irclog2html for #elinux on 20030407

00:00.00sorphinif you tie it to pin 11, it's tied to vcc then w/ no resistor
00:00.01kergother, they're indirectly tying vcc to gnd?
00:00.20sorphinaccording to the diagram
00:00.26sorphinthey tie 11 and 13
00:00.29sorphinfor jtag
00:00.36sorphinif you tie 11 to 13
00:00.43kergothwell wtf
00:00.43sorphinyou're also tying 11 to 8
00:00.46kergothbrb, soda
00:00.52chouimat|tvbrb simpsons
00:00.59sorphinsince 8 is already tied to 13
00:04.03chouimat|tvgrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Rerun
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01:34.37chouimat|eatthe "aol for broadband" ad sucks
01:40.45sorphini commented on that earlier
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01:54.50fileanybody concious?
01:54.59chouimat|eatfile no
01:55.06filechouimat|eat: are you eating yourself?
01:55.28chouimat|eatno pate chinois
01:55.38fileoh ic
01:56.44filearg matey
01:57.54fileI thought my proxy crashed, but it recovered
01:57.58fileso I'm happy :)
02:01.07MonMothawoah...gEDA doesn't have an 8051 in it's symbol library>?
02:02.43filewhat's up?
02:08.44TomW`goneMonMotha: why use gEDA?  Doing some testing or something like that?
02:11.40filechouimat: Enjoy your... food?
02:12.04chouimatfile: yup ... now I need to go buy beers
02:12.13filechouimat: quickly, quickly!
02:12.39MonMothaTomW`gone: well, I was planning on actually drawing up the schematic for this thign (picture in a sec) so I could try an autorouter for a pcb
02:12.48chouimatfile: still have 48 minutes :)
02:13.06fileeh fine
02:13.09fileit's your world
02:13.12chouimatDAMN CAT! I need to go out MOVE!
02:13.26TomWMonMotha: I was just looking the gEDA over, I don't see anything to do the PCB Layout?
02:14.12MonMothaTomW: I thought I saw an autorouter for them...not sure
02:14.14MonMothamaybe not
02:14.18MonMothait worked with PCB as I recall
02:14.28MonMothaTomW: the reason I use geda is because I'm cheap :)
02:14.29TomWNo, I don't even see a manual router
02:14.37MonMothayeah, they don't have a PCB prog at all
02:14.48TomWok, they export the netlist, then you can import it into PCB.
02:15.04MonMothaI thought I saw someone had some perl scripts to do some hackish stuff as well
02:15.05MonMothayes it is
02:15.10MonMothaI should probably get eagle or something
02:15.12sorphinMonMotha: all i see is a buncha ribbon cable on an image bigger than 1280x1024 :P
02:15.15TomWI did that with OrCad 3 & Tango PCB 1.0
02:15.26MonMothasorphin: heh :)
02:15.37chouimatsorphin: :)
02:15.43filemmm... Webpal... 2 days till this auction is over
02:15.46MonMothasorphin: there's an 80C451 under there hooked up to 8k of static RAM and 128k (only 64k addressable) of flash memory
02:15.55TomWsorphin: so, stop using 640x480 resolution and go higher.
02:16.02MonMothathe rest is just glue logic and the MAX232 for the serial port
02:16.12sorphinTomW: umm
02:16.18sorphinTomW: i was using 1280x1024 :P
02:16.22MonMothaI do need to work out the xtal and finish tying some unused inputs
02:16.30TomW~lart sorphin
02:16.38fileI stuck my hand under my laptop, and it's REALLY hot
02:17.17TomWMonMotha: I use a purchased version of EagleCAD, it does what I need.
02:18.01TomWMonMotha: I got the autorouter, but seldom ever use it.  Autorouters are notorious for being very stupid about routing signals.
02:19.19TomWgood for low speed stuff, if you manually route your high speed lines, then turn the autorouter loose on the board to do the rest, it usually rips up & reroutes some of the high speed trace work that you manually routed.  
02:19.22TomWnot usefull.
02:20.13sorphin~cluebat TomW
02:20.15ACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps TomW.
02:20.30file~lart file
02:20.37TomWthanks, but I already have several clues...
02:20.43sorphinTomW: apparently not
02:20.48TomWwhy so?
02:21.53filewell - I have yet to see the e-mail regarding shipping cost on this Webpal!
02:22.40sorphinTomW: <TomW> sorphin: so, stop using 640x480 resolution and go higher.
02:22.56TomWoh, ok
02:23.08fileI tried 640x480 one day, to see what it was like when I used it many years ago
02:23.14fileit hurt my eyes, I didn't know how I survived
02:24.07*** mode/#eLinux [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
02:24.53fileThe UPS Store?
02:24.56fileoh my
02:28.21sorphinkergoth: re
02:28.43chouimatmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm beer
02:29.06filechouimat: estimated time till you lapse into a beer delirious state?
02:30.09MonMothafile: 640x480 is quite nice to my eyes actually since I can crank the refresh up so high
02:30.24fileMonMotha: you scare me more
02:30.42MonMothaTomW`ZZzz: yeah, I didn't plan on actually USING the autorouter, just playing with it :)
02:31.05MonMothaI'm only running at a max of 12MHz too :)
02:31.14fileI regret that I soon am leaving
02:31.45MonMothaneedless to say, I doubt it will even work at that speed on the protoboard
02:34.48fileGoodnight everyone
02:35.59sorphinnight file
02:36.05chouimatbye file
03:04.22*** join/#elinux MrHim (
03:08.46MrHimAnyone here playing with a webpal and TomW's build-root?
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03:39.47sorphinTimRiker: evening
03:45.18TimRikereve. fighting with comcast cable.
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04:18.17prpplagueearly flight in the morning
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05:23.06sorphinTimRiker: cable sucks ;)
05:56.12TimRikersorphin: need to get a mrtg page up to report uptimes soon. ;-)
06:05.59TimRikertime to upgrade router firmware... bbiab
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06:27.47sorphinTimRiker: re
06:29.08TimRikerstill having wierd dns issues.
06:29.47TimRikershows here
06:30.42sorphinprolly a rotation
06:30.54sorphinthat's what i show
06:31.05sorphinjust from nslookup
06:31.23sorphin*** can't find Non-existent host/domain
06:31.29sorphinno reverse on 179
06:31.36TimRikerno. can't get to at all. shows the same IP for other names from time to time.
06:32.16sorphintaht's where i stop for 179.x
06:32.21TimRikercache screwed up someplace. could be could be comcast, could be the UStec in-house router.
06:32.24sorphindunno what that 179 actually is
06:32.29sorphinbut it's unrouteable to me
06:33.16TimRikernmap shows that the in-house router is running linux. probably 2.2.x
06:33.16sorphinis reserved
06:33.33sorphin179.x.x.x are teh class b reserved addrs
06:34.09sorphinor are reserved in general
06:34.10sorphini dunno
06:34.28sorphinall i know is i can't get to that block ,and oftc is the ips i pasted above
06:34.36TimRikerhmm. I was thinking it was only or something.
06:35.07sorphinNetRange: -
06:35.13sorphinaccording to arin
06:35.52TimRikerah... that's 172.(16-31) which are non-routable. 179 must be something else.
06:37.00sorphini dunno
06:37.06sorphinarin lists the above as 'reserved'
06:37.24sorphini see
06:37.30sorphinreserved for IANA
06:38.07sorphin179 is unrouteable for me tho
06:42.52sorphingot the gem
06:48.11*** join/#elinux BZFlag (
06:49.28sorphinuh oh, it's that bzflag character ;)
06:49.47sorphinalways tryin to pawn off his game ;)
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06:52.47TimRikersucky ustec hardware. I can see I'll have to nuke it soon.
