irclog2html for #elinux on 20030504

00:33.34*** join/#elinux file[bed] (
00:38.29Error403damn cats following me into the bathroom ;)
00:38.39Error403Can I just have a minute of privacy? ;)
00:39.33Error403I asked them, one of them just meowed a bunch :P
00:43.26chouimat|foodError403: next time pee on them :)
00:45.22Error403That's what I'm trying to avoid ;)
00:45.31Error403Because I kiss them and pet them
00:45.40Error403and I'd rather not try to give them a bath ;)
00:53.25chouimat|foodhmmmmm I wonder how my cat climbed there
00:57.36legodudewhere it has gone, I know not
00:57.54Error403maybe your rat took it ;)
00:59.05legodudedamn animal runs around house when we forget to put top on cage
01:16.15legodudeconverter was in box where it was supposed to be
01:21.43chouimat|showerha hah aha hah hahahahahahah
01:22.36file[bed]chouimat|shower: are you IRCing from your shower?
01:24.38legodudeI'm too logical for my own damn good
01:27.05chouimat|showerfile[bed]: nah! was on the phone .... now I'm in the shower ((5 minutes))
01:41.02legodudeI'm 3/3 today
01:41.22file[bed]legodude: what's wrong with it?
01:41.34legodudecan't get OS on sandisk
01:42.40file[bed]legodude: sacrifice a coffee!
01:43.34legodudenothing is working today
01:43.45file[bed]I'll agree with that
01:44.21legodudeyou know of a linux distro that comes as an image and has lilo support?
01:44.27legodudeI need to be able to set the root drive...
01:44.48file[bed]can't say I do :(
01:44.54legodudeI'm using midori
01:44.59legodudebut it doesn't let me :(
01:45.08legodudeso I boot then it panics looking for root
01:46.27legodudezipslack here I come
01:47.57file[bed]I used Zipslack once, it was "fun"
01:51.26legodudeslow server
01:53.13legodudethere we go
01:53.20legodude170kbit is much better
01:55.05sorphinSCO DDoS'd
01:56.42legodude14yr old kiddiz are not to be trifled with :P
01:56.44chouimatwheels wants to organize a DDoS attack by messing with the DNS records to point SETI@Home to somewhere else.  ;-)
01:57.14sorphinha, 2 funnies on the same page :P
01:57.16sorphinHans Reiser - you're thinking ReiserFS, and you'd be right - has a proposal to slather Free Software with credits for its authors.
01:57.23sorphinhans reiser is a moron
01:57.56chouimatsorphin: he just want to eat something else than peeanut butter
01:58.47sorphinthe only reason reiserFS made it into 2.4
01:58.54sorphinis cuz he whined at Linus so much
02:05.16file[bed]I am soon going to sleep... mmm
02:09.19file[bed]Goodnight everyone
02:09.53legodudenite yo
02:31.56Error403fuck, I think I fucked up my pcmcia slots on my tuxscreen
02:33.20Error403I'm not sure. It might have been from changing the voltage from v3.3 to 5v in the kernel. I've had the 5v mod on the hardware itself for a month
02:33.41Error403it was working fine, but I wanted to get my 3com card to work, and that requires the kernel be changed
02:34.25Error403hell, it doesn't even show up in /prov/devices
02:34.35Error403but I'm not sure if that's bad or really bad
02:37.40legodudeno idea
02:37.45legodudeI just did one slot modded
02:37.52legodudeand it's been good
02:38.04Error403well, it was working with my other ethernet card just great
02:38.11Error403and I had to go fuck with it
02:42.26Error403I really want to know why the kernel thinks that the sa1100 driver isn't licensed
02:42.32Error403Warning: loading sa1100_cs will taint the kernel: no license
02:42.41Error403something is definately wrong there
02:42.56MonMothaError403: that just means it doesn't declare that it's GPLed
02:43.12MonMothaI personally dislike the whole module liscense thing, though I guess it had to come to that
02:43.29Error403MonMotha: And that's normal for the sa1100_cs driver? I know it's MPL
02:44.25MonMothasa1100_cs drievr is mozilla liscensed?
