irclog2html for #elinux on 20030410

00:04.23*** join/#elinux ljp (~ljp@
00:16.58sorphinljp: he's here now.. somewhere
00:17.25CosmicPenguingrrr... my ipaq can't detect my vfat CF
00:17.28ljpI know. I emailed him yesterday
00:17.38sorphinso he said
00:31.43ljphi tim. ahh the ole firewall, eh?
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00:32.58TimRikerheh. yep. you know... it takes a while to figure out how to do your job with each new firewall puzzle.
00:34.05ljpso TI is stepping up to the linux ballplate
00:34.23kergothhere's hoping they dont strike out
00:34.51ljpTimRiker: have you seen benmeyers essay?
00:35.01chouimatkergoth: that will depend of the management in the long run
00:35.20ljpoh, I dont have that url
00:35.36chouimatljp: bad_apple.php?
00:35.44kergothchouimat: yep. we should start a pool on the total IQ of the entire management team
00:35.44chouimatljp: wait
00:35.57chouimatkergoth: here my bet: 0
00:36.01chouimaterr -234
00:36.39ljpnaa, they make great calculators
00:40.01chouimati forgot to backup my xinerama config ....
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00:45.08prpplagueljp: nice paper
00:45.16prpplagueljp: he's got some valid points
00:48.17chouimatprpplague: yup
00:48.33chouimathmmmmm beer or cider tonight?
00:48.39prpplaguechouimat: beer
00:48.51prpplaguechouimat: one of the local places has strongbow
00:49.06chouimatprpplague: ok ... enjoying it?
00:50.28CosmicPenguinkergoth: making jffs2 images works, right?
00:51.30prpplaguechouimat: its ok
00:51.35prpplaguechouimat: its actually cider
00:51.45prpplaguechouimat: mainly just tired
00:52.06prpplaguechouimat: i'm hopin i can get out of here by 11 tonight
00:53.13chouimatprpplague: ok ... I'm tired too ... I only got about 2 or 3 hours of sleep last night ... the gays next door were having a little too much fun
00:58.17chouimatlater ... good show on tv
00:58.35kergothCosmicPenguin: yep, though you may want to check output/Makefile to confirm the erase block size is correct for IPAQ (assuming thats your target)
00:58.55CosmicPenguinkergoth: something's funky - it doesn't like creating the /dev/* entries
00:59.12CosmicPenguinit sez:  skipping entry "foo", no parent directory!
01:00.30kergothCosmicPenguin: bk pull; bk -r co -q; make SUBDIRS="packages/oz-base packages/ifupdown" clean; make
01:00.57kergoth`tvCosmicPenguin: s/$/; make image;/
01:05.39prpplagueCosmicPenguin: didda getthat?
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11:30.38ade|litemorning all
11:42.23prpplagueade|lite: how goes it my fine friend?
11:42.40prpplagueade|lite: btw, i still have your webpal :)
12:19.17prpplagueanyone alive this morning?
12:34.55ade|liteyou do know that ade|lite == ade|uni ==ade|indy yes
12:34.57ade|liteprpplague: great news about the webpal ... we'll have to sort out money / posting
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14:21.43sorphinCosmicPenguin: better mood today?
14:22.08CosmicPenguina little better
14:22.17CosmicPenguinOZ is sort of working
14:24.33CosmicPenguinnotice I did say "sort of"
14:25.16sorphinCosmicPenguin: well, that's more than a bricked Z does, now isn't it?
14:26.29CosmicPenguinsorphin: true that
14:26.41CosmicPenguingrrr... now I have to boot up my laptop....
14:31.22sievesorphin: you're just not having much luck with that z are you?  What did you do to it so I don't repeat the same thing.  :)
14:36.30sorphinsieve: was writing a userland program to write the flash so i wouldn't need CF to upgrade the thing
14:36.58sorphinsice: strangely enough, apparently you can corrupt the flash by poking data at it w/o the proper flash command (which is weird in itself, that shouldn't happen)
14:39.50CosmicPenguinsorphin: heh
14:40.16CosmicPenguinsorphin: every time I try to upgrade my ipaq with a CF, it locks hard with a bad interrupt
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14:49.14sorphinCosmicPenguin: fun
14:50.17CosmicPenguinYeah, its a good time
14:56.40ade|laptopdamn hippy connection
14:57.00ade|laptoplo folks
14:57.27sorphinade|laptop: lo
14:57.44CosmicPenguinhippy connection?