06:56.23sorphinnever heard of it or preinstall home electronics
07:04.54sorphintho from your fun
07:04.58sorphinsounds like what not to buy ;)
07:13.35TimRikerheh. I'll just kick it in the head and use the 9 port 10/100 switch but not the nat portion. just have to get a linux server setup.
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10:49.36fileade|indy: I'm after you!!!!
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12:34.01TomWMorn: Hello
12:34.22TomWit is snowing here, again!
13:00.44sorphinTomW: stop saying that, you scared her :P
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13:02.36sorphinmallum: morningafternoon
13:03.40mallumsorphin: greetings from the mothership
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13:13.25sorphinmorn: re
13:16.31Mornhow is everyone?
13:16.50sorphinprepareing to leave for hell^H^H^H^Hwork
13:17.11MornI start the new job tomorrow afternoon
13:34.41*** join/#elinux Julie (Julie@
13:37.54ade|indyuni server buggered again
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14:11.29sievemorning all
15:07.55*** join/#elinux MicroChip32 (
15:09.07MicroChip32anyone here help with a 'broken' tuxscreen ?
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15:58.46tmbincanyone here who can help me creating flt-executables for uclinux on arm? my kernel works ok (on an arm7tdmi), but a simple "hello world" just crashes
15:59.05tmbinci think my toolchain must be broken in some way...
16:04.47sorphindrink your coffee :P
16:05.42kergothi am! :)
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16:08.57sieve'lo kergoth
16:10.24kergothhey sieve
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16:32.05MicroChip32MORN !!!
16:32.16Mornyour back
16:32.23MornI thought you dropped off the planet
16:32.34Morndid you hear I got a real job?
16:33.12MicroChip32job? whats a job? LOL well ive been doing a bit of stuff here and there, but no, not any regular employment
16:33.45MicroChip32and yea i fell off the planet, in more ways than one
16:34.25MicroChip32finally pulled my tux outa mothballs and trying to get the stupid thing jtag'd
16:34.46MornI got a job as Director of IT for a small non-profit
16:35.11MicroChip32kewl, need an assistant ? <G>
16:35.30MornI start tomorrow
16:35.39MornI've been moving this weekend
16:35.42MornI'm beat
16:41.19MicroChip32bah! ok i think thats the end of that tux :(
16:43.40MicroChip32morn, are capacitors and diodes supposed to 'leak' smoke ? <G>
16:44.52MornMicroChip32: if you let the magic smoke out they don't work any more
16:45.22MicroChip32id heard that, hrm, i wonder if there's any left in em
16:46.12MicroChip32now if only i knew what i had wrong, i didnt change anything :(
16:47.42MicroChip32shit, cap looks ok, looks like i may have cooked an inductor ... L300 on the main board :(
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16:53.24kergothhey andersee
17:01.24anderseekergoth: morning
17:02.52*** join/#elinux MicroChip32 (
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17:10.36MicroChip32anyone have schems for the tuxscreen ?
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17:24.37GPSFanMicroChip32: there used to be a wiki page for the schematics, but it seems to have vanished. try looking here though.
17:25.59GPSFanMicroChip32: ah, here it is:
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17:31.52MicroChip32GPSFan thanks lemme see if it has what i need
17:33.30MicroChip32hrm, shit now which one of those has the part of the board i need LOL
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17:45.52MicroChip32well, now i need to know the part value, so i know how much "magic smoke" to put back in it :(
17:49.09sorphinMicroChip32: which one? :P
17:49.43MicroChip32well two actually, but L300, and maybe C300, on the right hand side of the main tux board
17:50.24MicroChip32L300 at least "sprung a leak" and let its magic smoke out :(
17:51.48sorphinat work atm so i can't measure C300 for you..
17:51.53sorphinand i don't have an inductance meter
17:51.59sorphinso i can't help on L300
17:53.00MicroChip32c300 looks like 100uf 1.0 (or maybe 10) v
17:53.11MicroChip32but cant read the color bands on L300
17:53.30sorphinit's gonna be atleast 10v (C300)
17:53.34sorphinor 16
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17:53.41MicroChip32no its def a one and a zero
17:53.43sorphinchouimat: tsk tsk
17:53.45chouimatjoin #zaurus
17:53.54sorphinchouimat: irc'ing as root is a nono
17:55.03*** join/#elinux Morn (Julie@
17:55.10sorphinMorn: re
17:55.33*** join/#elinux chouimat (
17:55.33MornI think I just hosed my wireless router
17:55.41sorphinchouimat: good boy ;)
17:55.45sorphinMorn: doh
17:55.56MornI was putting MAC filtering in
17:56.01sorphinuh oh
17:56.06MicroChip32lol Morn, yer not supposed to do that
17:56.10Mornand I hit one of the buttons before specifying any valid MAC address
17:56.18sorphineven my dslmodem they say not to turn that on
17:56.20chouimatsorphin: :P
17:56.21MicroChip32lol oops
17:56.22Mornso now nothing can connect to it
17:56.24sorphinotherwise you have to console into it
17:56.36sorphincuz there's no other way ot turn it off
17:56.44sorphinnever ever use mac filtering ;)
17:57.01sorphini dunno why they put that crap in :P
17:57.03Mornit seemed like a good idea for a wireless access point
17:57.17sorphinMorn: and now you see otherwise, right? ;)
17:57.47sorphinMicroChip32: careful what you say ;)
17:58.02sorphinor i'll sick ibot on ;)
17:58.03MicroChip32yea i know, mixed company and all LOL
17:58.15sorphin~lart microchip32
17:58.37sorphina waste of perfectly good VAXen too ;p
17:59.02sorphinnever worked on a VAX ?
17:59.21sorphinworkhorse piece of hardware
17:59.25MicroChip32dont think so, dunno, worked on a fair number of unidentifyied remote machines
17:59.40sorphinvaxen lived in clusters, mostly at uni's
17:59.46sorphinran VMS/CMS
18:00.08sorphinretro moment there
18:00.08MicroChip32yea, dont ~think~ ive encounted any vms, so prolly not
18:00.30MicroChip32yea reminds me of "the coocoo's egg" book
18:00.39sorphinas far as your L300
18:00.51sorphinif gpsfan ever wakes back up, or TomW appears
18:00.56sorphineither one might be able to measure
18:01.08chouimatok I need to reinstall that box ...
18:01.14MicroChip32kewl. i wanna get this book-end jtag'd
18:01.31sorphinMicroChip32: i have 2 bookends myself :P
18:01.37sorphinthey're called Webpals
18:02.08sorphinsmoked yours too huh?
18:02.57MicroChip32hehe yea not sure what happened but tried loading the updated tux code (before linuxing it) and it croaked on reboot
18:03.15MicroChip32i'd done it a few times, so i KNOW it worked, but that time it croaked
18:03.22sorphinthe tuxes were easy
18:03.33sorphinand i've jtag'd my tuxes before
18:03.41sorphinstraight from the parallel port ;)
18:03.50chouimatsorphin: made the jtag cable?
18:04.01MicroChip32hehe well i was trying when L300 leaked
18:04.34sorphinmico: did you use a straight cable or a proper adapter?
18:04.40sorphinMicroChip32: did you use a straight cable or a proper adapter?
18:04.54sorphinchouimat: no.. i'm still a bit leary about what they're doing
18:05.13sorphinchouimat: tying pin 11 to pin 13 while pin 8 is still attached
18:05.20sorphinis a direct (indirectly) short
18:05.27MicroChip32hadnt gotten so far as to connect the cable, had just put the thing back together after checking the m/b side wiring
18:06.01chouimatsorphin: ok ...
