irclog2html for #elinux on 20030422

00:04.05*** join/#elinux julie_ (
00:24.09MornCosmicPenguin: it appears that the ipaq doesn't do CIR (as per Compaq) but there seem to be several IR Remote type apps for the ipaq
00:24.14Mornso I'm a little confused
00:25.13RussFIR can emulate CIR
00:25.26Russ(both read and write)
00:26.15MornRuss: do you know of any documentation on WinCE of how to do this?
00:29.22CosmicPenguinRuss: but you gotta get up close and personal with the app
00:44.22fileit's going to be a long night...
01:15.57CosmicPenguinUhhh - will somebody get him out of here?
01:18.03Mornwish I could help on that
01:19.49chouimat|food~lart chops
01:20.28CosmicPenguinWhere's sorphin when you need him?  He's got ops
01:21.44chouimat|foodkergoth`tv:  TimRiker sorphin: ping?
01:22.07chouimat|food~lart chops
01:22.50chouimatchops: can you stop that .... you moron
01:24.57chouimatany ops in here??????
01:25.41chouimatchops: stop that!!
01:41.30chouimattabarnack! chops as-tu finis de faire le calice de cave?
01:42.42*** join/#elinux ljp (
01:42.50chouimathey ljp
01:43.41ljpoh thats slick
01:43.54chouimatljp: 1 hour of that
01:44.02ljpTimRiker: ping
01:44.13ljpkergoth`tv: ping
01:44.18chouimatsorphin: ping
01:44.32*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
01:44.45chouimatchops: can you stop ? please?
01:44.55ljpmm1 are you ops here?
01:45.13ljpibot: seen TimRiker
01:45.14timriker is currently on #opie (7h 58m 43s) #zaurus (7h 58m 43s) #elinux (7h 58m 43s) #openembedded (7h 58m 43s) #utah (7h 58m 43s) #bzflag (7h 58m 43s).  Has said a total of 5 messages.  Is idling for 7h 4m 29s
01:46.38*** part/#elinux ljp (
01:46.56chouimat|tvbbl I can't stand that intelligent conversation naymmore
01:50.13TheMasterMind1sto pit
01:50.15TheMasterMind1stop it
01:57.12chouimat|tvTheMasterMind1: that don't work
01:59.22chouimat|tvkergoth`tv: ping!
02:01.15*** mode/#eLinux [+b *!*anon@*] by kergoth`tv
02:01.15*** kick/#elinux [chops!] by kergoth`tv (fucking idiot.)
02:01.16chouimat|tvibot chops
02:01.17chouimat|tv: no idea
02:01.25chouimat|tvkergoth`tv: thanks
02:22.25*** join/#elinux fontenot_ (
02:23.24MonMothawow, you can actually kickban on "freenode"
02:31.37sorphin'that damn thing filled my scrollback
02:32.16sorphinis that ------- all they kept doing?
02:32.31sorphinlast thing i *saw* was morn talking about a pocket pc + her changer
02:54.02chouimat|afksorphin: hey
03:29.59*** join/#elinux Morn (
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03:48.59kergothBZFlag: hey tim
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03:57.08*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
04:15.37Russwtf is up with these "it's normal behaviour for a linux kernel on systems without a hardware clock, it sets the time to some random value" weirdos
05:19.21*** join/#elinux levi_ (
05:22.28Russhmmm "USER_AGENT_XIMIAN"
06:11.01*** join/#elinux fontenot_ (
06:32.13sorphinwell, got the diag menu up atleast
06:47.32sorphinall checksums are good cept zimage
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12:03.43*** join/#elinux sjhill (~sjhill@
12:43.35*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
12:44.40sjhillhi GPSFan
12:44.48sjhillhello everyone
12:44.58sjhill~ibot bitchslap sorphin
12:44.59ACTION beats the sh*t out of sorphin
12:49.28GPSFanhi sjhill, rainina cats & dogs here..
12:49.48GPSFanraining that is ;)
13:21.35*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
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13:22.10prpplaguemorning all
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14:08.36sjhillhi sorphin
14:08.52sorphinsup mipsboy
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14:09.25sjhillwell.....mips since you asked
14:10.01sorphinsjhill: gee.. big shock there :P
14:18.30JulieWorkmorning all
14:18.45prpplagueJulieWork: morning
14:19.00prpplagueJulieWork: totally abandoning your highland nick?