14:58.10CosmicPenguinade|laptop: put together with hemp wire and bong resin?
14:58.53ade|laptopnah pure faith
15:00.09CosmicPenguinsignal11: that was a little mean on my part, huh?
15:00.15CosmicPenguinsignal11: I found that damn cable
15:00.46sorphinCosmicPenguin: where was it? :P
15:01.27CosmicPenguinsorphin: in the rats nest I call my office
15:01.44sorphinCosmicPenguin: ah
15:02.03signal11CosmicPenguin: not too bad.  i heard bong water makes a good room temperature superconductor
15:02.25sorphinsignal11: so do diamonds
15:03.09CosmicPenguinsignal11: heh... :)
15:08.22ade|litesorphin: diamonds as superconductors ??? wtf
15:09.30ade|litehow does that work then ?
15:11.10ade|litewill fire up mozilla in a mo..
15:11.27sorphinade|lite: heh, or lynx :P
15:11.36sorphinfontenot: lo jacques
15:14.19CosmicPenguinno init?  WTF?
15:17.18fontenothi sorphin
15:20.45sorphinkergoth: morning
15:22.19kergothhey dan
15:22.23kergothhow goes
15:23.08sorphinkergoth: you know how long the Z's warranty is?
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15:26.17kergothnot offhand
15:26.48sorphinkergoth: pondering whether to just take the Z into sharp, not like they could tell/prove i did anything, it's not like i opened it up or anything
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15:28.11CosmicPenguinprpplague: Whats going on?
15:31.25mallumkergoth: just sent you a changeset
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15:39.39mallumkergoth: *sigh* I've noticed a really odd problem :/ .The makefile needs to copy the dir structure and all the files in skeleton/ over to staging/ but because of the bk permissions it dont seem to be doing that :/
15:52.47CosmicPenguingrr... automake refuses to recognize autoconf in the staging directory
15:53.17sorphinCosmicPenguin: no shock there, when it started trying to make autoconf here for me for OZ it croaked
15:53.32CosmicPenguinsorphin: it should be searching the paths right - config.log shows all the right info
15:53.52CosmicPenguincept - its evaluating the binary autoconf-2.53... I dunno why
15:54.24CosmicPenguinIt built once, though
16:04.26CosmicPenguinsorphin: I got past the first error by adding a soft link to autoconf-2.53 in the bin directory
16:04.50CosmicPenguinBut it looks like ipkg is blowing out too
16:05.01CosmicPenguinThe path must be wrong
16:05.11CosmicPenguinanyway - I gotta run an error - bbl
16:07.26kergothCosmicPenguin: staging/i386-linux/bin gets implicitly added to the beginning of your PATH..
16:08.24sorphinkergoth: you see my comment about possibly taking the Z to sharp?
16:08.35kergothyeah. i doubt they can prove anything
16:08.40kergoththey might _suspect_, but who cares
16:09.29sorphinnow i gotta find wtf to take it
16:11.04mallumkergoth: any idea on my buildroot problem ?
16:17.34kergothmallum: you need to correct the perms on the files in staging after copying
16:18.07kergothmallum: otherwise they'll stay read only and cause you problems the second time you do it
16:19.07sorphinheh, sharp's svc center locator is useless
16:19.42sorphinget back: Handhelds
16:19.43sorphinPlease call 1 800 BE SHARP for service information.
16:19.56sorphinfscking worthless
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16:20.25mallumkergoth: yeah the problem is all the files I want to copy are locked by BK, so I cant copy them
16:20.25sorphinhope there's no warranty card i had to send in, cuz i didn't if there was, i dont' remember there being one..
16:22.01kergothmallum: huh?
16:22.03kergothmallum: uh
16:22.13kergothmallum: bk locks dont prevent reads
16:22.15kergothmallum: only writes.
16:23.38sorphin8000000000000 menu options
16:23.42chouimatkergoth: George- is being anyoing in #zaurus
16:23.59mallumkergoth: ah yeah .. hmm I think where I've copied the write locked directorys they wont let anything be copied in :/
16:24.02kergothchouimat: george- is always being annoying in #zaurus
16:24.08kergothmallum: as i said.
