irclog2html for #elinux on 20030417

00:14.23*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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00:22.34sorphinTimRiker: evenin
00:45.17*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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01:15.10sorphinheh, today must be joke day
01:15.12sorphinnow on /.
01:15.18sorphinNovell to Make Linux Robust and Reliable
01:15.22sorphin1st sco today
01:15.24sorphinnow novell
01:22.30sorphinand of course
01:22.32sorphinthese losers
01:22.39sorphintelling people to flame, etc the mozilla people for the firebird name now
01:26.37CosmicPenguinDon't laugh about novell - they're the only linux people hiring in all of Utah
01:26.55sorphinCosmicPenguin: applied there? :P
01:29.58CosmicPenguinsorphin: nah - not yet
01:54.14CosmicPenguinSigh - why is prpplague always gone when I need him?
01:54.52sorphinCosmicPenguin: he's still not back back yet.. prolly busy catching up
02:46.40*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
03:16.24sorphinGPSFan_: the working/focal distance on the micro is 3.5", the reducer will put it at 7"
03:23.07GPSFan_sorphin: correct.
03:53.18*** join/#elinux fontenot (
03:54.29*** part/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
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10:35.06*** join/#elinux mallum (
10:42.21mallumscanline: ping
12:49.48*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
12:51.36sorphinGPSFan: morning
12:58.34GPSFanhi dan, g'day
13:05.09sorphinhows things?
13:09.07GPSFansorphin: ok, trying to figure how to fir 40 hours worth of work into 24 hours.. ;>)
13:09.59sorphinGPSFan: ask CP, he does it :P
13:37.29*** join/#elinux TomW (
14:12.53*** join/#elinux sieve (~klu5ter@
14:16.52*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
14:22.46signal11whats up
14:23.00signal11i got the epia to boot.  beware of cheap memory
14:23.14CosmicPenguinsignal11: using the via drivers I assume?
14:23.17signal11the first stick i bought didn't work, i needed a "name brand"
14:23.25CosmicPenguinanything missing?  Net, video everything working?
14:23.29signal11CosmicPenguin: well i'm just getting started
14:23.32sorphinCosmicPenguin: heh, we were jsut talking about you ;)
14:23.32signal11net is working
14:23.47sorphinprpplague: morning slacker
14:24.04prpplaguesorphin: morning
14:24.33signal11I'll try X later today
14:24.38signal11and sound
14:24.43signal11it detects the sound chip at least
14:24.56sorphinprpplague: heh, from joebob to billybob eh? bet you don't have angelina tho ;)
14:25.14prpplaguesorphin: angelina?
14:25.23prpplaguesorphin: ohh, joline?
14:25.45CosmicPenguinsorphin: you talkin' about me?
14:25.46sorphinprpplague: or because of her lips, more likely known as angelina blowme :P
14:26.00sorphinCosmicPenguin: yeah, ken asked somehting, and i said to ask you, you'd know how to ;)
14:26.07CosmicPenguinsignal11: all with open source code?  
14:26.15sorphinCosmicPenguin: <GPSFan> sorphin: ok, trying to figure how to fir 40 hours worth of work into
14:26.15sorphin<GPSFan> s/fir/fit
14:26.15sorphin<sorphin> GPSFan: ask CP, he does it :P
14:26.34sorphinCosmicPenguin: coulda fooled me
14:27.03signal11CosmicPenguin: yes the network and sound are supported in 2.4.20
14:27.10CosmicPenguinsignal11: good deal
14:27.24signal11video might not be so easy
14:27.38CosmicPenguinsignal11: thats the sticky wicket right there
14:27.49prpplagueibot: seen timriker
14:27.50timriker <> was last seen on IRC in channel #opie, 13h 2m 20s ago, saying: 'well, I have to head home. cya'.
14:27.55signal11but if that fails i can at least use it in the truck
14:28.03CosmicPenguinsignal11: Step 1 is a framebuffer, of course
14:28.12signal11(slightly) better than nothing
14:28.23signal11i want to try freevo
14:29.24sorphinprpplague: doh
14:29.59prpplaguesorphin: i assuming the job is still open :)
14:30.05prpplaguesorphin: or did you get hired?
14:30.13sorphinprpplague: didn't even apply
14:30.28sorphinso knock yourself out
14:30.44sorphinprpplague: only way i'd do it is if it were telecommuting
14:31.10sorphinno offense, but i'm not moving to tx, esp seeing as my gf, etc are up here
14:40.04prpplaguesorphin: right
14:40.23prpplaguesorphin: i'm just wondering what kinda $$ they are offering
14:40.55prpplaguesorphin: i found the job listing on the ti employment page, but no $$ amount listed
14:54.01sorphinprpplague: which means it's negotiated based on experience, etc
14:54.58scanlinehmm.. think they'd be willing to take in a telecommuting college student real cheap? :)
14:55.04signal11CosmicPenguin: one weird thing, the network works here but didn't work at home
14:55.18CosmicPenguinThat is wierd
14:55.21signal11it seems to be a common problem in the forums
14:55.26signal11relatively common
14:55.33CosmicPenguinSomething to do with the MII I guess?
14:55.33sorphinscanline: just don't mention picogui *g*
14:55.36signal11very sensitive to power issues
14:55.58scanlinesorphin: I dunno what GUI they're using, but someone at TI was evaluating picogui
14:56.04sorphinscanline: scary
14:56.20CosmicPenguinscanline: speaking of which, how is Royal?
14:56.28scanlineCosmicPenguin: haven't heard from them in a while
14:56.50scanlinevalourtech decided they didn't need me after all
14:57.06scanlinethough I recently got a little work to do from eForth
15:04.06mallumkergoth`bbl: ah
15:04.26mallumscanline: hey I updated your freetype lib in builroot - hope thats ok ?
15:04.34scanlinemallum: thanks
15:04.45scanlineI've had other things to do.. and don't even have bitkeeper installed at the moment
15:04.55scanline(not too excited about reinstalling it either :)
15:05.13sorphinscanline: ;)
15:05.14mallumscanline: np, tis 2.1.4 now and I've made a fontconfig package - not sure if picogui uses that ( yet ? )
15:05.45scanlinethough it should... *sigh*, so much to do
15:05.54scanlineat least I'm planning on rewriting the whole thing :)
15:06.24mallumscanline: you should just ditch it and work on making X better on smaller things ;-)
15:07.09mallumscanline: would a X11 proto->pg proto proxy/bridge be possible ?
15:07.17scanlinemallum: not really
15:07.33scanlinewell, not easily at least
15:07.40mallumscanline: didn't think so. I was only joking about X, pg is really cool
15:08.21prpplaguemallum: didn't think you were the trolling type :)
15:08.30scanlineI don't really have a problem with X, but all the conversations I've had so far with X developers lead me to believe it's doomed
15:08.30mallumprpplague: no, not me guv
15:09.09scanlinenobody I've seen is interested in refactoring the code, or making anything more manageable.. just keeping it on life support
15:09.35mallumwell I think thats whats kind of happening now with the whole keithp thing
15:09.45scanlineI'd like to think so too
15:09.55mallumI totally agree btw
15:10.15scanlineI'd love to see X separated into a few libraries, for protocol, primitives, video backend, and configuration
15:10.29CosmicPenguinscanline: what, like Picogui and MW?
15:10.41scanlineso then you could use the video drivers in another project, or easily replace the configuration system with something easier for newbies
15:10.55kergoth`bblmallum: ah?