14:19.12JulieWorkno, I use Morn from home
14:19.29JulieWorkmaybe I should use MornWork?
14:20.05JulieWorkon I use the nick Julie
14:23.13sorphinprpplague: hey
14:23.47MornWorksome of the channels I like moved when the whole Lilo broadcasting thing happened
14:24.03prpplaguesorphin: ho
14:24.07MornWorkthis channel is one of the reasons I didn't abandon freelode.
14:24.14sorphinprpplague: you have your Z with you?
14:24.18prpplagueMornWork: same here
14:24.22prpplaguesorphin: yes
14:24.42sorphinprpplague: you have anything in it's ram that you'd hate to lose?
14:25.01prpplaguesorphin: no, but this is a brand new one thats not loaded with OZ
14:25.08sorphinprpplague: that's fine
14:25.13sorphini don't need OZ, etc for this
14:25.15prpplaguesorphin: ok
14:25.57prpplagueMornWork: how come you didn't get one from hsn when they were on sale
14:26.10MornWorkprpplague: because I didn't know?
14:26.38sorphinprpplague: i got my Z into diag mode last night, and had some fun, but it also can toss me into cf update mode (turns out, the only thing that appears borked is my zimage, the checksums on everything else are fine)
14:26.39prpplaguesorphin: are you talking about doing the c+d power on flash?
14:26.55sorphinprpplague: that'd be the cf update mode, yes
14:26.58MornWorkwhat is a good price for a Z?
14:27.09prpplaguesorphin: ok then what?
14:27.23sorphinprpplague: if you do that w/ no cf in the Z
14:27.28sorphindoes it do/say anything/leds, etc
14:27.31sorphinor just nothing
14:27.38MornWorkthe seem to be between $130 and $150 for the SL5500
14:27.45sorphinMorn: good prices
14:28.49prpplaguesorphin: no cf appears to do nothing
14:28.56sorphinprpplague: reason i asked bout your ram, is that if i had to take the Z into actual diag mode
14:28.59sorphinit clears the ram
14:29.09sorphinprpplague: k, cool
14:29.15sorphinlooks like i might be ok then
14:29.43sorphinprpplague: fyi, diag mode is P+D on a full reset
14:29.48sorphinif you didn't know
14:29.50MornWorkI just bid on one new in the box
14:30.12CosmicPenguinDid someone end up kicking that jackass from last night then?
14:30.14sorphinprpplague: i was able to see/check the checksums of the flash
14:30.34sorphineverything is clean cept the ROM cs and the zimage cs, so i'm gonna dig up a cf briefly and try
14:30.34MornWorkCosmicPenguin: you said last night that the Z can do CIR right?
14:31.19sorphinMorn: it can atleast do SIR, dunno bout FIR/CIR tho
14:31.26sorphinCosmicPenguin: kergoth did
14:31.34sorphinCosmicPenguin: i would have had i been watching this window
14:32.32MornWorkok, someone has a bunch of Z's new in box with warrenty for $120-150, I'll get ONE of them :-)
14:40.44CosmicPenguinMornWork: I know that some PDA had a CIR built in, and I thought it was Linux based
14:40.50CosmicPenguinMaybe it was the Agenda
14:41.08prpplagueiirc vr3 did
14:43.17*** join/#elinux chouimat (
14:44.25sievemorning all
14:45.07signal11good morning
14:45.31sorphinprpplague: you lil pos thing from ebay show yet?
14:46.37chouimatwooohoooo I only pay 290CAD of taxes this years!!!!
14:47.07chouimatsorphin: sorry ...
14:47.09prpplaguesorphin: which item is that?
14:47.36sorphinthe mips toy right before you left for "vacation"
14:48.40sorphinprpplague: the symbol 2700
14:48.55CosmicPenguinRuss: you here?
