irclog2html for #elinux on 20030415

01:29.05*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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03:30.04*** join/#elinux chouimat (
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03:31.59sorphinGPSFan: evening ken
03:36.16GPSFansorphin: hi dan, well, another monday's over...
03:38.59sorphinGPSFan: ya
03:39.02sorphinkergoth: lo
03:39.11GPSFanker ho..
03:39.26GPSFankergoth: that is ;>)
03:39.36sorphinyeah, we now kergoth is a ho ;)
03:42.21sorphinknow even
03:53.36*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
04:12.39sorphinchouimat: how good are you at schematic tracing?
04:25.25chouimat|nightsorphin: why?
04:47.57*** join/#elinux fontenot_ (
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14:22.05sorphinGPSFan: morning
14:26.32GPSFansorphin: good morning dan
14:27.57sorphinoh, nothing, just a very obvious M$ banner ad right at the top o
14:28.06sorphinf /.
14:28.10sorphindamn c&p
14:29.44GPSFanm$ stopped being funny when they released DOS5.0
14:30.11sorphinGPSFan: i think you missed the point here
14:31.01GPSFansorphin: probably, I'm still half asleep. ;>)
14:31.19sorphinGPSFan: M$ ad + /. = troll field day
14:31.38GPSFantrue enough..
14:34.29sorphinlo cp/jc/mr pixil
14:34.32CosmicPenguinsorphin: you got a problem with me?
14:34.40sorphinCosmicPenguin: eh?
14:36.13CosmicPenguin<sorphin> damn c&p
14:36.28sorphinthat's cut & paste :P
14:36.51sorphinhence, the & in the middle :-P
14:37.04CosmicPenguinI know - I was just joshing you
14:37.12CosmicPenguinwe need a little humor in this room
14:37.16sorphinand since kergoth is too lazy to be awake yet :P
14:37.20sorphinibot: tuesday
14:37.21Tuesday sucks, because it follows Monday (see monday)
14:38.47sorphinCosmicPenguin: my humor for the day was seeing that m$ banner ad on /., if i need any more, i'll make file dance on hot coals while canada customs teases him w/ packages he'll never receive
14:40.25sorphinok, dilbert in spanish isn't funny
14:40.30*** join/#elinux ade|home (
14:53.03*** join/#elinux Rocinante (~Rocinante@
15:02.56CosmicPenguinRocinante: Like the phoenix from the ashes
15:03.16sorphinCosmicPenguin: careful, you might get sued for saying phoenix ;P
15:03.24CosmicPenguinoh - thats right
15:03.39CosmicPenguinBut apparently, using brand names of existing cars is ok
15:03.45signal11that is a lyric from a rush song.  must be Jeff
15:03.49CosmicPenguinso, lets try this again...
15:04.02signal11Hemispheres #1
15:04.04CosmicPenguinRocinante: like the Ford Pinto form the aches
15:04.20sorphinCosmicPenguin: uhh.. the pinto is better off in the ashes ;)
15:04.42CosmicPenguinsorphin: no way man - I want to get a vintage pinto, jack it up, put on mag wheels... it would be a sweet ride
15:04.55signal11CosmicPenguin: a friend of mine had one of those in high school
15:04.57sorphinCosmicPenguin: how bout, like pixil from the ashes (every time greg pissed you off, but you stuck w/ it)
15:05.14signal11it was definitely not a babe magnet of a car
15:05.39CosmicPenguinsignal11: the fumes probably killed more brain cells than any other substance consumed during the high school years
15:07.13RocinanteCosmicPenguin: Gotta luv the pintos!
15:07.26Rocinantesignal11: How goes things?
15:07.55RocinanteInstead of getting the pinto's go all out and get the late 70's Mustang II's
15:08.07RocinanteThey looked identical to the pinto's but had a whopping 84 HP!
15:09.49sorphinheh, my cutlass maxed at 110hp
15:13.10signal11Rocinante: heh didn't some of those have a v-8 though?
15:18.25sorphinsignal11: my cutlass was a V8 w/ that 110 hp :P
15:18.40sorphincourse, it was a 260 w/ 2 barrel :P
15:18.56CosmicPenguinbtw - anyone catch the new Mustang on the Today show today?
15:19.51signal11no, how does it look?
