irclog2html for #elinux on 20030401

00:00.29sorphinkergoth: does a stock Z have any telnet server to enable?
00:00.44kergothprobably. edit inetd.conf
00:00.46kergothor just install ssh
00:01.33sorphinkergoth: heh, i gotta install ppp 1st :P since the only thing that does ppp around here is my TS
00:01.56kergothuse usb networking
00:02.16sorphin*that* ive never done :P
00:02.41sorphingot some sort of FM to RT somewhere? :P
00:04.03sorphinAlert!: Unable to connect to remote host.
00:04.43sorphinWe're sorry, the website you have reached is no longer in service. Please check the url and try again. This is a recording. :P
00:05.01kergothheh then maybe
00:05.05kergothi forget
00:05.22sorphinthat's it
00:06.32kergothyou mean dont call it zaurus, just the Z?
00:07.26sorphinhey, that's what we mostly call it :P
00:07.44sorphinthen you can have openz :P
00:07.55kergoththen we just ditch openzaurus and call it oz
00:08.00kergothwelcome to oz
00:10.45Russ'S3C2500 has a stuff to think about with arbiter operation.'
00:15.15sorphinRuss: huh ?
00:18.18Russthats what I said
00:18.38sorphinRuss: where in the world did that come from ?
00:35.33Russsamsung manual for an arm processor
00:40.44sorphinkergoth: hmm?
00:41.53kergothopie launcher is segfaulting on my c700 :\
00:42.34sorphinkergoth: blame that shitty xscale ;)
01:02.13mastermndIf anyones interested, I just noticed a webpal/tuxscreen keyboard on ebay:
01:04.41kergoth`bblsorphin: you can use one of those keyboards on your Z you know
01:04.42mastermndYeah, I figured everyone here probably has at least a few, but maybe it'll help someone.
01:04.43kergoth`bblsorphin: :)
01:05.45sorphinkergoth`bbl: heh
01:05.51sorphinkergoth`bbl: how? :P
01:07.33sorphinmastermnd: what i like is the webpal's remote
01:08.53mastermndsorphin: I dunno, don't have a webpal.
01:16.36chouimatsorphin: I like the feel of the webpal keyboard
01:18.48mastermndI just wish the left-ctrl key was in the right place..  and it needs a delete key.
01:20.34*** join/#elinux TimRiker (~timr@
01:22.09sorphinTimRiker: evening
01:22.42*** join/#elinux Sammy (~sam@
02:05.09CosmicPenguinmmm... pasta en forno
02:12.00sorphinCosmicPenguin: which is?
02:12.18CosmicPenguinsorphin: literally - baked pasta
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02:17.58sorphinCosmicPenguin: ah
02:34.52CosmicPenguinyeah doggy - its ready
02:59.07sorphinkergoth: yo
02:59.22sorphinLinux localhost 2.4.6-rmk1-np2-embedix
02:59.26sorphinthat tell you anything? :)
02:59.43kergothyou got into the z eh
03:00.20sorphinafter rebooting the Z once i had to fight w/ the damn usb networking to get the Z to respond again to dhcp etc
03:00.40sorphinkergoth: any hints on where i need to mmap?
03:01.24kergoth/usr/src/corgi$ cat build/tslib/plugins/collie.c |grep FLASH_MEM|grep define
03:01.24kergoth#define FLASH_MEM_BASE 0xFFC000
03:01.31kergoththats the base of the flash
03:01.48kergothi have a module here which mmap's flash to retreive magic numbers for a ts transform
03:01.51kergothits a tslib module
03:01.59kergoththe principle is of course the same, just need to write to the correct place
03:02.24kergothtake a look at the sa1100 mtd map c file in the Z kernel sources
03:02.27kergothit has the flash partiioning
03:02.30kergothpartitioning rather
03:03.46sorphinyeah yeah i know.. i'm so demanding ;)
03:03.55kergothemail addy?
03:04.24sorphinkergoth: send that module for a ref too?
03:04.29kergothwill do
03:04.56kergothi'll send arch/arm/mach-sa1100/collie.c as well, which has the static memory map w/ the flash base address i used to create the tslib module
03:06.46kergothah yeah
03:06.47kergothforgot about that
03:07.08kergothnot much else you need then. you have the base address, and now you know the offset to the partition in question
03:07.13kergothi'll email you the tslib module
03:07.46sorphintheDevil-:    size   erasesize  name
03:07.46sorphinmtd0: 01000000 00020000 "mtdrom"
03:07.49sorphindamn bx
03:07.58kergothoh right, sharp rom
03:08.00kergothits partitioning sucks
03:08.05kergothi'll email you mine
03:08.45sorphinstill recommend the 40/24 ?
03:08.48kergothup to you
03:08.54kergothi have a 64mb sd card that i install my apps to
03:08.56kergothso i run 64/0
03:09.19sorphinthose 256M MMC cards are running ~$80 on ebay, and 128's are still 45 on pricewatch
03:09.26sorphinso i'll be getting a good price
03:10.31*** join/#elinux scanline (micah@aden2-42-dhcp.resnet.Colorado.EDU)
03:11.01sorphinso i see
03:11.04sorphin"collie" stuff
03:11.55sorphin137 bogomips
03:12.46kergoththe tslib module is ugly, but does get the values from flash.  I still need to figure out how to reproduce the conversion to float, then cut back to int that results in the values i need
03:12.59kergothpreviously it was done in kernel space (in 2.4.6.. this is for 2.4.19)
03:13.17kergothshit accessed functions in nwfpe directly
03:14.27kergothsorphin: check this
03:14.35kergoth^^ wtf do i do with that?
03:15.12kergothi tried the obvious.. int blah = x_slope * (float)TS_OFFSET
03:15.14kergothno such luck
03:15.41*** part/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
03:16.10*** mode/#eLinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
03:16.15sorphinkergoth: umm.. shoot the person who wrote that?
03:16.19sorphinkergoth: or ask tim ;)
03:16.25kergothor shoot tim
03:16.30kergothhey TimRiker, whats goin on
03:16.34TimRikerhuh? what? /me runs away
03:16.43kergothoh just cursing lineo code
03:17.16TimRikerwhat is that from? touch screen stuff?
03:17.32kergothTimRiker: trying to move that transform into userspace
03:17.36kergothTimRiker: any ideas?
03:17.44kergothi dislike kernel code that touches floats
03:18.16chouimatfloat in kernel code????
03:18.19scanlineIs that code for setting the calibration or transforming raw values into coordinates?
03:18.33kergothscanline: the latter
03:18.43kergothraw transofrm based on magic values stored in flash
03:18.45scanlinewhy would it need float for that?
03:18.56kergothbecause the values in flash are these huge useless values
03:19.06kergothit mlultiplies by 0x10000 and truncates back to int
03:19.09kergothresults in something useful
03:19.10scanlineare you sure it's IEEE float?
03:19.22kergothdont ask me man, its calling nwfpe functions directly
03:19.25chouimatkergoth: it's like using C++ andSTL in a micro kernel
03:19.59scanlinekergoth: what data type is x_slope?
03:20.29scanlinetry using *(float*)&x_slope
03:20.50scanlineto force it to use that as a float without the usual conversion from int
03:21.27kergothscanline: you're evil. i like that.
03:21.30TimRikerI'd add some printk's to dump the values myself. just to check the ranges.
03:21.50CosmicPenguinkergoth: why even bother?  Just pass the raw values to userland and deal with em there
03:21.52kergothi have the raw values both before and after that calculation
03:21.52scanlinekergoth: well, if that works I'd suggest making that variable a float and doing the cast when you read it :)
03:21.59chouimatwow template <interrupt> { ...
03:22.09TimRiker*32_to_*32 should be doing a conversion, not just a type cast.
03:22.19kergothit does
03:22.32scanlineTimRiker: the original code doesn't do the conversion for x_scale though, indicating it's already an IEEE float stuffed into an int
03:22.56scanlineif that's true, you'd need to suppress the automatic conversion when doing normal C float math
03:23.18kergothoh i see, because its passing an unconverted x_slope to the _mul
03:23.24kergothi'll give it a shot
03:24.12kergothCosmicPenguin: because it seems these stored values in flash (which vary between units) result in more sane coordinates
03:24.17TimRikerhmm... it ought to get promoted by the compiler.
03:24.27CosmicPenguinkergoth: grrrr....  
03:24.34kergothCosmicPenguin: yeah, i'll second that
03:24.54scanlineTimRiker: the compiler will do a proper int to float conversion, whereas what I think we want is to treat that same sequence of bytes as a float without converting it
03:24.54CosmicPenguinkergoth: even with the advanced tslib math?  why would the stored values be any better?