02:44.48MonMothaI find it odd that it wouldn't declare a liscense, but if it doesn't, it's considered to taint the kernel
02:44.52Error403ok, this is stupid, the license thing for sa1100_cs is just a warning, but modprobing the module 'ds' says "ds: no socket drivers loaded!"
02:45.04Error403MonMotha: right
02:45.23MonMothawell, here's the thing
02:45.37MonMothanon GPL stuff can't use gplonly symbols
02:45.42MonMothathough the other way around should be fine
02:46.32Error403MonMotha: Do you have a tuxscreen?
02:47.00sorphinand i have 2 *shrug*
02:49.30Error403ok, so does it give you that warning message when you load the sa1100_cs module?
02:51.02Error403WHAT *THE* FSCK
02:51.28sorphinMonMotha: i've never have any module probs cuz of "licenses" :P
02:52.04MonMothaI have, damn nvidia modules
02:52.16sorphini never have
02:52.25sorphinand i always use nvidia modules :P
02:56.20legodudeanyone know a place with cf-pc card adapters?
02:57.13MonMothacompusa, $7
02:57.37legodudethey had for $1.5 on compgeeks but I was too dum to order
02:58.10sorphinFox Movie Channel
02:58.19legodudewhat's MP?
02:58.19sorphinaka a channel that doesn't censor movies
02:58.38sorphinlook it up on imdb :P
02:59.21sorphinheh, if you know *any* US history
02:59.40sorphinthen the name manhattan project should atleast give you the theme :P
02:59.43Error403sorphin: Oh, I did a huge report and presentation on the Manhattan Project
03:00.02Error403'twas cool
03:00.02sorphinError403: this is a movie w/ john lithgow
03:00.04chouimat|tvanyone saw the preview of the tomorrow simpsons episodes?
03:01.13legodudelooks boring
03:01.33sorphinlegodude: and what's your fav movie? ghostbusters? :P
03:01.49chouimat|tvhomer askthe dog for help and he turn chicken. so marge say: I would expect that from a French poodle, not from an American dog"
03:01.57legodudemaybe "Burnt By the Sun"
03:02.08sorphinlegodude: um.. never heard of it
03:02.14legoduderussian flick
03:02.17legodudeit's really good
03:02.21sorphinuh huh
03:02.42sorphinactually i was wrong, it's on now
03:03.38legodudenow I need CF-IDE converters
03:03.40legodudeany links?
03:06.59Error403Could someone please tell me where a license is specified in a module?
03:11.26Error403don't worry, this isn't an interegation
03:20.34Error403Changing the license in the source code to "GPL" from "Dual MPL/GPL" worked!
03:20.52legodudewhy though?
03:20.55Error403Not sure
03:20.55legodudeit works fine for me
03:21.17Error403and according to "Dual MPL/GPL" can use GPLONLY symbols
03:23.36Error403w00t, my 3com card works now!
03:23.52Error403or not...
03:33.38legodudenite yo
03:33.41legodudeany luck Error403?
03:52.20legodudejust SW issues?
03:52.22Error403not the 3com anyway, but the card is probably bad
03:52.30legodudeI have 0 luck today
03:52.44legodudecan't access disk on chip for i-opener
03:52.50Error403for some reason it's not finding the pcmcia slots automagically, so I have to tell it to load all 5 modules
03:53.05Error403and it took me a while to figure that out
03:53.07legodudemy stuff has been painless thus far
03:53.16legodudetomorrow I try and get matchbox wm working
03:53.26legodudecause it looks like andersee has better stuff to do
03:53.46Error403well, it took me all day to get something to work that was working before the day started :(
03:53.54Error403so I'm back at square 1
04:03.19GPSFansorphin: you still about?
