irclog2html for #elinux on 20030306

00:00.14jacquesCosmicPenguin: hmmm that's too close to call
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00:29.27CosmicPenguinsorphin: transcode is working well, now that I am a little bit more sure of what its doing
00:29.31CosmicPenguinsorphin: it takes forever though
00:30.02sorphinsounds normal to me
00:30.09sorphinreal transcoding takes eons
00:30.34sjhill~ibot transcode
00:30.34i heard transcode is a linux video processing tool that can be used to encode divx movies for the zaurus.  see or talk to Onyx4 for any problems/questions. or or a faster and better alternative for transcode is see mencoder
00:31.17sjhillwow, zaurus can play divx....jumpin' jellybeans
00:31.55kergothyeah, works pretty well
00:32.08kergothiirc either opieplayer2 or mplayer/xmms-e can
00:35.15CosmicPenguinheh: [tcscan] CD:  650 MB | V:  647.8 MB @ 38816.0 kbps
00:38.49CosmicPenguinsorphin: now thats some wasted bandwidth, eh?
00:39.45sorphini guess.. whatever that is..
00:40.13CosmicPenguin33816 kbps?  Thats 33 mbps...
00:42.18andersee33 milli-bits per second
00:56.36sievenight al
01:13.23*** join/#elinux chouimat (
01:24.41CosmicPenguinahh, finally I figured out how to set a constant bit rate
01:58.15jacquestranscode does seem to have a heck of a learning curve
01:58.32*** part/#elinux sjhill (~NOYB@
02:30.32CosmicPenguinjacques: don't underestimate my stupidity though
02:34.49jacquesCosmicPenguin: no, I have looked at transcode and I was... astounded
03:32.10CosmicPenguinMonMotha: did you get it?
03:36.11MonMothaCosmicPenguin: nope, never figured it out
03:37.36CosmicPenguinMonMotha: I finally got mine figured out
03:38.09CosmicPenguinMonMotha: its a royal pain in the ass, eh?
03:38.19MonMothamencoder? yeah
03:38.29MonMothathe docs aren't arranged very well big manpage for mplayer and mencoder
03:41.31CosmicPenguinMonMotha: I would recommend transcoder, but its not much better
03:42.56*** join/#elinux prpplague (
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03:43.14jacquesif and when I start using transcoder I am going to try one of the various front-ends first I think
03:44.44prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yo!
03:44.47prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you alive?
03:45.12chouimatprpplague: wb
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14:59.35chouimathi prpplague
15:00.25prpplaguechouimat: lo
15:01.31chouimatgrrrrr my cat is on my keyboard again
15:02.53prpplaguewhats with the google logo today?
15:03.19leachbjmichelangelo's birthday?
15:03.40chouimatprpplague: happy birthday google
15:04.19prpplagueleachbj: today is michalangelo's birthday?
15:04.49leachbj(just checked.  if you click on the logo you will get search results :)
15:05.24prpplaguethats funny, today is my birthday and i have never heard about this being michelangelo's as well
15:05.43chouimathappy birthday prpplague
15:05.49ade|indyhappy birthday
15:06.25leachbjhappy birthday then!
15:06.35prpplaguethanks guys
15:12.44sorphinibot: guinness prpplague
15:12.46ACTION pours a creamy pint of dark bitter guinness stout and hands it to prpplague
15:12.49sorphinprpplague: there's your present
15:14.56CosmicPenguinmmmm.... birthdays
15:17.15sorphinCosmicPenguin: so... are we gonna be saying mmmm.... pixil today? *grin*
15:17.50prpplaguesorphin: thanks
15:18.10sorphinprpplague: so what are you now? 60? 62? *grin*
15:20.45CosmicPenguinsorphin: I don't know - I still need to clean some code up
15:23.26prpplaguesorphin: the big 33
15:23.44prpplaguesorphin: you know, the same as the iq of most telco workers
15:24.17chouimatprpplague: I tought 33 was the average iq of texas
15:25.37prpplaguechouimat: naw, we have high intelligence here, we just choose to look dumb so ppl will leave us alone
15:25.49chouimatprpplague: hehe
15:25.52CosmicPenguinchouimat: no, actually its the average blood alcohol level
15:26.04prpplaguechouimat: if everyone know how nice texas was, we'd have an influx of yankees
15:26.08chouimatCosmicPenguin: hehe ...
