irclog2html for #elinux on 20030425

00:00.13sorphinbut she'd eat the other stuff too
00:00.34sorphinTomW`food: it cames w/ a dust cover
00:00.43sorphintho more like just a plastic bag in appearance
00:02.32sorphinTomW`food: according to this sheet
00:02.44sorphinmax height: 14 3/4"
00:02.47sorphinbase size 10x10
00:02.55sorphinboom length 16.5"
00:08.18sorphinTomW: sound good enough? *g*
00:08.31TomWyeah, I use a rude cloth bag with Motorola imprinted on it that I throw over it when it is not done.
00:08.55sorphinTomW: not done ?
00:09.05sorphinand actually too i was talking about the base size
00:16.50sorphinthe guy just mailed me back
00:17.05sorphinflood of sorts:
00:17.07sorphinhis is quite unusual.  We had a really bad winter this year and I know that
00:17.07sorphinduring one of our shipments, there were some delays in the arrival of our
00:17.07sorphingoods because of the winter storm.  When we received this last batch of boom
00:17.07sorphinstands some of our boxes, though dry,  looked like they had been wet earlier
00:17.07sorphinon.  I'm just thinking that this particular box must have experienced water
00:17.14sorphindamage.The water probably soaked into the base and this may have
00:17.14sorphincontributed to the rust.  I'm not sure this is in fact what happend, but
00:17.14sorphinwe'll certainly do everything to correct this situation for you and this is
00:17.14sorphinone of the reasons why we have earned a 100% satisifaction rating.
00:17.43sorphinTomW: here's the 2 options they give me
00:17.45sorphina) we can ship you a replacement base.  You can keep the base that was
00:17.45sorphinoriginally shipped out until the replacement one arrives.  Once that base
00:17.45sorphinarrives, please send it back to us by ground service USPS.  We'll re-imburse
00:17.45sorphinyou for the cost of shipping the base back to us.
00:17.45sorphinb) if the rust isn't too bad, and if it's in a spot where a little bit of
00:17.46sorphintouch up paint will take care of the rust, we can certainly provide you with
00:17.48sorphina discount of $20 if you would like to keep the current base.
00:18.49sorphinbtw, sorry for the flooding everyone
00:21.17sorphinTomW: which would you do?
00:25.06chouimat|awayTomW: the money  order is sent
00:36.04jacqueshi guys
00:43.40chouimatTomW`cigar: can you dcc one here ;)
00:44.00TomW`cigarmmm, ..., no
00:44.26chouimatTomW`cigar: hehe I just meet the new boy friend of my ex-wife :)
00:44.39sorphinTomW`cigar: heh
00:44.47sorphini'm gonna have em replace the base
00:44.52TomW`cigarI have two of these little beauties and I intend on smoking them both tonite.  Sorry  :(
00:45.04sorphinsmoking, yuck
00:45.10chouimatTomW`cigar: port wine?
00:45.16TomW`cigarSmoking good, good smoke.
00:45.33TomW`cigarme smokum cigar, good tom.
00:45.39chouimatjust drank 8 beers and I need to  eat something
00:46.02TomW`cigarnaw, no booze, I had to cut that Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back.
00:46.33TomW`cigarmy doctor gave me a choice, the booze or the cigars...
00:46.47TomW`cigarI don't miss Scotch, much.
00:46.58chouimatTomW`cigar: just spent the 5-7 with the  guy who is fucking my ex-wife .... and I needed something to not laught  in his face
00:48.07chouimatTomW`cigar: exactly will get the money order in 4   to 8 days
00:48.21TomW`cigarex-wives are like farts, they smell bad, offend everyone and you just cannot wait until they go away.
00:48.42chouimatTomW`cigar: I want  my kitchen table back
00:49.04TomW`cigarI want those 6+ years I wasted with that bitch.
00:49.43chouimatTomW`cigar: was married 5 years with  her ..(spend 7 years ....) and I'm only 29 :(
00:49.54TomW`cigarAm I angry about it? Do I wish her a crappy life? naw
00:50.06TomW`cigarjust happy that she went away.
00:50.58TomW`cigarchouimat: BTDT, cheer up, it gets worse.
00:51.00chouimatTomW`cigar: me too but the guy is one of my firend so I don't want him to have the same problems ... but maybe they ment to be togheter
00:51.45chouimatTomW`cigar: I have the choice between a 18 years old chiick or a 28 one (but she 3 kids with  3 different guys)
00:51.56TomW`cigarok, I am not going to talk about my ex, it will spoil the teste of my cigar.  ;)
00:52.31chouimathehe ... I'm ordering a pizza need to eat something
00:52.49TomW`cigarI wonder if I should go the whole route tonite and get some ice cream too?
00:52.55TomW`cigardecisions, decisions...
00:53.02jacquesme hungry now
00:53.21TomW`cigarI'm off, tomorrow I go away on a three day weekend!  Hooray!
00:53.40chouimatTomW`cigar: I'm wondering if I get out tonight ....
00:53.59jacquesi have tomorrow off but no plans
00:54.31chouimatjacques: me too ... I have the next 2 weeks off
00:54.33TomW`cigarI need the weekend off, I need to get away.  I'm afraid I may have pissed a customer off.
00:55.02chouimatTomW`cigar: best paying one or worst paying one?
00:55.41TomW`cigarHe asked me to quote him on something, then a few weeks later (today), I sent him some email about the project.  He told me that he was having one of his inhouse people working on it.  I said "thanks for letting me waste my time researching this".
00:56.36TomW`cigaressentially that is what I said.  Then I took a drive this afternoon...  I should have taken the drive _before_ in drafted the email reply?
00:56.52TomW`cigars/_before in/_before I/
00:56.59TomW`cigaroh well.
00:57.11chouimatTomW`cigar: that sux
00:57.51TomW`cigartrouble with email is that you cannot claim that you were mumbling something else.  :(
00:58.44TomW`cigarchouimat: I was ready to order another computer to use for the project and an Atmel EVB for the AT91M40008 processor.
00:58.44cchouimat|brbI need to go buy some food
00:59.40cchouimat|brbI have the scemaatic for a board with the at90s2313
01:00.07TomW`ice_creamdecision made.
01:00.27cchouimat|brbTomW`ice_cream: me too I'm going to the grocery store ....
01:05.07sorphinTomW`ice_cream: i can see the pins and how
01:15.55chouimatsorphin: blah
01:16.36chouimatkergoth: just got a phone call from a guy in switzerland ... I want to marry my mother
01:17.26chouimatkergoth: my mother is working as a nurse in switzerland and she meet someone las year the guy just called me
01:17.55chouimatkergoth: since I'm the oldestr child he  want my approbation :)
01:18.17sorphinchouimat: ummm work on grammar then :P
01:18.55chouimatsorphin: he speak  french .... he's from Quiebec City but hee live in lausanne since 1963
01:19.41sorphinchouimat: well, you said "i want to marry my mother".. which sounds... bad
01:19.54chouimatsorphin: 8 beers :)
01:20.01sorphinno excuse
01:20.40chouimatsorphin: I ==  he inn french :)
01:28.28MornI wonder if I can do a pivot root with familar easily on the ipaq
01:29.18kergothpivot_root onto what? should work fine
01:29.28Mornonto the cf card
01:29.52Mornsince moving /usr to the CF card didn't work out too well
01:30.10kergothyeah, thatd work
01:30.22MornI have a 256MB CF card
01:30.28Mornseems a waste not to use it
01:30.57fileMorn: mmm... microwave it...
01:31.10MornI don't own a microwave
01:35.57chouimathey file
01:36.04filehey chouimat
01:36.15fileMorn: a microwave is VERY handy
01:36.24filechouimat: how goes your Webpal?