03:25.19kergothCosmicPenguin: havent tested it without this, maybe its unnecessary
03:25.44kergothi assumed that it existed at all indicates it ahd a purpose
03:25.44TimRikerscanline: I'm not sure that's true.
03:26.01scanlineTimRiker: me neither, it's just a guess based on looking at the code kergoth pasted
03:26.12kergothTimRiker: any ideas?
03:26.17CosmicPenguinkergoth: well, back about a year and a half ago, everyone thought that kernel calibration was peachy keen
03:26.21TimRikerCosmicPenguin: there is a built in calibration app that is supposed to be run at the factory. I presume it updates those values.
03:26.33CosmicPenguinTimRiker: ahh - and the flash is only accessable by the kernel then?
03:26.56kergoththats just where they had the transform
03:27.01kergothin kernel
03:27.08kergothi'm attempting to move it to a raw tslib module
03:27.18kergoth(which is now possible)
03:27.23TimRikerthe user space app could read the same values and do the conversion. just need to change all gui apps to use the same lib. (/me sounds like rmk now)
03:27.30kergoththat is, a module that affects all reads, including ts_read_raw
03:27.36kergothTimRiker: bingo
03:27.40kergoththats exactly what i'm doing
03:27.42CosmicPenguinTimRiker: thats not a bad thing - thats what PicoGUI does, and thats what Microwindows now does
03:28.06kergothbut i need to figure out what to do with this value i read from flash :)
03:28.06TimRikeryeah... /me has heard rmk rant about it countless times.
03:28.17kergothhehe, i bet
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03:29.03kergothscanline: i'll give your idea a shot next time i flash my Z w/ 2.4.19.  thanks.
03:29.06TimRikermy bet is that the value in flash is an it. make sure you promote to float before doing the math.
03:29.12scanlinekergoth: hope it works
03:29.36kergothTimRiker: I read it as an int, tried int blah = x_slope * (float) TS_OFFSET; .. tried numerous variations on that theme
03:29.44scanlineTimRiker: if it was an int, why didn't the original code use int32_to_float32?
03:29.47kergoththe values are nowhere near where they are after that in kernel calculation
03:34.50TimRikerscanline: no idea, but the compiler should do the promotion. check the prototype for the mul and see if it takes a float.
03:35.33kergothfloat32 float32_mul( float32, float32 );
03:35.40scanlineI thought the whole point of those functions was that compiler-provided floating point math isn't available in the kernel?
03:35.45kergothtypedef unsigned long int float32;
03:35.51kergothscanline: bingo
03:35.56scanlineif the compiler could promote it, int32_to_float32 wouldn't be necessary anyway
03:36.12kergothfun stuff.
03:36.14scanlinebut the fact that it's used for TS_OFFSET and not for x_slope indicates that x_slope is an IEEE float stuffed into an int
03:36.48TimRikerhow does one stuff an IEEE float into an int?
03:37.04kergothhave i mentioned how much I hate the collie and corgi and poodle lineo kernel code yet today?
03:37.04scanlinethey're both 32 bits
03:37.26scanlinein this case at least
03:37.28TimRikerhmm. /me thought IEEE was 6 bytes... goes to look...
03:37.39scanlinefloat is 4 bytes, double is 8 bytes IIRC
03:38.04scanline6 bytes would really be asking for trouble on 32-bit machines :)
03:38.16sorphinyup ;)
03:38.24TimRikerah! yes. single precision is 32 bits.
03:38.41scanlineit sounds like the casting trick ought to work
03:38.51kergothyep, theoretically
03:39.00scanlinethough it would make more sense to use a float for x_scale, and do the funny casting when copying from flash to that variable
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03:41.53kergoththat oughtta do
03:42.25kergothsorphin: get the kernel location nailed down?
03:43.10sorphinkergoth: sorting through this mess ;)
03:44.45sorphinkergoth: shouldn't it just be monitor + size of monitor + MTDPART_OFS_APPEND + size + MTDPART_OFS_APPEND + size ? or something like that
03:45.18kergothless complecated than that
03:45.22kergothhold on
03:46.28sorphinkergoth: it usually is ;)
03:46.43kergothflash base + angel size + cf updater size + diags size should be sufficient
03:46.50kergothi'd mmap the location, read the data and confirm its a kernel
03:46.54kergothif so, write the new one there
03:48.05sorphinand the initrd ?
03:48.15kergoth+ kernel size
03:48.31kergothits not really an initrd anyway, its the jffs2 rootfs
03:48.33kergothstupid naming
03:48.37kergothbut it immediately follows kernel
03:48.39sorphinkergoth: either or
03:48.40kergothhey tomw
03:48.50sorphinTomW: evening mr walsh
03:49.06kergothugh, headache
03:49.15sorphinkergoth: math does that ;)
03:49.16TomWkergoth: I've had one all day
03:49.22kergothits a monday
03:49.26kergothwhat else is new
03:51.23TomW#$!$#!$ Acrobat won't send files to the printer.
03:51.45sorphinTomW: you'd love the fun i have printing that kinda stuff :P
03:52.25TomWI can print it if I print to a file, then run the gimp and print it from there..
03:54.46sorphinoh, also use rtel
03:55.06chouimatsorphin: and 120V
03:55.33sorphinchouimat: unless you're monmotha ;)
03:55.43MonMothacome again?
03:56.33sorphinMonMotha: you don't have 120v ;)
03:56.46MonMothayes I do
03:57.00sorphinsince when did you voltage become normal? :P
03:57.26MonMothasorphin: ah, I see what you mean
03:57.33MonMothalet me check what the power in my home is right now
03:59.41MonMothanote to self: get a meter that doesn't suck
04:00.31sorphinthat's.... close
04:00.36MonMothafor me? yeah
04:00.48scanlinedoes it measure frequency too? :)
04:00.53sorphinscanline: mine?
04:00.55sorphinand temp
04:00.57sorphinand caps
04:01.00sorphinand transistors
04:01.26sorphinscanline: inductors are the only thing it doesn't measure.. tho i've never came across a meter that did
04:01.47scanlineI should get around to building an inductance meter one of these days so I can wind my own inductors :)
04:02.17sorphinscanline: what i hate is when i have something that uses caps smaller than my meter can handle
04:03.04scanlineI have a really cheapo meter, but it does capacitance and diode check
04:03.33MonMothamine does VDC, VAC, Diode Check, Resistance/Continuity
04:03.52MonMothaI need to get a good analog one tho
04:04.15MonMothayou know, that's pathetic
04:04.28MonMothathe army national guard commericals are in spanish
04:04.32MonMothahere at least
04:05.56sorphinthis one cost me $80 few years ago
04:06.02sorphinit's survived everything
04:06.22sorphini did have to repair the dial tho, it lost it's clickability, was easy
04:08.26sorphinscanline: heh, i need a scope
04:08.33sorphintoo pricey for me tho
04:09.05scanlineI've had this one for ages.. my dad got it at a garage sale for a couple hundred
04:10.28sorphincan never find my damn real calc
04:10.41MonMothaI should probably get a scope too...though a half-way decent meter would be nice first
04:12.14TomWyah, a fluke
04:13.23TomWI've got a Fluke 8021 meter and a Tektronixs 565 scope.  We are state-of-the-art here, circa 1980.
04:13.40sorphinTomW: hey, if it works..
04:13.43sorphinthat's all that counts
04:14.20TomWscope wiggles, although I have to pull the shades to see the high speed stuff.
04:15.46sorphinsomeone check this for me :P
04:15.54sorphin0xffc00000+0x00020000+0x00020000+0x00080000 = 0xffcc0000
04:16.24scanline>>> "0x%08X" % (0xffc00000+0x00020000+0x00020000+0x00080000)
04:16.29scanlinepython :)
04:16.40kergothFFC00000 + 00020000 + 00020000 + 00080000
04:16.43kergothbc :)
04:16.54sorphinkergoth: heh, i couldn't get bc to do it worth a damn
04:17.04kergothsorphin: no 0x, chars must be uppercase
04:17.13kergothand you need to set ibase and obase properly
04:17.19sorphinkergoth: ah, yeah, did the base bit
04:17.25sorphinkergoth: btw.. that's the kernel start point ;)
04:18.26kergothnow read it and see if you get a kernel out of it
04:19.14sorphinkergoth: soon as i find where my arm compiler ran off to :P
04:20.51chouimatFFC00000 + 00020000 + 00020000 + 00080000 =  FFCC0000 by hand :)
04:21.18sorphinchouimat: i can do hex math by hand, but not at 10pm when i'm tired :P
04:21.21kergoth~fishslap chouimat for not being nearly lazy enough
04:21.26ACTION slaps chouimat up side the head with a wet fish for not being nearly lazy enough
04:21.26sorphinkergoth: is it me...
