irclog2html for #elinux on 20030405

00:26.38sorphinkergoth: :)
00:27.47kergothwithout mistakes there is no forgiving. without forgiving there is no love.
00:28.43sorphingood riddance to digi rubbish ;)
01:04.35kergoth`bbl~fishslap sorphin
01:04.37ACTION slaps sorphin up side the head with a wet fish.
01:04.55sorphinkergoth`bbl: :)
01:15.18*** join/#elinux file (
01:17.14CosmicPenguinsorphin: did you get DN yet?
01:18.29fileCosmicPenguin: just the person I wanted to talk to! and no, you can't run away and hide
01:18.43fileCosmicPenguin: are there any easy hackable set top boxes beside (cheap too) the Webpal and Websurfer Pro?
01:19.19CosmicPenguinfile: when you say cheap, what do you mean?
01:19.30CosmicPenguinfile: the Epia is probably the best bet
01:19.35fileCosmicPenguin: $10USD-$30USD EBay.
01:19.37sorphinCosmicPenguin: this is file you're talking to ;)
01:19.49CosmicPenguinfile: thats cheap
01:19.57fileheh - the Webpal was cheap :p
01:20.03sorphinfile: um.. WSP's were never that cheap
01:20.12sorphinas for the webpal
01:20.20sorphinthat's a diff story :P
01:20.36CosmicPenguinsorphin: the epia is going to be your cheapest TV enabled device
01:20.57CosmicPenguinfile: $100
01:21.10CosmicPenguinfile: but the epia is more of a TV enabled computer than anything
01:21.11sorphintoo high for file's allowance ;)
01:21.24CosmicPenguinfile: a real STB with video processing and stuff is going to run you about 300 or 400
01:21.34filesorphin: I'm applying for a job for this summer actually
01:21.42CosmicPenguinfile: Unless of course, you buy a couple hundred thousand of them, and then the price will drop to around $120.. :)
01:22.12filesorphin: which, if accepted, will make me leave IRC for 5 days for training (party time for you)
01:22.46sorphinfile: nah, you've been more tolerable
01:22.51sorphinhence why you're not being ignored ;)
01:23.52fileI'd just like to have a guide on my television...
01:24.42CosmicPenguinfile: the problem is, of course, combining the video and the grapics
01:24.54CosmicPenguinepia doesn't have an onboard tuner
01:25.00fileCosmicPenguin: uh huh
01:25.19fileCosmicPenguin: mmm I was thinking about the Webpal actually, I don't need to see the TV while looking at the guide...
01:25.43fileheck - I could just use links to browse
01:26.18*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
01:29.38fileany new work done on the Webpal yet?
01:33.54CosmicPenguinI'm waiting for dave to send me some rs232 chips so I can play
01:34.05sorphinCosmicPenguin: shoulda just sampled like i did ;)
01:34.44CosmicPenguinsorphin: I don't care that much
01:35.04CosmicPenguinfile: another thing you can do is see if you can sweet talk National Semicoductor into sending you a refrence platform
01:35.17CosmicPenguinfile: I've got an early version of the Jasmine platform that would be right up your alley
01:40.20fileCosmicPenguin: ic
01:40.32fileCosmicPenguin: point me in the right direction, helpful hints, etc :)
01:41.37CosmicPenguinStart there
01:41.46CosmicPenguinHave fun, buhbye now
01:49.03filehello chouimat
01:49.05sorphinchouimat: who needs kazaa
01:49.05filewhat's up?
01:49.10sorphinirc worked better ;)
01:49.25kergothnewsgroups man
01:49.34sorphinkergoth: #oldwarez on efnet ;)
01:49.43kergothfull cds
01:49.51sorphinstill yet to find a tolerable reader :P
01:49.53chouimatpayed somes bills
01:49.57kergothsorphin: i'm using PAN
01:50.03kergothsorphin: its great for dealing with binaries
01:50.05sorphinkergoth: gui or text?
01:50.05filechouimat: ooh, how did your budget workup go?