04:08.10GPSFansorphin: check the scrollback, tim posted some dct5k info:  looks somewhat usefull, but implies that we need to burn a new ROM. also see my comments on the wiki, at the bottom.
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15:17.06GPSFanmorning chouimat:
15:17.55GPSFanhi file[bed]
15:18.29chouimatdamn! my cat was outside and I was site in front of the computer for less than 1 minute .... now he purring on me
15:21.22GPSFanchouimat: t'is luckey it wasn't raining out or you'd be wet. ;>)
15:21.38*** join/#elinux andin (
15:21.56andinhi all
15:22.00chouimatGPSFan: they forecast about 16C for today bbut only 1 or 2C for tonight
15:23.09GPSFanrain + snow here today, lotsa mud too.
15:45.42chouimatshit! someone converter a Comodore 64 to a unix serial terminal
15:52.07file[bed]I think Gentoo is preventing my libc5 and from working
15:53.30chouimatfile[bed]: lib-compat
15:53.47file[bed]chouimat: no that works fine, but it doesn't have the for the program
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16:25.49file[bed]I did it!
16:25.51file[bed]I got it working!
17:27.43*** join/#elinux TomW (
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17:44.56chouimathi TomW
17:46.55chouimatcool someone is posting the complete Van Vogt and Vonnegut on usenet
17:47.36TomWdunnot them
17:47.48TomWdon't know them
17:49.00chouimatTomW: scifi
17:53.45chouimatyay! the return of the electromagnetic induction car !
17:54.18TomWtraction motors?
17:54.42chouimatTomW: no the kind that work with dance music
17:55.11chouimatlook I'm inside and I heard their music
17:56.46chouimat*BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOOM BOOOM* *BOOOM*
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21:39.37chouimathey Russ
21:39.59chouimat~seen prpplague
21:40.00prpplague <> was last seen on IRC in channel #picogui, 1d 15h 57m 2s ago, saying: '?'.
22:18.27filetv will rot your mind.
22:18.34Russthank you for sharing
22:19.46fileso how is everyone on this beautiful day?
22:20.38Russbetter, but behind because of recent sickness
22:21.17fileI too was sick the last few days
22:23.53RussI am quite happy with mynetwork setup now, just need a few more little things
22:24.22fileRuss: I'm actually migrating over to a router/gateway soon... with NAT and a firewall
22:24.38sorphinbeautiful day?
22:24.42sorphinit's storming here
22:24.55sorphinpower was being annoying earlier, thankfully i have my UPS'
22:25.00filesorphin: nice enough here that my parents went out on their motorcycle
22:25.44Russfile: I have a pc104 thing prpplauge sent me
22:25.58Russit mounts an nfsroot and does all my iptables stuff
22:26.05Russsoon to do some shaping too
22:26.14fileRuss: nice
22:26.24Russgot my nat interface, my dmz interface, and soon to be wireless interface
22:26.34fileRuss: I'm just sick and tired of PPPoE...
22:26.42fileplus at $19 USD without shipping, not bad
22:26.54Russwhats wrang with pppoe/
22:27.00filehaving to log on and such
22:27.37RussI really wish I had pppoe
22:27.53Russthe modem does pppoe and I can't set it up for bridging
22:28.09Russto it routes, and then my iptables box does proxyarp to firewall the dmz
22:28.16fileuh huh
22:28.20Russif it did pppoe, I could save quite a few ips
22:29.19filePPPoE is fun... I'd rather not have to remember to connect - just let the router take care of it
22:29.33RussI wish my router could do that...
22:30.26Russis that what you have now?
22:30.43Russis that what you are getting?
22:31.22fileit's going to be hidden!
22:31.44filewhy the slap?
22:31.45Russoh, so when your friends come over, they won't see it
22:31.51fileyes yes
22:32.09Russexcept for when they are all using the internet, and it fucks up, and you have to go power cycle it
22:32.36filewhy, familiar with that one? could tie it into a light switch
22:32.47Russand just flip the light switch off and on
22:32.59Russd-links and linksys boxes have really bad tcp stacks....