01:37.28chouimatfile: on my dexk
01:37.48filechouimat: interesting, hehe
01:38.38chouimatfile: ordered one ? brb my supper is in the oven ... need to check
01:38.44kergothand... usb-storage strikes again
01:39.19chouimatkergoth: ck4?
01:39.29filechouimat: nah, decided to put the money away for a case and psu for a fileserver for my LAN :)
01:39.55kergothchouimat: yep
01:40.15chouimatfile: ok btw I'm waiting forr my brother who need a flash advance before ordering a gp32 (  I owe him 80 bucks)
01:40.26filechouimat: hehe
01:40.31Mornmy next investment is the next generation server
01:40.43kergoththe next generation server?
01:40.54fileI just need a case and PSU
01:40.54MornI run a public web/shell/mail/etc server
01:41.03MornI'm going to build a new box for the server
01:41.40chouimatMorn: my next investment is in a new girlfriend
01:42.21kergothchouimat: big investment
01:42.37fileI might raid the computer cases in the physics classroom... (they're for my grand project anyway)
01:42.55filecould probably get a few hardrives, use linear or raid0 and make them all one... it could work
01:43.12chouimatkergoth: yup I was married for 5 years .... and after 3 years a guy get bored of 1 night stand :)
01:50.00fileanybody ever mess with distcc?
01:50.25kergothdistcc rocks.
01:54.26chouimatfile doesn't have accept ot the 60 boxes anymore to test distcc
01:58.14*** join/#elinux ibot (ibot@
01:58.14*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || debian-handheld list is up.
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02:01.32*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || debian-handheld list is up.
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02:15.56chouimatbye file
02:47.45*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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06:19.47MartynHey all,
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09:36.05RussDormweatherbot: weather KPHX
09:36.07weatherbotCurrent conditions at Phoenix, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, AZ, United States: It is 18 C (64 F), windspeed is 14.48 km/h, and visibility is 16.09 km. (Information current as of 2003.04.25 0856 UTC).
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12:38.26*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
12:41.43sorphinGPSFan: mornin
12:45.04GPSFansorphin: morning dan, how's the microscope working?
12:59.59sorphinonly messed w/ it a lil last night, i think i'm gonna take his 2nd option and have him send me a new base
13:06.30GPSFansorphin: nice that he offered both options, sounds like he might be one of the "few good sellers". how bad is the rust?
13:10.18sorphinGPSFan: well, it's not *bad* bad, but it's annoying enough, plus the threads on couple of the locking knobs were stripped
13:10.29sorphinwhich sealed it's fate
13:11.00sorphinplys i have a 14 day, complete return deal too anyways, regardless (right of return thing)
13:11.22GPSFansorphin: yeah, stripped threads, would have me shipping it back asap. on a used unit "maybe" on a new unit "NEVER"!
13:12.01sorphini'm almost thinking about the reducer for some times
13:12.04GPSFanhow are the optics?
13:12.07sorphini was trying that thing on the floor
13:12.25sorphindamn 3.75 puts it down low :P *g*
13:13.44GPSFanyep, the diopter is a must IMHO, 3-4" isn't enough working distance for smt work. gotta get your big fat hands & soldering iron, or probes in there.
13:14.25sorphinGPSFan: apparently it's enough for tomw
13:14.30sorphinhe's the one that talked me out of it :P
13:15.57GPSFansorphin: well, I wonder if he has ever used one? I sure like to have room to work.
13:16.26sorphinhe has one
13:17.15sorphinthat's "his" (very extended loan apparently)
13:18.23GPSFanhmm, well ymmv, it took me a few years to find one for my B & L at a price I could afford. while using one at work, kept driving me on to find one. ;>)
13:19.46sorphinwell, i can get a reducer
13:19.48sorphinthat's no prob
13:20.08sorphinGPSFan: i gotta take off (if i can figure out how) the left top optic
13:20.17sorphinlooks like somehow something got in
13:20.43sorphinbbl, gotta leave for work in a min
13:20.59GPSFancu later.
13:21.21GPSFanibot friday
13:21.21Friday sucks, because it should be the weekend, but you're stuck working anyway.
13:50.04*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
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13:51.52GPSFanprpplague: morning
13:52.50prpplaguemorning folks
14:03.35sjhillyay, usb works on my mips board now...helps if you actually use the correct clock frequency
14:04.02prpplaguesjhill: hey hey
14:04.11sjhillhi prpplague
14:04.20sjhillhow goeth the search?
14:04.32prpplaguesjhill: which search? :)
14:06.24prpplaguesjhill: it looks like the server side is gonna be around for awhile so i still have a job for now, its just that i'd rather have something in embedded linux development
14:08.52prpplaguesjhill: i'm hopin that BZFlag can get me in at TI in the omap division
14:09.41sjhilli hope it works out for you
14:10.08sjhillat least you have a job...that's better than being layed off
14:10.13sjhilland having to search
14:10.45Russsearching sucks
14:13.01prpplaguesjhill: agreed
14:14.15CosmicPenguinmorning people
14:18.42*** join/#elinux chouimat (
14:19.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: morning
14:20.51chouimathi sorphin prpplague
14:21.14sorphinchouimat: morning mat
14:24.55sjhillsorphin: hey whipping boy
14:25.11sorphinsjhill: that's lackey to you
14:26.55*** join/#elinux sieve (~klu5ter@
14:27.07sorphini need one of those "I don't work here" shirts :P
14:28.12sievemorning all
14:29.16prpplaguesjhill: whats the trick in getting wince to recognize flash cards?
14:29.38sorphinprpplague: large blunt object
14:29.44sjhillprpplague: what version of wince?
14:29.47prpplaguesjhill: i've got a flash card loaded but can't seem to get this darn vr4181 unit to show up in the explore
14:30.44sjhillprpplague: on the nino, i had to download a wince software patch from philips and onto the nino in order for CF cards to work
14:30.58sjhillprpplague: i suspect the same on the vr4181...dunno'
14:31.08prpplaguesjhill: ok thanks
14:31.13prpplaguesjhill: i'll have a look
14:31.22prpplaguesjhill: where the hell do you find the cd version?
14:33.28sorphinplayed my 1st game on my xbox last nigher.. man that controller is annoying to use
14:33.45sjhillprpplague: cd version of what?
14:33.54sjhillprpplague: oh
14:34.18sjhillprpplague: you want a wince cdrom? did you not get one with your unit?
14:34.52prpplaguesjhill: negative, i've already contacted the supplier, they are shipping a complete sdk
14:35.21sjhillif that doesn't pan out, i can rip you a copy of the wince cdrom
14:35.40CosmicPenguinAnyone here using opie?
14:35.55prpplaguesjhill: i think i'm about to get into one of those really geeky modes for the next few months :)
14:35.56sjhillyou can also get version wince 2.2 services from my ftp site ->
14:36.25prpplaguesjhill: ahh thanks
14:36.31sjhillfsck M$
14:36.37prpplaguesjhill: lol
14:37.04prpplaguesjhill: did you hear me talking about this symbol unit yesterday?
14:37.36prpplaguesjhill: it has an internal switch connected to a gpio, if you open the cover it wipes the flash
14:38.19sjhilloh that's cute
14:38.38Russprpplague: kill the battery
14:39.19prpplagueRuss: it has an internal backup battery
14:39.32prpplagueRuss: but after i got it open i disconnect it
14:41.55prpplaguesjhill: mmmmmm, shame on you! you have decss on your web page..........