14:49.25CosmicPenguinprpplague: I should probably pick one of those up too, as soon as we get Linux running on it
14:51.04sorphinCosmicPenguin: and pixil *g*
14:53.52CosmicPenguinsorphin: well sort of - Pixil is a complete operating system
14:54.02CosmicPenguinsorphin: but I probably wouldn't stick the PIMs on there, for example
14:54.32sorphinCosmicPenguin: i know
14:54.57sorphinCosmicPenguin: i was more 'pixil takes over the world', run it on everything (like linux *g*)
14:57.21prpplaguesorphin: ya, it came in, got vr-linux booting, but haven't had time to dremel the screws off so i can get to the internal pcmcia slot
15:00.39chouimatprpplague: symbol??
15:01.04sorphinchouimat: google for symbol 2700 :P
15:01.18prpplaguechouimat: ya its vr4181 based
15:01.34prpplaguechouimat: basically a nicer vr3
15:03.56chouimatprpplague: ok ...
15:11.42CosmicPenguinRain again
15:11.58CosmicPenguinLike manna from heaven, or something
15:14.52sorphinpricewatch is showing 512M cf for 92$ (dunno how cheap that is)
15:14.57signal11hopefully they'll cancel that water price increase if we keep getting rain
15:15.04signal11our bill is going to go up like 30%
15:15.27CosmicPenguinsorphin: thats way cheap
15:15.38sorphinCosmicPenguin: well there ya go then
15:15.46CosmicPenguinsignal11: part of that increase was to pay for more security, I know that much
15:16.18sorphinyou  pay for water? *g*
15:18.02CosmicPenguinsorphin: I suppose you run out side and take a shower when its raining?
15:18.25sorphinCosmicPenguin: no, our condos pay the water bill :P
15:18.32sorphinand garbage, and sewer :P
15:18.48CosmicPenguinsorphin: so you do pay for it
15:19.23sorphini don't
15:19.50sorphinker :yo
15:19.54sorphinkergoth: yo even
15:19.56CosmicPenguinsorphin: *you* might be a freeloader, but somewhere along the line, somebody is paying, so clam up, will ya?
15:20.03*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
15:20.10sorphinCosmicPenguin: i'm no freeloader
15:20.27chouimatCosmicPenguin: any news about chops? :)
15:20.39sorphinkergoth: turns out
15:20.45sorphinkergoth: my flash may not be totally hosed
15:20.49CosmicPenguinchouimat: apparently kergoth took care of it
15:20.54sorphinkergoth: i popped the Z into diag mode last night
15:20.56chouimatCosmicPenguin: I know
15:21.07sorphinkergoth: the only csums that were bad were the zimage and the rom cs
15:21.23sorphinkergoth: cf updater checks out, so i'm gonna try and cf update this bitch
15:21.38sorphini had dave confirm somethin for me
15:21.42sorphinw/ no cf in the slow
15:21.48sorphincf update does/shows nothing
15:21.52sorphinwhich is what i figured
15:22.28sorphinkergoth: plus the fact that i get into diag mode, kinda led me to believe something's still intact :P that plus it shows version 2.38 still :P
15:22.39kergothyeah, cool
15:22.50kergothin other words, its not a brick
15:22.56kergothjust unbootable
15:23.09sorphinno zimage kinda does that ;)
15:23.20sorphinwhat a conincidence that's what i was toying w/
15:23.22sorphinwhen it crashed
15:23.24sorphinthe zimage ;p
15:23.32sorphinkergoth: btw, dunn oif you saw above
15:23.38sorphin512M cf for $92
15:24.06chouimatsorphin: wow!
15:24.31sorphin92, then 97, then one up
15:25.18chouimatsorphin: lexar 512MB 12X CF are 280CAD here :(
15:25.37sorphinchouimat: umm.. look on pricewatch :P
15:26.07CosmicPenguinsorphin: see any cheap USB storage dongles?
15:26.16sorphinCosmicPenguin: ah, the usb pen things?
15:26.34CosmicPenguinsorphin: since the Epia will boot from USB, it might be cool to boot from one of those instead
15:26.36CosmicPenguinsorphin: yeah
15:26.48sorphinCosmicPenguin: checking 9was looking at those once before)
15:27.11sorphinCosmicPenguin: how big?
15:27.17CosmicPenguinsorphin: what've you got?
15:27.42sorphin64M for 22
15:27.54CosmicPenguinnot too shabby
15:28.20sorphin128M for 33
15:30.57sorphin256M for 55
15:38.29chouimatCosmicPenguin: epia?
