irclog2html for #elinux on 20030221

00:14.08*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
00:21.30sorphinGPSFan: just the guy i was waiting for :P
02:16.06CosmicPenguinArgh... I hate <strings>
02:21.12*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
02:22.25GPSFansorphin: oops, my client keeps quitting, and re-joining. been busy today and hadn't had a chance to read the scrollback. w's-up?
02:23.40sorphinwell, i found jp1
02:24.11sorphinsnipped, noticed you can also put a header on so if you wanna reenable the IR, just put a jumper header on
02:24.18sorphinnoticed jp2 connects to the atmel
02:24.23sorphincan't tell about jp3 tho
02:27.35GPSFansorphin: check the schematics, I think j1-3 are shown there.
02:28.31sorphini'll look when at work, i printed them out
02:30.41GPSFansorphin, just checked them, jp3 goes from j10-5 to the Atmel pin 11
02:31.19GPSFansorphin: so jp1 is the only one that connects to anything on J11.
02:31.38sorphinthen where's JP2 going?
02:32.32sorphini see, i misnoted, when i thought jp2 originally is jp3 (was looking at the back, didn't realize they were crossed) (2 was were 3 would "usually" go)
02:32.45sorphinso jp3 and jp1 go to the serial headers
02:32.51sorphinbut what does jp2 go to?
02:33.40GPSFansorphin: j10-3 to atmel pin 13
02:34.21sorphin2 jumpers for the atmel
02:35.17GPSFansorphin: actually 3 since jp1 also goes to the atmel pin 15 as well as the IR pin 3.
02:36.21*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
02:42.39*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
03:38.27*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~kenm@
05:35.59*** join/#elinux andersee (
05:35.59*** mode/#eLinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
05:36.24sorphinandersee: morning/evening
05:36.38anderseesorphin: evening
05:36.59sorphinandersee: whats up?
05:37.14anderseesorphin: work work work
05:37.28anderseesorphin: Oh, and did I mention the work?
05:37.52sorphinandersee: something i can relate to :P
05:42.19kergothhey sorphin, andersee
05:52.23anderseekergoth: evening
05:53.06*** join/#elinux mickeyd (~tom@
05:54.21kergothbored, playing with inits other than sysvinit
06:02.06*** part/#elinux mickeyd (~tom@
06:14.45*** join/#elinux as_ (
06:15.22as_Evnin all.
06:30.27*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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06:31.59TimRikerandersee: tried the mips kernel patch?
06:40.31anderseeTimRiker: which one?
06:41.58anderseeTimRiker: Something that makes the Qube2 stable?
06:42.39TimRikeryeah. /me looks for a URL...
06:53.46TimRikernot archived yet...
06:54.23TimRikerdiff -Nur linux/arch/mips/cobalt/int-handler.S linux-cobalt/arch/mips/cobalt/int-handler.S
06:54.23TimRiker--- linux/arch/mips/cobalt/int-handler.SFri Sep 13 21:21:58 2002
06:54.23TimRiker+++ linux-cobalt/arch/mips/cobalt/int-handler.STue Dec 31 22:26:18 2002
06:54.23TimRiker@@ -30,7 +30,9 @@
06:54.28TimRiker-mfc0s0,CP0_CAUSE# get irq mask
06:54.30TimRiker+mfc0s0,CP0_CAUSE# get raw irq status
06:54.32TimRiker+mfc0a0,CP0_STATUS# get irq mask
06:54.34TimRiker+ands0,s0,a0# compute masked irq status
06:55.05TheMasterMind1TimRiker: can you make ibot join #gct
06:56.11TheMasterMind1yea, Guide Chipie Thingie.. its a mapping sort of project
07:00.29*** join/#elinux gatofisch (
07:05.54anderseeTimRiker: hmm
07:06.09anderseeTimRiker: Wher'd that patch come from?
07:13.15TimRikerKarsten Merker <> to then forwarded by Liam Davies <> to should bi in linux-mips cvs a few weeks ago.
07:25.24anderseeTimRiker: mind forwarding me the email?
07:30.15anderseeTimRiker: thx
07:31.18as_What mips system are you running?
07:53.53TimRikeras_: andersee and I both have old cobalt qube2 mips systems in house.
07:54.13TimRikerplus I have an old SGI Indy
07:54.37as_Ahh, I have no idea what a qube2 is, but I'll do a quick google.
07:54.52TimRikercobalt, now sun.
07:56.11TimRikerlooks like this: but mips, not x86
07:58.43*** join/#elinux as2 (
07:58.56as2<TimRiker> looks like this: but mips, not x86
07:59.04as2Thats very, err, cube like.