14:42.54prpplaguesjhill: nice collection of docs
14:43.27*** join/#elinux Russ (~russ@
14:44.45sjhillit's going to get even better
14:44.50sjhilli have about 200mb more to upload
14:48.17prpplaguesjhill: i really need to get my pages in order
14:48.33prpplaguesjhill: i have
14:48.55prpplaguesjhill: i'd like to post alot of howto and info docs, just can't ever seem to find the time
14:55.01sorphineverything never wanted to know about mips and were definately afraid to ask, by Steven J Hill
15:04.12sjhillbe afraid, be very afraid just sent me a duplicate email from 3 weeks ago
15:06.54Russthat might be a bad sign
15:06.58sorphinsjhill: and of course we can't forget your new phone #, 1-900-mips4j00
15:07.10sorphinRuss: hmm
15:07.34sjhillthat reminds me, megatokyo
15:08.43RussI need caffine
15:08.52RussI'm going to go refill my 64 oz'r
15:10.05sjhillone of my favorite strips
15:11.21sorphini dun get todays
15:12.16sorphinlo chris
15:12.32sjhillword up kergoth
15:15.05Russis megatokoyo ECN disabled or something?
15:15.17Russwait, there it goes
15:15.41sjhillRuss: it takes a while
15:26.49sjhilli saw that earlier this week....that is so Wally
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15:30.03chouimathmmmmm I really need coffeee
15:30.36*** join/#elinux Error403 (
15:32.29Error403Hello, I'm using a Tuxscreen (or at least trying to use it) and I have a uclibc development image for arm on an NFS mount. I've managed to successfully set it all up and pivot_root, but when I get a shell in the new root I always get "reading directory .: invalid argument". Ideas? :/
15:33.11Error403Research on google turns up very very little (only 1 thread), but no answers
15:38.59Russwhere does "reading directory" come from?
15:40.23Error403any directory
15:40.46Error403executing commands works
15:43.11prpplaguechouimat: 6809? not familiar with that one
15:43.41chouimatprpplague: Motorola 6809 (8bits) used in the Tandy Color Computer
15:44.12prpplaguechouimat: ahh
15:45.03chouimatprpplague: and I like the os on that thing .... OS-9, multitasking, gui etc ...
15:46.04RussI mean what binary
15:46.19RussI've coded for the 6809
15:46.54chouimatRuss: I have a working one here ..... man I miss that zaxxon game ...
15:47.35Error403Russ: 'ls' using the uclibc arm development image
15:49.05Russis ls part of busybox?
15:51.00Error403No, it's gnu core utils, but when I try to use busybox's 'ls' it doesn't list anything (where there should be plenty) and it also gives no error message
15:52.48Russ"And a Federal Aviation Administration spokesman says there's no specific prohibition against flying naked."
15:53.05Russdid you grep the ls source for "reading directory"?
15:53.13Error403Er, no
15:53.49Error403I suppose I could go that route, but I just wanted to see if any of you have seen that before
15:53.52Error403kergoth? :)
15:54.05RussI think you woke him up
15:55.09sorphinit's impossible to wake kergoth up w/o a caffeine dart or 50
15:57.33kergothibot: friday
15:57.34Friday sucks, because it should be the weekend, but you're stuck working anyway.
15:59.01CosmicPenguingrrr... how do you recover when the apm suspends the Z?
15:59.23Error403so... meanwhile when I download the source to coreutils.. anyone ever get opie running on the Tux? That's what I'm trying to accomplish now, I'm pretty far... just need to make a cross compile for opie itself
15:59.43Error403CosmicPenguin: Turn it back on (using Cancel)
16:00.01CosmicPenguinuh - sorry
16:00.38CosmicPenguinNo - sorry, because this POS doesn't work
16:00.39kergothCosmicPenguin: in console, automatic suspend, the Z will never awaken. bug in the apm subsystem in lineo's kernel
16:00.46CosmicPenguinkergoth: ahh...  
16:00.47kergothCosmicPenguin: suspend with apm -s, and it'll awaken. or kill apmd.
16:00.57CosmicPenguinkergoth: I was in graphical mode though
16:00.59CosmicPenguinkergoth: same issue?
16:01.01kergothCosmicPenguin: but of course killing apmd means you lose the ability to run suspend/resume scripts, which is fairly useful
16:01.09kergothif you're in Opie, it runs apm -s to suspend
16:01.12kergoththen you shoudlnt see the issue
16:01.31CosmicPenguinkergoth: it just happened for some strange reason
16:01.45CosmicPenguinkergoth: which key resumes then?  
16:01.57Error403kergoth: Sorry to pester, but do you have any idea about my error (besides myself ;) )
16:01.59kergothsame as sharp
16:02.17kergothError403: not off the top of my head, go with russ' suggestion and read the code
16:03.15Error403This embedded stuff gives me warm fuzzies for some reason
16:03.33kergothjoin the club
16:03.40kergothbrb, coffee
16:03.57sorphinkergoth: i thought caffeine gave you warm fuzzies, chris :P
16:04.51chouimatwarm fuzzle?
16:05.38sorphinchouimat: warm fuzzy feeling
16:05.49kergothsorphin: that too
16:06.16Russthe 4.3 mouse cursor gives me warm fuzzies
16:07.02sorphinRuss: eh?
16:07.38Error403Russ: I like redglass myself :)
16:08.53sjhillpersonally i like whitezinfandelglass, but that's just me
16:09.10Error403Ok, well, there's only one instance of my error message in the core utils and the code around that error message clearly states that even if there is someother error that it prints all of the files it read, but I get NO entries from ls.
16:09.13Error403this is really not good :/
16:09.30RussI would take a screenshot, but pointers don't show up in screenshots
16:09.49Russso what causes the error though
16:10.33Error403well, what causes the error message is ls' is unable to close the directory it just read
16:11.04Russclose returns -EINVAL?
16:11.04Error403or that the dirp pointer (used throughout all of the code) some where becomes null
16:11.16Error403I don't believe
16:11.41RussCLOSEDIR is giving -EINVAL
16:12.05Russmight check if dirp is null
16:12.23Error403I'll do a gdb and check the pointers
16:12.27chouimatok time to emerge gimp
16:12.36Russchouimat: ew
16:12.49sorphinchouimat: you are a gimp :P
16:13.00Russno, he's just OCD
16:13.01chouimat~lart sorphin
16:13.08chouimatRuss: ?
16:13.44sorphinchouimat: my name isn't natalie portman, so hot grits don't affect me :P
16:13.58RussI hear he compiles *everything* from source rather than using precompiled binaries
16:14.15Error403Russ: People who are bored do that ;)
16:14.24Error403Russ: People who do that are bored do that ;)
16:14.32sorphinError403: s/bored/masochistic/
16:14.38Error403I can't type today
16:14.47Error403sorphin: either one ;)
16:14.50chouimatsorphin: nah! that just my BSD background
16:15.15sorphinchouimat: go worship celine ya freak :P
16:15.34chouimatsorphin: that joke is old
16:15.42sorphinchouimat: what joke? :P
16:16.15chouimatsorphin: the one about Celine Dion
16:16.22*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
16:16.22*** mode/#eLinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
16:16.27sorphinchouimat: i wasn't joking, that's the point
16:16.34sorphinTimRiker: morning timmy
16:18.17Error403argh, I can't use gdb because it can't find ls.c which in RIGHT THERE
16:18.56Error403TimRiker: Hello mr tuxscreen. Have a question for you :)
16:19.09sorphinTimRiker: here's your daily prod for the DCT digging ;)
16:19.32sorphinok, maybe not daily ;)
16:19.35Error403TimRiker: I'm using a Tuxscreen (or at least trying to use it) and I have a uclibc development image for arm on an NFS mount. I've managed to successfully set it all up and pivot_root, but when I get a shell in the new root I always get "reading directory .: invalid argument". Ideas?
16:19.59chouimatsorphin: no news on that front?
16:20.18sorphinchouimat: that's why i was prodding tim, he's the one w/ the magic stuff :P
16:20.28TimRikerError403: if you cd someplace does it go away?