16:24.13kergothmallum: *permissions*
16:24.18kergothmallum: chmod -R ug=rwX *
16:24.21kergothmallum: ta da
16:24.24mallumkergoth: ;-)
16:24.33mallumwhats chmod do then ?
16:24.37mallum*joke* ;-)
16:24.51kergoth~fishslap mallum on general principle
16:24.53ACTION slaps mallum on general principle up side the head with a wet fish.
16:25.01sorphinstupid FSCKING SHARP
16:25.02mallum~lart himself
16:25.15chouimatmmmmm caffeine
16:25.16sorphinenough bot abuse :P
16:25.27mallumkergoth: is that what you added more or less to the Makefile ?
16:25.54kergothmallum: more or less. copy, then adjust perms.  I'll take care of it, i just pulled in your patch and merged it
16:26.07sorphinkergoth: heh, 2 sharp repair places for pdas.. one in richardson, tx the other wherever 310 areacode is..
16:26.10sorphinstupid crap
16:26.58sorphinsome guy got a hold of Hoshiden corp
16:27.05sorphinhtey won't sell or sample the damn connector
16:27.24sorphini shoulda just bought an ipaq :P
16:27.27kergotharm-linux-ld  -r -o sa1100.o generic.o irq.o dma-sa1100.o collie.o m62332.o collie_battery.o collie_led.o collie_apm.o power.o suspend.o
16:27.31kergotharm-linux-ld: ERROR: suspend.o uses hardware FP, whereas sa1100.o uses software FP
16:27.34sorphinleast you can jtag that w/o hoops
16:27.44mallumkergoth: thanks yous
16:27.59kergothFile format not recognized: failed to merge target specific data of file suspend.o
16:28.12kergothsuspend.S is built with -mno-fpu
16:28.15sorphinkergoth: looks like your fun's beginning
16:28.19kergothhow exactly does that result in a .o with hardware fp?
16:29.17mallumkergoth: I think me foolishly copying all them SCCS files about have broken summin
16:29.20mallumkergoth: I now get
16:29.23mallummallum@debian:~/src/OZ/buildroot-oz$ bk pull
16:29.23mallumEntire repository is locked by:
16:29.23mallumERROR-Unable to lock repository for update.
16:29.39kergothmallum: conflict.
16:29.42kergothmallum: bk resolve
16:30.00kergothand find output/staging/arm-linux -name SCCS|xargs rm -rf
16:30.02kergothor something
16:31.05mallumokey, yeah I think thats confusing things - I basically wanna delete all SCCS files in staging right ?
16:31.14kergothafaik yes
16:32.09mallumI get lots of;
16:32.12mallumROOTKEY mallum@debian.(none)|packages/xfree86/skeleton/usr/share/pixmaps/rot.png|20030324183457|22479|f83f1eb9213566f8
16:32.17mallumand then finally
16:32.28mallumNot updating idcache due to dups.
16:32.28mallumCheck FAILED, contact BitMover.
16:32.28mallumresolve: RESYNC directory left intact.
16:32.29kergothyes, i got that too
16:32.37kergothrm -f BitKeeper/RENAMES/SCCS/s.*
16:32.39kergothbk resolve
16:33.27mallumokey much better, now just
16:33.28mallumSame key dave@lnxbox.(none)|packages/tinyx/Makefile|20021008062220|58906|3305f7a8c787073e used by
16:33.28mallumCheck FAILED, contact BitMover.
16:33.28mallumresolve: RESYNC directory left intact.
16:34.16kergothwhy is there a tinyx key in your xfree makefile??
16:34.16CosmicPenguinok - errors done
16:34.38kergothi'd rm -rf packages/tinyx; bk repair; personally
16:35.12CosmicPenguinkergoth: check this out:  cd /user/projects/ipaq/buildroot-oz/build/ipkg-x86/C; automake-1.4 -a;
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16:35.24CosmicPenguinThing is, its automake-1.7 thats getting built
16:35.32mallumkergoth: pulling a jumbo patch..
16:35.32mallumEntire repository is locked by:
16:35.32mallumERROR-Unable to lock repository for update.
16:35.45CosmicPenguinSo it must be finding my existing automake somehow
16:36.02CosmicPenguinThat must be the same problem for the autoconf
16:36.24sorphinmallum: now you know why i call it bitscraper ;p
16:36.51mallumsorphin: :\
16:37.26kergothmallum: bk resolve
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16:37.41CosmicPenguinmallum: but you're exporting autoconf in the Makefile
16:37.44kergothCosmicPenguin: aha, i bet i know the issues.