15:39.39CosmicPenguinchouimat: Via Epia - new multimedia platform with all the good stuff
15:40.18CosmicPenguinsignal11, jacques_gone:  Heard back from Via - the only documentation they are releasing are the full XFree86 drivers
15:40.39CosmicPenguinSo I guess its time to start reverse engineering to get an accelerated framebuffer
15:40.41signal11what about the audio
15:40.57signal11i'm using 2.4.20-ac2 and it skips
15:41.01CosmicPenguinsignal11: I have the audio drivers - but they're under NDA.  Doesn't  ALSA work?
15:41.19signal11i haven't tried alsa, i heard it is worse than 2.4.20-ac2
15:42.11signal11and this is weird too:
15:42.23signal11when i power it up in the cubicle next to me, the network works
15:42.33signal11when I plug it into mine, it fails
15:42.43CosmicPenguinsignal11: bad MII, I'll bet you
15:42.55CosmicPenguinsignal11: no offense, but those switches you are using don't play nice sometimes
15:43.06CosmicPenguinsignal11: I used to have that problem all the time when I was in the cube
15:43.13signal11the hubs are flaky, definitely
16:34.08chouimathmmm gba sp or no gba sp?
16:36.48prpplaguekergoth: man the boys at digi are as bad about patching stuff as sco is/was
16:37.35chouimatsorphin: I want one (GP32) but I  don't know where to order it in canada
16:37.56prpplaguechouimat: the place listed on the /. ships international
16:37.57ade|deskmorning all!
16:37.59sorphinchouimat: damn canadians ;)
16:38.00prpplaguechouimat: very prompt
16:38.08sorphinade|desk: afternoon mate
16:38.20prpplaguechouimat: got mine in 4 days from the uk
16:38.22chouimatprpplague: ok ... but since I don't have a CC that will be hard for me
16:38.28ade|desksorphin: whats happend in the world of late?
16:38.43sorphinade|desk: no idea
16:38.58prpplaguechouimat: yep
16:39.03ade|deskchouimat: what are you after?
16:39.11prpplagueade|desk: gp32
16:39.52prpplaguechouimat: funny thing, i've been so busy, its still sitting around unused :(
16:40.31prpplaguechouimat: i've got to get a couple sm cards
16:40.40sorphinprpplague: those are easy to get
16:41.07ade|deskwhat the heck is a GP32?
16:41.18sorphinibot: gp32
16:41.19somebody said gp32 was
16:41.26kergothprpplague: ? none of your patches got merged?
16:42.00sorphinade|desk: how's the ex's h.o.n. score? *g*
16:42.32chouimatprpplague: ok they accept postal order but I don'tt know if that will be ok ...
16:43.29ade|desksorphin: haven't a clue sorry
16:43.40ade|deskhow can you check ?
16:43.57sorphinade|desk: hit her url
16:45.27chouimatprpplague: the gp32 came with what?
16:47.49ade|deskbugger cant find the log with the url :(
16:48.10prpplaguesorphin: ya just time issue
16:48.18prpplaguekergoth: nope, not that i can see
16:48.19sorphinade|desk: you had no probs finding it the other day when you were also showing pics
16:48.38prpplaguechouimat: gp32, dev cd, usb cable
16:48.42ade|deskyeah but i'm on a diff pc now :(
16:48.46chouimatprpplague: good
16:48.47sorphinade|desk: bah
16:49.09ade|desksorphin: am looking through my desktop's gaim logs
16:49.11chouimatprpplague: I just send them an email aabout paying with a money order :)
16:49.31ade|desksorphin: dont you have a log where it is ?
16:49.51sorphinade|desk: no, cuz i lynx'd it that day at home
16:50.04sorphinand i'm not searching ibot's logs ;)
16:50.18sorphincuz i dont' even remember the exact day
16:50.21kergothprpplague: digi sucks, what can i say
16:50.33sorphinprpplague: you missed it btw
16:50.42kergothprpplague: i have a shitload of patches to revamp the buildsystems of every driver, but i doubt i'll bother to send it to them
16:50.47sorphinprpplague: saw both ade's current and ex gfs pics
16:51.09chouimatkergoth: George- is leaving in a couple of hours for 3 months
16:51.31kergothchouimat: yay
16:51.53prpplagueade|desk: doh where?