16:20.55Error403TimRiker: No
16:23.26chouimatsorphin: ok
16:23.29TimRikerError403: wierd. I've run pivot_root uclibc images and not seen that.
16:23.51TimRikertry a different uclibc release and bug andersee if that fixes it. ;-)
16:24.15Error403ugh, that's a LOT of work :/
16:24.46Error403TimRiker: Does it matter that the initial root of the tuxscreen was a different libc (the one from v0.6 tuxscreen release)?
16:24.47TimRikeryou do have a buildroot script to rebuild it all, right? ;-)
16:25.14Error403TimRiker: Hell no ;) I just used the arm image from the uclibc site
16:25.51sorphinError403: proly why then :P
16:26.45TimRikerError403: why not start with the TuxScreen buildroot then?
16:27.18Error403TimRiker: I want my root to be on a NFS mount so I can fill 'er up
16:28.44TimRikerJust copy a tux buildroot over to nfs, and pivot_root there.
16:28.55TimRikerthen add whatever you want. I've done that often.
16:29.38Error403That's a good idea, I just wanted to avoid the whole compile EVERYTHING that comes along with buildroot. I'll bite the bullet
16:30.19Error403I think KDE development made me bitter about compiling anything (since it takes so long to compile anything from KDE because of its enormous inheretence tree)
16:35.52Error403Does buildroot have a menuconfig system of some sort?
16:36.36kergothThe OZ buildroot does, and has a tux kernel build, but its never been tested. the tuxscreen buildroot doesnt, but is tested :)
16:36.43prpplagueError403: the old buildroot doesn't
16:36.52prpplagueError403: but OE/OZ does
16:37.06prpplaguekergoth: your too fast
16:37.10Error403I'll pass on an untested kernel, thanks ;)
16:37.17kergothparty pooper
16:37.31chouimatnothing like that album when debugging
16:40.52Error403Bah, tuxscreen doesn't have 2.4.20 yet ;)
16:40.58Error403Not like it matters, I'm sure
16:41.58Russdoes 2.4.20-rmk1 exist?
16:45.23Error403So do I have to specify my cross compiler before running make in buildroot?
16:45.33Error403it's just arm-linux-g* and it's in my path
16:48.06TimRikerError403: with the old build root just do a make to get the base stuff, then a "make tinyx" etc to get the add ons.
16:48.29TimRikerit will build a working 3.x cross compiler.
16:49.22Error403I don't think 3.x is good idea for what I'm doing, so I specified true for gcc-2.95 in the makefile
16:49.40Error403C++ is larger and slower on GCC 3.x
16:49.53kergothand prelinkable
16:50.22Error403but prelink is hacky and anoying when you have to run it (almost) everytime you install a new lib
16:50.30kergothnature of the beast.
16:50.31*** join/#elinux gatofisch (
16:50.36Error403and you have to make sure everything you compile has -fPIC
16:50.49kergothyou should be doing that anyway
16:51.01Error403So.. buildroot's milk is using my i386 gcc... what's wrong?
16:51.20Error403make, that is
16:51.36Error403I heard milk on the radio, and I typed milk
16:52.52Error403yes, I need caffiene, I'm out of soda
16:52.55Error403I hate coffee
16:53.34Error403kergoth: ok... so why isn't buildroot using my cross compiler?
16:53.59kergothhey dont ask me, i havent touched the tuxscreen buildroot in like a year
16:54.47Error403TimRiker? :)
16:55.30Error403I wish these buildroots used a damn autoconf/libtool configure so I can molest it easier
16:56.08kergothauto* and libtool are evil
16:56.12kergothEVIL i say!
16:56.19sieveempire had the better ending
16:56.22Error403yes, yes they are
16:56.51Error403Tim, Tim, TIM!@#? hehe
16:57.04kergothTimRiker: run1
16:57.22CosmicPenguinWhew - that rotated touchscreen tossed me for a loop
16:57.38CosmicPenguinAnd now I probably broke the Ipaq calibration... :(
16:57.49Error403TimRiker: yes, ph34r me ;)
16:58.09kergothCosmicPenguin: please tell me ipaq calibration isnt in kernel
16:58.30CosmicPenguinkergoth: its supposed to be - but really, you can do user land calibration by just reading the raw, right... :)
16:58.39CosmicPenguinIt only calibrates in kernel if you ask it to
16:59.46Error403oh, duh
16:59.52Error403I export CC and CXX
16:59.54Error403I think
17:00.30Error403no, that didn't do anything
17:05.13Error403Hmm, I suppose binutils would probably need to be compiled for the system building it first
17:22.44CosmicPenguinkergoth: so, technically, you could switch between VTs on the Z, right?
17:23.11sorphinprpplague: k ?
17:23.23kergothCosmicPenguin: yup
17:23.29CosmicPenguinkergoth: whats the key combination
17:23.42kergothCosmicPenguin: there isnt one bound to it in the default keymap
17:23.47kergotheither add one, or use chvt & friends
17:23.56kergothat least, in console and opie it isnt boudn to anything
17:25.55prpplaguesorphin: POS job :)
17:26.37sorphinprpplague: not on this page there isn't ;)
17:27.19sorphinprpplague: heh, "NEW! Find hundreds of Security Clearance jobs on Dice now!"
17:27.44prpplaguesorphin: doh, sorry
17:27.57prpplaguesorphin: frellin frames
17:28.01sorphinprpplague: you sent me to the search page ;)
17:28.16sorphindamn POS lover ;)
17:36.07sorphini dunno, depends on if you go in a restaurant tonight :P
17:36.36kergothyou're so helpful
17:36.54chouimatkergoth: yup ....
17:37.28CosmicPenguinI normally hold it in until I get back from the restaurant... :)
17:37.48prpplaguesjhill: ha, timesys has a few job openings :)
17:37.50Russwhy do the ATA docs read like biblical scripture?
17:38.07sorphinRuss: if you actually have to ask..
17:38.14prpplagueRuss: "in the beginning...."
17:38.17sorphinprpplague: is one of them sjhill's?
17:38.28chouimatRuss: because it need an act of faith to get that workingg correctly
17:38.33sorphinprpplague: in the beginning, there was MFM
17:38.36CosmicPenguinRuss: and 'lo the bit went forth unto the bus
17:38.43Russ"If the device requires to extend the host transfer cycle time at PIO modes 3 and above, the device shall utilize IORDY. Hosts that use PIO modes 3 and above shall support IORDY"
17:38.53prpplagueRuss: "mfm beget rll and rll beget ata...."
17:39.17chouimatand some turned to the scsi heresyy
17:39.28prpplagueRuss: your right it does sound a little religious
17:39.36Error403mmmmm, went to subway and I got a sub and 32oz of pure goodness (aka mountain dew)
17:39.46sorphinError403: ok jared :P
17:39.49RussI should go to cheba hut today
17:40.22Error403the stupid subway guy
17:40.28sorphin~fishslap sjhill
17:40.29ACTION slaps sjhill up side the head with a wet fish.
17:40.30Error403I think they fired him
17:40.40chouimatI will go to " Chez Ashton" to eat a nice poutine and roastbeef sandwich ...
17:40.44sorphinsjhill: i see you having fish 1st, mipswhore
17:40.55sorphinchou; frenchy
17:41.15chouimatsorphin: or I go eat  a kebab ... still don't know
17:41.25sorphinthat's not french :P
17:41.41chouimatsorphin: I knwo
17:42.45Russhe takes those pants freakin everywhere
17:43.09chouimatRuss: that don't work .... I took 35lbs after eating for 5 months at subways ....
17:43.19sorphinprpplague: heh, here's one for you:
17:43.37sorphina hot female electrician ;)
17:43.52Russchouimat: which subs did you eat
17:44.15Russdo you think she could dress chouimat?
