irclog2html for #elinux on 20030322

00:07.01CosmicPenguinjordanc@:tarballs >ls -la pixil-1.2.2-pre6.tar.gz
00:07.02CosmicPenguin-rw-r--r--    1 jordanc  jordanc   2539419 Mar 17 16:01 pixil-1.2.2-pre6.tar.gz
00:07.02CosmicPenguinjordanc@:tarballs >ls -la pixil-1.2.2-pre7.tar.gz
00:07.02CosmicPenguin-rw-r--r--    1 jordanc  jordanc   8539748 Mar 21 16:49 pixil-1.2.2-pre7.tar.gz
00:07.19CosmicPenguinI added 6MB of crap in the last 4 days
00:07.27CosmicPenguin6MB - compressed, dammit
00:07.28kergoththats alotta crap
00:07.46CosmicPenguinkergoth: well, that includes a doom .WAD and a MP3
00:08.01kergotha wad?
00:08.03kergothfor what?
00:08.17kergothi miss the days of doom's popularity
00:08.47sorphinfor what? heh, for doom
00:08.53sorphinkergoth: another thing on greg's list
00:10.45CosmicPenguinkergoth: I agree
00:13.26kergothblame it all on somebody else and help us fix it up, and we'll go easy on you
00:14.58CosmicPenguinkergoth: don't worry, I've already got patches ready to fix my mistakes
00:17.02CosmicPenguinWow - the entire 51st division of the Iraqi army surrendered - thats 8000 people
00:17.31jacqueswhere are they going to put them all?
00:17.46CosmicPenguinThats a problem
00:18.02CosmicPenguinWe have feed them, give them medical attention, and keep them save from the natives
00:19.33jacqueseven transporting that many ppl is a big task
00:19.54jacquesand the first thing they wasnt to do is get them away from the battlefield
00:20.00CosmicPenguinIn the south, they're just taking their weapons and telling them to go hom
00:20.23CosmicPenguinBut in the north, the locals aren't too friendly with the soliders, so we just can't let them go to roam around the country side
00:20.26jacqueswow really?
00:20.42jacquescnn web site never updates often enough
00:21.03jacquesthe guys in the south all seem half-starved
00:21.24CosmicPenguinsorphin: thanks for keeping the American stereotype alive and well
00:21.33sorphinCosmicPenguin: eh?
00:21.42sorphinkergoth: :)
00:21.44jacquesbuffy is on???
00:21.58jacquesshe's on tuesdays
00:22.01sorphin5 & 6pm CST on FX
00:22.07jacquesand they have only been showing repeats lately
00:22.17jacquesah, syndication
00:22.24CosmicPenguin"World changing events are happening" "Screw that!  Survivor is on!"
00:22.47sorphinCosmicPenguin: umm..
00:23.05sorphinCosmicPenguin: only reason i even look at the crap at work is cuz i'm bored at work
00:23.14sorphinwhen i'm at home, i'm not gonna sit and watch cnn/the news
00:23.43kergoththe world always changes.
00:23.54kergothits just these particular world changing events involve lots of explosions
00:31.24sorphinCosmicPenguin: people are dying because military types are killing them
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00:37.07CosmicPenguinThis world map would look so much cooler if we alpha blended evening and then night
00:39.38CosmicPenguinNow Greg is pissed because the tarball is so big
00:40.32sorphinCosmicPenguin: tell him that's his fault ;p
00:42.40CosmicPenguinWow - Turkey has moved troops into Iraq against our wishes
00:43.43leviThey're very nervous about the Kurds.
00:45.00leviThe whole Iraqi 51st Mechanized Division just surrendered.  About 8000 troops.
00:45.48chouimatlevi: the problem is the republican guard
00:46.54leviSure, but that's still 8000 less combatants.
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01:04.39jacquesso since they already moved the troops can th US fly over turkey now?
01:05.01CosmicPenguinI dunno
01:05.45jacquesi guess the US didnt want turkey to interfere with the special forces we have up there training the kurds
01:08.47sorphinturkey's afriad the kurds are gonna try and stake their claim into some of turkey
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