irclog2html for #elinux on 20030316

00:01.00*** join/#elinux [mbm] ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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00:25.11sorphinCosmicPenguin: yes?
00:25.25CosmicPenguinsorphin: what was that about the cdrecord-pro vs dvdrecord?
00:25.37CosmicPenguinI know that caused you issues under LInux - which one do I use?
00:26.07sorphincdrecord-prodvd is the only thing i've seen burn properly/recognize media... dvdrecord is just a hack of cdrecord that needs a lot of work
00:27.20sorphinprodvd doesn't have source (since cdrecord isn't gpl'd he didn't have to w/ the prodvd portions)
00:27.23sorphinbut it works fine
00:27.33sorphinand it's free for non-comm
00:31.21CosmicPenguincdrecord-prodvd it is
00:34.20CosmicPenguingrrr... I think that transcode has borked audio
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01:21.50CosmicPenguinsorphin: do Ineed to send any special flags to cdrecord-prodvd?
01:25.08sorphinCosmicPenguin: not really
01:25.44CosmicPenguin--device 1,1,0 -dao dvd.iso then, eh?
01:26.08sorphinmight wanna also use --iso-info or whatever that flag is
01:26.15sorphinso it reads the size from the file
01:26.19sorphininstead of guessing
01:27.56CosmicPenguinhere goes
01:38.47sorphinCosmicPenguin: yeah
01:39.35CosmicPenguinsorphin: does it take forever the first time?
01:39.49CosmicPenguinit printed Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 11239424/11270144 (5503 sectors).
01:39.54CosmicPenguinand now its sitting here with the light on
01:39.58CosmicPenguinfor about 10 minutes
01:40.23ade|indybed calls, later folks
01:42.17CosmicPenguinNow its done
01:43.27CosmicPenguinsorphin: one more question - whats this -dvd-video flag for mkisofs I keep seeing?
01:43.33CosmicPenguinmy mkisofs doesn't have one of those
01:44.22CosmicPenguinnow it does.. :
01:45.51sorphinyou need a newer mkisofs ;)
01:46.12sorphinit aligns the files properly in the tree
01:46.27sorphinso that VIDEO_TS.IFO is the 1st *file*
01:46.35sorphinif it's not, the dvd won't play
01:46.53sorphinso make sure your filenames are all caps too ;)
01:46.56sorphinit relies on that
01:50.43CosmicPenguinyeah - I got that.  I checked with isoinfo, and VIDEO_TS.IFO is now the first file
01:50.56CosmicPenguinman, my audio is way off - I hope thats just mplayer being gay
01:51.24sorphinwe'll see
01:51.33CosmicPenguinyes we wil
01:53.16sorphinand yes, it does take forever, esp to write the leadout
01:53.32sorphinfyi, you can do a quick blank usually
01:53.39sorphinyou don't have to full blank every time
01:53.55sorphintakes a minute vs longer
01:54.05CosmicPenguinI'll store that for later
01:54.55CosmicPenguinsorphin: troubleshooting time... the audio and video progressively get farther and farther apart as the video plays
01:55.03CosmicPenguinpossible reasons?
02:12.25chouimatCosmicPenguin: synchro problem?
02:13.31sorphinCosmicPenguin: that would happen when you mux'd
02:14.25CosmicPenguinI tried adjusting the start time - but it doesn't seem like the offset is the same for  the whole clip
02:14.52sorphinCosmicPenguin: now you know why i've wanted to use one of my tivos (mainly my series 2) for hw encoding
02:15.00sorphineliminates that issue
02:15.43chouimatsorphin: what the difference between a serie1 and a serie2?
02:17.04prpplagueevening all
02:17.07chouimathey prpplague
02:17.29sorphinchouimat: the cpu for one, the encoding chip/decoder for another
02:17.29prpplaguewhats cookin this evening guys?
02:17.57sorphinchouimat: series 1 is PPC & a sony encoder & an ibm decoder
02:17.59chouimatsorphin: ok
02:18.10sorphinchouimat: series 2 is a 5432 MIPS w/ a broadcom encoder and decoder
02:19.12sorphinCosmicPenguin: i dunno.. i do know tho, that whether i use dvd2one or instantcopy to shrink a dual layver dvd down to 1 dvd
02:19.24sorphini always have mpeg glitching
02:19.37sorphinand i know it has to do w/ my setup, because morn never gets it
02:23.49prpplaguesorphin: playing the dct unit from bz?
02:24.21sorphinprpplague: no
02:24.30sorphinprpplague: haven't gotten mine yet, won't till later this week
02:24.41jacques_goneme neither :-(
02:25.07prpplaguehmm, is there a GBA sdk?
02:25.27sorphinprpplague: ?
02:25.39chouimatprpplague: google for devkitadvance
02:26.22CosmicPenguinsorphin: remind me never to blank a DVD again.. :(
02:26.54prpplaguechouimat: i am, i just was curious if anyone here had used one
02:27.25sorphinCosmicPenguin: heh
02:27.38jacques_goneibot: seen tim_tiker
02:27.44jacques_gone: i haven't seen 'tim_tiker'
02:27.44chouimatprpplague: I didn't have a flashcart yet ... and my gba is dead so I'm waiting for the SP ..
02:27.44jacques_goneibot: seen tim_riker
02:27.44jacques_gone: i haven't seen 'tim_riker'
02:27.53CosmicPenguinis there an echo in here?
02:27.57jacques_goneibot: seen timriker
02:27.57timriker <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 2d 2h 18m 40s ago, saying: 'no ts on a laptop'.
02:28.08sorphinjacques_gone: can it
02:28.41sorphinjacques_gone: you asked 3 fscking times
02:28.45jacques_gonetypos arent allowed here?
02:29.31GPSFancheck out the dct5000 wiki page I've added links to datasheets of most of the major chips. and described what I see out the serial port.
02:29.41sorphintho if tim is even on
02:29.51jacques_goneGPSFan: excellent!
02:29.59jacques_gonecant wait to get mine
02:30.24GPSFanjacques_gone: it looks like all the software on it is a boot loader.
02:30.58sorphinGPSFan: as long as it's not like the webpal w/ no jtag :P
02:31.27GPSFansorphin: the cpu has jtag, but I don't know where it comes out yet.