22:33.09filebut this is a Belkin.
22:33.15Russsame tihng
22:33.27fileoh well, I was over at a friend's house and he had a D-Link
22:33.34fileit handled 5 systems fine
22:34.06Russdude, just setup a linux box, run iptables, get all the nat modules, put dhcpd and dnsmaq on there
22:34.24fileRuss: mmm no.
22:34.52Russthen you can't dcc anything to anyone
22:35.13filethis thing has something so it figures out that kind of stuff, and allows it to work...
22:35.16file(from what I read)
22:35.43RussI really doubt they have a dcc rewrite module, and if they do, its probably not so good from a security standpoint
22:48.28MonMothathere is indeed an iptables DCC module
22:48.33MonMothaip_conntrack_irc and ip_nat_irc
22:48.48MonMothaand it's pretty picky from a security standpoint as to what it allows
22:48.48*** join/#elinux prpplague (
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22:49.13MonMothaprpplague: gotten a chance to work on blob for the webpal yet?
22:49.39prpplagueyep, been tinkering around for the last few days
22:49.52prpplaguegonna start heavily in the next day or so
22:50.15prpplaguegotta go to seattle wed. so i'll be occupied for a week
22:50.23MonMothaI'm actually building a flash programmer now (waaaay to many solder joints to do point to point wiring by hand, but I'm doing it anyway)
22:50.33MonMothaso I should be able to program my flash SIMM
22:50.46prpplagueMonMotha: those are the fun projects :)
22:50.47chouimat|tvhey prpplague
22:50.51prpplaguechouimat|tv: hey
22:50.54MonMothaprpplague: oh yes :)
22:51.00MonMothabasically it's just a crapload of 74574s
22:51.46prpplaguehmmmmmmm, thanks
22:52.06chouimatprpplague: pray and you may get your hands on my collection :)
22:52.39prpplaguechouimat: my soon to be ex is really stickin it to me.... she had all my account frozen last week so no new music for awhile
22:53.17chouimataccept dcc
22:53.33prpplaguedouble thanks
22:53.36chouimatprpplague: forget to give her a check?
22:54.54prpplaguechouimat: no she knows i work alot overseas, she doesn't want me despositing the money in a bahamian account
22:55.12prpplaguechouimat: i'll get it back since she's getting the house and car
22:55.46prpplaguechouimat: just makes it hard to pay for hookers and beer
22:56.12prpplaguechouimat: not to mention cdr's
22:56.15chouimatprpplague: look wait to have the final paper
22:58.25MonMothaI really need to get a halfway decent sound system for my comp
22:58.55prpplagueMonMotha: my pc is my entire audio/tv source for now
22:59.12prpplagueMonMotha: 21" lcd and and entire sound system
22:59.18MonMothawell, I've got decent speakers
22:59.22prpplagueMonMotha: tv video card
22:59.23chouimatMonMotha: I got a nice one on my desk but I really prefer my sound system in the living room ... Therion sound great on 7 speakers
22:59.25MonMothabut my sound card sucks
22:59.37MonMothaof course, MP3s don't do it justice
22:59.48MonMothaall my tracks I rip myself from real CDs are 256kbit+ Vorbis
22:59.55prpplagueas soon as this divorce crap is behind me i'm gonna get me a 9xmedia lcd
23:00.05MonMotha(basically I keep pumping the -q setting up until I can't tell the difference between it and the CD)
23:00.48chouimat-q 7.5?