01:50.06kergothreassembly and the like
01:50.31chouimatfile: not bad waiting for the TAXES
01:50.37kergothsudo apt-get install pan
01:50.39kergothshit that reminds me
01:50.43filechouimat: ic
01:50.43sorphinchouimat: did/got mine back ages ago ;)
01:50.45kergothi havent done my fscking taxes yet
01:51.09kergothbetter do that tomorrow
01:51.14sorphinoops :P
01:51.15chouimatsorphin: I know I will pay so I will send it around the 25th
01:51.24sorphinnever owed
01:51.30sorphinand i file single 2
01:51.38sorphinget more in my check
01:51.42sorphinbut still get some back
01:52.25kergothhm, i should dig up some bauhaus
01:52.43chouimatsorphin: I'm divorced the "pension alimentaire" to my ex-wife is paid, and I can't put my cat as "personne a charge"
02:00.57sorphinall the commander keen's
02:30.01jacquestry to do a search on sourceforge and read the error message
02:31.15jacquesno the thing below, starting with "Regarding search issues:"
02:31.51jacquesesp the part starting with "Current issues include:"
02:32.24jacquessummary "our search is utterly useless and we know it"
02:33.02jacquessite status page they point to makes no mention of search status tho
02:33.10sorphinnot on my page
02:33.20sorphindon't see the useless bit
02:33.36jacquessorphin: you dont get the message starting with "Regarding search issues:"  ?  because it's really choice
02:34.08sorphini get regarding
02:34.12sorphinbut it doesn't mention useless
02:34.13jacquesi would paste it but it's kinda long
02:34.29sorphindon't worry about it
02:35.04jacquesI said it was useless, that was my summary
02:35.30jacquesthey say their search is offline a lot of the time, only updated manually twice por week and not available while being updated
02:35.44sorphinsaw all that
03:10.01*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
03:51.10*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
04:59.46sorphinDear sorphin:
04:59.47sorphinCongratulations on your winning bid for eBay item 3403837039, Xtreme! GeForce4
04:59.47sorphin128MB w/TV out NEW IN BOX! .  Your seller, leowins, has informed eBay that your
04:59.47sorphinpayment hasn't been received yet.
05:00.01sorphinwtf is ebay emailing me about that auction saying he has said i haven't paid him
05:00.08sorphinthis is that dork that backed out
05:00.23sorphinso i just sent him an email pointing out he backed out
05:00.29sorphinif i get a NPB against me
05:00.36sorphinhe'll be talking to a lawyer
05:01.51chouimat|tvsorphin: when did you win the auction?
05:02.07sorphinover a month ago
05:02.20sorphinhe's the guy that claimed he mislisted the auction
05:02.24sorphinand backed out
05:02.43chouimat|tvand now he want you money :)
05:03.09sorphinwell, not gonna happen
05:03.31sorphinhe already left me negative feedback calling me unreasonable and refusing to go through w/ the sale
05:03.43sorphinprolly trying to get his listing fees back
05:03.46sorphinwell too damn bad
05:04.17chouimat|tvan asshole then
05:06.21sorphincalls himself a serious seller
05:06.32sorphinserious ripoff artist
05:06.50*** join/#elinux prpplague (
05:06.50*** mode/#eLinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
05:06.59chouimat|tvhey prpplague
05:07.28sorphinprpplague: got an assignment for you
05:07.34prpplaguesorphin: ?
05:07.46prpplaguelol, watching "randy" with sharp on hsn
05:07.59sorphinprpplague: dunno if you remmeber me bitching about that dude on ebay who mislisted his auction, and wouldn't sell me a vid card
05:08.15sorphintonight, i get this
05:08.16sorphinDear sorphin:
05:08.16sorphinCongratulations on your winning bid for eBay item 3403837039, Xtreme! GeForce4
05:08.16sorphin128MB w/TV out NEW IN BOX! .  Your seller, leowins, has informed eBay that your
05:08.16sorphinpayment hasn't been received yet.