16:38.05CosmicPenguinYep - just found it
16:38.34CosmicPenguinOk - thats easy to change.  You might just want to pull that out completely
16:38.39chouimatkergoth CosmicPenguin sorphin mallum and the rest: hi
16:38.41mallumkergoth: Missing file (chk3) dave@lnxbox.(none)|packages/tinyx/|20021008062213|29609|34106ad1fc861e74
16:38.41mallumMissing file (chk3) dave@lnxbox.(none)|packages/tinyx/tinyx.tar.gz|20021008062225|00230|3eedbffc8769927b
16:38.41mallumMissing file (chk3) kergoth@hyperion.(none)|packages/tinyx/tinyx.patch|20021024195244|48363|ba686573297393e2
16:38.41mallumCheck FAILED, contact BitMover.
16:38.41mallumresolve: RESYNC directory left intact.
16:38.47mallumchouimat: hey
16:38.57sorphinplease announce floods :)
16:39.08kergothmallum: rm -rf RESYNC; bk repair
16:39.09chouimatsorphin: hi sorphin
16:39.15sorphinchouimat: lo mat
16:39.17mallumsorphin: sorry
16:39.27kergothCosmicPenguin: yep, that was remnants of trying to make builds work before the buildsystem was capable of building auto* itself
16:39.29sorphinmallum: no biggie
16:39.32CosmicPenguinkergoth: since most of the tools require that we build libtool, and libtool depends on buliding automake and autoconf, shouldn't we just pull out the redhat-7.3 dependant stuff anyway?
16:39.40kergothCosmicPenguin: yep
16:39.43kergothCosmicPenguin: again, remnants
16:39.49sorphinlibtool *shiver*
16:39.50CosmicPenguinkergoth: that happens... :)
16:40.44CosmicPenguinOk... here's hoping this works
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16:41.56chouimatany news today?
16:42.35sorphinchouimat: let's see.. sharp sucks ass, oh yeah, sharp also sucks ass, and the company that makes that connector for the bottom of the Z, etc.. won't sell or sample them either
16:42.38CosmicPenguinprpplague: the good news is, now that I have Microwindows and Pixil on OZ, it should be simple to stick it on the Z, when you send it tom me... :)
16:42.52chouimatsorphin: fuck
16:43.16*** join/#elinux TomW (
16:43.19sorphinchouimat: there are *2* sharp svc centers for the Z which means i'll have to ship the damn thing off if i wantd to take taht approach
16:43.22sorphinTomW: yo
16:43.32sorphinTomW: need your advisement
16:43.41sorphinTomW: looking at scopes
16:44.07sorphinthink a 20mhz is good enough for general use?
16:44.24TomWNo, get a 100MHz scope.
16:44.47TomWBetter if you get a dual-trace model with a good triggering circuit.
16:45.12chouimathi TomW
16:45.24TomWLook at getting a used Tektronix scope.  They are usually a good buy and are professional grade scopes.
16:45.25chouimatsorphin: or get a sharp serial cable and mod it
16:45.32TomWchouimat: hello
16:45.46sorphinchouimat: they're minimum of $35
16:46.01sorphinchouimat: plus, i still have the jflash to contend with
16:46.11chouimatsorphin: like the dc-coder cable here are 40$
16:46.46chouimatwooohoooo the cad is at .687151usd
16:47.12TomWsorphin: there are others that are probably just as good.  What you want to do is find a "calibration service" and see what they might have.  Most OEM manufacturers are required to have calibrated equipment on hand, these need to be re-calibrated once a year.
16:47.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: cool
16:47.33mallumkergoth: okey all seems ok now :-)
16:47.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: any idea when pixil will be up to greg's bloat standard?
16:47.44TomWsorphin: Most times, these calibration shops will also sell new equipment and take the old as trade-in.
16:47.56sorphinTomW: 100mhz ones aren't very cheap :( tho this one is a lil
16:48.08TomWsorphin: you want to "see" the scope, the most expensive part on the scope is the crt!
16:48.43TomWsorphin: you want to see how bright the trace is on the CRT, buying a scope blind is a good way to waste money.