18:06.01sorphinmico: only reason i was able to jtag w/ just a straight cable and 1 resistor
18:06.01sorphinis my parallel port is +3.3v
18:06.26sorphinchouimat: i dunno, being an EE, that just doesn't sit right w/ me
18:06.32MicroChip32but anyway sorphin, was gonna use the means as defined in the "jtag-lart-schematic.pdf"
18:06.43sorphinif that old geezer TomW would wake up
18:06.48sorphini'd get his take
18:07.33sorphinTomW: wake up old timer
18:08.03sorphinMicroChip32: he's old.. prolly wears depends
18:08.06Mornthere is a way to restore factory defaults
18:08.14sorphinMorn: good, is it easy?
18:08.44Mornyeah, just hold the reset down for more than 5 secons
18:09.09MicroChip32morn, will that reset my leaky part too? <grin>
18:09.11sorphin[mbm] just finally abandoned stinksys APs
18:09.28sorphin~cluebat MicroChip32
18:09.29ACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps MicroChip32.
18:09.39sorphinibot: botsnack
18:09.39sorphin: thanks
18:10.10chouimatsorphin: sorry was on another box ... I screwed it up last night
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18:10.29sorphinMicroChip32: you were saying? ;)
18:11.04chouimatsorphin: I did CS and now I'm wondering why I didn't do EE
18:11.09sorphinchouimat: you been playing at r00t again?
18:11.43sorphinMicroChip32: quit hitting on the regulars ;)
18:11.48chouimatsorphin: nah! just updated the box ... but I finished at 5h00am
18:12.16MicroChip32sorphin im an old regular too, just been away for several months, like since last summer
18:12.55sorphinMicroChip32: in what channel? :P i never saw you in #tuxscreen
18:13.02sorphinchouimat: uh huh
18:13.12MicroChip32yep i was there sorphin, ask Morn :)
18:13.37sorphinMicroChip32: i could ask ibot too ;)
18:14.56MicroChip32bots are notorious for being forgetful :p
18:15.04MicroChip32especially that one LOL
18:15.10sorphinactually i was gonna look in his logs ;)
18:15.23sorphintim still archives
18:16.48MicroChip32hehe i have some logs of chats with both bz and morn
18:18.39sorphinchouimat: nonetheless, even if i make the cable
18:19.10sorphinchouimat: i'm still SOL until spencer coughs on the rest of the doc and/or that missing jflash from sharp appears
18:19.53*** join/#elinux Julie (~Julie@
18:21.27sorphinJulie: all workie now?
18:21.40Julieall workie
18:21.45JulieAnd properly enabled this time
18:22.25MicroChip32lucky you jules, hey tell sorphin that i really was a regular in tuxscreen
18:22.28Julienow the question is should I try to get the aircard working with linux on the laptop, or should I just give up and live with the laptop for now
18:22.43Juliesorphin: an eon ago, MicroChip32 was around all the time
18:22.55MicroChip32eon? LOL
18:23.00Juliethen one day while discusing making a DivX of Swordfish he disappeared
18:24.12MicroChip32hrm, my log says we was discussing shower cams
18:24.12Julieor was it Matrix
18:24.16Julieit was one of those
18:25.03Juliedid you see the new matrix movie is out next month
18:25.05JulieI can't wait
18:25.08MicroChip32and it was, yikes, december '01
18:25.15MicroChip32yep and another matrix this fall
18:26.31JulieI have the first one
18:26.40MicroChip32well, at least if 2 and 3 are as good as #1
18:26.43sorphinJulie: most do ;)
18:26.46JulieI can't wait til the first 3 star wars movies come out on DVD
18:27.01sorphinju; you'll be waiting a while
18:27.08sorphinJulie: you'll be waiting a while
18:27.13JulieI know
18:27.14sorphinAND htey won't be the originals
18:27.21sorphinthey'll be the relucas'd ones
18:27.21JulieBut, I can't help but hope
18:27.33sorphinthe 'enhanced' ones
18:27.33MicroChip32i want all the indiana jones movies on dvd
18:27.45sorphinMicroChip32: that's another one he's gonna mess up
18:30.16MicroChip32and it looks like theyre gonna make a whole similar series out of tomb raider
18:30.16sorphinMicroChip32: incase you haven't seen
18:30.16sorphinTom King:  
18:30.16sorphinE.T. is finally out on DVD after a long wait. Fans of Indiana Jones are hoping "Raiders of the Lost Ark" won't be far behind, but Paramount is mum. Can you fill us in?  
18:30.16sorphinSteven Spielberg:  
18:30.16sorphinWe're aiming for next fall. George Lucas and I are having an argument with Paramount. Paramount wants to come out with all three [Indiana Jones] movies in one package. George [writer and producer of "Raiders"] and I want to come out with one film at a time and then come out with all three movies, and maybe even the fourth one, in one package later. (Paramount says there is no argument and discussions are ongoing.)  
18:30.16MicroChip32only 3 raiders movies?? i thot there were half a dozen or so
18:30.17sorphinMicroChip32: young indiana jones doesn't count
18:30.23MicroChip32ah ok, and i want those too
18:30.33sorphini thikn you can already get those :P
18:30.49MicroChip32i wouldnt know, dont even have a dvd player yet
18:31.40sorphinMorn is the dvd copying queen now ;)
18:32.08sorphinJulie: i still haven't tried dvd2one 1.1.1 or whatever now
18:34.01Juliesorphin: I used it some, and even did a full disc copy, but haven't watched it yet
18:34.07Juliewith the move I just haven't had time
18:34.21sorphini just wish i could get one of em working right
18:34.32sorphinso i can offload these damn dvd9 movies
18:34.34MicroChip32where'd ya move to morn ?
18:34.52JulieNorthampton, MA
18:35.24MicroChip32nuts, too far away
18:35.49sorphinJulie: i think this guy has a thing for you :P
18:36.02Juliesorphin: nah, he just wants my DVD's
18:37.05JulieI'm not exactly a very attractive woman, so I doubt anyone would be after me for that reason
18:37.42MicroChip32heh, i still have that pic of you. yer not exactly scary ya know
18:38.03sorphinMicroChip32: it a pic other than the one on hte couch?
18:38.21Juliesorphin: that's about the only I really have
18:38.24MicroChip32the one of her and old boyfriend and a cute kid
18:38.25JulieI'm very camera shy
18:39.01MicroChip32couldnt get her to give me a shower pic :p
18:39.18sorphinMicroChip32: that's going a lil far
18:39.26MicroChip32lol sorphin, ya think ?
18:39.29sorphineven tim would frown at that one :P
18:39.41MicroChip32why would i want a shower pic of tim ??
18:39.50sorphini mean your comment :P
18:39.59MicroChip32oh, lol
18:40.09sorphinhe frowns on language, so..
18:41.12TomWYO! Did someone say there is a *new* Matrix movie coming out?!
18:41.19sorphinTomW: there you are
18:41.33MicroChip32two of em TomW
18:41.33sorphinMicroChip32: ask and you shall receive ;)
18:41.48TomWwhoa! cool!
18:41.58MicroChip32one comin out in a week or so, and the other sometime this fall
18:42.01sorphinTomW: you must nap too much ;)
18:42.17sorphinthe fact about the 2 movies is old news ;)
18:42.19sorphinlast year
18:42.24TomWsorphin: naw, was gabbing on the phone to a couple of friends.