15:20.04CosmicPenguinsignal11: the body looks very 1960s
15:20.36CosmicPenguinsignal11: especially the grill - 300 to 400 HP
15:23.54CosmicPenguinsignal11: unfortunately, I can't find any pictures
15:26.08CosmicPenguinsignal11: here we go:
15:27.18CosmicPenguinsignal11: and here is the convertible (bad picture):
15:27.20signal11looks cool enough
15:31.15leviI didn't really like the new mustang look when they first unveiled it.  But I didn't like the current look when it first came out either, maybe I'll get used to it.
15:41.06chouimathey sorphin
15:50.28Rocinantenothing beats the cobra and mach I models...
15:51.28sorphinhmm.. here's a poll Q for everyone ;)
15:51.33sorphinHow do you take your coffee?
15:51.50chouimatRocinante: really ... I thought that a figth with 2 women in underware was the summum
15:51.58chouimatsorphin: I a mug
15:52.32Rocinantechouimat: heh
15:54.25chouimatsorphin: anyy luck with the trace?
15:54.29CosmicPenguinsorphin: intravenously
15:56.25CosmicPenguinor something
15:56.39sorphinCosmicPenguin: how bout those ipks? ;)
15:57.12CosmicPenguinsorphin: get yourself an ipaq, then  we
15:57.13sorphini heard kergoth gets his coffee in an old cup that says Digi on it ;)
15:57.28sorphinCosmicPenguin: working on it
15:58.00CosmicPenguinif dave would send me that Z, I would have some Z ipks too
15:58.10sorphinCosmicPenguin: dave should be flyign back today
15:58.23sorphinhe still has a lot of shit to send off ;)
15:58.57chouimatsorphin: for you coffee question: does by the  mouth is a good answer?
15:59.32sorphinchouimat: actually i was really refering to if you put anything in it or not or if it was just straight black, but ah well
15:59.56chouimatsorphin: ok 2 sugar and 2 cream  or milk
16:00.10CosmicPenguinsorphin: don't worry about it, chouimat isn't really paying attention when he listens to his Celine Dion records
16:00.21sorphinCosmicPenguin: true
16:00.28*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
16:05.46chouimatewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Celine Dion .......
16:06.13sorphinchouimat: whatever, you guys are required to lust after her i thought :P
16:06.58chouimatsorphin: look I prefer watching myself playing with my hand in front of a mirror than her :P
16:07.26chouimatok maintenant ce calvaire de DNS
16:09.22chouimatsorphin: everyone says that bind is a piece of junk but I can't find a suitable replacement for it
16:09.33sorphinchouimat: hehe.. there is ;)
16:09.54sorphinok, you ipaq'ers, which model(s) you got?
16:10.07sorphin(not series, model)
16:10.19chouimatsorphin: powerdns ... maradns ... djbdns .... which one I can use for a corporate dns?
16:10.34sorphinchouimat: heh
16:11.02chouimatsorphin: :)
16:17.57ade|homebind9 is fine ish really .. ish
16:18.07ade|homeok very ish
16:18.17sorphinade|home: hehe
16:18.23sorphinade|home: i don't use 9
16:18.38ade|homereason not to ?
16:19.27sorphinmore like no reason to
16:21.21sorphinade|home: using named 8.2.4-T2B here atm
16:24.05chouimatade|home: we are planning to ditch bind here
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16:47.38ade|beth2am running bind9 9.2.2-2 here, no problems
16:55.10chouimatade|beth2: we got so much  problem with bind8 that we don't know if bind9 is secure ... it crash once a week :(
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17:08.39sorphinchouimat: never had a prob w/ the current version of bind i'm running and it's handling quite a few domains
17:15.52chouimatsorphin: I did a script that check if named is running at every 60 seconds and if not it restart it
17:17.32chouimatsorphin: and I'm tired to receive 60 named crash email per day ...
17:18.02sorphinhave you checked to see why its' crashing? :P and what version of 8 are you running?
17:21.02chouimatsorphin: last version 8
17:21.23sorphinand have you check to see why it's crashing? :P
17:21.51chouimatyes ... random crashes
17:21.56sorphinuh huh
17:22.19chouimatsorphin: attack ... hardware problems and divine intervention
17:23.10sorphinbind wouldn't that is
17:23.15chouimatsorphin: hahaha
17:23.19sorphinit's commiting namedicide
17:24.09chouimatsorphin: anyone would commit suicide listening to that crap
17:24.26sorphinchouimat: but yet, you haven't ;)
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17:24.57chouimat|awaybbl need to go reboot that damned dns server .... 8 km away  :(
17:25.16sorphinnot that far :P
17:25.18sorphin8 miles, sure
17:25.23sorphin8km, nah
17:25.46chouimat|awaysorphin: no car, no bus ... and it's raining
17:26.03sorphinchouimat|away: 3 words
17:26.10sorphinchouimat|away: remote serial console
17:27.16chouimat|awaysorphin: yup but when that box is freezed ...