15:10.58scanlineCosmicPenguin: and fresco, and GGI, and probably much more
15:11.04*** mode/#eLinux [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
15:11.24mallumkergoth: heylo
15:11.33scanlineor you could use X's protocol library in an X server emulator for another platform
15:11.59mallumkergoth: ah dc_ is having probs with his new image, apparently on boot he gets one line of shell and the rest sharp logo
15:12.01scanlineand of course make the whole codebase's learning curve a little shallower
15:12.16kergothmallum: he didnt name zimage correctly
15:12.20kergothmallum: zimage.bin
15:12.24mallumkergoth: aha
15:14.14mallumkergoth: thanks
15:14.24mallumkergoth: I've made a few new packages in buildroot :-)
15:15.50kergothnice, what packages?
15:16.18mallumkergoth: fontconfig, new freetype, expat, vera fonts
15:16.29mallumkergoth: have a few probs with the vera fonts
15:16.31kergothah, nice
15:16.32kergothwhat probs?
15:16.52CosmicPenguinmallum: if you get a chance, you, me and scanline should get together and try to figure out a generic way to start the graphics engines without having 18 different inittab skeletons
15:17.10CosmicPenguinkergoth: I had to add w3c-libwww and a madplay binary for pixil too
15:18.08kergothactually, i'd prefer to ditch inittab in general in favor of an alternate init.. but that method would do.
15:18.15CosmicPenguinkergoth: wouldn't that be more useful for *multiple* guis?
15:18.34kergothCosmicPenguin: not necessarily
15:18.43kergothyou need only show 'console' and the single available gui
15:18.50kergothnow the user has a means of dropping to console easily as well
15:19.05CosmicPenguintrue - but most GUIs probably wouldn't want that
15:19.18CosmicPenguinspecially those of us who market to the idiot segement of the market
15:19.37kergoththe bootmenu would be an independent package, one neednt install it
15:19.49CosmicPenguinvery true - and I agree that a bootmenu would be a useful tool
15:20.15scanlineanything that lets us start pixil, opie, and picogui on different VTs would be cool :)
15:20.36kergothall you'd have to do is set a sane default
15:20.45kergothopie is default on vt2, picogui  is default on vt3, etc
15:21.01kergoththen uninstalling bootmenu simply results in the default being started
15:21.17kergoththen all you need, is a sane means of the system deciding which vt to switch you to on boot.
15:21.48CosmicPenguinI'm more concerned about a generic manner of starting the various operating environments
15:21.54sorphinscanline: and overload whatever you're running it all on ;)
15:21.57CosmicPenguinand handling the respawn issue
15:22.34CosmicPenguinTo me, having a x:2:respawn:/usr/pixil/ line in initab is unacceptable
15:24.40kergothCosmicPenguin: my point is, you'd simply have respawn entries for a 'bootmenu', which when a boot menu isnt installed, simply calls the default gui for that vt
15:24.54CosmicPenguinYou could even tie it into your bootmenu
15:25.03CosmicPenguinwith an executable like 'guistart' - the boot menu could simply do something like 'guistart opie vt/2'
15:25.29kergothi disagree with putting 'opie' in the inittabv
15:25.32kergothin any shape way or form
15:25.41CosmicPenguinRight - I see a default
15:25.42prpplagueCosmicPenguin: thats the type of start i use
15:25.45kergothi'd say guistart vt/2, with a /etc/vt2.d/ or something
15:25.55CosmicPenguinkergoth: much better
15:26.05scanlinethat'd be neat
15:26.07prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i also incorporate a check for a file i.e. .nogui
15:26.16prpplagueCosmicPenguin: that prevents the gui from starting
15:26.31mallumkergoth: the vera fonts is just a tarball, so it the makefile theres no actual make - so a few targets consist of just touch $@ , but when I make SUBDIRS=packages/vera-fonts nothing happens :(
15:26.36kergothprpplague: easier, the default script in vt2.d is console. if the gui is uninstalled, it runs console. if yo have a bootmenu, you can select console
15:26.37CosmicPenguinkergoth: though, I see a world where most people would only care about vt/0 - so the vt should be optional, IMHO
15:26.48kergothCosmicPenguin: sure, making vt/0 default is simple enough
15:27.11kergothi've been annoyed with the ways guis start for years. i want this on my desktop too
15:27.31prpplaguekergoth: agreed, however, lets say there was something wrong with your enviroment or you need to debug, you'd want to get to the point where you could start the gui by hand
15:27.54kergothprpplague: runlevels.
15:28.03prpplaguekergoth: agreed as well
15:28.13prpplaguekergoth: just a personal pref i guess
15:28.17CosmicPenguinyeah - runlevels are easy enough
15:28.29kergothso who wants to code it?
15:28.31CosmicPenguinthough Busybox doesn't bother with them - which I assume is a concern for the future
15:28.37kergothits been on my todo for a while, but i havent had time personally
15:28.48CosmicPenguinkergoth: I'll start hacking on it - I'm doing Pixil anyway - it all fits
15:28.49kergothbrb, coffee run
15:29.20prpplaguekergoth: i'm gearing up to get back into the swing of things but it'll be a couple weeks before i'm back up to speed on oz/oe
15:31.17sorphinprpplague: but you're always up to speed on POS ;)
15:34.46CosmicPenguinscanline: finally, we have universal touchscreen filtering in Nano-X
15:35.17prpplaguesorphin: maybe not for long
15:35.23CosmicPenguinscanline: all based on picogui of course
15:35.31CosmicPenguinscanline: or rather, the picogui model
15:35.45scanlineyou did a full input filter type system?
15:35.50sorphinprpplague: yeah yeah, POS will always be your 1st *cough* love
15:36.01CosmicPenguinscanline: sort of
15:36.07CosmicPenguinscanline: no plugins or anything like that
15:36.30prpplaguesorphin: is that anything like the 1st time as a prostitute?
15:36.42CosmicPenguinnice shot
15:37.03scanlinebiological warfare!
15:37.03sorphinprpplague: something like that
15:37.36sorphinprpplague: speaking of whores
15:37.36*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
15:37.51sorphinprpplague: if you leave abcsinc, you won't see your fav mailroom whore anymore *grin*
15:38.01sorphinprpplague: or ashley for that matter
15:38.23prpplaguesorphin: no matter, next friday is both their last days :(
15:38.27CosmicPenguinprpplague: the biggest concern of course would be - could you still IRC from TI?
15:38.31sorphinprpplague: doh
15:38.46sorphinCosmicPenguin: tim has a couple times
15:38.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: probably not
15:38.54prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i.e. we don't seem tim much
15:38.57CosmicPenguinWhat will we ever do for fun?
15:39.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: guess you'll have to talk to sorphin
15:39.16sorphinprpplague: well, tim's just busy prolly, cuz i've seen him appear here through the TI firewall
15:39.29scanlineyou just have to write an IRC client for your TI cell-phone-thingies, then test it extensively
15:39.52sorphinCosmicPenguin: don't worry, i wouldn't subject you to that
15:39.52CosmicPenguinscanline: is that anything like the job testing the security of porn websites?
15:40.10scanlineCosmicPenguin: eh.. only if the porn website is in the form of ascii art delivered by an IRC bot
15:40.13sorphinCosmicPenguin: unless you're sjhill and don't belive in pr0n
15:40.54CosmicPenguinmy objectives are to test the sability of our ftp client downloading binary data from some of the webs busiest servers
15:41.09sorphinon the way to see sarah, i go past 2 humorous things.. a) a bright pink bilboard that says "Porn Destroys Lives", which is right next to a bilboard for an Adult Store :P
15:41.40sorphinand b) another one, further on that says (right before an adult store), "Porn hurts everyone" or somesuch
15:41.47scanline"Porn Destroys Lives"?