18:42.25MicroChip32hey tom, sorphin was tellin me you might be able to answer sumfin for me
18:42.38TomWMicroChip32: uhoh
18:42.40Julieit's bad when you can speak parts of a language but not spell the words
18:42.46sorphinTomW: he lst the smoke out of his tux
18:42.53sorphinL300 and possibly C300
18:43.04sorphini can't measure inductance even if i was at home
18:43.09TomWMicroChip32: you cannot run the Tux without the "magic smoke".
18:43.10sorphinso i couldn't help w/ L300
18:43.10MicroChip32yea, they put a leaky part in my tux :(
18:43.21sorphinfigured you might be able to measure that
18:43.41TomWwhat is L300? I don't recall
18:43.53sorphinL = inductor
18:44.09sorphinsays right side of mainboard
18:44.10MicroChip32not sure, its in the 1200 pdf part c, and on the right hand side of the main board
18:44.15sorphinor somesuch
18:44.47MicroChip32oops, part b
18:45.03MicroChip32nope right the first time, part c
18:45.25sorphinMicroChip32: make up your mind, you'll confuse him, remember, he's old ;)
18:45.48MicroChip32looks like part of the power supply circuit
18:45.55sorphinoh fun
18:46.48TomWbrown, brown, gold.  I have to look that up, inductor markings are different than resistors.
18:47.27sorphinTomW: and he couldnt quite make out what's on C300 either
18:47.30MicroChip32well at least you can READ the markings on yours, i cant LOL
18:47.50MicroChip32c300 looks like 100uF 1.0 or 10v
18:47.51sorphinMicroChip32: well, don't let the magic smoke out, and you'd be able to ;)
18:47.53TomWIIRC, that is 1.1uh, but I will check
18:48.28MicroChip32sorphin i didnt let it out, it leaked. inferior parts aparently :p
18:48.57sorphinTomW: found a reference
18:49.01sorphinif it's brown brown gold
18:49.19sorphinit's 1.1 w/ a .1 / Mil. Dec Pt.
18:51.18TomW11 uh
18:51.50TomWBut, I don't think that it is being used as an inductor, but rather a low current fuse.
18:52.03sorphinand seeing as he popped that "fuse"
18:52.08sorphini'd suspect other probs
18:52.09MicroChip32that makes sense
18:52.30TomWseems to be on a power feed to the LCD.
18:52.39*** mode/#eLinux [-o sorphin] by sorphin
18:52.43MicroChip32yea i figured i prolly got didnt have sumfin screwed down right and sumfin shorted
18:52.54TomWs//in series with the power feed to the LCD/
18:53.08MicroChip32is it 11uH or 1.1uH ?
18:53.12*** join/#elinux file (
18:54.03fileboo everyone
18:54.09MicroChip32brown brown gold looks like 1.1 to me
18:54.15filegot the shipping reply back, $33 USD for USPS Airmail
18:54.26TomWMicroChip32: schematic of the LCD connector:
18:54.47sorphinfile: told ya ;)
18:55.08file$26 for Ground (hey - like I'd use that again!)
18:55.15fileand $63 for Fedex
18:55.17sorphinMicroChip32: multiplier
18:55.26sorphinfile: for fedex gnd ?
18:55.44sorphinfile: you did know fedex has gnd (and it's more reliable than ups) right?
18:56.06MicroChip32brown brown would be 11, multiplier 0.1 == 1.1
18:56.09filesorphin: yes but I'd have to get involved with getting my own customs broker and stuff
18:56.36sorphinMicroChip32: you didn't read that all did you?
18:56.46sorphin.1/Mil. Dec. Pt.
18:57.11filesorphin: he apparently has more though so if I lose on the auction, he'll sell me one at what I bid
18:57.34MicroChip32ok so what am i not seeing sorphin ?
18:57.42file(nudge to anyone who didn't get a Webpal and wants one)
18:57.51TomWMicroChip32: yeah, it is on the 3.3v supply to the LCD connector.
18:58.03TomWit is a low current fuse.
18:58.09sorphinTomW: explain to our young friend
18:58.40TomWMicroChip32: so, you got any floppy / ide cabling around?  The flat ribbon cable?
18:59.05MicroChip32got all sorts of stuff around, why, gonna tell me how to make a substitute fuse ?
19:00.19filecopy/paste from e-mail:
19:00.19fileIt's a neat box with lots of stuff, but if you bid much more than $10, the item plus the shipping might be getting past the point of fun.
19:00.26MicroChip32im now thinking what happened is i plugged the screen cables in one pin off
19:00.47TomWyes, strip out a wire from an old Flat Ribbon Cable (IDE, Parallel, RS232, Floppy, whatever), strip back the insulation and get ONE STRAND of that wire.  Use that strand, not the whole freakin' wire, one strand and use that to solder a jumper across L300.
19:01.02TomWMicroChip32: effectively, you are "replacing the fuse".
19:01.41MicroChip32one strand of one multi-strand conductor of one multi-conductor ribbon ... right ?
19:02.20fileQ: What are you talking about?
19:02.35TomWDon't be tempted to use 28 / 30ga wire wrap wire, it is too heavy and will pass too much current before it blows (over 1 Amp), use the single strand, it is fine enough to carry only about 100 .. 200 ma before it will blow.
19:02.48MicroChip32file: one of my parts sprung a leak and let out the magic smoke
19:03.23MicroChip32TomW: cool, i can do that easy enough
19:03.25TomWMicroChip32: yes, one strand of the multi strand wires.  As they say: thinner than sorphin's hair.
19:04.10sorphinTomW: don't make me beat you with your cane again gramps
19:04.16sorphinleast i still have hair
19:04.22MicroChip32with all the magic smoke i let out of parts, i oughta invent something to re-inject that smoke into parts :)
19:04.36TomWmorn: what is the URL for your shower webcam?  ;)
19:04.53sorphin~lart TomW for being a dirty old man
19:05.07GPSFanhi all, TomW is correct about the L300, it's 1.1uh and used as a fuse. C300 is 100uF @10V. Keep the smoke inside! ;>)
19:05.21filehaha! I've got more hair than any of you, and I still have a long life ahead of me!
19:05.41MicroChip32hi GPSFan, yea but its hard to keep the smoke inside of faulty parts :p
19:05.42sorphinfile: don't push your luck
19:05.50sorphinGPSFan: um.. tomw said it was 11uH :P
19:06.25MicroChip32not if its brown brown gold it aint
19:06.51sorphinwell, i'm at work and my brain got smoked after the shit i had to fix this morning :P
19:06.53MicroChip32not that it matters if i use tom's sorphin-hair solution
19:07.06TomWGold band is used as a Tolerance, not as Multiplier on inductors.
19:07.36sorphinTomW: looked here btw ?
19:07.58*** join/#elinux Julie_ (Julie@
19:08.00TomWMicroChip32: Well, either the LCD is now toasted, or the analog board is.  Not to worry, mate, I happen to have a spare of each, for a price.
19:08.24MicroChip32lol TomW, ummm i got $0.50  will that do it ?
19:08.39TomWsorphin: no, I looked in the ARRL Handbook.
19:08.52GPSFansorphin: I tried to measure it and it was too low for my RLC meter. the LSD of which is 1uh, so I'd have to say 1.1 vs 11 from a measurement standpoint.
19:08.56sorphinTomW: i meant does that page agree w/ you
19:09.13sorphinGPSFan: i can't even measure inductance
19:09.16TomWMicroChip32: that will pay for the postage on my letter of condolance...
19:09.37MicroChip32lol TomW
19:10.17TomWMicroChip32: If it comes to that, it would be reasonable, not the $100 sorphin would charge you.