02:31.46sorphinGPSFan: that's all that matters
02:31.50sorphinas long as it has it
02:31.53sorphinwe can snag it :P
02:32.40prpplaguechouimat: nice i was thinking about doing some stuff for my sons gba
02:33.15chouimatprpplague: hehe ... if you can post a schematic of a cart :)
02:33.31prpplaguechouimat: ?
02:33.42chouimatprpplague: mn
02:34.14prpplaguechouimat: from what i read, you can just buy a flash card and put your game on it
02:34.22CosmicPenguinthe blnak just keeps and going, and going......
02:34.33chouimatprpplague: they are very hard to get in canada :(
02:34.39prpplaguechouimat: oh?
02:35.19filechouimat: what are you looking for?
02:35.34chouimatfile: flashcard for GBA
02:36.02filechouimat: I'll see what I can do...
02:36.07jacques_goneGPSFan: were you able to detect any activity on the ethernet port?
02:37.36GPSFanjacques_gone: no, I had tcpdump watching while I excercised every button combo I could and nada. there is no mac address sticker on the box, and the AMD chip doesn't have an eeprom neer it for the mac address, so it might be set by firmware.
02:39.32jacques_gonehmm too bad I was thinking maybe it could tftp or someting
02:39.49jacques_gonen dl looked promising
02:40.27GPSFanjacques_gone: yep, I cant tell you how many times I selected that one while looking at tcpdump, hoping for some activity.
02:41.52GPSFanjacques_gone: since tim said that lineo had the kernel working, I think there must be some way to download software into th box with out opening it. those screws are a bitch.
02:43.52chouimatGPSFan: which form?
02:43.58jacques_goneGPSFan: are they torx ?
02:44.13GPSFanthey look like reverse torx
02:44.38GPSFanmaybe I can find a torx screw that will fit over them.
02:45.33jacques_gonemaybe I shold start looking for the proper tool now...
02:46.11GPSFantims dremmel method works, I used vice grips, now that they are out they are gone!
02:46.51chouimatI know a place for special screwdrvier here but they sold them for 40 - 80 CAD each
02:47.57filechouimat: I'm getting a 128MB PC133 SDRAM stick for $31 CAD with tax and shipping :)
02:48.08chouimatfile: hehe
02:48.41filechouimat: brand new too
02:49.08GPSFanthe dct5000 boot process seems to be looking for some sort of rf link, as it scans through a list of frequencies, many of which appear here:
02:49.20jacques_goneGPSFan: dremel method = use cuttof wheel to make a slot in the screw?
02:49.43GPSFanjacques_gone: yep, it took tim about 5 minutes to do all 3 screws.
02:50.17chouimatGPSFan: did you put a RF signal to it?
02:51.31GPSFanchouimat: how, I don't have any head-end cable gear. and don't have cable.
02:51.44jacques_gonemy tivo sometimes downloads stuff from channels with black and white patterns - I assume some sort of digital encoding
02:51.57chouimatGPSFan: have an antena?
02:52.36GPSFanchouimat: yes, but only get 3 uhf stations here, all the freq's were in the 75-100MHz range.
02:52.52chouimatGPSFan: ok
02:53.53jacques_goneGPSFan: what are the chances of us getting any more information about of any of the entities who have had linux booting on these devices?
02:53.58sorphinjacques_gone: umm
02:54.11sorphinjacques_gone: that's not 'digital encoding'
02:54.23jacques_gonesorphin: waht is it?
02:54.23sorphinit's data embedded in CC
02:54.34GPSFanjacques_gone: tim is our best bet.
02:54.58sorphinjacques_gone: it's how they push guide these days
02:55.03filejacques_gone & GPSFan: good luck with your hacking efforts
02:55.15GPSFanfile: thanks.
02:55.21sorphinthey can push about 40MB of data on that '1/2 hour screen of pattern'
02:55.24jacques_gonesorphin: seriously?? you mean I can disconnect the phone line? that would be SOO sweet!
02:55.37sorphinjacques_gone: not quite
02:55.52sorphinyou still need the phoneline for the file that allows your tivo to use the data
02:55.57sorphinyou just need it for less time
02:56.22jacques_goneah yeah otherwise they would have no subscrption security
02:56.24sorphinnot like your tivo can talk to them through the cable to confirm you're still sub'd, etc :P
02:57.02jacques_gonei ordered cable broadband at home and i would like to totally get rid of my dsl and phone line
02:57.19sorphinhave fun
03:02.21jacques_goneGPSFan: when did tim shop the boxes out?
03:03.05GPSFanjacques_gone: Thursday.
03:03.34jacques_goneGPSFan: ah OK then hopefully mine will arrive on mon or tues
03:03.43GPSFansorphin: jtag comes out to j7, it has a small header soldered on to it. I just rang the pins out from the cpu.
03:04.03chouimat|tvGPSFan: how many pin?
03:05.03GPSFanit's a 10 pin header with half the pins grounded. but it's real small, smaller than the 2mm ide connector.
03:05.49chouimat|tvhmmmm 130CAD for a old mac with a ppc603 ....
03:07.25filehow's all the Webpal hacking going?
03:07.58GPSFanfile: mine runs X.
03:08.17fileGPSFan: Nifty
03:08.34chouimat|tvfile: mine still on my secondary desk ...
03:08.59filechouimat|tv: reason for discarding such a useful tool?
03:09.16chouimat|tvfile: TIME
03:09.25filechouimat|tv: :(
03:34.04sorphinGPSFan: cool
03:40.46filechouimat|tv: still alive in there?
03:59.50chouimat|tvfile: yup
04:00.42filechouimat|tv: a person I sold a CPU to is finally going to send payment so I'll have to head to the post office soon... want me to send that SIMM out?
04:01.09chouimat|tvhow much?
04:01.25filechouimat|tv: the size, or cost?
04:01.38chouimat|tvthe cost
04:01.58filelike everybody says to me... make an offer
04:02.16filedon't you just hate that?
04:02.26chouimat|tvfile: yup I hate that
04:03.20filechouimat|tv: do some research and see what a fair offer would be, I may also accept hardware in trade
04:03.40chouimat|tvfile : size?
04:03.53filechouimat|tv: it's a 32MB
04:04.59chouimat|tvfile: how about 15$ including shipping
04:05.20filechouimat|tv: great
04:05.28file1 SIMM down... 9 to go
04:06.08fileI should glue them together and make a memorial to the gods of RAM...