05:08.23sorphinhe's trying to NPB me
05:08.35sorphinwhen he backed out, left me a negative, and wouldn't go through w/ it
05:08.39sorphinnon paying bidder
05:09.02sorphini filed a non selling seller against him
05:09.06sorphinwhich i had a right to do
05:09.18sorphinhe never contacted me after taht, and now this
05:09.23sorphinso, i just emailed him:
05:09.33sorphinSubject: Reminder to pay your eBay seller (fwd)
05:09.33sorphinWhy am i getting this email from ebay saying you're awaiting my payment?
05:09.33sorphinyou backed out on the sale, left me negative feedback calling me
05:09.33sorphinunreasonable. So i considered the matter closed.
05:09.58sorphindude's a loser
05:10.06sorphini think you should "take care of him" for me *grin*
05:10.11prpplaguesorphin: lol
05:10.14prpplaguesorphin: why me?
05:10.43sorphinprpplague: well, it's takes someone ahem.. low.. to do that kinda work, and you work w/ POS equip, so... ;)
05:10.57prpplaguesorphin: lol
05:11.33sorphinCP needs to reappear
05:11.38sorphincuz if he wants commander keen
05:11.45sorphini can grab it right now
05:12.16chouimat|tvcrisse a passe paas cette biere ....
05:12.25sorphinchouimat|tv: english boy
05:12.26prpplaguei really should order a couple of these sl-5500's
05:13.12sorphinprpplague: i just need that damn special jflash :/
05:13.19sorphineven tim didn't get it
05:13.24sorphintho i dunno if he pushed for it
05:13.48chouimat|tvsorphin: just that the beer I drank is burning my throath
05:14.04prpplagueimho is sharp is fucking themselves by not working with the linux community
05:14.16sorphinprpplague: even if i build this jtag cable
05:14.27prpplaguehmmm 3x5500's vs. 1 c700
05:14.45sorphinw/o that special jflash that sharp did (unless i can reconstruct it when i get the svc manual.. whenever that is)..
05:14.47sorphini'm fscked
05:14.53prpplague600 units sold in 17 minutes
05:14.55chouimat|tvsorphin: still need the jtag cable?
05:15.56sorphinchouimat|tv: while a premade would be nice, i have what i need to "make" one, except what diodes to use
05:16.22chouimat|tvsorphin: yup same here
05:16.53sorphinthikning 9194s should work
05:17.04sorphinjust to prevent 'feedback'
05:17.26chouimat|tvmmmm Living Color on tv
05:18.17chouimat|tvthat better than any britney video
05:18.51sorphinchouimat|tv: the news is better than any britney video :P
05:19.20chouimat|tvsorphin: iit the Living Color video with a bunch of naked ladies .... you know the song Bi
05:20.24sorphinoh, that living color
05:21.21sorphinprpplague: heh
05:21.23sorphinGrand prize: Sharp Zaurus SL-C700, a hot new PDA that's practically a
05:21.27sorphinsun's giving away one
05:21.47sorphinmaybe i should edit my profile like they want me to :P
05:22.14sorphinfirst prize is a cobalt qube
05:22.35chouimat|tvsorphin: which cpu in that qube?
05:25.15sorphinFirst prize: Sun&#153; Cobalt Qube&#153;, a compact server appliance with
05:25.16sorphina potent punch.
05:25.18sorphinis all it says
05:25.24sorphinin the email anwyays
05:25.51sorphinkergoth: evening chris
05:26.22chouimat|tvhey kergoth! what are the  diode need to build the jtag cable??
05:26.34sorphinkergoth: i was thinking 9194s
05:26.45sorphinsince they look like they're just to prevent feedback
05:28.30kergothi'm pretty sure you're correct there. never gave it much thought, as i never had time to build one
05:29.06sorphinkergoth: no word from spencer yet.. my only email tonight was re that ebay loser
05:29.39kergothyeah, like i said, he's getting pounded with the load what with jason and ben gone, who knows what the delay will be like
05:29.44sorphinkergoth: looking at the svc manual, you think we'd be able to adapt the jflash-linux to sharp's based on what's in the svc manual, if we can't get it out of him?
