irclog2html for #elinux on 20030408

00:00.16TomWSolution: don't get married!
00:00.43chouimatTomW: hey I ditched her 3 years ago ... go me divorce 2 years ago ...
00:00.51TomWseems that everything is downhill from "I do".
00:01.05TomWI do, and she won't.
00:02.46chouimatTomW: I need to find that paper but a friend (who is doing is phd in philosophy) did the proof that wedding == prostitution
00:03.05filewomen are the root of all evil!
00:03.27TomWfile: no, women are interesting creatures.
00:03.37chouimatfile: yup and it's the reason why this friend is gay :)
00:03.50TomWfile: I don't know what creature they are, but they are certainly interesting.
00:03.57chouimatTomW: yup
00:05.27*** join/#elinux chouimat (
00:06.13sorphinTimRiker: ok <stupid mode> ok, so i have the jtag code here, but because the power, etc is controlled by sw on the Z, and the sw is gone, how the heck am i gonna turn it on so i can jtag it, unless when you apply power, it's always in some sort of standby </stupid>
00:07.31chouimatfile: ever got to a "bar de danseuses" with gays?
00:07.47sorphinfile: he's too young :P
00:08.08fileyes, I wouldn't be allowed in
00:08.11sorphinchouimat: they wouldn't let file in, he's too young
00:08.34chouimatfile: that something to do once ...
00:08.47chouimatman I laughed that day ...
00:09.06filelol what happened
00:10.12TimRikersorphin: when you apply power to the jtag, the cpu stops what it's doing and talks to you.
00:10.38sorphinTimRiker: right
00:10.39chouimatwe were about 10 guys ( my friend in philo with 3 of his gay friend) and they tried to get the chicks for a night ...
00:10.48sorphinTimRiker:  what was getting at tho
00:10.54filechouimat: lol
00:10.56sorphinTimRiker: if the Z was mostly/totally sw controlled
00:10.59TimRikerthen you need to get the cpu to line by line execute the commands to wake up the dsp and enable flash writes, and then put the flash in write mode, and then write the new data.
00:11.09chouimatfile: they even succeded :)
00:11.15TomWchouimat: Air Mail Parcel Post (4..10 days) == $44.25,  Economy Parcel Post (4..6 weeks) == $28.25.  All in USD$
00:11.19sorphinTimRiker: if i apply power to the Z right now
00:11.29sorphineven tho there's no lights/anything in flash, etc
00:11.37fileTomW: dear god those prices are scary
00:11.47sorphinthe cpu's still 'awake'/the Z still "powers up" you just don't know it ?
00:11.57TomWchouimat: USD $70 + shipping
00:12.07fileTomW: what's that for now?
00:12.15TimRiker"power up" means the cpu has power and tries to execute what's at 0x0, then yes.
00:12.36TomWfile: for chouimat's DTC5000
00:12.41sorphinso basically the Z is always on if it has power hooked up
00:12.45TimRikerthe LoCoMo chip is dead, and you will need to step the cpu to do the "right things" to wake it up.
00:12.45fileTomW: oh ic
00:12.49sorphinjust not always 'active'
00:13.21sorphinTimRiker: now we're going over my head ;)
00:13.36chouimatTomW: did you get the other address?
00:13.51TimRikerwhat happens normally is that the cpu wakes up and then goes into suspend mode until the button press interrupt occurs. you are likely not even getting that far.
00:13.58filechouimat: how are you going to afford this?!?!?
00:14.43chouimatfile: I have enough money in my bank account ... just need to know how much taxes I need to pay first
00:14.58TimRikerbut with jtag and without the flash or LoCoMo code you should be able to read what's in the flash.
00:15.00filechouimat: oh ic
00:15.18TimRikerthat's why you should start with a working machine.
00:15.33sorphinthat'll be a prob
00:15.38sorphinsince i only have 1 Z
00:15.48TimRikerIf you don't have one that works, then send your's to Sharp and have them fix it. I'll take you forever to get it working otherwise.
00:15.59TimRikerer it'll
00:16.37sorphinTimRiker: unless a) i can get someone to cough up that windows jflash (i don't care if it's windows atm)
00:17.13sorphinTimRiker: i give up and buy another Z, since i doubt sharp will cover this under warranty, and at the current cost of new 5500's, repair will prolly cost the same
00:17.56TimRikerI don't think JasonNJ or any of the us sharp folks have it setup. at least not as far as I know.
00:18.19TimRikeryou need to find someone that works at an authorized sharp repair center. ;-)
00:18.36sorphinfind one in MO ;)
00:18.50TimRikeragain... good luck.
00:19.25sorphinthanks.. somethin tells me i'm gonna need it.. still no word from spencer, and chris says he's prolly swamped now
00:19.42sorphinTimRiker: what you were getting into is just way over my head on this kinda platform
00:20.19sorphinthe closest i've come to 'talking' to the cpu is doing asm
00:23.03*** join/#elinux file (
00:26.26chouimatibot change 99 usd to cad
00:27.28chouimatibot change 23.95 usd to cad
00:27.48chouimatfile: I paid 39CAD for the webpal
00:27.55sorphinibot: change 15 cad to usd
00:28.12sorphini need to ditch this CAD i have :P
00:28.24filechouimat: with shipping?
00:31.19TomWTimRiker: what is the LoCoMo chip?
00:31.52chouimatTomW: the last price you gave me is for St-jean or Quebec, via ups?
00:31.53TimRikerprogramable chip on the zaurus. PLC?
00:33.17chouimatibot change 96.45 usd to cad
00:35.41chouimatibot change 96.475 usd to cad
00:37.33chouimatfile: because UPS cost less than USPS
00:37.47filechouimat: have you factored in possible brokerage charges?
00:38.24chouimatfile: nah tomw just gave me the shiping cost
00:38.35TomWTimRiker: AH! it is a CPLD that is RAM based and needs it's code / fuse list downloaded by the Z's prom code (boot code) before it will work.
00:38.38filechouimat: those will kill you.
00:39.10TomWchouimat: I am sending it to you marked as a "gift", does that sound ok?
00:39.28TomWOr, should I "loan" it to you?
00:39.35chouimatTomW: loan?
00:39.40sorphindo gift
00:40.28fileTomW: gift covers a maximum of $60 CAD
00:40.38TomWWe got burned on a shipment to Belgium one time because the guy had sent his controller back under warranty repair, they nailed him a second time for Custom.
00:40.47fileie: if after conversion, it's $70 - he pays tax and brokerage charges on $10
00:41.01chouimatTomW: wait I\m searching my zaurus custom paper
00:41.05TimRikerTomW: I think the LoCoMo chip has code in it already. might need the ram setup though.