17:44.15prpplaguesorphin: cute
17:44.18chouimatRuss: steak & cheese
17:44.21Russyou should send and email and ask
17:44.23Russchouimat: thats why
17:44.28sorphinprpplague: taller than me :P
17:44.34Error403chouimat: Hey, I have that ;)
17:44.45Russ50% of femails are taller than me, 50% shorter I think
17:44.55Error403Russ: I lost weight eating that sub ;)
17:44.55Russ"good cook"
17:44.58chouimatError403: :)
17:45.04chouimatsorphin: very very nice
17:45.06Russnothing about fasion though
17:45.33sorphinRuss: i'm 5'11" tho
17:45.49sorphinso she has an inch on me
17:47.36chouimatsorphin: is that a problem?
17:47.51sorphinchouimat: i prefer shorter
17:47.55prpplaguesorphin: and me as well
17:48.02sorphinmy last ex was 5'10".. it was pushing it
17:48.26sorphinsarah's 5'7", so safe there
17:48.45chouimatsorphin: one of my friend is 6'3" (375lbs) and his new gf is 5'2" (275lbs)
17:49.33kergothheh. i'm 5'8", 170
17:49.41Error403sorphin: How tall are you? Or do you just have a fetish for short women?
17:49.51sorphinkergoth: i used to be 165 :P
17:49.58sorphinError403: i already said, i'm 5'11"
17:49.58CosmicPenguinprpplague: the Z has been pixiled
17:50.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: cool
17:50.04sorphinCosmicPenguin: YAY
17:50.09prpplaguesorphin: check out this one -
17:50.10kergothsorphin: i been slackin.. havent worked out in months :\
17:50.24CosmicPenguinprpplague: I still gotta do the power management and stuff though
17:50.29prpplaguesorphin: check out the line about targeting linux customers
17:50.54Error403sorphin: Do you have a control problem? ;)
17:51.03sorphinprpplague:  Specific J2EE or Linux expertise.
17:51.22sorphinError403: do you have a /kb problem? :P
17:51.34sorphinError403: and that doesn't mean keyboard ;)
17:51.36RussI prefer equal hieght, maybe a half inch sharter, because of the shoes
17:51.46sjhillsorphin: never ask a woman her weight....
17:51.53prpplaguesjhill: or iq
17:51.58CosmicPenguinWhen was it that soembody got the bright idea of calling salesmen evanglists?
17:52.04sorphinsjhill: i haven't :P i was just saying, she's never told me
17:52.13Error403sorphin: No, but I'm just interested in mental disorders since I'm studying to be a psychiatrist
17:52.17sorphinCosmicPenguin: i dunno.. tivo used ot do that too
17:52.25sorphinError403: go lay on a couch
17:52.30CosmicPenguinsorphin: I was a a UG the other day, and they used the word there too
17:52.35sjhillprpplague: no, all you have to do is ask "What does IQ stand for?" if she pauses, you don't need to ask anything further
17:52.58sjhilloh great, we have a shrink on irc...
17:53.07Error403sorphin: No thanks, I'm not a neo Freudian
17:53.12sorphinCosmicPenguin: i've heard "linux evangelist".. makes me shiver in fear
17:53.13chouimatsjhill: hehe
17:53.16sorphinCosmicPenguin: speaking of which
17:53.23sorphinbout 1.5 miles from my house
17:53.27sorphinguess what's there
17:53.37sorphin"Gateway College of Evangelism"
17:53.40sorphinwhat a joke
17:54.06sorphinError403: "how do you feel, about your mother?" :P
17:54.20CosmicPenguinsorphin: careful - Error403 is really an elizabot
17:54.34sorphinCosmicPenguin: a poorly written one at that
17:54.41CosmicPenguinsorphin: prolly Java
17:54.52sorphinCosmicPenguin: greg gave the OK yet?
17:54.54Error403sorphin: That's a congnitive question ;)
17:55.04Error403elizabot, riiight
17:55.10sorphin~cluebat Error403
17:55.15ACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps Error403.
17:55.16CosmicPenguinsorphin: for binaries, or for source?
17:55.22chouimatibot emulate kergoth
17:55.23ACTION mutters about buildsystems and tells people to RTFM.
17:55.27sorphinCosmicPenguin: either or both
17:55.36sorphinibot: emulate chouimat
17:55.37ulyx lart georges
17:56.08sorphin~bitchslap error403
17:56.09ACTION beats the sh*t out of error403
17:56.30sorphinanalyze that :P
17:57.05sorphin~emulate cosmicpenguin
17:57.08Error403repressed anger ;)
17:57.24sorphinError403: oh, i don't repress, trust me ;)
17:57.56Error403Right, you used to (you used to stuff it), now it comes out full force :)
17:58.15Error403ok, I'll stop
17:58.21sorphintry again
17:58.28sjhillibot emulate sjhill
17:58.29sjhill: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?
17:58.40Error403gcc 3.2 is f'ing huge
17:58.47Error403sorphin: Sexual abuse? ;)
17:58.48sjhilland slow
17:58.55sorphinibot: emulate sjhill is mips mips mips everywhere!
17:58.56okay, sorphin
17:59.03sjhillibot emulate sjhill
17:59.04it has been said that emulate sjhill is mips mips mips everywhere!
17:59.11kergothibot: emulate kergoth
17:59.12ACTION mutters about buildsystems and tells people to RTFM.
17:59.35sorphinError403: how'd you like to be removed from the channel? ;)
18:00.32Error403sorphin: Pfft, just making conversation while my builtroot downloads this enormous gcc
18:00.50sorphinError403: well, i don't like your last inference :P
18:01.18Error403sorphin: 'twas a joke
18:01.24CosmicPenguinkergoth: I assume that all the keys are delivered in the normal manner through tty, right?
18:01.32sorphinError403: try childhood trauma coupled with much childhood teasing
18:01.40CosmicPenguinThe 'HOME' key doesn't have a secret device or anything scary?
18:01.43sjhillCosmicPenguin: keys through tty?
18:01.49CosmicPenguinsjhill: buttons
18:01.53kergothCosmicPenguin: nope, they're normal keycodes
18:01.56CosmicPenguinsjhill: my brain is broken
18:01.59CosmicPenguinkergoth: sweet
18:02.05kergothCosmicPenguin: note that fn+key keymappings are in kernel, cant be remapped via normal means
18:02.10sorphinCosmicPenguin:obviously, since i said 'either or both' ;)
18:02.21kergothCosmicPenguin: need to use the sharp_kbdctl device to check the status of such 'special' modifiers
18:02.23CosmicPenguinkergoth: thats fine - I just want the scan codes, I'll remap them in MW anyway
18:02.27sjhillyes, today feels like a good day to go postal
18:02.28kergoththanks sharp/lineo for extra propriatary bullshit
18:02.34Error403sorphin: Well, I'm not downplaying your past, like I said, stupid conversation. Lets just drop it.
18:02.38CosmicPenguinkergoth: what do you mean by secial modifiers?
18:02.54kergothis a modifier
18:03.01CosmicPenguinah - I see
18:03.01Error403kergoth: Speaking of which, any news on when you can release OZ with the SD driver?
18:03.02sorphinCosmicPenguin: freudian slip?
18:03.04kergothnonstandard, not handled in keyboard.c like ctrl, alt, shift, altgr
18:03.13kergothError403: no news.
18:03.31CosmicPenguinOk - I guess thats alright - normally you would only care about the key and not if FN was pressed or not
18:03.35sorphinError403: he has to finish cleaning it up 1st ;)
18:03.41Error403kergoth: So much for sharp's "openness", if they ever had it.
18:03.52sorphinsharp? open?