05:29.47kergothi could contact sharp japan directly, but spencer is the appropriate contact
05:29.48sorphinor anyone
05:30.05kergoththeoretically yes
05:30.40kergothwhee, i'm disconnected
05:30.50kergothi love that feeling, after i read an entire book, of disconnection with reality
05:30.53kergothlike i'm still half in that one
05:30.57kergothnot yet returned to this one
05:31.04kergothsimilar to the feeling of weed or alcohol, but different
05:31.22kergothnobody else seems to observe this effect
05:31.27sorphinand molests that apogeedcc bot :P
05:31.33sorphinkergoth: maybe it's just cuz you're weird ;)
05:31.42kergothyeah, thats probably it :)
05:32.18kergothgod every night theres 3-5 mails in my box for oz support, and 3 times that on the list
05:32.26kergothguess i should count my blessings, it could be worse
05:32.54sorphinthere could be none? or could be 50
05:33.37kergothmore oz popularity is good, but means i have to spend more time i dont have supporting its users
05:34.01kergothwhich encourages writing documentation, to reduce the support load
05:34.21kergothtoo bad i hate writing documentation
05:34.23kergothah well
05:34.27chouimat|tvhey Nirvana: Smelliing like teen spirit
05:35.38chouimat|tvwooohooo Highway to hell
05:35.41kergothgrabbed some dark/gothic ambient
05:35.42kergothkinda cool
05:35.44kergothdark and calm
05:36.12chouimat|tvkergoth: which band? Calm?
05:36.54kergothbunch of bands
05:36.59kergothWolfsheim at the moment
05:37.12sorphinFrom: <>
05:37.12sorphinTomW: Friend <>
05:37.12sorphinSubject: Support the Families of Soldiers
05:37.24kergothwar spam?
05:37.31kergotherr, tomw?
05:37.32sorphinstupid bx matching
05:37.36sorphinit was To:
05:37.40chouimat|tvkergoth: Ok  I have some from a band called calm here ...
05:37.47sorphinit has not
05:37.49prpplaguekergoth: cool, which stuff?
05:37.58prpplaguekergoth: chouimat|tv has turned me onto that style lately
05:38.06sorphinprpplague: btw.. was it you that mentioned (hed) PE ?
05:38.16kergothi love hed pe
05:38.19kergothgreat band
05:38.24kergothBartender .. kickass song
05:38.29kergoththe meadow
05:38.35kergoththey're more rap/rock than anything though
05:38.42prpplaguesorphin: not me
05:38.48chouimat|tvmy  brother sent me a ska version of Europe Final Countdown
05:38.57kergothska, i havent gotten any ska in quite some time
05:39.03kergothgood stuff when you'r ein the mood for it
05:39.38sorphincurrently in my ears atm
05:39.40sorphinMegaMan Theme - Techno Remix (Trance).mp3
05:39.53chouimat|tvkergoth: I don't like that ... I was listening to some old band lately: Hawkwind, Uriah Heap, Blue Oyster Cult, Jethro Tull
05:40.06kergothi still havent checked out hawkwind
05:40.10kergothheard the others
05:40.10prpplaguehmmm, jethro tull..........
05:40.35chouimat|tvprpplague: thick as  a brick and passion play .... and some oon aqualung
05:40.38kergothever heard fun loving criminals? decent stuff, though they only ever had one hit, and that was short lived
05:41.18chouimat|tvkergoth: sound like what? I hope not the korn school of pseudo-metal
05:41.28kergothyou know, having only 12gb of hard disk space is not conducive to a mp3 collection
05:42.06chouimat|tvhmmmm need to buy more CD ... got the complete Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin to burn
05:42.21kergothi should burn more mp3 cds, but i generally burn them by genre
05:42.28kergothandi dont have 650mb of any genre handy to burn
05:42.34kergoth300mb here, 400mb there, 300mb here
05:42.39kergothah well
05:42.44chouimat|tvkergoth: I burn then as Audio CD
05:42.53kergothmy car stereo plays mp3 cds
05:42.53sorphinchouimat|tv: ditto
05:42.56kergothso it works
05:43.17sorphinkergoth: know if these audio cdrs they sell are any better readable for car stereos?