23:01.03prpplaguethose are the lcd's on sg-1\
23:01.09MonMothayeah, the 9xmedia systems are sweet
23:01.15MonMothachouimat: I usually end up around 8-8.5
23:01.28chouimatprpplague: enjoy the song
23:01.30MonMothabut I'm doing a side by side comparison, on pretty good speakers
23:01.50MonMothaI've got a TV tuner/Radio card too
23:01.55MonMothacheap on tho (WinTV thing)
23:02.09prpplaguechouimat: will do
23:02.12chouimatneed to replace my ATTI TV WONDER VE but that will wait
23:02.22prpplaguehmmm, sweet little brother
23:03.06chouimatok time for another sacrifice to the great gooli-moogli
23:08.37chouimatprpplague: enjoy
23:09.11prpplaguechouimat: will do
23:09.39prpplaguechouimat:  i must say.... you have a greadtly diverse choice in music
23:10.08chouimatprpplague: I know ... that depend of my mood
23:10.30prpplaguechouimat: as mine
23:10.59prpplaguechouimat: are sure your not adopted? lol, i should my brother your pic and he swore it was me
23:11.24chouimatprpplague: for the now Alas fits very well in my mood
23:11.26chouimatprpplague: lol
23:13.03prpplagueam i the only one in here thats servered in the military?
23:13.24mallumprpplague: you servered in the military ?
23:13.36chouimatprpplague: they didn't accept because they were unable to break my spirit
23:14.01prpplaguemallum: ha?
23:14.07prpplaguemallum: four years
23:14.10sorphinprpplague: you mean  the only one dumb enough to? :P
23:14.18prpplaguemallum: i trained with the gerkas
23:14.33prpplaguemallum: assume that fromt the uk you know what they are
23:14.37mallumprpplague: gerkas are hardcore
23:14.48mallumprpplague: really , is that true ?
23:15.11prpplaguemallum: yep, spent 6 months in south america
23:15.30prpplaguemallum: btw, i wimpy compared to the gerkas
23:15.44prpplaguemallum: still, i held my own
23:16.07prpplaguechouimat: an elite group of the uk military
23:16.25chouimatok like the foi2 here
23:16.26mallumprpplague: they carry wierd knives right ?
23:17.13prpplaguemallum: ya standards of the country from where they are from
23:17.29prpplaguemallum: curvered scimatar style dagers
23:18.15prpplaguemallum: imho they are probably the most dangerous military divison on the planet
23:18.53chouimathmmm the complete vonnegut and van vogt in ebook forrmat
23:19.22prpplaguechouimat: i love vonneguts harrison burgeron
23:20.35prpplaguemallum: nice
23:20.53mallumbedtime now
23:20.58prpplaguemallum: i've started planning a 3 week trip to the uk
23:21.05mallumprpplague: cool :-)
23:21.05chouimatprpplague: accpet dcc
23:21.21prpplaguemallum: hope i can make arrangements for a pub meet
23:21.27mallumprpplague: make sure its not second half of aug , first half os sep Im away then
23:21.32mallumprpplague: yeah definetly !
23:21.40prpplaguemallum: will do
23:21.44prpplaguemallum: night
23:21.51prpplaguechouimat: pdb?
23:21.51mallumokey cool g'night
23:22.22chouimatprh: use opie-reader
23:22.37prpplaguechouimat: arg
23:22.40prpplaguechouimat: opie?
23:22.53chouimator any palm doc reader
23:24.14chouimatprpplague: when are you leaving for seattle?
23:25.02prpplaguechouimat: wed.
23:25.08prpplaguechouimat: for 8 days
23:25.15prpplaguechouimat: then to barbados
23:25.31prpplaguechouimat:  and i have to got to st.kitts or honduras not sure which
23:26.00chouimatprpplague: you really want to be far away of your soon-to-be-ex :)
23:26.41Russsoon to be ex?
23:26.50prpplagueRuss: she filed for diveroce
23:27.06Russwhat happen? someone set us up the divorce. :(
23:27.34prpplagueRuss: after she recover from her near death experience she "realized she didn't want to be married to married" any more
23:28.00prpplagueRuss: all your money accounts belong to us
23:28.57prpplagueRuss: let me tell ya
23:29.16prpplagueRuss: did you know about her being sick?
23:29.27Russ"married to married"?