00:41.29TomWif they take a look at the thing, they'll know that 30lbs of electronics is more than a "gift".  ;)
00:41.48fileTomW: they don't :)
00:42.03fileTomW: my laptop was marked down for $30 USD, in a big box, and they didn't care
00:42.28TomWTimRiker: Dani Haensse using a Xylinx / Altera part on his Dragonix that is stupid until the processor primes it with it's data.
00:42.33chouimatTomW: my zaurus was a 15.00 pda sample for my own use
00:42.57TimRikerTomW: ugh.
00:43.04TomWchouimat: yeah, well, it also weighted far less than 30 pounds!
00:43.25chouimat- not for resale - smalll electronic
00:43.34chouimatTomW: got it via fdex
00:44.13TomWTimRiker: that would explain it, the Z is largely stupid (cannot reach some of its' hardware) until the PGA (a.k.a PAL) chip is filled with data.
00:44.30TomWTimRiker: assumption anyway.
00:44.48TomWTimRiker: without looking up the chip number in the data sheets.
00:44.57TomWsorphin: send it back to Sharp.
00:44.58chouimatTomW: or as for my webpal they wrote: hardware. value: 0$ postage: 24.95$
00:45.01kergoth`bblheh, i doubt you'll find that chip in the data sheets.
00:45.33TomWchouimat: "Electronics Salvage", value $0.
00:46.03chouimatTomW:  hehe
00:46.31TomWchouimat: now, why is it that the stuff that I buy from Canada, I don't pay Custom?
00:47.07fileTomW: you do, just it requires a higher amount
00:47.09chouimatTomW: don't know. the only thing I know is I'm in the most taxed place in Canada
00:47.18TomWchouimat:  OOH!  I don't pay Custom, and you probably don't either, YOU pay a Consumption TAX
00:47.41TomWchouimat: an Excise Tax
00:48.13chouimatfile: I pay 15.5%
00:48.15TomWchouimat: a.k.a Excess (Indulgance) Tax
00:48.29TomWCanada sux
00:48.37TomWtax wise
00:49.01chouimatTomW: Quebec sux: 53% income taxes ... canadian average 43%
00:49.11TomWow, ow ow ow!
00:49.40chouimatyup ... back in 15 minutes I'm out of beers
00:50.06TomWWell, we seem to pay about the same here, only they get you little by little: Sales Tax, Income Tax, Excise Tax, Luxury Tax ...
00:50.39TimRikerTomW: could be. I don't have access to the bootloader sources. It might contain PGA code.
00:50.47chouimatTomW: add 500CAD/year for pills insurance ... mandatory in Quebec
00:50.48TimRikermust head home.
00:51.10TomWTimRiker: that is "added value"
00:51.46TomWsqueeze the Penguin and make him cry...
01:09.55chouimathmmmm that 18 years old chick talk to me a little too much
01:10.37chouimatsorphin: long story
01:13.40chouimatarrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggg I got everything I wanted to buy except beers ... well I will get out after I ate
01:16.18TomWchouimat: so, don't drink today.
01:16.44chouimatTomW:  the grocery is open till 11h00 pm
01:18.52TomWnow, if prpplague was on right now, he would be shouting "Heresy!" and demanding I don't say that..  ;)
01:19.29kergoth`bblipkg is a horrible worthless piece of shit
01:19.44chouimatTomW: haha ...
01:20.13kergoth`bbl~lart ipkg
01:23.39chouimatkergoth`bbl: write a new one
01:48.59*** join/#elinux file (
01:49.07chouimathey file
01:49.40filewhat's up?
01:49.43chouimatfile: proxy problems?
01:50.08filechouimat: nah, ISP reset my connection - and I think disconnected my line momentarily
01:50.15chouimatfile: just learned I will be up all night again ... will need DRINK
01:50.38filethey've been messing with their authentication server for the last week... screwing it up
01:50.43fileoh? why up all night?
01:51.37chouimatfile: an asshole just screwed up his server ... I have the box near me ... he want that for 8h00am tomorrow :(
01:51.59filechouimat: idiot
01:52.14chouimatfile: as usual :)
01:52.43chouimatfile: I will pay a lot of thing with him ...
01:54.18chouimatfile: and he always pay so .... it's the 15th in 2 months I repair his boxes
01:54.51*** join/#elinux scanline (micah@aden2-42-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
01:55.11chouimathey scanline
01:55.22scanlinehi chouimat
01:56.24chouimatok bbl I need that monitor
02:00.51MonMothawow, pcb has issues
02:08.42*** join/#elinux chouimat (
02:09.24*** join/#elinux Sammy (~sam@
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03:26.00*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
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08:13.46*** join/#elinux signal11_ (
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08:35.48*** join/#elinux jex (
08:36.16jexi need help with an arm, please help me...
08:37.15jexanyone can help meeee
08:40.09jexfuck u all
08:51.57scanlinewhat an idiot...
10:51.17*** join/#elinux gatofisch (
11:46.13prh_scanline: makes you glad you weren't idle and didn't help him
11:46.44scanlineheh, yeah..
11:49.15*** join/#elinux prpplague (~joe123@
11:50.12scanlinehey prpplague
11:53.37prpplaguescanline: morning
12:11.52prpplagueguess everyone is still sleeping this morning
12:14.02prpplaguescanline: ?
12:14.10prpplaguescanline: you graduating?
12:14.23scanlinebut I could use a way to pay the bills next semester
12:14.24prpplaguescanline: or just need something for quick $$?
12:14.50scanlinebut I wouldn't mind a full time job if I could find one
12:15.20prpplaguescanline: you could come work for abcs for the summer, but i wouldn't wise that on my worst enemy,lol
12:15.36scanlinewhat would be so bad about it?
12:16.02prpplagueterrible hours, low pay, out in the middle of nowhere
12:16.16scanlineah.. I couldn't move yet anyway
12:16.56scanlinesigned a lease for an apartment I'll be moving into in August, with many friends :)
12:17.11scanlinewould have to find something closeby, or that I can do over the internet
12:19.06prpplaguescanline: pr0n server
12:19.51prpplaguescanline: find some of those college gals and open up a foot fetish web site, just pics of feet!
12:20.10scanlinesounds.. ineffective
12:20.40prpplaguescanline: lol, this husband/wife couple on cnbc are millionars for pictures of her feet
12:20.50prpplaguescanline: 39.99 for 30 day access
12:21.44prpplaguescanline: they've actually started taking requests for what color to paint her toe-nails
12:21.56scanlinethat's pretty scary
12:22.01prpplaguescanline: (extra $20), lol
12:22.10prpplaguescanline: ya
12:48.22sorphinprpplague: shouldn't you be off drinking?