04:21.44chouimatkergoth: ok  I will go take my valium
04:22.07sorphinor is it because your kernel is arm that the file command can't tell it's something other than data (and the 1st few bytes aren't consistant) ?
04:22.35kergothheh, dont ask me..
04:22.36kergothdont know
04:24.03kergoththat is interesting though
04:24.19sorphinnevermind, misread that
04:24.22kergothis it zImage vs bzimage it doesnt recognize?
04:24.24kergothor x86 vs arm?
04:24.24chouimatkergoth: ok I just took it
04:24.41sorphinkergoth: /boot/vmlinuz: Linux kernel x86 boot executable RO-rootFS, root_dev=0x301, Normal VGA
04:24.46sorphinthat's giga's kernel
04:24.50sorphinit's a bzimage
04:25.05sorphintho it doesn't mention bzimage, it just knows it's a kernel
04:25.09sorphinand this is stock magic
04:25.34TomWsorphin: Walmart has a $5 (five) dollar cheapo calc that does hex math, it comes with a second solar powered 4 func calc in the same package.
04:25.50kergothso again, its either zImage vs bzimage, or x86 vs arm.. i'd like to teach my file to recognize an arm zimage though, thatd be spiffy
04:26.12sorphinTomW: i have a calc, i just keep losing it in my room :P
04:26.13TomWsadly, this is the only freakin' calc that I can find that I can figure out how to do hex math with it.
04:26.20sorphinkergoth: working on it
04:26.52chouimatsorphin: how did you get your kernel info?
04:27.05sorphinchouimat: ?
04:27.21kergothbvi = spiffy
04:27.26TomWaha, update cups (and other stuff) and acrobat now prints fine.
04:27.46chouimatsorphin: nm
04:28.00sorphinkergoth: bvi ?
04:28.06kergothbinary vi
04:28.10sorphinkergoth: heh, 1st thing file does
04:28.11kergothhex editor with vi key bindings
04:28.13sorphin514     string          HdrS            Linux kernel
04:28.36sorphintis at 0x202
04:29.32sorphinyours has data from the beginning
04:41.47CosmicPenguinandersee: you present and accounted for?
04:48.27chouimathmmm rfc3514 is interesting
04:48.41MonMothachouimat: you noticed
04:49.00chouimatMonMotha: yup
04:57.49chouimatMonMotha: I really that evil flag :)
04:57.57chouimatadd like somewhere
04:58.10MonMothathe best is the 128 bit "strength" field in IPv6 :)
05:20.06*** join/#elinux julie_ (
05:58.33sorphinthis 'new bit definition' is about as pointful as ECN as far as how fast people will think anything will be implemented
05:59.51sorphinunless it's a stupid and pointless april 1 joke :P
06:00.04sorphinsince all apr 1st jokes are stupid and pointless
06:07.49sorphinkergoth: re
06:07.55kergothhey dan
06:08.02kergothany luck with your cf-less flash?
06:08.20sorphinkergoth: just now getting back to it, when i bbl'd it was to talk to sarah
06:08.36sorphinbtw.. also noticed.. that the stuff file uses for the magic stuff
06:08.50sorphinthe 1st thing is the header bit set in arch/i386/boot/setup.S
06:08.59sorphinwhich my arm dir doesn't have a version of...
06:09.38kergothsorphin: well, you can do this.. get ahold of the version of the sharp rom you have installed
06:09.43kergothrip it apart with romburst from zsi
06:09.54kergothcompare the zimage bin from the sharp rom against what you read from flash
06:10.00kergothto confirm you're at the correct location
06:10.26sorphinwas just gonna look for where i dumped that too before
06:10.39sorphinjust a matter of finding the right damn dir ;p
06:18.22sorphinkergoth: btw
06:18.35sorphincare to enlighten me how to use the webpal/tux keyboard with the Z? :P
06:20.57kergothiirc theres a package for using them
06:21.00kergothibot: zsi irk
06:33.09[mbm]ugh. umode -w for me
06:33.21sorphin[mbm]: always am :P
07:35.14sorphinkergoth: boo
07:35.45sorphinminor confusion
07:35.51sorphinstatic unsigned long collie_max_flash_size = 0x01000000;
07:35.56sorphin00020000 + 00020000 + 00080000 + 00100000 + 00E20000 + 00020000
07:36.30sorphinthe latter being the sum of the sizes in sa1100-flash.c
07:45.12sorphinkergoth: should i use that, or do like you do and just go by page size ?
07:45.33kergothwell, if you dont map on page boundry you'll likely get a page fault
07:45.37kergothits pretty picky
08:41.42sorphinkergoth: fun fun
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14:40.33sjhillwell, i have the 3 rh9 iso images, any have the srpm iso's?
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14:56.22balorhow does one create a floppy-disk image from a file system?
14:58.04sjhillbalor: please hop over to #linuxnewbies or #kernelnewbies....not here
15:04.23*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
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15:09.39sorphinsjhill: heh, my sympathies
15:09.53sorphinsieve: heh
15:09.54sievemorning all
15:10.07sorphinsieve: so that was you all this time eh? :P
15:10.34sorphindamn abcsinc'ers ;)
15:11.00sievewell..  somebody on sourceforge already has sieve as a nick soooo...
15:11.18sorphinwell, there's no accounting for sf intelligence ;)
15:12.39sorphinsieve: what's new in the land of the POS drones?
15:13.38sievesorphin: nothing to speak of.  same shit different day
15:14.05sorphin"Enlightenment goes 1.0"  "And you guys all thought it would never happen! BGDM!"... no.. more like i never gave a damn if it happened
15:14.19sieveapril fools
15:14.33sorphini wish
15:15.23sorphinthey already had the RFC w/ the security bit
15:15.38sorphinnow he same rfc w/ the 'evil bit'
15:16.01sorphinbut then
15:16.12sorphintaco isn't very good at looking at previous posts
15:16.21sorphinseeing as he is incompetent
15:17.16sievehe's a web designer...  how much more can you expect?  ;)
15:17.25sorphinsieve: no, he just thinks he is ;)
15:17.47sorphinand of course all the /. trolls worship him, and he even found someone stupid enough to marry him
15:24.00CosmicPenguinMorning folks
15:24.34sieveCosmicPenguin: morning
15:26.56sorphinlo jason, CP
15:43.08kergothmorning people
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15:57.32CosmicPenguinmmmm... coffee
15:59.20sorphinkergoth: yo
15:59.25CosmicPenguinprpplague: wassup?
15:59.26sorphinprpplague: morning davey
15:59.31prpplaguemorning guys
15:59.43prpplaguejust higher and stinkier
16:00.03sorphinkergoth: one word
16:00.05sorphinkergoth: segv
16:00.15CosmicPenguinsorphin: same here.. :)
16:00.29sorphinCosmicPenguin: this is code wise on my Z
16:00.33kergothhere too. my opie launcher segfaults on my c700
16:00.42CosmicPenguinsorphin: this is codewise on my desktop
16:00.44sorphinkergoth: it mmaps
16:00.48CosmicPenguinmmap is bad
16:00.49sorphinkergoth: is mallocs
16:00.53CosmicPenguinfor jffs2
16:00.58sorphinkergoth: when it tries to read
16:01.05sorphinSegmentation Fault
16:01.15sorphini've tried 100 diff ways
16:01.35sorphintried the ways i do on both a mips and ppc tivo, which work on  a peecee too
16:01.41sorphindamn arm
16:02.20*** join/#elinux ade|indy (
16:02.34sorphinand its all ade's fault ;)
16:04.48mallumhey ppl
16:05.06sorphinmallum: allo
16:06.09ade|indysorphin: yeah it is my fault again :) .. next time  you can take the blame
16:06.19sorphinade|indy: you just have bad timing is all ;)
16:06.28sorphinyou walk in right when i needed a scapegoat ;)
16:07.21ade|indyoh well, guess i deserve it. last week even the police were after me :(
16:07.42sorphinuh oh
16:07.53sorphinade|indy: did you go the wrong way around a roundabout again? :P
16:08.53ade|indysorphin: nope was reported as missing by friends, as i was 4 hours late off the mountain
16:09.04sorphinade|indy: doh
16:09.17sorphinkergoth: got strace or such compiled for these things? :P
16:09.25sorphinkergoth: or wanna laugh at my code? :P *grin*
16:15.02sorphinok you arm experts
16:15.24sorphinis there something i should know about w/ memcpy on arm that wouldn't cause a prob elsewhere?
16:25.24sievesorphin: hmmm...  another dup evil bit posted on /.