23:29.42prpplagueRuss: sorry tired
23:29.45chouimatlook could be worse she didn't called you david when you had sex with her ....
23:29.54prpplagueRuss: "married to you"
23:30.14Russchouimat: personal experience?
23:30.15prpplaguechouimat: lol, my name is david
23:30.24chouimatRuss: yup ...
23:30.36chouimatprpplague: you bastard :)
23:30.39prpplaguechouimat: lol
23:30.39Russchouimat: maybe she has a thing for prpplague
23:30.54prpplaguechouimat: actually, she had an on going thing with a guy
23:30.56chouimatRuss: maybe bbut that was 3 years ago
23:31.01prpplaguechouimat: i always looked the other way
23:32.03chouimatprpplague: I had the change to get another chick while I was with her ... but I choose to ditch my ex-wfie before going with the new one ... just aa question of being honest with them
23:32.20prpplaguechouimat: same here
23:32.49chouimatprpplague: now I just need a good job ....
23:33.04prpplaguechouimat: ha, i thought you had one?
23:33.11prpplaguechouimat: TI nothing form TI?
23:33.32chouimatprpplague: still no answer .... need to get an interview before
23:34.13prpplaguechouimat: i told tim to withdraw my resume, i felt pretty bad about you guys not havin a job and me via'n for something better
23:35.17chouimatprpplague: and what was tim reacttion? I don't know but I was looking at the local newspaper and man they just want windows zombies
23:35.40prpplaguechouimat: ya, i haven't got a response yet
23:36.06prpplaguechouimat: i dread ending up as a winblows zombie waiting for my friday pay check
23:36.46chouimatI'm reviewing everything OOP,Formal Design,My basic Digital Design textbooks
23:37.22chouimatI just had a condition ... able to keep my  cat the rest iis ok tamales......
23:39.03sorphinprpplague: well, kergoth had a job and was just via'n for somethin better :P
23:40.04prpplaguesorphin: agreed, but he _desired_ something better
23:40.33prpplaguesorphin: i just do POS, kergoth started OZ
23:43.14prpplagueRuss: eh?
23:43.34prpplagueRuss: should we send you a bottle of chapange?
23:45.44Russprpplague: I'm doing the hardware design on an arm based server monitoring board
23:46.20prpplagueRuss: ahh, right you mentioned it to sieve
23:49.26prpplagueRuss: when you get then up and running, i'm sure abcs will be a ready and willing customer
23:50.50chouimatand soon he will bee watching the simpsons
23:50.51prpplaguechouimat: web cam time
23:51.01chouimatprpplague: I don't have any :(
23:53.51chouimatprpplague: the simpsons will do some french bashing tonight
23:54.36prpplaguechouimat: oh ya cool
23:54.51prpplaguechouimat: french is a serious bad word around here right now
23:55.12chouimatprpplague: ok I don't speak french I speak Joual :)
23:55.25prpplaguechouimat: along with the dixie shits
23:55.47chouimatprpplague: they are overrated imho :)
23:56.19prpplaguechouimat: ya well their professional carrier is dead here in the south
23:56.49chouimatprpplague:  ok i speak Quebecer or Canadian :-p
23:57.11prpplaguechouimat|tv: i went to bar thurday and they had a dixie chicks cd destruction party
23:57.55prpplagueman soldier is a great movie
23:57.56chouimat|tvprpplague: that sound like what the PQ did in the last referendum for a local artist
23:58.16Russprpplague: why destroy it when you already bought it
23:58.29Russhow is that in any way related to boycotting
23:59.21Russprpplague: people will forget in a year or two anyway, so it won't matter
23:59.25prpplagueRuss: ya well, i'd never listen to them again, even on a cd i bought
23:59.37prpplagueRuss: trust me, they won't forget it here
23:59.47chouimat|tvprpplague: anyway I don't like them ...
23:59.57prpplagueRuss: you think the linux community is gonna forget what sco has done?

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