12:48.39scanlineha, that's cute... screenshot of some stuff I wrote in their marketing goop
12:49.54*** mode/#eLinux [+o sorphin] by ChanServ
12:49.58*** mode/#eLinux [+b *!*@*] by sorphin
12:51.15sorphini'm so sick of scrolling back and seeing that loser coming in here, asking the same crap, and running off in a pout.. and this time, sayin f you all to everyone in here becase we're not on his damn timezone
12:51.19sorphinthere's no need for him to be in here
12:51.29sorphinever, in my opinion
12:52.39sorphinscanline: finish school :P
12:52.55scanlineI at least need to be able to pay rent...
12:53.37*** mode/#eLinux [-o sorphin] by sorphin
12:55.34prpplaguesorphin: who?
12:56.37sorphinprpplague: instant replay
12:56.44sorphin-:- jex [] has joined #elinux
12:56.44sorphin<jex> hi
12:56.44sorphin<jex> i need help with an arm, please help me...
12:56.44sorphin<jex> anyone can help meeee
12:56.44sorphin<jex> fuck u all
12:56.45sorphin-:- SignOff jex: #elinux (Remote closed the connection)
12:57.09sorphinhe joins every couple days or such, asks the same crap, and stomps off when no one answers
12:57.28prpplaguesorphin: ahh, ya, iirc he's the one that posts all those RTFM type questions on lak
12:57.31sorphinbefore arm he was the one in here asking w/ his buddy about some lame ppc platform that one on uses
12:58.24sorphinprpplague: well, in my opinion, based on what i think tim wouldn't want going on in this channel
12:58.28prpplaguesorphin: btw, ya i wish i was off drinking
12:58.34sorphini don't think 'christian' should be in here again
12:58.52sorphinyeah, heh, i just got up to get ready for work :P
12:58.57sorphinwishing i was still sleeping
12:59.06prpplaguesorphin: been working for 3 hours :(
12:59.23prpplaguegonna be a _long_ day
12:59.52prpplagueatleast by tomorrow there will be one less xSCO bo
13:00.02prpplagueSCO box
13:16.31*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
13:21.03sorphinprpplague: my sympathy for even having to be in the same country as said box
13:22.00prpplaguesorphin: lol
13:22.16prpplaguesorphin: ya well, there are still _alot_ of SCO boxes in the US
13:22.41prpplaguesorphin: we dropped a customer last week because they wouldn't switch to linux
13:23.15prpplaguesorphin: the idiot is paying for a Openserver 5.07 release and something like $1000 a month in support fees to SCO
13:25.53sorphinprpplague: prolly related to jexx ;)
13:29.50GPSFanmorning sorphin, prpplague.
13:32.13prpplagueGPSFan: hey
13:40.01GPSFanprpplague: well at least you are in a nice environment today (except for the smell of SCO) ;>)
13:40.31prpplagueGPSFan: not really, i'm in a back office with muzac blaring in my ear, and no window
14:17.43*** join/#elinux sieve (~klu5ter@
14:18.19sievemorning all
14:20.23*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
14:27.54prpplaguesieve: yo ho
14:37.02*** join/#elinux jacques_gone (
14:37.02*** join/#elinux TomW`gone ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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14:53.41signal11_is there a small inexpensive unit that will make a decent X server?  I looked at an openbrick but it's a little pricey
14:57.03prpplaguesignal11_: x server or client?
14:57.44sorphin"A key code for installing Microsoft's Windows Server 2003 has leaked onto the Internet. Rampant piracy sure to follow fears Microsoft, so it's a safe assumption that their lawyers "would scour the Internet looking for the leaked code". The joy of closed source security at work."
14:57.56sorphinwho gives a damn about "server 2k3"
14:58.53signal11_prpplague: X server
14:59.16prpplaguesignal11_: for something like thinclients to connect to?
14:59.16signal11_i have an lcd panel and i want to get rid of this bulky old P233 clone I'm using
14:59.31signal11_X server == thin client
14:59.42signal11_server & client are kind of backwards in the X world
14:59.52prpplaguesignal11_: ok just checking, its always backwards imho
14:59.59prpplaguesignal11_: try the maxpeed 3300
15:00.33signal11_cool, where is the best place to find some information on it?
15:00.44prpplaguesignal11_: hmmm ?
15:01.02prpplaguesignal11_: lol
15:01.11signal11_oh ok, there wasn't an s in your earlier message & google couldn't find it
15:01.43sorphinsignal11_: that happens when prpplague hasn't had any beer yet
15:01.44prpplaguesignal11_: doh, my bad
15:03.07signal11_ouch, even more than an openbrick
15:03.14signal11_looks like a nice unit though
15:03.20prpplaguesignal11_: ? should be around $300
15:03.55signal11_their site said $579
15:04.09signal11_i'll keep searching....
15:04.23prpplaguesignal11_: thats probably full retail
15:04.28prpplaguesignal11_: just need one?
15:04.58kergothmorning guys
15:05.36kergothibot: tuesday
15:05.36Tuesday sucks, because it follows Monday (see monday)
15:06.07prpplaguesignal11_: if you just need one, i could send you a permanent "eval" unit
15:06.28kergothhey dan, dave
15:07.17sorphinkergoth: lo chris
15:07.21signal11_prpplague: seriously?  i would really enjoy that.
15:07.45sorphinsignal11_: as long as you don't live in canada
15:07.52sorphinsignal11_: and your irc nick isn't file ;)
15:08.02sorphinprpplague: right? ;)
15:08.03prpplaguesignal11_: ya no .ca please :)
15:08.19sorphinsignal11_: that was a joke :P
15:08.27prpplaguei've got a ton of stuff i've got to ship when i get back
15:08.37sorphinprpplague: yup
15:08.43signal11_heh ok is that a reference to something that happened earlier?
15:08.48sorphinsignal11_: yes
15:09.06sorphinsignal11_: prpplague for some unknown reason, other than temporary insanity
15:09.21sorphinsent a TCSX-11 or whatever
15:09.25sorphinto file, in canada
15:09.31sorphincustoms comfiscated it
15:09.32kergothhm, this new linkin park cd is good stuff
15:09.49sorphinand it's prolly been destroyed by now
15:10.22sorphinsignal11_: all because it didn't have a canadian "fcc" type sticker :P
15:20.48*** join/#elinux prpplague^2 (~joe123@
15:21.01sorphinuh oh
15:21.07sorphinthe plague is multiplying
15:21.08prpplague^2freakin bahamian internet
15:40.41*** join/#elinux DCipher (
15:44.31TomWgood morning all
15:44.57TomWI purchased a used Ipaq 3135, just to mess with it.
15:46.41TomWI was always confused by all those 31xx, 32xxx, 37xx model number, still am.