16:25.39sorphinsieve: no shock there
16:26.10sorphindamn even
16:26.22*** join/#elinux Julie (Julie@
16:26.34sorphinjulie_: morning
16:26.56sorphinJulie: morning even, this must be dup day :P
16:27.25JulieI'm logged in via an aircard right now
16:27.49Juliemy car is costing me a fortune to keep fixing
16:27.50*** join/#elinux andersee (
16:27.50*** mode/#eLinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
16:27.53sorphinandersee: yo
16:28.06sorphinandersee: maybe a codepoet can help ;)
16:28.21mallumkergoth: you dont perhaps know who made the freetype package ?
16:28.33anderseesorphin: morning
16:28.47sorphinmallum: i think kergoth is busy digi'ing himself
16:28.56mallumsorphin: oh err missus
16:29.15sorphinandersee: got a mo for some arm pondering?
16:29.22sorphinmallum: something like that
16:30.12CosmicPenguinsorphin: so, whats the intellegence behind the evil bit?
16:30.30CosmicPenguinsorphin: isn't that like asking nicely if muggers will wear a "I'm a mugger" t-shirt?
16:30.38CosmicPenguinandersee: whats happening
16:30.39anderseesorphin: Sure, I have a Magneto Optical drive
16:30.45sorphinCosmicPenguin: it's an overboard April Fools joke :P
16:30.50anderseeCosmicPenguin: nada, just working
16:30.50CosmicPenguinsorphin: ahh
16:30.57sorphinandersee: um.. i meant moment
16:31.01CosmicPenguinsorphin: like the IP over carrier pigon?
16:31.10sorphinCosmicPenguin: heh
16:32.08CosmicPenguinI hate 4/1 on /.
16:32.34sorphinCosmicPenguin: i hate 4/1 period
16:33.10sorphinstop faulting dammit
16:46.05CosmicPenguinsorphin: whats it doing?
16:46.27sorphinCosmicPenguin: the more i look at this
16:46.36sorphinthis segv acts like a page fault
16:47.16sorphinBase: 0x40019000, Virtual: 0x40019000, Mask: 0xfff, Target: 0xffc000
16:47.39kergothmallum: for OE/OZ? I dont recall. either scanline or i. whats up with it?
16:47.46sorphinkergoth: there you are
16:48.11kergothhad to do some real work
16:48.15sorphinkergoth: bah
16:48.19sorphinkergoth: now cut that out ;)
16:48.38sorphinkergoth: i'm majorly hitting the wall here :(
16:48.53scanlinemallum: I did it
16:50.53CosmicPenguinsorphin: so it is page faulting then?  Bad memory perhaps?
16:51.18kergothif its page faulting, you're doing something you shouldnt be doing :)
16:51.23sorphinCosmicPenguin: shouldn't be.. this is my Z
16:51.36sorphinkergoth: well, maybe you can help me find which it's doing? :)
16:51.38CosmicPenguinsorphin: that doesn't mean anything
16:51.58sorphinCosmicPenguin: well, the thing works fine :P its likely my access method that the ARM doesn't like
16:52.06sorphinppc/mips/x86 don't care
16:53.26mallumscanline: wanna update it to something newer ;-)
16:53.43scanlinemallum: not particularly :)
16:53.51scanlinemallum: shouldn't it just be a matter of changing the date?
16:54.11scanlineor you could be boring and use a release..
16:54.28scanlinebut CVS is always better with freetype :)
16:54.57mallumscanline: indeed :-)
16:55.13sorphinkergoth: this is confusing.. you want me take this into /query or yahoo or something?
16:55.57mallumscanline: do you follow freetype dev ?
16:56.23scanlinemallum: only when I'm actively working on font code really
16:57.07mallumscanline: okey, I should really follow it. I think it can now do bitmap fonts too now or summin
16:57.20scanlineit's been able to do bitmap fonts for a long time
16:57.30kergothmallum: when i eject, or insert a card, my c700 hangs for a bit.  have you seen this behavior?
16:58.03mallumkergoth: no, though I leave my card in most of the time
17:10.01mallumkergoth: any idea how to pass --rpath into a configure script ?
17:10.14mallumkergoth: eg so resulting Makefiles use it
17:12.01kergothpass it in via an LDFLAGS var
17:12.36kergothLDFLAGS+=-Wl,rpath,blah after the include of Vars.make, assuming a buildroot build
17:14.10mallumkergoth: cool, will try that
17:15.56sorphinkergoth: heh, i finally just pulled the bk tree of the source :P what's w/ all the stuff it keeps around in deleted? :P
17:16.16kergothsorphin: its like cvs's attic. cvs keeps all that around too
17:16.19kergothdifference is
17:16.27kergotha bk clone grabs the entire repos, it isnt a _checkout_
17:16.33kergothits like tarring up the fucking cvs repos and pulling it local
17:17.03sorphinkergoth: well, least now you won't have to send me any more files
17:17.19sorphinassuming i don't bang a hole in my desk in 45 mins
17:17.55sorphinthe mmap is correct
17:18.06sorphinwhen i attempt to read
17:18.09sorphinit kicks out
17:18.54sorphinkergoth: what i'm used to, with how i do it
17:18.58sorphinwould be...
17:19.05kergothlook at my collie module
17:19.23kergothare you doing it the same way?
17:19.37kergoth+               if (map_base != (void *)-1) {
17:19.40kergoth+                       virt_addr = map_base + (target & page_mask);
17:19.43kergoth+                       if (*(volatile unsigned int *)(virt_addr + FLASH_TOUCH_MAGIC_ADR) == FLASH_TOUCH_MAGIC) {
17:19.56sorphineverything after the virt_addr
17:20.01sorphinis confusing :P
17:20.27sorphinkergoth: i'm used to being able to do memcpys
17:20.37sorphinher's how my flash prog dumps flash
17:21.19sorphindiskbuf is a 512 byte array
17:21.33sorphinchipbase is char * volatile ChipBase;
17:22.12sorphini've tried that way, i've tried w/ a void
17:22.19sorphinit must just not like memcpys
17:22.43sorphinor the way i'm poking at the address
17:23.07sorphinthat's just current, there've been 50 diff variations of that
17:23.08sorphinall fault
17:23.24kergothand you're sure you're mapping on page boundary? you noticed the collie module mmap's at target & ~page_mask, not target
17:23.39sorphinhere's my mmap
17:23.43kergothwell fuck if i know then :)
17:24.29sorphinwhen i get to the point where i'd read
17:24.31sorphinit shows:
17:24.40sorphinBase: 0x40019000, Virtual: 0x40019000, Mask: 0xfff, Target: 0xffc000
17:25.18kergothwell i dunno then man
17:25.30kergothyou're doing the memcpy on the virt addr, not on the mapped addr, right?
17:25.39sorphini've tried both
17:25.49sorphinwhich way should i 'access' the virtual ?
17:26.05sorphinw/ the monster cast ?
17:26.22kergothi see no reason memcpy shouldnt work
17:26.26kergothbut i've never attempted its use
17:26.39sorphinalso am trying to read addr+
17:26.53sorphinin a for loop
17:27.13sorphinkergoth: my brain can't parse what you have in collie
17:27.33kergothyou have no idea how many google searches and reads of other peoples mmap code it took to get that to work
17:27.54sorphinkergoth: arm must just be really picky
17:28.06sorphincuz every other platform this works on the 1st go :P
17:28.21kergothsorphin: it is. does the first read fail, or is it some point during the loop that it fails?
17:28.49kergothwell i'm out of ideas. let me get some caffeine. brb
17:28.56sorphinbeen trying to figure out how to do it w/o a memcpy
17:29.25kergothrandom idea
17:29.51kergoth1) memcpy a single byte. 1 in third arg
17:29.54kergoth2) use the cast
17:30.00kergothsee what the results of those are
17:36.39sorphinkergoth:    memcpy(DiskBuf, *(volatile unsigned int *)virt_addr, 1);
17:36.46sorphinReading from: 44414d43
17:36.46sorphinSegmentation fault
17:36.58kergothmemcpy expects a pointer not an unsigned int
17:37.01sorphinthat 444 is what *(volatile unsigned int *)virt_addr is at the time of read
17:37.13kergothyou're dereferencing it and passing the read value as the pointer
17:37.37sorphinyou said to use the cast, caffeine boy :P
17:37.40kergothmemcpy(DiskBuf, virt_addr, 1); shoudl be sufficient
17:38.00kergothchar var = *(volatile unsigned char *)virt_addr;
17:38.24sorphingot 3 of these in my code :P
17:38.25sorphinflashread.c:61: warning: passing arg 2 of `memcpy' discards qualifiers from pointer target type
17:38.38kergothyeah, thats because its volatile
17:38.42kergothand memcpy doesnt give a shit
17:38.44sorphinno segv
17:38.50sorphinReading from: 40019000
17:38.50sorphinData: bffffb44
17:39.00kergothwith memcpy or the cast?