16:49.09sorphinTomW: look at the likn above
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16:50.06mallumkergoth: still have problem skeleton be copied no writw though - can you think of a safe way to chmod only the copyied files ?
16:50.13TomWsorphin: I learned the hard way: I purchased a used tektronix scope one time and didn't see it fired up.  When I took it home, I saw how bad the CRT was.  When I checked to see how muach a new CRT would cost, it was far more than I (double) the cost that I paid for the scope!
16:50.18kergothmallum: yes, i'll take care of it
16:50.33sorphinTomW: look at the link :P
16:50.49mallumkergoth: cool, sorry if I've been a bk pain ( again ) :{
16:51.02TomWsorphin: that is what I have, a 465.
16:51.28sorphinTomW: that one look ok to you ? (that auction)
16:51.34kergothmallum: np
16:51.37sorphinmallum: blame bk
16:51.56kergothit takes a while to learn the intricacies of a source control system
16:51.59kergothcvs is no exception
16:52.47mallumyeah Im pretty good with CVS, bk seems alot more complex but more powerful / cleverer
16:53.56TomWsorphin: pig in a poke, if you can get it for < $150, it might be a good deal.  You won't know until you get it and find out that the high frequency sweep amplifier has a problem, or the Normal Trigger mode doesn't work...
16:54.24sorphinTomW: the rest are all $300+
16:54.29TomWsorphin: be prepared to waste your money.
16:54.38TomWsorphin: yeah, well, doesn't that tell you something?
16:54.52sorphinTomW: yeah, that i won't be getting one of those :P
16:55.26TomWsorphin: I paid $500 for mine about two years ago and purchased it from a calibration shop.  I went there and tried it out, they demo'ed it before I bought it.
16:55.46TomWsorphin: plus they gave me a year warranty on it.
16:56.12sorphini suppose i could see what gateway electronics has around atm
16:56.25sorphinlocal place,/old ham place
16:56.47TomWIMO, ebay is the perfect place for crooks, liars, and thieves to rip people off.  Let the buyer beware...
16:57.30sorphinTomW: 99% of the time, i've had -0- probs
16:57.53sorphinthe 1% is that so called serious seller (more like serious loser)
16:58.16mallumkergoth: ahh, nice new menu compiler options :-)
16:58.40TomWsorphin: like the guy who sold me my Yeasu VX-5 HT, he said it was like new, never used.  Yeah, right.  When I got it it had repeaters already programmed into it and the Lithium battery was shot.
16:59.35CosmicPenguinI don't understand why Greg doesn't trust me
16:59.54sorphinTomW: never had that prob
17:00.09sorphinCosmicPenguin: three words
17:00.13sorphinCosmicPenguin: he's a loser :P
17:00.20TomWWhen I purchase on ebay, I expect to get ripped off in some way.  Like the guy that sold me a Netgear FA411 PCMCIA card for $9, then charged me $12 in shipping.
17:00.39sorphinTomW: only gotten raped on shipping once
17:01.18TomWTHAT was my fault, I should have expected something like that when he didn't list the shipping & handling charges.
17:01.19sorphinTomW: i've gotten things from ebay that it'd be hard for me to locate here or otherwise
17:01.38kergothmallum: :) makes it easier to build the kernel stuffs with gcc2 and the rest with gcc3 now
17:01.43kergothmallum: i'm lazy, what can i say
17:01.44sorphinTomW: i bought my Z off ebay, brand new, sealed, etc.. just as it said it was
17:01.51sorphinpaid $175 months ago
17:02.12sorphinmaybe a bit less
17:02.22sorphinso sometimes there's good deals/people
17:02.28TomWsorphin: my advice is that if you want something to hack around with, buy it on ebay and hope for the best.  If you need equipment to do work with, spend the extra money and purchase from a reputable shop.
17:03.26sorphinTomW: so why 100mhz? the ones at school i think were 20's and were fine
17:03.46TomWI need a new scope though,  the 465 is now tired.  When I sweep at 20ns/div the trace is hard to see.
17:06.02TomWsorphin: you see that Tektronix 2465 scope for $45, that is a digital storage scope.
17:06.44TomWbut, it is broken.
17:07.15sorphinmore like $113
17:07.44sorphinand he's selling it as a parts only unit
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17:08.20TomWI like the one that says "bad power supply"
17:08.45sorphinTomW: gonna answer my Q? :P
17:08.45TomWprolly the supply went and wiped out a few boards inside the scope.