16:52.04sorphinprpplague: hold
16:52.08*** join/#elinux ade|home (
16:52.09prpplaguei thought we were getting pics of someones sister :)
16:52.21chouimatprpplague: lol
16:52.34ade|homeosrry folks please repeat ... damn fecking isdn drops
16:52.39sorphinprpplague: ok, wheres yours?
16:52.46sorphinade|desk: where's the ones?
16:53.36sorphinprpplague: heh, ade's last name is your 1st name, sorta :P
16:53.50ade|homewhats up ?
16:53.59sorphinade|desk: the pics of your current bint and your ex were also on beth2
16:54.22ade|homeindeed .. they 'were'
16:55.22ade|homei have more pics of debbie now :)
16:55.24sorphinade|desk: was just gonna show them to prpplague
16:55.34sorphinsince he did have a bid on one of the 2
16:55.55ade|homehe did ?
16:55.55sorphinprpplague: he even has nudies of his ex, but won't share :P
16:56.09sorphinade|desk: or was it your sister?
16:56.12sorphini forget
16:56.31sorphinade|home: kill your ghost :P
16:56.34ade|homemy sis
16:56.56sorphinade|desk: he might not mind the ex tho
16:57.02ade|homewish i could .. it won't go :(
16:57.21ade|homesorphin: haha have the slapper
16:57.35sorphinade|desk: show him her
16:57.39sorphinhe's not picky
16:58.02sorphinade|desk: as long as she'll get him a beer
16:58.04sorphinhe's happy
16:58.22ade|homevodka maybe .. never beer
16:58.28ade|homeshe is finnish
16:58.39prpplagueade|home: doh! you have nudies and won't share!!! shame on you!!
16:58.52sorphinprpplague: yeah, i already gave him a hard time on that
16:58.55ade|homeshe is a 'large' girl
16:59.00sorphinade|desk: so?
16:59.06sorphinso is my gf
16:59.25prpplagueade|home: ya i was current high bidder for your sis, i deserve a pic
16:59.33sorphintho she's determined to lose some now
16:59.44ade|homelike if she buys undies .. they are sized as 'oh my god lose weight woman!'
17:00.04sorphinade|desk: heh, m ygf wears a 20 atm *shrug*
17:00.16chouimatsorphin: 20?
17:00.21sorphinsize 20
17:00.24ade|homeprpplague: i'll take a foto of rebecca tonight when she is home from work
17:00.36chouimatsorphin: my ex-wife was about size 2
17:00.37sorphinade|home: for all to see ;)
17:00.41ade|homesorphin: thats a bit smaller than sara
17:00.45sorphinchouimat: so you said
17:01.04sorphinade|home: well, you obviously didn't mind :P you were the one shagging her
17:01.06prpplaguechouimat: ya my soon-to-be-ex was a size 2
17:01.19chouimatsorphin: I will find some photo ... I will go to my mother house in 3 weeks
17:01.22ade|homeyeah i reckon i can post becs picture no problem
17:01.45sorphindepending on how she looks, i might just outbid dave *g*
17:01.45ade|homeprpplague: so-to-be-  ??
17:01.56sorphinade|home: yeah, she's still around
17:02.06chouimatade|home: she ditched him :)
17:03.20chouimatok ramen or I go take lunch in a restaurant
17:03.53ade|homepot noodle
17:04.12sorphinade|desk: when i came back here, i brought potmash back w/ me
17:04.52ade|homeplease do that again.. maybe we can get rid of all that shit food from the UK
17:05.43ade|homemash potato  in a pot : just add hot water
17:05.54ade|homenasty no taste food
17:06.14ade|homeand from bland-food-you-like-UK .. that is harsh
17:06.17chouimatade|desk: ok papper :)
17:07.37ade|homei hate people who cant setup a simple ntp client so they send out mail at the correct time/date
17:08.48prpplagueade|home: she needed someone fresh to suck the life out of.......
17:10.09chouimatprpplague: hehe
17:11.05ade|homeprpplague: hmmm
17:11.41ade|homei go away for a few days .. and the update on debian is 56Meg
17:12.06ade|homepesky people always updating their damn buggy utils
17:27.23CosmicPenguinArgh - die STL, die!