15:41.54scanlinethat's like saying "The Internet Killed Jesus!"
15:42.12sorphinscanline: tell that to the bible thumper that had that sign put up
15:42.15signal11sorphin: heh you should have taken a picture
15:42.17CosmicPenguinsorphin: Evanston, Wyoming is right on the Utah/Wyoming border
15:42.25sorphinsignal11: i'm going to next trip
15:42.37CosmicPenguinsorphin: On the WY side, there are lots of billboards for fireworks, liquor and porn
15:42.47CosmicPenguinand on the UT side, there are lots of billboards against the porn
15:43.03sorphindamn mormons
15:43.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: don't forget tobaco
15:43.44CosmicPenguinprpplague: tobbaco is one drug thats not hard to fiind in Utah
15:44.33scanline"Well in those days Mars was just a dreary uninhabitable wasteland... much like Utah. But unlike Utah, it was eventually made livable, when the university was founed in 2636." -Professor Farnsworth, Futurama
15:45.07prpplaguescanline: lol, ya saw that epi the other night in a bar in nassau
15:45.22scanlineit's a great episode, especially for pessimistic university students
15:45.47sorphinscanline: like you?
15:46.07scanline"I don't know how to teach! I'ma Professor!"
15:46.28scanlinewhat's with these quotes pages having typos
15:47.43prpplaguescanline: you still have my pg quote up on the quotes page?
15:48.23scanlinethough the quotes page hasn't been moved to the new wiki
15:48.53*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
15:49.41scanlinebrb, breakfast
15:51.05signal11my favorite sign is still the peta sign about how jesus was a vegetarian
15:53.35signal11it had an orange slice as the halo behind his head
15:57.30sorphinsignal11: heh
16:03.32CosmicPenguinprpplague: how do you configure sqlite to build for the arm platform?
16:03.35CosmicPenguinmy libtool keeps breaking
16:10.02kergothwe have sqlite in buildroot..
16:10.12CosmicPenguinkergoth: yeah, I just found it
16:11.35CosmicPenguinkergoth: I went to mkdir packages/sqlite, and what do you know - it was already there.... :)
16:12.10CosmicPenguinkergoth: whats the deal with output/staging - you prefer arm platform stuff to go into arm-linux, or do you not really care?
16:13.00kergothCosmicPenguin: arm libs -> $(STAGING_LIBDIR), x86 bins -> $(STAGING_BINDIR)
16:13.27CosmicPenguinwhat about header files?
16:16.02CosmicPenguinwhat about for braindead apps that only obey a single prefix?
16:16.33kergothdont use make install into staging unless you absolutely have to
16:16.41kergothmanual install -m or cp is preferred
16:16.51kergothavoids manpage and infopage mess as well
16:17.08CosmicPenguinI was actually thinking about my braindead app that looks in $(PREFIX)/include and $(PREFIX)/lib
16:17.09sorphinkergoth: things that fail cuz i don't use .info's annoy me
16:17.11CosmicPenguinto build
16:17.31kergothCosmicPenguin: autoconf?
16:17.37CosmicPenguinnot a chance
16:17.54kergothwas gonna say, autoconf obeys cflags and ldflags from the environment in its test pass
16:18.12*** join/#elinux TomW (
16:18.14kergothyou simply need to see how to pass in flags for the gcc compile and link passes in the buildsystem i nquestion
16:18.18CosmicPenguinHmm....  thats probably what I'm going to have to do too
16:18.25TomWprpplague: dave, you around?
16:18.32CosmicPenguinBut I was unhappy with the decisions that OZ was making regarding the compiler flags
16:18.35CosmicPenguinso I ignored them
16:18.36sorphinTomW: yo
16:18.41kergothCosmicPenguin: dont like arm optimizations?
16:18.45sorphinTomW: and yeah, dave's here somewhere
16:18.53sorphinor was a lil bit ago atleast
16:18.55CosmicPenguinkergoth: something wasn't kosher - can't remember what it was now, though
16:19.10kergothCosmicPenguin: then pass -I$(STAGING_DIR)/include -L$(STAGING_LIBDIR) -Wl,rpath-link,$(STAGING_LIBDIR)
16:19.20TomWabout freakin' time that that boy shows up!
16:19.21kergothCosmicPenguin: and pester me about the flags, i prefer such things to affect all builds
16:20.14CosmicPenguinkergoth: I'll try to figure it out again - my buildroot is a bit of a dick - it assumes that the user is a complete moron, so I'm having trouble figuring out how to make it play nice with OZ
16:22.42TomWprpplague: hello Dave, you wanna make some money Dave?
16:23.00sorphinTomW: i think he's busy trying to figure out the TI job application ;)
16:23.17sorphinTomW: he's gonna apply to work w/ timmy
16:23.44TomWWhat happened? he got Motazuma's Revenge while in the Carribean or something?
16:23.54kergothprpplague: good luck :)
16:24.03sorphinTomW: dunno
16:25.06sorphinTomW: what's your callsign again ?
16:28.15TomWWN3L, what was yours?
16:28.33sorphinkb0olz (the one you made fun of :P )
16:29.25sorphinTomW: heh, an extra
16:29.30sorphinyou ham junkie you
16:29.36TomWI've got a meeting today with a customer.  He is finally seeing what I told / proposed to him 3 years ago!
16:32.53TomWsorphin: yeah, only way I could get a 'W' callsign was either that or move to Puerto Rico.
16:33.17sorphinTomW: what's so special about a W callsign? :P
16:34.01TomWI've always wanted a Ham license since I was a kid and they had been issuing Whiskey calls back then, I just wanted a Whiskey callsign
16:34.12sorphinTomW: ah
16:34.36TomWn3jva --> ke3dp --> wn3l
16:34.44TomWI like this one
16:35.15sorphini ended up w/ a K cuz htey ran out of N's
16:35.36TomWalmost kept ke3dp, if the fcc had waited one more year on the vanity program, I would have kept it.
16:35.38sorphinmy friend tom (a diff one, but also a ham), is n0yyw, he's who got me into it
16:35.57TomWouch, he doesn't do much CW does he?
16:36.06signal11CosmicPenguin: doing a kernel compile, i'll let you know the compile time (2.4.20)
16:36.21signal11sound support is weird
16:36.31TomW-. ----- -.-- -.-- .--
16:36.38signal11apparently the 2.4.20-ac2 is required (or alsa... ack)
16:36.38TomWlot of dashes
16:37.37CosmicPenguinsignal11: prolly alsa - doesn't matter thats what the future is anyway
16:38.38signal11i'm waiting for 2.6 for alsa
16:38.48signal11modules drive me crazy
16:44.24sorphinTomW: eh? what you mean?