15:46.51sorphinwelcome to compaq
15:47.23sorphini just want my zaurus working again :P is that too much to ask? :P *Grin*
15:47.42TomWIt was $46 for one that needed a new battery, I won't bother with the battery (yet), just take it apart and tinker with it.
15:48.00TomWsorphin: did you locate the jtag stuff?
15:48.47TomWjtag pinouts I mean
15:48.50sorphinTomW: heh, until spencer gets a hold of my, a lead on the sw if very slim, and there's no way in hell i could adapt rmk's code to do what tim was talking about
15:49.12sorphinTomW: oh, i have the cable setup
15:49.24sorphinjust have no sw that i'd be able to use
15:49.26sorphinTomW: ummm
15:49.34sorphinbecase that kinda crap is over my head code wise
15:49.37TomWoh, you are going to do it without opening the unit up then?
15:49.41sorphininit this, so this will talk to that
15:49.56sorphinTomW: yeah, the jtag comes out to the connector on the bottom
15:50.13sorphinsharp was atleast smart about that
15:50.15sorphinif nothing else
15:50.53TomWIMO, all you will have to do is put the code back into the Flash, there should be no "init this, init that" to do so.
15:51.26sorphinthat's not how tim was laying it out
15:51.29sorphinjust to get to the flash ;p
15:51.44TomWAfter all, that locomo chip needs a live processor to get its' data primed into it.  The processor needs to fetch that data from the Flash store itself.
15:52.52TomWThey have to prime the flash chip somehow.  Normally the Flash is either:
15:52.59sorphinone person i was hoping would have insight into it
15:53.02sorphinis prpplague :P
15:53.18TomW1. delivered preprogrammed and if you lose the programming in it, you throw the unit away.
15:53.20sorphinTomW: well, from what's on the sharp jtag sheet thing i have
15:53.35sorphinthere's no cpld as far as the flash itself
15:54.01TomW2. the Flash is programmed in production with, first, testing code to wiggle pins, then, with the final code to ship it.
15:54.43sorphinTomW: this is the banner from the jflash the show output from on this sheet
15:54.44sorphinJFLASH Version Special CPU only (no CPLDs) 1.2 for SHARP
15:54.44sorphinFlash SA-1110 revision B4
15:54.57sorphinminus the 13 and 25
15:55.17sorphindoes that tell you anything? *grin*
15:56.05sorphinparticularly the special CPU only (no CPLDs) bit
15:56.30TomWI really don't know what you are looking at, so I cannot comment on it.
15:57.00sorphinthat's the output on this sheet of the jtag program i'm lacking that sharp shows themselves using to recover a Z
15:57.15sorphina modified jflash
15:57.39sorphinalbeit a windows one like the original intel one
15:58.01TomWSeeing that the ARM processor has a dedicated chip select (CS0) that activates the boot rom, I cannot imagine just why it would be necessary to involve the CPLD during the inital programming of the Flash!
15:58.27sorphinprolly why that banner says cpu only no cplds
15:58.41TomWTo boot the unit, yes.  The CPLD would need to be primed before you can access some of the hardware, perhaps.
15:59.33TomWsorphin: AH!  A lot of the CPLDs use JTAG interface to field program / do programming in a device programmer.
16:00.06sorphinTomW: so it may not be as non-trivial as tim lead me to believe?
16:00.55sorphinon this sheet all the do is shove in the bootloader/angel and the CF updater
16:01.12sorphinthey drag in the kernel, etc via the normal cf update method
16:01.35TomWthey have a couple of special pins on the device to allow for programming.  These pins can be tied to a cpu i/o port pins so that the CPU can update the CPLD code in the future.  Other CPLDS are RAM-based, they have no fuses and need to have their internal RAM loaded with data before they can be used.  JTAG is also used by those RAM-based CPLDs.
16:02.35TomWIIRC, Xylinx has some devices like that, they do a lot of that type.
16:03.27prpplaguesorphin: insight to what?
16:03.32TomWSo, if you use a Xylinx device in your circuit (or some of the Altera FPGAs), when your processor boots, it has to shove data into the CPLD / FPGA on each boot up.
16:03.36sorphinTomW: well, if i had a spare Z, i could do like tim was suggesting and poke at the thing via jtag
16:03.43sorphinprpplague: arm jtaging
16:03.50prpplaguesorphin: ahh
16:04.09prpplaguesorphin: no, i'm still learning jtag ins/outs
16:04.26sorphinprpplague: from what i'm pondering here basked on the banner of the jflash on this sharp sheet, and what tomw's saying
16:04.45sorphinit may be more trivial than tim was leading me to believe to poke at the Z
16:05.07sorphintho, he was right that a working one as a reference would help
16:05.10TomWIMO, it would be rather clumsy (time consuming) to have to go via JTAG into the main cpu to wiggle the JTAG pins of the CPLD.  Those RAM-based CPLDs need a LOT of data to be shoved into their internal RAM.  
16:05.31sorphinprpplague: welcome to the tropics ;)
16:05.56sieveprpplague: lucky bastard
16:06.01sorphinTomW: well, once/if i get that svc manual
16:06.04TomWsorphin: I suspect that it will be a very trivial operation to ressurect your Z: just JTAG the code back into the main Flash store.
16:06.12sorphini'll be able to lok at exactly how the Z is 'wired up'
16:06.19sorphinTomW: yeah
16:06.31sorphinTomW: if i can ever sort out these damn commands
16:06.40TomWLike I said: CS0 drives the ROM (Flash).
16:07.04sorphinTomW: right, but the flash is sitll gonna want those stupid commands innit?
16:07.24sorphinnot sending those commands is oddly how i trashed it to begin with (still can't fathom how)
16:07.37TomWyou are looking at it as a chicken & egg problem: I need the CPLD loaded before I can boot, but I need to boot before I can load the CPLD.
16:07.51sorphinactually no
16:07.56sorphini'm talking about the flash mem itself
16:08.09sorphinthe sharp flash, like most other flash chips of this sort
16:08.17sorphini.e. the atmel/sst i poke at in tivos
16:08.22sorphinbefore you can write to it
16:08.33TomWYou gotta know which Flash (p/n) is in there so you can do the proper 'dance' to erase & program.
16:08.34sorphinyou have to send it a command, then the data
16:08.41sorphinand i do
16:08.44sorphinhte prob is
16:08.51sorphinthe commands on this spec sheet
16:09.05TomWwhat processor is it?
16:09.17prpplaguesieve: you pulled redass 9 down yet?