17:08.57TomWwhat questionis that?
17:09.13sorphinTomW: <sorphin> TomW: so why 100mhz? the ones at school i think were 20's and were
17:12.10TomWBecause if you are going to use it view 20 MHz signals, you are fine, that equates to a 100ns/div resolution.  If you just want to see if a signal is wiggling, it is good.  But, if you want to make some measurements as to the length of a RAS pulse on a RAM, or to measure the pulse width on a chip select, it is useless.  At 100MHz you can get down to 20ns/div of resolution and can "see" down to about 5ns with some confidence.
17:12.21chouimatwhere did I put that spec sheet
17:12.28sorphinchouimat: which ?
17:12.48chouimatsorphin: my monitor
17:12.52sorphinchouimat: ah
17:12.55sorphinTomW: heh
17:13.07chouimatsorphin: TTX 8997
17:13.16TomWIMO, you wouldn't be happy with a 20MHz scope, a logic probe is more useful.
17:13.18sorphinTomW: i dunno if i'll be diving into doing that any time soon, since i haven' touched a scope since college ;)
17:13.28sorphinalready got one of those ;)
17:13.43sorphinlogic probe that is
17:13.44TomWso what do you need a scope for?
17:14.00TomWI'm being faceatious here...
17:14.55TomW100MHz would be the minimum scope.  That way, you can also see most HF, VHF rf signals too.
17:15.19sorphinwish they'd make them not so damn expensive
17:15.31sorphini hate having to spend $400+ for something all the time :P
17:15.35TomWI know that you are going to purchase the 20MHz model, I can feel it.  :)
17:16.14TomWsorphin: it is an investment for me, a scope I only use a few times a year (maybe 10..15), but when I need it, I need it.
17:16.56sorphinwell, i'll see what gateway has tomorrow
17:17.12sorphinschool had a thing for BK precision
17:17.55TomWHalf the time I need to make measurements.  Like on the TuxScreen IDE, I didn't understand the SA1100 data sheet as to chip select programming and I needed to measure the pulse width of the chip select to make sure it was > 250ns.
17:18.11TomWBK == cheap
17:18.32TomWBK == Heathkit == cheap == fragile.
17:19.37TomWI need a decent soldering iron, this radio shack shit sux.
17:20.13sorphinerr.. dual wattage
17:20.16TomWthe weller TC201 died and I had to grab one of those.  I have to keep replacing the tips every week or so.
17:20.37TomWThe weller, I had used the same tip for 5 years.
17:20.39sorphini only have to replace the tips when i'm rough w/ em
17:20.48sorphini wouldn't :P
17:20.57sorphini had a weller
17:21.02sorphinbiggest POS i'd ever used
17:21.42TomWI used the 30watt weller to do touchups on SMD (fine pitch) stuff.  I works for me.
17:21.52TomWs/I works/it works/
17:21.57sorphini used to always use a 30watt
17:22.05sorphinnow i rarely do
17:22.19sorphinunless i find the 15w isn't 'strong' enough
17:22.25TomWI have a teeny-tiny little 10 watt pencil that I bought, that thing sux.
17:22.41sorphinmy 15w setting is usually enough
17:22.43TomWlousy for doing smd work.
17:22.48sorphinTomW: it's so funny
17:22.52TomW.. my tiny iron.
17:22.56sorphinthe RS guy when i bought the tip
17:23.11sorphinhe was trying to tell me the iron was gonna burn it up
17:23.20sorphincuz i wanted to make sure it would physically fit
17:23.29sorphinduh, the iron is 15W too
17:23.37sorphinfinally i got him to shut the fsck up
17:23.46TomWWell, the tips on my rs iron keep rounding off.
17:24.04sorphinmine too, but only cuz i try and sharpen them more :P
17:24.08TomWIf I was going to just solder wire with it, it would be okay.
17:24.53sorphinTomW: was looking at microscopes a few weeks ago
17:25.05sorphinwhy can't it be simple to choose things? :P
17:25.42TomWwith the 30 watt weller, I had taken one of the tips and filed it slightly so I could wet it with a pocket of solder, then I could get under the microscope and resolder the SMD leads.
17:26.12TomWyeah, those microscopes are not cheap!