16:44.32sorphinTomW: he got his when they were still giving N calls
16:44.47sorphinTomW: i only got a K cuz htey were out of N's
16:45.08signal1110 minute compile; not bad
16:47.40signal11Via 686a/8233/8235 audio driver 1.9.1-ac
16:47.42signal11via82cxxx: Six channel audio available
16:47.58signal11i Really Want the mpeg to work too
16:47.59TomWsorphin: a killer on cw (n0yyw): -. ----- -.-- -.-- .--
16:48.10sorphinTomW: he knows CW, i don't
16:48.22signal11this thing could be the ultimate dvd ripper
17:01.08CosmicPenguinkergoth: grr... libwww is really sort of a PITA to install by hand
17:01.27sorphinCosmicPenguin: it's also why ibot can't do anymore
17:01.40sorphinif we could get libwww to stop reporting a UA
17:02.52CosmicPenguinsignal11: the mpeg will be a while (if ever)
17:03.00CosmicPenguinHell, we don't even have a framebuffer at this point
17:03.15CosmicPenguinBelay that - we have VESA, but thats no fun
17:03.29sorphinCosmicPenguin: vesa *yawn*
17:03.44sorphinCosmicPenguin: might as well be using ega :P
17:05.47kergothCosmicPenguin: do a make install.. capture the output.. copy & paste ;)
17:08.04*** join/#elinux julie (~julie@
17:08.11sorphinMorn: yo
17:08.42sorphinJulieWork: uh oh..
17:08.45prpplagueJulieWork: get back here
17:08.50prpplagueJulieWork: you can;t work
17:09.09sorphinJulieWork: anyways, got mpeg2vcr, trying to track down a useable serial
17:09.15prpplagueJulieWork: new job? cell phone disposal service?
17:09.35sorphinJulieWork: the binary's at
17:09.49JulieWorksorphin: I got that binary
17:09.55JulieWorkbut without the serial it won't touch mpeg2
17:10.04sorphinJulieWork: umm
17:10.08sorphinJulieWork: actualy
17:10.13sorphinw/o a serial, it wont' even run ;)
17:10.32sorphinyou have the option of putting in a serial or quitting
17:10.50JulieWorkprpplague: MIS Coordinator for a small non-profit
17:11.00sorphinJulieWork: this is 3.14
17:11.08sorphinJulieWork: i got a serial for 3.11 and 3.12
17:11.14sorphinbut neither work for .14
17:11.34JulieWorkI hear it is THE tool for fixing and editing files
17:11.57sorphinJulieWork: well, i got my best digging for it, plus i am as well
17:13.13prpplagueJulieWork: lol, ya i remember you telling us about it
17:13.18prpplagueJulieWork: sounds like fun
17:13.59JulieWorkI've been told watching me fix stuff is fun, they aren't used to seeing that much data flash across the screen
17:14.08prpplagueJulieWork: lol
17:14.19JulieWorkthis comment came from me searching a sendmail log file for a email message problem
17:14.44prpplagueJulieWork: is this non-profit for the promotion of internet pr0n?
17:14.56JulieWorkno, workers rights
17:15.52prpplagueJulieWork: ahh ever worker has the right to have pr0n?
17:15.59prpplagueJulieWork: jk
17:16.29sorphinprpplague: well, they do
17:16.45JulieWorkno, they aduit factories over seas to make sure that Nike, for example, isn't exploiting the workers
17:17.54CosmicPenguinkergoth: I can reproduce their install - its going to be a very fugly packages Makfile though
17:18.30RussJulieWork: ever hear of grep?
17:18.51JulieWorkRuss: doesn't work well for sendmail logs
17:19.11Russbtw, use transcode
17:19.13JulieWorkI find using less with / searches the best
17:19.24prpplagueargh, i'm gonna have to join #redhat and ask questions :(
17:19.29prpplaguei hate that channel
17:20.03CosmicPenguinprpplague: can we help?
17:20.16sorphinprpplague: <nelson from simpsons> HAHA! </nelson from simpsons>
17:20.36prpplagueCosmicPenguin: the console emulation between rhat7.3 and rhat9 has changed
17:20.37signal11CosmicPenguin: if you could choose an mpeg chip to use, which would it be?
17:20.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: all the ansi escapes are different
17:20.55signal11perhaps we can get via to release another version
17:21.01prpplagueCosmicPenguin: doesn't seem to still be semi-vt100 compliant
17:21.05CosmicPenguinsignal11: thats a good question
17:21.14signal11might take a year but at least we can let them know
17:21.40CosmicPenguinprpplague: ahh - don't know anything about rhat9
17:21.41Russ(apt-get installable via marialat)
17:21.45CosmicPenguinJulieWork: transcode rules!
17:21.53JulieWorktranscode is great
17:22.02JulieWorkI helped fix some bugs in it a long time ago
17:22.05signal11transcode #1
17:22.06CosmicPenguinsignal11: VIA is going to start working on the MPEG, but its going to be very propriatary and its a ways out
17:22.09JulieWorkwhen it was first getting out there
17:22.28JulieWorkthe author is nice to talk with too
17:22.28CosmicPenguinsignal11: I keep trying to get partner status to work on the code, but they keep turning me down
17:22.35sorphinRuss: transcode's mplex works better than the mjpeg one
17:22.42Russso why are you looking for mpeg2vcr serials?
17:22.46CosmicPenguinbetter sync support
17:22.51sorphinRuss: mpeg2vcr is an editor
17:22.57sorphinRuss: not an transcoder
17:22.59JulieWorkRuss: it's for editing
17:23.07JulieWorkbut it also has a function to fix PTS errors
17:23.21JulieWorkwhich seem to run rampant in the Happauge PVR hardware MPEG encoded files
17:23.33sorphinRuss: the vcr of the name just means it can be used to edit
17:23.38Russwhat about avidemux?
17:23.40CosmicPenguinsignal11: the problem with the MPEG is that we run right smack up against the patents
17:24.12JulieWorkactually I am going to try to get a Mac machine and use Final Cut Pro :-)
17:24.35signal11CosmicPenguin: so there aren't any useful mpeg chips?
17:24.45sorphinJulieWork: bah
17:24.48CosmicPenguinsignal11: not for us Linux hippies - not at this point
17:24.53sorphinJulieWork: sellout ;)
17:25.00JulieWorksorphin: :-)
17:25.14CosmicPenguinsignal11: the problem is, that eveyrone is scared of lawsuits, so they only want to play with people who can demonstrate that they have the money to protect themselves
17:25.49CosmicPenguinEven little pissant companies like Sigma Designs wouldn't trust a company like Century
17:25.55Russand have you looked at lvs-studio?
17:25.56JulieWorkthere is work on drivers for the Hauppauge PVR-250/350 cards for linux
17:26.33sorphinJulieWork: i know
17:26.39sorphinJulieWork: i know one of the people working on hte PAL sutff
17:27.13sorphinJulieWork: used to hang in hte tivo channel and just repopped up the other day and mentioned about the PVR card stuff
17:27.56JulieWorkI like the cards
17:28.05JulieWorkI just wish I could edit the comercials out easier
17:28.07sorphinJulieWork: i've yet to see a 350
17:28.25JulieWorkit's just a 250 with MPEG hardware decoding out
17:28.38JulieWorkbut the out is ONLY MPEG
17:30.15CosmicPenguinThe broadcom chips seem to be fairly good - I just don't know how much capital is needed to get our grubby little hands on the specs
17:30.24sorphinCosmicPenguin: hehe
17:30.27CosmicPenguinPlus, we need to find outselves a hundred grand or so to acutally make some boards
17:30.31sorphinCosmicPenguin: more than you wanna know ;)
17:30.49JulieWorkA friend of mine works for Broadcom
17:30.57sorphinJulieWork: sjhill used to work for em
17:30.58JulieWorkbut he works for the part that makes wireless stuff
17:30.59RussJulieWork: lvs-studio does scene detection
17:31.16Russthen shows little thumbnails of all the scenes
17:31.19JulieWorkRuss: for editing and authoring DVD's linux can't compete with Windows
17:31.42sorphinCosmicPenguin: i got the specs for the bcm chip the series 2 tivo uses, but of course it's not ahem.. properly attained
17:31.59Russjust tryin' to help
17:32.01sorphinCosmicPenguin: it uses the 7030 or 40 or somesuch
17:32.08JulieWorkRuss: I know
17:32.24JulieWorkRuss: but, I've just run in too many obsticals with doing the video work on linux
17:32.37sorphinJulieWork: and CP is hardcore linux only for dvd stuff ;)
17:32.49JulieWorkRuss: plus til I get a solid working driver for the PVR board, windows is the only way to do it
17:32.59sorphinRuss: i can't find a link to lvs-studio via google
17:33.10Russsorphin: try linuxvideostudio
17:33.48sorphinRuss: still trying to find a tick or 2 to make that damn cable too
17:33.58Russa tick?