16:09.32sorphinprpplague: i thought you were the redass at abcsinc
16:09.45sorphinprpplague: as often as you take it from management
16:09.54prpplaguesorphin: thats no ass, since i get it chewed off frequently
16:10.01TomWsorphin: k, so why won't the jflash work on it?  Change the way it wiggles / dances the Flash
16:10.04sorphinprpplague: good point
16:10.09prpplaguesorphin: actuall, i might be the boss redass soon, lol
16:10.17sorphinprpplague: eh?
16:10.25prpplaguesorphin: the hardware manager quit yesterday and no one wants his job
16:10.33sorphinprpplague: muhahahaha
16:10.47sorphinTomW: if i can sort out their commands
16:10.50prpplaguesieve: that is unless they can trick ben into it
16:11.41TomWprpplague: I'll do it!  Pay me $160K / yr, I can bluff my way through for 6 months before they fire my ass, and I'll have some nice seed money to purchase equipment with!
16:11.55TomWno shit!
16:11.58sorphinTomW: just retire already you geezer
16:12.15signal11_prpplague: what does a hardware manager do
16:12.29signal11_apart from managing hardware, i guess
16:12.41sorphinsignal11_: management *shiver*
16:14.01TomWprpplague: I'll busy myself with meetings for two months, figuring out 'the problem', then take a month to come up with a 'solution', it'll take 'em two months to implement the 'solution' and another couple of months to realize that I have no clue as to what I am doing!
16:14.08sorphinkergoth: dammit
16:14.09prpplaguesignal11_: basically schedule repair/upgrade tricks, oversea documentation, testing of rma and new equipment, and oversee the r&d department
16:14.12TomWprpplague: isn't that what managers do?
16:14.20sorphinkergoth: did change their damn site in the past couple days?
16:14.34prpplagueTomW: thats what ours is suppose to do
16:14.44kergothafaik all that was changed is the embedix patch was uploaded there to mirror while its down
16:14.46sorphinkergoth: The requested URL /devZone.php was not found on this server.
16:14.53TomWprpplague: what? fake 'em out?
16:14.53kergothworked fine last night
16:14.57kergothhavent tested since
16:15.01sorphinisn't working now
16:15.10sorphinnot found
16:15.27sorphineven if you follow the link of their own page
16:15.36prpplagueTomW: hmm, ya well, i guess you could say thats what our last one did :0
16:15.46kergothsorphin: /join #openembedded. talk to ljp.
16:15.52sorphini found it
16:16.00kergothwhen he's around anywya, he isnt now
16:16.34signal11_not to ask a dumb question or anything, but how is openembedded different from elinux
16:16.51sorphinopenembedded is what kergoth is migrating OZ towards
16:17.06sorphinnon "only zaurus" specific
16:17.09kergothopenembedded is an infrastructure for embedded use that is both OS and distribution agnostic.
16:17.28kergoth'elinux' alludes to being linux specific, which there is no need for
16:17.47TomWprpplague: did you see today's Dilbert?
16:18.12sorphinkergoth: yay
16:18.22sorphini finally found the *exact* flash datasheet
16:18.32sorphintho, it's in japanese :P
16:20.38sorphinTomW: yo
16:20.55kergothibot: seen mallum
16:20.57mallum is currently on #ipaq (7h 53m 6s) #familiar (7h 53m 6s) #intimate (7h 53m 6s) #gpe (7h 53m 6s) #tuxscreen (7h 53m 6s) #elinux (7h 53m 6s) (7h 53m 6s).  Has said a total of 21 messages.  Is idling for 1h 18m 49s
16:21.00sorphinwould you guess that the onl ydiff between LH28F640BFHE-PTTL80 and -PTTL90
16:21.01kergothmallum: ping
16:21.02sorphinis speed?
16:21.13kergothmallum: the X build doesnt like me much
16:21.18prpplagueTomW: negative, been working since 5am est
16:21.19mallumkergoth: hey
16:21.28mallumkergoth: what happens
16:21.36*** join/#elinux chouimat (
16:21.37kergoth/usr/src/collie/output/staging/XXcompiler/cc -E `./ccimake` \
16:21.37kergoth-DCROSSCOMPILE_CPP imakemdep.h > imakemdep_cpp.h; \
16:21.37kergothelse touch imakemdep_cpp.h; fi
16:21.37kergothimakemdep.h:779: linux/version.h: No such file or directory
16:21.47sorphinchouimat: hola
16:21.48kergothwhich followed
16:21.48kergothmaking imake with BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS= and CROSSCOMPILEFLAGS=-DCROSSCOMPILEDIR="/usr/src/collie/output/staging/XXcompiler" in config/imake
16:21.52kergothcc -o ccimake -DCROSSCOMPILEDIR=\"/usr/src/collie/output/staging/XXcompiler\"  -O -I../../include -I../../imports/x11/include/X11 ccimake.c
16:22.06mallumkergoth: yeah, your tool chain is missing version.h
16:22.23chouimathi sorphin
16:22.23kergothwhy isnt it using the staging include dir?
16:22.39chouimatkergoth: ck-kernel are in gentoo
16:22.52mallumkergoth: I think it is, but thats missing version.h
16:23.01kergothmallum: no, it sint.
16:23.41kergoth/usr/src/collie/packages/xfree86$ ls ../../output/staging/include/linux/version.h
16:24.05kergothyou're right, it isnt in my toolchain include dir, which is odd, but it should be adding staging to its include path as well
16:25.09mallumkergoth: thats easy to fix, you'll see where it sets the extra include dirs in the Makefile - where it calls make World
16:25.11kergothwell i'll fix my toollchani
16:25.20kergothMakefile:       $(MAKE) -C $(SourceTree)  World EXTRA_LDOPTIONS="-L$(STAGING_DIR)/arm-linux/lib" EXTRA_INCLUDES="-I$(STAGING_DIR)/include"  CROSSCOMPILEDIR=$(STAGING_DIR)/XXcompiler
16:25.28kergothand it still fails
16:25.44kergothso that EXTRA_INCLUDES isnt used when it generates imakemdep_cpp.h
16:25.54mallumlooks like it :(
16:26.06mallumit definetly gets used later on
16:26.32kergothk, not a big deal
16:26.56mallumdoes it work when you add version.h to your toolchain ?
16:28.02prpplaguesieve: hmm, groove salad in nassau :)
16:28.54chouimathey prpplague
16:30.19sorphinchouimat: looking at the real datasheet for the Z's flash
16:30.28sorphinchouimat: from what me and tomw have been talking about
16:30.29chouimatsorphin: ?
16:30.36sorphinshould be trivial to poke at this thing
16:30.51chouimatsorphin: ok
16:31.09sorphinchouimat: the LH28F640BFHE-PTTL90 datasheet
16:31.30sorphinnow that i finally got the right datasheet for said flash
16:31.36prpplaguechouimat: hey
16:32.07sorphinchouimat: 1st link on google when you search for that exact chip
16:32.33chouimatsorphin: ok I will X up and running later today
16:35.21sorphinok, <stupid mode> OTP program mode? </stupid>
16:36.17kergothmallum: okay, it appears to be working.