17:27.36sorphinchouimat|away: yo ucall someone over there :P
17:27.59chouimat|awaysorphin: exactly but today it's my turn :)
17:28.01sorphinor hell, send the mounties over :P
17:43.31*** join/#elinux mallum (
17:43.54sorphinmallum: evening
17:45.45mallumhey sorphin
17:45.56kergothhey mallum
17:46.11mallumhey kergoth
17:47.07sorphinwhile kergoth spends his day in his digicube ;)
17:47.19kergothbah, dont remind me
17:47.40*** join/#elinux Russ (~russ@
17:47.50sorphinRuss: re
17:47.58sorphinkergoth: aww, why not? ;)
17:48.10kergothibot: tuesday
17:48.11Tuesday sucks, because it follows Monday (see monday)
17:48.30sorphinkergoth: already did it earlier while you were still coffeeless and lifeless ;)
17:49.23sorphinkergoth: you got all Z's or an ipaq too?
17:49.35*** join/#elinux nelson (
17:50.24sorphinnelson: re
17:51.13kergothi have a c700 and 5500 only, and dont own either of them
17:51.17kergothi should buy an ipaq
17:54.32ade|deskbuy 2 and give on eto me  :)
17:54.54kergothheh, i wont be buying anything for a while, i'm broke
17:55.14ade|deskless broke than me i am guessing
17:55.46ade|deski haven't had a paying job for >8 months
17:56.33Russhey sorphin
17:57.41Russapt-get install gtk2-engines-spherecrystal
18:00.05CosmicPenguinSimpsons Season 3 is now available for preorder
18:06.18CosmicPenguinits not just a little ugly out there, its real ugly
18:06.28sorphinit's 82F here, and windy
18:06.37sorphinwind advisory all day
18:06.39CosmicPenguinweatherbot: weather kslc
18:06.41weatherbotCurrent conditions at Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City International Airport, UT, United States: It is 3 C (39 F), windspeed is 33.80 km/h, and visibility is 9.66 km. (Information current as of 2003.04.15 1710 UTC).
18:06.49CosmicPenguinIt was 70 degrees yesterday
18:07.04sorphinglad i don't live in utah ;)
18:07.12CosmicPenguinme too
18:07.33sorphintomorrow: high 78 low 50, w/ storms
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18:14.20*** mode/#eLinux [+o Russ] by ChanServ
18:15.18sorphinkergoth`lunch: looks like i got the svc manual and the jflash stuff (checking)
18:15.44sorphini did :)
18:15.48sorphinw/ source
18:16.15sorphinit looks like anyways
18:22.32sorphinhmm, ok it's not the jflash, it's the cf updater
18:30.12chouimatsorphin: ?
18:31.02sorphinchouimat: i asked spencer for the sv manual and hte jflash for the Z
18:31.14sorphinhe sent me the manual, and what looks like the source for the CF Updater
18:31.38sorphincuz there's no jflash refernece in the zip file..
18:32.07chouimatsorphin: I don't have that source code :(
18:32.45sorphinchouimat: you don't get what you don't ask for ;) (tho i didn't ask for this).. gonna email him back, wonder if he doesn't know what i meant by the jflash?
18:33.12kergoth`lunchprobably didnt know what you meant
18:33.19chouimatsorphin: I asked for the info I needed to be able todo a netbsd port
18:33.21kergoth`lunchspencer's a marketing guy, not a techie
18:33.28sorphinkergoth`lunch: tho i'm not complaining if this IS the cf update code ;)
18:33.29kergoth`lunchchouimat: you have it.. in japanese..
18:33.31kergoth`lunchchouimat: :)
18:33.56chouimatkergoth`lunch: but I will probably need to modify the cf  adapter too :)
18:33.59sorphinkergoth`lunch: the more i look at this
18:34.06sorphinit's definately the cf update code
18:37.39sorphinkergoth`lunch: any suggestion on how i should better describe it to him? (i.e. paste the banner of what it's output would look like, or ?)
18:39.51chouimatsorphin: just tell him to look at the page of the svc manual where they talk about the  jtag stuff
18:40.13sorphingood point
18:41.59chouimatsorphin: np
18:42.36chouimatanyone know how to setup hylafax?