17:34.04Russor, time
17:34.16sorphina tick = a second
17:34.25sorphini talk to too many brits
17:34.26RussI got time confused with tclk
17:34.43Russtick is american too...its just all the jtag stuff starts with t
17:35.19sorphinRuss: i know ;)
17:35.32sorphinRuss: just glad i got that crap traced out
17:35.38sorphinnow if i could just make the damn cable
17:35.43sorphinmaybe i could get somewhere :P
17:35.57Russsorphin: you have any old AT cases?
17:36.14Russbummer, the DB25 serial ports on those come in handy
17:36.24sorphinRuss: that conn isn't a prob
17:36.34sorphinRuss: the prob is the cradle i have to hack to do this
17:36.41sorphinsince you can't sample/buy the Z's connector
17:36.56sorphinthe damn nTRST pin is gnd'd in 2-3 places
17:36.56Russah, maybe hack the cradle?
17:37.14sorphinbut i have to unground all those places
17:37.19sorphinone is easy
17:37.26sorphinanother involves a trace cut or 2
17:37.33CosmicPenguinprpplague: any gotchas when you install the forms app on the strongarm?
17:37.44Russtrace cuts are no big deal, just don't get overzealous or impatient
17:39.49sorphinRuss: yeah, the prob is these are a pain..
17:40.25Russjust slowly scratch back and forth across the trace with a sharp pointy tool
17:41.20sorphinRuss: yeah, i know, just figuring the best way, cuz it's gonna have to be switchable
17:41.39sorphinRuss: unless for normal Z usb crap i go buy a cable
17:41.49sorphinand sacrafice the cradle
17:42.04sorphinthese are right inbetween the 16 pin conn and the ribbon conn
17:45.11sorphinRuss: just another fun sharp muckup
18:02.49prpplagueCosmicPenguin: nothing jumped out at me
18:03.01prpplagueCosmicPenguin: although i haven't tried in awhile
18:03.11CosmicPenguinCept that the list of sections was wayyyy too big for the screen
18:03.34CosmicPenguinprpplague: thats not a crime - I need to rewrite the choice widget for pixil anyway, I might as well do it here first
18:30.25CosmicPenguinmmm... transcode
18:32.46*** join/#elinux gatofisch (
18:40.40CosmicPenguinwoo-hoo!  We have epia
18:41.38sorphinCosmicPenguin: ?
18:42.31CosmicPenguinsorphin: my company bought an Epia to mess around with and the UPS guy just dropped it off
18:43.35prpplaguesounds like you need some penacillen
18:43.35sorphinprpplague: that was my Q too
18:44.27CosmicPenguinThe Via Epia - its a multimedia platform with builtin dolby 5.1, firewire, and MPEG2 decoder
18:45.05CosmicPenguinOnly problem is (of course) VIA is being a bitch about the specs - specially the MPEG2
18:45.19sorphinCosmicPenguin: hence what you and mark were on about
18:50.16prpplaguekergoth: hey
18:50.23prpplaguekergoth: digi+rhat9 ?
18:50.29prpplaguekergoth: any issues?
18:50.34kergothdigi+rhat9 probably = ugly
18:50.37kergothhavent tested it
18:50.38kergothgood luck
18:50.45prpplaguekergoth: fun
18:50.49sorphinkergoth: i thought digi+anything = ugly ;)
18:51.16prpplaguesorphin: no, that sorphin+procrating=ugly
18:51.29sorphinprpplague: heh
18:51.38sorphinprpplague: who said you could talk, POS whore
18:51.46kergothibot: spell procrating
18:51.48possible spellings for procrating: procreating pro crating pro-crating prorating programing procreation procuring proctoring recreating protracting prostrating projecting probating procreative programming perforating
18:51.51prpplaguekergoth: ya ya, i can't speel
18:52.01sorphinprpplague: useless texans
18:52.39prpplaguekergoth: sad thing is that my mother was an english teacher
18:52.41Russibot: spell speel
18:52.42possible spellings for speel: spell spiel sepal Peel peel speer speed steel spill spoil spool speller Spiegel Pele supple Perl spew spree suppl repel
18:53.06prpplaguekergoth: i think i drove her insane when i failed so many spelling tests
18:54.27prpplagueanyone know the current support for SM cards under linux?
18:54.56sorphinprpplague: sm = smartmedia ?
18:55.04RussI think he means
18:55.17sorphini hope not ;)
18:55.36prpplaguedoc says smartmedia
18:55.49sorphinthought so
18:55.58sorphinprpplague: camera?
18:56.15sorphinwhich is
18:56.34sorphinibot: gp32
18:56.35sorphin: i don't know
18:57.13prpplaguesorphin: a card like that
18:57.21sorphini know what a smartmedia card is
18:57.27sorphinmy olympus camera uses em
18:57.36sorphinwhat's a gp32 ?
18:57.54prpplagueibot: gp32 is
18:57.55prpplague: okay
18:58.27sorphinprpplague: as for your Q
18:58.43sorphinyou could prolly use a card like i have
18:58.46sorphintis a pcmcia reader for it
18:58.54sorphinshould pick it up as another ide device
18:59.28sorphini can double check when i get home on the laptop
18:59.40sorphini only use hte thing under windows, but i can check linux
18:59.44prpplaguesorphin: ya, i have a pcmcia adapter that supports sony memory stick sd and sm, just didn't know if there were any media issues
18:59.55sorphinshouldn't be
19:00.06sorphinas long as the adapter presents whatever media as an ide device
19:00.17sorphinwhich is should if it's a good adapter
19:00.20prpplaguesorphin: thats what i was thinking
19:01.25sorphinGP = GamePark
19:02.04sorphinneat looking
19:02.17prpplaguesorphin: ya i'm pretty impressed so far
19:02.35prpplaguesorphin: hmm, let me see if i can find them
19:02.39prpplaguesorphin: its arm based
19:02.53sorphinprpplague: just as long as it's not xscale ;)
19:03.10sorphinintel's becoming good at releasing garbage
19:04.09sorphinItanium, XScale, and then you go back in time
19:04.30sorphinkergoth: what now digiboy
19:04.58kergothI cant slack off at work anymore
19:05.02kergoththe bastards
19:05.19prpplaguekergoth: what happened?
19:05.36kergoththey're posting individual call stats now
19:05.38sorphinprpplague: they caught him
19:05.47prpplaguekergoth: doh
19:06.02sorphinkergoth: maybe you should apply for that TI job ;)
19:06.23prpplaguei still can't figure out why sharp hasn't hired you
19:06.24kergothheh, i'm even more of a wannabe than dave here ;)
19:06.38sorphinprpplague: because htey're stupid
19:06.39prpplaguekergoth: you've done more for the z than lineo ever did
19:07.02sorphinprpplague: sharp != smart, if they were they wouldn't have trashed who they did already
19:07.24sorphinand they'd be less NDA about things like the Z
19:07.26prpplaguesorphin: "trashed who they did alreay" ??