18:03.55Error403sorphin: Oh, I thought kergoth just got the binary
18:04.00kergothError403: i did
18:04.01Error403sorphin: They pretend
18:04.02sorphinthat's like saying Broadcom is Open
18:04.13sorphinsjhill: ;)
18:04.14kergothError403: but hte rest of the 2.4.19 tree needs a few finishing touches
18:04.58Error403sorphin: I used to be a Qt/E developer for a while and they invited me to the symposium they had a year and a half ago... it was sick how much BS they were feeding us.
18:05.06Error403they being Sharp
18:05.16sorphinError403: sounds about right
18:05.29sorphinError403: the only thing sharp about sharp
18:05.35sorphinis the knife they stick in your back ;)
18:06.05Error403The only thing I found enjoyable was the one block I was chain to from the Hyatt
18:07.18Error403Oh, and the fact that Trolltech put a screenshot of my checking application (the chart specifically) into their presentation slides
18:07.30Error403I still enphasize that TT rocks
18:07.49sorphin~emulate sjhill
18:07.50mips mips, I love mips, give me mips!
18:07.52CosmicPenguinsorphin: just let it go, man
18:08.12sorphinCosmicPenguin: eh?
18:08.19Error403T - 5 minutes
18:08.25sorphinCosmicPenguin: i'm still waiting for an answer :P
18:08.33CosmicPenguinsorphin: I thought you were going to say something about Error403's comment about TT
18:08.56CosmicPenguinsorphin: so am I, so am I
18:09.01sorphinCosmicPenguin: ah
18:09.16Error403CosmicPenguin: Are you bitter about the Qtopia project?
18:09.17sorphinCosmicPenguin: and i wans't gonna say anything about TT
18:09.53sorphinCosmicPenguin: some things are better left unsaid ;)
18:09.58CosmicPenguinsorphin: amen
18:10.32sorphinCosmicPenguin: so when the hell's your bachelor party?
18:10.36Error403I wanna know what you think of them :)
18:10.49CosmicPenguinsorphin: coming up here shortly - probably on the 17th
18:10.53sorphinError403: "I exercise my 5th amendment right"
18:10.57kergothTT's library work is great
18:11.02kergothTT's apps all suck horribly
18:11.15kergothcourse, qtopia is an exception, its libqpe library sucks too
18:11.32kergoth~kill sorphin
18:11.33ACTION slits sorphin's throat
18:11.38sorphinkergoth: some things are better left alone chris ;)
18:11.41kergoth: thanks
18:11.45Error403kergoth: Yeah, Sharp forced Trolltech to come up with something way too quickly
18:11.47CosmicPenguinsorphin: everyone wants to escape to Vegas - but the last time that happened, we spent 6 grand
18:11.56sorphinCosmicPenguin: ouch
18:12.06CosmicPenguinError403: hardly, Qtopia had been in the works long before Sharp came along
18:12.31Error403CosmicPenguin: I know, but Sharp put way too much pressure on them when they negotiated
18:12.33kergothheh, ipaq users were even running it
18:12.42kergothlibqpe sucked then
18:12.44kergothit sucks more now
18:12.55sorphinkergoth: it sucks like a $2 hooker?
18:13.08CosmicPenguinsorphin: and not as satisfying
18:13.23sorphinCosmicPenguin: i won't even ask how you know that, jc ;)
18:13.33kergothalso, the qt/e device specific stuff is hackish at best
18:13.33CosmicPenguinsorphin: I'm guessing of course
18:13.40kergothkeyboard handling, ts handling, et cetera
18:13.48sorphinCosmicPenguin: uh huh... so that's what you did in vegas huh? :P
18:14.03CosmicPenguinsorphin: nah - not us
18:14.30CosmicPenguinsorphin: we were more of the liquor and stripper types
18:14.59sorphinCosmicPenguin: well, i've heard some strippers....
18:16.00prpplaguekergoth: so.....what is the latest on sharp's z linux ppl?
18:16.12kergothprpplague: what z linux ppl?
18:16.14kergothprpplague: heheh
18:16.16prpplaguekergoth: they give the axe to the ppl left?
18:16.22kergoththe only people at sharp us, afaik, is spencer
18:16.29kergothin this pda shit anyway
18:16.41prpplaguekergoth: fun
18:16.50CosmicPenguinIs Motorola still supporting Embeddix?
18:17.03prpplaguekergoth: kinda sounds like sharp isn't too happy with sales
18:17.52kergothprpplague: sounds like sharp realized they dropped the ball on this
18:18.02Error403kergoth: What about the International Sharp embedded locations?
18:18.15Error403kergoth: They were always larger than the US operation
18:18.19kergothError403: dont know anything about sharp germany or others
18:18.26kergothError403: sharp japan appears intact, i work with them fairly often
18:19.01Error403Couldn't remember if it was Japan or not.. hmm
18:19.23CosmicPenguinkergoth: home key is mapped as sysreq, right?  It won't generate a scancode?
18:19.50kergothCosmicPenguin: its interpreted as sysrq, but stillg enerates a scancode, and therefore a keycode
18:19.59kergothCosmicPenguin: does MW open the keyboard in mediumraw or raw mode?
18:20.19CosmicPenguinkergoth: medium raw
18:20.45kergoththen you're looking at keycodes, not scancodes
18:20.55kergothjust unmapped
18:21.00kergothi need more caffeine
18:21.30kergothhmm, /me heads to grab a sandwich and a cafe mocha at a nearby coffee shop
18:21.34Error403the Zaurus' IR port isn't capable of more than like 5 feet, right?
18:21.43Error403I wish it was crazy powerful, use it as a remote
18:23.32prpplaguekergoth`lunch: dropped the ball as in not getting more linux community support?
18:24.10sorphinprpplague: among other things
18:24.15Error403prpplague: I'm not sure how he feels about that, but that's what I think happened
18:24.19sorphinCosmicPenguin: i prefer medium well ;)
18:24.40sorphinor well done depending on the cook
18:24.49Error403prpplague: They pretended to be open about everything, but when you wanted something they valued greatly, they wouldn't even talk about it
18:24.49CosmicPenguinsorphin: you're a barrel of laughs
18:24.56prpplaguesorphin / Error403 : agreed
18:25.24prpplaguei think Russ always calls it the asian black hole: source goes in but never comes out
18:25.34sorphinprpplague: cute
18:26.23prpplaguei've had hell with the koreans
18:26.23sorphinprpplague: source goes in the water, sharp in the water....
18:26.32prpplaguegmate was aweful about code
18:27.12prpplaguegmate had a great handheld with the ydk-1000, but their linux community support just plain sucked
18:28.04prpplagueanyone ever get the count on the number of z's hsn sold last month?
18:28.38Error403prpplague: From what I heard the Z was 6th runner in PDA sales
18:28.55prpplaguechouimat|nap: the yopy pda
18:29.00sorphinprpplague: ya know
18:29.01chouimat|napok ...
18:29.08sorphinprpplague: i looked at theirs
18:29.11prpplagueError403: on hsn? or in general?
18:29.15sorphinprpplague: the pricetag turned me off
18:29.17chouimat|napok back to my book
18:29.19Error403prpplague: general
18:29.23prpplaguesorphin: ya it was pricy
18:29.41CosmicPenguinWe all know Palm is #1
18:29.44sorphinprpplague: speaking of prices+embedded
18:29.50prpplaguesorphin: ?
18:29.51sorphinprpplague: where's that hackkit? :P
18:29.53CosmicPenguinDoes Handspring count as #2?
18:30.03prpplaguesorphin: dead and burried :(
18:30.08sorphinCosmicPenguin: i'd take a handspring over Palm
18:30.12sorphinprpplague: DOh..