07:59.54TimRikerheh. yep.
08:01.12as2Is the MIPS to x86 trend a general theme with sun?
08:12.08TimRikersun hasn't been mips afaik. sparc and sparc64
08:12.33TimRikerthen they bought cobalt. cobalt was moving to x86 anyway.
08:13.10as2I must be thinking of silicon graphics.
08:14.35TimRikeryep. SGI has been mips, and is now doing a lot of x86 systems. mips systems are still an option afaik, but I'd have to look.
08:15.51as2I wonder if intels market share is increasing.
08:36.27anderseeTimRiker: so how goes the job hunt?
08:42.08as2Hmm, how much was the Algorithmics SDE?
08:43.39TimRikerandersee: lots of hunting, lots of interest, no money on the table.
08:45.33TimRiker"but officer, I was only doing about 89.4699 light years / megamillennium"
08:46.19TimRiker~convert 89.4699 light years / megamillennium to miles/hour
08:47.55as2Whats with the ^, a bug?
08:49.06TimRikerbug perhaps.
08:56.05*** join/#elinux TomW (
08:57.33TomWandersee: The problem I had last night with the abort?  It is something related to how the buildroot-tux is doing the kernel patchings / make include/xx/version.h stuff.  I haven't pinned it down yet.
08:59.19TomWsorphin: you there?
09:02.34as210 grand for the SDE, that seem a little steep to anyone else.
09:02.52as2Nite all.
09:15.59TimRiker~convert 89.4699 light years / megamillennium to miles/hour
09:16.19TimRiker~convert 3 inches cubed to gallons
09:16.41TimRikerwell, as2 left, but I fixed the bug. ;-)
12:12.43*** join/#elinux cosmic_asleep (
12:12.43*** join/#elinux theDevil- ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:12.44*** join/#elinux chouimat|away (
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14:08.13*** join/#elinux Tangent (
14:42.36*** join/#elinux mallum (
15:19.18CosmicPenguinAnyone know how far ahead
15:19.25CosmicPenguinAusltralia is from LA?
15:21.59CosmicPenguin-18 hours
15:40.44sorphinCosmicPenguin: fyi
15:40.51sorphinfor future usage
15:42.52TheMasterMind1so what happens at the intl date line
15:43.24sorphinthe day changes
15:45.39TheMasterMind1oh, i see
15:45.49CosmicPenguinSort of
15:46.21sorphinin Oz it's the 22nd right now
15:46.30CosmicPenguinAt 2:00 in the morning in LA, its 10:00 PM the same day in Syndey
15:47.15sorphinit's 2am tomorrow there atm
15:47.20sorphinwhile here it's 9am
15:47.28sorphinthey're a day ahead :P
15:47.38CosmicPenguinThey're 18 hours ahead, so its not really a day
15:47.55sorphinCosmicPenguin: it's close enough :P it's tomorrow, so...
15:48.04CosmicPenguinsorphin: we're geeks - we gotta be literal
15:48.17sorphindon't make me come out there
15:48.25CosmicPenguinsorphin: like you would come to Utah willingly
15:48.43sorphinafter listening to the extreme incompetence of the people in our lab this morning
15:48.56sorphini have this extreme urge to smack the hell outta someone
15:49.10sorphinso yes, i would go to utah willingly :P
15:51.30sorphini'm coming from another state, not mexico :P
15:51.59CosmicPenguinsorphin: we have the only army base in the world where the cannons point toward the town instead of away from it
15:52.19sorphinCosmicPenguin: sounds about right
15:52.42CosmicPenguinIts like its another country
15:53.04sorphinCosmicPenguin: you mean like the one no one ever wants to admit they've been to?
15:54.08CosmicPenguinsorphin: nah - its beautiful to visit, but when you get back, its feels good to get back to the good ol' USA
15:54.36sorphinCosmicPenguin: meaning when you go back to wyoming
15:56.11CosmicPenguinsorphin: Wyoming is a whole different story - when you get back from a vacation there, it feels good to get back from civilization
15:56.22CosmicPenguinor rather, it feels good to get *back* to civilizatoin
15:56.46sorphinyou just can't win
16:20.12*** join/#elinux chouimat (
16:34.01*** join/#elinux sjhill (~NOYB@
16:39.37sorphinsjhill: won't help you any
17:30.52CosmicPenguinAny RedBoot fans in the house?