17:27.37sorphinCosmicPenguin: eh?
17:28.57CosmicPenguinvector<string, allocator<string> >
17:29.00CosmicPenguinWhat the hell is that?
17:29.12CosmicPenguinWhy would anyone in their right mind think thats a good idea to use?
17:29.27sorphinCosmicPenguin: no idea
17:29.58CosmicPenguinsorphin: i"m a pretty open minded guy - hell, I even went to a Java users group meeting last week
17:30.03CosmicPenguinbut I draw the line at STL
17:43.17*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
17:43.34sorphinGPSFan: allo
17:43.56scanlineCosmicPenguin: the STL's syntax makes sense
17:44.11GPSFanhi dan
17:44.13scanlineCosmicPenguin: the only problem I have with the STL is the terrible code space bloat it causes...
17:44.24CosmicPenguinscanline: you're a closet C++ fan?  Who've guessed?
17:44.37sorphinCosmicPenguin: closet?
17:44.42sorphini thought everyone knew he was
17:44.58CosmicPenguinI had no idea - what with the PicoGUI and the heavy C hacking
17:45.13scanlineCosmicPenguin: I like C++
17:45.20scanlineCosmicPenguin: I just don't use it for embedded generally
17:45.37CosmicPenguinscanline: I like C++ classes, but the other crap I can loose
17:45.53scanlineCosmicPenguin: exceptions are very handy
17:46.12scanlineCosmicPenguin: I want to use c++ for pg2 just for exceptions and classes, but I probably won't because people tell me there are still a bunch of embedded platforms that don't support c++
17:46.14scanlinebbl, lunchtime
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18:30.15CosmicPenguinprpplague: have I mentioned lately that you are the bomb digitty?
18:31.09prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ?
18:31.42CosmicPenguinprpplague: I just had a short meeting with the UPS guy
18:31.47CosmicPenguinprpplague: it ended well.... :)
18:32.15CosmicPenguinlets get pixilated!
18:32.25prpplagueCosmicPenguin: cool
18:36.23CosmicPenguinprpplague: I just asked Greg for permission to distribute Z .ipks for Microwindows and Pixil - he really has no reason to say no
18:36.33cosmic_errandsOff to mail wedding invites
18:38.17prpplaguecool deal
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19:13.39fileGReetings all.
19:13.50fileer Greetings
19:16.17MornWorkwoot!  it appears as if the Zaurus can do CIR
19:16.25MornWorknow I *REALLY* want one
19:16.46sorphinMornWork: and pixil too ;)
19:16.51fileMornWork: it's not worth going into debt over, but if you have the extra cash - might be a good investment
19:17.17sorphinfile: she just bought a 200 disc dvd changer :P
19:17.22MornWorkIf I can win this ebay thing for under $130 for the Z it won't be bad
19:17.30sorphini think she can handle a Z
19:17.42sorphinMornWork: you'll be lucky if you get 130
19:17.43MornWorkI want the Z to do the DVD Changer Controller
19:17.50sorphini paid 175 eons ago
19:19.02MornWork6 hours left in the bidding
19:19.10MornWorkI'm so used to bidding on stuff no one else is
19:20.00sorphini'm used to the opposite
19:20.16MornWorkI tend to bid on books that aren't in heavy demand
19:20.29MornWorktoo bad I messed up that one though, I wanted those books
19:21.17signal11heh the name Itanic just kills me every time the register uses it
19:22.22sorphinCosmicPenguin: PIXIL! *g*
19:23.40CosmicPenguinsorphin: indeed
19:25.29sorphinCosmicPenguin: on the off chance greg says no
19:25.39sorphinbeat him w/ his checkbook
19:28.03CosmicPenguinsorphin: that would hurt
19:28.45sorphinCosmicPenguin: he's earned it :P
19:29.04CosmicPenguinsorphin: don't bad mouth him too much - after all, he's come this far
19:29.33CosmicPenguinsorphin: with the way Pixil was on Jan 4, 2002 it would have never been in a state suitable for the Z
19:29.42sorphinCosmicPenguin: well... he's also put you through hell while doing it
19:29.50CosmicPenguinsorphin: that happens
19:30.36sorphinmy microscope cleared customs
19:30.40sorphini'm not being filed
19:31.32filewhy would you?