17:40.05sorphinso it grabs that byte
17:40.39sorphintime to figure out how to "kick it up a notch" :P
17:40.45kergothso its something with the attempt to read that much data in a big ass memcpy. I dont understand how these things work to say why
17:41.01sorphini'm not reading more than 512 bytes at a time
17:41.05kergothfrankly i'm over my head here, but i'm good at fucking with things till it works
17:41.17sorphinkergoth: and OZ was born ;)
17:41.52sorphinkergoth: ok, so now it reads
17:42.14sorphininstead of virtual
17:42.28kergothso change target to the kernel base addy instead of the flash base
17:42.30sorphinso just do virt_addr+kerneloffset
17:42.35kergothor that
17:42.52sorphinheh, if i can just use the kernel base
17:42.54sorphini will :P
17:42.58kergothi'd say do the former, cleaner
17:43.36kergothand to think.. all this cause you're too cheap to buy a cf card.. :P
17:43.49sorphinnot cheap
17:44.13sorphinjust pointless since i won't be able to use it afterwards since i'll be using other things i nthe damn cf slot
17:44.22sorphinblame sharp for only allowing to use the CF slot for this shit :P
17:44.48sorphinkergoth: think this    for(i = 0; i < 0x00100000; i++) {
17:45.03sorphinis sufficient for incrementing the addr for the kernel read?
17:45.21kergothworth a shot
17:45.42sorphinkergoth: worst it can do is fault again ;)
17:47.13sorphinkergoth: recommend building w/ the 2.95.x tree or the 3.2 tree if i built the source now
17:47.34sorphinseems to be reading
17:47.35kergoth2.95. you lose binary compatibility if you build qt and opie with gcc3 due to the changed abi
17:48.13sorphinsince i made it print read/write each read/write
17:48.42sorphinshould just make it do the / - \ | :P
17:50.38sorphinwe just hit the high for today already :P
17:50.50kergothibot: tuesday
17:50.50Tuesday sucks, because it follows Monday (see monday)
17:52.35sorphinkergoth: heh, it's writing too
17:52.42sorphinlooks like progress ;)
17:53.07kergothhere's hoping it matches your romburst zimage
17:54.01sorphinwell, it's already bigger physically since i'm reading the whole 0x00100000
17:54.24kergothits empty flash, it'll just be 0xFF's on the end i'm sure
17:54.34sorphinit's done
17:55.15sorphin1048576 bytes received in 1.42 secs (719.4 kB/s)
17:55.23sorphinnot bad for pseudo ethernet ;p
17:55.52sorphinkergoth: erm
17:56.01sorphinit doesn't even remotely match :P
17:56.11kergothyou're sure thats the same rom you're running?
17:56.13sorphin00000000  FF FF FF FF  FF FF FF FF   FF FF FF FF  FF FF FF FF                                                       ................
17:56.13sorphin00000010  FF FF FF FF  FF FF FF FF   FF FF FF FF  FF FF FF FF                                                       ................
17:56.13sorphin00000020  FF FF FF FF  FF FF FF FF   FF FF FF FF  FF FF FF FF                                                       ................
17:56.25sorphinthat's what it read out of flash
17:56.33sorphinor thinks it did
17:56.44sorphinand i happen to know there's a kernel there ;)
17:56.56kergothguess we got its location wrong
17:56.58kergothhere's an idea
17:57.05kergothread the beginning of the rootfs
17:57.08kergothyou'll find the jffs2 magic
17:57.16kergotheasier than this comparison shit
17:57.32kergoththen at least we know we're in the right ballpark
17:57.51kergothgod i almost forgot how long a opie compile takes..
17:57.59kergothi had to clear my ccache cache :(
17:57.59sorphincompiling on what? :P
17:58.12kergothan old athlon tbird 1ghz
17:58.19kergoththat box could use an upgrade
17:58.54sorphini got one of those
17:59.03sorphinkergoth: that's what giga is
17:59.05sorphinoddly enough
17:59.15sorphinin win2k, my damn PIII 850 laptop smokes it
17:59.18sorphincan't figure it out
17:59.29sorphinthe poort tbird crawls like a p100 :P
18:03.36sorphinsomething's not right
18:05.02sorphinkergoth: this time i just got a buncha 00000000  AE AE AE AE  AE AE AE AE   AE AE AE AE  AE AE AE AE   ................
18:05.02sorphin00000010  AE AE AE AE  AE AE AE AE   AE AE AE AE  AE AE AE AE   ................
18:05.13sorphinthen 69's then AE's again
18:05.31kergothnot the same location i hope? ;)
18:06.08sorphinwhich if FFCC0000 + 100000
18:06.10kergothhey, you could be evil and search the entire flash from base on up for the jffs2 magic
18:06.11sorphinis even
18:06.46sorphini don't think memcpy would be the option if i did that ;)
18:06.53sorphini'd have to use some ugly code like you did
18:07.00sorphinand like i do for checkign for the tivo rom's magic
18:07.32kergothbyte by byte deref the pointer adn compare against the magic
18:07.35kergothfun fun
18:07.45mallumkergoth: in your x-compiling adventures, have you ever seen an error like this :-
18:07.55mallum: undefined reference to `rpl_malloc'
18:08.05sorphinkergoth: i'd be better off reading the whole damn flash :P
18:08.47kergothmallum: hm, doesnt ring a bell. wheres rpl_malloc defined i wonder?
18:08.54kergothmallum: what are you building?
18:09.09mallumkergoth: every matchbox malloc call is giving that error for some wierd reasion
18:10.28mallumkergoth: matchbox
18:11.22kergothsorphin: start a flash search for the jffs2 magic at the initrd addy..
18:11.28kergoththats what i'd do next.
18:11.37kergothconfirm that location is correct
18:11.38sorphinkergoth: actually i just started reading from ffc00000
18:11.42mallumkergoth: I think configure is doing something dumb :(
18:11.44sorphinread off 4k
18:11.57mallumkergoth: this /* Define to rpl_malloc if the replacement function should be used. */
18:11.57mallum#define malloc rpl_malloc
18:12.04kergothmallum: aha
18:12.07kergothmallum: hmm
18:12.10kergothmallum: do this
18:12.16sorphinshould the 1st thing starting at ffc00000 be BOOTSHP2.BIN-20020126 ?
18:12.23sorphinthat file i mean
18:12.40kergothmallum: look in packages/ipkg/Makefile
18:12.51kergothmallum: note the $(call installcache prior to the configure run
18:12.55kergothmallum: do that in your makefile.
18:13.07kergothmallum: that'll install a config.cache with test results for the architectur eyou're building for
18:13.18mallumkergoth: ok cool, will give it ago
18:14.57sorphinkergoth: should BOOTSHP2.BIN be the first file in the flash starting at FFC00000 ?
18:15.06sorphinif so.. then houston, we have a problem
18:15.42kergothi doubt it. the sharp rom format for flashing doesnt necessarily perfectly coincide with the flash partitioning..
18:16.05kergothlook at sa1100-blah.c as your guide, that should be closest to reality
18:16.14sorphinif i knew what's supposed to be 1st, i'd know what i'm seeing here..
18:16.19sorphinsa1100-flash.c ?
18:16.43sorphinaccording ot this
18:16.44mallumkergoth: hmm still happening
18:16.48sorphinthe Angel Monitor is 1st
18:16.58kergothmallum: then figure out what test result you need to supply
18:17.09kergothmallum: oh, are you calling configure with -C ./config.cache? you may need to
18:17.15kergothmallum: depending on the version of the configure script
18:17.33kergothdo you see it load config.cache?
18:17.35kergothin the configure output?
18:17.39mallumkergoth: okey do worry I should be able to figure this out
18:18.07kergothmake sure its obeying the cache, then read the cache file after the run and find the incorrect result.. append it to the config in def-tests/
18:19.35mallumkergoth: -C fixed it :-)
18:19.45mallumkergoth: and I now have a shiny mb ipkg
18:24.34mallumfor your amusement new homepage -> ;-)
18:30.27mallumkergoth: I sent you a changeset for an initial matchbox
18:30.49mallumkergoth: I've also made some updates for the xfree Makefile, but I get:
18:31.00mallumbk ci Makefile
18:31.00mallumdelta: Makefile writable but not checked out?
18:31.08kergothmv Makefile
18:31.10kergothbk edit Makefile
18:31.13kergothmv Makefile
18:31.17kergothbk ci Makefile
18:31.56sorphinkergoth: welp.. looks like it's signature scanning time
18:33.06kergothhaving fun yet?
18:33.07sorphinok, what IS the jffs2 magic? it's not in my magic file :P
18:33.32kergothuhm, hold on.. i have a bit of code somewhere that searched a jffs2 image for it to determine the eraseblock size of the image
18:36.57kergothi think i lost that bit of code
18:37.03kergoththat sucks, that was handy
18:37.15kergothwell, look at mkfs.jffs2.c
18:37.35kergothshould be there
18:46.39sorphinkergoth: #define JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC 0x72b6 what you mean?