17:26.28sorphinTomW: i doubt i'm doing anything near as advanced as you're doing ;p
17:26.44sorphinTomW: actaually it wasn't a cheap issue
17:26.50sorphinTomW: it was a wtf one do i want issue
17:26.55CosmicPenguinprpplague: you out of town?
17:27.03sorphinCosmicPenguin: umm
17:27.07sorphinhe's still in nassau
17:27.15CosmicPenguinsorphin: when did that happen
17:27.15TomWI have a 10x / 20x binocular unit that a friend loaned to me 'as long as you need it'.  i.e. "it is not yours, I don't need it, but you use it"
17:27.22sorphinCosmicPenguin: uh.. monday?
17:28.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya nassau
17:29.01CosmicPenguinprpplague: got scott on the phone
17:29.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ohh?
17:29.19prpplagueCosmicPenguin: whats he want now?
17:29.28TomWsorphin: you could probably get away with a child's toy 10x mono microscope.
17:29.45sorphinTomW: nod
17:31.03TomWuhhh, what am I going to do today?  I got the quad uart samples from Phillips, I should see about the EP7312 samples.
17:32.16CosmicPenguinprpplague: the moon and the stars
17:32.24CosmicPenguinprpplague: actually, he wants to let me borrow a Z
17:32.51sorphinCosmicPenguin: "please borrow my Z" :P
17:38.49CosmicPenguinprpplague: here they come - more features
17:39.12sorphinCosmicPenguin: plug your ears and just keep saying lalalalalal i can't hear you alalalalalala
17:42.55prpplagueCosmicPenguin: borrow a z?
17:43.01prpplagueCosmicPenguin: why i told him i was gonna send this one when i get back
17:50.21sorphinppr: when's that anyways?
17:50.49sorphinprpplague: when's that anyways?
17:56.59prpplaguesorphin: tuesday
18:03.47chouimathey prpplague
18:04.25prpplaguechouimat: hey
18:04.46chouimatprpplague: still in nassau?
18:05.07prpplaguechouimat: yep
18:05.13prpplaguechouimat: pretty much done
18:05.22prpplaguechouimat: don't leave till monday
18:05.31prpplaguechouimat: hopefully get a little time off
18:06.01chouimatprpplague: ok I'm fixing a little xinerama problem here and some advance networking stuff
18:06.28chouimatkergoth: got an order for 30 firewall/combo ...
18:11.45chouimatarrrgggggl gentoo didn't compile qt with xinerama support
18:12.18CosmicPenguinprpplague: grrr... If I wasn't so damn moral, I would drop scott on his ass
18:17.40prpplagueCosmicPenguin: lol, hmm , like i did
18:19.59CosmicPenguinprpplague: sigh
18:20.14CosmicPenguinprpplague: Maybe I'm not cut out for this consulting stuff - being a whore isn't as much fun as it sounds
18:20.42sorphinCosmicPenguin: you're naive if you ever thought it would be ;)
18:35.06CosmicPenguinme naive?  Never!
18:36.01signal11CosmicPenguin: what is a "z
18:36.10sorphinsignal11: Zaurus
18:36.14signal11ah cool
18:36.31sorphinsignal11: one of those htings that i bricked ;p
18:36.47signal11heh i hate it when that happens
18:42.11chouimathmmmm is it me or today is boring like hell
18:43.00sorphinchouimat: it's not you, it IS boring like hell :P
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19:21.53filechouimat: boo
19:24.12chouimatfile: ?
20:17.40CosmicPenguinkergoth: any reason why you aren't using rz and sz?
20:18.55kergothlrzsz is in the system
20:18.59kergothyou mean the reason why the files are misnamed?
20:19.04kergothnot sure, i dont maintain that package
20:19.06kergothit needs fixing though
20:19.19CosmicPenguinkergoth: no, only lrb actually gets put on the device
20:19.35CosmicPenguinkergoth: which is wierd, since all the binaries seem tobe in the package
20:19.42CosmicPenguinbut I'm an ipkg newbie, so what the hell do I know?