19:07.43sorphinprpplague: uhh.. spencer's the only one left
19:07.46sorphinor so i've heard
19:09.26sorphini hate sites liek this
19:09.31filenifty - the wireless module was released
19:09.32sorphinSorry, this information is restricted to registered users only.
19:09.40sorphinbut yet fscking google can CRAWL it
19:09.49sorphinbut even teh cached version does the same shit
19:10.13sorphinprpplague: ARM920T ? who makes that one?
19:10.17prpplaguesorphin: sharp laid off the sharp dev team?
19:10.21prpplaguesorphin: look at the bottom
19:10.27sorphinprpplague: pretty much
19:10.52sorphinheh, samsung
19:10.53sorphinnot bad
19:11.05prpplaguefile: cute
19:11.11prpplaguesorphin: wow
19:11.27prpplaguesorphin: what was their reason behind that?
19:11.30sorphinkergoth: that's right innit?
19:11.38kergothafaik yes. jason and ben are both gone
19:11.45kergothand some others in that dept were laid off
19:11.46sorphinstupid phoenix
19:11.49kergothspencer's basically running the show
19:11.53kergothand he's just a marketing guy for gods sake
19:12.04sorphinkergoth: which explains why still no response back yet again
19:12.15prpplaguethats my only concern about going to work for TI, i might be on the streets in 6 months
19:12.46sorphinprpplague: i'd talk to timmy about what he thinks about how stable it'll be
19:13.14prpplaguesorphin: ya he said it was long term and stable, but who really knows?
19:13.29sorphinkergoth: tho i do still feel lucky that spencer didn't tell me to just send it in
19:13.39kergothyeah, i was pleasantly surprised
19:13.50sorphinkergoth: prolly helped that you were the one that sent the initial request
19:14.26sorphinprpplague: true
19:14.50kergothyeah, sharpis helpful when i ask for things
19:15.01kergothprobably because i'm saving the asses of their users who will be left out in the cold on upgrades shorlty
19:15.21sorphin2.38 is the last rom i've seen (or was it 2.37)
19:15.40kergoththere'll be one last rom, from what i can tell.
19:16.09prpplaguekergoth: so is sharp gonna abandon the z series running linux?
19:16.32sorphinprpplague: they'd be stupid since they just released the c700 and the 5600
19:16.33kergothprpplague: dont know. rumor says they may bring a c700 style unit to the US
19:16.39kergothprpplague: but i havent heard beyond that
19:16.49sorphinkergoth: just watch
19:16.54sorphinkergoth: the US unit
19:17.20kergothI'd pester sharp into giving me the service manual, and OZ would be running on it w/ linux anyway
19:17.40prpplaguekergoth: agreed
19:17.40sorphinkergoth: well.....
19:17.57prpplaguekergoth: these big companies are just not seeing the light
19:18.00sorphinkergoth: unless they do more of like htey did w/ the 5500 and the SD card bit
19:18.16kergothsorphin: then we'd .. do what we have to
19:18.16sorphinkergoth: it'll take longer
19:18.33prpplaguekergoth: hell, if i could convince leapfrog or mattel to give me info on some of their products, they could be making 50x what they are now
19:18.35sorphinkergoth: speaking of which
19:18.41sorphinkergoth: what's the word on the wrapper?
19:18.50kergothsorphin: sharp sent me a 2.4.18 binary only sd module.
19:18.52kergothsorphin: :D
19:19.03kergothkillefiz pulled out hte muscle
19:19.09kergoththey wanted the DB from the zaurus software index
19:19.16kergothhe said he'd give it if we got a new module
19:19.19kergoth.. we have a new module
19:19.24sorphinkergoth: in english please?
19:19.42kergoththey wanted the database of the available zaurus software
19:19.56kergoththe guy who runs the site sai dthey could only have it if we got a >2.4.10 sd module
19:20.19sorphinshoulda asked for jflash too ;)
19:20.45sorphinnot to knock spencer or anything
19:20.53sorphinbut even tho i told him where in the svc manual it is
19:20.59sorphini dunno if that'll help him
19:21.04kergotheh, down?
19:21.17sorphinif he really doesn't know where to look for it
19:22.02sorphinkergoth: looks that way
19:22.05sorphintiming out here
19:22.42sorphinkergoth: so 3.3 will have 2.4.18 ?
19:22.46sorphinor 3.4 or whatever
19:23.03CosmicPenguinsignal11: whats the news?
19:23.06kergoth2.4.19-rmk7-cl1 actually
19:23.26sorphinkergoth: heh
19:23.42sorphinkergoth: i'm leary of any kernel above 2.4.18 now :P
19:23.52kergoth2.4.20-ck4 works great for me
19:24.01sorphinck4 ?
19:24.21kergothcon kolivas
19:24.26kergothits keyed for responsiveness
19:24.27sorphinsounds like the 4 rev of ck4 cologne :P
19:24.35sorphinck1 even
19:24.35kergothpatchset w/ preempt, low latency, etc
19:24.49sorphinkergoth: well.. 2.4.20 crashed on me
19:24.53sorphinlike nothing you'd believe
19:25.03sorphinbecuase of the ide code switch
19:25.24sorphinso i'm leary... i don't need another drive crash :P
19:25.40kergothcant blame ya there
19:26.03CosmicPenguinRuss: any new info on BLOB and cramfs?
19:26.28Russyou mean grub?
19:27.07sorphinkergoth: fyi
19:27.13sorphin14 (  43.569 ms  43.178 ms  42.558 ms
19:27.21sorphinthat's where i hang up on my way to
19:27.39CosmicPenguinoops yeah
19:27.49prpplagueCosmicPenguin: houston, we have lift off! ups#1Z7495160343984946
19:28.13sorphinthat the Z?
19:28.19prpplaguesorphin: ya
19:29.12CosmicPenguinprpplague: awesome
19:29.59sorphinups redesigned
19:30.38sorphinand bought mailboxes, etc, so no fedex shipping there *grin*.. glad there's a fedex world hq not far from me ;p
19:43.34prpplaguekergoth: rhat9 builds the current epca driver and run, however the script is totally non usuable
19:44.06kergothprpplague: what scirpt?
19:44.29prpplaguekergoth: the one that the digi site recomends using
19:44.53CosmicPenguinsignal11: any idea what those FIR pins are hooked into?
19:45.23signal11uh, huh,uuhh </butthead>
19:45.31signal11"fast ir"
19:45.34kergothprpplague: we dont recommend the use of any scripts.
19:45.37signal11isn't that what it is?
19:45.43signal11there is an interrupt you can set in the bios
19:45.56CosmicPenguinsignal11: yeah - I was just trying to see what the IO port is
19:45.58signal11perhaps it is progress beyond serial-based i/o
19:46.08signal11i think that's in the bios
19:46.23CosmicPenguinsignal11: no doubt.  CIR would have to go through serial port 2 though
19:46.39signal11i'm just going to use my trusty packard bell & lirc
19:46.48CosmicPenguinsignal11: thats a good call
19:46.55signal11if it ain't broke
19:47.03CosmicPenguinsignal11: I need to get my hands on a good serial IR dongle
19:47.32prpplaguekergoth: ahh, guess you don't use that anymore
19:47.55prpplaguekergoth: the older drivers come with an
19:48.12kergothprpplague: yep
19:48.23kergothprpplague: we dont recommend it anymore becaues it doenst work :)
19:48.30kergothprpplague: read the install guides in the knowledge base
19:48.46prpplaguekergoth: ha, read instructions? why? lol
19:49.28prpplaguekergoth: our techs never could install digi correctly
19:49.52kergothprpplague: half of my coworkers can barely install digi correctly
19:50.12prpplaguekergoth: we have a whole menu system for our default configs, they choose, and it installs :)
19:54.34CosmicPenguinprpplague: UPS doesn't know about that tracking number
19:54.58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya not until 5:00pm
19:55.08CosmicPenguinahh - but I want to know now!