04:12.42filechouimat|tv: e-mail your address to and I'll e-mail back my address for money order...
04:13.10filechouimat|tv: it'll be sent out asap even if your money order isn't here... I'm too nice aren't I?
04:15.18chouimat|tvfile: thanks ... email away ...
04:16.07filechouimat|tv: and my address is sent back
04:16.13filemy concious state is fading
04:17.32chouimat|tvfile go to sleep
04:18.09fileI willl, soon
04:18.23fileer will
04:20.03chouimat|tvwoohooo clone high on teletoon
04:20.16filefrench or english one?
04:20.29chouimat|tvfile: vcr .... :-P
04:20.57chouimat|tvfile: french one at 1h00 EST
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14:23.12filehi GPSFan
14:33.26GPSFanmorning file:
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15:43.01chouimathey kergoth
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16:16.04ade|desk2morning all
16:16.18filehey ade
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16:30.15chouimathi file ade|desk2 monmotha_ and thing
16:31.59ade|desk2hows life today?
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18:35.34sorphinprpplague: lo
18:36.18chouimathey prpplague, listened to the songs?
18:36.46prpplaguechouimat: no, sorry, been a little busy this weekend
18:37.06prpplaguechouimat: cleaning house/yard, and preparing a Z for a customer meeting this afternoon
18:38.28chouimatprpplague: good idea, i need to cleam the house too
18:39.17sorphinprpplague: what're you doing to the poor Z to "prepare" it? :P
18:39.38prpplaguechouimat: ya well it was a matter of nessity, everything was dirty :)
18:39.58prpplaguesorphin: loading OZ+tiny+fltk
18:40.03prpplaguesorphin: loading OZ+tinyx+fltk
18:40.10sorphinprpplague: rc3 or 3.0 ?
18:40.36prpplagueCosmicPenguin: howdy
18:40.42prpplaguesorphin: custom
18:40.48sorphinprpplague: ah.
18:41.11prpplaguesorphin: CosmicPenguin and i have been working on a project
18:41.25sorphinCosmicPenguin: lo jordan "hi, my name is pixil, and i'm getting married" crouse
18:41.27sorphinprpplague: ah
18:42.16prpplague"do you jordan crouse take this woman?" "uh uh, i pixil!"
18:42.21CosmicPenguinsorphin: then I'll be Mr. Pixil!
18:42.32sorphinCosmicPenguin: you already are ;)
18:43.45sorphinprpplague: actually, i thought it was "jordan crouse, do you take this woman to be your pixil.. er wife?"
18:43.49*** join/#elinux kergoth (
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18:44.24prpplaguekergoth: hey kergy
18:44.47prpplaguekergoth: nothing better to do on a sunday that hang out on irc with geeks?
18:44.54chouimatsorphin: :)
18:45.09kergothprpplague: hehe. cleaning isnt much better ;)
18:45.20chouimatprpplague: he can give doritos to his cat :)
18:45.30kergothi dont have any doritos :(
18:45.59chouimatkergoth: actualy it's tostitos ...specy quesadilla
18:46.01prpplaguekergoth: ha you cleaning too?
18:46.04kergothits sunday
18:46.08kergothI'm always stuck cleaning on sunday
18:46.14CosmicPenguinsame here...:)
18:46.21kergothcause i was going to do it saturday but procrastinated it
18:46.23kergothsame shit every week
18:46.42CosmicPenguinBut today the SO is at a movie, and I have the responsibility of trying to write this god forsaken video to DVD for review by the in-laws tonight
18:46.46kergothibot: seen mallum
18:46.48mallum <> was last seen on IRC in channel #elinux, 19h 49m 24s ago, saying: 'kergoth: gotcha'.
18:47.01kergothhm, wonder if he ever resolved the 'tinylogin segfaults when built with gcc3.x' bug
18:47.07kergothjust ran into it
18:47.18sorphinkergoth: hey mr, OZ, i know you're proud of rc3, but for me, having never messed w/ OZ before.. should i start w/ that, or 3.0 1st?
18:47.31kergothrc3 has bugs, but 3.0 has more.
18:47.37kergothour rcs are more stable than our releases, so far
18:47.52chouimatsorphin: use 2.9.5 :)
18:48.02sorphinkergoth: that doesn't look good for 3.1 final then :P
18:48.08sorphinchouimat: um.. i'm not talking about gcc
18:48.18kergoththere was a oz 2.9.5
18:48.26kergoth2.9.5.5 even
18:48.29kergothwas pretty stable actually
18:48.49kergothsorphin: for the most part the issue is we include Opie, which isnt released.
18:48.57kergothsorphin: we're following cvs. which means stability is up in the air
18:49.07kergothfor the GUI anyway. the base system is solid.
18:49.17kergothcourse that also means we get lets of new features
18:50.01kergothGOD usb-storage pisses me off
18:50.05kergothit crashes constantly
18:50.29chouimatkergoth: ditch it :)
18:50.41kergothchouimat: and what, copy the images over usb networking?
18:50.45kergothchouimat: like _thats_ any more stable
18:50.47kergothchouimat: :)
18:51.04filehi everyone
18:51.07chouimatkergoth: no use a windows box and use sambe :)
18:51.17kergoththats still usb networking
18:51.19kergothi dont have an AP at my house
18:51.31kergothbut even if i did, these are 24 meg images
18:51.35kergothwould take a while
18:51.36kergothhey josh
18:51.56filekergoth: greetings, what's up?
18:52.20kergothcleaning, hacking on things
18:52.27chouimathey file
18:52.45filechouimat: bonjour
18:52.59chouimatweatherbot: weather cyqb
18:53.00weatherbotCurrent conditions at Quebec, Que, Canada: It is -2 C (28 F), windspeed is 16.09 km/h, and visibility is 32.19 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.16 1800 UTC).
18:53.10kergothits beautiful out here today
18:53.16fileweatherbot: weather cyqm
18:53.18weatherbotCurrent conditions at Moncton, N. B., Canada: It is -3 C (26 F), windspeed is 8.05 km/h, and visibility is 24.14 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.16 1800 UTC).