18:47.07kergothany jffs2 magic would be found wtihin the initrd partition..
18:47.17kergoththatd at least check our sanity
18:50.25kergothmallum: you runnin gcc3 built image, right? or gcc2?
18:55.37mallumkergoth: sorry was eating dinner
18:55.43mallumkergoth: yeah gcc3
19:00.53mallumkergoth: hmm, another little bk prob ;
19:00.55mallummallum@debian:~/src/OZ/buildroot-oz$ bk commit
19:00.56mallumMissing delta (chk2) in packages/xfree86/
19:01.15kergoththats odd. indicates one of your changes against that file is missing
19:01.20kergothtry bk repair
19:03.48sorphinkergoth: should i  'resync' since i checked out this morning ?
19:04.13kergothbk pull; bk -r co -q; to update your tree with whats upstream
19:04.19kergothnot much has changed though
19:05.12sorphin13 revisions ;)
19:07.08sorphinkergoth: erm
19:07.46mallumkergoth: I got;
19:07.48mallum=================================== ERROR ====================================
19:07.48mallumtakepatch: packages/xfree86/SCCS/ has uncommitted changes
19:07.48mallumPlease commit pending changes with `bk commit' and reapply the patch.
19:07.48mallumtakepatch: patch left in PENDING/2003-04-01.02
19:08.06kergothmallum: you got that tyring to bk repair?
19:08.17kergothbk -r check -af
19:09.03mallumkergoth: okey, that seems to have run ok
19:09.10mallumkergoth: now should I commit ?
19:09.14kergothbk commit still error?
19:09.31mallumyeah same error :(
19:09.55kergothokay, theres what you do
19:10.11kergothyou need to get rid of those pending changes against
19:10.16kergothyou can either strip them off and redo them
19:10.31sorphinkergoth: so they take this cramfs, make a jffs2 in flash for it and dump it in ?
19:10.33kergothor you can export a patch with bk diffs
19:10.39kergothand _then_ strip off the change
19:10.49mallumkergoth: the changes I made to were simple, of I can get a fresh version I can easily re add them
19:10.53kergothonce the change is stripped off, you can bk repair, which will restore your missing delta
19:11.01kergothbk prs packages/xfree86/|head
19:11.46kergoththats the revision of the recent delta you need to strip off
19:12.03mallumhow do I strip it off ?
19:12.39kergothbk stripdel -r# packages/xfree86/
19:13.48kergoththen bk repair again
19:14.10mallum-r with the smallest number from the list bk prs gave me ?
19:14.19kergoththe most recent #
19:15.58kergothbk repair rocks
19:16.03kergothif you accidentally remove a SCCS file or dir
19:16.10kergothit'll pull it all down from your parent repos and fix yours
19:16.32kergothwhat cramfs?
19:16.49sorphinthe name for Compressed ROM fs
19:16.55kergothi know what cramfs is
19:16.56sorphinno idea where they came up w/ cram tho
19:17.00kergothi mean how does it apply here?
19:17.11sorphinROMDISK is a cramfs
19:17.17kergothin sharp it is.
19:17.20kergothin oz is jffs2.
19:17.24kergothoh right
19:17.27kergothyo need to search for cramfs magic
19:17.36kergothi can neither type or think today
19:17.48sorphinkergoth: you need this caffeine I.V. ;)
19:18.26kergothtruee that
19:19.45mallumkergoth: hmm has now totally dissapeared :/
19:19.55kergothmallum: of course it has
19:20.01kergothits checked in
19:20.03kergothcheck it back out
19:20.05kergothbk co
19:20.08kergothbk -r co -q
19:20.26kergothwhat hav eyou
19:20.37kergothwhen a file is checked in, its no longer checked out
19:20.41kergothyou must check it back out
19:20.51mallumyeah I did that
19:20.53mallumCosmicPenguin: SCCS/ doesn't exist.
19:20.55sorphinkergoth: how 14m3
19:21.03kergotheh, you did bk repair?
19:22.28mallumkergoth: yeah
19:22.45mallumI'll run it again
19:23.06sorphinkergoth: heh, interesting i just testing on the ROMDISK file, the signature is backwares from what's in the .h file for cramfs.. heh instead of being 28cd3d45  it's 453DCD28 someone's smoking something around here, and it's not me
19:24.50kergothehh odd. cant be an endian issue
19:25.14sorphinyeah, that's not bswap'd that's just plain backwards
19:25.30kergother, yeah
19:26.46mallumkergoth: repair end with;
19:26.49mallumApplying   2 revisions to new file packages/xfree86/Makefile delta: RESYNC/packages/xfree86/SCCS/s.Makefile already exists
19:26.49mallumdelta: No such file or directory
19:26.49mallumtakepatch: patch left in PENDING/2003-04-01.04
19:28.00*** join/#elinux Russ (~russ@
19:29.28kergothmallum: rm -rf RESYNC.. rm -rf packages/xfree86/SCCS/ .. bk repair
19:29.43*** join/#elinux pattieja (
19:38.00prpplaguemallum: was this guy at conics hard to reach?
19:38.16sorphinprpplague: bout time you woke up :P
19:38.21mallumprpplague: no , sometimes took 24hrs to reply to a mail
19:39.09sorphinthis thing scans 32M awful fast :P
19:39.32prpplaguemallum: hmm, still no response
19:39.44mallumkergoth`lunch: wierd still no joy, has gone from SCCS/ even
19:39.44prpplaguemallum: i guess i'll wait another 24
19:48.45mallumprpplague: yeah he should get back to you
19:48.53mallumprpplague: dc has just put an order in with him
19:49.04mallumkergoth`lunch: I readded the file and it seems fine
19:49.18mallumkergoth`lunch: I think you should be getting a few changesets in the mail ...
20:05.03sorphinkergoth`lunch: this just gets more and more annoying
20:05.11kergoth`lunchstory of my life
20:05.26sorphinkergoth`lunch: i scan the whole thing, find nothing.. then realize, i wasn't incrementing virt_addr
20:05.33sorphini remedy that
20:05.52sorphinsomehow it manages to zoom through 16M at warp speed and segfaults
20:06.24sorphinkergoth`lunch: tell me what you see if anything wrong here
20:06.41sorphinDiskBuf = 4 bytes atm
20:07.20kergoth`lunchhow is diskbuf declared?
20:07.44sorphinsimple 4 byte array
20:08.00sorphinit was fine till i decided to +i virt_addr
20:08.02kergoth`lunchah. i never trust sizeof. that sizeof is returning 4?
20:08.08sorphinyes, it is
20:09.27kergoth`lunchlooks fine then
20:10.31sorphinsomething still can't be right.. cuz before it took forever to scan 16M worth even tho it was scanning the same spot obviously... but still.. this flies through in 3 seconds
20:11.44kergoth`lunchyou're copying 4 bytes at a time
20:11.51kergoth`lunchmakes sense it'd be faster
20:12.00kergoth`lunchput your trusty printfs in that loop :)
20:12.13sorphinwell, i was before too when it didn't have the +i
20:12.22sorphinjust copied the same 4 bytes over and over ;)
20:12.33kergoth`lunchwell that makes no sense than
20:12.35sorphinand took a lil while
20:15.12sorphindamn Z isn't taking my new version
20:16.41sorphinkergoth`lunch: cheating onw :P
20:16.43sorphinScanning flash...
20:16.44sorphinAddr: 40019000, Data: 43 4d 41 44
20:16.44sorphinAddr: 40019004, Data: 93 00 00 00
20:16.44sorphinAddr: 40019008, Data: ff ff ff ff
20:16.44sorphinAddr: 4001900c, Data: ff ff ff ff
20:16.56fileGreetings all
20:16.58sorphinw/ 1 second sleeps between each :P
20:17.01sorphinfile: lo
20:17.20kergoth`lunchsorphin: okay
20:17.20filesorphin: what'cha up to?
20:17.23sorphinkergoth`lunch: hrm.. something's not right..
20:17.48sorphinunless the angel is only a few bytes long and the rest of it's partition if ff ff ff....
20:17.54sorphinfile: battling code
20:17.58filesorphin: evil
20:18.19sorphinfile: something like that
20:22.16sorphinkergoth`lunch: something's not right about the address i'm starting from, it can't be i start from virt_addr w/ a base of 0xFFC000
20:22.41sorphini find 4 bytes of actual stuff, then the rest is ff ff ff ff for well.. a long time atleast still
20:22.55kergoth`lunchwell, collie.c shows you the static map w/ phys and virt addresses
20:22.58prpplaguesorphin: you got that dilbert url?