05:43.31kergothas far as i understand they're mostly marketing fluff
05:43.32chouimat|tvand I have also started the process of getting my cassette on CD
05:43.37sorphineven my eclipse is picky w/ the memorex blanks i got
05:43.46sorphinmom payed me back some blanks she owed me
05:43.52sorphinand they're sony audio cdrs
05:44.19sorphinwhat's amusing is that the damn manual says it won't do cdrws, and only cdrs that bear the cd audio logo
05:44.20kergothska.. what genres are close to ska. punk, eh?
05:44.22sorphinwhich these do :P
05:44.33sorphinkergoth: punk is *close* but not
05:44.44kergothyeah, i know.. its distinctive
05:44.50chouimat|tvkergoth: yé-yé
05:44.54kergothjust trying to figure out which damn newsgroup to hit up
05:45.53kergothi need to grab some old future sound of london
05:45.57sorphinkergoth: what news server you use?
05:46.07prpplaguechouimat|tv: i also like orion
05:46.09chouimat|tvwtf? someone asked for iggy pop
05:46.12kergothi used at&t for some time, as i use at&t cable
05:46.21kergothbut then, my dad purchased access to a news area
05:46.22chouimat|tvprpplague: orion?
05:46.25sorphinnod, been a while since i've checked sbc's
05:46.27kergoththat retains messages for *months*
05:46.34sorphinkergoth: nod
05:46.38kergothsay, 350,000 headers
05:46.41kergothper group
05:46.44kergothservers by genre
05:46.49kergoth$10 a month or some shit
05:46.54kergothso he gives me the servers he doesnt use
05:46.57kergothall the audio and multimedia
05:47.09kergothwhich includes dvd rips, mp3s, all the shit i dont have space for
05:47.22chouimat|tvkergoth: any death or progressive newsgroup?
05:47.24prpplaguechouimat|tv: a jethro tull song
05:47.27sorphindvd rips would take too long to pull
05:47.41sorphini just hit up blockbuster ;p
05:47.57sorphini'm still waiting for my friend carlos to upload SC2 tho
05:48.06prpplaguesorphin: hey i was gonna ask, how are you making dup's of your dvd's?
05:48.10sorphini wanna see how it is compared to SP
05:48.25sorphinfyi, SC = Soul Calibur
05:48.38sorphinprpplague: dvd decrypter
05:48.55sorphinthen either ifo edit it
05:49.06prpplaguesorphin:  i mean, dvd writer and a dvd player or are you going to hd first?
05:49.27sorphindvdrom drive -> HD -> ifoedit -> dvd writer
05:49.50sorphinallows you to trim the fat from a dvd
05:49.58sorphinw/o any reencoding crap
05:50.04sorphini don't need menus, special features, etc
05:50.07sorphini just want the damn movie
05:50.35sorphinwhat reallly annoys me
05:50.39chouimat|tvsorphin: my brother do vcd
05:50.49sorphinare the movies that actually are dvd-9s
05:50.54prpplaguei just want dups, so i don't worry about getting scratches on my originals
05:51.02sorphinaka the movie itself is more than 1 layer
05:51.06kergothanyone heard of detrusion or arcana?
05:51.10sorphinkergoth: nope
05:51.11prpplaguesorphin: i assume you need around 8-10 gb hd space
05:51.13kergoththere are so many bands i've never heard of
05:51.26sorphinprpplague: bout that atleast, yeah
05:51.34prpplaguekergoth: life is like a bowl of bands?
05:51.53kergothalright who the fuck names their band 'revolting cocks'?