19:10.37sorphintomw/gpsfan: i'm a bit rusty.. how easy you think i'd be to make up an L meter as an adapter for my nice meter that measures everything else?
19:10.50sorphinTomW: ok, that's it, you're eating your teeth
19:11.00sorphin~bitchslap TomW
19:11.01ACTION beats the sh*t out of TomW
19:11.01GPSFansorphin: found a wavetek DM27XT at a swapmeet a few years back, it had a shorted sparkgap, works fine, measures RLC, freq, etc. $5.00
19:11.01*** join/#elinux MicroChip (~mc@
19:11.16sorphinGPSFan: heh
19:11.27TomWibot: missed me
19:11.27TomW: KCI error, or a problem with the Keyboard-Chair Interface.
19:11.31MicroChip32stupid isp
19:12.44TomWMicroChip32: WN3L
19:13.09MicroChip32kewl TomW, kc8aco
19:13.30sorphinTomW/MicroChip32: KB0OLZ
19:14.13TomWsorphin: lol, that spells more like an exclaimation of some kind other than a ham call, doesn't it?
19:14.46TomWMicroChip32: yeah, 2 mtrs sux, so I do irc now.  :(
19:14.48mallumhi all
19:14.59sorphinTomW: heh
19:15.06sorphinTomW: bite me
19:15.07TomWmallum: hello, we are beating sorphin up today, join in!
19:15.10sorphinmallum: evening
19:15.42*** mode/#eLinux [+o sorphin] by ChanServ
19:15.43MicroChip32lol TomW i dunno which is worse, 2m or irc
19:15.43MicroChip32prolly depends on where you are, in both cases
19:15.55*** kick/#elinux [TomW!] by sorphin (persistant harrassment :P)
19:16.40mallumThis is totally OT, but but I put a new bigger disk in my CATS machine and dd'd the old disk across but when booting from it df only gives 4Gig ( old disk sized ), yet fdisk gives 20gig for the same partion
19:16.40*** mode/#eLinux [-o sorphin] by sorphin
19:18.11*** join/#elinux MicroChip (
19:20.30*** join/#elinux WN3L_ (
19:21.00*** join/#elinux TomW (
19:21.08sorphinTomW: showoff
19:21.52MicroChip32TomW should i snip out the dead L300 and replace it, or just wire right across it
19:22.13TomWMicroChip32: wire across it
19:22.23sorphinMicroChip32: and visually chekc everything else
19:22.28TomWuse the dead inductor to support the new wire.
19:22.39sorphinMicroChip32: if you have a meter that can measure caps
19:22.42sorphini'd check C300
19:22.44MicroChip32sorphin already did that, dont see anything else that looks dead
19:23.07TomWMicroChip32: if anything, the LCD itself _may_ be dead.
19:24.42GPSFanMicroChip32: use an ohmmeter to check each side of L300 to ground for shorts.
19:24.45TomWMicroChip32: at least on IRC, you can ban offensive people, try doing that on 2 mtrs.
19:24.45MicroChip32TomW the lcd lights up fine
19:25.01TomWMicroChip32: k, feel the wire, is it hot?
19:25.06MicroChip32TomW: ban/2m LOL yea
19:25.23sorphinTomW: did you say ban? ;)
19:25.41TomWOld Spice, I don't use Ban.
19:25.43MicroChip32tom, no power on it yet i aint got it wired in yet
19:26.20TomWMicroChip32: while you are there, you should see 3.3v on that jumper wire strand to GND.
19:26.56sorphinTomW: oh, now that i'm thinking of it
19:27.04sorphingot one for you too
19:27.07TomWsorphin: yea?
19:27.14sorphinTomW: the jtag cable for the Z
19:27.21sorphinby default in the cradle
19:27.25TomWOh, where did you find that?
19:27.27sorphinpin 8 and 13 are tied together
19:27.34sorphinpin 8 is GND
19:27.46sorphinthe CABLE ties pin 11 to 13
19:27.50sorphinpin 11 is VCC
19:27.53sorphinthis bothers me
19:27.57MicroChip32TomW: measure the cap W/O power on the board right ?
19:28.04sorphinbecause now you have 11 tied to 8 via 13
19:28.09sorphinaka short
19:28.12sorphinw/ no resistor
19:28.47TomWNo, I wouldn't bother with the caps, just make sure that the 3.3v supply is still giving you 3.3volts. It probably is, but just check to be sure.
19:29.33*** join/#elinux Julie_ (Julie@
19:29.56MicroChip32where's a convenient ground, and do i need to have the lcd and stuff plugged in before powering it up ?
19:30.27TomWthe metal can that houses the DSP is GND.
19:30.32MicroChip32the metal sheild could be ground no ?
19:30.34MicroChip32ye aok
19:31.16TomWno LCD needed, you are just checking the 3.3 to see if it is still ok.  After all, you overloaded it and blew a part, so, you check the supply as General Practice.
19:31.55TomWJulie_: moved in yet?
19:32.02Julie_TomW: Mostly
19:32.08Julie_just hooking everyting up
19:32.17Julie_I just took some pictures of the new place
19:32.20TomWJulie_: what is the URL of the shower webcam?
19:32.39sorphinTomW: stop being a dirty old man and answer my Q :P
19:32.45sorphinwell, my statement
19:33.41TomWsorphin: the pinouts you were referring to, is that the Tux JTAG to be connected to the Z?
19:34.16sorphinthat's the jtag stuff for the Z itself
19:34.38sorphinpin 8 is tied to 13 internally in the cradle
19:34.57sorphinya know
19:35.03sorphini dunno why i don't think sometimes
19:35.18TomWZ? I thought you were talking about the DTC5000, sorry.
19:35.20sorphinif you're hooking up jtag, you're likely not hacking the cradle like i am
19:35.30sorphinso pin 8 being tied to 13
19:35.31TomWNo, I have no Z.
19:35.31sorphinwon't matter
19:35.46TomWZ == Zaurus
19:35.49sorphinTomW: seems to be nothing going on w/ the DCT
19:36.02sorphinwaste of $50 atm
19:36.04TomWno, been laying out a new ARM board.  
19:36.33TomWsorphin: yeah, I suspect as much, but, it does have some nice flash chips I can salvage from it and use.
19:36.51sorphinif we can't do anything w/ it
19:36.54filenobody is doing much...
19:36.56sorphini'm ebaying them
19:37.00fileof anything
19:37.04sorphinmaybe i'll get lucky and get my $50 back
19:37.14TomWbut, I thought that GPSFan had a pictoral on the DTC5000 site that listed the JTAG pinout.
19:37.25fileibot: JTAG
19:37.25it has been said that jtag is or or order $20 usd dongles from
19:37.25sorphinhe does
19:37.42sorphinfile: don't know what jtag means ?
19:37.51filesorphin: I wanted to know if ibot knew
19:38.29TomWsorphin: I'll have to think about how I am going to tackle the unit.  I could use JTAG, but it is slow, I could use an EPROM emulator, but mine is only 8 bit.
19:39.11TomWsorphin: maybe, use a webpal simm and make an adaptor for it to plug into the 42 pin socket?
19:39.53sorphinTomW: umm.. isn't a masked rom just pinned slightly different? :P
19:39.59sorphinthan a flash chip
19:40.22TomWor, build a board with a flash chip on it, then goto AP circuits and for $60 have them make it for me.  That way, I can plug the board into both the DTC and the EMP-30 programmer.
19:41.25TomWI don't have any 16bit Flash memory laying around though, except in the webpal...