20:19.53kergothipkg is just an ar archive with a data.tar.gz that contains the files
20:19.59kergothnot sure whats up, i'll check
20:20.07CosmicPenguinThe binaries are in build/ipkgtmp/lrzsz-<version>/
20:20.13CosmicPenguinso I assume thats the dealio
20:20.17kergothso its something in the ipk creation
20:28.48CosmicPenguinI guess
20:28.58CosmicPenguinAnyway, as long as something is up there, I can use it
20:29.07CosmicPenguinI don't want to reflash over and over again just to get pixil working
20:29.33kergothyeah, understandable
20:29.53sorphinCosmicPenguin: aww.. why not? ;)
20:32.22CosmicPenguinI wish the CF would work - I assume its because I used Linux to make the dos disk
20:33.06sorphinwhy wouldn't CF work?
20:34.05CosmicPenguinsorphin: it keeps crashing
20:34.21CosmicPenguinnah - its the bootloader
20:34.54sorphinIssue Date:
20:34.56sorphinMay 25, 2000
20:34.58sorphinUnderstanding Page Mode Flash Memory
20:35.06sorphinwell, those last 2 lines cover it
20:35.13sorphin"understanding page mode flash devices"
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21:13.41CosmicPenguinde code it ez mocking me
21:14.43sorphinde code isn't mocking you
21:14.55sorphingreg is :P
21:16.19CosmicPenguinde screen is also not rotated
21:30.10MonMothacan someone go there and tell me what they get?
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21:49.31CosmicPenguinmmmm.... loony toons
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22:23.12sorphinGPSFan: allo ken
22:23.30GPSFansorphin: hi dan
22:23.36sorphinGPSFan: what's up?
22:24.08GPSFansorphin: not much, trip to the "big city today", just got back..
22:24.54Mornhi folks
22:25.18sorphinMorn: allo julie
22:25.27sorphinMorn: tried dvdshrink last night (1.03)
22:25.42sorphinonly got into 5 mins of my movie last night to check how it looked, but it looked good
22:29.21Mornmy doctor just ordered another Region 2 DVD for me to convert for him
22:30.03kergothibot: thursday
22:30.05Thursday sucks, because it isnt friday (See friday).
22:31.07sorphinMorn: well, this is ntsc, but region 2
22:31.11sorphinfrom hong kong
22:31.24sorphinkergoth: read your /m :P
22:31.34kergothbleh, accidentally closed the window
22:31.45Mornah, his were pal
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22:39.31sorphinade|desk: re
22:40.28ade|deskwas fed up with small laptop keyb .. so i setup my main box again
22:41.05ade|desktakes a while to un Uni a machines settings.
22:42.17ade|deskpesky proxies
22:44.21ade|desksorphin: so what have you been up to today ?
22:44.54sorphinade|desk: pretending to work, read about how paged flash works, stuff like that
22:45.24ade|desksorphin:sounds like a fun day
22:45.48sorphinnah, tomorrow's the fun.. i'm taking off ;)
22:46.15ade|desknow thats the way :)
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22:46.56sorphinMorn: re
23:13.38CosmicPenguinWow - dvdview sucks!
23:18.31CosmicPenguinsorphin: this is for microwindows (of course)
23:19.23sorphinwell, vlc is light weight
23:21.08CosmicPenguinnothing like a C based video player running on a strongarm to remind you how badly you suck
23:39.22CosmicPenguinkergoth: any idea how to handle this:  /user/projects/ipaq/buildroot-oz/output/staging/include/bits/in.h:69: ANSI C++ forbids data member `ip_opts' with same name as enclosing class
23:39.43kergothCosmicPenguin: CXXFLAGS+=-fpermissive
23:40.13CosmicPenguinThats right
23:40.15CosmicPenguinDamn greg
23:40.54sorphinkergoth: guess that's a no and no
23:41.22kergothsorphin: yes, and no
23:41.47CosmicPenguinsorphin: Greg's complier is version 2.1.XX - it doesn't understand -fpermissive
23:41.51CosmicPenguinSo I had to take it out
23:41.58sorphinCosmicPenguin: nod
23:42.12sorphinCosmicPenguin: my no and no had to do w/ the /m i had sent to kergoth earlier
23:42.15file[argh]Greetings fellow human beans.
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23:55.29CosmicPenguin131071.5 kbps
23:55.39CosmicPenguinAnd Greg thought that would run on a Ipaq?
23:56.08kergoth2.1.xx? jeeze. stick to erikm's 2.95 toolchain :)
23:56.46kergothwoo, buildroot can build gcc 2.95.4 toolchains properly now. finally.  Now to get uclibc building and working properly.. hmm

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