18:43.06filepray to a god.
18:43.11sorphinchouimat: shoulda asked me that years ago ;)
18:43.20chouimatfile: which one
18:43.23chouimatsorphin: bah
18:43.24filechouimat: dunno
18:43.44chouimatwooohoooo the dns is ooperational
18:45.10sorphinkergoth`lunch: i now know what those pads are
18:45.17sorphinin the battery area, on the right
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18:46.49filewhat's a port scanning utility?
18:47.43signal11chouimat: i have set up hylafax a few times
18:47.54signal11once you get it going it's nice
18:50.24chouimatsignal11: ok
18:50.36signal11i installed from an rpm
18:51.17sorphinguess things are finally calming down
18:51.46chouimatsignal11: I will install it later I'm finishing a job for 16h00 and I have 1h10 left
19:05.41sjhillfile: for x in a b c d e f g h i ; do dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hd$x bs=1024 count=1 ; done
19:05.49sjhillfile: that's a perfect port scan utility for you
19:08.17sorphinsjhill: allo mipswhore
19:08.29sjhillhey sorphin
19:09.42sorphinsjhill: sup?
19:14.27sjhillcrappy day with interrupts
19:14.42sorphinsjhill: ah
19:27.59*** join/#elinux Russ (~russ@
19:28.14sorphinRuss: re once again
19:31.54Russya, my rack made bad sounds
19:32.02Russthe ups made lots of beeping
19:32.12Russand then there was something that sounded like a bang
19:32.20Russand then all the computers beeped (power on post)
19:35.11sorphindoesn't sound good ;)
19:35.58signal11was that a generator kicking in or something?
19:36.10sorphinsignal11: doubtful
19:36.38signal11like was the bang a transformer outside, or something frying in the computer room
19:36.44sorphinsounds like his UPS wasn't too happy
19:37.25RussI think it was the sound of all the fans and harddrives simultaneously losing and gaining power
20:01.13sorphinRuss: coo.. finally got these traced
20:01.22sorphinnice having the schematic to reference
20:20.26*** join/#elinux bmidgley (
20:56.27*** part/#elinux Rocinante (~Rocinante@
21:27.58CosmicPenguinhmm...  stupid airplane, get dave on IRC faster
21:28.54CosmicPenguinsorphin: let me me ask you a hypothetical
21:29.19CosmicPenguinSay you've got a list of questions on a program, and you need to keep track of if they have been answered or not
21:29.37CosmicPenguinBut you also want to provide defaults for things like numbers, dates and times
21:30.12CosmicPenguinHow can I determine if the user answered those questions, or if they just accepted the defaults
21:30.26CosmicPenguinis there a way to make the user enter a value, but still have the defaults in play?
21:31.26sorphinyeah, just flag if there's anything other than null for an 'answer' and if null, assume default
21:31.34sorphinthat's how i'd do it
21:31.36CosmicPenguinSo get rid of the defaults then
21:32.26sorphini'd point out there is a default and what it is
21:32.43sorphinfor por
21:32.58CosmicPenguinThe biggest problem is that we don't allow keyboard entry of any kind
21:33.04sorphinPoint of Reference
21:33.19CosmicPenguinso to increment and decrement a number, you have to use buttons
21:33.50CosmicPenguinSo if the question asks for a guys blood pressure, you want to start them off at a decent number, otherwise they'll have to arrow up from 0
21:34.11CosmicPenguinWhich they'll always have todo, because if your blood pressure is 0, you're probably not going to make your dinnerdate
21:34.39sorphinyou could just pick a default of whatever a mid range healthy BP is
21:35.12CosmicPenguinWhich is what we do - but now I'm having trouble trying to figure out if they actually selected that value, or if it happened to be the default
21:35.40sorphingood point
21:36.02sorphinlemme ponder that one on the way home
21:47.14kergoththat blew.
21:47.20kergothquarterly goal review with the boss
21:47.58chouimatkergoth: ouch
21:48.15kergothand I havent done shit for any of my goals
21:50.53chouimatkergoth: look very bad
21:51.17kergothand apparently i need to be more timely with tasks he gives me
21:51.22kergothand i need to be late less often
21:52.06signal11i have 8 bosses
21:52.22CosmicPenguinBob... Bob..
21:53.10signal11tell him that his "goals" cut into your reading of
22:00.29CosmicPenguinI love being in charge of the company credit card
22:00.43signal11heh mine is going to arrive tomorrow
22:00.55CosmicPenguinsignal11: cool - What did you get?