19:41.42filedon't hurt your webpals!
19:41.55tmbincby the way, are there any arm7 jtag tools which DONT use boundary scan? (sooo slow ...) (but instead the debugging features to write and read memory etc.)
19:42.09TomWWhich, BTW, the webpal is interesting, but not very usefull.  It does hookup to the TV, yes, but it is so slooooooooooooow!
19:42.30TomWtmbinc: blob
19:42.38fileTomW: slow can be fun though.
19:42.56sorphinfile: you're too young to know about that kinda fun ;p
19:43.05filesorphin: too bad
19:43.15TomWtmbinc: or something like that, there shouldn't be any good reason why blob cannot be ported to other platforms, but even blob can be slow.
19:43.47filesorphin: you have not that power sir sorphin!
19:44.06TomWtmbinc: you have to take what you (we) can afford.  the alternative is a full blown ICE, that is the fastest development tool.
19:44.13sorphinfile: i'm already there
19:44.58TomWsorphin: time to change jobs? (re: path of the dead).
19:45.22sorphinTomW: heh, i need another job, trust me
19:45.34sorphin~lart file
19:45.34tmbincTomW: but blob isn't jtag, isn't it? (sorry, i don't know the tuxscreen thingie, just having an Access Point here with an arm7 to play around)
19:46.08chouimatTomW: webpal == X terminal :)
19:46.16fileWebpal? X? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
19:46.21sorphinchouimat: go find that jflash :P
19:46.23TomWtmbinc: not, not JTAG, it is an alternate way to download code into the Flash memory.  Similar to Angel.
19:46.48tmbincTomW: all jtag tools for arm i saw use boundary scan.. and i think scanning some hundred bits just to set CE down and up again is slower than just use a "store"-instruction or something like this... (i was working on some PPC405, where i wrote some tool for jtag access that way... speed was slow, but ok)
19:47.03chouimatsorphin: currently reinstalling my main box
19:47.13sorphinchouimat: i know
19:47.20sorphinchouimat: am just bored
19:47.41TomWtmbinc: you want to do rapid code development, right?
19:47.43sorphinchouimat: and still no response from spencer on sending the nda yet
19:47.57chouimatsorphin: that sucks ...
19:48.21tmbincTomW: i just want to have a usefull debugging tool, for any kind of arm. currently i'm using OCdeamon (windows), but that sucks.. ( no download from memory to file, and it's windows, and it's buggy)
19:48.22filechouimat: did you see the cost for shipping my Webpal?
19:48.26sorphinand w/o that manual, i can't try and dup sharp's jflash (assuming i can't get it out of them)
19:48.29chouimatwhy my cat allways want to be on my lap when I'm working
19:48.43chouimatfile: no
19:48.56filechouimat: $33 USD for USPS Airmail
19:49.06tmbincTomW: for example, i'd like to upload my kernel using jtag out of linux... (and not having always 2 PCs.. one for compiling, one for uploading)
19:49.11chouimatfile: ouch I paid 24.95USD
19:49.17filechouimat: aye
19:49.35filechouimat: I think that's using an online estimate... could be cheaper in real life... who knows
19:49.38sorphinfile: doesn't that kill your allowance for the month? ;)
19:49.46filesorphin: allowance? I get no allowance
19:49.55TomWtmbinc: no, I haven't debugged any kernel code with anything.  I usually find ways around the need for a debugger: printk().  When I do driver development, I use modules + printk to debug stuff.  It is slow, but cheap.
19:50.05sorphinfile: ahh, stealing from the parents
19:50.09fileI get money where I can.
19:50.13filestealing? n
19:50.47tmbincTomW: yep, ok youre right :)... but i still don't have the rom contents of the board i have here, and i see no way of downloading them other than include mtd support in my kernel and copy it to nfs :)
19:50.59sorphinfile: ah.. you whore yourself out to people that like young canuck boys? :P
19:50.59TomWsorphin: file: settle down or you both will go stand in a corner.
19:51.14MicroChip32TomW: prior to installing the new wire, i tested voltage on both sides of L300 ... 3.39v on both sides to ground so its not burned out (even tho the part is obviously damaged)
19:51.15sorphinTomW: don't make me put you in an old folks home
19:51.37fileTomW: Yes sir, would you like a piece of chocolate cake?
19:51.39TomWMicroChip32: good, within tolerances: %5
19:52.21MicroChip32TomW: so does that mean I dont need to replace L300 after all, that maybe the cap is damaged instead, or god-forbid, the lcd
19:52.44sorphindd if=/dev/random of=file
19:52.44chouimatfile: good stuff in that dart
19:52.50TomWtmbinc: what is the target platform?  Tux, webpal, what?
19:52.53GPSFanTomW: I rang out the jtag header on the DCT5000 to the chip pins, then found the suggested JTAG and E-Jtag pinnouts in the NEC5432 manual. The NEC5432 has realtime trace and debug capable jtag, the header on the DCT5000 is only the 10 pin version but the pattern on the board looks like it might be the full 26 pin e-jtag connector.
19:53.04filechouimat: I use premium tranquilizers! beer!
19:53.14sorphinTomW: it's an AP
19:53.24tmbincTomW: an DWL 900AP+, an access point from d-link .. (same as global sun xyz stuff :) .. my uclinux kernel already boots up, but i still have problems with userspace... anyway.
19:53.49TomWtmbinc: ah, interesting.
19:53.50tmbincTomW: i'm used to embedded platforms, but it was all powerpc yet.. (MPC823 and PPC405-based)
19:54.16TomWtmbinc: what CPU (p/number)?
19:54.18tmbincTomW: that access point has  1MB flash, 8MB ram .. (in case you're interested) .. and some "pcmcia"-styled adapter (but doesn't seem to be compliant :/ )...
19:54.26tmbincTomW: CPU is samsung S3C4510B
19:54.38tmbincppc rulez... :) .. i really don't like arm that much
19:54.47tmbincok, they're cheap ..
19:54.52filean arm and a leg...
19:55.19chouimattmbinc: still have optimizing powerpc code here
19:55.30tmbincin german "arm" means "poor", and exactly that is what i'm thinking about them :))
19:57.05TomWtmbinc: if you only have 1 meg flash, you may want to take a look at the cramfs that I built for the WebPal, that is an ARMv3 processor with only 1 Meg flash.  But the cram file system uses statically linked busybox + uClibc to keep the file sizes down.
19:57.17fileI wonder when my parents are going to take the hint that I haven't had takeout for 2 weeks, and want some... badly
19:57.47TomWtmbinc: you could just substitude your kernel source into the buildroot-webpal, then make any needed changes to the makefile.
19:57.57tmbincTomW: yeah.. but that size is not my primary problem ... i think i will solder a bigger one into that board.. it's an 29LV800B, so it should be no problem to exchange by some 4MB device from intel i still have lying around...
19:57.59MicroChip32TomW: so does that mean I dont need to replace L300 after all, that maybe the cap is damaged instead, or god-forbid, the lcd ??
19:58.18tmbincTomW: fine... honestly, my current problem is linking
19:58.32tmbincthe executables created by my arm-ulibc-gcc -elf2flt are just crashing
19:58.39tmbincso have you some precompiled root? preferable as .tar ?
19:59.23TomWMicroChip32: no, I would not think so.  The 11uh inductor could behave as a filter to the 3.3v supply, but I suspect that it was mainly used as a fuse to fuse the LCD assembly from tearing up the Analog board should the LCD short out.
19:59.50fileTomW: what
19:59.55fileTomW: what's the URL for your webpal stuff?