16:39.17*** join/#elinux gatofisch (
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16:41.25kergothgod, xfree86's use of make recursion is just excessive.
16:43.20prpplaguedecisions decisions.....
16:43.27prpplague1 liter water $6.75
16:43.37prpplague1 liter of beer $1.25
16:43.54mallumkergoth: hehe, keep me posted on how it goes for you
16:44.03chouimatprpplague: depend on what you want to do today :)
16:44.31prpplaguechouimat: install 3 mission critical servers ?
16:48.03*** join/#elinux JustJack (~jj@
16:48.07kergoth/usr/src/collie/output/staging/XXcompiler/`echo gcc|sed "s%.*/%%"` -c -O3  -fsigned-char   -I/usr/src/collie/output/staging/include -I../../../../.. -I../../../../../exports/include   -Dlinux -D__arm__ -D__arm32__ -U__arm -Uarm -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_SVID_SOURCE  -D_GNU_SOURCE   -DFUNCPROTO=15 -DNARROWPROTO -DXTHREADS  -D_REENTRANT -DXUSE_MTSAFE_API    -DMALLOC_0_RETURNS_NULL      
16:48.14kergothimLcIc.c:34: Xlibint.h: No such file or directory
16:48.16kergothimLcIc.c:35: Xlcint.h: No such file or directory
16:48.19kergothimLcIc.c:36: Ximint.h: No such file or directory
16:48.21kergothmake[9]: *** [imLcIc.o] Error 1
16:48.25kergothstill building though
16:49.37prpplaguekergoth: hmm, not like its the first time "collie" and "odd" are in the same context
16:49.38mallumjust let it keep going, about 90% of the stuff in the tree isn't needed ;-)
16:50.11kergothyeah, if a build doesnt fail, i dont fuck with it
16:50.15mallumkergoth: as long as it got the bootstrap stuff compiled ok, the rest should be plain sailing
16:50.15kergothjust struck me as odd :)
16:51.26mallumkergoth: I've been trying to build phoenix for the c700, but not much luck :(
16:53.53chouimatkergoth: ?
16:55.20chouimatcome one Gentoo Compile
17:11.57kergothoh mallum..
17:12.00kergoth# !! EVIL HACK EVIL HACK !!
17:12.00kergoth# if I dont do this fontconfig linkage breaks
17:12.00kergothcp -a /usr/X11R6/lib/* /arm-linux/lib/
17:12.03kergothcp: cannot stat `/usr/X11R6/lib/*': No such file or directory
17:12.05kergothmake[1]: *** [/usr/src/collie/stamps/.XFree86.staginginstall] Error 1
17:12.08kergothmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/collie/packages/xfree86'
17:12.20sorphinkergoth: must be your turn to be a pain today eh? ;)
17:12.27mallumkergoth: yeah you havn't been applying my changesets ;-)
17:12.29kergothguess so :)
17:12.37kergothmallum: i missed one? hmm
17:12.46chouimatsorphin: interesting reading
17:13.05mallumkergoth: I think if you check that line in the Makefile it says $(STAMP) when it should say $(STAMPDIR)
17:13.13sorphinchouimat: yeah.. the commands threw me because they say to use them at any valid addr, i'm nto use to that :P
17:13.27chouimatsorphin: hehe
17:14.08chouimatnow if we can dicth angel
17:14.59chouimatsorphin: and have something that enable us to boot from cf too :)
17:15.11sorphinor mmc :P
17:15.18kergothmallum: hmm, i cant find any changesets in my mailbox.. hmmmm
17:15.33chouimatsorphin: hehe
17:15.38mallumkergoth: have you got none at all in the last week ?
17:16.06chouimatsorphin: no more space problems :)
17:16.30kergothmallum: i have one here from the 32st of may with the corgi modmap fixes, was that before or after the one in question?
17:16.49mallumkergoth: after I think
17:16.56chouimatbrb need to do some cleaning in here
17:16.58mallum32st of may ?
17:17.16kergothmallum: k
17:17.19kergoth31st :)
17:17.20sorphinwhats OTP (one Time program) mean in the flash sense?
17:17.31sorphinkergoth: drink more coffee :P
17:17.54prpplaguesorphin: once you've flash it it no longer can be re-flashed
17:17.54chouimatsorphin: he allready getting his coffee via intravenous ...
17:18.03sorphinprpplague: hmm
17:18.13sorphini dunno why sharp didn't do that w/ say angel or something
17:18.19sorphinso you'd have a 'safety net'
17:18.33sorphinsince htis flash has an OTP Program mode
17:18.37sorphinthis even
17:18.53sorphinchouimat: apparently not if he's saying the 32st
17:19.51chouimatsorphin: haha
17:24.43mallumkergoth: whats the revision set to in the Makefile ?
17:26.14kergothRevision = 7
17:26.15*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
17:26.25sorphinTimRiker: hola
17:26.44TimRikerhey all
17:26.49kergothhey tim
17:27.20mallumkergoth: ah well Im only on 8 ;-) , maybe Its my fualt and I never sent you my latest changes :(
17:27.26kergothhmm, dunno
17:27.34kergothi could have eeasily misplaced it
17:27.36sorphinTimRiker: me and tomw (after a little discussing) figured out, that it prolly won't be as bad as we thought to poke at the flash just to get the angel/cf updater in there, i finally found the proper flash data sheet too, so..
17:27.51sorphinTimRiker: so i may not be as hopeless as i thought ;)
17:27.55mallumkergoth: well I'll get another changeset to you later, maybe it will be in that
17:28.03TimRikersorphin: that's good news.
17:28.05sorphinmallum: maybe? ;)
17:28.12mallumsorphin: hopefully
17:28.32kergothmallum: well, you can use -r# on the bk send line to force a send
17:28.45kergothmallum: bk keeps track of what changesets you've sent me, so you have to force a send of one you sent already
17:28.49TomWTimRiker: yeah, makes no sense to me that the locomo chip would have to be involved to replace the content of the Flash store.
17:29.29TimRikeriirc the write_en pin on flash was tied to a locomo gpio not to the sa1110
17:29.30TomWTimRiker: to run the hardware, yes, the locomo would need to be initialized, but that appears to be the job of the Flash store.
17:29.43TomWchinken & egg problem.