05:51.54chouimat|tvkergoth: anyy good news reader that support multipart post ?
05:51.55kergothi mean really
05:52.04prpplaguekergoth: lol
05:52.18kergothor 'cat rapes dog'
05:52.22prpplaguekergoth: one of our vp's asked about you today, lol
05:52.32kergothoh shit i need to pull down a cat rapes dog cd just out of curiosity
05:52.35prpplaguekergoth: vp of sales
05:52.38sorphinya know
05:52.42kergothprpplague: hah, dare i ask? netsilicon shit?
05:52.44jacques_gonechouimat|tv: pan
05:52.45chouimat|tvkergoth: I saw a band named frozen vomit ...
05:52.46sorphini think i'll make kergoth listen to
05:52.48sorphinTechno - Titanic rave  mix.mp3
05:52.51kergothpan works well
05:52.56kergothsorphin: thats sick
05:53.14prpplaguekergoth: "why the hell would someone spent so much time on a project like OpenZaurus and not make a dime?"
05:53.16sorphinkergoth: they'll play that constantly in your digihell
05:53.43sorphinprpplague: upper management just doesn't get it
05:53.48prpplaguesorphin: yep
05:53.51prpplaguesorphin: never has
05:54.00sorphinwhat's sad
05:54.06sorphinsome did at one time
05:54.11sorphinbut becoming management
05:54.13sorphintakes away your brain
05:54.16prpplaguesorphin: funny thing is, i always gpl everything we do, they never even ask about the license
05:54.24kergothcheck the mind at the door
05:54.43kergothi've never really contributed to the community in any way. i _used_ linux, but i didnt _do_ anything
05:54.49kergothand I only learned C a year or two ago
05:54.53prpplagueexcept tim, thats why he lost his job, lol
05:55.00kergothso when an opportunity came along to make use of myself, i took i
05:55.02sorphinprpplague: yeah
05:55.15sorphinkergoth: oh come on, you know OZ is a kludge ;)
05:55.22kergothcat rapes dog - fuck nature
05:55.31prpplaguesorphin: lol
05:55.45kergothsorphin: its *buildsystem* is a kludge. oz is far from it
05:56.02sorphinkergoth: i was being sarcastic, chrisy :P
05:57.06sorphinprpplague: kergoth snow?
05:57.30prpplaguesorphin: you seen "space cowboys"?
05:57.42kergothi own that, but have never seen it
05:57.49kergothstupid columbia house sending me shit i dont want
05:57.52chouimat|tvkergoth: wow nice band name: Daerriah of a Madman
05:58.19sorphinkergoth: i was gonna use them to get some shit, till i had found the V the series stuff on ebay
05:58.51kergothand how the fuck are there only 4000 headers on the punk group, but 120,000 on indie?
05:58.54sorphinkergoth: i should make you take this
05:58.55sorphin| #135|22kb| The BASIC Quiz
05:58.57kergothand 50,000 in industrial?
05:59.14kergothBASIC? egad
05:59.42sorphini still have all my original dos C programs
05:59.46prpplaguesorphin: ya i just found a nice dvd edition of "lightyears" an asimov anime
05:59.49sorphintho on backups i can't pull up
05:59.58sorphinstupid central point backup
06:00.07sorphintho i do have my disk formatter
06:00.13sorphinprpplague: cool
06:01.15sorphinError: Invalid Syntax
06:01.34chouimat|tvsorphin: :)
06:01.46sorphinevery time i hear clipper
06:01.48sorphini think of the damn chip
06:02.00chouimat|tvsorphin: ok CA-CLIPPER
06:02.17sorphinprpplague: you know you love it there
06:02.33prpplaguei've got to figure out a way to spend 4 or 5 days waiting for parts
06:02.34chouimat|tvprpplague: I envy you
06:02.35prpplaguesorphin: hell ya
06:02.50prpplaguei'd move to nassau if i could afford the work permit
06:02.57sorphinprpplague: i know
06:03.00sorphinlots of beer
06:03.08sorphinconsume lots of beer
06:03.12prpplague$45k a year for IT professionals
06:03.14kergoththats always a good plan
06:03.23chouimat|tvprpplague: ouch
06:03.39prpplagueof course you can move to barbados without a work permit :)
06:03.43sorphinprpplague: taht's more than i make
06:04.02kergoththats messed up
06:04.20prpplaguedominica is a good place too, open a biz there, employee one local, and your tax free for 10 years
06:04.49jacques_gonewow you guys seem to know a lot about this :-)
06:04.59prpplaguekergoth: funny thing is, if you go down and _teach_ IT, no fee, and the government pays for about 50% of your bills
06:05.22prpplaguejacques_gone: which stuff?