18:53.54chouimatkergoth: here too ... but I'm waiting a phone call so I can't go out yet
18:54.19kergothI should go over to my parents house and play frisbee with my little brother or something
18:54.26kergothbetter than sitting on my ass here
18:54.48kergothyou still cant set init=/bin/sh when sh is a busybox link
18:54.58kergothcause the kernel just has to set argv[0] to 'init'
18:55.05kergothand of course i didnt enable busybox init..
18:55.08chouimatkergoth: I'm waiting for a phone call from my mother but since I don't have a work schedule here
18:55.22TomW_goneGPSFan: there is a "pilot tone" that the DOCSIS modems look for, then when they find it, they use that as a reference "tone" of some kind to adjust the XMIT & RECV level of the RF.
18:55.50kergothAny progress been made on the dct5000s yet? tim been around?
18:57.19GPSFanTomW_gone: hmmm that's interesting, when you get yours you can hook it up to your cable and see what happens.
18:58.35CosmicPenguinsorphin: good news bad news time
18:58.44CosmicPenguinGood news is that the DVDs work - bad news is that they look like crap
18:59.34chouimathmmmm need to fix that advanced firewall thing really soon because my brain is starting to rot
19:00.01*** join/#elinux mallum (
19:00.47kergothmallum: yo
19:02.43mallumkergoth: hey there
19:02.55mallumkergoth: did you get your libc build playing nicely ?
19:04.48TomWGPSFan: yeah, I am thinking of that..  When I purchased my cable modem from the ISP, they wanted the MAC address and the serial number of the unit.  The MAC I can understand, for the snmp negotiation, but was the serial number only for their records (they sold it to me, not some other vendor), or, is it part of the ID process when the modem contacts the tftp server?
19:05.28kergothmallum: yes
19:05.38kergothmallum: and promptly ran into your tinylogin segfault bug :)
19:05.44kergoth has the new toolchain
19:05.59kergothglibc 2.3.1, gcc3.2.3ds4(debian unstable package pool)
19:06.36GPSFanTomW: thanks, wish I had cable to play around with.
19:07.06mallumkergoth: ah cool, I'll update mine
19:07.18TomWGPSFan: when the weather changes radically, I occasionally have to "retrain" my modem: hold RESET and power cycle it.  It then goes through a process of listening to the pilot tone / freq to get it's RF adjusted.  The modem will function within +/- 2 or 3 db signal strength .
19:07.37mallumkergoth: I have a 2.3.1 image set with gdb to test the tinylogin seg
19:08.25kergothwas about to do one myself when i ran into the 'init=/bin/sh' doesnt work with busybox sh bug
19:08.30TomWGPSFan: that RF value I do not know (the minimum signal strength), they don't like to talk about the modems, but I have picked up some trivia like that over the years.
19:08.41kergoth~lart the kernel for setting argv[0] to init regardless of init= value
19:09.43*** join/#elinux mallum (
19:09.51TomWGPSFan: what I am wondering about, is the VOD (video on demand) services that the cable company just implemented in my area.  Wonder how that works?
19:10.26mallumwierd xchat just crashed
19:10.35TomWGPSFan: ... not that I would want to watch it without subscribing or anything like that, mind you...  :D
19:10.42mallumkergoth: its wierd that busybox works for familiar with 2.3.1
19:11.09chouimatTomW: the cable modem are using the mac adresse not the serial number
19:11.24kergothmallum: with init=/bin/sh?
19:11.29TomWchouimat: yeah, for the snmp.  
19:11.32kergothmallum: then they either patched busybox or patched the kernel
19:11.49kergothmallum: i suspect the former, given it was sandman who packaged busybox, and i discussed this with him in the past
19:12.27TomWGPSFan: chouimat: I know where I can borrow a spectrum analyzer....
19:12.49chouimatTomW: I worked for a cable co and I build their cable modem network ...
19:12.54mallumkergoth: hmm, I wonder where the patches are ?
19:12.58sorphinCosmicPenguin: what's your source? vhs? hi8?
19:13.06TomWchouimat: ooh! goodie!
19:13.16CosmicPenguinsorphin: the video is dv
19:13.24CosmicPenguinsorphin: but most of it is pictures
19:13.28chouimatTomW: I need to check if I still ave the PDFs :)
19:13.39kergothmallum: well, he has busybox cvs access.. so i dont see why he wouldnt have pushed the changes
19:13.39CosmicPenguinsorphin: thats why I think I might want to go non interlaced, and deal with the poor video
19:14.26GPSFanTomW: don't need to borrow one, I have an hp8552/8553/8554/8555/141T
19:14.27chouimatTomW: cable network -> computer network, not so big diff
19:14.39TomWGPSFan: nice toy.
19:15.01GPSFanswap meet and years of scrounging.
19:15.39TomWchouimat: yeah, I suspect that it is only a change in the physical network layer (RF) and peculiarities to the RF where it needs to level adjust it's AGC.
19:16.23TomWweatherbot: weather kabe
19:16.25weatherbotCurrent conditions at Allentown, Lehigh Valley International Airport, PA, United States: It is 17 C (64 F), windspeed is 11.27 km/h, and visibility is 16.09 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.16 1851 UTC).
19:17.44sorphinweatherbot: weather kstl
19:17.45weatherbotCurrent conditions at St. Louis, Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, MO, United States: It is 20 C (69 F), windspeed is 12.87 km/h, and visibility is 16.09 km. (Information current as of 2003.03.16 1853 UTC).
19:17.57GPSFanTomW: did your new cablemodem have a MAC address printed on a sticker? the DCT5000 doesn't, and there doesn't seem to be an eeprom inside to hold it.
19:18.26chouimatTomW: yup ... maybe you cable co don't do regular maintenance of the network ... like mine the technicinans are on strike for about 10 months ... so now the quality of the picture change from channel to channel, my ati tv wonder RF is dying ...
19:18.27TomWGPSFan: yes.  
19:19.17TomWchouimat: we have a consortium that does the Cable Modem stuff, PenTeleData, LLC.
19:19.18GPSFanTomW: we might have to "salvage" some MAC addresses then.
19:19.32TomWGPSFan: what? go promiscuis?
19:19.48chouimatTomW: I adjust the color, contrast and brightness on one channel, I change and I need to readjust the setting ...
19:20.18TomWsorphin: to see what you can see.