20:23.01kergoth`lunchlook at that and confirm the flash start point
20:34.58sorphinprpplague: hmm?
20:36.37sorphinkergoth: you mean tslib-collie or collie ?
20:36.43prpplaguesorphin: remember that dilbert cartoon, the one about "who's my bitch?"
20:36.50kergoththats arch/arm/mach-sa1100/collie.c
20:36.51sorphinprpplague: ah yeah
20:36.53kergothbottom of the file
20:36.57kergothnear there anyway
20:37.06sorphinkergoth: you mean the map_desc ?
20:37.31sorphinman this crap's nasty looking code
20:37.38sorphini hope tim wrote very little of this ;)
20:37.38kergothno shit
20:37.52kergoththis is the crap i had to deal with
20:38.00sorphinprpplague: lemme see if i can dig it up
20:38.55prpplaguekergoth: you think it was lineo in general or just their jp offices that create nightmare code?
20:39.09kergothnever seen lineo us code
20:41.13sorphinprpplague: prp: can't find..
20:42.07sorphinkergoth: they say in their damn comments "32M main flash" "32M boot flash"
20:42.23sorphinsince when is there 32M of flash :P
20:42.25kergothdont ask me wtf that means
20:42.30kergoththey had a bunch of dev models
20:42.48kergoththats what COLLIE_TS is
20:42.57kergothand XIP_ROM isnt enabled, Z doesnt use XIP
20:50.00kergothgod its beautiful outside here today
20:50.05kergothi wish i wasnt stuck in a cubical
20:50.26sorphinkergoth: heh, we just blew today's high away
20:50.38sorphinwas supposed to be 77, we had that before noon, it's currently 83
20:51.28prpplaguesorphin: ohh ok, no
20:51.32prpplaguesorphin: problem
20:52.32sorphinprpplague: i do know the one you mean tho
20:52.51sorphinprpplague: if i happen to find it, i'll let you know.. and vise versa ;)
20:54.50sorphinGeorge Foreman USB iGrill
20:54.57kergoth~cluebat kergoth
20:54.58ACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps kergoth.
20:55.07sorphinthat's got to be one of the lamest 04/01/03 jokes
20:55.09sjhilli decided to completely ignore /. today...being april 1st and all
20:55.10sorphini've seen yet
20:55.15kergothsjhill: same
20:55.38sorphinthat makes *5* posts about "RFC3514" today
20:55.48kergothjust close the browser
20:55.51kergothyou can do it
20:55.58chouimatsorphin: yup
20:56.18sorphinkergoth: i'm trying to find a damn way to decipher this crap
20:57.32sorphinkergoth: is the collie_ts ours?
20:57.59sorphin#ifdef CONFIG_COLLIE_TS
20:58.01sorphin{ 0xe8000000, 0x08000000, 0x02000000, DOMAIN_IO, 1, 1, 0, 0 }, /* 32M main flas
20:58.01sorphin{ 0xea000000, 0x00000000, 0x02000000, DOMAIN_IO, 1, 1, 1, 0 }, /* 32M boot flas
20:58.01sorphin{ 0xec000000, 0x10000000, 0x02000000, DOMAIN_IO, 1, 1, 0, 0 }, /* 32M telios fl
20:58.01sorphin{ 0xf2000000, 0x18000000, 0x00001000, DOMAIN_IO, 1, 1, 0, 0 }, /* 4kb debug LED
20:58.01sorphin{ 0xf3000000, 0x48000000, 0x00001000, DOMAIN_IO, 1, 1, 0, 0 }, /* 4kb CF buf ct
20:58.04sorphin{ 0xe8000000, 0x00000000, 0x02000000, DOMAIN_IO, 1, 1, 0, 0 }, /* 32M main flas
20:58.06kergoththats a dev unit
20:58.06sorphin{ 0xea000000, 0x08000000, 0x02000000, DOMAIN_IO, 1, 1, 0, 0 }, /* 32M boot flas
20:58.08sorphin{ 0xf2000000, 0xC2000000, 0x02000000, DOMAIN_IO, 1, 1, 0, 0 }, /* 32M Special C
20:58.16sorphinso were the other side of that ifdef
20:59.54sorphinkergoth: any idea where collie_io_desc[], which ever
21:00.01sorphin-which ever
21:00.04sorphinis defined?
21:00.30kergothyou're reading its definition
21:00.46kergothstatic struct map_desc collie_io_desc[] __initdata = {
21:00.50sorphinthat tells what each part of the array is :P
21:00.59sorphin{ 0xe8000000, 0x00000000, 0x02000000, DOMAIN_IO, 1, 1, 0, 0 }, /* 32M main flas
21:01.06kergothyou mean, where is *map_desc* *declared*
21:01.12sorphinthat too
21:01.21sorphinthen second guessed :P
21:01.34sorphinkergoth: gimme a break i'm tired too :P
21:01.56kergoth/usr/src/gatekeeper$ grep -nr map_desc /usr/src/corgi/build/linux/include/asm-arm/
21:02.00kergoth/usr/src/corgi/build/linux/include/asm-arm/mach/map.h:12:struct map_desc {
21:02.02kergoth/usr/src/corgi/build/linux/include/asm-arm/mach/map.h:31:extern void iotable_init(struct map_desc *);
21:02.05kergothgrep is your friend
21:02.24sorphinunless that happens to also be in the stock linux kernel
21:02.37sorphinit's not, cuz i havent' seen anything in buildroot but patches :P
21:02.39kergothsorphin: make SUBDIRS=packages/kernel-collie package;
21:02.47kergothbuildroot downloads what it needs when it needs it
21:02.49kergothand not before
21:03.44kergothactaully all you really need is sourcetrees
21:03.50kergothmake SUBDIRS=packages/kernel-collie sourcetrees
21:03.54kergoththat'll download and extract the kernel
21:03.56kergothbut wont build
21:04.02kergoththen dig in build/linux/
21:04.07sorphinno it won't ;)
21:04.42sorphinapparently i have to do *everything* on that bitkeeper step :P
21:04.48sorphinthe cp, the make menuconfig
21:04.56sorphinthe make
21:04.56kergothor oldconfig
21:05.06kergothit wont be happy with you otherwise
21:05.21sorphinit's not happy now
21:05.22sorphinCosmicPenguin: cannot stat `def-configs/openzaurus': No such file or directory
21:05.29kergothibot: oz buildroot
21:05.29hmm... oz bk is bk clone bk:// buildroot-oz; cd buildroot-oz; bk -r co -q; cp def-configs/collie-opie .config (for zaurus 5000d/5500) .. make oldconfig; make; or see bitkeeper (free download but non-gpl) or see 'oz snapshot' if you either cannot or will not use bitkeeper.
21:05.31kergothsorphin: ^^
21:05.36kergoththe faq is outdated
21:05.40kergothhavent had a chance to update it
21:07.06sorphingcc -O2 -Wall -g -fPIC -c -o
21:07.06sorphinIn file included from zconf.l:17,
21:07.06sorphin<PROTECTED> conflicting types for `YYSTYPE'
21:07.06sorphinzconf.y:39: previous declaration of `YYSTYPE' conflicting types for `zconflval'
21:07.19kergothinstall flex and bison
21:07.22kergothand read docs/BUILD
21:07.53kergothmost likely
21:08.00kergothi know very very little about parser generation
21:09.59sjhillkergoth: same here....i remain ignorant....on purpose...that stuff is insane
21:10.20kergothit has its place.. i just dont want to be in that place
21:10.58sorphinupgraded bison/flex
21:11.14sorphindamn conflicitng types BS
21:11.59sorphinkergoth: are you using that new kernel config crap?
21:12.04sorphinplease say no
21:12.55sorphinyou are
21:13.03sorphin~lart kergoth
21:13.59sorphinkconfig's own files are conflicting eachother
21:15.50kergothworks fine for everybody else
21:15.57sorphinjust worked here :P
21:16.00sorphindid a make clena in kconfig
21:16.04sorphinclean even conflicting types for `YYSTYPE'
21:16.27sorphinzconf.y:39: previous declaration of `YYSTYPE'
21:16.33sorphinthose were conflicting
21:16.40sorphindid a make clean and make
21:16.49sorphinit remade everything :P
21:17.08sorphinworks now :P
21:18.10sorphinkergoth: whatever you have sitting in buildroot's kconfig in bk shouldn't be pregenerated it looks like, it should do a make in kconfig to make the files when you go to config *shrug*
21:18.27kergothone of the generated files is in bk?
21:18.36kergothare you sure you didnt have a remnant from your attempt to build with old bison/flex?
21:19.24sorphinkergoth: don't thikn i did... can you check in bk to make sure there's not already a in there ?