15:27.23CosmicPenguinAny regular X programmers in the house?
15:27.45chouimatCosmicPenguin: I have the 7 o'reilly books on X
15:28.02CosmicPenguinchouimat: heh - I used to have those before I got fired... :(
15:28.32chouimatCosmicPenguin: found them a 2.99 CAD in a used book store :)
15:29.53CosmicPenguinchouimat: I'm trying to figure out how filling a shape with a tiled pixmap works if you specify a positive offset to start the tiling
15:30.26CosmicPenguinDoes it start the tiling at 0,0 of the pixmap, or does it offset accordingly in the pixmap as well?
15:30.56chouimatCosmicPenguin: don't know didn't read the book yet
15:33.08CosmicPenguinchouimat: ahh
15:41.56CosmicPenguinI think thats the right functionality, but I'm not positive
15:46.10*** join/#elinux sieve (~sieve@
15:46.45sievemorning all
15:59.23sjhill~ibot insult sorphin
16:00.25sjhillsorphin: i'm disappointed....not insult today
16:00.41sorphinsjhill: deal with it
16:01.08sjhillwell, onto to another MIPS board today...Alchemy Pb1500
16:01.19sjhillUSB, VGA ... blech
16:02.19sjhilleeep....rough week?
16:03.15sorphinwell, every week is a rough week for me, yesterday was just extra shitty
16:03.45filehi Master MIPS
16:03.53sjhillhi file
16:04.15fileI discovered my hdd mobile racks have fans too... nice discovery
16:05.20*** mode/#eLinux [+o kergoth] by ChanServ
16:05.39CosmicPenguinwelcome in mr OZ
16:05.55sorphinwell, now we have almost everyone
16:06.04CosmicPenguinsorphin: just because Pixil is a little late, it doesn't mean you need to take drastic measures
16:06.10sorphinMr. Oz, Mr. Pixil, Mr. POS and Mr. MIPS
16:06.22prpplagueCosmicPenguin: its Mr. OEM now: Open Embedded Master
16:06.24fileand Mr. Tracking
16:06.32sorphinCosmicPenguin: unrelated to pixil
16:06.52sorphinprpplague: so what're you gonna call the nudie bar then?
16:07.22CosmicPenguinsorphin: sounds like the cast of Reseveior Dogs 2 - the geeks comth
16:07.51prpplaguesorphin: "The Kings Head Pub"
16:07.58sorphinprpplague: btw
16:08.10sorphinprpplague: if i was gonna scam CC's i'd want this reader, not the one i bought:
16:08.48prpplaguesorphin: naw, thats not as good as a Z with a serial reader attached
16:09.10sorphinprpplague: this one is less obvious :P
16:09.23CosmicPenguinsorphin: BTW - transcode solved all my problems :)
16:09.27CosmicPenguinsorphin: once I figured it out, that is
16:09.37sorphinCosmicPenguin: cool
16:09.46prpplaguesorphin: ya well, with a serial you can Y it off, one to the POS the other to the Z
16:10.12CosmicPenguinsorphin: 67 seconds at 4 mbps - about 34 MB
16:10.39CosmicPenguinIt and the code fit nicely on a 64MB hard drive
16:10.54CosmicPenguins/hard drive/CF drive/
16:11.00kergothsome idiot product manager asks us to unzip a zip given us by engineering to put it on the web
16:11.12kergothI reply and say our ISO procedures dont facilitate altering files from engineering prior to posting.
16:11.18sorphinibot: cluebat cosmicpixilguin
16:11.20ACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps cosmicpixilguin.
16:11.27kergothmy boss replies and says we should use some common sense isntead of blindly following procedures
16:11.40CosmicPenguinsorphin: hmm... I like that
16:11.43kergoth1) silent jab at my common sense 2) last i checked following ISO was good, as we keep our certifications
16:11.47kergothfucking idiots
16:12.03sorphinkergoth: indeed
16:12.21kergothbut hey, I'll make _him_ take on responsibility for every deviation
16:12.28kergothit wont be my ass on the line at the next audit, thats for damn sure
16:16.00sorphinCosmicPenguin: who's that? greg?