17:41.15sorphinCosmicPenguin: seen it, haven't gotten to use it tho
17:44.11CosmicPenguinI'm just wondering if you can update the kernel image on  the fly with a good ol dd to mtdblockX
17:45.13sorphini think so, i don't remember tho, it's been a few months since i looked at it
17:45.52CosmicPenguinI dunno - we might not be able to do the kernel, but the filesystem should work ok
18:46.47CosmicPenguinNo, I lied.  It should work
18:48.26kergothyeah, it does.. the ipaq/familiar folks used to have 'kernel' packages that dd'd the kernel onto its mtd partition in the package postinst
18:48.45kergothbefore they switched to bootldr that was a bit more intelligent
18:50.15CosmicPenguinYeah, it should all work.  This guy's problem was that he jumping to the wrong kernel entry point
18:50.30CosmicPenguinWhich, sadly, I forgot all about
18:50.36kergoththatd do it
19:47.49*** join/#elinux file (
19:59.50*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
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20:05.40CosmicPenguinSO, did prpplague end up getting sent to Barbados after all?
20:08.35*** join/#elinux da-ve (~dave@
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21:38.58*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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21:54.56CosmicPenguinkergoth: you still around?
21:55.07kergothCosmicPenguin: yeah
21:56.23CosmicPenguinkergoth: are you well versed with RedBoot then?
21:58.04kergothCosmicPenguin: fraid not.
21:58.25CosmicPenguinthanks anyway
22:30.07*** join/#elinux chouimat (
22:33.42fileSDRAM... need SDRAM...
22:33.46fileSIMMs... don't need SIMMs...
22:33.50filewill sell, will trade.
22:34.12CosmicPenguinfile: I've got a cool website for you to visit....
22:34.38fileCosmicPenguin: yeah but then I have to deal with people I don't know
22:35.12CosmicPenguinOk then - what do you have to offer?
22:35.25fileCosmicPenguin: 2 32MB 72 pin EDO SIMMs
22:35.32fileCosmicPenguin: 4 8MB 72 pin EDO SIMMs
22:35.40fileCosmicPenguin: 2 4MB 72 pin EDO SIMMs
22:35.52chouimatfile: how much for a 32MB?
22:36.05filechouimat: best offer, I'll also trade...
22:36.23chouimatfile: have nothing to trade so
22:37.15fileI also have a 256MB SDRAM stick, it's bad though - but if you compile with badram support in your kernel, you can use it
22:37.42chouimatfile no I only need a 72 pin to put in a webpal
22:37.50filechouimat: k
22:38.43fileeven has the original stick on it... neat
22:40.18filechouimat: make me an offer and I'll see what I can do :)
22:40.52chouimatfile: :)
22:42.24chouimatfile: 15 cad
22:42.43filewow your in Canada... never knew
22:42.59chouimatfile: Quebec City
22:43.18filechouimat: I visited there last year... loved it :)
22:44.00filelet me think for a bit... I'll get back to you
22:45.27filechouimat: old quebec city is interesting...
22:46.36chouimatfile: yup
22:47.05filechouimat: overall a great trip :)
22:48.17*** part/#elinux da-ve (~dave@
22:50.59filechouimat: how did you get a webpal to Canada? I thought that cheap place only shipped to the US
22:51.40chouimatfile: sended them a moneyorder ...
22:52.27filechouimat: I meant shipping, on their form it only had US
22:52.55chouimatfile: I know but they send to canada
22:53.01filechouimat: neat
22:53.37chouimatfile: I paid 23.95 USD but shipping to quebec city costed them 24.45USD
22:53.47filechouimat: yikes
22:54.54chouimatfile: including shipping :)
22:55.14filechouimat: huh?
22:55.25chouimatfile: nm
22:55.38fileI always hate that term, it can mean two things
22:55.55fileeither $15 (with the shipping in the price) or $15 without the shipping
22:56.40chouimatfile: I know
22:58.30filechouimat: $20 and if it don't work, I'll send you the other 32MB SIMM
22:58.50chouimatfile: that include the shipping cost?
22:59.32chouimat3 to 5 $
22:59.37filechouimat: I doubt it
22:59.47filechouimat: I sent a PDA cradle to the US (weighed more) and it only cost like $2.50
23:00.19filechouimat: let me find an envelope...
23:04.42fileprobably like $2 to ship...
23:04.47fileso yeah, including shipping
23:16.21filechouimat: drop me a line if your interested.
23:17.01chouimatfile: it's ok for me
23:17.55filechouimat: :)
23:23.43chouimatsorphin: ???
23:26.36filechouimat: just tell me when/how you want to send payment, and I'll send you my address.
23:38.32chouimatfile: some time next wek
23:38.45chouimatsorphin: I did nothing

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.