22:00.56signal11i got the m9000
22:01.13CosmicPenguinSo did I - with the mini ITX tower case
22:01.13signal11and a tiny 12 volt case
22:01.50signal11i just want an XDM client, and maybe to play with the mpeg stuff if they ever get it working
22:01.55CosmicPenguinAnd I've got a CF->IDE adapter here thats not doing anything.
22:02.16CosmicPenguinsignal11: I don't think that the MPEG stuff will ever be open source
22:02.32CosmicPenguinsignal11: hell, I've got an NDA with them, and they won't let me even think about getting the stuff
22:02.47CosmicPenguinSpeaking of which
22:02.49signal11maybe i'll run freevo on it
22:13.11mallumkergoth: hi there mr, did you commit that xfree fix ;-) ?
22:14.36signal11CosmicPenguin: does the epia support disk on chip or any kind of fast booting?
22:14.59signal11well i imagine it would have some kind of super fast post
22:15.04kergothmallum: uh, yeah i seem to recall doing a bk receive
22:16.32CosmicPenguinsignal11: You mean something like a LinuxBIOS port?
22:17.26mallumkergoth: bk recieve ?
22:17.45CosmicPenguinsignal11: not that I know of
22:17.58signal11but maybe it won't be necessary if it posts fast enough
22:18.41CosmicPenguinsignal11: You're still looking somewhere between 10 and 20 seconds
22:18.44CosmicPenguinEither way you look at it
22:21.08kergothmallum: yeah. the other end of a bk send.
22:23.09mallumkergoth: ah, sorry Im with you - I dont think I sent you a fix for copying the skeleton over and allowing the directorys to be writable
22:23.32mallumkergoth: do you think the --no-preserve switch to cp would do it ?
22:24.56*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
22:35.50sorphinkergoth: with 50 or so of his clonesest friends ;)
22:39.18sorphinw/ orders to sing every morning :P
22:40.23signal11~lart ms office
22:43.13kergoth hmm
22:44.56kergothI need to go home, clean my house, and drink.
22:45.09sorphinkergoth: and get to work on time
22:45.20kergothsorphin: bah
22:45.29kergothsorphin: that would imply that i cared
22:45.42sorphinkergoth: you'll care when you get canned
22:45.48kergothpoint taken
22:46.13chouimat|foodkergoth: you forgot do the dishes and eat :)
22:46.20kergoththat too
22:46.41kergothgo home, clean kitchen, do dishes, drink myeslf into a drunken stupor
22:46.45kergothsounds like a plan!
22:46.49chouimat|foodkergoth: I thinnk I will go to the grocery store later ... I tired of eating cup-of-msg
22:46.53signal11if you eat fast food, you don't have to do dishes
22:47.05kergothyeah, but i'm broke
22:47.10signal11chouimat|food: heh
22:47.18signal11ramen it is then
22:47.27kergothramen rocks
22:47.35chouimat|foodsignal11: third Gattuso coup-of-noodle today
22:47.49signal11i would avoid that flavor packet-o-sodium though, sprinkle lightly
22:48.01signal11and add 1 habanero
22:48.45signal11i've had a case of ramen sitting in my closet for awhile, do those things ever spoil?
22:48.54kergothdoubt it
22:56.47*** join/#elinux Morn (
22:57.24sorphinMorn: re
22:57.25*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
22:57.29sorphinGPSFan: yo
22:57.47sorphinGPSFan: need your adv (would ask tom too, but as usual he's never around ;) )
22:58.35*** join/#elinux noidd (
22:58.40Mornthe send me a DSL modem, but I don't get provisioned for another 3 days
22:58.42Mornthat's smart
22:58.55noiddseen mallum
22:59.05sorphinMorn: uh.. that's normal
22:59.21noiddibot, seen mallum
22:59.26mallum is currently on #ipaq (5h 15m 55s) #familiar (5h 15m 55s) #intimate (5h 15m 55s) #gpe (5h 15m 55s) #tuxscreen (5h 15m 55s) #elinux (5h 15m 55s) (5h 15m 55s).  Has said a total of 45 messages.  Is idling for 35m 54s
22:59.28MornI would have expected the dates to be closer
22:59.44sorphinMorn: uh.. 3 days?