20:00.36MicroChip32TomW: ok so how do i tell if the caps are ok, i dont get any reading from any of the large caps on the board, they cant all be bad
20:01.22TomWtmbinc: no, not precompiled, it is a full build environ: you just load 2 meg of the buildroot-webpal dir onto your drive, have a gcc cross compiler + bintools already installed, then type 'make'.  it then pulls in what else is needed off the web and compiles it, then leaves you with a 1 Meg binary image that you can put into Flash.
20:01.49tmbincTomW: ok currently i'm booting over nfs...  
20:02.02tmbincbut i'll try it
20:02.03TomWMicroChip32: Trust me, there is darn little you can do to screw up a cap, other than over voltage and blow them off the board.
20:02.08tmbincbut i think my toolchain is broken
20:02.27fileblow them off the board, sounds real fun
20:02.33MicroChip32hrm, ok which means maybe i screwed the display? any way to tell ??
20:02.51TomWtmbinc: yeah, look here:  and just take what you need.
20:02.51filesmash it, then you'll know 100% it's screwed :)
20:03.23TomWMicroChip32: you tried the LCD? It won't power up?
20:03.50MicroChip32TomW: it lights up, but nothing happens, no boot or error screen
20:04.04MicroChip32lemme put it all back together and see if it still does that
20:04.25TomWhmm, you may have screwed the LCD or you may have screwed a chip / diode on the Analog board.
20:04.37tmbincTomW: ok i'll try that :)
20:04.37TomWhard to tell.
20:04.39MicroChip32hush LOL
20:05.16tmbincso there's nobody who can give me any (statically linked) uclinux-arm binary to test my kernel? just some busybox or whatever ?
20:06.00sorphinTomW: i've had caps just pop and then fizzle
20:06.17filelike a can of soda?
20:06.19TomWtmbinc: we used the buildroot idea (andersee did that) to package the development for the SA1100, TuxScreen.  It worked well, that way, you didn't have to grab 100Meg of stuff just to get started.  You could fire off the make, go watch a movie and wait til it finished.
20:06.21sorphinbut that's all
20:06.25sorphinfile :yes
20:06.35filemmm... soda
20:07.00tmbincTomW: yes, but since i assume that my toolchain is broken, i'd like to test some binary which is known to be working.
20:07.19sorphinfile: last i checked, that is soda :P
20:07.39filecola, soda, spelled differently!
20:07.51sorphinfile: no webpal for j00
20:07.58filesorphin: your not the boss of my Webpal!
20:07.59TomWtmbinc: correct, I don't know of anyone who is hacking that D-Link box.  But, like I said, ARM == ARM, the memory map changes and the CPU version changes.  ARM CPUs vary between doing half-word loads (16 bit vs 32 bit loads from memory) to allowing byte loads (8 bit).
20:08.07sorphinfile: i'll buy them all! muhahaha
20:08.19filesorphin: and hook them together into a cluster Webpal?
20:08.38tmbincTomW: ok but userspace should be compatible?
20:08.41sorphinfile: yeah, and they'll host a webpage that says "no webpals for file"
20:08.46filecurse you
20:09.02tmbincTomW: ok my webpal buildroot just "make"s ;)
20:09.04sorphinfile: that's already happened
20:09.14filecurse you a second time
20:09.24sorphinyou couldn't even if you tried
20:09.45sorphinto you, voodoo is just a beverage
20:09.57sorphinfile: btw.. voodoo is a religion :P
20:10.08sorphinsilly canuck
20:10.12TomWtmbinc: correct, let it run and see what it does.  If you are hacking an embedded system and have linux running on it in some form, then I don't expect that the buildroot will do anything that you couldn't easily change.
20:10.24fileTomW: I request your assistance in cursing sorphin.
20:11.07TomWfile: sorry, I have to take my blood pressure medication right now, the Doctor said I should try to remain calm and quiet.
20:11.13sorphinfile: all i have to do is beat him w/ his cane
20:11.34sorphinkergoth: i feel stupid, ya know that?
20:11.42TomWkergoth: having a good day?
20:11.46sorphinthat jtag bit
20:11.48kergothits a monday
20:11.58kergothibot: monday
20:11.59i heard monday is when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems it takes you until friday to get back to normal. a good reason to want to go out and kill people
20:11.59sorphinkergoth: 8->13 is only in the cradle
20:12.15sorphinyou normally don't jtag via the cradle/a cradle hack
20:12.25kergothsorphin: aha
20:12.31sorphinso pins 11/8/13 wouldn't interact
20:12.48sorphinkergoth: this is almost as stupid as how i smoked the damn Z to begin w/
20:14.01sorphinkergoth: so if i wanna hack this into teh cradle, i'll need to slap a toggle on hte cradle
20:14.13sorphinfile: unless you wanna be kicked, enough
20:14.49sorphinkergoth: still nothing from spencer.. i hope it doesn't take too long :/
20:14.52TomWibot: monday is also a day that no work should be performed due to this phenomenon
20:14.52TomW: okay
20:15.00TomWibot: monday
20:15.00monday is probably when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems it takes you until friday to get back to normal. a good reason to want to go out and kill people, or a day that no work should be performed due to this phenomenon
20:15.09sorphinibot: tomw?
20:15.11i guess tomw is at
20:15.37sorphinibot: tomw is also some old geezer that hangs around #elinux and stirs up trouble, but knows a lot about hardware.
20:15.38okay, sorphin
20:15.44sorphinibot: tomw?
20:15.45it has been said that tomw is at, or some old geezer that hangs around #elinux and stirs up trouble, but knows a lot about hardware.
20:15.59sorphinibot: lock tomw
20:16.01chouimatsorphin: last time I saw spencer on #zaurus it was 37d ago
20:16.26chouimatmake that 38d
20:16.27sorphinheh, ibot has locking disabled now
20:16.36sorphinchouimat: hrm
20:16.48kergothibot: kergoth is also blah
20:16.48kergoth: cannot alter locked factoids
20:16.48kergoth: wish i knew
20:17.03chouimatsorphin: and his last message was : brb
20:17.08sorphinkergoth: i meant for new locking
20:17.11sorphin[ibot(ibot@] sorry, locking cannot be used since it can be
20:17.19sorphinchouimat: double hrm
20:17.32sorphinwell, i guess i'm SOL
20:17.37sorphini can make the cable
20:17.53sorphinbut w/o something to shove into jflash, unless we can find that jflash
20:18.00TomWibot: forget tomw
20:18.00TomW: i forgot tomw
20:18.09TomWibot TomW is at
20:18.09okay, TomW
20:18.11sorphinTomW: you're not fun
20:18.57TomWsorphin: well, at least use "TomW is also" as opposed to just "TomW is"
20:19.09chouimathmmmm 16h18 and I'm still didn't takemy lunch hour ...
20:19.16sorphinis did
20:19.18sorphinyou dork
20:19.21sorphini even
20:19.31sorphin<ibot> it has been said that tomw is at, or some old
20:19.39TomWsorphin: k, sorry.
20:20.01sorphinand i said: <sorphin> ibot: tomw is also some old geezer....
20:20.02TomWok, I got a spec to write.  later.
20:20.06sorphingimme some credit :)
20:20.19chouimatok brb
20:41.20*** join/#elinux zx80user (
20:42.06zx80userI am having a problem booting my dreamcast with nfs as root
20:42.15zx80user(that counts as embedded I hope)
20:45.10*** part/#elinux tglx_gone (
20:53.14zx80useroops, sorry about that. Anyway - I cannot get the machine to boot off nfs - it sticks with the initrd (busybox) unless I use poweroff, in which case it restarts with nfsroot mounted as ro
20:53.21zx80userAnybody able to help?