20:03.02prpplaguekergoth: didn't their used to be a third file need to flash the z?
20:03.58kergothit was never required, but was optional
20:04.10kergothit controlled what runlevel the bootloader passed to the kernel in params
20:04.17kergothbut we control runlevel via inittab
20:04.40prpplaguekergoth: ahh, ok
20:04.48sorphinprpplague: so how much was this via thing?
20:04.52sorphinprh: erm
20:04.56sorphinprpplague: ignore that
20:05.06prpplaguesorphin: i ignore you all the time anyway
20:05.06sorphinCosmicPenguin: so how much was that thing?
20:06.30sorphinprpplague: obviously
20:13.35CosmicPenguinsorphin: 250 bucks out the door
20:18.59signal11that's just the mb and case; and they strongly recommend a 2.5" hard drive
20:19.09CosmicPenguinbah - thats why god invented CF
20:19.17signal11though i was able to plug in a 3.5 and a 2.5 at the same time
20:19.40CosmicPenguinsignal11: if you're using more than 32 MB anyawy, you've probably got issues
20:20.16prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya ya, some ppl have a size issue
20:21.02CosmicPenguinThis bad boy has 6 USB ports
20:23.15*** join/#elinux theDevil- (
20:23.27signal11heh where are you going to store your gigs of mp3's and movies?
20:23.38signal11those vob files take a lotta space
20:23.53CosmicPenguinwell, vobs are out anyway
20:24.06CosmicPenguinand the mp3s can easily be nfs mounted
20:24.17CosmicPenguinthough a HD would be nice as a secondary drive
20:24.49CosmicPenguinmmm... firewire
20:29.19CosmicPenguinI wish i was more mechanically oriented
20:36.58prpplaguesignal11: usb hd
20:37.10prpplaguesignal11: that way you can move it around :)
20:37.20sorphinprpplague: umm
20:37.29sorphinprpplague: as kergoth and i can attest to
20:37.35sorphinusb storage under linux
20:37.41sorphinleaves a lot to be desired
20:37.45prpplaguesorphin: is a little iffy
20:37.49prpplaguesorphin: ya i know
20:37.50sorphinprpplague: um...
20:37.55sorphinprpplague: a *little* ?
20:38.44sorphinprpplague: need i remind you WHY i'm also sitting on 2.4.18 ? because my fs got fscked because of usb storage hanging up the machine enough times that ext3 got a corrupted journal ;p
20:40.05prpplaguesorphin: i was unaware :)
20:42.33sorphinprpplague: 2.4.18 is a bit more tolerable
20:42.53sorphinanything higher, and the slightest thing you're doing and the usb thread would lock up
20:43.06sorphin.18 does it, but not as bad
20:43.25sorphintho, it did cost me a damn dvd blank that i'm still trying to figure out how to finish the burn on :P
20:43.29signal11i have a 20g 2.5" drive.  i'll probably use it in the truck until i get freevo working nicely
20:43.36sorphin3/4 of the way
20:44.07CosmicPenguinsignal11: alrighty then - lets build an image
20:44.14sorphinibot: freevo
20:44.14sorphin: are you using Windows?
20:44.23sorphinibot: die
20:44.24ACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
20:44.32signal11~lart ibot
20:45.08sorphinibot: freevo is
20:45.10okay, sorphin
20:45.40sorphinya know
20:45.46sorphinXBMP uses mplayer
20:45.54sorphinand it SUCKS for dvds
20:50.16sorphinplaying dvds w/ mplayer was noisy and draggy, and stupid dvdx2 while being region free only uses the xbox's damn controller..
20:58.54prpplagueof course i'd never use an illegal application like dcss to watch dvds, lol
21:01.46CosmicPenguinIs that a rip off?
21:24.59*** join/#elinux as (
21:25.46asAnyone familliar with flash command sets awake?
21:49.28CosmicPenguinheh - nice of Sharp to give me a call
21:58.55sorphinCosmicPenguin: ?
22:01.21CosmicPenguinsorphin: At some point I made the fool move of actually giving them my phone number
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22:32.33MonMothahum...what's a good manufacturer of static RAM?
22:37.08asWhat purpose?
22:37.54MonMothasmall computer (looking for 8K x 8 or so, not very big at all)
22:38.18asVirtually anyone.
22:38.46asThese are from samsung.
22:38.52asSeverl Mbit.
22:40.31MonMothaany manuf. that happens to give samples? :)
22:42.09asI paid for mine, but 8k is likley to be trivial money.
22:42.40MonMotha$3.20 at digikey...actually more expensive than 32k
22:42.50MonMothaI guess I could use a 32k and only address part of it :)
22:43.59MonMothafree is always good tho :)
22:55.58MonMothaheh, I have some Samsung SRAM that was apparently EOLed over 10 years ago...I asked for the data sheet on it and the guy was like "We threw the data on that out over 5 years ago"
22:58.14asWhat part number?
23:08.12asHow much?
23:12.42*** join/#elinux sjhill (~NOYB@
23:13.18MonMothayeah, they make some REALLY BIG SRAMs
23:13.21MonMothaand they're REALLY expensive
23:14.25asI'm just using some tiny 2MBit ones, DIL 32's.
23:15.28Russas: about $100
23:15.50asYikes, I react like that when I see a fast high rez ADC.
23:16.08as'Thats looks great... HOW MUCH?!?!?'
23:16.35asHave you done much in the way of flash command set stuff, rewriting etc Russ?
23:17.01RussI did the amd flash stuff for blob
23:17.20asCool, I thought you involved there.
23:18.02asAn ST flash chip is currently making my life hell on earth, I wondered if you had any 'gotchyas' that first timers fall into?
23:18.32asThe data sheet doesnt quite match the firmware, but I cant get either method to work.
23:18.51asIve tried a write, and Ive tried putting it into flashID mode.
23:19.29Russyou can't get the ID from it?
23:19.37asNo. :/
23:19.47Russis it an x16 flash chip?
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23:20.17asIts 2 x16 chips together.
23:20.30Russso you understand what that does to the addressing, right?
23:20.43asPretty much yes.
23:20.56Russk, because there is bit shifting going on
23:21.11Russand different processory handle that on their memory bus differently
23:21.35Russalso, beware of data and address bus plaiting
23:21.38asThe values used in the firmware are somewhat different to the ones in the datasheet though, theres nothing simple that could explain that.
23:22.07Russswitching around data lines, address lines, etc when you route the board
23:22.18Russdoesn't matter for actual data written and read from the flash
23:22.30Russbut you have to undo the plaiting for commands
23:22.34asIve checked that, its normal routing in the hardware.
23:23.16Russis the address you are expecting 0x55, but its writing 0xaa?
23:23.34asOne mo.
23:24.28*** join/#elinux as2 (
23:25.20as2ISP did the dirty while I was checking.