22:59.52sorphinyou're lucky it's not 14 :P
23:00.07noiddblast :-/
23:00.13kergothmallum: ping
23:00.25signal11our dsl company said it would be at least a week; but when i plugged my equipment in it worked right away anyway
23:00.34sorphinsignal11: yeah
23:00.35signal11id 10 t 's
23:00.58signal11qwest has some kind of deal with msn, i think you get turned on right away with msn but they delay the other isp's
23:01.36signal11yeah that's the default, they kept slamming me back onto msn too, for like a month
23:01.49signal11it would take a week to get back to the isp i wanted, and within 24 hours i'd be back on fkn msn
23:01.53sorphinwell, have sbc here, and i use their isp
23:02.15*** part/#elinux noidd (
23:03.13mallumkergoth: pong
23:03.24sorphinmallum: noidd was looking for you too
23:03.30mallumwho is noidd ?
23:03.36sorphinno idea
23:03.49kergothmallum: the guy who made perl crosscompile
23:03.52kergothmallum: no small feat..
23:04.00mallumkergoth: no not at all :\
23:04.26kergothi was impressed. anyway he's having trouble building xfree86 from buildroot
23:05.23mallumkergoth: yeah, until I fix this skeleton file permissions its broken :(
23:05.42kergothbleh, if i have time i'll look at it
23:05.45kergothjust swamped lately
23:06.30mallumkergoth: dont worry, I figured how to fix it
23:06.53mallumkergoth: just buildroot is braking on busybox at the mo
23:07.08mallumkergoth: make[4]: *** No rule to make target `busybox-0.60.3/libbb.a', needed by `ipkg'.
23:07.10kergothbusybox? thats odd
23:07.18kergoththats an iipkg break
23:07.20mallumipkg i86 I mean
23:07.21GPSFansorphin: hey
23:07.24kergothand its due to it calling an old autoconf version
23:07.31kergothyou did enable autoconf in buildroot, right?
23:07.41kergothdoes output/staging/build/bin/autoconf exist?
23:08.11mallumkergoth: yeah autoconf enabled
23:08.31kergothhave you mrproper'd your ipkg-x86 recently?
23:08.35kergothwe've changed versions multiple times
23:08.36mallumkergoth: and it exists
23:08.39sorphinGPSFan: hey
23:08.46mallumkergoth: no I'll make mrproper it
23:08.53sorphinGPSFan: the price on this look ok?:
23:08.56kergothmallum: dont forget to set SUBDIRS ;)
23:09.04mallumyeah dont worry :-)
23:10.41GPSFansorphin: back for a bit, tek 475 is a nice fast analog scope, I have a 465, the 100MHz version, I'd pay 250 for it as long as it works. ;>)
23:11.05sorphinwell, if i don't like it, he'll refund it
23:11.10sorphinwhat's the highest you'd go?
23:11.23mallumkergoth: cool, that appeared to fix it :-)
23:12.02GPSFansorphin: so he says.
23:13.30sorphinGPSFan: don't worry, i'd get it back.. anyways, back to the point here
23:13.30sorphinGPSFan: what's the max you'd do?
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23:14.20GPSFansorphin: probably 300, maybe 350
23:15.53kergothmallum: nice
23:19.51*** join/#elinux Morn (
23:21.17sorphinGPSFan: btw.. the guy is selling a 465 for parts too
23:21.32sorphinGPSFan: incase you need any ;) it ends in 2 days and is at $9.95 atm
23:22.37GPSFansorphin: thanks< I saw that but is a 465M which tek made for the military, and isn't quite the same inside. :(
23:28.37sorphinGPSFan: next step if i win it will be to snag some probes
23:28.45sorphinGPSFan: what they run about?
23:37.20GPSFansorphin: probes from tek are $$ there are some cheaper alternates, the probes will determine measurement bandwidth, up to the 25oMHz max of the scope, however with an analog scope, you will be able to see stuff much higher, without the aliasing effects of a digital scope.
23:38.06GPSFanI haven't bought probes in a long time, let me poke around a bit...
23:38.19sorphini appreciate it
23:38.37sorphinif i don't win this, there are some other 465's and i think another 75
23:43.01GPSFansorphin: these porbes are Pamona, which isn't bad for an inexpensive probe. I got some of the 100MHz models about 5-6 years ago, they were ok.
23:46.01CosmicPenguinWhats the secret command line param to convince open office to let you modify your setup?
23:46.15sorphinGPSFan: cool, bookmarked
23:47.21Russok, LVC is fast
23:47.30Russwhat 3.3V logic is faster?
23:48.10Russbecause LVC is the gay when working at 133MHz
23:48.24Russdamend autocorrection

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