06:05.45jacques_goneemployment laws in foreign countries
06:06.18prpplaguechouimat|Zzzz: night
06:06.22jacques_gonei wanted to go to costa rica but they dont want/need any foreigners in their workforce
06:06.24prpplaguejacques_gone: you have to
06:06.27kergothnight chouimat|Zzzz
06:06.31chouimat|Zzzzprpplague: when do you leave?
06:06.39prpplaguemonday morning
06:06.42chouimat|Zzzzkergoth: I have all their album in mp3
06:06.53chouimat|Zzzzprpplague:  ok
06:06.57chouimat|ZzzzI'm off
06:07.08kergothdamn you people and your having enough hard disk space to have mp3s
06:08.18sorphinkergoth: heh
06:08.36sorphinkergoth: /dev/hda1             58150536  52327428   5823108  90% /
06:08.41sorphinprpplague: i have a 2 proc one
06:09.15sorphinused to be my compile machine
06:09.19sorphintill i got the athlon
06:12.04prpplaguethey need a gba cf adapter for the z
06:13.15prpplagueha, i just got spam'd for a 7 day vacation in nassau, lol
06:13.53kergothanother odd band name: Throbbing Gristle
06:14.02prpplaguesorphin: fun, of all the times i've been to nassau, i've never been to the club called "the zoo"
06:14.34prpplaguekergoth: hmm, sounds like a little artery hardining
06:17.46sorphinprpplague: prolly don't really want to
06:17.50prpplaguesorphin: you know "the zoo" its always on the "wild on" show
06:18.19sorphinprpplague: you confuse me w/ someone who watches E!
06:19.37sorphinthat dork todd newton
06:19.43sorphini've worked w/ him
06:19.46sorphinhe's from st louis
06:20.00prpplaguered&green is hilarious
06:20.00sorphinfucking idiot
06:22.29sorphinditto, tho i haven't used it in ages
06:22.50sorphinmy stuff basically looks like --\ (tho not as sharp as \)
06:22.54sorphinon the left is the rack
06:22.57sorphinthen the desk
06:23.02sorphinthen the tv crap
06:23.06sorphinall in line
06:28.35prpplagueewwww, seattle, i've got to go there at the end of the month :(
06:30.16sorphinprpplague: i actually liked seattle when i was there.. least the parts i went to
06:30.18prpplaguealright, the doc is on
06:30.26prpplaguesorphin: really?
06:30.37sorphinplace called Beth's Cafe
06:30.41prpplaguesorphin: i rank seattle as #1 on my shit-city list
06:30.43sorphinnice place
06:31.07prpplaguesorphin: seems like i know that one
06:33.14kergoththe doc?
06:34.05sorphinno idea
06:36.12kergothi feel like i should be doing something productive, but am not motivated to do so
06:37.04sorphinkergoth: and that's new... how...
06:37.38sorphinfigured it was that
06:37.40sorphinyou old timer
06:54.51*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
06:56.59prpplaguesorphin: the doc rocks, lol
06:57.08prpplaguelater my friends
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12:45.56ade|indymorning all
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15:18.37prpplaguenothing like a down system at 6am :)
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18:07.23kergothhey mallum
18:07.39mallumkergoth: hey
18:07.41mallumkergoth: is there no 'nice' command for busybox ?