21:20.57kergothyeah, i'll check
21:21.53sorphinok, make oldconfig completed just fine, but now even if it do SUBDIRS=packags/kernel-collie
21:21.54sorphinmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `/root/openz/src/buildroot-oz/stamps/.ipkg-utils.sourcetree', needed by `/root/openz/src/buildroot-oz/stamps/.ipkg-utils.binary'.  Stop.
21:22.28sorphinkergoth: you'll never get a beer from me at this rate ;)
21:28.59kergothah, at least we're in the realm of known behaviors now
21:29.02kergothi just ran into that one :)
21:29.04kergothhold on
21:31.05kergothsorphin: bk pull; bk -r co -q;
21:31.07kergothsorphin: make
21:32.28sorphinit found my ccache/distcc :P
21:33.18sorphinperl error
21:33.21kergothperl error?
21:33.37sorphinit wants to make autoconf
21:35.05kergothsorphin: make SUBDIRS=packages/kernel-collie sourcetrees
21:35.19sorphinkergoth: you're the one that said type make ;)
21:35.19kergothits building x86 apps it generally needs, but really arent needed for a kernel build
21:35.24kergothyeah, i know
21:37.10sorphinkergoth: i wish there were a way to have 1 copy of the kernel to appease every project instead of 50 of them ;) :)
21:38.56*** join/#elinux prpplague (~JoeBob1@
21:38.56*** mode/#eLinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
21:39.05sorphin~fishslap prpplague
21:39.07ACTION slaps prpplague up side the head with a wet fish.
21:40.00prpplaguesorphin: whats that for?
21:40.12sorphinprpplague: for being so scarce today :P
21:40.29prpplaguesorphin: ahh
21:40.45prpplaguesorphin: been working on phpgroupware and getting IE5.5 running under wine
21:41.34sorphinprpplague: keep that up and you'll get cluebatted too *grin*
21:42.40sorphinkergoth: ah, finally
21:42.40prpplaguesorphin: lol, ya well, if these m$ dick sucking vendors would stop making ie only sites i wouldn't have to bastardize a perfectly good server
21:42.48sorphinkergoth: struct map_desc {
21:43.28sorphinprpplague: heh, wcom is stopping 'support' for NS4, etc april 4th
21:43.39sorphinatm, it randomly directs you to a corporate standard browser page
21:43.46sorphinfontenot: ya think?
21:43.57sorphinfontenot: should be up to their 6th RFC posting
21:44.23fontenotyeah i was just about to say
21:45.04sorphinkergoth: hmm
21:45.16sorphinbased on that
21:45.49sorphinif this is the right one
21:45.50sorphin{ 0xf0000000, 0x40000000, 0x01000000, DOMAIN_IO, 1, 1, 0, 0 }, /* 16M LOCOMO
21:46.12kergothlocomo is a gate/array in the Z
21:46.18kergothsharp proprietary chip
21:46.20sorphinthen that leaves
21:46.30sorphinand 0xf2
21:46.34sorphinfor physical
21:46.48sorphinthose are the only other non COLLIE_TS ones
21:46.49*** part/#elinux MuscleNerd (
21:51.57*** join/#elinux chouimat (
22:01.11sorphinkergoth: ooer.. bus error
22:01.15sorphinfinally something new :P
22:15.50sorphinkergoth: hmmm
22:16.13sorphinkergoth: i just dd'd /dev/mtdblock0 to a file, and hexedited it... the beginning of that 16M file
22:16.16sorphinis hte initrd
22:22.14kergothremember, that sa1100-flash.c you got from me is an oz partitioning, not sharp
22:22.33kergoththe zimage still remains in flash w/ sharp
22:22.46kergothbut its not accessiable via an mtd device in sharp
22:24.24sorphinkergoth: any idea what the /dev/collie-fl is for ?
22:31.32prpplaguesorphin: fl=frontlight ?
22:32.17chouimatprpplague: cat read from it
22:32.53kergothyes, its frontlight
22:39.16jacquestop 100 april fool's jokes
22:39.25jacquesamazing what ppl will believe
22:40.27jacques#8: Alabama Changes the Value of Pi
22:44.12chouimat#17: The Left-Handed Whopper
22:49.54jacquesi got one of those by accident once
22:52.53jacqueshmm I shouldn't laugh - before long that might be real
22:53.26chouimatjacques: the tar.gz file is 2.5MB
22:56.38chouimatls -l ipsec_alg_rot13.c
22:56.39chouimat-rw-r--r--    1 234      users        4173 Mar 31 22:14 ipsec_alg_rot13.c
23:00.28jacqueshow big is the tarball of enlightenment 1.0 ?
23:03.28prpplaguejacques: size is more like purgatory
23:03.30chouimatjacques: sais pas
23:09.41CosmicPenguinprpplague: syncing is done, man
23:12.21CosmicPenguinprpplague: notice I didn't say bug free... :(
23:18.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: lol
23:18.07prpplagueCosmicPenguin: cool beans
23:18.13kergothsorphin: any luck?
23:18.22sorphinkergoth: heh, what's it's point? (the frontlight thing)
23:18.29sorphinum.. just got home, so, no..
23:18.48kergothcollie_fl is the interface for controlling frontlight brightness in our 2.4.6 tree
23:19.00kergothin 2.4.19 i usee russ' backlight drivers
23:19.32prpplaguesorphin: i had a bastardization of one of the ipaq utils to work with it
23:19.47prpplaguesorphin: iirc blset
23:20.09sorphinkergoth: where i left off however
23:20.20sorphini can't seem to read more than 4k
23:20.23sorphinbefore a segv
23:20.30sorphinif i try from ea
23:20.32sorphini sigbus
23:21.21kergothis 4k the page size?
23:21.38sorphinheh. prolly.. lemme take a looksie
23:23.52kergothwell then. you cant read across page boundry
23:23.57kergothid' say mmap a 4k chunk at a time
23:24.01kergothmove i tup, move it up
23:24.12kergothneeeddd coffeeeee orrr alcohholll
23:24.15sorphinthis sucks ass
23:24.38sorphinkergoth: help me get this shiz going, i'll owe you a beer :P
23:24.40sorphinor 2
23:26.12sorphinwhy is it only the Z is this much trouble? :P
23:26.22sorphinthe tivo's i mmap the whole damn flash
23:26.25sorphinworks fine
23:27.15sorphinand it's 128k
23:28.25kergothtivo != Z
23:28.36sorphini know
23:28.40kergotharm behaves differently, its expected
23:28.41sorphinthe Z's more of a bitch :P
23:29.01sorphinkergoth: heh, well, i'm not even remotely an arm expert, muchless a novice :P
23:29.18kergothi'm still a newbie
23:29.23kergothlearning though
23:29.46sorphinkergoth: i knew it was gonna be a pain
23:29.58sorphinwhen i saw there was physical vs virtual :P
23:30.02kergothall ya have to do is glance at the collie tslib module to see that
23:30.13sorphinand lucky you
23:30.16sorphinyou stay in the 1st damn page
23:30.45sorphinkergoth: and ya know, i'm doing all this crap
23:30.49sorphinJUST so i can run OZ :P
23:30.58sorphinwonder if it's all worth it :P
23:32.23kergothafter fighting your sharp z just to get telnet, can you really ask that question?
23:32.58sorphinkergoth: the main fighting there was just the usb being uncooperative
23:33.07sorphinthis is down right unruley
23:33.10sorphinif i didn't know better
23:33.16sorphini'd think my Z was from TX :P
23:35.45sorphinkergoth: so.. digiwhore
23:35.58sorphinever gotten bc to do conversion between bases?
23:48.54prpplaguesorphin: yes
23:49.02prpplaguesorphin: bc is fun
23:49.52sorphinprpplague: ok, quicky then, how to convert between bases ;)
23:50.02sorphinso i can start page hopping.. (damn ARM)
23:50.25prpplaguefrom dec to hex or hex to dec?
23:51.13sorphinboth actually
23:52.05prpplagueok start bc, set you input base with: ibase=
23:52.09prpplaguei.e ibase=10
23:52.20prpplaguethen set your output base with: obase=
23:52.28prpplaguei.e. obase=16
23:52.46kergothdont forget that your ibase affects the number youenter when inputting obase
23:52.50prpplaguethen type the number and press enter, the next line will output the conversion
23:53.28sorphinsomething that works :P
23:53.38prpplaguei've got a 99 bottles of beer script for bc
23:53.43prpplaguepretty funny stuff
23:53.51sorphinprpplague: toss it on over
23:54.00sorphini could use the entertainment atm
23:54.22sorphinkergoth: i get to scan/map 4096 4k pages :P
23:54.34sorphin~lart ARM
23:59.05kergothprpplague: hah
23:59.10kergothi like the zen beer

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