19:20.20chouimatsorphin: to make you wonder
19:20.27sorphinchouimat: wasn't talking to you
19:20.40chouimatsorphin: but I am :)
19:20.42sorphinTomW: heh
19:20.51GPSFansorphin: I'm just curious, I don't have cable to try it on.
19:20.54sorphinchouimat: then i'll have to rectify that.
19:21.03TomWsorphin: there is some info about uncapping the speed limit on the modems...
19:21.09sorphinTomW: i know
19:21.16chouimatTomW: where?
19:21.17sorphini know how cablemodem configuation works
19:21.24sorphina friend of mine ([mbm]) did it once before
19:21.33sorphinand got caught :P
19:21.42CosmicPenguinSelection Sunday baby!
19:21.45sorphincuz his modem wasn't tftp'ing a config from the headend anymore
19:21.49sorphinand they noticed
19:22.06sorphinthe docsis config tells the modem what speed it should have
19:22.11sorphinthat's it
19:22.21sorphinas far as speed control i mean
19:22.53sorphinthe tftp'd config tells the modem what it needs to know/do, so simple to hijack
19:23.20TomWI just realized something, they didn't have me sign the Residential Service Contract, the one with two pages of fine print telling me that I cannot have a server, cannot do this, cannot do that...
19:24.07TomWI had a commercial account with PTD and BRC must have forgotten about that when I converted the account to a residential.
19:25.24TomWsorphin: we had no limitations on what we could do in the "early days", but as the system grew & grew, they got greedy and started charging for stuff that had been free.
19:25.41TomWsorphin: static IPs, use of a server, speed limits...
19:25.43CosmicPenguinsorphin: are you allowed to have servers, or can you make sure they don't check you?  :)
19:25.53sorphinCosmicPenguin: i'm allowed to
19:26.26sorphinheh, now here's the typical kinda /. story i could do without:
19:26.28sorphinFarscape Fans Reinventing Television
19:26.37TomWCosmicPenguin: I can put a server together, as long as it is above port 1023, they block the incoming SYN request below 1024.  Except for port 22.
19:27.48prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hey the index block in the config file, does it support more that 2 columns?
19:27.51TomWthey cannot block above 1023 and not hear a howl of protest from their users.
19:27.53sorphinoh, and i can't forget "children of dune" on /. too, that scifi advertises during their 10 min block of commercials, followed by 5 mins of programming
19:29.17sorphinprpplague: heh, who's you beat up to get this going? ;) Texas Bill Would Require Open Source Consideration
19:29.45prpplaguesorphin: most of the local GOP meetings
19:29.52prpplaguesorphin: been pushing for a while
19:38.45mallum24 is on tonight :)
19:40.34*** join/#elinux kergoth (
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19:42.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: so as long as i keep within the pixel size i can do as many columns as possible?
19:42.55kergothstupid fucking usb-storage crashed again
19:45.36kergothmallum: hmm
19:46.04sorphinkergoth: yup
19:46.18sorphinkergoth: welcome to my world, and how i had a hdd get fscked :P
19:46.42sorphinkergoth: my main drive, which wasn't even on the USB no less
19:46.46sorphinand was ext3 :P
19:47.31sorphinkergoth: ironically, the windows side works perfect :P
19:47.36chouimat|gonesorphin: ouch
19:48.06chouimat|gonesorphin: any data lost?
19:48.35sorphinthe linux side... seems to suck ass most of the time, i downgraded kernels to try and help fix things cuz of a usb bug, it helped some.. but not completely
19:48.49sorphinyou can't do more than 1 thing on a usb drive on the chain
19:48.51kergothheh, i've tried a billion kernel versions
19:48.53kergoth2.4, 2.5
19:48.56sorphini.e. if you try and read from it while writing
19:48.57kergothusb-storage sucks everywhere
19:48.59sorphinyou'll hang
19:49.02sorphinthe bus
19:49.11sorphinthat's how i coastered my burn i was doing of christine
19:49.17chouimat|gonesorphin: got a hug crash here, my home dir goit unlinked ....
19:49.19sorphinthe source drive hung
19:49.25sorphinburnfree waited and waited
19:49.29sorphinand timed out
19:49.49sorphini still think there's gotta be a way to finish, using burn free to catch up where it was
19:49.52sorphinbut i can't find shit on how
19:50.40sorphinkergoth: i've been wishing i'd gotten a dual interface case
19:50.50sorphinused firewire for the pc, and used the usb2.0 for on the tivos
19:51.00sorphinesp since
19:51.06sorphinthe damn chips in these usb cases
19:51.14sorphinmaxes out at 18M
19:51.41kergothcopying a 24mb image to my cf card.. *crosses fingers*
19:51.50chouimat|gonekergoth: c700?
19:52.18sorphinkergoth: at one point i was using 2.4.19, backed out to .17 i think it is..
19:52.41chouimat|gonesorphin: I'm using 2.4.21pre5 so far so good
19:52.59kergothchouimat|gone: yeah, hacking on the c700 support again. figured i'd finish it
19:53.36sorphinkergoth: what's the most life you've gotten out of your 55?
19:53.46kergothdefine life
19:54.41kergoth*ahem* define life _in this context_
19:54.48sorphinbattery :P
19:55.06kergothah, dont know actually. i'm almost always tethered to a wall
19:55.14CosmicPenguinprpplague: yes to your previous question
19:55.15chouimat|gonekergoth: life == some happy moment in a sea of boredom
19:55.35sorphinkergoth: still kinda disappoints me
19:55.41sorphini use it for not even 10 mins
19:55.45sorphinand it charges for a hour
19:56.00kergothI can use mine for a few hours roughly
19:56.33sorphini never see it self discharge like the LiIon in my laptop does either
19:56.45sorphinwas kinda surprised
19:58.25prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ok, thanks, one more question about the interger option
19:59.36prpplagueCosmicPenguin: can we do something like integer(min,max,default) ?
20:01.13kergothmallum: when I run getty 38400 tty1 from a prompt in my image it runs fine.. odd
20:02.18mallumkergoth: hmm, are you init=/bin/sh with bash ?
20:02.28kergothnope, i'm init=/bin/sh with busybox sh
20:02.33kergoth(i patched the kernel to make it work)
20:02.34*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
20:02.40kergothhey TheMasterMind1
20:02.52kergothI'm rebuilding with init=/sbin/init again to check my sanity
20:03.08kergothsorphin: dont say a word
20:04.15mallumkergoth: cool, is the c700 kernel building with your new 3.2 ?