17:29.51kergothiirc WE is tied to tc35143af or scoop, not locomo
17:29.55kergothdont recall which off teh top of my head
17:30.07sorphinkergoth: so open your svc manual schematic boy ;P
17:30.14TimRikerah. that might be. I have no sharp docs at TI. imagine that. ;-)
17:30.17kergothi forgot the svc manual at work
17:30.21kergother at home
17:30.22sorphinTimRiker: rotfl
17:30.27sorphinTimRiker: gee.. wonder why ;)
17:30.34TomWWish I could see the schematic, I am just guessing / assuming a lot without seeing it.
17:30.55sorphinTimRiker: i think TI really was meant to mean Tim's Instruments
17:31.02TomWFAX: 570.688.0914
17:31.14TimRikerTomW: anyone at sharp working on getting you permission? the service manual is a pdf
17:31.14sorphinTomW: eh?
17:31.29sorphinTimRiker: kergoth sent spencer a request for me
17:31.45sorphinbut spencer's swampped atm apparently
17:31.49TomWNaw, sorphin dragged me into this, I am not that interested in seeing them, only to help him out.
17:32.13TimRikersorphin: hehe. can't find any Tim's Instruments shirts anywhere. cafepress perhaps? ;-)
17:32.13sorphinso i haven't even gotten the nda yet
17:32.36sorphinTimRiker: hehe
17:32.50TomWTimRiker: I'm busy writing a proposal to beg^H^H^Hget some work.
17:33.03*** mode/#eLinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
17:33.09sorphinTomW: quit whoring yourself out, your name isn't sjhill :P
17:33.27TomWentrepeneur == whore
17:33.34sorphingood point
17:34.06sorphinok, i'm definately tired :P
17:34.33sorphinTimRiker: so how big's "your office" ?
17:35.03TimRikersorphin: just a cube.
17:35.32sorphinTimRiker:  your boss isn't pointy haired is he/she?
17:35.46TimRikeranyone interested in a move to dallas? you get to hang out with me. inviting isn't it?
17:36.01TomWTimRiker: size of paycheck & value to the company can be measured by the size of the office.
17:36.02TimRikersorphin: nope. he's a she.
17:36.26sorphinTimRiker: hiring ?
17:36.27TimRikerTomW: heh. is that an inverse measurement?
17:36.36TimRikersorphin: yes, some.
17:36.55TomWTimRiker: uhhuh, the smaller the office, the harder you have to work to keep it.
17:37.09TimRikerTomW: hehe
17:37.29sorphinTimRiker: prpplague might be becoming semi pointy haired
17:37.44TomWyears of corporate experience has taught me that.  The larger the office the less likely it will be your ass in the sling
17:38.10sorphinTomW: don't forget, the larger the office, proportionally the smaller your brain ;)
17:38.34sorphinTomW: that's why ceo's have such big offices
17:38.43sorphinand hard working engineers have little cubes
17:38.53TomWummm, todays' Dilbert anyone?
17:39.03sorphinTomW: i have it up now
17:39.26sorphinTimRiker: there are obvious exceptions to that rule tho ;)
17:39.44sorphin(assuming you had a decent office at lineo)
17:40.22prpplaguesorphin: what?
17:40.37sorphinprpplague: when? where? who?
17:40.48prpplaguesorphin: you for how?
17:41.10sorphinprpplague: nah, i know how
17:41.17sorphinprpplague: i'm not old enough to forget yte ;)
17:41.44TimRikerI don't recall ever having a large enough office to hold all my stuff. ;-)
17:41.58sorphinTimRiker: maybe you have too much stuff? ;)
17:42.10sorphinTimRiker: or were you in the former janitor's closet turned office?
17:44.05sorphinTimRiker: seen any fun toys yet around at TI?
17:44.16prpplagueTimRiker: got you pounding those OMAPS yet?
17:45.20TimRikersome nice toys, yes. anyone interested in working on omap-linux should talk to me. I'm working on getting some loaner devel boards.
17:45.42prpplagueTimRiker: i wish
17:45.49TimRikerI'll probably bring a few to hand out at OLS.
17:45.57sorphini don't even know/remember what omap is
17:45.59prpplagueTimRiker: as usually i'm working POS
17:46.06sorphinprpplague: now cut that out ;)
17:46.22sorphinprpplague: if you keep playing w/ POS you'll go blind :P
17:46.26chouimatwhat omap is?
17:46.43TimRikerit's basically arm9-linux at present, though I'm also working on getting easier access to the linux hosted omap dsp tools and docs
17:46.43prpplaguesorphin: ya well, this POS stuff is getting old, i'm gonna have to find a real embedded job
17:47.04prpplagueTimRiker: ya i just got a gp32 which is arm9 based
17:47.06chouimatsound cool
17:47.07sorphinprpplague: tim's hiring atm
17:47.19sorphinprpplague: he just mentioned that a lil ways up ;)
17:47.50prpplaguesorphin: ya but he wants really linux gurus not wannabies :)
17:48.08TimRikerprpplague: well, there is that. ;-)
17:48.18sorphinprpplague: heh
17:48.40sorphincounts me out then :P i've only been messing w/ linux since 93, and prolly am not hard core enough ;)
17:52.21*** join/#elinux DCipher (
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19:15.57TomWsorphin: well, the plea has been sent, now to see if I can get the customer to go for it.
19:17.23TomWsorphin: he has an old design (circa 1994) that was 8051 based, 64K EPROM, 128K SRAM.  I am proposing to kick it up to ARM, SDRAM and Compact Flash, with Ethernet added in..
19:19.00prpplagueTomW: so the hagis is in the fire?
19:20.10TomWheh, yeah.  I do have a $5K check and another Fire Panel to pick up this week..  So, I'll have money to build the prototype EP7312 system.
19:22.48TomWprpplague: six serial ports: 2 RS232 only, 4 software selectable RS232/RS485, 10BaseT, SDRAM, CF slot, QVGA, Touch, Onboard regulation 8-35volt input, and an expansion header.
19:23.13TomWgot to have an expansion header!
19:24.11TomWprpplague: it *will* be a six layer board. :(
19:27.29prpplagueTomW: bummer
19:28.05TomWyeah, I would like to keep it to four layers, but, we'll see, I am budgeting for six layer.
19:34.04*** join/#elinux o-_-o (
19:34.09o-_-ohello :-)
19:34.22o-_-olike has anybody seen these warnings
19:34.42o-_-o"something" supports interworking, where as "something" does not
19:35.44prpplagueo-_-o: uh, you need to provide a little more info there dude
19:36.14o-_-oI am trying to compile a program
19:36.17o-_-ofor the GBA
19:36.25o-_-owhich uses the ARM processor
19:36.26*** mode/#eLinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
19:36.26o-_-ousing gcc
19:36.31o-_-oon a win32 env
19:36.40o-_-oit is built as a cross compiler
19:36.43prpplagueo-_-o: well, we general do neither here
19:37.03prpplagueo-_-o: best to check with the gba mailing list
19:37.13o-_-ook...any idea where :/
19:37.25prpplaguethe linux gba dev site?