19:31.52sorphinfile: well, it DID come from ontario
19:32.26sorphinit's in detroit atm
19:32.27CosmicPenguinsorphin: so the department of Homeland security judged you to be innocent, eh?
19:32.38sorphinCosmicPenguin: so it would seem
19:49.34CosmicPenguinWhat is it about the word Zaurus that make it so hard for me to type?
19:49.49sorphinCosmicPenguin: i only call it a Z
19:52.22CosmicPenguinWFRR baby!
20:10.12CosmicPenguinWhats the recommended OZ def-config for the SL-5500?
20:10.23kergothassuming you want opie
20:10.28kergothcollie-minimal for console only
20:10.43CosmicPenguinwhy collie?
20:10.56kergothibot: collie
20:10.57i guess collie is sharp sl-5500 and sl-5000d, or a dog
20:11.01kergothsharp's machine type naming
20:11.03kergothibot: poodle
20:11.04poodle is probably sharp sl-b500/5600, or a dog
20:11.05kergothibot: corgi
20:11.05it has been said that corgi is sharp sl-c700, or a dog
20:11.11CosmicPenguinThats a new one
20:11.17kergothi.e. arch/arm/mach-sa1100/collie.c
20:11.24kergothdont ask me why they named them after dogs
20:11.31CosmicPenguinMy personal favorite has always been islands
20:11.48sorphinCosmicPenguin: yes really
20:11.59sorphinCosmicPenguin: scary as it is
20:12.20sorphinkergoth: maybe something they ate? :P i dunno
20:12.39CosmicPenguinWhen I worked at Enterasys I worked on Guam, Hawaii and Midway
20:13.15CosmicPenguinMidway was my favorite - I printed out a huge picture of Admiral Nimitz, and pasted it to the front of my project notebook
20:16.40CosmicPenguinDogs are good because there are lots of them, and they are easy to spell
20:19.05CosmicPenguinkergoth: is 2.4.19 ok, or should I stick with the old kernel?
20:20.17chouimatgrrrr will need to go on adsl next year :(
20:21.34kergothCosmicPenguin: stick with 2.4.6. 2.4.19 needs finishing touches.
20:23.13CosmicPenguinkergoth: got it
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20:38.52CosmicPenguinuclibc is down
20:47.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: didn't andersee say there was a cachin dns problem
20:54.38CosmicPenguinprpplague: I don't recall
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21:20.57chouimatfuck! my cat took my book
21:38.20CosmicPenguinprpplague: same problem with then, eh?
21:39.06fileheh - Netware4Linux
21:39.08fileinteresting concept
21:41.21signal11file: about 12 years too late though
21:41.33signal11that should have been the first order of business when they bought unixware
21:41.53file(Caldera did it - abandoned it in 1999 though)
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22:16.53chouimatcoool :
22:17.37Russanyone know any disadvantages of LTV logic over LVC?
22:17.42Russit seems cheaper and faster
22:19.09filethese Netware4Linux binaries won't run...
22:19.14CosmicPenguinchouimat: thats a perty screenshot
22:19.14chouimatfile: ?
22:20.25filechouimat: trying out something I found
22:20.37filethe file is there, but I can't execute it and ldd won't pick it up
22:20.52chouimatfile: url?
22:22.00CosmicPenguinRuss: Whats going on?  Still coping with random dates?   :)
22:23.03filethe binaries will not run on my system... too old I suppose
22:28.07signal11CosmicPenguin: what was your joke about the goatse guy and caldera
22:28.32filehas anybody ever had problems like this?
22:28.38RussI was right, amd did launch opteron late last night
22:28.49RussI went to look up flash memory on thier site and everything said "opteron"
22:29.08RussCosmicPenguin: working right now
22:29.21Russdoing some 133MHz alternate bus master interfacing
22:29.24CosmicPenguinRuss: I was joking - the whole thing is laughable
22:29.37RussCosmicPenguin: these people are serious
22:29.52RussCosmicPenguin: but its related to another long standing problem
22:30.08RussCosmicPenguin: which is the system clock changing when udhcpc is running
22:30.14Russ(specially backwacds)
22:30.15fileih waut
22:30.16fileer oh wait
22:30.20filemaybe this app uses libc5
22:30.36Russfile: libc5 is apt-get installable iirc
22:30.45fileRuss: I use GEntoo :)
22:30.49fileso I'll try to emerge it...