23:25.53as2I'm expecting the first address used from the datasheet to be 555h with whatever shifting is needed.
23:26.07as2The address actually used, is 5555h * 4.
23:26.36as2The second address used, should be 2AA, with whatever shifting...
23:26.48as2And whats actually used is 2AAA * 4.
23:26.56as2(from the base of the flash in memory).
23:27.05Russsounds pretty common
23:27.18as2I dont understand where the extra digit comes from.
23:27.18Russ555h isn't an actual address in an x16 flash if you think about it
23:27.24Russthe really mean aaah
23:27.42Russso there is your first *2
23:28.22as2I follow that much.  But 5555 versus 555, theres more bits set. :/
23:28.26Russthe 555 address pertains to a 16 bit word, not a 8 bit word
23:28.57as2Yes it does, which is why it also botheres me that the 5555  is shifted by x4, and not as Id have expected, by x2.
23:29.09as2When the box uses this code though, it works.
23:29.21as2When I try this code, nothing whatsoever happens.
23:30.15Russok, anyway, aaa, then shift two and its 1554
23:30.17as2IVe also tried calling the flash routine, from my own routine, and still nothing happens (attempted write).
23:30.33Russ5555 isn't an x32 address
23:30.50as2Yes, except the value used is 15554, which also make no sense.
23:31.15as2Yes the datsheet claims to be correct for this flash part.
23:31.34as2But is there any reason running the right code could fail to work?
23:31.38Russ0x1554 is what I expect
23:32.10as20x15554 is what is used.
23:33.05Russits an offset of 0x14000
23:33.10Russhow big is the flash?
23:34.41as2For this bank, anyway.
23:34.44RussI used two addresses 0x555 << 2 and 0x2aa << 2
23:35.20as2ITs very similar stuff at any rate, when you tried it, did it work first time?
23:35.36Russhave you tried 0x1554 and 0xaa8?
23:36.12Russ(this is on sa1100 btw)
23:36.18as2Ive tried the numbers used in the firmare twice with different code methods.
23:36.20Russdifferent processors handle this differently
23:36.35Russin the sa1100 case A1 and A0 aren't hooked up
23:36.47Russwhereas in the processor I'm worknig with now,they would be
23:37.23as2Its a much saner method with RISC chips.
23:37.30as2LEt me check the schematic and make sure.
23:37.33Russboth chips are arm
23:37.45Russone just has a memory controller that does bit shifting on addresses
23:38.06Russhmm...actually the end result in software is the same
23:38.18Russare you using memory barriers?
23:38.20as2Oh.  All the older ARM chips I'm used to ignored lower two bits on the chip itself.
23:38.46as2I'm not sure what a barrier is, but these are directly wired to the bus.
23:39.01Russis this stuff coded in C?
23:39.19as2Address lines 1 and 0 arnt connected to the flash, as expected.
23:39.37as2Its in a godawful dilect of assembler I'm afraid, but I can read it.
23:40.10Russare any caches or read/write buffers enabled?
23:40.49Russbecause if its merging writes, that isn't helpfull
23:40.53as2Cache should be dead, but I'm using peripheral writes now that dont work through any cache.
23:41.21as2The code in the firmware works the same way.
23:41.46Russbasically, my flash, I:
23:41.52RussFLASH_ADDR1 = data_to_flash(UNLOCK1);-
23:41.52as2If 1554 and aa8, were right on the 16x2 ARM system I'm sure the shifting is right on this.
23:41.57RussFLASH_ADDR2 = data_to_flash(UNLOCK2);
23:42.05RussFLASH_ADDR1 = data_to_flash(<command>);
23:42.53Russand then a read if its something like that
23:42.56as2Hmm, do you have to have a read after one of the commands?
23:43.01Russdon't forget to be in read array mode first
23:43.10Russa read? where?
23:43.11as2Read array mode?
23:43.19RussFLASH_ADDR1 = data_to_flash(READ_ARRAY);
23:43.28Russ#define READ_ARRAY              0x00F000F0
23:43.37Russ#define FLASH_ADDR1             (0x00000555 << 2)
23:43.55as2IS read array mode the normal put in address read data the system uses all the time?
23:44.15as2Then I'm in it becuase I can read the flash data.
23:44.50Russare you running from flash?
23:45.04as2I'm running my code from SRAM.
23:45.14as2The code is running, but the attempt fails.
23:45.30Russare you sure thare are no flash accesses
23:45.37Russlike you accidently left your static data in flash
23:45.39as2Looks like almost identical command sets.
23:45.50Russya, they are
23:46.18as200900090 is the command for manufacturer ID/flash ID.
23:46.47as2But its not working.  Hmmf, more worryingly, a generic program is also failing to read the flash ID.
23:47.05RussI would think there are some interleazed flash reads
23:47.41as2The flash is in an isolated bank.
23:47.51RussI know
23:48.07Russbut if your assembler is producking code that ends up reading from an address in flash
23:48.21Russfor static data or sometihng (like 0x00900090)
23:49.04as2I'm hand assembling it.
23:49.33Russwhat chip is it anyway?
23:49.51Russ<I mean the arm
23:50.12as2This system isnt an ARM system.  Ive worked on them before.
23:50.41Russis it x86?
23:51.05sorphinas2: if it's standard type flash, like atmel/sst type
23:51.08sorphini know how to work w/ it
23:51.11as2You may feel it necassary to recoil in horror.
23:51.13sorphinintel crap, no
23:51.17sorphinamd, sorta
23:51.25as2The ST20TP3 cpu is a transputer with bells on.
23:51.52as2sorphin, Have you seen anything that uses an extra digit from normal command sets?
23:52.30as2Mid 90's INMOS, its 'RISC' but the instructions are 8bit, registers are 3x32bit aranged as a stack.
23:52.38sorphinas2: no, normally it's like russ was showing, 5555h AAAAh or such
23:53.09as25555 was what I meant.  The datasheet says 555, what is used is 5555 shifted.
23:54.15sorphinas2: ok
23:54.18sorphinhere's an example
23:54.20as2Unless IVe screwed up several times in a row from scratch, I'm doing exactly what the firmware is doing, but its not working.
23:54.22sorphinto read the chip ID
23:54.32sorphinfrom most sst and atmel chips
23:54.57Russthat would be for a x8
23:55.10sorphinfyi ChipBase is a memory map of the flash
23:55.24as2I thought that might be the case.
23:55.41as2Thats exactly whats happening here, is there any reason it would fail if done properly?
23:55.47sorphinyeah, these are 128K flash
23:55.58as2Same here.
23:55.59sorphinas2: umm..
23:56.09sorphinwhere's the datasheet on your chip
23:56.11Russbad datasheet?
23:56.11as2Maybe 'properly' is wrong, haha.
23:56.27as2The datasheet is slightly untrustworthy.
23:56.49as2I got it from the site, the chips are, M29W800AT.
23:57.09as2But I have found the flash code in the firmware, so I have a good idea whats being done that is working.
23:58.02sorphinas2: you using 8 or 16 bit mode?
23:58.05as2As far as I can tell, I'm doing everything it is, but when I try the ID read, I'm getting flash contents.
23:58.19as2Both chips are in 16bit mode.
23:58.47sorphinand you've seen this file?
23:59.05Russare you *absolutely positive* its a M29W800AT?
23:59.10Russand not a M29W800T?
23:59.36as2AT I'm sure, its legible on the chips.
23:59.41Russ < datasheet for M29W800T)
23:59.56sorphinas2: that link i just pasted is how ot do things to those chips in 16bit mode..

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