20:04.28kergothI dont build kernels with gcc3, they're known to fail to boot
20:06.42mallumkergoth: ah ok, on all arches ?
20:07.04kergothi dont build any kernels anywhere with gcc3 to be safe
20:07.15kergothgot a segmentation fault when i boot with init
20:08.09mallumkergoth: can I do like a make CROSS_GCC=2.95.3 SUBDIRS=packages/kernel-c700 ?
20:09.55kergothhmm, not at the moment, no
20:10.13mallumkergoth: np, I've just been stop/starting it
20:10.40kergothvi .config .. /GCCVER .. s/2.95.3/3.2/  .. :wq ..
20:10.45kergothrinse, repeat
20:10.55kergothI'm thinking I'll keep a seperate buildroot for kernel builds
20:11.01kergothsince a kernel build is no longer required to build glibc
20:12.26mallumyeah sounds good
20:13.31sorphinkergoth: i've been compiling w/ gcc 3.2 for a while, never had a kernel fail
20:13.58kergothyeah, some people say that
20:14.15kergothyet you can read RMK's emails go on for 2 pages of all the ARM compilation bugs that make the kernel explode in gcc 3.x
20:14.54kergothmallum: hey cool, just made it so you can override gcc ver from the commandline
20:14.56kergothmallum: i'll push it
20:16.09kergothwe need some new screenshots of how opie looks now
20:16.12kergothwith the new crystal icon set
20:16.14sorphininstead of just 3000 opies ;)
20:16.55kergothas soon as it open sources, rest assured it will be
20:17.08scanlinewhat's the advantage of pixil? :)
20:17.49filescanline: welcome back to conciousness
20:18.04scanlinegood morning
20:18.56kergothmallum: does your getty segfault when run from the commandline?
20:19.19mallumkergoth: no there yet, building a new image with new gcc x-compile - should be ready in a mo
20:19.22sorphinscanline: it's neat, and it's CosmicPenguin approved *grin*
20:19.24CosmicPenguinscanline: don't start with me
20:19.27kergothmallum: k
20:19.33scanlinesorphin: good enough for me
20:19.51CosmicPenguinscanline: too much of PicoGUI has already found its way into Microwindows ayway
20:20.01sorphinscanline: ever fix pgserver? :P~
20:20.04scanlinewhat parts, touchscreen code?
20:20.14scanlinesorphin: fix what about it?
20:21.12CosmicPenguinscanline: definately the touchscreen code
20:21.20CosmicPenguinscanline: and probably some of the alpha blending stuff
20:21.30mallumkergoth: btw, if you run ts_calibrate from within opie, does it switch vt ok ?
20:21.33sorphinscanline: the last time i'd talked to you about picogui, was when pgserver wouldn't compile or something :P
20:21.44kergothmallum: i doubt it
20:21.50scanlinesorphin: eh.. pgserver works fine, though it probably still has Zaurus-related problems that I haven't touched
20:21.59sorphinscanline: this wasn't for Z
20:22.01sorphinthis was for tux
20:22.12scanlinewell I haven't touched the tux stuff in even longer
20:22.34scanlinefixing tux and zaurus is on the list of stuff to do before 1.0
20:22.43mallumkergoth: It works wierdly with X too, it seems not to 'flush' away the old contents of the framebuffer which is wierd
20:22.59mallumkergoth: I made some patches to ts_calibrate, Im yet to try ..
20:25.22CosmicPenguinscanline: Hope you have something else to do - thats running of a 200Mhz machine at the slow end of a DSL line
20:25.37scanlineit's gettin there...
20:25.54scanlinewhy such a slow server?
20:26.04sorphinok you other Z owners.. does *anyone* bother w/ screen protectors?
20:26.08scanlinethere's always sourceforge
20:26.38CosmicPenguinscanline: yeah, right...  
20:27.18sorphinscanline: you mean suckforge?
20:27.19scanlineI could maybe run a server on for ya ;)
20:27.31scanlinesorphin: yeah.. but when it's not down, it's usually faster than DSL
20:27.40sorphinscanline: which isn't often
20:27.45sorphinwhich is why they have mirrors now ;p
20:27.57sorphinscanline: btw.. re. navi
20:28.02sorphinaren't you capped again yet? ;)
20:28.06prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hey
20:28.10scanlinedon't think I am
20:28.18CosmicPenguinprpplague: yo?
20:28.22prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i didn't get an answer to my last question
20:28.30CosmicPenguinthe answer is yes
20:28.32prpplagueCosmicPenguin: can we do something like integer(min,max,default) ?
20:28.38prpplagueCosmicPenguin: for that one?
20:28.44CosmicPenguinoh - ummmm...  I forget
20:29.09sorphin"the answer is yes" :P
20:29.31CosmicPenguinprpplague: actually, its default, min, max, step, bigstep
20:29.39mallumkergoth: do you have a patch for the kernel to work with init=/bin/sh ?
20:29.52kergothmallum: yeah, need it?
20:29.58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ahh, i didn't see an example so i didn't know
20:30.06mallumkergoth: yeah wouldn't hurt. bash dont seem to want to build
20:30.09prpplagueCosmicPenguin: one last thing
20:30.40mallumkergoth: I should port the crystal icons to matchbox/gpe
20:30.41prpplagueCosmicPenguin: when starting the app, is there an argument for telling it which .list file to use?
20:30.57CosmicPenguinoutlook unsure - ask again later... :)
20:31.06prpplagueCosmicPenguin: lol
20:31.13mallumkergoth: but first build a matchbox package for OZ :-)
20:31.19CosmicPenguinprpplague: no, but there should be...
20:31.25CosmicPenguinprpplague: stick it on the bug list, will ya?
20:31.29prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ok, yep
20:31.45kergothmallum: good plan
20:32.32CosmicPenguinprpplague: actually, I envision a config file - apparently we will need to support multiple forms at the same time
20:33.57kergothmallum: you got mail.
20:34.20mallumkergoth: thx, brb ... dinner
20:35.33sorphinkergoth: yo
20:36.26prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya but it would just be as easy to have an icon for survey form1
20:36.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: and survey form2
20:36.40kergothsorphin: yea?