22:30.54Russso you have to compile the son of a bitch?
22:31.03fileeh I don't care
22:31.54RussCosmicPenguin: two alternate bus masters, one running anywhere from 25MHz to 133MHz, and the other one is the GPIO's on the master chip
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22:32.14Russ(the SDRAM controller isn't very "controllable")
22:33.51fileRuss: if a program needed libc5, how could I tell?
22:34.32Russldd `which program`
22:34.33CosmicPenguinor strings
22:34.46signal11or rm -f libc5 and see if it still works
22:34.48fileldd won't work LOL
22:35.33fileldd nwserver responds with /usr/bin/ldd: line 1: ./nwserver: No such file or directory
22:36.17filenevermind... I have a libc5 compatibility library now and it still doesn't work :\
22:38.45sorphinCosmicPenguin: yeah, it's a dns prob for andersee's domains, he changed ips, but for some reason, dns servers are still caching it despite the ttl having expired
22:39.04CosmicPenguinsorphin: doom
22:39.10CosmicPenguinsorphin: the e-mail server works though
22:39.38sorphinCosmicPenguin: well mx records aren't cached like ip<->name are
22:40.57CosmicPenguinI'm thinking about going down and getting another CF
22:44.02sorphinCosmicPenguin: well, this is borrowed in that as soon as i'm done, it's going back :P and getting it online cheaper
22:44.17sorphinCosmicPenguin: you know you want those $92 512's ;)
22:44.36sorphinwhat i really hate
22:44.49sorphinare these packages, that are like the front and back are melted together
22:45.01sorphin'so the only way to open it is to cut it all up
22:51.02CosmicPenguinbbl - Fiance needs to use the computer
22:55.01fileyeah it needed libc5
22:57.36chouimatbrb cat want to watch pussies of the net
22:58.05chouimatibot seen TomW
22:58.06tomw <> was last seen on IRC in channel #elinux, 1d 3h 1m ago, saying: 'nope, there is noting to eat in my kitchen.  I'll have to get in the car and go searching for a meal.  :)'.
23:03.47filebus error? darn...
23:05.51chouimatfile: google for mars_nwe
23:06.03filechouimat: I'm using that currently
23:06.10filebut this Caldera one is official
23:12.46sorphincf update is working
23:15.51kergothsorphin: nice.
23:16.25sorphinits booted sorta now
23:16.35sorphinnow it's bitching about the fs
23:17.03sorphinwhen trying to ext2fs mtdblock1
23:19.32sorphinkergoth: mtdblock1's ram right?
23:19.53kergothoz uses a different flash partitioning than sharp
23:19.59sorphinthis is sharp
23:20.06sorphinoz comes next
23:20.12sorphini just waned to get the thing alive 1st
23:20.32sorphinbut kernel goes to boot and init starts and it bitches about mtdblock1
23:21.22sorphinya know, now i wish i hadn't trashed the cradle :P
23:21.43MonMothadammit...eagle doesn't have the part I want in it's library
23:21.57MonMothait has it in PLCC, but I have it in DIP, so when I go to make the board it won't like me
23:22.56MonMothathen again, maybe if I didn't use parts that were 18+ years old...
23:23.08MonMothastill, would be nice to have both packages
23:23.47sorphinkergoth: all good now
23:23.50sorphindid a hard reset
23:26.57chouimat|dishessorphin: your z is working?
23:27.02sorphinchouimat|dishes: yes
23:27.13sorphinso i trashed the cradle for nothin
23:27.41chouimat|dishessorphin: ouch
23:28.09sorphinchouimat|dishes: something like that
23:28.21kergothshit good thing i didnt bolt early today
23:28.22sorphini shoulda tried diag mode 1st :P
23:28.24kergothboss is lurking
23:28.39chouimat|disheskergoth: hehe
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23:55.53sorphinCosmicPenguin: re
23:58.54kergothlibs dont normally get linked with libgcc themselves right? the binaries that link against them do?

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