16:16.26chouimatkergoth: problems with stupid ISO certification?
16:17.12kergothchouimat: no, problems with idiot management who dont want to follow procedure.
16:17.52kergothhow many times do i need to tell them? if the procedures arent accurate or dont fit, FIX THE FUCKING PROCEDURES
16:17.58kergothdont deviate from them and get our certs yanked
16:18.12chouimatkergoth: my ex parents work for a co that want to get ISO certified but it's never the same guys who meet with the certifier so they never get it :)
16:18.52CosmicPenguinsorphin: no, me.. :)
16:19.09sorphinCosmicPenguin: ah
16:19.25chouimathmmmm narcissism
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16:43.31kergothhey tim
16:43.39anderseeTimRiker: morning
16:43.58kergoth~cluebat digi
16:44.00ACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps digi.
16:44.08CosmicPenguinandersee awakes!
16:49.42fileandersee: evil.
16:49.42prpplaguekergoth: nice
16:49.47prpplaguekergoth: boss doesn't want to follow ISO standards?
16:50.03kergothprpplague: worse, product management, and my boss is bending over for em
16:50.59prpplaguekergoth: sounds like he's bending the other way
16:51.39kergoththe dood has no balls. he lets the entire company trample tech support continually. its rather pathetic.
16:53.01prpplague"hello this bob in tech support, i'm having a meeting today, could i have my balls back for a couple of hours?"
16:54.00prpplague"sorry they are already checked out to the female shipping manager today!"
16:59.22mallumprpplague: hey
17:00.04prpplaguemallum: howdy my fine uk friend
17:04.05mallumprpplague: hey I think Im coming to Texas :-)
17:04.16mallumprpplague: kick its arse
17:04.33prpplaguemallum: cool, where and when?
17:04.40CosmicPenguinmallum: from the UK to Texas?  Thats like moving to Mars
17:05.02prpplaguebtw, anyone know the origins of the word "cruft" ?
17:06.57mallumprpplague: june, for usenix
17:07.16prpplaguemallum: hmm, i think thats in austin
17:07.39prpplaguemallum: gotta run, bbiaf, and i can get details
17:08.27mallumprpplague: okey
17:13.43sorphinprpplague: you whoring yourself out to that shipping chick again?
17:14.23kergothsorphin: you say that like its a bad thing
17:14.57sorphinkergoth: heh, you've seen her right?
17:15.06sorphinkergoth: and i'm not talking about ashley
17:24.27chouimatsorphin: I'm working at home ... and the only chicks I see are those in bar/pub/club
17:27.51chouimatbrb I need to shave my head
17:46.15kergothsorphin: oh, _that_ one
17:46.17kergothsorphin: heheh
17:46.41sorphinkergoth: i'd rather have em chopped off than to let that skank have em
17:46.51kergothyea, agreed
18:08.03*** join/#elinux gatofisch (
18:26.42*** join/#elinux balor (~balor@
18:27.29balorprpplague: Got a priceon hackkit yet?
18:30.08CosmicPenguinbalor: prpplague is afk at the moment, I believe
18:30.19CosmicPenguinbalor: so don't think he is a jerk if he doesn't respond
18:30.33balorpeople can be busy :)
18:30.41balorI'll allow them
18:31.21CosmicPenguinplus, its his birthday, so be nice to him.. :)
18:31.41balorHe should be drunk then (if he drinks)
18:31.57CosmicPenguinthats like asking water if its wet
18:31.59sorphin~fishslap balor as a warning to not be annoying :P
18:32.00ACTION slaps balor as a warning to not be annoying :P up side the head with a wet fish.
18:33.07balorwhats a blootbot?
18:33.16CosmicPenguinibot: blootblot
18:33.17CosmicPenguin: I don't know, could you explain it?
18:33.19CosmicPenguinibot: blootbot
18:33.19[blootbot] is a SF project. Patches welcome, submit on SF or, or
18:37.21prpplaguebalor: a complete hack kit will run $450
18:37.45balorprpplague: happy birthday
18:37.50prpplaguebalor: thanks
18:38.08balorprpplague: What about the version without the interface cards and stuff
18:38.44prpplaguebalor: something like $375
18:39.10prpplaguebalor: got a project you want use it with?