20:36.48CosmicPenguinprpplague: yeah, but that means we need to make a canvas widget
20:36.57sorphinkergoth: don't shoot me, ok?
20:37.08sorphinkergoth: highly thinking i'll take the rc3 plunge
20:37.36sorphinhas no CF or mmc
20:37.48kergothCant do it.
20:38.00kergothUnless you want to write an app to mmap /dev/mem and write the data to flash directly
20:38.13kergothbecause teh sharp mtd driver is read only.
20:38.22kergothcant use the mtd layer to write to it
20:38.38kergothlater chouimat
20:38.39sorphinthen how's their windows toy do it? :P
20:38.44kergothsorphin: good question :)
20:38.48kergothprobably the method i just named
20:38.57chouimat|gonekergoth: will go take a walk to a used book store :)
20:39.54sorphinkergoth: all i know is it reboots the Z and flashes
20:40.14kergothsorphin: probably drops a startup script into place which mmaps /dev/mem and writes
20:40.28sorphinthat's how i mess w/ the tivo's prom ;p
20:40.39kergothI'm sure linux can handle having its rootfs and kernel written out from under it
20:41.10kergothI need a tivo
20:41.16sorphinkergoth: i have too many
20:41.18sorphinwant one? :P
20:41.29kergothunless we get the dct5000 able to do PVR, in which case i'll be content
20:42.04kergothah ha!
20:42.12kergothtomw's makedevs tool segfaults when built with gcc3
20:42.15kergoththats why my image wouldnt boot
20:42.22sorphinand a series 2 i need to offload
20:42.30kergothI'd be willing to take one off your hands. how much?
20:42.42sorphinwhich one?
20:42.44kergothmallum: makedevs segfaults in gcc3
20:42.57chouimat|gonesorphin: series is which powerpc?
20:42.59kergothhell if i know, i dont even know the difference :)
20:43.05sorphinthe S1's got ether already ala me :P
20:43.44sorphinum.. the series 1's are PPC, all mine have 32M of mem, i can give a bigger drive w/in reason (they have 15G right now, cuz i used them for testing)
20:44.12chouimat|gonesorphin: which ppc cpu?
20:44.18sorphini still use one of the 3 as my live tivo
20:44.41sorphineh.. $125 ?
20:44.47sorphinall have socketed proms
20:47.04sorphinkergoth: ya know, i wish the damn Z had pcmcia :P then i could use my 2 pcmcia hdds :P
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20:47.30kergoth_and usb-storage kicks my ass again
20:47.33chouimat|gonehuh? two kergoth we're doom
20:47.49sorphinkergoth_: yup
20:47.53*** mode/#eLinux [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
20:47.57sorphinkergoth: last thing you saw?
20:48.26kergoththat the S1s have ether, and that they have 15gb atm
20:48.40sorphini still use one of the 3 as my live tivo
20:48.44sorphinall have socketed proms
20:48.49sorphineh.. $125 ?
20:49.33kergothreasonable, but I'm broke. badly. as in, a month behind on my electric, mortgage, gas, and water
20:49.44kergothit'll take a couple months to get out of the fucking hole i'm in
20:49.54sorphinthey aren't goin anywhere
20:50.19chouimat|gonesorphin: which powerpc cpu they used in series 1?
20:52.42mallumkergoth: aha
20:52.57kergothmallum: so we only have the _base_ set of devices, the ones in flash
20:52.59kergothmallum: b00m b00m
20:54.14mallumkergoth: doh :(
20:54.26sorphinkergoth: heh
20:54.26mallumkergoth: makedev must be pretty simple program though ?
20:54.30kergothit is, very simple
20:54.37sorphinkergoth: is this what happened to you? :P
20:54.39sorphin"If it makes your Zaurus steal your girlfriend, do not come crying to us."
20:54.41kergotheither the xscale opts are borking it, or gcc3 in general
20:54.58sorphinkergoth: it's prolly the xscale opts
20:55.02kergothyep, probably
20:56.11*** join/#elinux bobcat (
20:56.20bobcatsorphin: ping
20:56.27sorphinbobcat: hmm ?
20:56.38bobcatbobcat: did you put me on ignore?
20:56.57bobcatsorphin: did you put chouimat on ignore?
20:57.02bobcatsorphin: yup
20:57.03sorphinyes, i did
20:57.22bobcatsorphin: ok I want to know which powerpc cpu the series 1 use
20:58.20sorphinbobcat: cpu             : IBM 403GCX
20:58.53bobcatsorphin: thanks ...
20:58.58mallumkergoth: is it just getting mtune'd for xscale ?
20:59.28kergothmallum: in buildroot, everything does
20:59.40kergothmallum: CFLAGS gets the opts implicitly
20:59.44mallumkergoth: yeah. no other xscale opts ?
21:00.02bobcatsorphin: that took time but I got an answer ...
21:00.03kergothexport FULL_OPTIMIZATION = -fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer -O2
21:00.18chouimat|goneok i'm off
21:00.23filechouimat|gone: ttyl
21:00.38mallumkergoth: cool, so it should still run on strongarm , right ?
21:00.56kergothits just tuned for xscale
21:01.02kergothwhich is why we dont set -mcpu..
21:01.09mallumokie, playing with it on my cats box
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21:07.00mallumkergoth: okie I have it segving on the cats
21:07.43mallumgdb) set args -r ./ -D device_table.txt
21:07.43mallum(gdb) run
21:07.43mallumStarting program: /home/mallum/Projects/makedev/makedev -r ./ -D device_table.txt
21:07.43mallumProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
21:07.43mallum0x40091f64 in mallopt () from /lib/
21:07.43mallum(gdb) bt
21:07.45mallum#0  0x40091f64 in mallopt () from /lib/
21:07.47mallumCannot access memory at address 0x78
21:07.56sorphinmallum: maybe it needs more catnip?
21:08.37mallumsorphin: 1 of our real cats, got a pigeon last night and left bits of it round the house as a gift for us this morning
21:09.05sorphinmallum: lovely
21:09.08kergothmallum: flashing an image with makedevs built without opts
21:09.44mallumkergoth: cool, with them hardcoded ?