19:37.32o-_-o:) no linux
19:37.35o-_-oonl gcc
19:37.43o-_-oGBA does not have an OS
19:37.53prpplagueo-_-o: i know that
19:38.05prpplagueo-_-o: however there is a linux development host for gba
19:38.11prpplagueo-_-o: thats where the gcc is coming from
19:38.20filegreetings all
19:38.35prpplagueo-_-o: one sec, i'll get you an url
19:39.41o-_-othanks a lot
19:39.47prpplagueo-_-o: np
19:42.34o-_-oI'm out thanks for all the help again prpplague
19:42.37*** part/#elinux o-_-o (
19:45.10prpplaguemy first instinct is to be short with ppl like that for not doing their own research, however i remember i too something have trouble putting 2 and 2 together.....
19:47.12fileGoogle knows all
19:49.52prpplaguefile: except how to understand a woman
19:50.47sorphinprpplague: 2 + 2 = 4
19:52.24prpplaguesorphin: lol
19:52.33prpplaguesorphin: i hope you know what i mean
19:53.00sorphinprpplague: sometimes, othertimes that POS brainwashing of yours leaks through and no one understands you ;)
19:54.59prpplaguesorphin: thats a given
19:58.45sorphinTomW: yo
20:00.04sorphinkergoth: i noticed somehting the other day
20:00.15kergothwhich is
20:00.16sorphinon hte back of the Z in the battery area
20:00.51sorphinthere are lil pads along that side area, that look like they could be bringouts of the jtag too/the connector
20:01.17sorphinon the right side of the battery area
20:01.48sorphinkergoth: btw, i sent you a /m earlier.. dunno if you saw it
20:02.33prpplaguesorphin: i was wondering about those as well
20:05.11sorphinprpplague: seen a lot of talk about the assabet.. ever seen/messed w/ one?
20:06.15prpplaguesorphin: ya the assabet ref design is what i used for the hackkit
20:06.36prpplaguefile: aim for the heart
20:06.51prpplaguefile: jk
20:08.08sorphinprpplague: a file w/  a heart?
20:10.05*** join/#elinux andersee (
20:10.06*** mode/#eLinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
20:10.46sorphinit's andersee
20:11.01fileAll Hail Andersee!
20:11.15sorphinfile: you got some brown stuff on your nose
20:11.26anderseesorphin: file: morning
20:11.39sorphinandersee: that explains it right there
20:11.48sorphinandersee: back on your odd schedule again eh?
20:13.26prpplaguesorphin: dual pIII 800mhz, db reorg times
20:13.35prpplaguesorphin: SCO 68 minutes
20:13.56prpplaguesorphin: redhat 7.3 12 minutes
20:14.03sorphinprpplague: sounds bout right
20:14.21prpplaguesorphin: and thats their backup box
20:14.49sorphinprpplague: well, i did always call SCO, Scum for a reason
20:16.24TomWsorphin: you rang?
20:16.52sorphin<sorphin> on hte back of the Z in the battery area
20:16.52sorphin<sorphin> there are lil pads along that side area, that look like they could
20:17.03sorphinTomW: sound like that might be what they are to you?
20:17.19sorphinthey look pogopinable
20:17.36sorphinand i know the (after just reading) the jourdana does that for it's jtag
20:18.04prpplaguezwelch: hey you lurker
20:18.04prpplaguezwelch: what the hell are you up to these days?
20:18.15TomWsorphin: it could very well be, it would make sense to avoid having to open a PDA up to service the software.
20:18.43sorphinTomW: and incase you don't have one of those weird connectors that the zaurus uses to connect to the cradle
20:19.42TomWNo, I wouldn't expect to find something on the order of JTAG on a consumer accessory.
20:19.57TomWWhy would the enduser need JTAG?
20:20.33sorphini meant they prolly have those pads so that you don't have to use the connector on hte bottom of the Z to get to the jtag, because it does bring it out to that connector too
20:21.05sorphinthat's how their actual 'jtag cable' is set up to hook up to.. i just figured those pads were prolly an alternative 'hookup' too
20:21.13*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
20:21.22sorphinand there's the other hardware nut ;)
20:21.25sorphinGPSFan: allo ken
20:21.43TomWsounds like over-engineering the device to have it at one connector, then someplace else.  Why do that? In case the connector gets broken?  
20:22.08sorphinTomW: or like i said, i guess in case you don't have somehting w/ that connector handy? i dunno
20:22.47TomWif the signals are at the connector, why worry.  It would make sense to put it at the connector so that service personnel could easily re-Flash it?
20:22.49sorphinit's just a guess on those pads, haven't had a chance to check for continuity
20:23.02sorphinah well
20:23.21sorphinw/o the schematic i'm taking stabs anyways ;)
20:23.26sorphinstupid sharp
20:23.44sorphinnow decisions decisions
20:23.53sorphindo i use jflash-linux as a base
20:23.56fileMission Impossible time, gotta infiltrate Sharp headquarters!
20:23.59sorphinor use the rmk jtag
20:24.17sorphinfile: no, i just need spencer to send me my nda
20:24.40filebut that'll never happen
20:24.55sorphinit will, whenever he becomes unswamped
20:25.04filelike I said - never
20:25.12sorphinfile: go back to sleep
20:25.20filesleep not found.
20:25.33TomWsorphin: how about checking with the others that have signed the NDA and see if they have a blank copy.  then you fill it out and send it in and see what happens?
20:25.56sorphinTomW: that's a thought
20:25.59sorphinkergoth: y0 digi
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21:09.16*** part/#elinux tglx_gone (
21:17.04mallumhow do you create a channel on freenode ? just /join it and get a bot to connect and stay connected ?
21:17.25kergothyou can register it with chanserv
21:17.50mallumhow do you do that ?
21:17.50sorphinmallum: the #matchbox channel?
21:18.03kergothmallum: /msg chanserv help
21:18.04sorphinmallum: /m chanserv help ;)
21:18.16mallumsorphin: no #free-warez-and-nudie-pics
21:18.35sorphinmallum: ah, we already got one of those.. it's called #elinux :P
21:18.45mallumno a matchbox one
21:18.53sorphinthoght so
21:19.07sorphinTomW: hey, old timer
21:19.18sorphinTomW: need a recommendation
21:53.58*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~kenm@
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23:53.20sorphinprpplague: booo hisssss boooo
23:53.46prpplaguesorphin: bee-otch
23:54.27sorphinprpplague: may your hotel room be full of mosquitos ;)
23:58.49prpplaguesorphin: lol, more like beer bottles and condom wrappers

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.