18:39.23prpplaguebalor: main problem with the cost is the small qty right now
18:40.16balorprpplague: I was emailing you about clustering them before
18:40.25prpplaguebalor: many companies will advertise their boards for around the same price, however you have to purchase 100 units at a time
18:40.28prpplaguebalor: ahh
18:40.56prpplaguebalor: ya theorecticaly you could just stack the boards one ontop another
18:41.49CosmicPenguinprpplague: you could set up a passive backplane with the GPIO lines
18:43.10prpplagueCosmicPenguin: why even do that? the pc104 connectors are through hole so you can stack the boards already
18:44.46balorprpplague: r u US based?
18:45.01prpplaguebalor: i am, but my partnet is .de
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18:58.09balorwhat kind of cheaper h/w is available to develop elinux on?
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19:01.36prpplaguebalor: elinux doesn't have to be done on an arm core
19:01.50prpplaguebalor: are you just wanting to learn embedded techniques?
19:02.54balorprpplague: yep
19:03.04balorprpplague: I was looking for a good s/w emulator
19:04.11prpplaguebalor: thats a cheap system that is great for tinkering and playing with
19:04.42prpplaguebalor:   $47
19:07.38balorlooks like a small 486, nothing more really; am I being mean?
19:08.13prpplaguebalor: ya nothing more than a sbc 486
19:08.23prpplaguebalor: works with a passive back plain
19:08.46prpplaguebalor: you can yank the cpu board and then put in on larger/small configrations
19:09.27ade|indyanyone got a tuxscreen jffs2 image that is useful ? .. i cant do cvs from behind uni firewall :(
19:09.52balorprpplague: Well I suppose I should just develop on an an old 486 then (plenty lying around)
19:10.12prpplaguebalor: ya thats plenty for getting the hang of the system
19:11.03kergothade|indy: bounce it through a web proxy
19:11.20prpplaguebalor: one of my favorite suggestion for newbies is build a thin client that can boot, dial up a net connection and check pop mail account
19:11.41ade|indykergoth: the only thing that goes through this proxy is rsync
19:11.44balorprpplague: Sounds good
19:11.56prpplaguebalor: thats enough for you to learn most of what you need to know to get started with embedded linux
19:12.42prpplaguebalor: what dist do you use on your desktop?
19:12.58balorprpplague: Gentoo
19:13.28prpplaguebalor: good, you should be able to learn and work pretty easy with that
19:14.18balorprpplague: I've got two Winblows using students :)
19:57.44sorphinUT Austin Hit By Massive Security Breach
19:57.51sorphinand it's all prpplague's fault
19:58.35prpplaguesorphin: not mine
19:58.44sorphinuh huh
19:58.58sorphinprpplague: heh, google knew it was michaelangelo's bday but not yours
19:59.11prpplaguesorphin: i was told i was "under qualified" for their IT deparment :)
19:59.31sorphinprpplague: ah
20:00.34prpplaguesorphin: back when i was in college, i was also told i was "under qualified" to work at radio shack
20:00.55sorphinso basically you're less qualified than Morn
20:01.00sorphinsince she's worked there
20:01.01kergothunderqualified to work at radio shack? is that possible?
20:01.27prpplaguekergoth: ya well, little did i know at the time radio shack wants sales ppl not techies
20:01.36kergothah yeah
20:01.56prpplaguekergoth: the more wrong shit you sell the customers, the more they have to buy to get the right stuff
20:02.16kergothindeed, i had a lot of friends who worked there
20:02.20prpplaguekergoth: why should management care if you know a diode from a donut
20:02.22kergothbut then, they're sales type folks
20:02.42kergothwhatever works. one of them now owns a $350,000 home at the age of 22
20:02.52prpplaguekergoth: "radio shack: you've got question, we've got assholes!"