21:10.03bobcatmmm pigeon
21:10.31kergothboom boom
21:10.33kergothstill crashes
21:11.46bobcatsorphin: that very very mean
21:12.47sorphinmore broad this time :P
21:13.09bobcatsince he ignore me ... I think sorphin is a bofh
21:13.56sorphinchouimat|gone: um.. you act like calling me a bofh is a bad thing :P
21:14.11kergothmallum: bug in getline() in glibc 2.3.1 perhaps?
21:14.17chouimat|gonesorphin: ok you don't have any patience then ....
21:14.27sorphinchouimat|gone: you obviously know nothing about what a bofh is, nor anything about me.
21:14.41sorphinchouimat|gone: and no, i don't, not when it comes to ignorance :P
21:14.48sorphinand when ppl but in :P
21:14.59chouimat|gonesorphin: :)
21:15.11sorphinchouimat|gone: now good day, cuz i doubt you'll be circumventing this new ignore :P
21:15.30filesorphin is an irritating persion...
21:15.56chouimat|gonefile: yup ... and very irratable too ...
21:16.00mallumkergoth: from stepping through, looks like line 249 is the problem
21:16.42kergothmallum: right
21:16.47mallumkergoth: on line /dev/fb0autodetect
21:16.56kergothmallum: getline is supposed to allocate mem for the line buffer if line was NULL
21:17.06kergothmallum: but apparently getline returns success, and line is still NULL
21:17.16kergothmallum: hence the explosion when it attempts to free
21:17.19kergoththats my theory anyway, testing now
21:17.44filechouimat|gone: aren't you supposed to be gone?
21:17.51mallumkergoth: maybe just a if (line) free(line) for now ?
21:18.17kergothmallum: well, if line is NULL, obviously its not going to be able to parse the line and create the device.. something weird is going on
21:18.26chouimat|gonefile: I'm on the phone :( and I think I got an idea on how circuvent sorphin ignore :)
21:20.23mallumkergoth: maybe a better fix is to allocate *line outselves ?
21:20.49kergothmallum: probably, then we dont rely on getline()'s sanity
21:20.55kergothmallum: besides, its inefficient
21:21.03kergothmallum: malloc, free, malloc, free, rinse, repeat
21:21.27filechouimat|gone: hehe
21:23.16sorphinkergoth: where's oz hosted? (asking so i know whether i should definately use a mirror or not)
21:23.27kergothso yes
21:23.33kergothif they've been updated anyway
21:24.20mallumfile: cheap ?
21:24.34filemallum: $2.95/mth USD is my cheapest
21:25.13fileor if you pay $7.95 it's 750MB storage, 15GB bandwidth, static IP and all kinds of junk...
21:25.38file$2.95 gets you 100mb storage and 5GB of bandwidth
21:25.49mallumkergoth: changing line 235 to  line = alloca(256); and removing the free(line) and line = NULL below seems to fix it
21:26.09fileoops - 20GB bandwidth for $7.95
21:26.35mallumfile: thats pretty damn good.
21:26.47filemallum: yeah... I'm not marking it up or anything for people I know
21:26.57filemallum: that's the base price :)
21:27.24kergothmallum: getline expects a malloc() allocated buffer
21:27.34kergothmallum: if 256 isnt large enough, it'll try a realloc() on it, and promptly blow up :)
21:27.44mallumfile: can you take cc payments ?
21:27.48kergothso i'll just malloc it and free prior to function return
21:27.50filemallum: via Paypal...
21:28.15mallumkergoth: ah cool, Im getting too light handed lately with alloca :-)
21:28.17filemallum: I'm paid up for 2 years on my master account, server fees, etc so I'll be around that long LOL
21:28.29kergothmallum: hehe. its useful.. just not in this case :)
21:32.32mallumfile: I may well chase you up about hosting in near future
21:32.43filemallum: ic
21:33.28filemallum: the hosting is done on a nice box, dual Pentium 3 1.113GHz processors - 512MB of RAM, RAID5, total of 200mbps bandwidth :)
21:34.13mallumfile: I have a intel 2u dual PIII , 1Gb just sitting on my desk doing nothing :(
21:34.28filemallum: use it for something!
21:34.31mallumfile: I was mean to get that hosted somewhere
21:34.49mallumfile: will probably sell / donate / trade
21:34.56filemallum: ic
21:35.27filemallum: I will also accept hardware for payment of hosting!
21:35.45file(SDRAM is what I need)
21:36.49sorphinmallum: speed?
21:37.06mallumsorphin: dual 500's
21:37.24sorphinfaster than my dual PPro box, and is already in a rack case
21:37.45sorphinw/ lotsa goodies, but 2 mid towers at the bottom still
21:37.50mallumremember Im in UK so there is a problem of postage costs ...
21:37.57sorphinmallum: hehe
21:38.02sorphinmallum: trust me, i know
21:38.17filemallum: pay for a year of hosting and get a free MySQL database!
21:38.32chouimatewwwwww mysql
21:38.47sorphinhe's still trying to beg $ to recover shipping ;p
21:39.51mallumkergoth: is it working for you with a malloc ?
21:45.27filechouimat: what's up?
21:46.58kergothmallum: woot
21:47.04kergothmallum: she's booting just fine now
21:47.10kergothi'll push the changes
21:49.20chouimatfile: nothing
21:49.32filechouimat: amazing
21:51.56mallumkergoth: rock :-) give me a nudge when you push
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22:30.37kergothmallum: er, nevermind, it didnt boot properly, just looked like it
22:30.41kergothmallum: must've missed something
22:31.06mallumkergoth: I cant get it to not segv with various combo's of malloc
22:31.14kergothsame here
22:31.17kergothsomething really weird is going on
22:31.50mallumkergoth: maybe drop the getline and use an fgets instead ?
22:32.25kergoththat may be best
22:44.18mallumkergoth: bah, its still segv'ing with an fgets ! :(
22:44.27mallum24 time, biab
22:44.35kergothmallum_24: wtf?
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23:07.01prpplagueCosmicPenguin: lo
23:07.06prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you around?
23:10.15prpplaguekergoth: go clean
23:10.49chouimatkergoth: usb-storage again?
23:11.07kergothmy uptime is.. 4 minutes
23:11.24prpplaguekergoth: usb storage or hot date?
23:11.41chouimatprpplague: lol
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23:38.24CosmicPenguinprpplague: yep

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