21:04.34tmbinci never userd any dreamcast, but shouldn't do "ip=bootp root=/dev/nfs rw" as kernel cmdline do the trick?
21:05.08chouimatzx80user: my dreamcast is dead ... did not have time yet to repair it
21:05.30chouimatand I don't have the BBA
21:06.11zx80usertmbinc, I am pretty sure the command line is fine, its the initrd that's the issue I feel - should I be using one at all?
21:06.53tmbincoh well, hm, i never ever used an initrd. if network works out of the box (without modules), why use initrd? however, as said, i never used any dreamcast
21:07.02zx80userOr should it be an empty initrd for nfsbooting?
21:07.27tmbincjust be sure that kernel supports nfsroot ... and "kernel level autoconfiguration" (for bootp .. or dhcp.. or rarpd.. whatever you like)
21:07.56zx80userIt supports it - see message above where it bizarre mounts as read only after a 'poweroff'
21:08.49zx80userSuppose I could just try with an empty initrd? So recompile kernel without initrd support?
21:12.28tmbinci'd try without initrd
21:12.33tmbincor why do you want some?
21:12.58tmbinci can't see any reason
21:12.59zx80userno reason, just always have used one before :->
21:13.38tmbinchehe, ok , just kick it :)
21:15.29zx80userurrrgh trying to find the option under menuconfig
21:23.34tmbinchm well ... note that at least on ppc, there is a bug in the makefiles... that when you change the default boot cmd (ok, it's the embdedded loader there), some objectfiles are out-of-date and deps are buggy, so they have to be removed.
21:23.56tmbincat least with 2.4.20
21:24.15tmbincso you better watch if the kernel cmdline is correct (when the kernel is booting up)
21:44.04zx80usertmbinc, might have just had that problem - told me there was no rule to make bzImage!!
21:44.16zx80userDid a clean and restarting
21:44.37tmbinchm, no .. bzImage is most propably only x86
21:51.51*** join/#elinux levi_ (
21:55.57zx80usererr, yes :->
21:57.01zx80userzImage is what it should have been
22:17.24sorphinwelp, my 256M mmc hath arrived
22:17.35sorphintoo bad i don't have a working Z to use it in :P
22:20.10*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
22:20.16sorphinTimRiker: afternoon
22:20.32zx80userworked - thanks all :->
22:21.09zx80userThough it only mounts it as read only - very odd, but I can fix that I think
22:23.49*** join/#elinux chouimat (
22:51.21*** join/#elinux sorphin (
23:05.31*** join/#elinux file (
23:18.14*** mode/#eLinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
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23:33.17TimRiker~insult file
23:33.52fileTimRiker: hi
23:34.05sorphinTimRiker: ibot was close too ;)
23:34.17sorphinkidding :P
23:34.56sorphinyup ;)
23:34.59fileTimRiker: the DCT hackers are getting restless
23:35.04fileTimRiker: they've resorted to attacking me
23:35.25TimRikerI'll get back to it soon. Perhaps this week.
23:35.27sorphingood boy
23:35.28kergothhey tim
23:36.02TimRikerkergoth: you got 2.4 for the Z stable yet? I'm going to get even less involved with all this TI work I've taken on.
23:36.13sorphinTimRiker: also pondering, if spencer ever gets to me w/ the nda, trying to use the svc manual to reconstruct sharp's jflash, if we can't ever find someone that has it, etc
23:36.15chouimatfile: did you get the webpal?
23:36.17TimRikerkergoth: feel free to send rmk a patch and tell him you're the man.
23:36.38kergothTimRiker: theres a fair bit of remnant madness. once i've cleaned it up i'll submit it
23:37.15kergothno time lately, busy busy
23:37.25sorphinTimRiker: think it's doable?
23:37.30TimRikersorphin: it's pretty simple wiring. should be able to hack a serial adapter to add a jtag interface, use a holly dongle and the tuxscreen flash software (or rmk's etc...)
23:37.42sorphinTimRiker: i know how do to the cable
23:37.49sorphinTimRiker: the prob is the jflash
23:38.05TimRikersorphin: then rmk's jtag code should get you the rest of the way.
23:38.26TimRikerthe sharp jflash would be a windows app, you want a linux app.
23:38.43sorphinTimRiker: true
23:38.46TimRikerfor rmk's code? hmm. arm-linux cvs... looking...
23:38.47kergothcvs on, iirc
23:38.49sorphinTimRiker: tho atm, i just want something that works
23:38.56sorphinTimRiker: i'm sitting here w/ a brick
23:39.12sorphinand the jflash would be the only hitch
23:39.18sorphinthe cable's a sinch
23:39.27chouimatsomeone tried the jtag tools in openwince on
23:40.31sorphinTimRiker: reason i wasn't sure about rmk's code and/or the tux type jflash, is the well.. the flash the Z uses.. the flash commands they use are... sad compared to what i'm used to
23:40.39kergothTimRiker: the port forward of the Z support to 2.4.19 took two weeks flat. then ran into an ugly TS bug and the SD issue. just about everything else is fine.
23:40.47kergoth`bblbbl, bolting early
23:40.54sorphinkergoth`bbl: slacker ;)
23:40.56TimRikersorphin: ugh. you want to start with one that works. then get jtag reading working. once read works you can be pretty sure a write will work ok. well... once you get the write enable pin on. /me pokes kergoth`bbl
23:41.00kergoth`bblsorphin: and? :0
23:41.46sorphinTimRiker: yeah.. i wish i'd THOUGHT about the writing commands when i was testing my code
23:41.56sorphinTimRiker: i wrote a cmdline mmaping flash reader/writer
23:42.10sorphinTimRiker: somehow, w/o sending ANY flash commands
23:42.15sorphinit trashed the Z's flash
23:42.20sorphinnot sure how
23:42.48TimRikeryou've done a cold power down? ie: remove the battery and let it sit for 1/2 hour or so?
23:42.53sorphinreads the whole flash perfectly tho
23:43.09sorphinit's dead, no power lights, nothing (damn sw controlled stuff)
23:43.21chouimathttp: //
23:45.06sorphinTimRiker: i knew something was wrong when after i tried writing (the wrong way), and did a read back, the flash was just one long pattern of the same bytes
23:48.00chouimatarrrggggg that memory leek on that controller is driving me crazy
23:48.12sorphinchouimat: doh
23:48.18sorphinTomW: and there's mr jtag himself ;)
23:48.52chouimatsorphin: I hate z80 asm
23:48.57TomWDon't blame me!
23:49.15sorphinchouimat: hehe
23:49.21TomWI know enough about JTAG to be dangerous (ill-informed)
23:49.32sorphinTomW: looking at rmk's jtag code atm
23:49.35fileWebpal or headphones...
23:49.40fileheadphones cheaper, Webpal geekier...
23:50.06chouimatfile: tonight it's beer or gf
23:50.16sorphinfile: you're no geek, you're a poser geek ;p
23:54.19chouimatsorphin: the jtag link I posted earlier look cool too
23:57.56TomWI hate myself...
23:58.17TomWI hate it when I beg for work.  :/
23:58.34chouimatTomW: any idea on the shipping cost?
23:58.42sorphin<beg> give me woooooooooork </beg>
23:58.52TomW"please, this is a really cool controller, let me do it, pleeeeease!"
23:59.09TomWchouimat: I'll check now...
23:59.23chouimatmen beg for 2 things: work and sex
23:59.43TomWhmmm, you beg for sex?
23:59.53chouimatTomW: when I was married :)

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