20:03.22kergothprpplague: truee that
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20:03.57prpplaguekergoth: hell, one of my high school classmates is a district IT manager, knows nothing about IT, he has a plantium account with M$ tech support, he just calls them to solve the problem
20:04.09prpplaguekergoth: he's makin $225k a year
20:04.26prpplaguekergoth: he can;t even spell tcpip
20:05.04prpplaguekergoth: and the worst part is their upper managment thinks he's a frellin genius
20:06.18prpplaguekergoth: thats why i want to open a pub, i can pour a pint of ale just as good as any other moron :)
20:07.06kergothprpplague: sounds nice and low stress
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20:42.23*** part/#elinux sjhill (~NOYB@
20:59.14theDevil-What is the smallest sshd you know of?
20:59.48anderseetheDevil-: about .15 microns
21:00.43theDevil-seriously.. What's a good choice?
21:01.08theDevil-if it has to be smaller than openssh
21:03.12anderseewell, lsh would be good except it depends on a zillion fat libs, and therefore isn't any smaller
21:03.33CosmicPenguinTHey all depend on libs though
21:23.43TimRikerso who's going to OLS this year?
21:24.05kergothhey tim
21:24.15kergothI'll be going if i can scrape the cash together
21:24.16sorphinTimRiker: i may be, dave is
21:24.28sorphinTimRiker: we saw you're gonna be speaking
21:24.35kergothmy fucking roommate is moving otu
21:29.08*** join/#elinux TheMasterMind1 (
21:29.57sorphinCosmicPenguin: don't we all
21:30.15sorphinCosmicPenguin: so it's been 24 hours now.. where's pixil? :P
21:30.15CosmicPenguinsorphin: except Tim and Dave
21:30.26sorphinCosmicPenguin: they're rich bastards tho
21:30.56CosmicPenguinsorphin: pixil is where its always been
21:31.19sorphinCosmicPenguin: you know what i mean, jordan :P
21:31.50sorphinTimRiker: you can have my job, if you can handle the stress and they pay cut :P
21:34.03TimRikersorphin: hmm. sounds like I'll pass. ;-)
21:34.24TimRikeranyone worked with any OMAP hardware yet?
21:35.35sorphinTimRiker: then you and prpplague can hang out together ;)
21:36.47TimRikerperhaps. course if he's unemployed he won't be able to buy me dinner anymore. ;-)
21:37.02sorphinTimRiker: well, he's still employed for a lil while
21:37.11sorphinand he's saving up to open the bar
21:39.09kergothTimRiker: they offer you the position?
21:43.11CosmicPenguinopen matrix acculuation processing?
21:43.44sorphinlooks like it's a TI thing
21:43.50sorphinTI's OMAP platform
21:45.03sorphinCosmicPenguin: TI´s OMAPTM Platform is comprised of high-performance, power efficient processors, a robust software infrastructure and comprehensive support network for the rapid development of differentiated internet appliances, 2.5G and 3G wireless handsets and PDAs, and other multimedia-enhanced devices.
21:45.17sorphinapparently (if it's the same thing tim's talking about)
21:46.48CosmicPenguinprocessors for internet applicances
21:46.58sorphinand wireless
21:47.03prpplagueTimRiker: don't worry if i get fired/layedoff i'll be serving the beer not buying
21:53.37TimRikerOMAP is an arm 925 with a C55 (or similar) TI DSP onboard.
21:53.53CosmicPenguinsorphin: woo-hoo - we parsed it exactly right!
21:54.39sorphineven if it is showing a nekkid statue today
21:55.21CosmicPenguin"David - is it a work of art or just some guy with his pants down?"
21:56.18sorphinjacques: you're in the wrong channel
21:57.24CosmicPenguinBut seriously, Michalangalo was amazingt
21:57.34CosmicPenguinWe should celebrate his birthday more often
21:57.45CosmicPenguinBut not more often than once a year, of course... :)
22:05.36CosmicPenguinsorphin: I'm pushing pixil-1.2.2-pre3 to Century right now... this might be the one
22:11.16sievenight all
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23:03.00jacqueshi mallum
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23:51.51sorphinGPSFan: evening ken
23:52.13GPSFanhi dan, any word on pixil yet?
23:52.37sorphinGPSFan: <CosmicPenguin> sorphin: I'm pushing pixil-1.2.2-pre3 to Century right now...
23:53.03GPSFanmmmmm, sounds good.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.