosmicPenguin: negative
21:45.14kergothhows linux magazine nowadays?
21:45.33CosmicPenguinI would like to see a Linux magazine that is filled with technical papers, al-la New England Journal of Medicine
21:45.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: not exactly a mag they carry at the sea-tac airport
21:45.48CosmicPenguinprpplague: lol
21:46.04CosmicPenguinprpplague: is that before or after the long corridor with the Microsoft banner?
21:46.44prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya well, i got accosted at the m$ tablet booth
21:47.06CosmicPenguinprpplague: you didn't mention linux did you?
21:47.19CosmicPenguinprpplague: at Sea-Tac, thats grounds for a Patriot act style strip search
21:47.21prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya,one sec
21:48.25prpplagueCosmicPenguin: lol
21:50.06prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya well, i got "would you like to try one of our m$ tablets" "no thanks i don't use microshit products"
22:05.06chouimatprpplague: know any example of sqlite app?
22:07.57prpplaguechouimat: ya my beer app, lol
22:09.29chouimatprpplague: that is very helpful :)
22:12.01prpplaguelol, have a look at some of the gpe eapps
22:13.03chouimatprpplague: ok
22:13.36chouimatI'm trying to port an old clipper app to qtopia/opie and kde
22:27.35CosmicPenguinprpplague: pixil is 99% ready to go on the Z
22:27.38CosmicPenguinprpplague: just a few bugs
22:35.18CosmicPenguinkergoth: yeah, yeah, I know.
22:35.37CosmicPenguinkergoth: I'll have the Microwindows soon... the Pixil changes will have to wait until the first source code release... :(
22:35.59kergothyeah, thats what i figured
22:36.01kergothnot a problem
22:40.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hey, have dealt with the suspend/resume issues on the cancel/power button?
22:40.16CosmicPenguinprpplague: on the Z?
22:40.19prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya
22:40.24CosmicPenguinprpplague: kinda - I can make the damn thing resume... :)
22:40.26CosmicPenguinprpplague: sometimes
22:40.35CosmicPenguinprpplague: it has an automatic timeout
22:40.36prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm having problems getting it to resume
22:40.48kergoth1) dont run apmd unless you call apm -s to suspend, 2) use the ioctl to disable kernel power button press catch
22:40.56prpplaguekergoth: done both
22:41.10prpplaguekergoth: still noda
22:41.10kergothif apmd isnt running, it'll resume.
22:41.17kergothif not, you're doing something wrong
22:41.31prpplaguekergoth: works fine from console, just when x is running
22:42.50CosmicPenguinprpplague: I've had similar issues - but using apm -S seems to work ok for me.
22:43.02CosmicPenguinprpplague: I'm just not sure how I can make it suspend on demand
22:43.40TimRikerCosmicPenguin: pixel got a new web browser yet?
22:44.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: -S ? or just -s?
22:44.10CosmicPenguinTimRiker: Nope - still good ol' ViewML
22:44.12TimRikerCosmicPenguin: or have you gotten the existing one to work with uclibc? if so put out a tuxscreen image. ;-)
22:44.39CosmicPenguinTimRiker: I'm trying my best
22:44.53TimRikersweet. keep us posted.
22:44.57CosmicPenguinTimRiker: I'm not sure I can fit it into 4BM though
22:45.35glytchbinarydrive 45minutes up there, and they don't have me in the system to get my badge yet...
22:45.40glytchbinaryso i get to drive back tomorrow
22:45.50glytchbinaryand then i will be apon you!
22:47.08glytchbinaryespecially you
22:47.20glytchbinaryyou've been nominated to be my question answering guy (:
22:47.39CosmicPenguinSounds like a threat to me
22:48.00prpplaguekergoth: ya, i've tried it exactly as you said, but while x is running now resume
22:48.14kergothand you're calling apm -s from X to suspend?
22:48.18kergothor using an ioctl on apm_bios?
22:48.33prpplaguekergoth: apm -s
22:48.45kergothso X is doing something stupid
22:48.55prpplaguethats what i'm thinking
22:49.09CosmicPenguinstupid quesiton - is it setting the console to graphics mode?
22:49.14prpplaguebecause the x version i built was 4.1 and it doesn't do this
22:49.24CosmicPenguinBecause I've had problems with that
22:49.38prpplaguekergoth: i copied my old x to the latest buildroot and it works
22:49.44prpplaguekergoth: just not with mallums 4.3
23:02.25legodudechouimat: you speak french?
23:05.27chouimatTimRiker: hahaha
23:05.59TimRiker~x en fr welcome to the french #eLinux IRC channel
23:06.27chouimatmy eyes!!
23:06.43legodudechouimat: what's proper spelling of remacher?
23:06.52legodudenot mine!
23:06.55CosmicPenguinNot mine
23:06.56chouimatnot mine
23:07.06glytchbinarylooked fine here
23:07.23legodudeare there supposed to be accents on it?
23:07.36TimRiker-glytchbinary- VERSION xchat 2.0.1 Linux 2.4.20 [i686/731MHz]
23:07.57chouimatlegodude: remâcher
23:08.25chouimatdon't know the english  word for that accent
23:08.34legodudeme neither
23:08.38legodudegoogle still doesn't like it
23:08.58legodude"de boire mon the en pensant simplement a mes ennuis d'aujourd'hui, a mes desirs de demain qui se laissent remâcher sans peine"
23:10.03TimRiker~x en fr A with a hat
23:10.23chouimatde boire mon thé en pensant simplement à mes ennuis d'aujourd'hui, à mes désirs de demain qui se laissent remâcher sans peine
23:10.39TimRiker~x en fr de boire mon thé en pensant simplement à mes ennuis d'aujourd'hui, à mes désirs de demain qui se laissent remâcher sans peine
23:10.49TimRiker~x fr en de boire mon thé en pensant simplement à mes ennuis d'aujourd'hui, à mes désirs de demain qui se laissent remâcher sans peine
23:11.16chouimatdamn! I hate the french canadian layout
23:11.19glytchbinarywtf does that mean..
23:12.22chouimatglytchbinary: some thing like: to drink my tea while thinking about my today toubles, to my tomorrow desirs ....
23:12.23legodudenothing knows what remâcher  means :(
23:14.15chouimatlegodude: it that context remacher mean "to think only of something, with sorrow,, anger ...."
23:19.11prpplaguekergoth: think i found the x issue
23:19.20prpplaguekergoth: gonna do a fresh build and test
23:19.44CosmicPenguingrr....  stupid Microwindows keyboard crap
23:19.57chouimatlegodude: ?
23:21.20legodudewrong window
23:25.00chouimatok brb need to go buy some food and beer ... maybe a beef ramen stirfry tonight
23:25.09*** join/#elinux TomW (
23:25.19chouimat|afkhi TomW
23:25.25TomWchouimat|afk: The DTC is in the mail, I sent it airmail.
23:25.40chouimat|afkTomW: ok received the money order?
23:25.43TomWPostal service, you should have it in about 7..10 days.
23:25.56TomWchouimat|afk: yup, got it this afternoon.
23:25.59chouimat|afkok thanks ...
23:26.14filechouimat|afk: how much are money orders now?
23:26.42CosmicPenguinLater folks
23:26.42chouimat|afk3 or 4 cad depend of the currency ... GBP money order is 4.75cad
23:26.46chouimat|afkbye ccP
23:26.52filechouimat|afk: k

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