18:30.12chouimat|readingprpplague: that sux
18:30.17sorphinprpplague: seriously?
18:30.17CosmicPenguinsorphin: I dunno - my mom's handspring sucks
18:30.30Error403IMO PalmOS sucks in the non-technical way
18:30.40sorphinCosmicPenguin: maybe she's too old to be doing handsprings?
18:30.42prpplaguesorphin: the medical bills, divorce, and my job in question, i've decided to hold off
18:30.47sorphinCosmicPenguin: they are tricky to do
18:30.57CosmicPenguinError403: PalmOS is a hundred times more popular than QT/E - there has to be a reason why
18:31.02sorphinprpplague: good things never get a chance
18:31.09prpplaguesorphin: yep
18:31.17CosmicPenguinsorphin:  true that - of course, my palm has always been my best friend, so what do I know?
18:31.25Error403CosmicPenguin: Well, a lot of PDAs use it
18:31.33prpplaguesorphin: i can't seem to convince anyone that it'd be a big seller
18:31.41Error403CosmicPenguin: And PalmOS' developer relations is good
18:31.53sorphinCosmicPenguin: um... not going there
18:32.01CosmicPenguinsorphin: I'm glad you got the joke... :)
18:32.06CosmicPenguinsorphin: I was worried for a second
18:32.16prpplaguesorphin: on the other hand, seems ppl have no problems convincing upper management that "digital picture frames" will be a big seller :(
18:32.22Error403CosmicPenguin: I think that the Zaurus would have been more successful if Sharp made sure not to advertise it as the "linux PDA"
18:32.27sorphinprpplague: which reminds me
18:32.39sorphinhaven't done anything w/ it yet
18:32.45sorphinother than opened it up
18:32.51CosmicPenguinError403: the problem that we all have when developing PDA software is that we don't like of it like an handheld
18:32.53prpplaguesorphin: rumor has it that someone has linix booting
18:33.14CosmicPenguinPalm is the only company that doesn't develop its code like a HH is a tiny desktop - and thats why they are successful
18:33.18Error403CosmicPenguin: Every store selling it knew it was the "Linux PDA" and the Windows-loving sales men would just say "Oh, that the *Linux* PDA, you don't want that. Take a look at this pretty PocketPC or Palm."
18:33.37prpplagueError403: yep
18:33.46prpplagueError403: i had that happen to me at worstbuy
18:33.49CosmicPenguinNo - I doubt it - nobody cares what the OS is
18:34.03Error403prpplague: Yup, I had many friends report that to me
18:34.12CosmicPenguinReally - its about the presentation - PocketPC and QT make like you have a cute little 240x320 desktop, and thats not hte way it work
18:34.20CosmicPenguinPalm uses 16 colors and simple widgets, and they rule
18:34.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: we've always had the same mind on the pda environment, but it seems we are a minority
18:34.59Error403CosmicPenguin: The person buying doesn't, but the sales person creates bias by rejecting the Z as a candidate. Anyone that needs a sales person to help them buy a PDA is going to take the advice of the sales person
18:35.24CosmicPenguinError403: accept it - the Z environment isn't what the consumer wants
18:35.46prpplaguesorphin: tomw was interested in using the hackkit core for a project so, there might be hope down the road
18:35.48Error403Really? I think it was a very nice environment. My friends loved it
18:35.59Error403Hell, my mom loved it
18:36.04sorphinprpplague: i'd still wnt one of those kodak frames
18:36.06Error403she asked me if I could buy her one
18:36.12Error403I just laughed ;)
18:36.19prpplagueError403: ek! are you serious?
18:36.35prpplagueError403: i found the opie/qt environment totally un-usable
18:37.01prpplagueError403: i went back to my x/gpe/fltk hybrid
18:37.12sorphinprpplague: least the kodak one could load pics w/o having to dial the hell in :P
18:37.23prpplaguesorphin: yeo
18:37.36Error403prpplague: Anyone using such a hybrid is a computer hacker (in the code/compile sense)
18:38.02sorphinError403: umm
18:38.06Error403prpplague: Of course many developers (expecially the ones not particually interested in Qt) are going to dislike it
18:38.07MornWorkI'm trying to decide between gpe and opie right now
18:38.22sorphinthat's the only way i acknowledge hacker.. unlegit people are crackers, not hackers :P
18:38.27Error403MonMotha: If you're going to go that route, definately Opie
18:38.31CosmicPenguinAnd I'm working hard to give Morn a third option
18:38.36MornWorkuntil mister pixil gives us something to work with
18:38.39CosmicPenguinThere you go
18:38.48CosmicPenguinMornWork: did you see - I got it up on the Z... :)
18:38.50Error403MonMotha: The applications and environment are slick
18:38.54sorphinError403: umm
18:38.56MornWorkCosmicPenguin: Awesome
18:39.05MornWorkCosmicPenguin: but when do I get to see it!?!?!
18:39.08sorphinError403: try typing mor instand or mon :P
18:39.16Error403sorphin: Am I making you sick to the stomach? :)
18:39.21sorphinError403: you're matching to monmotha :P
18:39.21CosmicPenguinMornWork: I'm trying to convince Greg to let me do a binary release
18:39.27Error403ah, I am
18:39.29MornWorkCosmicPenguin: is it worth me downloading the PDA 1.1 version from the website for my 3536?
18:39.45MornWorkCosmicPenguin: I had the 1.0 version on that machine once before
18:39.59CosmicPenguinMornWork: I dunno... its pretty much the same.
18:40.21MornWorkCosmicPenguin: how hard will it be to integrate my CF card, I remember fore it wasn't very easy
18:40.27prpplagueError403: agreed, however their are/were alternatives like pixil and picogui that are far supieror for pda environments
18:40.36CosmicPenguinMornWork: that will be much easier now
18:41.06MornWorkI tried doing a pivot_root with opie last night
18:41.19MornWorkfor some reason when it gets to running /sbin/init it hangs
18:41.58MornWorkCosmicPenguin: if you can get something out soon I may use pixil for my DVD Changer project
18:42.12MornWorkif not I may go with gpe
18:42.19Error403MornWork: I had that problem, I added /bin/tinylogin after the execution of /sbin/init and it worked
18:42.45CosmicPenguinMornWork: If it was up to me, It would have been released months ago
18:42.56MornWorkError403: if your around after I get home I'll ask for your help
18:43.01MornWorkCosmicPenguin: I know, I know
18:43.21MornWorkCosmicPenguin: does pixil have hooks into the IR?
18:43.43CosmicPenguinMornWork: no - but thats not too tough to add
18:43.50sorphinCosmicPenguin: w/ less bloat ;)
18:43.55Error403MornWork: Beaware that I'm still new to all of this stuff, but I've definately picked up on a lot of Q&A in the last week
18:44.00CosmicPenguinMornWork: you can read and write the device files without the intervention of the OE
18:44.57prpplaguespeaking of dvd project, has anyone started looking at some of these really cheap dvd players to see what kind of processor they are based on?
18:44.58CosmicPenguinOh - so more of a LIRC client?
18:45.19MornWorkCosmicPenguin: I haven't looked into the down and dirty yet about it
18:45.29MornWorkI wanted to settle on a API for the GUI first
18:45.56CosmicPenguinMornWork: the LIRC should be easy.  How are you doing the UI?  Is it scriptable?
18:46.25MornWorkI was thinking of using sqllite
18:46.32sorphinprpplague: mostly a dvd decoder chip that handles some brainy stuff, and a dvdrom drive
18:46.32sorphinprpplague: that's all
18:47.09CosmicPenguinMornWork: sqlite for what?  What sort of data are you storing?