18:08.56kergothdoesnt look like it. only renice.
18:11.54mallumkergoth: hmm, I guess renice can do just the same thing so thats cool
18:12.19mallumkergoth: just wanna experiment niceing up the X server a bit to see how well that works
18:12.31mallumkergoth: I just noticed debiab -10's it by defualt
18:14.08mallumokey gonna shoot out for some food bbl
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18:31.27chouimathi kergoth sieve
18:31.52sieve'lo chouimat
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19:12.05CosmicPenguinmorning people
19:12.24CosmicPenguinhas anyone done an ipaq buildroot yet?
19:14.23sorphinCosmicPenguin: didn't you say you wanted/liked commander keen ?
19:15.24CosmicPenguinsorphin: yeah
19:23.14CosmicPenguinif prpplauge had sent me that Z by now... :(
19:23.30prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya ya bastard
19:23.33fileCosmicPenguin: your turning into me! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
19:24.11chouimathi CosmicPenguin sorphin file prpplague
19:24.22filehi chouimat
19:25.16CosmicPenguinprpplague: now, I have to work over time to get a mother lovin' SA1100 image for greg
19:25.30chouimatprpplague: bye
19:26.02filewho wants to join me in smashing bricked Webpals against the wall?
19:26.05CosmicPenguinBut really, nobody has bothered fixing up a buildroot for the Ipaq?
19:26.17fileit's a great way to relieve anger
19:30.51sorphinTomW: re
19:31.01chouimathi TomW
19:33.40ade|indyanyone able to recommend a good 802.11b cf card ?
19:34.49TomW"not I said Tom
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19:46.05CosmicPenguinwhy is so damn useless?
19:53.05ade|indywhats wrong with it ?
20:09.45fileare there any inside pictures of the Webpal online? I haven't found any...
20:14.14chouimat|awayibot webpal
20:14.14it has been said that webpal is a set top box appliance that can run Linux. see, or, or only $13 + shipping!, or schematics are available from:
20:44.01*** join/#elinux sjhill (~NOYB@
20:44.35sjhilllo' everyone
20:58.01sorphinsjhill: lo
21:05.43fileMaster MIPS!
21:06.57sjhillsorphin: no anything about firewall appliances?
21:07.06sjhilli hate the english language
21:09.09sjhillsorphin: *ping*
21:14.13sorphinsjhill: i know that i don't use em ;)
21:28.07sjhilljust kidding
21:28.20sjhillhmmm, maybe a Cobalt since it has a mips in it
21:28.25sorphinsjhill: back in his day
21:28.28sorphinthey didn't even have toasters
21:28.33sorphinthey'd jsut discovered fire
21:29.49TomWsorphin: once upon a time, marriage was a word that wasn't invented...
21:30.29chouimat|busyTomW: hehe
21:30.42sjhillTomW: indeed
21:31.05sjhillwhoa, watchguard firebox is out of the running -> $1500
21:31.37TomWsjhill: if it costs that much, it must be really really good?
21:33.51sjhillTomW: oh, of course of course
21:34.05sjhillsnapgear or a used cobalt is looking like the answer
21:34.22sjhillmy poor little dell 75mhz pentium has some issues these days
21:34.55TomWhow much of a load will be on the firewall machine?
21:34.57sjhillit's tired.....i think it would like to die, although it never has....i just get tired of lugging the thing around
21:35.24sjhillnot very much....i just want dns caching, stateful firewall, ntp, vpn
21:35.50sjhillquake server maybe
21:35.54sjhillnah, scratch that, GT168 case ($95), P6F215 miniITX motherboard ($120), P-III / Celeron Tulatin processor ($40), 512M SDRAM ($60), and a hard drive...
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23:01.11sorphinwell, just ran duke3d on linux, runs fine
23:02.33sorphinsince it won't see my sound under win2k i can't turn sound on in setup for it to use it in linux tho :/
23:50.58*** join/#elinux zwelch (

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