18:47.24MornWorkCosmicPenguin: it's a small database of all the movies in the Changer
18:47.29MornWorkin my case about 180 movies
18:47.52sorphinMorn: heh, gotta get 20 more ;)
18:48.01MornWorkI wanted to store stuff like actors, summary, director, etc, and maybe even images of the covers
18:48.22CosmicPenguinBut the UI would be basically static?
18:48.25MornWorkso that the GUI would let you search for movies
18:48.31prpplaguesorphin: hmm, even for the ones that do stuff from standard cd's ?
18:48.43MornWorkoh, yeah the UI itself is static
18:49.02prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm, survey app? lol
18:49.11MornWorkCosmicPenguin: but again, I needed to decide on the GUI API before doing the UI
18:49.27CosmicPenguinprpplague: I'm telling you - thats a valuable project
18:49.27sorphinprpplague: look at the internals of an apex
18:49.31sorphinvery very simple
18:49.47CosmicPenguinprpplague: and I haven't heard from Scott in a week or so, so I guess you're the new owner?  :)
18:50.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'll try to message him and find out
18:50.30CosmicPenguinprpplague: I had to do century stuff the rest of this week, but on Monday I'll start again with the HTML spec
18:50.40CosmicPenguinfor the form description language
18:51.18MornWorkCosmicPenguin: but I've never used the API for pixil, so I may end up bugging you :-)
18:51.37CosmicPenguinMornWork: fine - you can help me make it less annoying
18:52.27sorphinCosmicPenguin: ;)
18:52.27MornWorkCosmicPenguin: after I installed the 1.0 version and a barrage of emails to centurysoft they did some of my suggestions
18:52.48MornWorkI guess my emails got forward to some of the top people
18:52.48MornWorkI was afraid they had my picture up with my email, saying don't talk to this woman!
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18:53.02prpplagueMornWork: ha
18:53.24MornWorkI seem to recall a few phone calls as well
18:53.38prpplagueCosmicPenguin: seeing how i'm the current owner of the code, you need to send morn a copy and see what she thinks
18:53.53sorphinibot: emulate file
18:53.54sorphin: i don't know
18:54.03sorphinsounds about right ;p
18:54.16CosmicPenguinprpplague: good idea
18:54.23sorphinprpplague: umm
18:54.45sorphinprpplague: you're the current owner of what?
18:55.10prpplaguesorphin: i project i paid CosmicPenguin for
18:56.16CosmicPenguinprpplague: hopefully, you retain the rights for it too, I have big plans for it
18:59.33RussError403: CIR signals travels further than FIR
19:03.20prpplagueCosmicPenguin: talking to scott now
19:04.59CosmicPenguinprpplague: let me know - I gotta go walk to the auto repair place
19:05.47Error403Russ: I didn't know CIR could transmit from the Tuxscreen
19:06.18Error403Not that you implied it could
19:06.52sorphinRuss: so SIR->FIR->CIR in progression of strength?
19:07.41Error403I know that the tuxscreen can receive the keyboard commands from crazy distances, but can it transmit?
19:09.22sorphinError403: it doesn't have a transmitter
19:09.31sorphinonly a receiver
19:09.35sorphinthat i'm aware of
19:09.42Russwell, CIR is just lower bandwidth
19:09.51RussError403: the tuxscreen only receives CIR signals
19:11.10Error403right, that's what I thought
19:14.42Error403ok, so why is mtd failing to compile
19:14.54Error403where is 'time' defined
19:15.05Russwtd what?
19:15.08Error403not in all the time.h's I have in the build-root
19:15.09Russmtd what?
19:15.20Error403mtd package that creates mk.jffs2
19:15.27Error403mkfs.jffs2 rather
19:15.42Error403well, the include says <sys/time.h>
19:15.49Russadd <time.h>
19:15.59Error403ok, that makes sense
19:16.12Error403Just didn't seem like it was right
19:20.29Error403now it can't find crt1.o, grrr
19:20.38Error403is it just me or is there something broken with buildroot?
19:20.45Error403like, a few things
19:20.47Russjust changes with cvs
19:20.58Error403Well, actually, it's probably my compiler setup
19:21.09Error403It's the lineo toolkit
19:21.13Russcrt1.o is part of your library
19:21.20Russer, compiler
19:21.36Russget  abetter prebuilt toolchain?
19:22.11sorphinError403: like the one from uclibc ;)
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19:23.35*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || debian-handheld list is up.
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19:23.42Russj) there is no step (j)
19:23.47Error403Russ: That's my thought. It's there, but the compiler doesn't know where it is, and other than passing a -L/location ld flag (which is a hack) I don't know what to do
19:23.49Russoj, I added that last one
19:24.17Russget a better toolchain?
19:26.43kergothError403: the lineo toolchain is crap
19:26.50kergothError403: get erikm's 2.95.3 toolchain from
19:29.19Error403holy shiat
19:29.32sorphinand here's my "stupid quote for hte day"
19:29.49sorphinbrought ot you by Steve Ballmer: our customers have seen a lot more innovation from us than they have seen from that [open-source] community'
19:30.11sorphinso M$ calls what htey do innovation now?
19:32.27Error403an hour and fifty minutes, well, there goes my daytime development
19:32.56Error403Russ: What happened with step f.) ? :)
19:33.14Error403and h.) and i.) ? ;)
19:33.29Error403and g.)
19:36.33Error403sorphin: they're a company, they stand something to lose if they were to say anything else or even nothing at all, the OS community doesn't stand something to lose.
19:36.41Error403But that's just redundant
19:37.11sorphinI just love how useless CEOs really are
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20:19.55prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hey hey, server problem in jamaica!!
20:20.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: either sieve or i will be headed down
20:26.54prpplaguekergoth: glad i found time to dump opie off my z :)
20:29.32CosmicPenguinprpplague: sweet
20:30.18prpplagueCosmicPenguin: we'll see, should know something in about 30 minutes
20:30.25CosmicPenguinprpplague: sounds like a good time to me -
20:30.49prpplagueCosmicPenguin: looks likes its probably a simple net connection issue
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20:36.07CosmicPenguinprpplague: scott called but didn't leave message - any idea what he wanted?
20:38.22Russprpplague: too bad I'm not done with my sub $300 surver monitoring card
20:39.59prpplagueRuss: i'm on the phone now where i could use that
20:40.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: probably because i told him that i wanted make sure that gets an agreement with you
20:41.09prpplagueCosmicPenguin: and that he is 100% committed in paying you
20:41.59chouimatwhat a boring day
20:42.30CosmicPenguinprpplague: I just want the rights to the source code - he can keep his money
20:45.15prpplagueCosmicPenguin: telll him that
20:47.11prpplagueCosmicPenguin: doh, jamaica postponed for a week
20:47.26CosmicPenguinprpplague: time to get your tan ready... :)
20:51.05prpplagueCosmicPenguin: probably head to seattle before then
20:51.20CosmicPenguinprpplague: much less sun
20:54.18CosmicPenguinkergoth: the console doesn't always seem to recover after an apm -s
20:54.27CosmicPenguinis that associated with the same problem you were talking about before?
20:54.30kergothCosmicPenguin: does here. every single time
20:54.43kergothCosmicPenguin: does it recover after suspending with killall -USR1 apmd?
20:55.02CosmicPenguinkergoth: my terminal disappared
20:55.08CosmicPenguinmy ssh terminal, I mean
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21:58.47CosmicPenguinkergoth: yeah, just sitting there in graphic mode, the console still seems to blank
21:58.54CosmicPenguinAnd it won't resume with Cancel either
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22:00.43*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || debian-handheld list is up.
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22:02.57CosmicPenguingrrr...  this PM is aggrivating
22:03.05chouimat|awaycosmic_weekend: ?
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22:17.55*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || debian-handheld list is up.
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22:42.35*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || debian-handheld list is up.
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